HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-29, Page 4st4440,X4IAM•1100 DOPT PUT IT OP IMPORTANT NOTIOIle AtEDIKVIIWArtte=iniailfrietW•AtiSitetitStatOamniriiistitesseaisaisse&tteeSik (tbrt foatoseN 400t, THURSDAY, AUG, 29, 1907. CROPS NOT UP TO THE AVERAGE, 'Ds tbe Editor of %Me Poste Thus 0.—Aociordiug to promise now give you a short deseription of bow I founit matters in tbe West io the cheviots through which I travelled, tend the uoudition of the mops be iu the leading oonsideretiou, both the Woo t end East, I wilt first deal with that. The present wee my 12th or 18th trip to the West during the laid 25 years and on two or three 000111110ils 'knave Been the crops a great deal worse out never ismer tht.n this 1010011. In the Mario Ettet of `Winnipeg, they are very late, the loud beiug flat and tether wet, and the early pert of the aerteou h hog oultl, sowing was very late, growth pr and the genera, crop will be Limb below the average. West of Winnipeg, to the greater part of Manitoba Suutis of the main line of the 0, P. R. mid in some placate several milee North of it, the orope are abort sod thin, having suffered from drought very badly as far Weet as within 20 or 25 miles of the b .andary ot Saskatchewan while in tbe Northern part of the Province they are mob batter, having bed auf- tficient mistime. The poorest mops I saw, except Emit of Winnipeg, are east from Brandon to Witwenese, (Marlboro', Belmont, eta. and I wee informed that the same oodditious preyed general in that direction right tbrougb to the Smith Boundary of the Province. Li the Mooeamin, Indian Read, Re. glee and Aloos distriete the mops are fairly good. Saw many fields of wheat ap there that should yield 25 and 30 bushels per sore. Pete and barley are generally a weaker orop thou the wheat and weeds are more prevalent then formerly owing to the late and oold Spring, the weeds grew and the grain did not in the early part of the seasun. Summing tip whet I eaw, and internaa. tion obtained from parties who bad been through other parte of the Prov, incee where I had nob, I MUM a fair estimate would be, for Manitoba, rather batter tbau ao average Drop ; Sas. katohewan better than a 2 mop ; and Aiberta, about the same as the Fal wheat is said to be good there, and Boring wheat and oats better than iu Manitoba, Moe giving the three Prov. inns better than a average crop which would give them say 60,000,000 buebele of wheat and it may do better than this if weather eonditione are favorable and trout keeps off till lot to 10th of Sep- tember. That little word "a" is more significant than usual this year, as the mope wit! ripen Ithaca 3 weeks later than usual but the people there are hopefai that they will have a fine warm Autumn because they bed a late cold Spring and early part of Sommer. We al, trust their hopes may be realized as ao mach depends an the prosperity of the \ V est no w a-daye. As to bnainess and financial oonditione they are none too bright. Money is soaroe and high, and bard to get bold of at any prose. The long, severe and rather expensive Winter the Weat bad mine through and the very late Spring and ooneevent chancel of a poor Drop, were factors in producing the present prevailing dullness, but in addition to that the olose shutting down of the banks against lending a dollar fpr opers- lative purposes of any kind was the greatess factor of all and the remit Is Met the ooeupetien of two or three thousand real estate agents in the city of Winnipeg and suburbs is gone, aud in other tetthe and (Mane over the three Provinces in numbers proportionate to their size, and there is prdatioaily oothing doing in city or town lots or :arm lauds anywhere in the West for the time being. The Loan Conapaniett have no money to laud, they are trying to draw in cash instead of lending or renewing for the purpose of paying off tattering bonds in Great Britain and (matchers iu preferenee to renewing at the higher rates prevailing over there. The banks won't laud for land inves0. remits and with the exception of a few Life insoranoe Companies and a few law firms, who can command Old Country money, there is no money to bs borrowed jaat now. If the preeeut state of stringenot exiate for any oon- aiderable time there may be trmble. AD lions of dollars have been tied up unproductive investments in town and eity tote, tnii..s from the centre° of business in many mune and in term lands that are growing nothing, Taxes must be paid, interest must be paid and iostalmente will mature, mid where is