The Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 31
, .
Ono of the strangest things In life Is
sleep -that recurring period of uncon-
sciousness, eo Lae dealli, yet, without
:whielt the continuance of life Ls Lames- •
We think of IL fiS a Unto or ,perfect
rest for all the mons, )vet, IL is really
scavengers are then hard at work re -
'moving the broleenelewn cells and the
oelsonoits wash products, and lee
building up of new cells goes on apace.
Ti damaged nerves and muscles are
Niched up and prepared so well as
isemelimes to be even larger and bet-
ter than they were berme.
Thls work goes on all rho time, but
thistly during sleep, dor then there ia
ail arrest in the destruclien of the body
;tissues, and the recce is I motor forces
car work to better edvenlage.
What, causes Sleep, why we should
lese consciousness, and why and how
we ever come back again to conscious
existence are puzzles of which the phy-
siologists and the metaphysicians have
Long sought a solution, but have not
yet discovered it.
IL is believed that during healthy!
sleep the brain is almost biLeodless, cr
at least that it confides less'Adood than
daring the waking hours. We know
that steep comes with difficulty to one
tii a stale of mental exciteinent, when!
the brain is filled with blood, and the
arteries in. the temples stand out full
and polsating. 11 is on this eupposition •
that most of our endeavors to vvoo the I
drowsy god are based.
We should do no severe Mental labor
in the evening, but if we are forced to
write or study at night,. we should al-
ways and absolutely put aside our
work at least an hour before bedtime,
and -spend this time in easy conversa-
tion, in light reading, or in playing a 1
quietgame of some sort. A simple.' •
amusing gime is one of the best of
memis krpull the mind away from the
absorbing thoughts which have .pos-1
sensed It, and to anise an equalization
of the blood circulation thmitighout the 1
An apple or a !cracker and a glass of
fore bedtime with the effect of drawing'
milk may be taken a few minutes be -
the blood to the stomach, but a hearty
meal at this time may prevent sleep Ly
exciting the digestive processes to dis-
turbing activity.
An. abundance of sfreslf air in the
sleeping apetettnent is a necessity to
sound and really refreshing sleep.
The amount of sleep which is needed
is different with different
and depends Somewhat upon the actis
oily of the reconstructive powers.' For
the average adult seven hours should
be enough, but children need ten and
the very aged all they can get. -Youth's
Com panion.
There is no reason why old agteshould
rot bo as OtractIve as youth, if those
who are approaching the sunset of life
would only look at the mutter in this
light Some uf the most charming in-
dwiduels one .can meet are people past
sixty, but they .ave of the class who
'give 01(1 Age a cordial. reception in-
stead of saying "Not at home" when
he taps al the door.
The person who grows old graceful-
ly looks on the bright side of things,
Cheerfulness, which is as much a habit
SS anything else, brings youth in its
train. Worries, aches and pains, and
trcubles soon take flight when they en-
ccuntrr a mind where cheerfulness
The -WOMB 11 who says on. encu suc-
ceedieg birthday anniversary, "I am one
year older, and censequently one year
nearer the end," cannot fail to grow
old. Rather should she say: "I have
tied so many years •of happiness, and
I intend to have a great many more be-
fore 1 go.''
Excess of every kind are dangerous
to Mose who would grow old graceful-
ly The long life must be a temperate,
regular one.••
Truly, keeping young is, or ought to
be. one of the 'easiest tasks that con-
front woman. All that is necessary is
Inc her lo be womanly in every sense
of the word, and the rest follows natur-
ally. For really womanly women do
not allow tempests end dissensions to
find an. abiding -place with them. In-
stead, they look for the best in every-
thing, giving in return the best that is
in them,
' It may cost something to be always
cheerful in the face of much lemoMtion
te be otherwise, but worry brings
winkles to the Ince, silvers the hair,
and in Me end accomplishes/nothing.
