HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 1Vol. 86. No. 10
New Advertisements,
Local -Dr. Graham.
-Watch tound-'.PHIt Pose.
Dog strayecl-Tne POST.
Rich Cut Glass- Jas, Fox.
Peer sale -D. J. McLauchlin.
Pigs for sale -J. P. McIntosh.
Voters' List Genet -Fe S. Scott,
Voters' List Court -Wm, Clark,
Apples wanted -J. Cunningham.
Fall and Winter -G. N. McLaren.
Notices to creditors-A.B.Macclouald.
Household Requirements -F. R.
MATRIMONIAL. -The home of Jas.
and, Mrs. Walker, Scott street, Wing.
ham, was the scene of a pretty home
wedding at noon on Wednesday, 4th
inst., when their second daughter,
Miss Jennie Irene, was united in
marriage to Alvie A. 'Flemming, a
popular young man of: this town.
The cerennepy was performed by Rev,
W. G. Howson, assisted by Rev. T. S.
Boyle, in the presence of a number of
the relatives and intimate friends of
the youug couple, the parlor being
prettily decorated with flowers. The
Wedding March was played by Miss
Myrtle Mann, of Teeswater, cousin of
the bride. After bearty congratula-
tions the wedding dinner was served
and the nappy young couple left on
the afternoon 0 P. P,. train. On
their return they will take up house-
keeping on Frances street. Ties POST
Mins with numerous friends in extend.
ing hearty congratultations. The
bride was a former resident of Brus-
sels and the family well known to
many readers of THE Poor.
W et 5 :0 et.
Jno. Watts' home is nearing com-
pletion and Mr. Watt will soon rnove
to our village,
Miss Brooks and Miss Johnston, of
Toronto. were visitors at R. H. Fergu-
son's recently.
Rev. Mr. McLean and wife, of
Cookeville. are at present visiting
friends in this vicinity,
A great many from this vicinity
were to Toronto Exhibition and this
week London is the drawing card.
W. W. Hoy is improving the ap-
pearance of his home by a fresh coat of
paint, He is also having his house
raised and new timbers put under it.
The many friends of Mrs. McNichol
will be pleased to learn that she is
making favorable progress towards re.
coyery and we hope to soon See her
ou t again.
Thursday 61 this week was declared
Civic Holiday for our village. rhe
attraction was the excursion to Gode-
rich, this being the opening excursion
over the new G. & G. railroad. The
rain marred the pleasure somewhat,
Rev. ltdr. Coburn, the bliad preach-
er, of Toronto, preeehed in the Muth.).
dist church a week age Sunday and
gave a very instructive lOcture the fol-
lowing Monday eveuinglsn the subject
"Blind front Childhood IO Manhood."
Ino. Irwin was unfortnna te enough
to lose the end of one of his fingers
aud had two others badly cut. It ap-
pears be was cleaning out the cutting
box attached to the threshing; separator
and came in contact with the knives
with the above result. He will be laid
up for some time.
Send the news to Tut POST,
Mrs. McLellan, of New Liskeard,
was visiting her brother, Dr. Ferguson,
A number from this locality have
been taking in the big Pairs at Toronto
acid London.
, Mrs. John White, of Harbert, has
been visiting her daughter, MTs, (Rev,)
J. Henderson,
25 cents in advance secures TIM --
Posy to January xst roo8. Now is the
tirfie to subscribe.
. E. S. and Mrs. Bechtel, of Berlin,
visited at the home of Mrs. liansuld
daring the past week,
Miss Cole has returned to Alma Col.
lege, St. Thomas, to pursue ber cottree.
She enjoys college life,
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and children
have arrived home from an enjoyable
visit with Needs in Barrie,
Ceeteoiteaset house and lot for sale
at Ethel station. Possession °mild be
[rived on Oct. est, For further par-
ticulars as to price, terms. &c, apple
Ota the premises to Mee, Hertaxerow.
Miss Ella Hansuld and Miss Mina
Elliott will attend the emning session
of the Normal . School at Toronto,
Both yoang ladies will no doubt give
O good account of themselves and we
wish them success,
• Harvest Horne anniversary sermons
will be preached in the Methodist
church here on Sabbath.22nd inst., by
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Lucknow. A
Musical and Literary program will be
rendered the following Monday evert-
LIGHTNING. -A heavy electrical
storm, accompanied by rain, passed
Over East ot this district Thursday
of last week. The barn of Charles
Herr, about 2er mites East of here,
was strnalt and a valuable mare killed,
At the thee of ,the °rash Mr. Herr
was on the barn floor and bi4 brother
James and a yr:meg manReginald
Neil, who is everkirig for 'him, weee
in the stable beneath. The latter WaS
unharnessing the mare when she was
struck and he was rendered Uncon-
scious for some titne. Ide had quite
regained oonsciousnees in the after -
Poen and mac able to speak. How he
escaped instant death is a miracle.