the money to oome from in the majority of snob Dimes if they cannot borrow The banks are right in abutting down tight on all onteide property specula. lions or wild oat schemes and if they lied done ao yeaor two ago it wonid have been better, bra it what some businesO men in the West say is tree that it is impossible to get money on the most "gilt edged" security to handle the beet Mese of inside properties it is quite possible that the banks may go to the other extreme and not only rum good men but foroe down vanes 50 Mutt they may make anima lows themselves. I sm not writing this eketeh for the benks, however, I son writing it for the information of the people in your busi nese constituency who have not had the pleasure of a trip to the West this Snm mer. The great West is too big and too good to go ander as a remit of one orop somewhat below the average or evsn Mie total loss of a orop. The o hintry is mated by too many of the toady sons of the mil from old Ontario, Qttebee, Nova Septa and New Brous wick, booked up by a large contingent ot Intelligent and praotioel Arnerioane and good men from the British to give in amity, The farming oom rnunIty have done well dotting the last seven me eight years ; nearly all have made some money and eome have made rich and ere retiring, go that a slight fleenoial utringenoy will not afteet them earionsly. The towns and Cities may get a (Meek for a titne but a bumper orop se(( year will make then' forget that 00511 'Sita rather sOar00 in 1007 end things will forge ahead twain se if noth ing had hamened, Toe Summer Fair.] were on and vet, ran into three 0( them, Brandon, Mooentnin and Regina. /Iran d to had a great Voir and se good a ehow lioreee and cattle ag we 000 Modena In vtgiseef1"ews**s*":14,,qi,Frateltv,.10i?4.10,°`.°`15fisI1A014ttl .0041i4INATle•teltin*'..410Y,f*.r elifed4444144444411iaelt (interim Kegina gad (2100941 040000 I. show of harm and cattle, hotti ogles heviug the advantage of the largs Made of Van Horne, Benron, Englieh and °there. Moosotnin had also good show, Reliable 1 Art Studio • 2 is the proper place to get your Photo- graphe token. Photon from the 1111111Milin op to the 11 x17 Oreinp anti Portreit ioe taken wilt; great SUO011eS. Get a uf your Fatuity the tirat Mauve you have to get thorn together, We tire Homed to lame arid very modereto iu our ulargee. Views ot resideneee, ete„ taken 01' notioe, rower s ‘LOISGER, rfair CAB OF BED K..1 Boiler Elldnalos'just 30 30122, Pet Rill of NIA Indigestion at 01100 bY P. Atli:NT, Brussels. J11,m-Oint. but leaked some of the beet Made Darn, ed owing to their having only a two days 'Mow, *lite Brandon and Regina bad four days milt and have (=ellen etabling and other aeaummodatioue for Mock. The ehow of Inge wee eat ae gond as I expected to 5 5 and are very far behied our Putario exhibits, both as to quality and gentility. Inside depart mute are ale° behind onr thaws but are yearly Improving. Beall and vegetablee were email owing to the early swoon el the year. I had the pleaeure of meeting dozene of old frieude anti ltentleilltan 0011 all of Whom (seem to be &him well and happy, Spent a Week at lt,gine, day or two at Winnipeg and at Winni peg belted with the MuRinnon lemity. ELM a delightful trip both ways ou the Mautitul boats, Majestic' and Euronic of the Northern Navigation Co End pmesant perty ooneleting of Doo. War. wicht, J. Clegg, G. F. Blair and boys, J. H. Cameron, Lte., and we all feel better fur the outiug. Yours very truly, Are You a Woman Needing Strength Not long ago you were able to enjoy life. You bad vigor, strength, ambition— did everything with zest and pleasure. Upon your cheeks was the hue 01 health, in your ayes the sparkle of vim sod animation. Today—all ie a drudge. Not aatually sick, but it your work were less inventive, how gladly you WOW& rest. You ere breakingdown. Ne rvous system is oat of gear, Digestive powers are weak. Blood lacks nouriabnieut. Just one thing to do—Build up—Wiu baolt yoar health with Ferrozone. No remedy restores so fast, bot de up so permanently, iuetils such vigor or earplas etreogth like Ferrozone. A. ease showing bow Ferrozone ants is illustre tad by the following from Mrs. R. Wright, of Enfield, N. S. "Six months ago 1 experienced 5 serione illness. It oommenced with splitting headaches, dt1 plane through my ahem, and shoulders, I found it bard to get sotisfyittg sleep—would roll aud toss and in the morning felt tired all over. TIM I grew nervous, lost &eh, got pale and had heavy dark circles ander my (vett. strength got eo low I aouldn't do housework. I Wee worried and unable to eat and feared I would not get welt. Ferrozone braced me up in n few weeks. It seemed to supply wonderful strength. I gained iu fleeh, looked better and was able tu sleep. In all I took twelve boxes of Ferrozone and my cone was own plate " If Ferrozone doesn't belp and core you—then nothing ever will ; your druggist sells it in ti0o. boxes—Better try Ferrozone. LETTER FROM WINNIPEG, To the Editor of Tau Posy: I thought I world drop you a few lines of what I have seen 00 onr trip and of what I have noticed since I came to tide (Av. We stetted from Brunets, as you know, on July 2nd and our exoursion left Parent° In 5 nations, our berths beim. in the 2nd section, We had a very Moe trip, When we woke on the morning of the Srd, at Otteptean, everything was white with frott, I thought it would be all up with the West but not so as they had no frost there. The temperature beret is the lowest and this is the aoldest point in Ontario. We were losing time all the way until we reached White River, a divisional point, and from there to Sahrieber, we 'taught up a littm. The driver osmtaiuly took us around the owns at breaknook speed. I timed hint different times aud we were going about a mile a minute and I 1.V00 not sorry when we got to Sohrieber and °banged engineere as I felt safer golug a little slower. We arrived at Fort Wil lane about midnight. These two °Wee, Port Arthur and Fort William, as they are called, (any plan in this 000ntry with a population of 2,500 is called a city) are very jealous of earth other. Fort W1 Ilam is the larger of the two as the 0. 5". R. elevators are there and their boats all land there. When the G. T. P. end 0. N. R, with their elevators and boats get going, which will not be very long, it will certainly boost Port Arthur. t)1tnk I would just au soon invest in Port Arthar at the present time as Fort William, Rat Portage, or Kenora as it le now called, and Keewatin aro notice able please along the line. Keewe,tin is near the Lake of the Woods and the big flour mills are sit- uated there. They are one of the largest, if not the largeeil mills in the world of their kind,We arrived in Win. nipeg on the 4th, alsent 4 o'clook, sipeg ie makiug great efforts to eateh ap and pass the older cities in Oanads. When I Wee here 8 years ago the papule. tion was 75,000, now it to 125,000. It has grown prineipally to the North and Wtst. The people here, as elsewhere, seem to be reaching out to tbe prairie(' and they sbow it by the direation they are building the city, Portage avenue, AIM) le the prinoipel street, other than Main, Ione West and when I wee here before only had a few buildinge no it of 0,05 account, but now it is all built ap solidly for about mile from Maim Some of the prinoipal buildings on it are the Karin Bloat, new po-t aloe, whioli is almost completed, Free 'Pesos building, Ideal holm furnishing building, Steele Brothers' book, Queen'e hotel, Aikens blook, Glinea blots, Pafford book, 0. El, tt W. bleak, (writer Portage nod Main with a lot of other very important Ina provemente sunk 90 adding 1 end' 2 stories to their present building, Im provement le going on all over the eity. They are putting in a, system of high premiere and there are hundreds of men laying these pipes all over the city. The city at the present time le experiena, ing gnite a Mange as the banks have cell. ed s bait to the rettA estate inon and that means that every line et bueiness feels it more or lese. There are 0 great many real Matt, men who have gono out of twirlers's, I think the banks were wies in doing what they have done or, there wand soon lave been a te mummies of 1882-3 when the Mg boom buret and eo many men went broke, It does not metter what yen are worth or what Picture Frames made to Order. H.R BREWER PUMPS AND WINDMILLS The undersigued is prepared to sup- ply the public with the best, io the above lines. Repairs promptly attended to. ()Mem left with IIARRY JAMES, American Nobel', Brussels, will receive our early attention. A. RAYMANN, CRANBROOK 4 -Em temerity yon oan give you can't get $1 000 01 the bank to invest in Lando, It'al estate is holding up well bat I think this will be a good place to invest money in about 9 or 12 months ae tbere is an enormous arnouut of property bought and sold here on the payment plan, in feet there be very little bought here any other way and 'mien the banks oome to their aveietaucte they oannot meat their pay. mente, I 'mow some men here