HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-29, Page 6CURRNT TOPICS. ;Man Buoreighs, who nas written . awritiat on animal Dianna during, the ' peat tam or Uwe° yoam, diaeliaaas tne , • kl1h)1101, 410111 in the current ounaboruf Tho Alloanic, It goer; without eaying that he ecoweries mining aw the "naturo • takeis," but if he does not malt tho ultimata over \sheep reasoning Edelmhn. they rnarvel mentor la he wild with on- thusiann fn tho superior intelligence of hunum bei»gs, ['Moms the couteun Motion of nature falosra1iscalViell 111/11 10 have doubts. -- thetinct, he says, is an lailwront, un-, coneolous intollioonco, o faculty which I' &instant in es oporatiora, oed, though 1101 inerrant, is free from •the voialiationa and failures (1 human roa- eon It is analogous to that stinothiug its tho okras whicia debtrinino their forms, the color of their flowem, and near 11111E'S and aimsous. Ina roturns iO hot honor for all i11utniUnassorting Iliad this animal in building its dam "works as blindly, that Is an inovitatay mid uneonselously-os free from Stun- van/eliminative-as it des in flevelaping ita chisel -like tooth or lis broad irowan liko MIL" Again he says -that the so. canted intelligence of the tower animals is largely like that of the rills that find their way to tint sea, cr of the seeds of the Mantis that and their way to their propee halatat. What can he done by Melina Is truly .wolerful. but quite as suggestive la the stupidity of the creatures which have no guide but instinct. Mr. Burrougns ha a seen Mods dash alemSelVi1S agaillS1 W1fid.AVS 1:011r after hour, Menet there- to by the re -Potion of their owa images, whi•th they istgardowl cvithantly as riaala. And limy Manny ditsisted "not bocauso nay saw they wens Ilea dupes 3.1 liwir own joalousy, bat frowil slater exhaus- nem" alway other instanees are given : cf the inability of animals to • oroteet theinsolves by any me of a reasoning rawer. With man only Is adaptation a mat - tor of thought nI calculation, and nian'a wit (Winn from the wit of univer- sal naluna in that it play:: 'mak tho latter 1.11111 has u eortain mastery ovor and works to partial and personal efols, Bat over all owl metier all and throng!' al) is ilio univorsal the con !Me mind, raid Ma Burroughs mamma Ilia thought unt.1 ho eaknowlialien that he Is in dem waters and mato ;nor Ns. bend. Ile is owilliV:1111,1, inwevor, thet "the largo mavornents of bumanity aro probably as timell the result 47,1 the ore (Imam of natural law as lira ilas manta Tint s of the animala." Man is Mani- c -1 by nos olimato, tins geowaphy, tho ram, the aoe; he does many things Tie• eauns of Um Mallow:a of custom and environmont. SIM Mr. Burrooohs will no doubt /admit that the original nature talon bloat the Londe valon he gave limy tales for fens. If a boavor were &mid 1.suiali a fent aa that it, too, could live by its wits. 'Twinkle, twinkle, Mtn star," no one wondersawlint you are, kr the netrono- mers say you are not. Stars have gone aut of fashion. They have, 110 aStrollo- meal moaning ani ahoutil be omitted from astronomical literature. The as- tom:mere have arrived at the concop- non that all the structure visible in the roost powerful telescopes is made of space, suns, planots, moons, nebulte, &quote, Meteors, and cosmic dust. Ev- ery Mar viaiblo in the most penelrottng tehascope b. a hot sun.- They are at all degrees of laid, from dull red to the most terrific while heat to which mat. ter on be subject. Leaves in a forest from Swalling bud to the "sere and yea law" do not present snore stages of evolution. A few swans have been weigh. el and found to content less matter than too own, some are fit equal mass, others me from len lo twenty and thirty times niore massivis, while n few are so ins. mensely Tram niasaive that all hopes and Stases of comparison fall. Every au.n is in motion al great speed, due Lo the attraction of all the others. They go in every direrstion. Imagine the space occupied by a swarm of bees to be maw soiled so that the distance between each and 111: noighbor should equal 100 miles. The inaoels would fly in every possible allreetIon of their own volition. Suns move in (Noy Conceivable dime - Con, riot as they will but in abject sor- t Made to gravitation. They must obey the onintorceent three, end do so with •raelhomalloal accuracy, Tom -"Mamma, kt's move." atomism .-aWlint kw, door?" Tom --"Oh, Pee ticked -every boy in Ine street, and there's no more tun to be had herel" Doctor-"Madarn, your husband must •'Mayo absolute 1.6Si." Madam-"Woll, • doctor, he won't listen to tit-" Doc- tor -"A very good boginnings madam- -a very good beginning," A orroaponflont tells el a conversa- • - lion he •overhord disclosing it domestic -tragotly which hos not, hp to now, wa into Pc paean. •Sead one of thp speak- ers. "DM you hoar abenn that Mlle boy in your road? He found his father's gun lying abOul, poked the muzzle in the baby's hiaks. and pulled hia trigger." "How gh5nilly1 flow AWN], Same old Siaina 1 enplane, NO, one knOw it was loade(11" '"10 wasn't. Waded:" . 