The Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 4lir.«,
ZlIft xliost
TIR SD4z', SEP, 12, 1907.
To the Baiter of Tuft Pour ;
I told you in 'my lest letter that
would tell you something of my tr
West from hero iu my next ,o I w
fulfill my promioe. Lett Winnipeg an
2011, and my drab ,toy woe t l Verd
where I met Will Jamieson Arta wife an
number of °there from around Brune
WI11, hae a good job end be bag fa
charge of a Ferniture atore whioh Is re
by the Manitoba Lumber Cumpan
This Pampaey'bee 4 furniture stores
different pines. Morden le tt prat
hewn of 2,500 papulation and hae o goo
farming e000try around it,. 18 le heel'
a complete line of railway and the 0.
R. ie coming to it and will stop here f
the preeeot. Next atop le Broadvie
whioh is a divisional point . but it h
not grown very ninth, population ie 00
Time changes here again and is 1 ho
earlier going West. Tide le the noon
oltangs the first being et Fort William
On we go from here to Woleely whioh
a prosperous little town of about 1,60
popalatiou. Nice etream roue theoug
this town and there le some good buildin
duos. $9uebor Penley ie bolding a bi
block of stores and the Sample boyo lav
the p0208203 of them. The orop ie A
mach better here an Baekatobewen au
Alberta than they are in Manitob
Indian Head ie next place I etopped a
The town has not (banged ae much a
some others. Moose Jaw ocmee next an
here I met a number of old Brneeelite
Moose Jaw has more than doubled its
aelf in the last 5 years. The farmer
around here are in good spirite an orop
are good and if they have good r'penln
weather they will have a bumper oro
whioh meane thie country will go sham
faster than ever as this was the late,
Spring on record getting orop( in. Whit
sneak me foroibly all the way np i
bow the little hamlets have grown int
towns. 3 years ago neatly all the ,mai
pines bad a box oar for a station and
w,e still looking for the box ear ba
instead of them they have good station
and Dice little towns of from 800 to 40
people. Regina 2e a go-ahead, town an
it is the oapital of Seskatobetvan wber
they have their parliament buildings an
are building a new Poet Office to 000
about 680,000 whioh will be a credit to
their hustling little pity of about 7,000
population. The anthill here passed a
By -Law that all bread offered for sale
omit be wrapped in paper, wbioh I thick
ie right. This they negleoted to do and
5 of the bokero were fined tor it. The
next place ot note is Medloioe Hat and
we are now getting into the tanning
country. Tbi, in a hnetliog little oily
tryiug to keep up with the larger ones
and its population is now about 4,000.
This is another divisional point and the
junction to the Crow's Neat railway and
is 660 miles West of Winuipeg. I will
leave here now for Oalgary, 840 miles
West. I mould hardly believe my eyes
to see bow Calgary has grown from
7,500 3 years ago to 21,200 now and still
growing though not so feet. I think thio
should have been the oapital of Alberta
instead of Edmonton bat 1 goose they
bad batter wire•pollere to the North.
The farmers are doiugooaeidereble mixed
farming here, ranching and grain grow-
ing, IE you want to sea good stook you
want to come to Alberta. I saw horses
and cattle bar that oaunetbe s
I a r a
u seed
in any c,wtrq: I have seen ranch
horses branded with undertakers d kerb u
a d
in the fire hall that lone net from $800 to
$1000. Beery termer here has his
r13206ered brand. Mr, Creswell, Govern
meat Inspector, i, up bare and he is very
eothaeiaatio over the appearance of the
beet cattle that will be put on the market
this Fall. He has been 011 through
Alberta. Last Fell ranges were swept
clean of everything that could be anted
beef oettie, abont 75,000 bead having
been exported, Owing partly to this and
partly to 0110 loos sustained last Winter
on the open renohee the shipment this
yeer will not be nearly eo heavy but the
condition of the cattle will be far euperior
although Iaet year's grade of cattle was
high mese, Thie Sommer feed on the
rs<nohes bee beau luxuriant and rich with
lots of rain and cattle have nob had to
rustle far to feed well and the result 2s
seen in this year's stook. From an ex-
pert', statement there will be between
85,000 and 40,000 export mottle here this
0088op and shipping starts about October
let. Shortage here should make the
markets better la tbe Ban. Frew
Oalgary I went to Lethbridge, about 155
miles along the toot hf10. There
are some beautiful little towns 8loog thie
ling. Among the principal owes are
Okotoke, High River, tllnresbolm and
MacLeod. This day wee their Fall Fair
at itlaoLeod end there were thousands of
Indians tamping around the town Belling
and trading ponies. Yon can buy a good
pony from them for from $8 to $10. Be.