who have i052 their property as they made their drat payment and could not make the etioond. They buy and make one pay• meta with expectation of turning it over, as they call it, before 1110 seoond pay• meat is due aud making money out of it as they have been doiug in the past but you cannot ssJl anythtug here now in real estate hence they maid not make their second payment and lost their first. Notwithstanding these little drawbaoks to the oily ib is going ahead at a great pace, I think the bank officiate showed great wisdom and foresight in doing what they did bemuse the real estate men did u00 know bow far to go. They see not only tied op in this city bot in every oity, towu and village in the Western country, It does not seem to bark other Matinees very much. I think tbst Eaton hair done more to bring priers down to where they should be than any• thing else in the city. He has his Fride.y bargain day and all the other big stores are having their bargain day too and you ecu bay lots of goods jest as cheap as you oen down East. We have bed nice weather here bot are getting a little too =oh rain jest now. What is wanted here now is good bob dry weather to ripen the grain which hen done well for -o late a season. It there le no frost to hurt there will he a fair mop if it ripens all right. This ie an anxious time here Limy as so morel) depends on the orop in this country. Yours truly, R. IdiaTITICRDALD, Winnipeg, Aug. 13th, 1907. Bronchial Troubles itemlify Yield to Seething, Healing Treatment of Unmet. Bronchial troubles are purely local. They amino; be helped by etomaoh dos. Ing, They are nutted by irritation in the air peerages stud .tian be relieved and oared by mediettted. air alone. Is 211I5 Ilse the aeoret of the great mimeos of 111yomei in the treatment of bronchial troublee. The hymnal medioation, laden with nature's remedies, is breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comet with every outfit, reaching every part of the bronchial tubes and killing at once tbe disease germs. It allaye all urination and beats the inflammation of ate mucous membrane with aston• 'slang rapidity. Treatment with 'Trays, douches and atomizers in bronchial troubles is 00n• damned by the beet physioians, as they mune further irritation, The tint breath of EtyomePe medi oated air seams to soothe the leflamma. tion, atop the cough, and thee relief soau becomes permanent and a mire reunite. We do not want anyone's money unleee Hy•mmei gives relief and ours, aud we 5150501515 agree that money will be re- fubent nded unthe remedy gives eatiefae- All druggists should be able to sup ply yon with Eiyomei or we will timid it by mail on reoeipt of prise, $1.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it mate nothing nu less 11 00055. Booth's Hyomei Oompany, 'duffel°, N. Y. Atnerioan oapitalists are trying' to purchase the Ottawa Mead° Railway, electric light and gas enterprises. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of toy Dr. Shoop's Restorative end my Book on either Dyspepsia, the Mart or the kidneys. Troubles of the etomeah, heats or kidneys, ars merely sympbome of a deeper ailment. Don't make the oommon error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the reedit of ma ailment and not the canoe, Weak stomach berese— the inside nerves—Mean stommth weak. nese always, And the beset and kids neye ss well, have their oontrulling or halide nerves. Weaken these nerves and yob inevitably have weak vial organs. Mae is where Jr, Shoop's Restorative has made Ile fame. Ne Other remedy even claim to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating billowiness, bad breath or complexion, nee Dr, Shoop's Raftetas tive. Write me to day for sample and free book. Dr, Shoop, Bergner Wig. The ReetoratIve is !sold by all dealers. Either through altrokoetia or eareleee. .2' 1142resStShig 110105 50 good repair, Bondi etable, flood 11 0U8133 t8aBale--eir)t ttrelieRcoRinfoirjriVe mite beedretie of people s'etv•y tidal themselves by ohrtnno indigenitiou. liy rilartillattrrtietutirs2a°17171°41 e 2115 titalf r°o'inti0o0s to ki, OltAWPOLLB, Brawls, git•tf ite.rieetiug to onre et own, any slag. gielthees of the ingiortata uremia et Meanie.) the eyst,n1 is 111 ed 011 foi, 1001115 1(11(1 ti•eating 10(01 tbob re. eolte in eielt heatledilme, heartburti, bad taste in the month, (mated tongue, epeeke before tbe eyee, eleepleeeneee, nervells tronblee and the many other epitome that Mai the dirtier result oi ndigeati The want of a perfectly safe yet of. teetive our': for indigestion and elom• ash troubles in their malty forms was felt up to the time of the stamesettil inveistigatioua that, ret.nited In the production of DU 0.115 steward] ablets, They Tardily num the worst oeeee of indigestion, and the pain and distress which are often felt after meals Ms. appear in a very few days.