HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-29, Page 3WILSON'S
Ono packet it
has actually
killed a. bushel
lOu. per packet, or 3 packets for tae.
will laet a whole eeaoon.
'@le'feeeeeey0.3014 ^+0.e.t344B. t34?•.6
Colitis Is an inf smtriotion of the Co1-
<'n, or largo Imlesline, 1t occurs in scv-
ernt forms. Simple catarrhal colitis is
a not encommon affection, 11 may
arise . front the saute rnusoas catarrh
of Other 13000118 membranes, us of 1lru
hrmhcillal tube's, for example, or it may
bo caused by the presenoo in the intes-
tine of lud[geslible or partially dceoin-
prsett food; a not infrequent cause Is
constipation, the matters which should
be disoharged being retained, end by
their presence setting up nn irritator,
The most prominent symptom is cear-
rLcen, This usually conies on sudtten-
ly, and is \l'sJel'y in claret:ter, often
tllge<l with blood. Ass eriulcd with this
is considerable abdominal pain, occur-
ring in paroxysms, -00110, -end follow-
ing the course of the large intestine, et
one or the oilier stele of the abdomen
Or along lis upper border.
The appetite is peel', the tongue ;s
ecattet with a white fur, nausea is cam-
m<.n, and vomiting sometimes ocean's.
There Is usually more or less fever, and
t_•e pulse is rapid amt weak.
Tho treatment consists •tsts in absolute
reel in bed, a very restricted diet (pre-
lerably milk and lhn_water in small
quantities), and the administration of
astringent remedies. The latter is, sl
course, to be left to the physician, for
much harm may be done by injudicious
medication. The symptoms of dysentery
hie very similar to those of the disease
under consideration, but dysentery is a
ranch more serious affection. The pos-
sibility that the disease is dysentery ra-
ther than simple colitis Is an added rea-
son for seeking medical advice, and
not attempting to cure Lhe trouble with
damesilc treatmen t,
Another and more serious form of in-
flammation of the colon is what is call-
ed membranous colitis. This disease
occurs usually in young adults, and in
W01110.11 more commonly than in men.
The initial symptoms are similar to
those of simple colitis, but the diar
rhtna does not last long, and alternates
with p<'riods of obstinate constipation.
In the passages, especially during the
periods of constipation, are patches ' f
membrane, soinetlrnes\ of considerable
size, looking like wet parchment, term-
ed of sheets al tenacious muoes.
The subjects of tlrts disease, which is
chronic In character, ore usually clys-
ptptie, suffering much from flatulence,
anemic, and depressed 'n1 spirit. The
0ealmenl is mutely hygienic. The
patent should live mucic in the open
air, have long hours of sleep, eat plen-
ty of nourishing food, scrupulously
avoiding fried moats, pastry, and other
indigestible articles of dict. A. change
of air and scene is often curative In its
effects. The patient should ulso, if pos-
sible, have some light, but interesting
occupation, which will serve to turn his
mind from 1118 ailment,
Relaxing is an art not difficult to ac-
quire. Just Bop, limbering every joint
in your body as a baby does, Dont al-
low nay stiffness to remain anywhere
in your anatomy. Begin with your nett
and think about every joint from there
down to your toes, until they aro loose.
Then try to think of nothing whatever
or of something trivial and pleasant.
Fifteen minutes passed in this way will
rest you more tion hours of restless,
troubled sloop. Your nerves will regain
their tone, and small troubies will be
easily passed over; your expression will
be cheerful and attractive, and ugly
lines will be smoothed out and driven
away, making you appear years young-
For colic of infants use one drop of
essence of peppermint in two ounces or
sweetened 'water.
For tbothache dampen a small piers el
cotton with oil of cloves. and put in
cavity of 10o111.
For pain in chest ar headache with
a cold apply camphorated oil with rub-
bing and cover with cloth.
For sprains, mosquito bites, stomata
rash, and summer heat apply witch-'
For chronic indigestion Adel one -halt
ounce of lime water to pint of liquid.
For sour stomach lake a teaspoonful
of soda bicarbonate to a glass and sip
slowly before meals.
