HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-29, Page 8Tuesday, Sept. 3rd SOH I Tuesday, Sept. 3rd PEN INC Prepared to All your wants with a large now stoop of Scribblers and .Exercise Books Bouud iu the latest aud, moat catchy (lovers, and in great enough variety to :Armee everybody, Atao NOTE BOOKS, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, 1NIi:, SCHOOL BAGS, &o. All the Public and High School Text Books We have been careful to note the ohangea in the High School Books and will have on hand tltoee to be used in Brussels Sal -mob Now Selling Ontario Public School Readers at the New Reduced Prices Fourth Reader formerly 40c uuiv ire 'Third 30o , 13a Second " " 200 " '90 Part II let Reader formerly 15o now 70 Part I let " " l0a " 6o R'iG S 11/1 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. 1A.Cill tins tents A ohiel' a amaug ye takitnotes, An' faith he'll print is. HOLIDAY NEXT WEEK. Tux PoaT will take ite annual holiday next week and ooneegneutly the nest ie. sae will be un September lath, when the Full campaign will be opened. Advertie- erg and oorreopoodente will kindly take notioe. The office will be open for the • receipt of job work, advertieiug and enb sortptione. LionT Vanua. COMM meeting vest Tuesday even. fog. Miriam races Monday afternoon o0 Broseele track. Toe Posy telephone ie No, 20. Call us up if you have a newey item. HeOveeT Exonrsion to the West on Friday. Several from this locality talk of,sin o . g GET a prize list of Brnesels Pell Fair. The dates are Tbnreday and Friday, Oar. 3 de 4. THE G. T. R. gravel train is buoy now at the Damien -Barr pits they recently ,porohaeed. Tice Eowfok Mutual Insurance month. ly meeting will be bald on Saturday of thie week. Sone new wire fencing hes been done at the cemetery and new tie rails planed along the front. Hoo shipments were made this week from Bragaele by Barr Bros„ Jewitt & Bateman and G. A. Best. Pomo school re -opens on Taeeday of next week. Every pnpil pnrpoeing at- tending should be on hand the first day. Tan Toronto Exhibition opened on Monday and will 000tinue to Sept. 9. We may espeot late trains until it le over, Tis newoemeno residence of George Barkley its being laughed toward comple- tion, It will be a comfortable and desir- able borne. Da. BwrxwB'e V19/T.—Dr. Butler, the London Eve Speolaliet, will be at the American Hotel, Broseele, an Wednes- day, Sept. 25th. Glaeees supplied. TEE rates to the Toronto Fair are re- turn at single fare excepting on Magnet 29th and 31st and September 4th and W.L. Leatherdale, R. MOTaggart, Gth, when the rate ie a spaniel one viz. A B MoDouald, R. Everett, $2 45 from Brnseeeie. Ed. Nfohnleon, 0. H. Base, Goan Cos..-0ounaillor Beaker dispoe• J. J. Habkirk, F. A, Anderson, ed of a °bairn yearling roadster to Mr, ekip....15 ekip....17 ga0tner, of Sebringville, for the sum of $160.00, AIL hae beoome quite a breeder and bundler of good stook. Telt glimmer King Edward, of the Algoma Central Line, during a gale Tueeday morning, ran on the rooks a quarter of a mile from the shore at Thesealon and stove a hole in her bow. The paeeenger8 were brought to the Soo by the steamer Fortune. The King Edward will be taken to Detroit for re- pairs. Tim Kincardine Review in speaking of the visit of Broseele bowlers to the lake town on Oivio holiday oonolndee with the following :—In tbe evening a Bona. sale rink that had mieeed the epeoial train home, (aooidently or pnrpoealy we care nottO gay) defeated a Kincardine rink, Theis Brueeele b•wlere are keen, clean and scientific players, A LucxNOw aarreepandenb (lege:—Tie 8 and 22, The October exoareions are a Taylor Audereon company have install, new de acture this year, and tastes Be ed power in Mr, Grebam'e block end are be ea0oeeefnl, the supply of people "going having maohinee set up to begin on Full pp y N p g g orders, Roberti McAlpine, the manager, West"being Beamingly inexhaustible. ie advertising for local help and expects to be in running order in a week, The firm propoees to manafaoture for the tailoring trade and expecte bo employ about tbirty hands. Co, Ex.mgnRe.