HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-29, Page 5IOW
Op 118 'opt.:1rd iu all depnrtnlohti
of the OldN1'ItAh 1itfaINJ.SI
t Oltl,8(1J'1, X"age and Gerrard
St*„ 'Gorooto, Ottr Catalogue ex -
patina • ur tame:eerity in Equip -
main, Stuff. Alethods and Reiate.
iii i ill tiled to write for it it
iutera,ted in the hind of eoliool-
wurk whi di brings beet snecooa,
W, H. SHAW, Principal
7 )i. MoCLtACICiN-
V' Itauor of Ah rrlago Lloonoee. OL
nut+ ut tiTOOery,Turuburry btt'OP1, Brus80l0,
tomer in Om I'ost Office, Ethel. 304
RMSTRONG-1.) le prepared to give leusoue op Plano
or heed Organ. Terme on unplioattou,
Postunleo address -Brussels. Hinliuouoo-
Lot 8, Cou,10, Grey. Pupils may hove their
lessons 0,t their own homes 11 prefer:0d.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of 1llnsie.
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
°Moo and llosidonce-
Rate of lutercet Gd por tont per anuum,Sret
Lxoeleior tato Insurance Oompaey
The Equity pro Insurance Company
All business attended to promptly.
Clark 4131 Division Court
• ata, will sell for better when, to
better moo, in lees time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer iu East Huron or
be won't Wargo anything. Dates stud ardent
can always be arranged at this office or by
p •reonal applioetfon.
BLU11VALI; - 00'11.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms renewable. Sales arranged for
at the ofifoo of Tins POST, Brussels, 2211
(i A. CUNNINGfiM1-
lJl • honor draduate of the Ontario Vot-
ermary College, is prepared to treat all lila-
ea8es of domee0lcated animate 111 a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Mink Fever. Calls
promptly attended to, Office autl infirmary
Pour doors North of bridge, '1'urnborry 6t.,
Breseele, 'Phaco 47 Ie
^.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
bu000000r to ti. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for lttetro-
pJ1itau Bank.
Ys Bassists r, C.LSolloftor, ,0onveYluto,
Notary 'labile, Re. Office -Stewart's Blaolt
{ ' 1 deioearat aryoitor for of
heStandd Rotel.
PUl3t I0, 14T0,
W. 1 aou111roop, la, O. ' R. 0, Hare
e, P, B7.Am. '. •
cilleae-Those foriuorly mounted by Masers
Cameron ie Holt,
3Onrtal0H, . ONTARIO, •
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
8argeousuf Ontario and 611•ot•olaee honor
0raduitto 01 Toronto University, Office
beat to Brewer's Photograph.. Gallery,
Q�qq Ya11 Term Gems September 3
�,i ed 4o
Asf tiOfie.
U Yl rod unsex astlm4
'1'AYY klLL1UL"l' � I,AUIILAN,
This Soh eel by being the bust yi
has yt
become the argonargonuliuooe train•
ing school in the West. We breve 8 1,1
tlonartniottt0 t colo ndttarit, 000111-
0.1001)41113 TitnnabaellY. If btintermit-
tel in oalhlug a re eructate* ren- dl
Mon, write for our 11000 catalogue.
Prue:di ale.
neater Ret "Gennfuo" iluefneee i
f1MtelUlon now limit wine yen t
had 8ritt'tt'nrde.
JgJ Fall Term from Sept. 3ri1
ATTI, N D '1'AHl
mud you will nodoubtodly get • germ. taf
faa0"uueluue.)0ra11110R-1101 tore lml-
tatio*" Idu4. Out of two bubo 1 and
fifty cello for bookkeepers, ele0ograph• ��
J ors, eta , wo filled only fifteen of the
Idpotations Had 110 out else romdy�
l� wham wile wale received, Yet, it prays
7y to attend tole eohool-11 doubly soy%,
II, Catalogue free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Oon 1010010 AND AD1xANnitla Writ.