Half a teaspoonful of table salt clis-
selved in a hall glassful of cold water
will give Instant mliet in case of heart-
Many cases of indigestion, headache,
• neuralgia, cold hands and feet can be
quickly cured by chinking slowly one
or two Mills of tooter so hot that it al-
• most hurtls the throat.
To 1phale steam from a bowl of boil-
ing water 18 very good fou' sore throat.
TIM suckers should lean over em steam,
chewing it in botb throat, and eostrils.
People with poor digestion should
dt•inle no wale', well) meals, but take a
gnessfuil half an hour before and drink
plentifully on 'hoer oe so after each
Warts may be entirely removed by
weslitng lbe hands' two or three times
a cloy with the water in which potatoes
have been boiled, or by bathing the
Wart several times with potato water.
—.. 5,
The year 100(1 Will be n notable ono in
the -commercial annate of tho entire
world. Nol only has the business of MI
countries enormously increased, but all
industries have received orders on Very
rcinuriertitiVe tonditions,
"Do you believe that love is blind ?"
"1 know it," "flow do you know it?"
"From looking at the kind of men some
woolen marry,"
Copyright 1006, by Tho Ifenalin 00,
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.
There are many ailments
directly dependent upon con-
stipation, such as biliousness,
discolored and pimpled skin,
inactive liver, dyspepsia, over-
worked kidneys and headache.
Remove constipation and
all of these ailments dis-
MAN -A -LIN can be relied upon
to produce a gentle action of
the bowels, making pills and
drastic cathartics entirely un-
A dose or two of Man -a -lin
is advisable in might febrile
attacks, la grippe, colds and
Mix-up of Motor -Car, Hansom and Cart
-A Horse Caught in a
Bed Spring.
Many curious accidents occur in the
streets of London, England, and at least
one. witnessed by the present writer is
tomtit nerrating. It was near the. junc-
Lion of Waterloo Beidge and the Strand,
and the principals involved were a large
motor -car, a hansom, and a cart piled
high with iron rails. The latter utmost
dragged en the ground at one end, while
as lite other they •stuck et least twelve
feel, up in the ale. The motor -car, iul
endeavoring to avoid the cart, ran into
the cab, with the result, that the cabman
was shot high into the air and came
down on the lop of the steel rods. He
fell "eesyS" and after clinging to the
rods lie slid to the ground Unhurt,.
But some of the strangest accidents the
writer has witnessed have been in the
streets of Now York. A few weeks ago,
for instance, some firemen had the novel
experience of chasing a flre that was on
wbeels, and behind a very much frigh.
tened pair of horses. It appeared that
a man called Blanco had left his oil wa-
gon et noon, and went into a building
al, Seventy-eighth Street and Second
Avenue to deliver some goods. The oil
was in tin cans, and while Blanco was
in a moment the can exploded, scat-
tering the burning oil over the other
cans and the street. Then the other eans
began lo explode and the horses started
In run. An alarm was turned in, and
while the firemen were eoming up Se-
cond Avenue they saw the someway
horses and the blazing wagon going
down Seventylseventh Street toward
Pint Avenue, and the purstilt started.
The wagon was soon overtaken and the
runways released.
In April last truffle near the Brooklyn
Dredge was blocked Inc twenty minutes
by a queer accident in which a horse an(1!
a bed spring figueecl. A truck loaded
with bed springs from a factory was
crossing the bridge when one of the
springs fell to the roadway. A horse at-
tached to a emelt close behind stepped
on to the springs, and the spiral wires,
hrealeing from the framework, coiled
around the front, legs of the aMmal. The
horse pi -impel and floundered until he
was hopelessly eetangled. A long 'line of
cars was held Lpi and motor -men an(1.
conductors aided the driver in his efforts
to release the horse. All attempts, bow'
ever, failed, and finally a repair wagon AN ANC,I.Ell'S ELYSIUM,
was summoned. The linemen had toad According 1-a advertisermots all SNIP
!may the springs before the horse couldresorts aie, (wee. They tire eh,
Yost ever -but if fishigg as better an;
where else than it is in "Georg'oi
Bay" WP do not know where it is, Tde!