tween MacLeod and Lethbridge is 18
mile, almo00 a oomplete circle, Renaud
abie oiroie are 22 bridges, some of them
800 feet high and many temporary. Tbe
0. P. R. hoe let the contraot to build a
bridge morose this gorge, This 2s the
Old Slab river. This bridge will poet
1} millions but it will ehorton the
distance between bleoLeod and Leth.
bridge 9 mine. It was going around title
curve that I experienced my ;first mix•op
in a railWny wreck. Oar train ran all
the track the oases being spread rail,
2 one were badly wreaked but no minima
damage done more than a good shaking
up. I had to ride i0to Lethbridge on
the enu2ne. Lethbridge i8 a town of
of about 2500 population: Principe
indootry in the Gault toil mines, where
they lift 7000 tone per day but oonid litt
12,000 tons if they mild gee help, I met
John kith's son and be took toe for 8
ran out in the 00aotry iu hie auto and we
saw some fine land and wheat Beide.
They grow ah Winter Wheat here, it will
run from 30 to B0 bushel to the lore abie
is what they pall the dry belt but they
.have it all irrigated and the orop grown
good. 1 wont book from here to Calgary
and then to Banff, This town bag grown
fast. There are about 100 toenail in
and out here daily in Bummer, '''heir
Winter population ie about 500, Here
ng' elsewhere, in this oonntry I met goon
cue ,1 knew. I wee at. the hot 8pringe
for a bath and 1 met two brothers of Jae.
Fergneon'e from Oalgary and Dakota
respectively, I did not go to i0dm0ntoo
where I took my ticket for bat rennin
My steps book to Winnipeg and I saw a
vast improvement in the crepe in that
nen time, 22 woke, 1 1921! 6223 y0p an
Lisa of the building that bits boon done
here during the pion 58,0 yearn. ',l'he
pity boitdlog Ioepeotor eletee Ghat the
building t°68,1 for 1907 will run about
$7,500,000 with 61,000,000 added it the
permit toe the new 0, 1V, R, and G. T. l2, passed before the alone pf the
year. Baan year the Iuopeotor make, lin
et f t
,t imn n o the tote' figure when the
building 8ean011 ie °boat halt over and he
00mee v. ry one the total nob year,
1906 building permite were issued to the
amount of 612,625,950, fur 1905, 610,840-
150,1904, $9,651,750, The omen for the
decrease 61123 yeltr i0 principally rho p8,.
favorable 9eaeon high, prim 01 lumber
sand other materials coat/led with strike
from the buildere. The etrikee with the
bricklayers and mantis was on for
about 6 weeke of the beat building season
ooneequeubly the brioklayere and memooe
left the city. The Healtb Ioopeotors
report leas Cense in the oily thie
Bummer than in any previous amain in
the history of Winuipeg. Very few
oases of fever, T'hOO is attributed to the
oleanliness of the oity wbioh lute
wonderfully improved since my last elan
here. I took a run out to Carnot, and
got a Lew pointers on the (mope oat there.
The gram Inepeotor told the he bad
been opt in the oonntry and polled
samples of grain from 20 different terms.
The average height of the wheat was 46
laches ; oats, 47 inobeo ; barley, 41 1002100
and be said this wee e. fair avenge of the
orop iu thie district, This ie about the
net district iu Mouitobe. We have been
having very wet weather here, rain near.
ty every day ; very warm and grain has
done Wonderful), well in the past 2
weeks. Report, oome in here every day.
If It aleare op now and the grope ripen
they will have ae good as any other year.
The heads are well tilled but the acreage
of wheat was not as rouoh as other yearo
on 0000000 of the late Spring. The
estimate is 80,000,000 bushels, last year
2e was 110,000,000. There hen been
about 7,000 harvesters come in bero
already and the demand is great. The
total 000880ment here this year ie
$98,806,960 ; total pity and oohooi tax,
$1,501,215,36; exemption, $18,587,940
Dun their rate on the 6 16 mine, Pop
elation has increased in 3 yeate (ram
75,000 to $120,000. Since I leis Oalgary
they bave let the ooutroot fora new Oioy
Han building, the oontraot prioe $142124.