Dry suiphtur, rubbed thoroughly into
the scalp, will stop falling hair.
Some pimples aro so deep they leave
a scar after they heal. Carbolated vase -
line, eurchased et qny drug store, often
will euro the most obstinate red spots.
If the Thin' girl wants to get fat quick-
ly let her take the Viennese chocolate
cure. She must eat chocolate for ten
days; then resume her regular diet for
a week, returning to the chocolate pre-
.paratons for ten <lays more and so on.
Itis excellent for the stomach, .giving
It plenty of n0urishrneet and rest mean-
New Method of Treating Patients Who
Have TYfihoid Fever.
Fan baths Is the latest remedy employ.
ed by the city hospital physicians .0
the treatment of typhoid fever. Here -
More, Ilia ice plunge was used, and n.
patient Whose temperetul'e had reached
Ito denger point was soused in a bath -
tut filled with broken ice until his teeth
rattled. This treatment after a time
was found to ba loo heroic, es tho shoal:
wee loo severe and pneumonia .soonettnes
developed. Then ice water sponge baths
Were substituted, but the fan baths, the
cloclo's declare, ase just the thing.
The patient is sponged off with ieo
water first, then to sheet Chat has been
socked in lee \valor is wrapped about
the body end mare ipe Water is sprinit•
led on the sheet. The current of an
40311010 fen is then turned an him In
871011 a \vey Malebo gets the /nest bene
fit from the air Unit Is stirred up. 110+
cent experhncnls have preyed this M05•
uro highly Su0Oessilli,
Cannibal Tribes Arc Superior, Mentally
and Physically, to the Non -
Man is stili 0)13011 eaten by Iris follow
rurm. It is eS,inlat?d that millions of
savages on the upper Congo are 1110434•
4:1.010 enuflihlllS, is111110118 mord perhaps
have the sumo taste b1 New Guinea and
uertaln groups of the South Sea 'slum's,
notably 1110 Selections, the New Hebridt:$
alai New Ireland,
\Vity this should ho so is a mystery
111111 11118 perplexed the anthropologists.
Devitt Livingstone, the dost white man
to coons the Manyerno country 171. Cen-
tral Africa, was reluctant to believe that
cannibalism 108.5 not in some way as -
spieled with superstitious rites. But
when he saw the eagerness of the 1111-
aIfvas for wild was evideotly their favor-
ite food ho could no longer close lets
eyes to rho siruple lar,4-rho Congo man
preferred human flesh to any other kind
of meat.
The extent of the practice is indicated
it the evidence given before the various
Congo inquiry commissions. One native
witness alter, another camp forward and
lido on the table bundles of twigs or
leaves, each ono representing a humtm
being that had been killed and eaten by
the so -caned sentries employed by two
13ciglnn administration to supervise
the bringing in pf rubber.
IL has even been asserted that Ibose
tribes which do not indulge in the prac-
tice aro inferior, mentally and physi-
cally, to the cannibals. "And yet," wild
1,ivinghlono, speaking of the Manyema,
"[hey aro a fine looking race. 1 would
back them to be superior in shape and
general physique to the entire Anthro-
pological Society."
For many years travellers generally
omitted from 111510 looks mention of
cannibalism. Such. stories would, they
fancied, be considered exaggerated if
But of late the explorers of all nation-
alities havo studied both people and
practice with scientific zeal,
Sir harry Johnston, Herbert Ward,
COminendant Guy Burrows of the Congo
administration, Dr, Parke. Capt. S. L.
}Undo, also In King Leopold's servl00,
and many others '•lave Spentyears
among the Congo tribes, and then give
in a matter-of-fact way details of the
habits of Lha savages which are almost
iner•edihle. In the Bangala country not
only arc the bodies of idose slain in
betlle eaten, bul the natives habitually
kilt more fur food. And about this there
is touch curious system, such as in-
clines students of anthropology to sus-
pect some .ridden origin.