OUR EDITOR -LBaviug home 0D a love.
ly Inornlug, June 18, bouud fax the Great
Northwest, on uueveutfol ride brought
110 10 Toronto, arriving there at 11 80
The Uninu depot *000 crowded and the
bible ofto0gues deafening,o dozou ask•
log qusetioes at came. Tbe train was
timed to leave at 1.45 p. m. but the
Tourists got off at 2 16 and the Coloniete
followed at 3 26. None of the 'manna
were over halt filled eo we had plenty of
room. The rowdy element was ton
epitomes by it tote! alumnae. At 0 p. m.
we teaelred Allendale, on Leto Bim000,
with Berrie prettlIy situated heroes the
bay. We oltirbed the lake for over nn
hour. We were now In the rough Mae
kolta 0ounlry 1184 it is better adapted for.
raising froge and grate than fermata.
At 11,80 the head blew out of one of the
cylinders of the engine winging a delay ot
nearly an hour waiting for numher
engine. Only for it being dawn grunt the
would have had to wait till they walked
6 miles for one. After another ehort run
we lay on a eating for 1i hours* waiting
for the fiyor from 0obate to pati. Reath
ed Ranh Bay at 3 46 and Slopped 80
mamma. Left tee maimed of 40 miles au
hour whit% wee kept up the whole day.
Lt woe a lovely morning and Lake
Nipieeiug was B0o11 left out of eight. We
paged 80me grand scenery during the
day, rookie and mountains, lakes and
rivers. Sighted Lake Superior at 7 55
and passed Port Arthur and Fort William
before daylight. Left the Fort 01 8 40
with the tourists On the roar. During
the aerenoou a coupling broke, At 12 50
we passed Dryden, a nine town almost
the first 81gn 0l Oa VIIILat1011 slime leaving
Fort William. There la no timber here
but sorub and that has been binned by
bush fires for miles 01 a etret011. Reach.
ed Jlieuora %boat 5 80 p. m. and got into
the prairie country at 1 p. m. Arrived in
Winnipeg at 10 p. m. Getting on board
the train fax the West we found' five
11.aohe8 filled with foreigners. Left Wn-
nipeg al 2 25 a. m. and 8toppe4 off at the
oruoge. It is a very mattered town,
with a populutiou of about 6,000. The
animus are evidently very am3tteous rte 1
teamed on the po8tete advertieiug their
Farr they called it "Ile leading Fair of
Mnuilobn" Left the Portage at 9 80 for
51cGregor which has 500 of o population.
It has a large school mutt some flue regi•
dances, a branoh of the Alerahant'e
bank, 3 elevators, etv0 lumber yards, three
general atoms, blaokemltb, tailor and
bemuse shops, two implement agencies
and le ereamery doing a good butines°.
Wert 6 miles North. The crops are
short and some are choked with weede.
There ie a great deal of 'scrub. The G.
T, P. rune about a mile North of the
town. The farmers about here claimed
the oropo were ae far advanced as they
were lad year at this time but on return•
ing nearly 3 weeks later they were fain to
admit they were 3 weeks tater. Season
has been very dry here. Started for
Regina on the 24th. Remobed Brandon
of 12.10. A large baeinee0 name to he
dont here. There is an Indian sottool
and an Experimental Farm here and a
range of hilae on the North forma a back•
ground to Ike town. Crepe are looping
better as we go further Week. Indian
Head is a hustling town and it; aleo hoe
an Experimental Farm. The country
there bee a line 0ppe000000. Arrived in
Regius et 8 p. m. which has a population
ot over 11,000. It has several large
bottle, 9 or 10 banks, a City Hall,ohtirob
ea and Poet Office in course of 818011on,
which will be a credit to the city whet
fintebed. The prin3ip01 etreete
are paved witb either concrete or ceder
blocks. Real einem dealero are plentiful
and there i8 a great boom in city lots,
Soil here is very heavy and the amps are
looking fairly well. Left at 11:20 for
Moose ,law where the boom at ae motive
a8 in Regina. The city lies in a valley
and emu from the bills on the North it
preeent0 a fine oppe0rano8.; It oontain0
boMe fine buildings well as the City Ha'1
Poet Mame, eohoul anti churches.
u oris
tin large building.