The opening oeremoniee took plane
yesterday when AId.John Clark burned
the first sod. Oar old friend Tom Rngliab
le Ohief of Polies there and be 82,8 iu hie
big arm abate and be looks es fresh es a
mac of 50 years and judging by hie looks
he will be able to adorn the new Ha11 for
years t0 come. R. LkeTHHRDmm.
Winnipeg, August, 29th,
Bronchial Troubles
!tenthly Yield to Soothing, healing
Treatment of ilyenlei.
Bronchial troubles are pnrely looel.
They 00nuot be helped by Btoma0h doe
tug. They are caused by irritation in
the air paaaageo and oan be relieved
and oared by m881000ed air alone. Iu
thoe lies the secret of the great 800008,
of Hyomei in the treatment of brouobial
The byomei medication, laden with
natare'e remedies, is breathed tbrou b
the neat pocket inhaler that tome,
with every outfit, reaching every part
of the bronchial tubes and killing at
once the disease germs. It alleys ell
irritation and heals the inflemmatiml
of the mutton membrane with aetoa.
telling rapidity,
ra it
a v.
Treatment with sprays, douches and
atoonzete in bronohtal troubles is oon•
damned by the beet pbyaioians, se they
00099 further irritation.
The first breabb of Hyomei', medi
toted air seems to soothe tbe infiamma
non, stop the cough, and thus relief
goon b800me9 permanent and a cure
We do not want anyo0e's mousy unless
Hy•o-mei gives relief and tare, and we
absolutely agree that money will be re-
funded unless the remedy gives setiefao-
All druggists should be able to aup
ply you with Hyomei or we will send it
by mail on receipt of pride, $1.00, and
every package is Bold with the dietivat
underetaodIng that it conte nothing nu
lees 2t °urea. Booth's Ryomei Company,
Buffalo, N. Y.
On Wedueeday, the 2S'th nit., the
Golden Jubilee of Rev. G, R. North•
graves wee aelebreted with unusual eclat
by the aoogregation of fat. James' thorn
Beatortb, and the prieete of the diooeoe
of London, together with a umber of
prieete of other dioceses of Ontario Dud
the United States, 85 in number, who
joined in thus honoring that rev
gentleman on the fiftieth anniversary of
hie ordinator be the Catbolio priesthood,
Tin 000aeion was a memorable one,
ae but few priests survive to complete eo
Tong a period of eeroioe iu the active
ministry ; nevertheless Father North•
graves ie etill eugtged therein and le
quite vigoroae far his. years. He wee
ordained by Biebop Farrel, the fire,
Bishop of Hamilton, is 136, edichaol'o
Cathedral, 'Toronto, together witb two
other priests, both of whom bave been
dead for many yenre. Tbese were the
very Rev. F. P. Rooney, of Toronto, and
the Rev. P, Barden, of Cayuga,
The celebration began with solemn
High Mass, sand by bather Northgravoe,
the Jobilarian, at 0.80 a. no. He was
assisted by Rev. Fathers M. J. Brady
and Donald McRae ae deacon and sub.
deacon reepeotively. The Rev, D. J,
Downey ofiioiated as master of one.
There was a very good attendance of
the people of 1118 parieh, notwibhatand.
ing that (inmperatively few can absent
themselves from their labor on working
His Lordship Biehop MoEvay, at
London, wag to have preached, but be
wee unavoidably absent through eiolt•
nese. lieu D, P. Mallienamin, P. P.,
of Lunn, 0 -attended the ,pulpit after the
Goepeland delivered an eloquent and
lmpreaeive sermon on "The Priesthood,"
making tonne' reference to the effective
work of the Jobilariao during his Silty
y8ar8 of 1110u1nbeney of that sacred
Many more prieete aer2V0d by the
12,45 brain from the Best, and at 1
o'oiook p. m. the visiting clergy together
With Judge B. To Doyle, of Goderieb,
): F vrl�
Art Studio
propel: 1
tate 10 oda t 'e u 12171 -
a G u o
l k 6 you': p
graphs taken. Photos from the 8tmbe;ult
up to the 14 x 17 Grout/ and Portrait size,
taken with great spooe80.
Get n Photo of your Fancily the first
01120008 you have to got them together,
We are unwed to nom) and very
moderate i8 our cheeses.
Views of residenooe, eto., taken on
abort notine,
Picture Frames made to Order.