is a greater variety of (lelin lids was(
num anywhere else, turd they ere n1
ways hungry. No one ever counted lie
esti the Georgics' Bay, but Mo».
that have leen caught there have tem
unted end Men, and 11 you read Lie
Government rewire( on fisheries, pi
)(SOW that Georgian Bey supplies more
fish My any oilier equal body of wale(
in the werld, The only place you car
tiff ,r11 to fish as where the fieli aro num
delleioue in flavor, anti
met place is Georgiom liay-so the lisle
ecu el stiy. Suppose you send for lookkt, Grund Trunk Beilwey Sy,
leln, free, telling about the loons of lie
bass, .pickerel, pike and the noele trout
family. Address J. D. McDonald, Un-
ion Station , 'ruronio, On t,
Mrs. Furhy-Lf you go firsts you will
wan for me on the oilier shore, vvorei
Au, dear?
Mr. Furby -I suppose so. I never
went anywhere yet without having lo
wall for you.
• A Cure for RhmimeItem-The intru-
sion of uric acid into the blood veseele
Is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains.
This Irsgulerity is owing to a deranged
and unhealthy condition of the liver.
Anyone subject to this painful affection
will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vega
table Pills. Their action upon lila lcid
r,eys is pronounced and most beneficial.
and by restoring healthy action, they
correct impurities in the blood.
Gustav Joyanovitch, the Russian cat-
tle king, owns 000,000 acres of land, 1,-
000,000 sheep, and keeps .34,000 sheep-
Pets You on Your Feet and koopsyou there
That's what Ferrovim" does for alt those ro
:firedog from wasting diseiues. It is the best
ionic in existence. 51 stimulates, nourishes and
Dull& up the system.
A young man who was to be married
in church to a Miss Way, after a court-
ship of four years, privately requested
the ciente not to open the service by
singing, "This is the Way I long bait
No Alcohol Or any
other volatile matter which would im-
pair strength by evaporation does not
in any shape enter into the manufac-
lore of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Nor
do climatic changes affect it. 11 is as
serviceable in the Arctic Circle as in
'the Torrid Zone, perhaps more useful
in the higher latitudes, where man Is
c161.0 subject to colds tram exposure do
Me elements.
ec released,
But perhaps the queerest sight was
ono to which a Broadway crowd was
treated in the early part of April last,
This was nothing less Wag a man In an
automobile will.
A 11011135 IN HIS LAP.
A dismantled delivery wagon horeded
the efforts of the Immo to climb clown
from Uuo auto, while behind the \engm
was a north -bound Broadway ear with
dented dashboard, The car wtus ap-
proaching Twenly-seconel Street at a
goad speed when it bumped into the de-
livery wagon with a jolt which sent the
driver and his as,sislant, sprawling into
the road. Al tho moment of Impuel the
front of the auto belonging to a Mr. T.
Davis was. within a few feet of the
horse's bead. When the car bumped
Um wagon the home was propelled into
the auto.
Davis had no time to escape, and was
caught by the horse, Fie shouted for
help, and grasped hands which were
stretched forth to drag him from the
seat But no amount of hauling would
release him. Aissored after a few mo-
ments that lie was in 110 danger' of in-
jury from the hoofs of the horse, Davis
made light of Inc predicament. It be-
gan to gel monotonous, however, after
ftves minutes had passed and the horse
continued to repose in his lap. Finally,
the car was backed away and a score of
hands laid hold of the wagon, which was
withdrawn as gently as possible, drug-
ging the horse out of Davis's lap.
Though the hood and guards of the auto
wore smashed, Davis was unscathed, -
London Tit -1311s.
German Physicians Discover New Cure
After Experiments.
Abdominal typhoid fever need no
longer he feared if the anew serum pro -
(hoed by Drs. Meyer and Bergen, of
Berlin, Germany, in the laboratory of
Prof, von Leyden fulfills all expectations.
is learned that the professor himself is
virtually convinced of its efilcacy. He
explained that the typhoid scrum dis-
covered some limo ago gave rernarleable
results in rendering human beings im-
mune from typhoid.