Y. 111. O. A. lessee g uh g 6
Moose Jew hail immense lumber yards
and an enormous amounb of building is
going on, Thera is e . large brewery not
yet in operation. Renta here eo an
Regina are very high, 880 to 060 per
mouth for a decent beam while e. aback
with room bo turn round a0 bringe 015
per mouth. The 0.'P, R. is making a
largo addition to tboir round house.
The town is laying a great deal of cement
eldowalk and they have oleo a twinned
for a waterworks dam on band at a
contraot pried of over 819,000 and a fire
hall, 'Tbe stook yards are said to be the
Iargeet Weet ol. Wioeipeg.•Gravel ie
40 pante per. yard; at the oft; Iamber
from 086 to 080 per M for eprttoe,and fir ;
hard wood is 0120 per M : wages from
80a to 40o an hour ; laborers 20o to 22ao
an hour ; board 84.00; without a room and
05,00 per week with one. V. Nneehtel
and A, McKenzie, late of Seatorth, are in
bueineeo hero and ibero aro oleo a nam•
bps of boys from Grey. June 2711) left
for Saekatoou. The land between Regina
and BaektLoon is very rolling and the
dilapiteted etato of the snow femme attest
to the scarcity of fuel last Winter.
Arrived at Saokatoon at 8 p. m. The
site of the town is very Bendy, none of
the streets are paved and the Mutt le 2 or
8 inobee deep everywhere and when it le
windy 4010 tan soareely See ,er008 the
street. There aro no good buildings horn
yet, AD Eoglieh (Minch in going up at
e oontrttot prio0 0110,000. The Bank of.
� ; ,'""""t:� ?its d'i 411 f6' ,+Li r
waterworks, rt le over run wall lend
Markt] and utterly every other densis a
land ollioo, The bourn ie going lively
and properly has reo8hod high fignres.
046,000 wee refined for tt let on Um
turner opposite the Western hotel and
Iola where the 0. 1?, R. elation ie ex -
peeled to be located are 110111 at 02,000.
1 wee shown 2 tote earth 80x100 11., with
a small aleck at 82000, Wilile further
up the trill where the snhlioaariee are
exporled to build their Judaea luta 50x
140 ft, ere held at 0700 end corner lobe et
81500, Bat there ie a 8110w fax other
peep 0 to make ni may bare just now
tamale.* tbe landowners. Vegetables are
very dear, green onions and 304161106 sell
ata cant each, rbnbarb 253 per Ib live
huge 810 00 per owl and mutton retells at
25o per ib. There is a great deal of bend•
tn8 going on hots, was told that the
manage delay output of the Iudependert
Lumber Coe, yards last etaeou was
L00,000 It. Farmers draw lumber from
town over 100 miles, The town has n,1
industries of any kind oxoopta flour mill,
It bee 5 or O elevators, 7 or 8 bertha and
about the sauce Dumber of hotels and 10
or 12 feed 6404 es. Four yearn ago the
Meru had only 160 inhabitant° now it
bee over 4,000. At that time there wee
only a few thecae on the West aide of the
track now nem ly hail of tbe town ie on
that aide, The SeskatohowRI ie a large
river, deep and muddy, Paeeeugere
er0ee on the ferry at present tut ab iron
traffic bridge is being bulls. The O, P.
It, enters the town et elm North and the
G. T. R. at the South. On the South
11 of the river ie the suburb of Mon -
dommeroe has Mee oommouos1 en
degent otrnotnre. The town has their
hands full at printout with tinware and
caee. The 0. W. R. hue a flag slatfon
here, Seekatoou has 808)0 email alums
ted tt large brewery, not yet in operation.