The nodal -signed is prepared to sip -
ply the public with the bust in the above
Repairs promptly attended to.
Orders loft with HARRY JAMBS,
Atnerioau Hotel, Brussele, will receive
our early attention.
a \AY 11"8A/VJ•ttr
partook of the eobetautial banquet 2e
Minor of the occasion.
Addreoees were read from the priests of
the diocese and from the people of Sen•
forth pariah, eaoh of which was no.
oompanied by a well filled puree.
The addresses of the prieete were reed
by Rev. T. J. Aylward, rooter of St.
Peter's cathedral, London, the pal Be
being presented by Rev. T. J, West, of
St. Teams,. The addreee of the people
of Beaforth par,eh was read by J. L.
Killoran, barrieter and the puree pre.
seated by Robt. Devereaux.
Address of the Oetholioe of the parish
of Beaforth, Ont., to Rev. G, R. North
graves on the 000aeion of his golden
Jubilee to the priesthood, Aug, 2$th,
1907 ;-
DEAR Rnvenuwn FATHER ;-"We the
Oatbolioo of the pedal; of Beaforth, de•
01Ce to add Oar moat atfeot00nale 000•
gratula4ione t0 those avhtah will roach
you from so many quarters, during the
oslebratton of year golden jubilee, It 2s
fitting that on an 000aeion euob as this.
we shoed pay the trivabe.ot our praise to
the many eervi080 you bave rendered oar
holy religion, daring the fifty years of
your priestly lite. Forsaking the pleas.
ores and attraotioue of a worldly oareer
iu your early youth, you eeleoted a
bumble plane in the vineyard of the
Divine Master. The reoorde of those
dmatant years 'speak eloquently ot yon'
zeal Bud devotion. From the far off days
of your pious labors in St. Pdiobeel'a
Oollege, all through the varying etagee
of had a amatory, the kindness of yo0r
fatherly heart never wavered. No harsh
words ever greeted the most erring soul,
bot ooveriog all his faults with the
mantle of sweet oharity, you led him
gently to the feet of kfe loving Saviour.
There area few still amongst 00, wbo
tan remember the long.goae days of the
1tti,e, when a prieete life wee a life of
hardships and untiring toil. We have in
relroepeot the years when a pariah ex
tended for more than a hundred miles,
when oomforta were few, and the scatter
ed pariehoneere needed the moot vigilant
tare. Tbe dlooeee has many prieebo in it
today, who were not born, when you
dear (ober, offered your youug Ole,
with all its hopes and ambibiooe, with its
exuberance of energy and its wealth o!
ability, to bold aloft the lamps of Faith
8.082 Truth. Than who set forward with
you lovingly and cheerily, ou the journey
looking with anger eyes into the 0anoti•
Bed (store, bave one by one dropped
,way from your side. Now the labure of
half a oe0tury lie behind like a golden
ea0eet, and we stand and see the glory
from the hill. Oh t the love and honor
we owe the vetereae of our holy ohurob-
tbose grand old men who stood the
storms of a lees liberal age, who fought
firmly for the privileges we now enjoy
and whoee sacred liven are crowned with
38.rl8nd0 ofhoopoe ante. In token of
our appreciation of your long and arduous
0ervice in the numb and as a mark of
oar reepeot and love we ask your aa.
oeptan0e, dear Father, of the a000mpany.
mg gilt. We pray that God will spare
you in health and happiness for many
yore yet, nod when your time oome, to
give up the heritage of life, may Heaven's
eternal year be yours,
1857-1907 Addreae of the prieete of
London Diocese to the Rev, Geo, R.
Norbbgravee on tin 000asiou of the Gold.
eu Jatiilee of his ordination to the priest.
bona :-
We, your brother priests, take advant-
age of the present mouton to offer you
oar uongralalatiooe and moat oordial
wishes on abie the fiftieth soniveroary
of your ordination to the holy priest.
hood. The premium of your many bro.
thee prieete here to day testifies in berme
most emphatic to the high esteem in
which yon are held, The rseolleotloh of
this day fifty years ego 20381 be to you a
ao0rae of joy mingled with eaddoeee,jay
for the greatest day of your lite, and gad
m9mori80 of d0811 (fiends who have long
eino8 gone to their eternal reward. But
look up faithful soldier of fifty youth
8ervi0e In the work of our Divine Master,
nevem of your life has nob yet a,t. The
tamp has been long burning, but its light
le still strong and bright. Fifty yeare
at the altar of God 1 Flay years in the
vineyard ot the Lord I What a harvoat,
What ,t rewatd 1 What a fund of o0nnoi.