Thus the prisoner is not killed out-
right, but is placed chin deep In a pool
of wafer with iris head made fast to a
log lest 130 drown. The victim's limbs,
Ly the way, have been broken three day:
previously. On the third day the poor
creature is taken out and killed. This
procedure, Iho Berea Wingate say, makes
the flesh memo lender,
Capt. S. L. I -Linde, returning home from
Stanley Falls on the Congo, had personal
experience of these people. On the down
rivet' trip to Roma six of the Bangala
crew were put in irons, charged with
having eaten two of their own compan-
ions, Tho accusal were magnificent
savages, over G feet high anel superbly
Two of 1110 3rew, it seemed, had !ellen
an the voyage up, and were alloyed
by the captain to take a few clays rat.
But when next rations we're served they
wore missing. Tho master of the steam-
er was told they had died in Bo night
and been buried ashore. And this
seemed likely enough. But the captain
of the ship had his doubts, I -Ie made a
sudden raid on the quartets of his Ban -
gala hands, and discovered
smoke dried 311(1 oat up conveniently to
the lockers of the six 'suspects, now -go-
ing to trial at Leopoldville.
In truth, the Darwinian theory of the
stu•vivai of the fittest is seen in Central
Africa in all its pitiless application. Even
women, unable to keep up with the
much of the warriors, are killed and cut
up for food instead of being left behind
of the mercy of other tribes or wild
beasts. Nor do the blacks of the Congo
forest enanthal' themselves with the
sick or lame, who are similarly disposal
The cannibals in all cases extract the
toetil of their bumen prey for necklaces
and bra0elels. The hair is made into
1s111ng lines anti nets ; the skin goes to
cover war drums and the skulls become
fashionable decorations in the homes of
tribal chiefs, whose greatest glory Is a
long array of these .trophies of the chase.
• Commandant Guy Burrows, lately in
the servlco of the Congo Administration,
told the (51110r of a curious story of the
Rataite people, a body of whom he led
i11 a punitive expedition against the Me-
L'ado tribes. -
I saw e. boy .tit in the shoulder by a
ball from an ol(1 muzzle loader," he
said, "11nel yet, although seriously hurt,
his looped entirely unconcerned; they
net utter fatalists, these fellows. His
00mr11(1(.s carried him on ono side, away
from the rest of the wounded, aad when
I saw this I remarked : 'Tape that boy
up or 11011 got bit again;
'At this half a dawn grave elders,
came to ni0 expOstlilafing. 'Ile is only.
a y0005 lad,, they grumbled. 'You
might just as well lot us have 11110 for
lolling when the fight is over.' I drovo
the monsters from me with nay ahicotte
or hippo hide whip.
"The boy recovered and served me for
yea's. But those Batake cannibals Haver
forgave me. They deserted in dignified
protest; disg 15(8(1 with mo for refusing
them such a trifle. after they had borne
the heat and burden of the day. And 1
know they smarted long under a sense of
gross injustice.,'
During tho same campaign Command-
ant Burrows save another side 0f this
practice. Sitting at his tent door one
evening after camp had been pilolted ho
Watched hes mail gotltng 111011' supper
ready. Tho day had been marleec] by
forced marcas andsiiarp fighting, glfi
ng, i
which beet sides left many dead in the
Cheek jungle.
Presently tri else getheleilg dusk a liege
savage peeled Wee sie1tltklilyt With a big
bundle on his shoulder wrapped in leaves
of the wild banana 0alm. Challenged by
]furrows, the man said he was only
bearing food for his e0.mredes--just
banana food, But in fact Iso and several
others hod been constantly going to and
fro from the scene of 1110 light, cutting tie
the Wiles and bringing them Blown in
5111511 parcels so ELS not 'lo attract the
while mat's attention as they passed his
ton b.
Yet In this very country aro tribes that
would not 0111 human 111.111 if they were
starving; the cation& litttn pygmies, for
inai1111er, of the Great Forest Yet these
aro infinitely lower in Ito soda] scute
than lire cannibals -little better than
apes, in fact.