4- t- UNMASKING A VILLMN 4- • t- ++++++++++++++++++++++ "Look, hem, Cohen, there aro no two nt: 1out it; you'll havo P1 roomy foe another three, months. 1 shall be able to pay roe every ponny as soon os Misa ;Troy and I are nunword," "Nly dour Mr. Poroy Wolf, that cook 1, too (ad. b, light may longer. A turitoy etaffed with cluietnula Is an examtiout 4lainly, but you nowt 11..1 try 10 stuff Inacia Vi kkw Is Wi'11 as I do itual, you havo as much oilmen, of niurrying your fallitar's ward a: you hum tif entor- jrig ma Royal Family; "What do ,you. mean?" "Whia it Mos wino to toy ears that Miss Noel (may i$ already engegeel to he oujortel, and the luehy notate 'tome is not Peas' Wolf." (..tigitged 1 To whom?" 'Rumor lows iL that the happy man is itryan "Bryan Harvey 1" nrliat is so, 1 understand that !Miss nrey's miarilian gave his consent last evening, and to, you see, any boy, your nose is a bit out of joint, and 1110 lady's fortunes will not be available to pay off your littio dobts.." "Dona make so awe of that, Cohan. la- you Wok that 1 am going to stand lia and see Bryan Ilarroy walk oil wills priz dike that? No, no; I will sato my lather to -night, and by hoolr or crook 1 will put a &pokes in that wheal." "A liar wigs a smooth longue can ac - &mynah much, but he haa to be careful. Meanwhile there is that little matter of 15,000. "Yotall have to renew, Cohen; you arthw 1 1111.Ve not got the money." "Yes, 1 know that you have not go0 the money, but I do not liod tho fact very consoling. 1 will give, you hventy-four leans." "You moan-" • "I mean tlial, If I do not receives the manety the moment it becomes duo 1 shall have no altornative but to seek an interview with Mr. John WW1 "You -you would ruin inc "It looks wary much as if the boot is w-wri tho other leg. You havo floe thou- sand of tho best out of me to spend on your plausuras. and then •expect me to gee what aritiefaction I con out of pro. InIaas- No, my boy; I am not a philan- thropist. -Whoa I lent you the money, what occurity did 1 have? Simply a mart1an-4a name on a bit of paper and a litUa knowbadge. Shall 1 toll yon what my Onowicage was? Ala you do not answer,. I knew this -that pow father was ran honorable man, and that Ise bad faith00 his son. Ile looks upon you as something ininiaoulate; Isis pride and lru. • . itt a ' their sinaitheily. What will he say when 1 go to lam and inform him that tho son In whom he takes so mash joy is spendthrift and a gambler, a mun who will donsend to any meannese in order that Ilia pursuit of pleasure may be un- interrupte 1 "You wouldn't do it, Cohen. You stolid ruin mer liore, Mr. Percy Wolf. Do you tient: I ;aura a. seap of my Magas who- tiesr you are ruined or not? Do you Mangum that I have got the same affec- tion for you, as your doting parent? Why, you are less to me than Lao fly crawling up- One window -pane, and will- moat you with as little regale fts would plaice my thumb on Wet inaot." "But what can 1 do, Colton 7" "Well, if you are asking for my W- ales 1 wilt give 10 to you. Go road tor - rosy ilaa money from Bryan Harvey." "What 1 Bryan Harvey ?" "Take my advice or leave it. Harvey is a fairly rich nutn, and with Miss Gay's tortimo will be lather $1111, Yes. I think he would lend you the money for polar lathe's sake." "Bryan Harvey 1" "Weil, don't go repeating tho name liko a parrot. You've got- just twenty: four Maws, and as my Dane is valuuble 1 must tisk- you to clear out." Although Isaac Cohort spoke with as muoli cciatempt as he could throw into lin voice, the 11151110 Was lost upon Percy Tho monoydemletas suggestion thin he should borrow the monoy from lloyan Harvey had started a train of thought that somod to present, a moos of not only relieving Min of Ida financial troubles, hut ridding him ono and for all of n dangerous rival for the hand of Naira (Trey. After pondering deeply for a few ma - monis. he jumped Into a hansom and was firivon to Bryan Harvey's moms, whero lie was fortairlate enough to find that gentlemen at home. "Halloo, Percy, I am glad you have cane]; I was just. going to look you up 03 1 did not see you at boom last night." "AM you called upon tho guv'noit, then?' "I did, and he made Inc one of the happiot men alive by giving his con - :amt. to my marriage svith Mf00 Grey." al congratulate you, Bryan, with all my heart. Nora is a charming girt, and 1 hope you will both bo very. happy." "l'hanks, Percy; I ens qOlttc sura wo shall be. 1310 you are not looking up to moth." "Won,. to t•ell you the truth, Bryan, I. arra very much worried, I W8a juet soon - &ring if you could help me out of Isola" - "You know I'll do anything I onn for you. old boy. What's ilia thotible?" "Wadi, I've boon making an ass of /lay- man by alai/Ming on the Stock Earth/Ingo, and IM vpry much in svant 01 111(1)0 to eta my losers and quit. Of course 1 shall have to tell tim ginanor haler on, hut he hos such a horror of spoctairdion that 1 (lona want to upact, him before ho