IL was foundw , however, when the
serum was injected in the course of an
attack of the disease the patient invari-
ably succumbed. Ile and his collabora-
tors thereupon set to work to find out
the causes of the fetal effect. These were
eventually traced to toxins in dead ty-
phoid bacilli contained in the original
Efforts were then directed toward ob.
teining a serum absolutely free from
protoplasms. After two years of ardu-
ous experiments, horses being used as
subjects for inoculation, a serum was
produced in which the organic matter
had been decomposed by means of mut.-
ialic acid and low temperatures.
Human patients were subjected
to injections of this with the re-
sult in several instances of splendid
effects. Some cures were effected even
in severe cases, and ono patient, al-
though badly atlacleed, after two injec-
tions within seven days, was completely
cured exeept for the ensuing weakness.
Prof. V n Leyden is anxious for the
scrum to 'Welles a crucial test of a
serious epidemic of typhoid before pro-
nouncing final judgment.
Baby's Own Tablets cost 25 cents a
box. A box bought now may save your
baby's life. Summer complaints come
often without warning, and thousands
01 111 110 ones die from them -every bum-
mer. 11 children's stomach end bow-
elS are kept in order there is little dan-
gee of these troubles, and that is just
what I3aby's Own Tablets do. They
are good for the new born baby or the
wen grown child -and they are abso-
lutely sale. Give your child an occa-
sional dose of Tablets and you will keep
it well. If you have not got a box 1
Tablets in the douse now, send for
them af once, and you may feel that.
your Milo ones are safe. Mrs. Wm.
Parrott. Myrtle, Ont., says: "ely 'little
boy suffered greatly front colic, and cried
elmest contiguously. •A few doses =1
the Teblels cured him, and now I.give
the Tablets occasionally to prevent the
trouble returning." ' Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from Tice Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Gcorge-"Would your father gel mad
if 1 naked him for your hand?"
Eletc---"No, but mother avould. She's
the whole thing in this family."
Are you a sufferer with corns.lf yola
are, get a bottle of Holloway's Corn
Cure. IL has never been known 10 1011.
"I hear your MY discharged you."
"Yes, but I wouldel mind that so much
if they hadn't added Insult to injury."
"How?" "They advertised for a boy to'
fill my place."
• ITCU, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
cr animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls.
Sold by all dreggiste.
An old custom of great antiquity still
prevails ine the town of Oakhain, In
Rellandshire, England.- Every peer i I
the eealm passing neer the castle, which
W119 built by Walkelin de Ferrel's, Is ex-
peeted to deliver a. shoo from the foot cf
eoe of his horses, or to pay a fino in
default. The fine usually takes -the form
of an ornamental horseshoe, often sur -
merited by the coronet 01 1110 peer pre-
senting it Tho total number of shoes
at present in possession of the local au-
thorities Is 800, end amens the most
valued aro 111086 preSented by Queen
Elizabeth, King George IV., Queen Vic-
tories. and QUO Alexandra.
Welkins-"The Do IlobliMeals are giv-
ing a big dance text • month. I Wish
. they'd invite me. Roberts-1'So you?
Then P11 Mil you O. R&M]) 0 that gener-
ally works. You dtop in sons night
and tell MM. De Robinson that you'll
he out of town all mixt rnonth, See it
they don't invite you thtn,A.
"Young man," said the serious gen-
tleman, "did you ever pause and think
that each tick of the olocic brings you
mother moment nearer to the end cf
your existence?" "I was thinking al
something of that kind this very min-
ute," cheerfully replied the youth, "only
the idea struck me that !each tick
brought pay-day that much nearer."
real ones, at Singer stores, Buy here
and deal with the manufacturers. The
Singer Company is permanent, and re-
sponsible; its representatives cre always
et hand to care for Singer and Wheeler
& Wilson imachiges. Look for the Red
5 Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write
s free.
us at Manning CLambers, Toronto, for
set of laird Card
"Late again, Simpkins; how's that?"