—The board or eaam leers for Huron aoanty met at Seaforth Bntnrtlay forenoon for the traneaotion of general business. Tbeee were pre0ent George Baird, Bruoefield I J. K. Om. noon, Brueeele ; D. Robb, Brueeele ; a. E.'rom, Goderioh ; W. J. Moffat, Seeforth. Some sixty students made applioatione for the Olinton and God• eriob Model BOimola, A resolution woe peeved, allowing students to renew their third•olaee oeetifioateo for a year end a belt. Inspector Robb wee chosen Chairmen of the Board. A Deiuz Ratn,—A representative of Tut Page took a trip to Toronto Friday morning over the new 0. P, R road from Walton. The noticeable feateree are comfortable ooaobee, oonrtenas olfoiale, splendid roadbed and fast time, We reached the Queen pity at 10,30 a. m. without oliauge of cars. The roadbed le being gotten ready for the steel from Linwood to Lietowel when a plug train will run on this abort branch until it i0 extended Southward, On the hoose trip on Saturday we were glad to meet Oon• dualist Henry, who tae been with the 0. P. R. for aboub 25 years. He hag a brother filling it similar post with the game road and both are brothers of L M. Henry, the well known Roar mill owner, of Ethel. Elmira bee the nattiest and tidiest depot opt the line, A large end modern building will be ereoted ab Guelph it ie said by the 0. P. R. to re• place the old log station borne now in nee, Anything thin Company dose they uettainly do it well, CDT the weeds. Tan PoaT will holiday next wrek. A veLuaeLa brown horse belonging t0 R. Henderson's dray team died of iu• digestion this week. It will be quite a lone. 'NEXT Monday will be Leber Day and a Bank holiday. Single fares on the tail ways good going Saturday and returning on the following Taeeday. The W. 0. T. U. will be held on Fri. day eveuiog of this week is their rooms. This will also be the time for the election of oflloere. A large attendanoe i0 asked for. Meseta. Puliar & Illoowe, proprietors at Broseele Eleetrio Light plant, are in stalling a large number of metree Shia week among the light nears not already possessing one. Anon° the Madelitee at Clinton thie term from this looeliby there will be Mary Fear, TitlieZimmer, Jennie Arm strong, Norma Sperling and Harold Hogg. The eohool opens Tuesday. A Lo0AL bowling tournament ie on. There are three eeations, Trophy, Aseo• elation end Ooneoletion, the prizes be fag a rocking chair, an umbrella and a gold scarf pin. In the trophy D. C. Rise and Jno. Ferguson are in the finale ai:d will probably p'ey off Thursday eveuiog. The other drawn are not near- ly completed yet, Tammuz AHEAD,—,Some person Or persona is running the risk of a free trip to Goderioh jell or the Centre Prieon al Toronto for meddling with swarms of bees at Heufryn, belonging to G A. Deadman, of Bromide. Honey lase been stolen. The lawbreakers may have ocoaeion to take the bitter atter the sweet haters long as the owner is offer- ing a reward for their conviction. Bowanto.—Three riuke from Blyth visited Bremen! on Tuesday afternoon and had an interesting game on the green Isere. The vfsitore won by 5 pointe the spore being as follows :— BRUSSELS BETTE Jae. Fox, J. McNally, Ino. H. Oamerou, Juo Emigh, D. 0. Rose, J, Curter, H. L. Jaokeon, J. Moklarobie, skip .... 20 skip ....11 A Straaban, J. Coombeo, D. MoLauchlin, W. Reid, Dr. Feild, Dr. Milne, R. Downing, Dr, Loug, ekip....10 skip. ... 25 Total 48 Total 63 Blyth bowlers play well for a compare, tively short experience and will make the beet of them hnnle. A return game will be played next week possibly ou Labor Day if It state. Moan NownsWE9T Exouaelote.