Won is at your o0mma0d when you re•
fleet on the great good yea have achieved.
Yon indeed bave done much good service
to religion by your labor in aware!
periehea during the hall °entary of your
priesthood. In addition to this, yon
have written and published a work whioh
ie the only complete antiwar to the exch.
infidel of the nineteenth century and 81
moat oonviaoing proof et your 8nooese
in this 10 the fact that neither Col,
Reba. Ingereoml nor 810y of hie lollowere
ever attempted a reply thereto, This
,y�•+tavi*r'�c�.N. x20
work will Ipniltln there a Weenie!
moulltuerlI to yelp oottl and ebility 10
deteuding revealed. Truth end the Christ
fen religion. 5 o library le complete
wIlhont a 00py of your fam'.•tre 178,x20,
"The mie0akes of Madero Iufidele " You
have oleo many limes defended the
Catholic Religion againet the assaults of
various ttdvsrsariee. 'This lute been
eapeoially the one during the Inst twenty
yearo while you edited "Tho Cathnlie
lteuord" of Loudon. While ploddhlg
along In your own 08,111081 had humble
way, with tat arms blit your orao11x and
your fei1h, tittle did you think ur know
of We great good you were 0ontsrriug ou
the err'ug, and the inrbnlenb waters of
dinned and doubt you were 0aimiog.
Your years of etudy bave more than
recompensed you by the riuh nbund,uloo
of good derived from your fruitful efforts,
No warrior of old ever Mod before his
ling more honored or more rlohly Attired
Mtn you do to day. The purity of your
heart, your humility and charity at all
times, 8,a well 8,e your untiring zee! for
the salvation of eon's are God's nothing
lights in your priestly life. Pantie, brave
knight, honored print, of one diocese, 00
this your Golden Jubilee, and rest awhile.
Look 8,p t0 Henna with joy And groti•
lode, foe God hen 0pared you long, and
blessed you with Hie ohoioeet gifts.
On behalf of one worthy Bishop and
the prieete of Loudon Dionne, we ask
you to aooepttbo ae0uran0e of our love,
and the at00mpanying ranee as la mark of
our beet wishes and oongratniabione.
Praying God to bless yon with many
more years of penes and happiness, we
remain fraternally.
Seaforth, Aug. 28th, 1907.
Dearly beloved Friends. -"I have
heard with meth emotion the, reading of
your address to me on thio eolemn
000aeion of the Golden Jubilee of my
ordination to the prieelhood of the
Oatholio oburoh. You have praised my
work during the fifty yearo of my priest.
hood, and I presume that during that
long period this work has really been of
some value to religion. It could tonne.
ly he otherwiee, for the labors of a pieta
honestly fulfilled can eonroely be over
estimated, at; the priests are palled in the
holy Bariptare the mlu1etere and ant
baeeadors of Ohrint, the diopeneere of hie
mysteries, God's 0aedjntore, the bearers
of good tidings. I know that in many
(hinge I toiled in being what a model
priest should be, and I em oousei008 to
myself that I leave fallen far short of
what I ehoald have been t9 a priest of
God, but you have in your kiuduese and
benevolence attributed to me (relit200 bo-
pped what I poetises. Thio is the non•
eequenuoe of yourohority and goodwill
and your reepeot for the priestly office.
I therefore regard what you have said
rather as a description of what I should
be than of what I have tiotanily been, and
I thank you Biooerely for the kind wishes
you have expressed in my regard, and
bare I will say of the priests of this
pariah of Beaforth that of all the periahea
in whioh I have performed priestly
lunation, I think there is not ou0 28,
whioh I have found it more thoroughly
and devotedly Oatholio spirit and more
earnest piety than I have discovered
here. I thank you aleo, dear friends, for
the generooe g2to you have made me on
this the fiftieth anniversary of my ordiu.
°tion, whioh I will value moreon aaooa0t
ot your heartfelt kindueee, than for in
intrinsic. video, and above all, I ant you
to pray for me that I may be a worthy
priest at the allay of God while I live, 813
I also will pray for you that you may
continuet al
a be zealous iu the ohms u of
God, and in promoting the interests of
religion --even a have a you t done 8,0 in tho
g Y
past -and may the almighty and meroi.
fat God from whom all good gifts are de•
rived, shower upon you hie ohoioeet
blessings, spiritual and temporal."