goes tot his holiday, and 1 thought perluips if you couid lend 10 to me for a couple of weeks I---" "Of course, old boy; you can hove it, with pktrasura," "Gan a waannnaany 'Certainly, lf it 153so urgont. I can gee IL for you in ten minut•ea." "You aro n. good chap, Bryan. It woulei be a roller to hov11 it at once; y011 -.V0 110 ichta how this thing has boon tvorrying 1110," "Oh, ihitt's all right, You anowe 'your. xoll here until I conic back; 1 sha'ret be Bryn llartroy•pulon life hot and wont •out„ Aa soon as he hod gone Percy.. Inking it ebeet or hooded note-papor, ba- gful to write one minita in a very halal/l- oan and painstoking 1101 111 ontinth on this operlition for i -V0 111111111e$, and then looltednat Gte alent dIiitleitP- Nil bad, I think; /1 gels heUer ever:, time. i (.1,11t think the old nein could aelp oecooniaing his own signature," 11' erut»pleit tho sheet in his hand, 11111 thttdeliberatoly smootheil it 0111 again toad placed il itt 111$ pOtlie1.1.00 jliSt 110 Bryan Harem returned. "Thetas you aro, Percy; you will (Mit ion 110o hundreds. (hove, nod if you will Mica 111y 1111Vi0/. you still fight slot A1'0.'1110110113 ill 1110 future, nape:Mils- you know how 10 will 11114 0l10 01- 111,11 whim he lenis out." "I'm awfully obliged to you. Boyars, ond 1 ilon't think I'm likely to be such a fool again, Otto billon, twee: ally.' "That's all right, theni I'm in 110 inn mediate loopy for its return, so you marsha'i worry want fatlwr just ael," "Thanks, old (Map. Shall we see you tomight?" "Nalannig1/1, 3 thlnk-bet I hopcw to run down to -morrow, 1 shathat lxable It stay 1'10111 Nopa long, you know, I'm afraid have too muoll of me until we are married." The Mat thing W011 (111 015 'olivine Biros wais to go to the Bonk of Eng- lond, and endorsing the milts in a ftsign- ed hand with a lulao name and fiddroso eltaeli.ati them changod into filly of LIOlI cti "Thorn stem anybody from Mooing Dryarna notes direct. to Cohen; tbe prew- mutton is uonecessary, perhaps but it's Let to Le on A the safe sick. ild now r1go Bud settle with the low. Isaac Cohen received payment of Ins loam with a self-satisfied smile. "So you took my advice, eh? Ah! • there ie no one so easy to borrow money from as a love-siok lastits, especially if you can strike him while the inooney fit Is on him. And when's nie,wedding, eh?' "You mind your Own 111.10111000 arld 11, attend a-, mine." "AM -cheeky, oh? It was whine and snivel an hour ago; but don't Le rude to Inane, my boy; you might waint him again soon. and 'sane can laca very lowly when he likes. 3 paver forgive an en- emy, and I never forget a friend," "Thanks for the infornantion, but as I am hardly likely to want, you again it is superfluous., I shall be a rich man in a week or Inc. so put that in your pipe and smoke it." As he left the office and closed the door with a gictous bang, Isaac Cohen went to the window and looked trier his itelrenttng thorn. "AM told what did he mean lay that? A rich malt in a week or two! That m- inas la his moratiago with Miss Grey, I suppoae; and, 11 11 does, 1101100113 that Pc isgoing to do Bryan. Ilarvey a bad turn. It Is but a few years no that Payan Harvey held out a helping hand to me when I was practically starving; and. as I told Mr, Wolf, I never forget a friend. I will koep my eyes open and lind out what nefarious scheme Ile Ilas on foot." Ills business completed to his own satisfaction, Pony \Volt took the train kr Maidenhead. All the \veek he 01110 supposed to be in London .stualyIng for tho Bar, but Fraley night to 'Monthly was always spent at his father's house. Ho spent the journey in perfecting scheme which had for Its purpose the estranging of Nora Grey and Bryan Harvey, nodes mon as he reached home he sought his father. "aantll, Perry, IllY boy, back again ab- ler your lahora?" "Yes, fanny; but Is it true what I heard in town, that you have given your conaord to Nora morrying Bryan Har - "Quito true, my bon; it was alssays a hrpe with me that Nora NVOU1d become my daughter-in-law, but you seem to have thought more of your studies than lovesnaking, "It <too not follow that because I am anxious to get on in my poofession. 1 1.10 not cherish a rogard for Nora I have always been aware of yoult wishes, ond I at least expected that you would safeguard nay chances during nair eb- sence." "My dear boy, 1 nover dreamt that you had any serious intoritiona regard. ing N•11.11. • 'You always seornod so anxt- ou0 to gel hack to London and your books that a had erased to hope that you would conlomplato marriage. 