—The H„meseekers' Exoureione run to Winni- peg and the Northwest provinces by the Canadian Paoifio are almost too well known to need deeoription. Thoneande of Outario people bawl paid a visit to the Golden West this Sommer, away from home tor sixty daye if need be, at a oriel ridiooloeely low in oomparis00 with the wealth of experience gained. Round trip tickets are still ou sale Irom all Ontario stations, rates ranging from $82 to Win 0ipeg to $42 60 to Edmouton. Tbe next excursion leaves Toronto on Sept. 10th, Ober that the dates are Sept. 24 and Oot. Tourist Bleeping care are run on each menden, bertha in which can be reaerv• ed at small additional cost. These oars afford every travelling 0omfort, appreoi toted eapeoially by ladies and children, Bertha meet be secured early through local 0. P. R. agent, who will be glad to tarnish pamphlets and full information regarding these exoureione, Dean AT Enarogroi,—The Goderiob Star of last week refrrs to the damise of a Heine of Simon Grant's, Brueeele, as follows 1—A meeeage received here on Wednesday afternoon by Mies Alioe Spence, annonnoed the gad news that her eieter, Mies E. B. Spends, had diad in the hospital at Edmoutoo, where elle bad gone for breatment a oonpie of weeks ago, The aiimeot required an operation, wbioh was' performed with apparent en0aoe0 tor a few days, but a change de veloped, and the result was at stated, While some uneaeineee wag felt at the o0teome up to a week ego, the gad ending wag a terrible shook to the family and their many friends in town, and the deepest sympathy is expressed by all. The bereavement is especially ead fur Miss Alioe Spence, being's° fur separated from the other members of the family, who are all in Edmonton. For several menthe the late Mule Spenoe was book keeper in the Star °Moe, until elle went to Edmonton to wait on her glitter, loirm. Staunton, dating an illness whioh 'meted for a great part of last Winter. She woo a young woman of many tine qualities, which endeared her 00 a wide oirole of triehde and She proprietors of the Star appreotated her services in the higheet degree. A loving and moot oneeiiith gieter and friend, and one, who delighted in ante of ldndaess and eympathy. Her monitory will long be belt' in Ioving remejabranee, , aka Your Unused Funds bear interest at the highest current rates. Amounts of $1,00 and upwards are received in the SAVINGS DE- PARTMENT of THE METROPOLITAN RANK. interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded every three months. No delay in withdrawal, ALL DEPARTMENTS OF BANKING ARE CONDUCTED WITH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION AND SECURITY, The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,00000. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, 71,183,713,23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. 3. FAWCE1 P, Manager Bnolwe His Anat —Wednesday Dwight, the eldest son of Richard Patterson, Still street, Bruaaele, fell down the Osiris end broke hie left arm. Tbe lad will be aid up for a while, Tse Street Committee le baying halide of gravel planed at the cement Orosei058 levelling up rhe roadway and doing away with the bump often experienced in driving over the oroaeinge. IN a repent bowling competition open to members of Brussels club Bee. 5, G. Powell beoame the possessor of a pair of. bowling shoes, tba gift of Robt. Downing who is an eothnoiastie od5oer of the Olnb. MATINEE OE LABOR DAY—Braeoels Turf Aeeooiationhas arranged aJively program for Monday afternoon (Labor Day) on the fine 7J mile traok here. It will con. gist of a three year old 0010 race, ii, mile beats, in whiab there are now 4 or 5 eutriee ; a green trotting rune will have 5 starters and a farmers' trot ie being arranged tor. Admission only 15 (route which will be devoted to the purobase of blankets, whips, 4o, as prizes. Ladies will be admitted free. Races will start at 2 o'clock. AN UNDBoAL EVENT.