—snob is the wonderful ourative power of Mi 005. The old.fasitioued medicines fir stomach troubles merely digest the food, While Bil o na strengthens the di gestive organs so that they soon become able to oars for the food that is tattle, We ttheolutely agree that your money Witi as refunded gamin you buy n 500, box of Mi o nit stomach tablets and ma be satisfied with the reunite. all•oma is sold by druggists everywhere, or will he sent by mail DU reoeipt 01 price, 60 until. Booth's Mona Company, Buffalo, N. Y. I. 0, 0, F. GRAND LODGE. The Grand Lodge of ()uteri°, I. 0. 0 P., opened its seseione in Orillia, Aug, 141b, W. S. Johnston, Toronto, Grand Master, oeoupied the ohair. In 11106 twelve new lodges were instituted, and three lodges revived. During tbe first six months of this year ten nsw lotigee were organized and one resusoieted, There were 888 lodges in June 301b, 1907, with alembeiship of 80,585. The dis bureemems in benefits for the year end• ins with Deeember 31a, 1906, were 5291,040.78. TIM assets of the Order in the Province 02 80(1 of last 'calendar year, 51,411,798 26. The Baum oast of running the Odd. fellows' Hume at Oakville last year was $1,259 84, or 285 rants for each in dividnal, and a, per capital tax of 8i oents on the membership in Ontario. The Oddfellowe' Retie( Attenuation of ()made was apeoially amumended by the Grand oftioers. The Grand Blaster !said: "Jbs growth or the Or. der in membership and in new lodgers during the year, bee largely exceeded that of any similar period in twenty years, and nitath of the medic is clue to the energy and jut:mice of the Ars ambition." Colonel Cole, Brookville, from the Qommittee ou tbe Otidfellowe' Relief Association, cited the ritunarioal 12,121 financial progress made by it daring the year. The revenue was $318, 825 83, and the expenditure 5248,888, 468, the amount 111 mortuary bene Ole being 6181,856 75, The surplus was 51,987 88. Ilse working asperities were 125 per omit. of the revenue. The work of the association was approved by the Grand Lodge. The Legislation Committee reported on the referenee of the Gland Master re garding legislation empowering sabordin. If you wish a high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for- mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free front dandruff. Does not change the color of the hair. 1.410 Woriututemithdoeos,to: bottle 9 521015 it SO your 01 lersAuk him about It, then doss he ...ye At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan- druff disappears. A splendid dressing. ...Mule by the 3,0. Ayer OD.. Xavrell.Vens,""' ate lodges to provide toe a higher rats of fees from members following hazardous nocapetions, or who reside in a locality where climatic) conditions aro anfavor. able. The committee approved of the suggestion and recommended that a new Manse be inserted in the constitution withal was adopted. The Committee on Motions reported upon the result of the vote in subordinate iodges for grand officers ;—R. R. Brett, Essex, Grand Master ; 5.. 13. McBride, Waterloo, Deputy Grand Meister : J. B. King, Toronto, Grand Seor, tarv, sod W. J. MoOormeek, Toronto, Grand Traeger. er, hy etiolemation D. Derbyshire, Brookville, Grautl Wardell ; F. B. Blew. ett, Grand llepreseutative, on the twelfth ballot. Adapted. T. If. Randle reported an behalf of Speoial Committee No. 8, reoommend. ing the disposition of the amount received from defunct Hilleburg Lodge the 1140 due to 'loopier Lodge No. 32 end to be paid at once, Adopted. A. large norober of nominations were made for the Grand Wardenship, that being the only office open to comma. Next year's meeting will be in Elti. Thome. Pilo get Tack and eertein relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment, Please note it 1. made for piles alone, and its aation ie positive and oertain. Itching, paieful, protruding or blind piles die. appear like magi° by it's use, Large niekeleeapped glen jam 50 ciente. Sold by all dealers. Less Of Appetite and Energy Singly they are a worry—oomhined they area burden, telling that a waste bas been immensely greater than the body's power to rebnild. The firet need is to reoonstruot the blood, make good the defloienay of red °ells. Ferrozone improves digestion, makes blood, the kind that noariehes and rebuilds. Quickly the nervous system responds to the new power eupplied by Nerviline. No tonic better than Ferrozone, 50e per box at all dealera, alike air The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend Exhibitors and Visitors Find it Profitable go KNABENHUB'S Antsup daily, and a HI list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after Programme ench evening, concluding with that Grand Display, "THE SIEGE- OF GIBRALTER" -"'Reduced Rates on All Railroa.dser— send So the se,,,tnpy for Prize Lists, Programs and DM IllfenilMi1111. 