'!'heir hilts would disgrace en inlelll-
gent oncost. 1'115y have no arts, 1101' (10
they till the so11. '17,.se queer little no-
mads exist by hunting, trapping and
fishing. They even pursue the elephant,
shooting it in the tool with poisoned ar.
rows and then lraclting it until it be-
comes helpless, when they finish. off the
monster with their spears,
Capt, Ewart S. Grogan, the explorer,
who wanted the whole length of Attica
tram 1110 Cape to Cairo, collected ample
testimony of the pygmies' aversion io
human flesh. lee witnessed a big tribal
1i5111 in this country between the Baleke
and the Bangale, and after all was over
he carte upon the victors feasting on the
bodies of the slain, while tho tiny apo
men, weary as they were with their
share of the tray, were scouring the
country round for vegetable food.
Hebert Ward, F.13. G. S., is another
traveller who has given much study to
this question. And be, loo, testifies that
the savages of the Upper Congo simply
prefer human meat to any other.
They asked him innocently if he also
did not enjoy it, and each headman in
bringing presents to the while traveller -
skinny fowls, bananas, sugar cane, and
so on -invariably Included quantities of
smoke dried pleat, spitted on sieewwrs
and unmistakeably of human origin.
"We do as aur lathers have dome," these
savages told him with an indifferent
shrug, when remonstrated with on the
subject, "It is good to eat meat that
hulked," complacently said another tribe.
In the Ubangi country A'M. Ward be-
held the mens necks adorned with
strings of human teeth, dried fingers and
collarbonos ; and all the houses wore
decorated with skulls on the outside. In
the Ngombi region on the Lulungu Rive',
a mighty tributary of the Congo, eight.
hundred miles from the Atlantic coast,
Mr. Ward found a series of strongly for -
tilled villages, where the Ubangi canni-
bals came to buy slaves, drawing upon
the supplies for food as required.
Turning to two South Sea Islands, the
Germans, Dutch and British aro striving
to put down cannibalism in their respec-
tive. spheres In New Guinea. So far these
efforts have mot with little success. The
prectico is too deep sealed to bo eradi-
cated in a generation or two. No New
Guinea maiden will loon with favor on
a suitor whose hut is not plastered with
human skulls ars testimony to his prow-
ess as hunter and general provider for
tee home.
In the Solomon Islands, New Britain
MA New Ireland, the natives aro also
cannibals from deliberate choice. in the
lelrrnls os late as 1850 lived canni-
bals aa -ruthless as any on earth. They
fattened . their viotims in wooden cages
until they were ready for the braining
stones, which you may see 111 Ovalau to
this day, together with nolahes an the
trees eecording two number of Truman be-
ings sent to the ovens.
Guard Their Children's Health by Giv-
Ina Them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
The health of the growing boy or girl
should lie carefully guarded. During
the growing time there Is a danger el.
the blood becoming poisoned and the
health seriously impaired. The blood
should be kept pure end 1110 child will
grow strong, healthy and active. Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic
for the young. They ..ever 1511 to
Ping color to the pale cheeks and
strength to the growing body. To a
reporter of L'Avenir du Nord, Mr, Jos.
Provost, of SL Canute, Que., tells bow
these pills saved his (1005g11 er Marie
Irmo a lila of misery. Ile says: "A
year ago my daughter, a girl of thir-
teen, was very weak. She was. so ill
that 3 feared she was going into con-
sumption. Though.I tried remedy after
remedy she remained in this. state
for 5000051 months and I began
to think she never would get better.
I read of the good Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills had been in a case of anaemia, so
got some for her. Soon she began lo
improve; .lel' appetite returned,; she
grew strong; color came into her
cheeks and to -day she is as heathy as
any young girl could be, i firmly be-
lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her
Dr. Wllllems' Pink Pills are equally
as successful in bringing those of ma-
ture age back to health us they are in
building up the young, They make
pure, red blood-Ulat Is why they bnlf-
ish anaemia, rheumatism, St. Vitus
dunce, heart palpitation, indigestion
and the secret Ills of girlhood and
womanhood. But you must get th0
genuine bearing the full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,"
on the wrapper around each box. All
other so -10110(1 Pink Pills are imiletions.