1 non very sorry indeed, Percy, but it can't be helped now." "But what do you know about, Bryan Harvey, sir, beyond the fact Mot he as suppost(1 to be rich? flow do you know where this mono) comos from?" "What do yclu mean, Percy?" "I mean that, although lie moves in good sexton/ and is supposodly rIela, 110 one knows anything about him, and Many hints am current to his discredit, I would not say anything about this, bat when I hoard that ho was engaged In Nora I called ot his rooms, Unfor- tunately Inc was out, and es I sat down at his seeretaire to leave him a note 1 thund 01.115 piece ot paper crumpled up in a corner. Ile Dooms to have anin- teresting wey of amusing himself." "Why, bless me, what is this? 10 13 coverod with copies of my signature, rind very good imitations too. What does it mean?" "1 0111110! say; sir; het It appears to 1110 mat a man 55)10 gores madmen of such proficiency in copying other peo- plea: signatures is a limn to bowitre of." "This Is a very sorious accusation you aro making." "No, sir; I am looking no accitsotion, I have no proof of anything, but 1 thought it would be better to show you what I had found." "Quite right, Percy; but I nmst nak Y00 to say nothing of this to Norm I will )(coo this planer mid think over svhal, I shall do in the mailer. I shall probably not. sco Bryon until Tuosday, ns 1 11111 gelng to Tunbridge Wells to- morrow to 5e0 111101.11 some properly air buying there." When Perey returned to town on Monday morning nryan accompanied limn rind just as they wore parting is; my produced Ms wicket -book. "1 haven't had 'much opportunity of 11111<ing to you before, (ild Chap, but I toki the gov'rear rill about lay lilIle af- fair 011 Friday, and 410 gavo me a cheque for a5,000. 1111 nwfully obliged to you Ilwo loan of it, Of course, 1 akin% tall the dad onythirg 0110111 you, so as it is payable 10 bonror it would be de- tOnt of you if you'd cash 11 yourself in - Wolf sot down at the Becrelaire and, Stead of poying it into your account, eourso 1 will clo that, with pica. atim, and I Oita stay bow pleased I an; 1 est to get these things over 111101 done that you told your fatter, It's always with," Winan Bryan ilaaaeY ParaY• Wolf ho wont 1:(1 111 1,111110 and touched tho ethque, anal after paying the proOeds into his own amount he dismissed tho matter trona 1111, 11111111. al 'too Mao days litter, howover, be haul 0 voity de:agreeable ramindor f tho Wm/auction. A telograin was done. oi ed 11 1110 roorns, e311111,111/110 1111 urgent inosango irons hlo. Wolf 5 -- "(loom to net 0011110111 rathay." With much wowelevinent, as to what the sainanons /night, mon, ho alerte11 elf air hinidenhoad vsilhout teeny. In Lim library sat alr. Wolf. "1 have sent for you, Mr. llorvey, lo mention you upon a very unpleasant manor, I drow a cheque upon nay bank- ing amount 00 Tat.Sday for 11e,000, and, 11)1V0 been ample (f1101n.d.:th Is meet it, I was inforroed Mot (mir; w i111)account lay material thowand pounds. Upon making Moans - los, I found that last Monday you p :tj100- 1110(1 and costae(' 11115 cheque for 455, 0 - "That is so, sir."' "And may I usk how you 101110 11110 possession of a cheque bearing a for - goy of my signature'?" "A forgory! impossiblel" " But nevertheless true. 1 await your ex plane LiOrt." "I3u1 1 received the chequo from your S011. careful. Mr. Harvey, be very carc- fen. Percy is in the house.'" 'aeon let lahn come here, and 100 will amnia the truth of what 1 say." Mr. Wolf moo from Iles table. and touching a bell, asked the servant to 511111411011 Percy. Ile came in with an Insolent air, but did not glance at Bryan. "I have aseed Mr. Harvey to explain how Ise came to cash this clwque, Pettey, and be informs Me that ho received It from you." "From mo? What nonsense 1 Why should I give bins a cheque for £5,000?" "What?" shouted Jimmy. "Do you moan to say that you did not conto to me last Friday and borrow 415,000 from ma to cover your Stock Excliange loeses?" "I do not unaleastand you. I have never bad any transactions with the Slack Exohange, and if I had boon So unfortunate 1 could havo obtained the inaney from rny father." "That is quite true, Percy," said Mr. 'MAL "AM to understand," asked llorvey, "tilat you deny giving me this cheque on Monday loan?" "Most &elatedly I do; and if you think that by making such a statement you can fasten your guilt opon me, you 010 ruakirtg a vety great mistake. I think, sir, that we need not prolong this in- terview.With the evidence that I found on Mr. Harvey's secretaire when 1 called upon- him last Friday, 1 think we can 13 poetty accurate guess as to the guilty party.' "Mr, Harvey, this is a very painful molter, and I (Mule it best to speak ninthly. When my son visited your &soma last week he found this sheet of y011r notepaper covered with imiMtions of any signature. In addition to this evidences, Isa informs ane that during your stay hem last week -end he SAW yob in this room when you were in the act of closing tho drawer wherein I keep my -choque-book," "And -pot believe your son?", "I hone always found Porey an honor- able man." "Then all 1 on say is, Mr.. Wolf, that Pc has told you a Ussuo of lies, and 1 can only marvel how ho oan stand Pe- lotas mo and repeat thorn. 