11..2. REID, President A. 152. MINT, ScorefarY LON DON gEpT, 6 T 3 14 0 er WORK HARVESTING FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL cl 12 GOING $ 1 Additional for the Return Ticket, EXCURSIONS TRIP IIIJF under conditions es below. GOING DATES ' Au]. 27 From ri?:;c:gtoRtr,d.rtglEttrgtesrnsitaln OntariO, south of main line of Aud. 30 From Toronto tb Sarnia on 0,7',R, and all stations north to and in- cluding Can. Par. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. Sept. 4 PIron -atil°OP:IIr50 Onk"CfifVrg!ti?TrilTrn„ChrligPcvrontTracgiso%et1%n of BolMnchen on Dan, Pas. ONE.WAY SSCONII.CLASS TICKETS WILL he 801.,10 To WIIIINTPRO ONLY Renresentative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Severnmonts, will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. tranSpOrtntiontMll be itivhiebefl at Winnipeg to points on Can. Pao. and Clan. Nor. Rye. where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw, Nan -meek and Swan River, lifieluct. ing branches), and At ono coat a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and A beAlbe ndiest° irs fta.urnished with atoll ticket, and this certilleate when executed by former showiag that laborer him worked thirty days or mord, will lad honored from that point for a mond class Mara bask to starting points in Ontario, at 818.00prior to , 1007. TicikNov.ets are80thgood only, en Rowlett Farm Laborers' trains and will be issued to women as well as to moo, but will pot be issued at half faro to children, Don't tarot the liotheseekers. Excursions Por full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Wiest. or with Tourist Sleopere write, a. 5. FOSTER, 01.0A... C.rato TORONTO Aug, 27, Bent. 10 and 24 NOTICE TO DEBTORS—DR. trUttalirl bus phoo2 b,js accounts in 0115 hanOa for colleetion. 51 111102505 Indebt- ed will kindly &renege paymout at tem. A. 14. 1115000NALD, Brussels, loly 002,1001. 02.20 into Melt STORE TO RENT ]3Y A—, February 1st—part of Smith Block. 22s85 feet ; Mid door from Aznerioau Hotel ; lately 210510 as tailoring and gents' furnish - fug eatablisitment. For farther particulars apply 25 3514, AleltieLV.ST, Brussels, HOUSE AM) LOT FOR SALE —525 underaigued offers for sale her house anti lot ou Turuberry atreet, Brus- sels, Possession mould be 015511 at 0,110a. For tithe, terms, lo,,Will' to MR9. BRIELB, Walton 1'. 0.. OSlo inn POW. K. 0. T. M. Brussels Tont of the Maimaboos, No. 24 hold their regular ineethige 15 tho Lodge Boom, Beaker Blocs, 00 tbe 18t and Ord Tuesday eveuings of each month, Vial tore always 18ele010e, A., SOMERS, Cola. A, 01eGIIIS,14, 13.02. FARM .s.OR SALE—BEING Lot 24, flou. 10, Grey, oontaining 100 amis. 96 acres cleared and ballots(' hard wood bush and swamp. Good brick house with kitehen, driving abed mud stable , good well, o reliant, die, tei m Masse. Place WWI fenced. P mention could bo giveu alter prop le off, For thither parttemara as to price, Wine, dm. appty 20 Jtse, aimenta., (20(2 34, min, sa,Grey, or rolonorieff 11,0. NOTICE Any person wishing to have their lots at- tended to will dad me at the Cemetery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Of each week during the Bummer months. lam also Agent for the aliteliell marble and 'mutts arm. Come apd luspeot our work aud get prises beforebnybog obieW bum 110011125 U. DABS, 00.4 Caretaker. FOR SALE- 0I5 TO RENT.— The uedereigned offers Mir 100 non farm, being uot2e, Coe. 7,111155, 505 Bole or to rent. Comfortable noose, bunk barn, orchard, wells, dm Farm is only 5et a noble from the etirriug village of Mho!. For lux - tiler particulars apply to F. 5. 80011, Brus- sels, or With, HAT16 HOLLAND, 70 Shuter Stteet, Toronto. 