Eire started in the hay, bat vas ex-
tingeiehed through the prompt action
of 1110 Herr boys, who Were unhurt,
The darane to the barn was slight,
only a couple of posts lieneeth the
standard on which the windmill rested
being splintered.
Alfred Seeders and wife, of Hay
City, Michigan, huve been renewing
old frieodships in this locality. It is
19 years since Mr. Sanders went to
Michigan and xi since he was here.
He is a brother to Mrs. Isaac Leke of
this locality.
Rev. John Henderson and Robe
McKay were at Ripley this week at-
tending the annual Fall District meet-
ing of the Methodist church, Wing-
harn District. A Sabbath School
Convention wits held Tuesday after-
noon and evening.
UNDERTAxING.-Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders foe
Undertaking. Oor telephone No, is
285 and a call will have our itn-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming Mt
which we hold diplomas.
anus ta ei to ve .
Quite an acreage of Pall wheat is
being put in.
Geb, Eckmier was on the sick list
for a few days.
Fred. Sevens will attend the Toronto
Medical College this Fall.
Wm. Moses and Miss Bessie spent a
few days at the Toronto Exhibition.
Mrs. Eckmier, sr., of Ethel, is at
present staying with her son, George.
Conneillor and Mrs. Cutt and Harvey
are taking in the sights at Loudon Fair,
Donald McDonald, East of here,
keeps very poorly we are sorry te
This locality will sapply the bonnie
bride tor a popular bachelor of Brus-
selsehis month.
The service in Victoria Hall last
Sonclay night was takea by W. li.
Herr, of Brussels.
Miss Jennie and Harold Hogg spent
Sunday visiting friedds and relatives
in Wingliam and Belgrave.
Miss Kate Henderson, and W,
Veitch, of Galt, were Labor Day
visitors at the homes of T. and J.
Four young cattle the property of
Jas. McCartney, 3rd con, were killed
by lightning. The Howick Mutual
settled for them,
Rob. Simpson has commenced taking
tip Continuation work in Brussels
School, aud he should- do well. We
wish him every success.
Miss Berva Bryans leaves this week
to attend the Normal Sohool in Toron-
to. She possesses many qualifications
that should make her an A n teacher.
Mrs. John Strachey, accompanied
by her son John T. is spending a week
with friends in London, St. Thomas
and Rodney. They will attend the
Western Fair at London. We wish
them a pleasant visit.
John Carr, an old and highly es-
teemed resident, who has lived near
the American Soo for the past ea
years, was visiting friends around
here, Mr. Carr is a welcome visitor
indeed, and looks about ate young as
when he left here in 1887.
eel ran ire r oole.
Miss Allis Forrest is attending High
School in Brussels. •
Miss Norma Sperling is attending
Model Scbool in Clinton.
Mrs. Malatesta and her little sou and
daughter, of Detroit, are visiting at
the home of D, McInnes,
John Knight has gone to Cadillac,
Niche to see his sou, Nelson, who is
Ill. We hope he will soon be better.
Antong those attending the London
Fair are Miss Myrtle McDonald, A.
Raymanu, J. Rana, and Albert Fors-
David McNair is here on a visit
f ram Montana where he is interested
in sheep: ranching, associated. with
George Coates, He has seen a good
deal of the West.
While picking pears D. McQuarrie
fell front the tree receiving serious in-
juries his shoulder being dislocated
and a bone broken in one arm. We
hope he will soon be around again.
The success of Will Cameron, son of
Wmeand Mrs, Cameron, Cranbrook,
should prove a stimulus to many
another youth. He had been attend-
ing Brussels school and on receiving
his Junior Leaving certificate he went
to Seatorth Collegiate where he passed
his non-professional' rst examination
and may now go to Toronto to the
University. We are pleased to
chronicle the progressive steps aud
wish hint the success his studious
habits are likely to reward him.
day of last week Chas. Schnook, an old
resident of this locality, paid Nature's
debt, after a short illness from stoppage
of the bowels, at the advanced age of
86 years, Mrs. Schnock .predeceased
her husbane, The fami
ily s grown up,
the majority of them residing in Grey
thwuship, The furteral took 1
place on
Saturday afternoon to Cranbrook cein•
etery, Rev. D. B. McRae condacting
the service at the home and grave.
Pallbearers were A, Reymann, V,
Foerster, C. Michel, J. Kreuter, L.