"Please, sir, I got up late, and only left
myself ten minutes to dress." "But I
can dress comfortable in that time,"
"Yes, sir; but I wash."
There can be a difference of opinion
on most subjects, but there is only one
opinion ole to the reliability of Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator. 11 is safe,
sure and effectual.
The Thoughtless Man Who Monopolizes
the Narrow Stairway.
"It disturbs ane always,' said a quick
mewing man, "when I'm climbing a pals
of stairs just wide enough for two to
find ahead of me a man wallc1ng up
(squarely In the middle, where nobody
can pass 1110) on .either side, thus prac-
tically monopolizing the whole stair-
way. I am not disturbed primarily be-
cause his walking thus keeps me team
geing ahead past him, though that does
disturb ate some, but because of the
evident thoughtlessness of others that
bit walking so reveals. I hate to see
thoughtless peeple. This man sees
ahead 01 111111 nobody coming dawn, the
stairway there is clear, and that's as
far as he thinks. The ostrich buries its
headhcin the sand and thinks that, there -
that somebody may be coming up be-
inby it wholly conceals itself -the anan
going up the middle of the stairs sees
the way clear ahead and never thinles
"I dodge to one side, thinking that
perhaps I can gel past, him there, but
only to fled bitn, quite by chance a
course, swaying lo that side and so block-
ing me there; and then 1 try the other
side, there 10 be blocked in the same
way and to become, I confess, by this
time somewhat irritated. But there is
nothing for me to do then but, to keep
ley- temper and follow tho men in the
en:d:tat:until be steps clear of the stairs
(-1'.the platform, where them
re is roo
vei5 lit
"The fact is that the man mounting
the staits itt this way in tho ielidnlkl
only be worse than thoughttless,110 nutY
be tieing this from innate piggishness;
he may be one of those men who natur-
ally pig everything in sight.. But the
very best that can be said for him Is
that ho is a thoughtless man, a man who
habitually thistles only of himself, and
for AUCh IS man 1 1111V0 110 use. I
Wouldn't hire WM for any sort of a job
for Kie men thoughtless of other people
coda Certainly never get anything out
cf them end so would not be profitable.'
This cold -water starch
gets ironing -day over
• quicker, with less wear on
the ironer's muscles and far
is' less on the starched pieces.
Gives a beautiful gloss.
Needn't be boiled , yet cannot
stick, It's a starchyou'll like.
Trby It 202 r,u
A new industry hes been started In
Australia in connrction with rabbits.
Neaely half a gallon of oil possessing
valuable lubricating. qualities has been
obtained hy a rabbiler sI 011gandra,
N4 w South Wales, from 71 pounds =A
slons, without lessening the commercial
value of the latter.
— -
Cucumbers and melons are "forbid -
ten fruit" to ninny persons so consti-
tuted that the least indulgence, is fol-
lowed by attacks of cholera, dysentery,
griping, etc. These persons are not
aware that they can indulge to their
heart's content if they have on hand a
la.ttle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial, a medicine that will give im-
mediate relief, and is a sure cure for
ell summer complaints.
John was far the commonest of Brit -
15h Christian names in the fifteenth,
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Thomas comes next.
Do not give up Indespair, you who suffer,
from obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Annoint
the sore spots with Weaver's eerate and purify
ihe blood with Weavers Syrup. All druggists
keep them.
"Good-bye. Jessiel" "Good-bye, Aun-
tie Mayl I hope 111 be It great big girl
before you come to make us another
, —
Two young men were having a heated
argument over a problem which needed
a great deal of mental calculation. "1
reit you," said one, "that you are en-
tirely wrong." "But I and not," said the
oilier. "Didn't I go to school, stupid?"
almost roared his opponent. "Yes,"
was the calm reply; "and you came
back stupid." That ended it.