Some think the G. T. R. will build their
nuncio here and if they do it will rival
ire b g stater norm the river. Left fur
Gooao Lake with a former going home
from town who lived 40 miles out,
'1 here lid a good deal of torub in piaoe8
but trope are looking better. About 6
in the afternoon it began to rain and we
went into a Swede'd for ehelter. He
settled on hie homestead last October,
built te ehaott and a and stable or bare.
They tall everything a barn here
even if it will no more than hold a
ben. He hue 8 oxen mud works 2 at
time hiving one feeding. He hushes up
hie oxen at 2 or 3 in the ntorliug and
plows till 10 ; stares at et p, m, 0111) plows
till 9 or 10 at night. Bomethnee he
works all night. How would some of
the Ontario kide like to work like thee?
Tbie Spring he put in 2 aaree of pram
toes, a lot of garden stuff and in 2 days
more he would finish breaking 40 sores.
The rein oletriug off a little we went
on one wet'. Moequitoee rose off the
prairie in Monde, John need some
powe,futlanguage but ell to no effect.
We got to the huuee at• 9 at night the
rain coming down by the tabful. The
old gentleman tame from near Ottawa
8 years ago with hie wife and family of
5 boyo. Tbey have 960 Nares amongst
theta. The boys like the armory hub
cite old gentleman cholera he will go
beak to Ontario to live. Their crape
are good and they appear to be pretty
well fixed for the time they have been
here. I left at 10 o'olaok next morn.
mg to follow a trail 10 melee 0oro0s the
prairie. The trail is well named for
it is a very trailing job to follow it. 'I
travelled Southwest most of the time.
13 watt raining quite heavy. After a.
1(0880me walk I remitted the Goose Lake
distrru0 where a few Grey boyo are
located. They ell live in shacks and
there are 00 good houses except a few
who came from the "Old sod"f with a
big "wad." They are located in 8 good
part al the 00011try, Spring seeding
did not oommenee here till the 130 of
allay but everythiog is looking well al•
though lean, I pulled a bunoh of Spring
wheat that meaenr811 18 ino1186, it wee
a fair sample of 76 tiaras. On the firer
of July I went to a piomo 8 miles out,
it was not a pantie in the woods bat
on the bare prairie and there was a
large turnout of people. Day w8e 000l
and in nearly every rig I noticed a fur
arab, They had foot ball, base ball,
1001 0a000for men and boys and a pony
race, canting np with the renal wrangle
se to who was the winner. There is a
store and poet Moe about a mile from
the lake width is simply an over grown
frog pond between 6 and 7 miles long
and between 5 and 6 miles wide. There
are no enema matting either into or
out of it but in some places it is over 00,
feet deep. 1 drove out 5 or 6 miles in
different directions end there is not
much difference in the oouutry in that
di83,11noe 8x0031 to the Northeast where
there is a range of Band bills. The 0.
N. R. surveyed a road through bore
but nothing further bots been done,
Atter the pionio ou the first a 'mase
meeting wee bold to matte arrangements
far the township councils to circulate
a petition and appoint delegate.) to go
to Winnipeg to try to induce tome one
of the different roads to build. The
water f8 good and an. abundant supply
a8 obtained at from 80 to 60 feet, Left
here on the 8th for Davidson. The soil
le heavier here than at Goose Lake end
tbitige are looking well. I palled a
bunol of when that measured 20 inoheo
sample of 92 urea ehe 1111] at July..
4Ycare ago Davideon was only a road.
hole with only a box car chanted into
it for a station but now it has four gen.
oral stares, 8 elevators, blacksmith and
bailor shops, livery, 110101irant and all
the other necessaries for a oouutry vil-
lage 1110 tiding 0 ohnroheO, 2 large hotels
and the °estomery land office. Prairie
is selling here at 820 10 6.23' per mare.
Complaints are bitter against the polio'
of the Government an selling so. muob
k a n mytravel°
goodlaud 4 to.e ea
nlu or . 1
I 11180 With a grant many who .are only
here to make money and will go beak
to Ontario or elsewhere to five. The
prinoipel Ruins 1 heard to the oonntry
was the Neat of eo2ial enjoyment, no
fruit, long and hard Winters and the
difficulty of obtaining education for their
ohlidree, but at the same tame all
Maimed .a young. gun hes 10 ohantm
to matte tt home here for outs au the East.