Huller and F. Jeschke, Mr. Schnook
was an industrious mart who enjoyed
the respect ot the community. Flo
died on his birthday, The pioneers
are rapidly,passing away,
The Rook Co, Herald, Minnesota,
of August 3oth, epeeks of a fortner
resident of this locality as follows :-
Rey. J. C. Curry, who with his Wife
has been spending his Summer vaca-
tion with Mrs. Ctirry's folks at
Bricelyn, this State, returned to
Lnverne Tuesday, ready to resume
his duties' as pastor of the Baptist
.church. It will bo reniettbered that
While at Brioelyn Mr, Curry suffered
a Severe annstroke, anti for a time
his recovery was, tonaidered very
doubtful, and his many friends are
delighted to know that he has fully
recovered from the effects of the
stroke and returns greatly benefitted
by his rot. To ase his own words,
he "feels better than he did before
be suffered the stroke," Mrs. Curry
Will not return until tomorrow or
Monday. She was also the victim
of an acoident while at Bricelyn,
suffering front ptomarne poisening
from ,eating eured ham. She was
quite sick for a while, but has prac-
tically recovered „and remains at
Liricelyn.to assist iti caring for her
father, who tvas also poisoned from
eating of the bawl,
Mrs. A. Miller, Mise j. Town and A.
and Mrs, McLean are visitors in Lon.
don this week.
Miss Jennie Elliott, of Boissevain,
Manitoba. is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
W. Rutherford.
Geo. Allan and family have returned
from two weeks' holidays spent in Tor-
onto and Teeswater. "
Miss Agues Black, of Torouto. is
spending two weeks with her parents,
R. and Mrs, Black.
Wrn. and Mrs. Greer, of Wiarton,
visited last week with the hatter's
father, James Paulin.
Mrs. 0. Smith and daughter, Rosie,
have returned from a visit with rent.
Lives In Galt and Hamilton,
Mrs, R. Lang, Miss L. Wright
Nesbit Lang and Mrs. W. U, Carr
returned from Torooto on Monday.
Thos. Rae has returned to his home
in Celifornia, having spent three
months with his brothers, David and
Jas. Rae, of Howlett. •
Rev, A. L. Russell, B. D., was at
Ripley this week attending the District
meeting and Sunday School _Conv.en-
Miss Annie Allan accompanied her
brother, Malcolm Allan,
on his return
to Colorado Springs lastweek, where
she expects to spend about two
The annual Thank•oftering tea in
connection with the W. F. M. S., of
the Presbyterian church will be held
on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Watt,
of Guelph, will address the ;meeting.
ONT.-The death occurred in Tor-
onto, on Sunday evening of 'Robert
Farrel, second son of W. and Mrs.
Farrel, of the Turnberry road, after a
very painful illness which extended
over a year. The deceased had gone
to a private hospital in Toronto about
5 months ago for treatment abd was
thought to be progressing favorably
until two weeks ago, when he gradual-
ly grew weaker. Much sympathy is
extended to the aged parents in their
bereavement. The funeral took place
to the Wroxeter cemetery Wednesday
afternoon, service being conducted by
Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D.
lee. re es we.
Gilbert and Mrs. Stevens are attend -
Mg London Fair this week.
Next meeting of Grey Council will
be held on Mouday, Sept. 23rd,
Jas. and Mrs. 0. McKay spent two
or three days in Toronto and Ham.
ilton last week.
Jahn Robertson has finished the
building of the cement wall for his
barn, which he intends putting up
right away.
Last week Mies Josie Doll went to
Stratfered where she will take up a
course as stenographer and short hand
writer in the Business College there,
Miss Beetle McNaught is away to
take charge of her scholars again in
Toronto. Fergus hits gone to the
Goeericla High School where we , hope
he will do well.
Jas. A. McNair is away to the West
anti is assiding in the harvesting
operations at Arcola, Jack Shiels is
supplying Mr. McNair's place here
during his absence.
Jas. Mann, Will. Mann, Mrs. 0,
N. McKay, Mrs. Geo. McKay, Mrs.
R. McTaggart, Luke and Mrs. Speiran,
from tho vicinity of Moncrieff, were
among those who were at Toronto Ex-
Last week David, son of Thomas
Davidson, etth cone left for Stratford
where he veill pursue a couleet at the
well known Business College in that
title He is a. good student and
should do well.
All auction sale of household effects,
&c., took place at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Knight, nth coo., on Triesday
afternoon. She purposea retnoviug
to Chicago, to make her home with
relatives. Mrs, Knight has been a
highly esteemed resident' of Grey for
many years. '
Miss Mary Miushull, of Nebraska,
is here on a holiday yisit with relatives
and friends. She is a daughter of
Inge Minshull, a former resident of
Grey, and a grand daughter of Wm.
Smith, 17th con. Miss Minshull etas
been visiting in Virginia, °ming by
Jamestown, Syracuse, Niagara Falls
and London eu route.
MRS. °sane Gots TO HER REWARD. -
We regret to be called upon this week
to report the demise .of Mary E.