—Tuesday atter• noon et tin home of Jno. Lowe, Grey, H. R. Brewer took a plioto group repro• genting 5 generations, those participating being Robert MaNaugbton, an old mai. dent of Grey, aged 92 years, great great graudfatber ; John Broadfoot, of Morrie, great grandfather ; Jae, Broadfoot, of Antagouieh, N. 5., grandfather; Mre. Armour,nr of Anti onie1,, daughter of Mr, , Broadfoot of the same town, and little 'Rise Ida Armour. Very few family oon. 0eotio06 oonld have enol a photo taken and it will uo doubt become an heirloom. DEATH of REV. ME. FoaioN.—The following obituary notioe refers to a one time young preacher who was stationed in Brneaele (then Atnleyville) in the New Connexion church and will be of special iutereat to the old residence of this locality :—Rev. Joseph Foltiok wee born near Hamilton, Poly 7, 1832, and moored peaoetelly away, April 16th, 1907, in his seventy fifth year. He was of 17. E. Loyalist descent, his great grandfather heviog fought in the dmeriean Wer of Independenoe, alter wbioh be (nine to Canada and settled in the Niagara Peninsula. Hie father wee born at St. Catharines, and as a youth wee in the ranks a0 the battle of Lnndy'e Lane, Hie mother wail a Mies Catharine Burkholder, from near Ham Goon. in 1838 hie parenbe removed to Hespeler, where they joined the New Connexion Ohurob. As a boy be en• japed the advantage of a Christian home and was mob indebted to the piety and devotion of hie mother, who brought him up iu the fear of God, and bad the atttiefaotion of geeing him oon. vented at the age of sixteen. In the year 1854 he was liaensed as a local preaeber, and the following year was ieaeived on probation in the New Ooa nexion Church and appointed to the Durham Circuit and afterward at Ainleyville. In 1859 he was received into full commotion and ordained. In those days the oountry wee new and the oirouite large, and tba young i0in. 05000 bad his full abare of privation aud hardship, travelling much on foot throbgb the foreet, following the blazed trail, in his eearah for the ahantiee of the new settlers. But if be had bard. ebip be bad also auonoose, and had the satiefaotion of easing many converted to God and added to the oburoh through ]tie feetrtmentality. In 1860 be mar. rind Mies Mary McLean, daughter of the late Tboa. McLean, a worthy pioneer of the Methodist chorale in the tawnebip of Clarke, County of Dachas. In her he found a faithful and devoted helper until her death in 1894. His chief air twits after his ordination, and before the union of 1874, were Derham, Soothampson, Holland, Clarke, Mel bourne, Landadowne and Oraeby, wbere for three years be was Ohairmau of the Dietrioo. After the Union hie oironito were euaoeoalvely, Oarleton Pinae, Benoit. bnrg, Battersea, North Wakefield, Bry• son, From 1886 to 1887 be took a sup erau:mated relation on account of au affection of the throat, but teat repay ing this, be entered the native work again and labored at Moberly, Bishop's Mills and Inverary, seeking permanent anperannaation in 1894. For bhtee years after this he aoted au supply 01 Stens, Amheret Island. and then, took up bie residence in Kingston, where be oouneeted himself with the Queen St. ohnrou. Hero he oontinaad to render service az he had opportunity, and wag alwaye ready to reepand to the Delle made upon him on the Dietriot. Dur ing the Snmmer and Pall of 1900 his health beget' to fail, 'end he went in Catcher last to reside with bie daughter, Mre. Joinoon, of Niagara Falls South, where he wag eared for with the etmo01 tenderneee and soliaitnde. For some three or four menthe he was confined