Impurities In the Blood. -When the
aetton 01 the kidneys becomes impair-
ed. impurities in the blood aro almost
SUM to follow, and general derange-
ment, of the system ensues. Parmelees
Vegetable Pills will regulate the lddncys,
,ti) that they will maintain healthy ac-
tion and 'prevent the complications
which certainly come when there is de-
=gement of these delicate organs. As
a restorative these MIS are in the first
A daily bath in. cold or tepid water
is an indispensable aid in keeping the
skin of the body in godcl condition, The
complexion also very often suffers from
insufficient washing in pure water.
IL is impossible for those of us who
live in lerge towns to keep the com-
plexion quite as blooming end healthy
as the inhabitants of country districts,
tut more care might frequently be tak-
en to wash off the smuts that help to
olog the pores of the skin.
Use hot reiewater, 11 11 is .possible to
procure it, with two or three spoonfuls
of oatmeal. thrown in to soften the
water. Next proceed to thoroughly
massage the face with some good soap
and a firm eponge, then rinse the skin
in another basin of cold water, into
which has been poured a few drops of
esti-de-cologne Or alcohol, finally rub-
bing into the face and neck a little lano-
lin or cold cream,
Schools In England -How Science MO
Helped Them to Work in the Sea,
The Admiralty trains divers, and every
British warship carries at least one re-
presentative of the craft and frequent-
ly DWG:. There are training schools at
Portsinooth, Downs/opt and Sheerness,
One of ibo difligulties with which
divers have to contend is probably not
realized hy a landsmen, namely, that
the greater the depth the greater Li the
pressure of water on the men's body
1111(1 the greater the labor and .exhaus-.
hon of working. The naval authorities
limit their men to a depth of 120 feet.
The greatest depth to which a man has
descended Is said by Siebe to have been
2(14 feet, and the pressure at that depth
was extraorilimay, namely, 88,/, rounds
to the square inch. One wonders itow
dlly human being *could stand it.
Twelve fathoms, or about seventy feet,
would be enough for most men. The
curs and nose would probably begin to
bleed and the pressure on the head
vaculd be very serious. A practised'
diver can, of course, descend much deep-
er without Null unpleasant sensations.
His dress costs more than a hundred
peuuds; it is of tanned twill and rubber
and made in one piece, with a big open-
ing at the neck. The helmet is of cop-
per and screws on to the shoulders eo
tightly that the water cannot penetrate
the joint. Air is pumped down to hlm
by a pipe made of eanves, and rubber
and outlet valves, which only epen out-
vverdly, are placed at convenient places
In permit the vitiated air to escape.
These valves are extremely impertant,
as by them the diver can regulate his
supply of air.
In addition to this pipe the diver has
a lifeline enabling him to communicate
with his assisients above water. This
ValS formerly done by n series of con-
certed tugs or jerks on the line, but the
method is being superseded as a means
of communication by the telephone, the
wires being conveyed by the lifeline.
He therefore touches the button and
talks a.s if be were in the city.
Another great improvement M the use
of the electric lamp, though in some
West Indian waters a diver can see
clearly Inc some ()Mince. In other
waters again the darkness is intense
twenty or thirty feet down. The weight
of the dress is -extraordinary and Ls
necessary to enable the diver to main-
tain itis stability. His helmet weighs
considerably over a quarter of a hum.
dred weight, and his boots. taken to-
gether, about as much, while if these
be not sufficient he claps lead upon his
Berlin has a school for "prophetess-
es" The school, which bas been opened
in North Berlin, advertises that it Is di-
rected by a lady who has bad large ex-
perience. Pupils are confined to the fe-
male sex, and the curriculum embreces
a.1 varieties of hand reading, ordinary,
spiristic, and gypsy methods, also "sci-
entific" chirology, and the reading <1
the future from coffee grounds, the
flight of birds, yolks of eggs, and the
terms which molten lead assumes when
peured into water.
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and voiniting-gwes healthful rest
-cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 42
Cures 24`. -at drttg't°r".
National Drug &
oea 05001,001.
UnderWser roedeeto-elder,
for you couldn't
possibly excel in fit nor equal
in value
Can't shrink nor stretch nor bind nor bulge; out-
lasts other kinds; and is sold with a guarantee
that insures you against any possible fault.