Yours &a,
T. Stamm,
P04011o11 Ity A Razor
Don't trim your GOMIS with a razor,
use a purely vegetable remedy like Put.
nem'e Coro Extractor, No pain, certain
ohne, and all tor 0 quarter. Every dueler
erlla "Putnam's,"
Free for Catarrh, josh to prove merit,
a trial eazo•box of Dr. Sheep's Ceterrb
Remedy. Let me send it now. Ib 3s a
enow-t'vidte, Dreamy, healing nntlepeLe
beim, dontein,ng ant% healing Mngre.
theme 00 Oi1.Euealipine, Thyme!, Men.
tltol, oto,, it saves tnetent and lasting
our Siegle Harness has be.
come so popular is that it
possesses the four distin-
guishing qualities to wake it a general favorite 0--
1st --(Good Material
2ucl-Good Workmanship
Ertl -Neatn ase•
41h --Durability
We IDny add that it is the greatest value for your dollars that
is obtainable.
The balance of our Dusters at Reduced rates.
Your horst requires a lily Net -we have them in leather or cotton.
Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices.
Repairs in Harness or Collars promptly done.
r "Dwelling rooms to let above store. Also comfortable dwelling
and g• acre of land for stile.
L C.
Richa ds
relief to catarrh of the nose and throat.
Melte the free teat and tee for yourself
what this preparation can and will am
eomplieh, Addroee Dr. Shoup, Rsoinr,
Wie. Large jars 50 Dente. Sold by all
151 114,1/Hitt.
TuaNnzaav COUNCIL., -Minutes of
Council meeting held in the Clerk's
office. Bluevale, Monday August the
19th. Members of Council all present,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
and special meeting read and adopted
on motion of Messrs Kelly and Moffatt.
&communication from R. Vanstone,
Solicitor of Winghana, was read re
claim for damages from Dr. Jas. Mc-
Donald also for claim for damages
from A. Gemrnill, of Turnberry.
Moved by Mr. McMichael, seconded
by Mr. Moffatt that the clerk be in-
structed to notify Mr. Vanstone that
they do not consider that Dr. Jas,
McDonald has any legal claim.
Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford
seconded by Mr. Kelly that tbe Clerk
be instructed to notify Mr. Vanstone
that the claim of Mr. Gemmill be laid
over for further consideration,
Carried. The Treasurer laid hia re-
port for the current year up to
August 1st, before the Council which
shows a balance of 82293,42 of cash on
hand. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, second-
ed by Mr. Kelly tbat the Treasurer's
report be adopted. Carried. Moved
by Mr. Rutherford, seconded by Mr.
Moffett that By -Law No. 8, 19o7. be
passed to provide for the current ex-
penditure of the municipality for the
year 0907, by the Levy of a rate of 2
DIMS on the dollar on the last revised
Aesesemont of the Municipality.
Carried, Moved by Mr. McMichael
seconded by Mr. Kelly that By -Law
No. 9 1907 be passed for the appointing
of Paul Powell to the office of 'rax
Collector in the municipality for the
current year, Moved by Mr. Kelly,
seconded by Mr. Rutherford that By -
Law No. 00 be passed t0 provide fonds
for the payment of the annual grant to
schools as provided by the Ontario law
by a levy of a rate of a} mills on the
dollar on the last revised Assetsmeut of
the municipality. Carried. Moved
by Mr. McMichael, seconded by Mr.
Moffatt that By-law No. 11, 1907, be
passed to -provide funds for the pay-
ment of the county requisition for
general expenditure and school grants
for the current year by a levy of 2 mills
on the dollar of the last revised Assess-
ment of the Municipality. Carried.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued :-Allan McTavish,
gravel and damages, $6.00 ; Tolin S.
Sanburn, damage, 81.00 ; John Mc.