1 Imova no- thing of tho paper with your signatures won, I reef/Mod the cheque from sour son iu repayment of money 1 lent. aim, and he TleVer 51150 1110 tampering with any drawer in Ilia roam." "My son has always told me thO Muth." "Then give me favonty.four hours, mid I will plum his stay -a tisaue of false- hoods,' • "Mr, limey, the evidence against yon is so strong tbat I must hollows my son, hot for NOra'S Sak0 I am loath to lake cloy action against you; vatber than clause her pain I will lose tho money. I can only say that .you mr ust never sco o speak to her ;mann." "Mr. Wolf, this is too serious a mat - ler to be so lightly diamissed. I do not know what, your son's object is in mak- ing thoso accusations against ono, but do know that I will not accopt, your rul- ing angarding hliss Grey, and that I will he hore tomorrow evening with proof ot my innocence." Mr. Wolf threw tho forged cheque in- to the &ewer and turned the key. "Another interview would bo usoloss. I shall tell tho servants not to admit you. Go I" Without another word or look Bryan Harvey tuned and loft lho house. It 00110 metutly ten o'clock on the fol- lowing .avening. Boylan Harvey had not, pot in his promised ;meow/ince, and John Wolf had just flnishod his painful iask ot breaking the 110555 to Nora Grey that her lover wns 01. forger and a thief. Ho had expocted an outburst of toes, but to Ids surprise sho was quite calnl. "My dear guardian, you dona Boyen as 1 do, Your evidence 11103' be convincing to you, but I should want tho •evidonoe of my own eyes bofore- svOuld believe him wanly of a dishon- orate° act," They were conversing in the drawing - room, and as she 4,:tpolco (lam camo coy from the library oo tho other side of the 5011, folnovaxi by the thud of a hoary body. Whon thoy esealsod into Me 10001 15 strango sight /not their gfthe. The light was lull on, tho 11111155 whitlows 'Welt Oren, and a.- dower in Mr. Wolae secria tatty was CM Oho g1011.11d, (111d lying Iwo- sido It woe the inonstible horm of Drytm. "Not much doubt about this ovidenco, Norn," maid Mr. Wolf; "the guilty man 14i-sre bads to steal the Proofs 01 )110 Nora Nona on her knees raising her loam's head. "But who tins dont/ this? Sonsono hos struck him down." "I'm got the seourelpein 17110Y Willed. 10Ward tile wirelow, and the llamas cif Isaac Cohost opearod, (Tow ping after him tho -struggling Torn or 'entity Wolf, "Whet 1 You here, Porafty 'I What, (loos Una mean 1" "It means, sir, 1111111 your son is 1 clo. Sair councbr0t but not eleeee enough. +++++++++++++++++++++., 4 :t Al)011t the House +++++++++++++++44+++++ MANY WAYS '10 PlIEPABE FOOD. 'Whites ITruit Cake.- Ono cup of sugar, one -holt cup of butler, creamod ; Mid yolks of Iwo eggs mat boat lit woll 1111.8 1; add oneslialf mg) of milk, Sin into this two cups of flour, Into which Iwo teaspoons, of tanking 11051,1er 111.150 "Well Slirrrd, Wilell otil 1 mised brat with no oven slooloa so Mat air gets lath it to mulao it light ; Lehi hoiden whitas of Ilio two oggs, one -holt map of raisins, and ltl'-IIttbI 41111) walnut meats, Bako 111 11151(1 11)1, Ico Cream in Flowor Pols.-Procure sufliciont earthen ilosent pots of the alialtost size; \WW1 alld 11110 with waxed ; 1111 with ko C1'011111 and spoinklo too Ip NY1111 gralod chocolate, to reeemble dirt. Place a nasturtium blossom or other flower in centre mul aeovo at moo. Sugar Cooldem-To two cups sugar add two eggs, ono cup bunco, thoce-quarters cup of sour milk, ono teaspoonful of soda, caul nutmeg to tasks. Cream, but- ter, sugar Rod eggs. Add the rest of In. gredionts and what, flour 15 necmsary to :all cooklea out. In worm weather use a 110111 t1cl lo oover the moulding board and thoy can be rolled softer without sticking, "Fast Day" Soup. -Pare and slice six encumbers; cut fine six 'warts of let - too heads; tWO 01110110 and a Milt- thwen sprigs of fresh -mint or portion if preferred. Add a quoit of goon pone and half a pound of sweei butter, cut into six parts and won dredge with flows Seaeon with salt and pinch of cayenne pepper and boil kw one and one-bulf hems. Color with teacup full of pounded spinach juice before:serving, When hey stoves Is mod boil ton Intandcs 010 sung° and six houts In hay slovo. Economical Angels' Cake -Save a little of the whith or each egg used during tho week, Keep in covered dish in refrigera- tor until there is a cupful. Use in pro- portion of ono cup whites or eggs, ono cup granulated sugar, ono cop flour, one-quarter teaspoonful of sal), and one teaspoonful each of cream tartar and Angel's Food Cakc.-Put two heaping tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, into a cup. Fir the remainder of the cup with flour. Add one -hall teaspoonful of coons of tartar and one-half teaspoonful of bak- ing powder. Mix an of this thorougbly with eme and ono -hall cups sugar 111111 SUL seven fleas. 13oat whites of twelve egs to a sliff froth onci gradually sift in the dry ingredients. Flavor with vanilla. Brownina 'Delight Calee.