If your medicine dealer does ..lot keep
the genuine pills prey will be sent at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Do', Williams Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Ont. '
The man who has nothing for 10111011
to strive can find aro pleasure in this
Trouble is so perverse that It never
comes to the 1111111 who is fully prepared
ter lt.
Many. a man has flailed because his
desire for Came did not equal 111s love
of sleep.
It takes a really great man to come.
cul bravely and 'admit that ho was in
the wrong.
Few mere aro courageous enough to
fellow their awn conscinne° if tho
00n8ale1ce of the world doesn't agree
with. it,
The danger of tho delights of this
'world vanishing even atter we have.
them, 1$ what makes them so preelot15.
easy to. Brass n pratltahlo beet.
noes In Ella garb of rospepiabilley..
1n Regard to Whether IDs Patient's
Dinease Is Fatal?
"Ought the darfar to tell his pnlien
frankly whip is the matter with him
even though the dieense be a fatal one?
T1ais mullein, in, raised by 1116 censure 4'
a coroner's Jury of a doctor whose pa
tient. told that he had consumption
colnnlltteel +abide, was discussed by
.Harley street, 'maiden pi eeielon Lately
Speaking to London Bally 1311111 rep
reheniative, he divided patients into 11
those who want to know the truth, zr.
those who already know, but hope 1
be turd that Wilms are not so bad, and
will gludly swallow a•lie; and (3) twos
who du not want la know anything.
"The nln00rlly of patients," he said
"lcavo the doctor no alternative, The
(Iceland a 'yes' 0r 'nee Take heart dis-
ease. The patient says: 'Is my hear
diseased?' Ito is paying for your opin
nl, and you reply, Your heart is no
sound; it 15 weak. Don't run to catch
trains, and do not do this and thee.'
"Tile trouble is that heart disease to
the public means one thing only -
death. If 11 meant a variety or mor
m• less grave affections of 1110 heart we
should not perhaps have those 'slam
and deliver' questions, Another ques
tion is: 'How long shall I live?' No
doctor who knows his business will se
a limit by request on any patient's
days. Many a doctor has been borne
to the grave followed by hale and
hearty men that he 'gave up' years be-
They are a Powerful Nervine, -Dys-
pepsia causes derangement of the nerv-
ous system, and nervous debility once
ergendered is difficult to deal with.
There aro many testimonials as to the
efficacy of Paseelee's Vegetable Pills in
treating this disorder, showing that they
never fail 10 produce results. By glu-
ing proper Lane to the digestive organs,
they restore equilibrium to the nerve
April, June, and December are the
principal inarrying months in this coun.
try, and May the poorest of marriage
months. Yet 111 Holland May is the
month of all others for marriages. In
Russia January and February are the
marriage months, and in Norway Juno
and July.
The Wretched Condition of thousands is due
to the fact that they neglect 1110 simplest care of
their health. When in this condition "lrorroyim"
will build you up and give you strength.
Young Barrister -"My dear, she
isn't a shoplifter. She may have been
formerly, but she has saved so much
money in the last len years that she
lois become a kleptomaniac.'
IL is Good for Man end Beast. -Not
only is De. Thomas' Eclectric 011 of in-
comparable value in the household, but
the farmer and stockman will find It
very serviceable in the farm yard and
ea the' cattle range, often saving the
services of a veterinary surgeon. In in-
juries to stock and in cases of cough
and pains it can be used with good ef-
'Pec t.
Ten years ago the total immigration
into Canada from the mother country
was only 14,408. Last year 11 hall
reached 67;133, of whom 17,672 were
Scots, and 8,707 Irish. The numbers are
expected to exceed 100,000 this year.
for all makes of machines al Five Cents
per package, and everything eisa per-
taining to sewing machines at greatly
reduced prices. Look for the Red S.
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us
at Manning Chambers, 'Toronto, for set
of Bird Cards tree.
"Say, what's the bast food for hens 1"
"Layer cake 1"
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
is pleasant to lake; sure and effectual
:n destroying worms. Many have tried
it with best results. .