to hie room and quietly and peaceful -y slept away ou tbe morning of April 16th. The funeral service wag oondaated by Rev. A, D. Lovell, M. A., eegisted by Rev, Geo. Fergueon, otter whion bbe body wan taken to Orono oemetery in the County of Durham, to bo interred beside that of his wife. Three abildren aarvive to mourn hie decease—Thos. 15, Foillok, M. A., of Trenton, and Mrs. J. Johnson and Mies Polltair, of Niagara Fang South. Mr. Folliok was a man of genial and kindly disposition, and mads tunny Mende in hie mamas fields of labor. Hie ministry was diotivatly avangeitetia in oharaoter, and he was the honored inetrnment in God's halide of winning many acute to Christ, Barrister MacDonald took in the ex atudeuta' demonstration at Goderioh last week end from there went for e< short tour on the upper lakee arriving home on Tuesday. We are sorry to state that Peter Watson, Queen street, suffered a stroke of paralyeietnet Sabbath evening about 0 o'olook. Hie left side is affected and his uremia considerably interfered with, Hie many friends wish him rapid re• °ovary, Mr. Watson ttae been a hearty man who has taken good oars of himself and thine tants ebonld heft in his favor, James Broadfoot, of Antagonist], N. B. le here on a holiday vieit with hie tether and many old friends, Ha was a former reeideub of Brussels and locality but hue been is the East for the peat 17 years, To see him you would hardly thick he was a granddaddy but each ie the oae0 as hie two daughtebe are married and have a eon end daughter, reepeotively, John Broadfoot is father of the visitor. OLD Mae, DEADMAN DEoo&nED—At the advanced age of 85 years Mrs, A. G. Deadman phased away last Monday even• ing from her earthly tome et Delaware, Middlesex Co„ to the Palace of the King. She had entered from a stroke of paralyeie last Winter whiob had confined her to her bed up to the time of her death, Mre. Deadman was born in Eng• land and was an exoeedingiy fine women, a weloomag ud•e. neat on all 000esion K i ty, motherly, ladylike in every respect she was endeared to a wide oirole. She is survived by her hnaband, who ie 86 years of age, one eon, G. A., of Brussels; and a daughter, Mre, S. Wald, of Dela. ware. 'Three sone are dead. The funer- al took place on Thursday. Mr. sod Mrs. Deadman, of town, attended, When Mre. Deadman mane to Canada she was 45 days crossing the Atlantic. Thee° were the days of the old sailing vessel. A Brea GRADE SonooL,—We would direct the attention of Our raedere to the new advertisement of one of Ontario's best Basinger' Baboon, The Wingham Advance speaks thio Of it ;—Thio edooationel-institution hes earned for itself to -most excellent record. This is no doubt owing to the high class of teaob- ing talent eugeged, and to obtain this Mr. Spottou spares neither effort nor ea. pewee. The organization of the Orange• vine Collage ander Mr. Spotton's super- vision, neoeeeitated some changes here, and Miee E Virginia Grant, of Plainfield, N. J., has been engaged to take charge of the Shorthand Departmeut of the Wieg• hem Beelines College. Mies Grant is a graduate of the Gregg Shorthand Sahooi Chicago, of which' John R. Olegg, the author, is Principal. She bas bad nix years teaebiug experience in leading eommeroiel sobools of United Slates and is highly recommended by Air. Gregg. We understand that Mies Grant is the eeeend teaoher in Canada Who was train• ed by the author nbove referred to. With snob a teacher, the pupils of Wiugbam Bueioeeo College will make rapid progreee, and the excellent repute- tiou of the Oollege will be ably entomb -led. WEaTERN FAIR.