-To ono and one -hair cams of sugar wiel one cup of butter, one-half cup 01 1511110, two cups of flour, two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, whilcs of five eggs, well beaten. Balm in four -layers. Boil roosting of four cups of sugar and one cup of hot water. Pour OVer h001.011 whites of foor eggs. Divkle 11110 four parts. Filling for each; 111 Ono c000anut, grated lino; pulp of one orange, rubbed through a sieve; (21 one/ op of hickory nut op English wal- nut meats, ono cup of choppod raisins, one tablespoonful of grated chocolate; (a) ono cup of chopped almonds and ono cup of chopped citron. Use smooth white frosting for the top. Roast 13e01 Without Wator.-Fry each side of roast brown in a littlo butter to close pones. Add a handful of suet rind roast in a hot oven. Thc pash n. ould not, bo 11111011 larger lima roast. In this man. nor a roast of four pounds will bo done in about twenty to twonty.fim minutes, according to how rare it is wanted. When moored from 05011 allow therm -51 ti»annoin in the grease until a. little cool nod it will Pc deliciously juicy, but not 1nncoo il gircer I Ucing.-To ono and a quar- ter cups of confectionevy sugar add one- half cup of unsanod butlor ; bent to a cream ; then add two tablespoonfuls of cocoa; two lublospoonfuls of steong wino and one tablespoonful of vanilla. Surprise-Salm:I.-Take out the inslde of a large 1 ed tomato and in the cup thus formed placo a hard boned egg with shell removed. •Cover with a. Crealll .511141d Massing and servo on a lettuo FilIed CUcuml/cm.-Select, largo cu- cumbers, tither green oo yellow, the Inner overawe]; pose, being suoo first to cut oft the blossom end or 111 peenng the cucumber will become hitter.; •cut in halves lengthwise; camfolly swop out seods with a toaspoon; boil in salted water, to which throe tablespoonfuls of vintner Imo been addml, for one min- ute; lotto out and plunge 11110 COW 510 - tell, dry with a clam cloth ma 1111 with tho following : One-half pound of finely chopped veal, one and a half tablespoon- fuls of Minor, handful of 5°a -or' white bread, two eggs, whiles boaten stiff and add 1os04 ault and poppet. to taste. When lining space must be allowed for rais- ing. Bind cnrefully with cotto.n cord place sale by side in water, hall cover- ing; odd tablespoonful et butter, 0100 hall teaspoonful of beef oxitaeli salt and popper to taste; simmer slowly fax one and one-half hours or throe to four hours in flocticas cooker. When ready for serv- ing !laic -ken gravy with corn Mooch. HINTS FOR HOME COOKS. To Amid Sloping Soup. -Put The soup bone and vegolablos in a cloth bag fly tracing 1110 11 0105 Whiell Alt. ihir1T3' gove your son to (Sao Bank of. England, istr Ilnrvay was (IWO 10 bract'', "no imitS he got in e.achange to nte, And thus prove thnt 30151 son borrowed 05,0110 to pay 011 'my loan. Ilo repaid air. Harvey wills forged cheque, and then Winograd his twortfautlov with 1110 foimory in maks to lneak oft liro ormagoinent with ialiss &my, whoso forluno Inc ooyols for Mineola Ile round out that tho game W00 1111, 011d morel Up bore, whore- WO f01.111d 11.1111 donvoring to obtain the fooged thoque, tia aivuelt htr. Ilarvoy down, but he rearmed without 1110." this true, Porcyr' asked Mr, Volt. "Woll, Mime t'm folincl out I SuppOse ft will savo tremble if 1 contras." Tim okl wain Monett and \walked to tho drew with bowod and.. "You havo bro- 1011 MY 11111111," wawa nli ha anal. • Bryon oponed hts pyos 01101 lookoal uo al Nora. "I -I'm no1 guilly, dr 01111" "T n-avor doublorl ,yoriaa also answered, --London T11-11113. 11 SEM bag anawnra 1li Inirnosa-and !I, will save straining. Sane Thno 111 IC11all0/1,- filla wiro 101. hanging up suoli aoliolos as rolling yOns, chopping Maine..., potitto mashers, land pastry boards, The solo() loop Is poia Melly clean. T1111111/ G1e110e0 Griddie.-Cu1 a small Odle turnip ill half and ruli lho goldaut with it, 11 causee no sothae, ,siniel, or taste, and will no found hetet than goose, Pantry Sholvoe.- lett at fowv extra lay. ma of papor on Ilwu aholvei, sa that when ono Dominos sone( 10 Vasay ran Ire re. 111,oc 0Vl1d i1101.1 ( 1V111:im0s gl,14cleailin%diruiilrcJar0.l(1)1. 11. To 111 elseeso smoothly 1111/1 without breaking, fidd tissue or pronto Tamer over tho liswifo 11101.10, To Seel Jelly Jans.---For a good substa lute for putaflin in sealing jars use pinin writing papor dipped In sloong brandy and placed 00 lop 01 1110 jelly i11 tho aamo w'aryinsatsatit)eaor-l'-illitialsilo a plecto of sliff Irmo papor acmes Mb bolo, by 'amis. Of 6ffili Weill' paste, Pour hut water into ilea pun and allow to Mood awhile. No mount of scoaping NV111 1M1110V0 it. The pan 0811 he W11011.0d. 10 1100 00 cold wakto. To Gook Lord Calm -Have th5, ovon hot when f he cake is put ha; then turn out the buit»eos milli the cake is rlson lo top of pan. Relight burners and you will [Ind at bountiful light cake, This re- cipe Is for gas oat goolino stoves. To Drain Greens. -Take a e0111:50 While twine noel with a eoaren crochet hook mako a loose, single crochet strip, nine Inches wide and Woos -quarters of a yard tong. Double it, sew tho two ends to- gether, and at the top run 111 a draw- string of tape, making a bag. Put In your goons or cabonge to boil alld 110 up the drawstring. It then can be lifted from tho kettle mid drained easily with- out inking the limo to dip out. Weights and Measurm.