Very Rev. and Rev, gentlemen. -"I
rise with mach diflidenoe 20 myself to
reply to the very kind ee0timeu1s you
bave expressed in the address yon have.
jaot read to me on thie auspicious oo-.
00ei0n. Fifty yearo ago, when I wan
palled to the holy order of the priesthood
wbiab was conferred upon tate by Bishop
Farrel, tbe first Bishop of Hamilton iu
Bt. Miebae,'e oatlledrel, 'Corcuto, I was
an active young man, but today I beve
apo0 me mom than tiieepen of yens el.
lotted as 0 general rale to mankind, ac-
cording to the prophet of God. As your
kind addreee ,aye, the memory of the
iuberveniog years is of mingled joy and
Borrow. I bave during that lengthened
period encountered may true and
stannote friends, whose memory is still
green with me, and will always be fresh
in my mired. Bet the friends o1 my
yonuger days have, for the moot part,
paid the debt of Wore and are gene to a
better world. You have praised beyond
measure whet you onside': to bave been
my good works, and passed the veil of
oblivion over all my faults, whioh I fear
might outweigbt my good deeds. I !tope
to learn from your kindliest' a like leesoo
of charity toward others, and during the
period of life which may atilt be allotted
to me, to persevere in the path I should
follow, that my remaining days may be
spent in doing such good ae it may be
poesible foe ma to 0000mplieh. I thank
you all, rev, gentlemen, for the unvarying
The ®ugh of
on ur0d tL t on
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
Wo publteh mor formulas
9 (70901b:
umnrlah alcohol
We urge yon to
conduit your
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day following.
Formula on each box. Show it to your'
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime.
.-+Made by the J. 0. dyer 00., Loweti, brara'...,,
good will, and the evidences of 0ineere
friendship I have always experienced
from you, and especially for your kind•
none in coming bore today to nein in the
celebration of my golden jubilee, and for
the handsome present you have epon•
tnneouely made to me to mark the
000a,ion. I will eberieb all this as so
many evidences of your goodwill towards
me, and I an you to pray for me that I
12107 continue to deserve that good will
hereafter, even more than in the peat.
While returning thanks to the prieete of
our own diocese for their kind expree.
stone of affeobion, I must also eay that I
am eepeoially grateful to those from the
slater dlooeae who bave made great nod.
Bees and taken great pains in coming
from distant pointe to offer their 0ongrat-
ulabione to moon this 0000,ion, I will
not forget to remember you in my pray.
ere, and in the holy sacrifice of adoration
and impetration, and I make bold to aak
you to do the same for me."
In eonolueion, Rev. P. Corcoran made
a brief addreee in whioh he thanked the
visiting clergy for heving attended the
Rev. Father Nortbgravee' Jubilee. He
welcomed them to 80aforth, and express.
ed the hope that tbey would again before
long honor the Jab2larian and himself
with other visite, for they might real as.
eared that they would alwaye receive a
hearty welcome.
The 16•year•old eon otRavDr. Strong.
mao, ot Windham, was drowned et Port
Dover while bathing.
Notice to Creditors
and Debtors.
In the oetate of Joseph Oster, late of the
Village of Brussels, agent, deceased,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors
baying any claims against the estate of
Joseph Oster, who died an or about l the
Thirtieth day of July, A. D. I047, are re-
quired to send same, error before said date,
to A.13, MacDonald, Brussels m
with the particulars o
f their Maims.
And notice is further given that after the
said date the Adininistratris will distribute
the estate according to law, having regard
only to -those claims of wllleh nottoe has
bueo glumus
And nottoe is farther given that 081 per-
sons indebted to the estate of Joseph Oster
are hereby required to pay thole 0aoountn
at °nae to A.B. Maodonald at Brussels. or
Mitchel 0 ter, Administratrix, Gerrie Post -
Dated at Brussels this 10th day of Sep-
tember, A. D.,1907.
A. B. MdonoN,Ln,
Solicitor for Adminiatratrlx.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the ornate of Frannie
Moantolteoa, late of the Township of
Morrie, in the County of Huron,
retired farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pprenant bo Revis-
ed Statutes of Outurio, 1897, Chap. 129 and
amending Acts, that all oredit0raand alters
having any claims against the rebate of the
said Franofe Maiutebeon, who died on or
about the 4811day of September, 1007 are re-
quired ou or before the Otb day of October,
1907, to Bend by poet, prepaid, or deliver to
A.B. Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels,
Solicitor for David Walker, Brussels P, O.,
the Executor of the said deceased, their
Christine and surnames and addresses with
full particulars in writing of their claims.
the statement of their amounts and the 'W-
ale of the securtttee (it any) held by them.