—The Weetern Fair, London, Ont., held this year Sept. 611 to 14th, will without doubt be a groat enenese. Entries are coming in fast in all the departments. At the present time indioatiane are that the Horse Ex Mbit will be very large. The London Hunt Club have kindly offered to ex hibit the six couple of hounder and horses composing the Hunt team that woo this olaee in the International Horse Show at London, Englaud, tide year In competition with the world. The Exhibition will be composed of tour horns, ridden by the Master, Hon. Adam Book, the Hnnteman and two whips in the Rant adore, and will oo0elat of Home in their exhibition el jumping exactly 0e abown when winning the above prize. Mre. Ades Beak has kindly oonaenbed to exhibit her harnete horses, oarriages and appointments, as i xhibtted at the above show. Thin will certainly be a eight worth travelling miles to see, 1t will be given on Tues. day and Wednesday afternoon before the Greed Stand. Programa have been issued and all the attraotiona ae 05. vertiaed will take place daily. A11 in formation given ou application to the Secretary, General OMoee, London Ontario. Business Locals. TIMOTHY seed at MOCerattaw'e. One good working horea for sale, Ap. ply to Jona Lone, Brueeele, Bowls lap duster loat on Monday Pinder will mutat' oblige by leaving it at TRE POeT. 211 atop your pain free, to show you firet—before yap epend a penny—what my Piult Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, it Oriel package of them—Dr. Shoop's Heedaobe tabiete. Neuralgia headaohe,•toothaohe, period pains, eto., are dos alone to blood' congestion, Dr. Shoop's headuobo tablete simply kill pain by seating away the unnatural blood preotare, That is all. Addrea0 Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. Tenth's Vitality Sapped Away Your child looks poorly, le tired and fretful. Yon would like this boy or girl to be more robust, more energetic and viveaione. Constipation and indigeation meet be relieved, new lite and vigor ere requited in the brood, Blight Resistance ie needed for the kidney» and liver. vat, ing Je so effective as Dr, Harniiton'e Pille, They put new life into young lotto ag well as old, 250 et all dealers. Ii:STABLISHED 1073 THE S1ANDAND BANK OF CANADA Head Office = , - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $r and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. tit BRUSSELS BRANCH jr. F. 14...owlanc5, Manager To Basta,—A oornfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hard and soft wader on premisee. Apply to Du, GIsonoo, FOB BALE,—A quantity of Idaho and kindling at $2.00 per load of 2 porde, Also turners at 51.00 per load. 7-8- P. AMENT, REV. DAVID MILLAR FOIGIIlsoLY OF 11100$$ELS, PASSES AWAY. There plumed away Wednesday evening of lash week at bie home, 588 Parliament street, Toronto, Rev. David Millar, a well known member of the Presbyterian ministry, who had been ailing for the poet 6 years, The funeral took plain on Friday at 4 p. m, to Bt. James' Cemetery. The late Rev. Mr. REV. DAVID MILLAR Millar wan born in Perth, Scotland, on Marob 7,1845. Gradaatieg in arta from Glasgow Uuivereity, he took bie first year in theology at Prinoetown Semin are, completing his 000ree at Queen's University, Kingston, Daring the years 1885.86 he was sub editor and editor re• epeottvely of the Queen's College journa% and was oleos frequent contributor to The OhieagoInterior and many Oanadian 181151oae pablioetione. Hie fire) obarge was at Knox Chetah, Brueeele, where be remained Beverel years, Hie last charge was at Stony Mountain, in Manitoba, where he wog stricken with paralyeie acme six years ago, and resigned the pastorate to return to Toronto. The late Rev. Mr. Millar married on Oolober 11, 1887, Jeeaie MoLauria Campbell, daugh• ter of the late Duncan Campbell, of Rideau Ferry, who with two daughters and one eon still survive. They will share l0 the sympathy of Brueeelites. RYAN —In McKillop, On Angnnt 24111, to Mr, and Mre. James F. Ryan, a son. axa;a, DEAnoAN.