-About sixty drops of any thin Ilquid will 1111 a com- mon sized tonspoon; four tablespoons or one-half gill will fill a wineglass; four wineglasses will 1111 a hatapint rnoasure, a common tumbler, or a largo coffee cup, Ten eggs weigh ono pound. A. table- sPOon of salt, weighs one 0111100. °oggElcilupElglaglidCyl,IP11.1-1(eWorf youpo0uplialianvegonit01 ring, dtai gc sotillyogheegeup egg it, arid the result st Leak in leo \Valor Pan. -When no means of soldering it is 011 11111101 chew a, stick of ,gurn and put, on outside of pun. IL will last for weeks. Homo Made Soap. -Put ono on of iyo or potash in 0110 quart' of cold water, When cool add six pounds of clean grease, stirring continually for ten or Mon minutes, Liam pour into a box or pals to cool. When the soap 1)00011100 11 little stiff cut it into bars. Tho next, day remove 10 110111 the box or pan and placo on a shelf to doy. This soap is so white n2igpopsuesre. that 10 Is used often for toilet i Kitchon Work Saver. -Spread a flows - paper under the burners of Ilia gas stove. It will calca everything that boils over and save a groat deal of cleaning and fiord work. To Keep Meat Without Ice.-Whoen buying meat to be kept over night, with- out ice, have tho butcher wrap 11 111 throo thicknesses of while Opel". Put 1111110 11 COVered &Si/ unwrapped. You will 1111f1 it cold and fresh the next, day. To Whip Citeam Easily.-Whon the whito of a fresh egg is beaten to a froth soul added lo the cream., it will whip much more quickly and easily. To Heat atilk.-Put the nnlk in 40 small tin can, such as an empty cocoa can, and placo it ill 11 basin of hot water. alcove it rapidly around, and in n Sh01'1, time tho nink will bo War/11 enough. Whell 0110 NIS a gas or a gasolluo stove 11 would be bettor to beat water over the blaze than to put, milk directly over fire, synere iL is apt to hail and hecomo unfit for baby's stomach. To Savo Steps. -Cover tho wall above that kitchen tablo for a height of twenty inches with oil cloth or something easily cleaned. Fasten this by nailing to the top edge a strip of soft wood about an Inch thick. F111 with small nails or hooks and use for cooking spoons, loons, egg beaters, and such email ortieles as arc in constant. uo in iho kitchen. About eighteen -inches above place a long shelf, Ilia under side having large books for small buckets, measuring cups, pitchers, tea and coffee pots, o11 anything which moy be hong up out or tho \'.V, Method of keeping Um table i•n disorder. Tile tor, ol tho alielt, covered with holds labelled cans or boxes, containing (weals, tea, offeo, washing powder, aalt, or any of the thousand and one things in &any use. By such an arrange- ment much time and onettgy is saved, as everything necessary is within mach and does away -with walking back and forth the pantry. STARS AND MARRIAGE MART. Astrologers Could Settle Lovers' Future Happiness. Astrology is not to be notated lightly, say those who believe in it, and the aw- ns-401;er puts forward with due dignity awl seriousnoes some striking claims as la the part his systein of planetary prow nostics can play inoreaatng the sten of human happiness. The Astrologer refuses tio bo shaken in 1115 eitsv of ihe dim results of marriago betwoen horoscopfcally antagonistic por- suC:Al:'stiscusbassieecitLitmloccetleral;s117logeri sounded on Wa$ emphatic in fas VIM, that, once the honoscopos of two eoung pooplo have. beers definitely worked out rand fOltrid antagonistic, lumpiness cannot bo expected born their ""Iffrh "two people," he said, "no matter bow murk they thine thoy levo Ono)) cantor, havo opposing Charaeler0, want, of harmony is bound to follow, An intere.sling viow of tho planetary problem5 of marolago is Mat of Mr. T, Buntaina of Southport, Eng. "I think, in writes, "this mattor of marriage bY astrology should be siftod lo the bot- tom. 10 abroad be dotorminOd Mice for all whether them Is any truth in those assertions of astrological influonces." Tho lotto, goes on to maggot that tho Sloth shoold Intervone 10 dotormino by mons at a commie:firm - wholly), 1110 callus of astrology 01,0 trim or 1150. 10 ricasa not. soens Moly, bowcwar, 111111 such an Motility will be undertaken, Mr, Etch --"1 suppneo 3011 find that a 1,nby bright -eta lip the luolse?" Mr. lionodiet,--"YeaT Wb burn nearly twice the ges WO 118ed tol" A WOMAN BLACKSMITH 1AS SHOD An MANY AS TWENTY lItMISES IN ONE DAY. She is a WittoWi 111111 ASSISIed 1111' Hue. band in Cho Illacksinith's Slum, Mem Sarah Alin Hughes, of Akron, Ohio, ie said 14 be the only woman haleICS1111111 111 Alllerletl, 111111 prallhiy itt 1110 world, She I 0 woman of thrly, a widow, stalwart, and possessed of ideti- 1.1:ne(jc! rT15.eTtel d104A-111c<8;ohnluninY celittgdiebalelo"iloualnlp.t.