Hunter, beloved wife of Joeeph Oster,
lot at, con. 9, which sad event took
place last Monday. She was in her
Oist year, A short time ago she had
a stroke of paralysis which laid her
aside for a time but she was -consider,.
ably better until the demise a her
son, Joe, Which aff,eted her to no small
delete°. Itt addition to Mr. Oster a
soti and daughter survive. John
Hunter, Of Craithrook, is a btother of
deceased and Mrs. Price, of Toronto,
'who is now here is a sister. The fun-
eral took place Thursday afternoon to
Brussels cetnetery. Mts. Oster was a
Methodist in religion ; a true wife,
O loving tnether feud a gooa neighbor,
She was a daughter of the late Frank
Hunter and had lived in Grey for over
30 years,
Alex, and Leslie, sons of Hugh
Lamont, loth coo., will attend the
Normal Scbool at London (leaving on
i7th inst.) to secure their professional
certificates. They have done well
and we wish them continued success.
Rafe New Resinewcz.--On the 25th
day of May Daniel Meehan, lot 32,
owe, si, lost his house by fire. To re-
place it he let the contract ger a 2 story
briek cottage 25x34 feet, with Summer
kitchen 121;15 and a tidy verandah.
Watson Ainley, of Brussels, had tbe
brick work and plastering and Thos.
Newsome, of the same place the car-
pentering. Good progress has been
made and the new home will soon be
ready for occupation. Their many
friends hope the family will enjoy
many happy, prosperous years in it.
o a- VIN.
Mrs. Rey, Finkbiner, of Campden,
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Thos. Maunders,
Mrs. J. Manning and Herb': have
gone on a driving tour, visiting friends
In Mt. Forest and Flesherton,
Mrs. H. H. Patrick and baby Irene,
ot Woodstock, spent Labor day at
the home of her rnother, Mrs. J. Man-
Rob, Bryans, eth line, has gone to
Clinton to attend the Model school.
He should do web as he is a bright
Joseph Smillie, est line, has gone
to British Columbia on a trip, com-
bining business and pleasure. We
wish him to good time.
This week j. E, Maueders left for
Detroit wbere he has entered the
Medical College and will pursue the
course. We wish bit the success he
Mrs. W, H. Cloakey and son John,
of Toronto. were here during the past
week attending the funeral of the
former's father, Francis McCutcheon,
6th line.
Ile Voters' List Court for this
Municipality will be held in the Town
Hall Brussels, on Wednesday of next
week, itith inst., at so a. m. Judge
Doyle will preside. There are a
number of appeals. See advertisemeut in another column.
We are sorry to hear that Peter
Carntelon, 6th line, was seriously in-
jured this week, He fell from the
mow and struck his side on the wheel
of the buggy doing serious damage.
As Mr. Cantelon is over 70 years of
age the accident may be difficult to
We are sorry to report the severe
illness of an old and well known resi-
dent of Wna Michie. He has a com-
bination of ailments but we hope he
will soon be better. Mr. Michie is in
• his 77th year and has reeided in Morris
since the Fall of x859. His rugged
constitution will help tide him over
this illness if anything will,
reached Belgrave of the death of Mrs.
Wm. Gregg. Bruce Mitres. Mr. and
Mrs. Gregg lived on the eth line,
Morris, about a mile East of Belgrave,
about 30 years ago, prior to their re-
moval to Bruce Mines, and will be
well remembered by the older settlers.
Mn. Gregg passed away about 25 years
The Harvest Home services of the
Johnstou's church, Bluevale Cirbuit
will be held ou Sunday, Sept 221tc1.
Rev. E.. G.,Peoevell, of Brussels, will
preach at 50.30 a. m. and 7 p. tn.
Special collections at each service,
Rev. G. Baker, of Bluevale, will
Preach for Mr. Powell that Sunday
in Brussels and Cranbrook.
BARN BURNED. -Thursday of last
week, at 6 a. m., tbe barn on the farm
01 30110 Johnston, of B. C., 6th line,
Morris, was destroyed by lightning.
The tenant was George Stevens.
Bareawas 36 x s6 and was struck at
the Westerly eud bunted instantly.
The proprietor had eerloo insurauce
and Mr. Stevens $700 on contents, in
the Howick Mutual. In addition to
cropthere was a Seed drill, pulper,
fanning mill, cutter, &c., in the barn.
Fortunately there was no stock in
the buildiug at the tiros. Mr. Stevens
evas standing at the kitchen door at
the time the bolt did the damage.
Joseph Smith, 6th line, is Mr. John-
ston's father-in-law and his agent also.
El. On Wednesday of last week the
spirit of Francis McCutcheon, one
of the pioneers of the fith bee, took
its flight. He was born hi Co. Fer-
managh, Ireland, and came to Canada
when a boy with his parents. In 1854
the family lotated in Morris, taking
up N lot 25, am. 7, then a bush lot
which %AS transformed to a fine fartn
by induatryatbrift'and economy, Mrs.