—At Delaware, on August 26th, Mre, A. G. Deadman, aged 86 years. 8100 r-T0S=S.,G n. & nCbpTS. Fall Wheat .......,.... 80 81 Barley 46 47 Peas 70 71 Oats 86 36 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggsper dozen 16 an gg 17 Ray per ton 7 00 8 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Live..6 26 Wool (washe20 22 Potatoes per bus 90 1 00 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Suit, per bbl., retail 1 26 1 26 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. YOUNG PIGS 6 WEEKS OLD for sale, Apply to DONALD ROB. ERTBON, Lot S, Con, 9, Grey Twp. $5U REWA;niD WILL BE w V given for information that will lead to the conviction of perorate moleetieg my bees at Uenfryn and steeling honey. Any informationsbriotly confidential. Tres - Passing iu apiary not allowed. G. A. DEADMAN,Brueeele. WANTED BOOKS ARF_^`""' WAITING It's a Batiafnotion to buy Scheel Bootie and School Suppliee where all Ow Items needed are certain to bo found. Our stook is very complete and well aaaorted. Now and ail through the eohool year we are ready to serve you promptly an satisfac- torily and we will be very pleased to 00001ve. a portion of your patronage. at the coming opening. tM"Our Posh Oerd Scribblers and Exar- oise Books are special features. See them— —AT— F X'S DRUG STORE EWE AND BLACK LAMB strayed on the premises of the coder. elgned,Nl Lot 19, Oon. e, Morrie, on or about August 1st. Owner is requested to .prove property,pay expenses and take them aw¢y. WM. SELLE106,Bruoele P. 0. 8 4 rT' W0 . YORKSHIRE YOUNG A. pogo, 9 weeks old, for cele ; bred from A 1 imported stook on both aides, ' Woraa. bey Duke” =91826= and "Broom -house Girl" 99176c. Will also dlep oea of a tow thorn'. bred Yorkshire young solve. JAS. 01iD1h- RIG, ..Maple Grove Parm,' Lot 26,0ou.4, Morrie, or Brueeele P.O. 8.tf 1TRAYED ON THE PREM– Tans of the undersigned, Na Lot 00, Don. 8, Morrie, on or about August let, a small heifer, light rod le color, The owner la requested to prove property, pay expsn• Brusea aneedele 1000P,0, her away. JOAN D. SCOTT, 6.4 HOUSE AND } ACRE OF land•for tame. Comfortable dwell- ing; hard and soft water under cover; ap. n eau bengiiven at cherry for'price, m. tering, 00, call at THE POST. PR PIRPY FOR SALE.—BE. . Na ort f Lot 94 Con. Gro oon- iug 10 carne more or lean Ou the premises are two houses and a barn ; oleo two wells, Laud 1n good state of cultivation • vary oonvenisntly emitted to Ethel village. For price and terms apply on the premises to S, CHAMBERS, or to Ethel P, O. 741 FARM FOR SALE CONTAIN - 20 enrol in the Township of Grey, adjoining Oranbrook. Laud all cleared mud under asap, There is a eomtartable frame 1,0000, barn with stone stabling, °collard, good well. &o. Possession given on Novem- ber let. Por further uartloulare ns to price, terms, &a , apply ou the promises t0 W. 7. ALDERSON, Proprietor, or Oranbrook P.O. 5o ACRE FARM FOR SALE, known as the Hodder Homestead, Nd of Wt of Lot29. Con, 2, Morrie. Thorn is a frame novae nod barn, wens, ore horde. &a. Tito farm fe all cleared and In good shape. • Poaseosion given to plow in the Pall. Per further particulars as to prlee, tonne, 40., apply on the premises to MRS. JOEL SEL- LERS, or Bitioval00 P. 0. 9.11 BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE um m r a e PriotiosealeareetNearlaearcorwwereeor Bargains in all Lines of Summer Goals Our policy is to clear out all lines at the end of each Season.; You may come ex- pecting SPECIAL PRICES for the balance of this month. Remember all Summer Goods must go and the prices are Low enough to move them. JUST RECEIVED New Fall Skirts Blacks, Browns, Blues and PI'aids Newest Styles, Perfect Fitting, Correct Price. HIGHEST ,PRICES FOR PRODUCE Goods Right or your Money Back.. arl Next door to American Hotel,VAT N. Me 4 area r1