• Mrs. Hughos to change Iwo lonely stute,, tut to all she has turned a deaf ear. I4he hos been married .onee, she says, and that ahould he suMelent to eatisfy any ordinary woman -any nay, 10 is, quite enough for her. From theao re - 1:101•115, however, it 1111181 1101 be sup- posed that Mr. Hughos had failed in any way to 10010 lip 10 his WifetS SLand- ard of anamly perfection. The writer obtained a few particulars regarding Iwo curious piefesslon from Isim. Hughes herself, and the retelling of these may not, perhaps, be without interest. It appears that Mrs. Hughes kw years nssisted her husbaml In (no blacksmith's shop. and less Ulan two years after their marriago elle could shoe a horse as neatly and deftly a0. could her skilful spouse. In fact, on many mansions when fier husband was. unwell Mrs, Hughes would TAKE CHARGE OF 70115 SHOP rind shoe any nonees . that might be. brought to the smithy. "I soon got a name for good work," writes the lady blacksmith, "ana many farmers who had -tested my shoeing - ability would bring their horses and in- sist that I performed the job. My hus- band- was pleased al my success, and often I have ShOd len and twolve -horses in a day. On one occasion I shod !woo- ly, but this sons leo mueh, even 100 1110, and 1 was laid up afterwamds. "When my husband died peoplo. thought, I would shot up the smithy or sell 11, hut I did neither. I latia been successful in nay hushand'a ilPlimo 110 the vsorlc, and I argued that when I had a business all ready to my hand It would be wicked to throw it away. So I de- termined to keep 10 on. I 10115 well known, and knew I should not stiffer frern lack of custom. To -day I have one ol the best blacksmiths' shops in Amori- ca, and I make more money at it than I could at anything else, "The only ones I have in the shop to, nasist me," contimws Mrs, lloghes, "are my son, a boy of fourteen, \vho is learn - tip all 1 can teach hini, and a man who W0S 00510111111, 10 711y hie husband. Tine man I sometimes allow to she WHEN BUStNESS IS HEAVY. but as a rule I do all the professional work Myself. Some lime ago wo wero afraid 1hil Me truthless horseshoe' was coming in, but I haven't heard anythIng abont it lately, so I guess it sons only a scare. 11 IL ever should coma in,. though, I am afraid 11 Would bo a bad thing for smithies.' "I have always been fond of horses, and the animals seem to Isave more oa- f -Memo in m -e limn in a man. The ()Moo day a farmer brought ma 13 Very Mitt - ash horse that very tew people UMW handle, He had cast two shoes, mid every blacksmith he had been taken 10 hod Mused to re -shoo hing He was 'woman into the shop rearing and kick- ing, his bloodshot eye showing a fleck of white which clorly denoted the slate or his temper. in spite of his excite - merit, however, I look him from the farmer, tied him to a cross beam, nntl proceeded to quieten hina Five minutes later Inc was fis gentle and docile as a country doctor's cob, and during tho whole limo 1 was shoeing him he' never mood an inoli from where ihe was standing. 'The farmer Ms • 10St in ainazement end, declared that he woulda have believed it had he not seen it, with his own eyes. "But I hove always a soothing influ- ence with horses. I LOVE THEM, AND THEY KNOW IT. A .horse shod here always knows ma when he roluros. The .other clay a horse that I had shod many times gam P1001) to have his shoes fixed. AA tlie time I Impooned to be at my lunch, ,and, as the owner of the animal was in a hurry, my 111011 proceeded to do the work. Would that horse let hlm com- mence? Not much. He kicked and roared. and even tried to bite the black - militia The horse's master declared that he couldn't understand it, as the animal was uhually ono of Ilse mildest. My man suggested that possibly he \visited the 'inissus' to perform tho operation, and caned me, The horse was a, fav- orite of mine and when he saw .= he gave a doliglcited sleigh of welcome. 1 Ma the wooiat once, nnd we had no farther 'troubl0 with him. Horses are very lunnan, and like to come to 111050 who serve them best." -London FRENCH 01ARR14,GE LAW. - ta 0l011, Law Passed by Whicbt Persons May 'Wed. Tbere passed filo other day on to the Inteoch statute boOla a law whiab will •probably have important romans in the bletory or many French lives, It is a law Isy whioli any ma over tho age of 00 111113' marry without first obtaining ille permisaion 01 father or mother and without nooding oven lo 4o thitoogh ilso loom of notifying the family of the eaten. Ilitherto no Frenalininn, of whatevoo ago. &mid marry without his, peasants' 001555110, though after tho age of 215 110 could lying tho mattor into court, and get ia judgment, upon it. 13010 1110 pub- licity of lads prowding hns Ofibli beej. suflicient to act na a dot/owl, Many Parisian& roma/1111)ov 11, dislingtaishod Prenclainen, lately &crowed, whose 1110 - tiler roloserl boat motion to Ids roaming° with a foreignor, with the reis.ult 111111 be and his flanote pationtly waitorl till alto bis mothees; death. On the wel- ding dny Ihic bridogroom was; Ott years of ago tind his bottle considerably over 110. tang. What dill yolta pay for him?" 'I got bini oh non.' "Alna wal,011.4.1041