McCutcheon was Selena J. Crow, who
made a splendid helpmate, and passed
_away 3f years ago, aged 66 years.
The surviving children 141:0 David,
Wm. 11,, and tylrs, RobtOeVichol, of
Morris ; Mrs. W. IL CloakeY of
Toronto, and Mrs. Thompson, of Or-
egon. Mr. MoCutcheott had been
poorly for about 6 years with a com-
plication of ailments, dropsy being
the chief at the last. He bad been a
strong, hearty man ; honest, neigh-
borly and hospitable, In piffles he
was a Conservative aud in religion
he bold to the English church. Out
of a family of o brothers and 3 sisters
Me. McCutelteon was the last to de.
part this life. 'Phe late Jim. Mo.
Cutcheou tied Mre, Samuel Walker,
Mee. Robt. Armstrong and Mrs. John
Johnston were brother and sisters of
deceased and all residents of this
township. The only pioneers lett in
the 34, miles of. the Gth line are John
Robb, Joseph Stnith and Alex, Nichol,
The funeral of Mr, McChteheon took
place on Friday afternoott to the fam-
ily buryiug ground, Rev, Mr, Lang -
Ford conducted the Wyk°. Pall-
bearers were B, Gerry, T. Smith, Juo,
Worley, 5.. Bewley, L, Speiran and
Jati BreadfOot.
Wm. Michie and wife of Celt, and
Chris. Midge, of Heepeler, were here
during the past week owing to the
illness of their father,
LIGIITNING. -Thursday of last week
the residences of Wm. Hopper, rd
line, and Wm. Stubbs, eth line, were
struck by lightning, but neither
dwellings were burned, though that of
Mr, Stubbs caught fire, but was ex-
tinguished by a few pails of water.
The damage on either building is not
great, except scene boles cut througb
the walls and the floors brokou up.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopper had just gone
into the kitchen, otherwise it might
have been serious,
MATRIMONIAL.- Wednesday fore-
noon of Met week Jas. D, Grasby, a
presperous young farmer of the 5111
line, and Miss Lizzie, second clitegbter
of Wm, Michie, 6th line, were united
ill marriage by Rev. J. J. Hastie, of
Belgrave, at the home of the bride,
Owing to the Illness of Mr. Michie the
contemplated arrangements for the
wedding party were tot carried out.
The happy couple took a short wed-
ding trip Eastward with relatives and
have now settled down to housekeeping
on the groom's ene farm, The mane
friends of Mr. Grasby and bride wish
them a long, happy and prosperous
GOOD STOCK.-Jatnes Shuffle, 4th
line. recently purchased the imported
Yorkshire sow, "Broonthonse Girl,"
-22175- She was bred by Wm. B.
Wallace, Hroomhouse, CorstOrphine,
Scotland, and imported by 1-1. le Dav-
is, of Woodstock, Ont„ who sold her
to her present owner. The animal
comes frorn prime stock on both sides,
The Farmer's Advocate in speaking
of Mr, Wallace's herd says i ---The ex-
hibit of Yorkshires at the Higbland
Society's Show, at Eclinbargle last
month, was admittedly the best in
many years. In the class for boars,
W. B, Wallace's noted prizewinner,
the four.year-old Broomhouse Her-
cules, a hog of great obaracter and
quality, again got into first place, fol-
lowed by Geo. B. Shields' Meehan,
which was handicapped in point of
age, being only two years and 27 days
old. He has great length, and is
beautifully carried out in his qoarters.
Sir Gilbert Greenall was third, with
Walton William 2nd. There was an
extraordinary class ok sows, and the
first award went to Mr, Knowles, for
Colston Lass leth, which WOa the
gold medal at the Royal, at Lincoln.
Second aad third went to Mn. Gunn
for Craigcrook Perfection and her
half-sister of the sante herd. For
pairs of boars not above eight months,
Mn. Wallace's beautifully matched
pair, by Hercules, was a clear first,
and Sir Gilbert Greenall's Walton pen,
by Walton Paul and, was second.
For pairs of gilts under eight months,
Mr. Gann came out on top with a
very level pair, by Craigcrook Ring-
leader, and the second card went to
Mr. Wallace for a pair,by Broomhouse
Candidate, The Prince of Wales'
gold medal for the best boar in the
show went to Mr. Wallace for his
Yorkshire boar, Hercules.
A very sad all eart.breaking einem
Manes othurred the °spode Souse,
Toronto, on To ay night of last week,
whereby hire, Monlwing, wife of Alex,
MoEwing, Hallett, aud her mother, Mrs.
John Shannon, of MoKillop, lost their
lives. John Watt, of Harlook, bit
nephew, Alex. MeEwing, and wife, and
her mother, Moe Joian Shannon, Mo.
Killop, went to Toronto on Tuesday.