87.001 PROP.ERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned ellen his house and. lot, situate on. Dill street, Brussels, for sale It is web located, a convenient sol! funnier. table home. Possession eau be given at once, win also sell the yin:mut lot, corner of Hill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a One building site, For further par - Coulters ue to price. terms, em., apply 10 71.1110. ADA1113, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wieb. 16-4 VARM FOR SALE—BEING Si Lot 10 and Lot 17, 05 0. 15, Grey. The farm contains 150 twos, 140 acres cleared and 5 acres of good Watt WOO d hub. There le a good frame house, hunk barn 450100 it., outbuildingeofai. Windmill on barn and water works utter° in house and stable; orchards ; 100 acres 01 farm 0018 12 grass. Only a mile to 150501 and 25 miles to village of Oran brook ; 81 miles to railway depot on 0.5.00. Possession for plowing as soon as crop is off. For thither particulars, ae 10 price, terms, dfc., apply 08 the promisee to 115241413 PalltitIki, or Crombrook P.O. 4tt Voters' List Court. NOTICE is hereby given tbat a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' Listsdet, by Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Rerun, at the Township Hal1,11thel, on Thureday, the 5th day of September, A.. D. 1907, at 10 a, in., to bear and determine the several com- plaints of error's and omissions in the Vot- ers' List of the Munleipclity of Grey for 1007, All persons haying business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place, Dated Ws 20th day of August, A.D. 1907, JOHN MoINTOSH, Clerk Grey Townehip, ALL ANROYAL MAIL LINE TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL' TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Salle Friday, Aug, BO Sept, 27 Tunisian " Sept. 6 Oet- 4 Victorian SOpt.18 Oot. 11 Corsican (new) " Sept,20 Oot.18 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Protorian Thursday, Aug, 29 t, Oct. 8 smitten Sidle Thuraday,Sept. 5 Oot. 17 /union Sails Thursday, Sep. 12 Oot, 24 ThUrSday,.S0p, 19 Por sailing% lists and full information apply to II% H. KRIM, Agent Allan Line, Brussels, Gregg Shorthand Taught by Gradual° of John it, Gregg, 11110 12(101100 COMN1EROIAL DEPARTMENT gets down to bed 'rook Inundation of mederu b1181115011 twin ei 'los, liliteed in good ellicatione. Day students attend night Messes lree, Write for eatategue. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2ND illghaffl Business College Gso. Sromm, Principal 4,04. Synopsisof Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' A NY evert numbered section of Dominion Lauds is matitohn. Saskatchewan mid albertaoseeptiug 8 and 20, not reserved, may bo howeeteintial by any person who is the solo head of it famil y, 00 5115 Mule over 18 years of age, to the outwit of one-quarter aectlon 5( 160 items more or lose, Entry may be made personally at the Meal Iand office for the 'Harlot in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the cooditions coin:Gated therewith under One at oho following plans 1 11) A.t least six mouths' residence upon and cultivation of the land In each year for three years. (2) 21 025 hither Mr mother, if lbs father Is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a furn2 In mho vicinity of the laud entered for the ItOgIlitteinelite as to 1e81. (ISMO way bo satbillud by such person re- siding Ivan the father or mother. (8) If the settlor bus his permanent resi- donee 11500 Tomlin; land owned by him In the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as tO residence may be eatia. 001 25 rusidtmee upon the mid laud. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lamle at Ottawa of intentiou to apply for patina. w. W. CORY, Venn ty of the Minister r.f Interior. 01.10, thuilithorined publication of this ad- vertisement will sot bo paid for, Bodinin Lune 'VW's, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS ' r5rWill meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels, is for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY ' BRUSSELS. T Farmers or Storekeepers by coining to the Brussels Salt Works ran get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussele, A DANDY STOCK OF IT G. 0- I rn W2 have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies, manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Plattsville, and Wm. Dore & CO. of Winghara. The Workmanship through- out is 'First-class and prices are right. Don'11. fail to see them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at 'very reasonable rates. R. Francis & Co. Shop. next to Town Hall, Brussels ' Wo also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points and elle Frost & Wood repairs. Call and rice us. vases VOW 4 • :Oa A'filt 0.