Naughton, gravel and damages,
$3.82 ; Samuel Vanstone, gravel,
87.32 ; Ben. Bangles, gravel, $1.05 ;
Henry Lawrence, gravel, $540 Jas.
C. Anderson, gravel, Stoma ; Jos.
Higgins, gravel and damages, $5.8o ;
A, Wheeler, gravel, $6.00 ; la McDoug-
all, gravel and damages, $7,30 ; D.
Eadie, gravel and damages, 820,06 ;
E. W. Orvis, gravel and damages,
$4.54 ; Hector McKay, gravel, 250 ;
Andrew Pollock, gravel, $1.54;
Rich. Palmer, gravel, 84.27 ; AMOR
GoEtOn, gravel, $4,20 ; Town of Wing -
ham, repairing ru assert culvert B. line, . 800 .77 ;
jobs Burgess, registration'a kation Drainagee
Bv-I.aw, 82,20 ; Municipal World,
Collector's Roll express charges and
rubber straps, 81.90 ; John Burgess,
McDougall drain, 810,00 ; D. Jowitt,
gravel and damages, $3.00 ; Alex. Mc-
Donald, gravel and damages; $7.30
Mrs. J. Robinson, gravel, 83.66 ; John
Smith, gravel, $l.00 ; Wm. Carruthers,
repairing culvert at bridge, $0.5o ;
Geo. Wright, gravelling, 8140.00; Jos.
Walker, repairing 13 Line
83.o0 ; holt, Sharpe, Ie palrig
'Lintfn'sbridge, $2,25 ;Robt, Breen,
drawing tale and repairs, 84.00 ,1 T. T.
Wylie. gravel and damages, 89.00 ;
Jos. Breckenridge, gravel -mud dam-
ages, $4,43; Mrs, Perri, gravel,'
$a,64 ; D. Pocock, damages, $9,00
john McBurney, gravel and repairing
(noes Your Ears Mem 1
When they blitz and seem eligbtly
dent, beware of catarrhal Inflammation,
Thin µrowe steadily worse, but 0011 be
oared by 0aterrbuzane. J. A. Hammill
of Greonmotnt, 1'..E. 5., proved the merit
el Oatarrhazone and writes 1 "No one
oonld have woree Catarrh than I had for
years, It ()anted partial deefnese, bad
Mate, asset my eto8)noh, made me Wok
all over. Oetarebozooe cleated my nota
trice,0topped the tough and gave mere,
,lour leehtg in my breathing orgah8.
1 em abeolatefy oaead," Doatore say
nothing ie better than Cetarrhozone.
Try it and you'll say ea too. Two sizes
256 and $100 Rt ail dealers,
Are you Courtin Trouble
Do not neglect your Kidneys and thus
court the return of your old friend Rhea-
matism fol? the Winter, start at oncetaking
and by Winter your Kidneys and System
will be fortified against Rheumatism or
any other Kidney trouble.
500, a box at Drug Stores or by Mall. 91
culvert, 75c ; H. McKinnon, grovelling
2 jobs, $94.10 ; Cloyne Higgins,
gravelling, $17.5o ; Jas. Peacock,
gravel, $3.50 ; Wm. Westlake, clean-
ing Govt. drain, $9.00 ; W. Ferguson,
gravel and damages, $2.6o ; John
Hutton, inspecting gravelling, $3.25 ;
John Anderson, clearing river tat
bridge, So.00 ; Robt, Hogg, clearing
river at bridge, $2.00 ; Robt. Staple-
ton, ditch on road, 83.00 ; J. W. King,
gravel, 88.40 • Lattimore & Cook,
McDougall drain, $60 on ; John
Porter, repairing road machine, $2,00.
Moved by Mr. McMichael, seconded
by Mr. Moffatt that this meeting do
now adjourn to meet In the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, on Monday Sept. 16111
next at Io o'clock a. on. Joul BURGESS
Reedy On the Shier
That's where you'll find "Nerviline"
in every well regulated household. 8o
pleasant to take that even little obildren
will try for it. So certain toonre'°oughe;
endden oolde and tight chest that thous.
ands of bottles are used every day.