And notice is further given that after the
said last mentioned date the eald`Exeeutor
will Inflected to distribute the &Beets of the
deceased amongst the partlee entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claims of
whioh be shall then have no1ioe and that
the said Executor will not be liable for the
meals, or Auy part thereof, to any person or
hgreens of .whose olaime notice shall nob
eave been received by him at bhe time of
nth distribution.
Luted at Brunets, September 11th, 1007.
Aoki. olcrfo10.3 Siit Executor.
s m 17th
Under condlflo10 as below
Foam all stations In Western
Onfar)e south of North Bay and
nasi to iiharbat take and Kingston
Representative lermerr, appointed by Manitoba, Soskotchewon and Alberta Governments. will meet and engage
*borers oo arrival al Winnipeg;
Free transportation will be furnirbed et 'Winnipeg to points on Con. Pea. and Can. Nor, Rya, where laborers are
needed,0000 of Moose Jaw, Kimmel: tied Swan River (including blanches), and at ono dont a mile
oath NINay wen thereof in Saskatchewan end. Alberta.
A eetdlealeis furnished with each ticket, ted this certificate when executed by farmer shoving that Inberer hoe worked
thirty days or more, will be honored from that point fora second -'last liekct back to stoning pointe in Ontario,
80428.00, prior to Nov. 501h, 1907.
Tickets are good only on special Farm laborers' beim and will be hind to women tui well as: to man, but will not be
limed at half faro to children.
Don't forf42 601fomeseekere'
022411, cL ma2
For full portIdulnre 9oe nearen1 0,P,12. Adana, or write
C. B. F'OSTERs 11.P,A,. C:4t,g.. 7OIIONTO
Q11INGLES,—A CAB OF 1.t +'I)
2J Oodar Shlugles just to hand,
211114N 1', Brussels,
for ealo-Albert street, oomfortablo
home lu good repair, Small 1e' sou
well, clstaru Pueo8,8,y r1ot
further artra apply 0a the p08mie9
to 2,,ltAVFORU
February lot -part of Smith 5110011.
22x82. feet ; 2nd door from An1or10a0 Hotel 1
lately need ea 18.120 lug nod geu18' lurnleh-
lug e0tablfehmeut. For furtber partiouiare
up ply teDIG. MoliELVET, l3rueaele,
-Toe undersigned oifero for gale her
house one lot on 'L'uroborry street, Brag.
solo. Poeeeosiou e0uld be given at mute.
For price, terms, dm., apply to MBB,
8/311e Le, Walton 1'. 0,, 00 to THE Pon,
K. O. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24
hold their regular meetings in the Lodge
Iteem, Booker B1ock, on the 1st and Ord
Tuesday evoulage of each month.
Vleitoro always venom.
A, 8OME18B, Oom. A. MoGU110P1, R. 12.
IOW ganef Lot 21, Oen, 8, Grey, eon -
Mg 10 aorta more or lege. On the premises
are two houses and a barn ; also two wells.
Land in good state of cultivation • very
conveniently situated to Ethel village. For
pries and term., apply ou the promisee to
8. CHAMBERS, or to Ethel P. U. 7-tf
Lot 04,000.13, Grey, oontainiug 100
mares, 46 aures cleared and balauoe hard
wood bush and swamp. Good brick house
With blbabou,
driving shed and stable , good
well, o relax,! 40, on premises. Place well
fenced. Po880e8100 could be given alter
crop le off, For further partiouiare as to
prioe, thrum,
s14,Grey,or Menu teff P O�NH1r,,
Any person wishing to have their lots at-
tended to will and me ,1t the Cemetery on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each
week during the Summer menthe. I,tm
also Ageut for the Siltoholl Marble and
Granite Hrm. Oona and in8 001 our work
and get prime betels buying elsewhere.
49.4 - 00retak81.