4 '
liar ante e
Trade -marked like this
in red as ate sign of
value. Made in many
fabrics and atyles, at
various prices, in form-
fitting sizes Inc women,
men and children. Ay e /yew
Buy Direct From Manufaoturera
and ease money. English agent is open to buy
for Canadian storekeepers or ethers. No risk.
Write for particulars. W. B. INSLEY, of Wan
Task Mad, Stratford, London, England.
— SOLD By ___
10c. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c.
w111 last a whole season.
Kill them all.
ado dead files
lying about
when used as
eltn't get eve,.
becausa less
•••••tel oat. .5••••As • Now...
res.. Fp., • t
River and Gulf of St, Lawrenco
Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin Sorew Iron SS. "Claropana," with electric'
lightA, electric bells and all modern comforts.
enh na1gt$t her ‘nd r hrif2r foe 11, ceiling y
Gaspe, Mal Bay, POMO, Cape Coro, Grand River.
Summorside, F.B.I., and Charlottetown, 5.12.1.
Summer 'Excursions, 555, by the now Twin
Sorer,' SS. "Bermudian," 5,000 tons, Sailing Ath,
llth and 2011 September, 6th, 16th and Nth 0o.
tober, flth, 16th and 2710 November. Tempera -
tore cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above
"gie itiest trips of the 000000 for health and
ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec.
A. F. OUTERBRIDGE ik CO., Agents.
29 Broadway, New York.
ClIrall621.1101011111.11=1011Er AZ.Saaan!AfonaLlit.
Egmt Yoga,
Di‘fs dvi,„
Mg CIFIV i3?\ A-,
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind -of a • roof every
minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted away.
Either roof will cost
you about the same- in
money at the dart.
But the " Oshawa " -
shingled- roof will be
ally; and wind -proof—
actually ; and lightning-
proof—positively. That's the hundred -year roof !
And that '' Oshawa "-shingled roof will be
weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter-century—from
now till Nineteen -
Thirty -Two. .
Guaranteed in writing
for 25 years—and you
needn't ever paint it,
even! That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would your
mill -man say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years? certainly would make remarks!
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that catches a loose
whoosh I oes hall ycair shingled roof
. .
r • .1 •
Yet cedar shingles cost you just
about the ricepof these guaranteed
"Oshasva" Shingles---28-guege tough-
ene-d steel,. double galvanized -good
for a century, guaranteed Mrritilli3' till 19A-fire-
Luld-wind-and-weather-proof and lighttung-proof.
Four -dollars -and -a -half a square buys "Oshawa"
Galvanized Steel Shingles
-ten feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles - hove does it
strike you?
And you can put on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Shingles yourself,
easily, - with no tools but a claw -hammer and
snips. Simpleat thing you know -can't get 'ern on
"Oshawa" Shingles lock on all four sides --whole roof
is practically one sheet of double -galvanized steel, that
never needs painting.
don't overlook that. Guar-
anteed in writing, over the
see?, of a company with a
quarter -million capital, -.--
guaranteed in plain
English, without any ifs
or buts, for 25 long
= That'e the argument in
• a nutshell -cost the same
as wood - shingles; fire -proof, water - peed, rusts
proof, lightning - proof ; easier to put on e and
GUARANTEED. That's the "Oshawa" propoletion 1
Tell us the measurement of May roof, and we'll tell
you exactly Ivhat it will cost to roof
it with loss work and for less motley.
Plenty of facts that concern your
pocket -book cense to you ste soon as
you ask for our free book, "Roofieg
Right." A post card will, do to
ask on.
"Oshawa" Galvanized! Steel
Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
i ,vil 7.1 II
..., ))
over into e nex wn .... why don't you ask ttow?
.x.............o.The Pedlar People.. .
hii1,1 crag 8t. 55, 11 Colborne St. 423 ewe= St is 501 DitaSes eft fa Lonibraw 5 st Las Pewter St,