In .the United States only one building
in three thousand is even nominally
Comfort by day a,id sound sloop by night fol-
low the use of Weaver's Cerate, for skin troubles,
nomatter how tormenting they be. This pint.
meat soothes and 010011sos.
Tho average lean thinks he will have
plenty of time for everything if he winds
up his watch every day,
Why go limping and whining about.
,your corns when a 25 cent bottle of
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove
them? Give 1t a trio] and you will not
regret it.
In after years a spinster may have
cause to congratulate ]herself on the
number of times she didn't get married.
The total wealth of the hotted Stales
is about equal to that of the United
Kingdom and Russia. combined, or to
rather more than that of Franco and
Germany together. -
In the new plrtnisels of the Platinum
Substitutes Company in cast, Rand;
Melon, which the Lord Mayor formally
opened reoentiy, the Work is to bo done
by cripples•. it is expecte. that 800
crippled girls will bo employed.
Nothing you can wear costs you so little is real
comfort, real service and :col satisfaction as
en -Angie
U-, er e r
Warranted to you by the dealer, by the maker to
him. F rm-Gated f comfort's! sate • won't stretch,
won't shrink. Mede in many (oinks and rtyky
at variouo trice., in loam -fitting urea far -women,
and children. de.mahed ' a6ava.
teen a dr n. 'iris m red as
Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but
had he hunted in the "Temagami" re-
gion he would have been a mightier
cn0. Nimrod hunted for glory, but
Temnganians hunt for game. Those
Indians who made the first canoe of
birch bark long ago, were our greatest
benefactors. The children of these In-
dians ]mow the canoe, and they know
hew to use it, and if you go to Tema-
gami this smnmer they will paddle
your canoe in their own superb way.
They will be the best guides you ever
had. Students who camp in summer
along the Temagami lakes are able to
do two years' work In one. Finest of
fishing and hunting. Easy of access by
tee Grand Trunk Rodway System. For
information and beautiful descriptive
publication sent free apply to e. D.
McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
While on a walking tour in Scotland
on tiie road to St. Catherine's, some
Americans met two shepherds, who,
after some conversation, offered to take
us a short cut over the moors and 8110w
us 1110 clever way fir which their dogs
worked. There were three flacks of
sheep an tho hills belonging do different
owners. Sitting down on the hillside,
the shepherds told their two dogs (in
Gaelic) to separate the sheep and bring
their men flocks up to whnf'a 100 were
resting. There were a thousand sheep
or more scattered aver the moor. First
rounding them all up in a bunch, the
dogs collected their own sheep together,
driving away the strangers by barking
and chasing them, but net hurting them
1n the least.. Within an hour they had
the two flocks belonging to their nlas-
fers 001l151101ly gathered, a»d brought
them in two divisions, one on each side
aF 118.
We have 110 hesitation in saying chat
Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is without doubt the best medicine ever
introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea,
dolmaandall summer complaints, sea
sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief
`and never fails to effect a positive cure.
Me:thcl;s should never he without a bat -
Pe when their children are teething.
"Mold, can't you play tennis without
al that noise?" "Now, how do you sup-
pose \vo are going to, play tennis with-
out raising a racket?"
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches ane
every form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never fails,
Sold by all druggists.
Three months alter facing the parson
together they were seated at the tea
table. "Do you love me still?" queried
the young wife, alter the manner of
her kind, "0f course, I love you still,"
he answered. "Now keep still while 1
read the paper."
Mild in 'Their Action.-Parrnelee's
Vegetable Pills are very mild in their
action, They do not cause griping in
the stomach or cause disturbances there
as se many pills do. Therefore, the
most delicate can take them without
fear of unpleasant results. They can,
tea, be administered to children with-
out imposing the penalties (which fob
icw the use of pills not so carefully pre-
Thrco things to govern - temper,
tongue, and conduct.
Three things to cultivate--conrago, ale
Penton, and gentleness,
Three things to command -thrift, In-
dustry, and promptness.
Three things to despise -cruelly, arro-
gance, and ingratitude,
Three things to wish for--hoallie
friends and contentment.