The undersigned offers het 100 sure
farm, being Lot 20, Ooo. 7, Grey, for gale or
to rent. Oomlortable house, bank bare,
orchard, wells, d0. Farm is only 5 of a mile
from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur-
therpartloulare apply to F, S.80ot1, Brus-
sels, or MRS. KATE HOLLAND, 73 811uter
Street, Toronto. 37.3m
undersigned offer, ble house and lot,
situate ou Mill street, Brussels, for sale.
It 1e well looated, a convenient and conifer.
table home. Po660801o11 eau be given at
0000. Will also sell the %meant lot, corner
of MGI' and Elizabeth streets, which would
make a floe building site. For further par -
Maulers as to price. terms, do., apply to
FARO, ADAMS. Burd ware Dealer, Ford -
36 -4
Lot 18 and Lot 17, Oen. 10, Grey. Tiro
farm *mashie shie 160 sores, 140 acres cleared
and 6 acres of good hardwood bash. There
is a good frame house, book barn 46x100 ft.,
outbuil(liuge, do, Windmill on barn and
water works system In house and stable ; 2
orohnrde ; 100 sores of bow now lu grace.
Only 88 mile to school and 25 miles to village
of Oraubrook ; se mon to railway depot on
0, P.R. Pos8Oea on for plowing as Boon 8,e
crop is off, For further partieulare, 0e to
price terms, de, apply on the premises to
JAMES Pk11t11Ih, or Oran brook P. 0, 4tf,
have been appointed by the Domioiou
Government to place Immlgraote from the
101110d lilogdom in positions as farm lab-
ourers or domestic servants iu this vicinity.
Any person requiring finch help should noti-
fy me by letter stating fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and wages offered.
The numbers arrivlug may not be sulflolout
to supply all requests but every effort will
be amide to provide each applicant with
help required. F. B. SCOTT,
Canadian Government Employment Agent
33.1y Brussels P. 0.
Tuoielan Sails Friday,48ept.. 8 Oot. 4
Waterloo Sep t.18 Oct. 11
Corsican (new) 8ep6.20 Oct.18
Virginian " " Sept. 27 Oat. 30
Sicilian I SailOThuroday,Sept. 6 Oat. 17
Ionian Sails Thursday, Sep. 12 Oot, 24
Mongolian" Thursday, Sop. 19
Ooriutbian Smile Thursday, Sep, 26 Oob, 81
For callings, lists and full .information
apply to
W. it KERR,
Agent Allan Line, Bennie,
Short hand
Talo b r
Taught Graduate o
John 11. Grose, the natio
gets down to bed •.rook
foundation of modern
bueineee - R11103p109,
Graduat80 placed in good
situations. Day eludeuto
attend night olaeeoe tree,
Write for oataiogue.
Business College
GNo. SPOTTON, Principal
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lauda in Manitoba, ea81tat8280wnn and
Alberta, exoeptiog 8 and 28, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who le
the sole hoed of e. family, or any male over
18 years of ase, to the extent of one-quarter
section 01169 mores mono or loss.
Entry may be made personally at the
local laud aloe for the dietriot in which
tho laud le shunts.
The homeobeader to regnfrod- to perform
the noudittoufi 008000803 therewith ander
cue of the following plane;
(1) At least six mouths' ree,denoe upon
And eultivatiOo of the land in cacti year for
three y0are,
(2) 11 the father (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon afarm in the vieluiry of the land
entered for the requirements as to reef -
deuce may bo eatlofled by such p00808 re.
siding with the father or mother.
(8) It the settlor has hie permanent reei-
denceupon farming land owned by him
1n the vicinity of his homestead, the re-
quirements ati to 0100itieuee may be satie-
Had byreeidenoe upon the said land,
SIX given mto thenCommiseiontice in erlt of ,Dominion
Lnatant.ando 8,t Ottawa of intention to apply for
W.Def the W.00RY,
N. r of Lawlor.
B. Uoalutb,risod publication of thie ad-
vertisement will. not bo paid 101-,
Bodmin. Lime Works,
Is headquarters for First -clave
Lime. Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson & Sons
r 'Will meet teams from it distance et
Central Hotel, Brussels.
ire for Sale
Just received a car load
of No. 1 White Lime.
13 11USSELS.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
3E3 TT C+, I 2E
WE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
Co., of Platteville, and Wm. Dore & Co.
of Wingham. The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are fight. Don't
flail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner on short
notice and at very reasonable rates.
R. Francis
Shop next to Town Hall,
We also keep in stools the Peal Fleury y Plow Points
and the Frost & Wood repairs, Call and see us.
4, s,