They engaged a room for the women, the
Met one left in the °spode Hem, and a
bed in another room for themselves
directly opposite. After taking dinner
they went out to the Exhibition and re
mained there all afternoon and evening,
Oe s000nnt of orowds on the OM At
nightethey did not get baok he the hotel
till after 11 o'olock, and the ladies retired
between 11.80 and 12. Me. MoRwine
weut into the mane to turn the gas off
for them, and warned them to be careful
about naing it. He is paid to have ear0.
ed the gas off till the flame was ex,
tingniehed. He was then going to light
a matob to make sure it wag all tight,
but could not find any. The women mid
them were two on tbe dresser, but he did
not get thorn. Mr. MoDwing and Mr.
Watt were up shortly betore eix o'clook
and went for a short walk Wore break.
fent, and on his return knotted et the
door ot the ladies' room. 1313 reoeived AD
response. He then went to Mr. Watt
tend said he thought eomething wag
wrong. Mr, Webb nobbled John Welts,
the hotel porter, who at mule eecured
entrance) by crawling along the lite
eeoape to their window. He misled the
window and Maud the two WOnlell dead,
Mrs, Shannon, in her night robe, was
kneeling at the bedeide, her fade 16 hen
arms. Mrs. MoEwing, also in her night
teething, lay in bed, folly covered, as if
agleam The room was full of gas, widget
oontinned to Heap through on open jet.
A dootor wee immediately suminoned but
be weld do nothing. He thonglat they
bad been dead for some time. When
Coroner Greig, who wan notified, march.
ed the room mixt morning he found only
one match. The supposition is that one
ot the WOIllant peesnenably Mrs, Shannon,
arom during thenight to light the gee
end inedvertently left it Welted on. The
window that bad been ap when Mr. elo.
Ewing waa hi the roam had been put
down, There was no fanlight over the
door, Mr, MoPlwing, Who le one of the
most highly reepeokett young men in
Hallett, is 1.1 nephew of John Watt, of
Haelook, and maim hie honto With him.
He wag married only about a year Logo;
Itis wife, a Waive ot MoKillop, beiag ex-
needingly popnlar both before mid canoe
her marriege, end her untimely death
Will be greatly knotted. She WWI A
raeinber of Burnie Cluiroh. Mts. liban.
006 wee the wife -ctf John Shounon, ar
well Mimeo end ropeoted farmer of
Pdoltillop. That tide double !Welty bete
mused a shooe to the nommunity in
which the patio reticle, goes without
caving and the deepeet eynapethy maul.
Mated for all ooneetned, The bodies
Wake brought to Walton oa the O. P. R.
Wedneedity eveulug end taken to Par.
Shannon'e residence from whenoe tbe
funeral took plaoe to Benguela cemetery
reiden afteriloon, There were ever 260
rigs in the prootiesion atteeting the deep
sympathy felt tor the bereaved !milieu.
Petra, Shanuon vnta in her 60t11 year and
Mrs. llitoEwing iu her 22oci,
011011011 UHJEES
Maitland Presbytery will Oonireite in
Teciewitttr next Tuesday alteration.
There will be High Marie and amnion
in the Brussels Catholic oburoh next
The Sewing Oirole of Melville oberoh
shipped a bale of clothing valued at
$62.00 to the North Weet Indian Mission
field, on Wednesday of this week.
Huron Go, Bitehath School and Chris.
thin Engineer Convention will be held at
Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 8 and 9. A first-olase program
will be presented.
The gneetion of purehaeing individual
communion cups in commotion with
Melville thumb was deoided by MOM and
wae praotioally unanimous. Next Salt.
bath a speoial oontribation will be taken
to provide the purchase prime
Ab a meeting of the Exeoutive of tbe
Chriatian Endeavor of Meiville (March,
P. A. McArthur and Johd T. Straohan
were ohosen aa delegates to represent the
Society at the annual Convention to be
held in Toeswater ou Tuesday Sept. 17111.
Next Sabbath Rev. Waltet B. Jamie.
eon, ot Durham, will peewee Harvest
Home earereme in tbe Metteidiat oleurob
here at 10.80 a. sat. and 7 p. ni, He was a
former junior pester and is a drat olaas
preacher who shoted be heard. Special
music will be provided and the Entomb
At the Monthly Missionary Day in
the Methodist Sabbath &Moot a choice
Bolo was sang by Mies Edna Speiran ;
mete (Jerrie Hingaton and 1lLre. •W. L.
Leatherdale rendered a fine duet and
Fred. Hunter, who was a former mil,
gave a timely and a most appropriate
address. The oolleotion was 56.60.
Tumidity afternoon and evening a very
anooessful Sabbath Sobool Convention
was held in the Metbodiet thumb, Rip.
ley, in conneetion with the Fan Dia.
triot meeting of the Wingham Madre.