Poison's Nerviline does prevent illness,
it does saga pain and inflammation, and
by being handy will save worry and keep
down expense. Largo bottles sold for
a (punter at all dealers.
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ?
From a reliable firm where you see
what you are getting or from some
n t know one kind agent who do of
Granite from another and cares only
tor his aommiesiwll as agent We
employ no agents and guarantee all
our work for five yea's.
Wilson. 8s IIuntcr
It 10 n S S 1i 0, S
HeartMart Strength, or Heart Wcaknots, moans Nerve
Strength, or Nerve Weakness -nothing more, Pos.
Itivoly, not one Weals heart hi a hundred is, in it.
self, actually dtse0sod. It 19 almost always
hidden tiny little *08531'O that really is all at fault.
This obscure nerve -the Carrillo, or Heart Nerve
-simplynooda and mist have, more power. labra
stability, .more controlling mere governing
etrensth. Without that the lfoart must continuo
to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have
these same controlling nerves.
This elearly OADietns why, 06 a medtolne, Dr.
for eek end sling He rtst*3. Shoop frstsoi1(3lit
the cause of all this painful, palpitating, manage
Mg heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative -this
popular proscription -Is alone diroctod to those
weak and westing norm canters, It bulldal
It,strongtholis• it offers real, frontline heart help.
If 90n Would have strong 1100010, strong dl
trestton, strengthen those ;nerves- re-establish
them es needed, with
10 Por Cent. Cash Discount
OITR Annual Sale still continues and with Good Success,
but our stock is not run down, lots of goods to choose
from yet. Our goods are all marked lo plain figures so this
is a bona fide sale. Over 6,000 square feet of floor space is
fillers with choice
Bedroom Suites
Ex Tables
Hall Racks
Ladies' Secretaries
Writing Desks
Parlor Cabinets .
Parlor Tables
Parlor Suites
Upholstered Chairs
Leather Chairs
Leather Couches
Dining -room Chairs
IVfusie Cabinets
Cobbler Rockers
Fancy Odd Pieces
Parlor Rockers
Rattan Furniture
Roman Chairs
Jardineer Stands
Child's Cots
Child's Rockers
Iron Cots
Iron ISe11s
We have the Quantity therefore you get variety and some-
thing to select from.
Our 'Upholstered Goods anti Mattresses ase all our own
make and guaranteed.
Cur $8 00 double stuffed, spring edge Couch is a winner
and guarauteed-nothing to touch it at the price. Com-
parison will prove this.
Promptly and Neatly done. Special prices go on Picture Framing for
remainder of August, All Dew Mouldings.
Iu this branch of our business everything J0 of the best, 0,11a our prices
moderate. All calls will receive our personal and careful attention. 1 be
best Heareein the 0011nty iu attendance.
Leatherdal z 1.on
Are Ready for Summer Safes with a
lltock of Buggies that Defy Competition.
The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. Na more broken
lushes can occur to any purchaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no
slack stays ae we have rho remedy to prevent loose, flopping back
stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Bnggieshave.
Likewise all kinds of 'Rubber Tiro Buggies on hand. We invite in-
tending purmaeere to inep06t our stook and buy a Buggy made by
ream & 0o. in Brussels and save your money.
We also handle along with oar owe Buggies, work of reliable firths
snob as Oshawa, Brookville and llrautford Buggies for any one re-
quiring them.
Call and buy ut Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save
OLD BUGGIES Be -painted, Tope Relined and Covered and 111,1130
08 good as new.
Call mod got our Prices,
Resta , ,,.i
Ao. !I RN ®®d •
Nanoudl Halior Flou 'Ills
Good Breed and Pastry are essential to good
health: To obtain good Bread and Pastry it
18 necessary to have good Flour.
possesses all.the qualities that go ,to make ..
these essentials Try this, our special pro.,
duet, and it will please you.
t....-&11 hinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
Ring up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in
our line and have not time to call.