There was a good attendance, intermit.
ing addresses and live disoussiona which
should be fruitful of advance work in
the congregations oonstanting the Die.
Woe Rev. Ef, W. Locke, of Khmer.
dine Chairmahn of e Dietriet, ocempied
the ohair and ma
°Moor. Rev. T. . Blatoldord, B. D.,
ia model presidiug
of Ripley, took oharge of the opening
devotional exeroiees and Rev. J. E, Ford
and Mr. Agnew offered prayer. .
After a nicely ming anthem by tbe
°bole the ohairman spoke appropriate
introductory gentenoes.
Rev. J. la, Ford, of Luoknow, prate
times, dealt with "The 'Patentees"
qualification" and demonstrated three
indispeneible qualities :-(1)Knowledge
of the Word ; (2) Ability to mpart the
truths to the pupils;- (8) Training in
Christian Work. Patienae, tact, zeal,
prayer were enggested &a a few of the
many 1380BAHArien. Tile t011in WU fur.
thee eltuedated :by Messrs. McKay,
Agnew, Blatoblord, Looke, Henderson,
Russell, Colwell, Powell, Mooney and
"The relation of Sabbath Soboole to
Misaions" WAS disoussed by W. H. Kerr,
of Btusselie developiug the subject along
the 7 Hues viz z-Pitethod, Inspiratioc,
SPititnalite, Self sacrifice, Iuattnetion,
Obligation and Need. In the dismission
Messrs. Powelr, J. Kerr, Bassett, Ford,
Henderson, 'Rivers, Heiner, Mooney,
McLeod and Fydell took part.
Jno. Kern, GI Wingbeen, occupied 20
minutes profitably OA "Tbe new Bible
Clam," Striking ()entreats were drawn
Irom a few etatietiee quoted. Out of a
tom! Sunday EMbool force of 829,000
only 84,000 are inembere of tbe kletho-
diet ohnrob and ont ot a membership
of 817,000 lees teen 25% are in the
Warne. Many people bum a misoon.
aeption of the Intention end work of the
Sabbath Sohool and everybody's motto
should be eatet the ciburoh into the
Sunday Sehool." Ohmmeter training
tor aervice esti be done better there
than any piece else. Organize a New
Movement Bible °Mee under tbe din.
oetion of It eat ot , °Eileen and moved it
with adults. It will make the achool
popular, will itnteltile the membership
end belp the pastor. Many new idees
were thrown out ite to the toefuluees
end prantioal working of this modern
department of work,
Following this oame n very interesting
feature viz a Sermonathe on eCom.
panionehip" to a large oleos of boys
and gltle, by Rev. Gt. W. W. Itivere, B.
D., of Belgtave, who by object lesson
and well planned addrese brought out
the degrading inflneneee of bad cora.
rades mad the great benefit of °noosing
the good, the pore and the true, fais
text wee Prov. 18-20, Rev. 01r. Rivete
wonld Waite quite a mime in Shill Glass
of work.
Miss Logien gang ',The Plaine of
Peace" with pleasing street,
The (dosing topie of the etteraoon
session was "How may the Suede),
Helmet be Made to contribute roost to
the traluing of our *Wren in Meth°.
diet dootriee" mid wag wieely and foto.
ibly handled by Rev. Mr. Looke. He
poluted out the Met/Reliable treed,
allowed the !Anent of believing a fully
and urged tient the bent efforts be put
forth to sow it in the minds and hearts
of the young people. An animated die.
ensaion followed. Rev& lineage!, Ford.
Henderson, Wateon, leteLeod, Fydell,
Sawyer and Powell and it MoKey giv•
Ing etpecteeion to many helpful pointete
00 to the hulling Of the Cateohiene. teci,
W. H. KER. R, Prop
*nee.," eeene.'ee• ••••e*
The Doxology and Benediction brought'
the well filled erosion to a elm.
The evenieg gathering opened with is
large attendance and theintereet was well•
sustained throughout, Robert MoKay,
of Ethel, took °barge ot a well rendered
riong Hervioe emd did his part well, Rev.
E. G. Powell, 01 Brunei's, Mead Sale.
beth Sohool Source/aye presided itt thin
thereon aud pleasantly teed oapebly dia.
charged his duties. The ahoir gang "0 I
came let as sing num the Lord" iu
good form a,ud Rev, Johu Henderson, ol
Ethel, wee introduced end dealt with the
live topia "Temperanee and Morel Re•
form in the Florae and Sobool." He
handled the enbject nnignely, but with
well directed aim and from personal ex•
perienoe and written testimony sbowed
the need of oonvietions, %fortune!,
therage, faith in God and the undoubted
viotory if the Sebbath Schools and
oharabes do their duty. Tbe three dirt.
along of bis aubjeot were ;-(1) Inetruo.
Won and Enthaaiasm ; (2) Formation
better than Reformation ; (8) Total
Abstinenes and Probibition. The
andienoe was roused to entbusitebie ap•
please and the address will be a fruit
bearer. "Rook of Ages" was the title of
a well gong solo byettior Harris.
lu the Mistime of Mrs. (Bev.) Jammer,
of Fordwioh, who iS a devoted church
worker, Rev. Dr, Homer took the int.
portant and very fitting sabjeet "The
convention of the obildren." Ib was
nently and profitebly dealt with. The
velne at a child wee set forth in its per.
sou, in the borne end the (thumb and the
estimate Christ placed on ohildbood both
by his word and deed touched upon.
The value of the child is the beat reason
tor seeking lifter or desiring its conver-
sion arid the whore aud bome abould
oombine in this most noble work.
Beatty votes of thanks were pitesed
to the Ripley friends for their generous
hospitality ; to the ohoir for their ex.
aelleut mama 4 and to the pastor and
trustees for the use of the remota
After the °bole gave the ohoioe and
well rendered anthem "Must I go empty
handed," Rev, Geo, Baker prozonnood
the Benediotion and this intensely prae-
tioal Convention waebrought to a close.
AU the pastors on the District were
present with two exoeptions.-Rev. Mr.
Blatolafore, the energetic Ripley pastor,
is a "whole team" and singe as well as
he preaohea-If the Platelet League
Convention and the S. S. Convention
were combined it would be a move in
the right elicitation we believe, The
Ripley people oertainly keep the eletoh
string" au the outside of the door and
entertained the delegates most royally,
We found ourselves the guests of an A
1 boat and boinese 10 the persons ot the
genial Editor Mooney and bie good
lady. -'Phe District meeting was web
attended and a profitable session en-
joyed. -Ripley IBu tidy, businsse village
with bright, sbarp men at the helm.-
°baler/tan Locke fille the bill. -Good
work is °named in the Distrito by Rev,
E, G. Powell, the Searetary of Sabbatla
School work, an oftloe newly °reseed.
Theater e big field for operation. -The
oolleations were good at the Conventiou.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met em- anate) to order
in the Townehip HMI, Ethel, on Aagast
1310, at 10 a. m. Members all present,
Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last regular nod special
Ace/Inge read lend passed.
Moved by jamas MetFadzean, Beclouded
by John Grant, that By.Leve, No, 277
Appointing Williera H. Sholdioe as
Pound keepee, be read a lee, 2uct and
8rd time and finally petaled. Carried.
Moved by John Grant,Emended by
John Brown, that the Engineer's Report
on the Northwest drain be read and oon.
sidered. Carried. .
Moved by JAMBE felaseezean, seeonaed
by John Cott, that the Engineer's Re.
port on the Northwest draM be adoptea
anti tbat the Clerk be authorized to pre.
pare a By Law for same. (Denied.
Moved by John Brown, ethonded by
John Cute thee the following acclimate
be paid
WM. Ellariott, .... . . 10 24
5, S. Cole, Eillott's bridge abut,239 55
" Duke's 438 45
" Pitothertneyte bridge
abutments 249 10
5.855; son,Cor4
, tenaporary road, lot
8 Do
Devid Carson, working grader5 01023
? M;J0
iagrhr,b Buse. gravel 1s38
John H. Storey, u
,heeph Weida gravel .. 4
144 488008
Den, Neabei, graved
Fred. Meson, gravel 1 02
DilAB. Cleaver, drawing tile and
°revert, 5, R. 6, eon. 11 2 00
Robert Miller, ..... 12 80
Miller Bros , gravel 5 04
Robert MoCateheon, shovelling
gertsevnalW1, 60
allaote drawing plater
and plaiting same McFarlane
small bridge 8 00
• Donoanson, °revert, S. R. 5,
Jno, Oliver, drawing plank and
plaoing geme ou oulvett, lot 11,
ore 10 1 00
George Kreuter & Oo., lentern,
a Ae°111 a
I II °' tklieri rdwPge"tibi gHhtiobb 84 00 t na
2 48
"° tt tiMtty)6bnraidi4gbettn
'e inaml6cenIg
0ts 10 00
Robert Gibson, repairing road
grader . . . ...... . . 161)
Thee. Devitleon, gravel 5 75
Hugh Lamont, jr., ebovelling
gravel..,.... .
ohn Outt, imitating term 1 00
bridges, jaoklin heel, 1 50
Thomas Straehan, gravel . .. ., 7 44
Samuel Snell, shovelling gravel I 26
Wilbictna Arinetrong, eleeniug
dtoln,lst2, Dore 9.* • • • • • • 100
Jelin Savage, repairing oulvert,
lot 27, sotae, 8 And if 5 00
Wm. Fraser, 'phone to Goderich,, 211
Connell bhen atijoarnea te Sept, 021flotrZ
• 10 a, rn,
Jone idoLveogle,