Three things to admire -dignity,
gracefulness and intellecfuel power.
Thee things to give -alms 10 the
needy, Comfort to the sod, and appreel
alien to the worthy.
Captain Sir Pieter Ilam, chairman of
the L011(10n Executive of the Smith
Alrienn Products Exhibition, has left for
South Aileen, where ho \0111 convey
signet photographs oI 111e King to 1110
mayors of the enp1tals at rho five South
,Afel enn 00Toeies.
Some of 1110 people who ere ?llssatis'
lied with this worltl will be disappointed
w1111-.hcaver-if they got there,
Occurrences In the Land That Retool
Supremo In the Commorclal
A woman Inmate at the city wont-
doueo, i ondoe, is stated to have cost
the relepey es £1.400.
Travelling as the Cau11t458 of Killar-
ney, the Princess of Wales left l,e,u(1on
for Dre elen, where+ elle (5111 1'!'1111111) 001'
a forteigrhl,
Alia, Hawkins, of 10 Portland place,
tendon, has promised to subscribe X20,-
O1, for thecompletion
of t hewest
towers 311(1 spire
of 'Truro Cathedral.
With his hands and 1110E manacled,
Prof, Jules GuuiiOr, who, in July, 11104,
-0/tun 10 miles under shriller conditions,
wilt swim from fechmorl(1 10 Putney,
if a constable is in danger of being
incapacitated for life he should hit a
pian on the head. Thal, is what I should
du if 1 were a constable," said Sir 13.
Henry, Chief Commissioner at the Police
"It is evident elm had been what is
known in Cheshire as 'neighboring and
drinking," said the coroner at a Nor-
wich inquest on a woman who, after
visiting- three houses and being served
with drink, fell into tho river.
Compensation to the extent of £100
1505 awarded at Bristol to John Rous,
who lost, all eye RS the result of a mn1Or
car acoidcnt 0n April last.
Several women have disappeared re-
cently from Birmingham, and now two
Ashton girls, Lily 131y1h and Dora Hock-
ley, both aged sixteen, are missing.
By a gas explosion at Susanna
Street, Poplar, where a gaseipe in the
road was being repaired, a house oppo-
site was w'reeked, and throe persons
were Injured by felling glass.
Trafalgar Square's fountains and ba-
sins have just been cleaned out, and
among the things found in them were
°lel walking -sticks and umbrellas, boots,
empty purees, pocket knives, and Lobe°.,
01 boxes.
Charged at Salford \01111 neglecting
his two children, a man was slated to
heve locked the boys in a filthy room,
padlocked the doors, fed them on bread
wandhip, water, and thrashed them with a
Mies Lydia Aikens, the fifteen -year-old
daughter of a Leicester builder, caused
great excitement at Leicester by climb-
ing a chimney 150 feet high and walking
round the edge of the scaffolding at the
Tho prize presented by the Queen for
the best conducted pupil in the. West;
Norfolk and King's Lynn Scheel for
Girls has been won by Miss Coulton, of
Doctors in Preston Have decided to
raise their fees for attending members
01 friendly societies from Is. 6d. per.
annum to 4s. per (lead for then, 3s. for
women and 3s. for children.
Teething E able
are saved suffering -and mothers
given rest -when one uses
Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure
Quickly relieves-regolatcs the
bowels - prevents convulsions.
Used so years. Absolutely safe.
At drug,atores,gee. 6 bottles,4$1.25
National Dreg St Chemical Co„ lambed,
Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41
Do you wolra't a
Painting Book ?
It's FREE.
Ask your another to
send us her name and
address and we'll send
you one of these splendid
Painting Books with the
colors all ready to use.
We'll also send a quarter -
pound package of Cellu-
loid Starch for your
mother to try next ironing
;r tlr ry
_ s
ThehlranlfordStr rel arkn,1�
E:lsatford, Canada tut
U oen' I Meaning!
Ito, ata wry 6,10 rend your work to tba
"frf ITEOlh AMERICAN Drilla) 00."
IAah tar carat In your town, or mood lbaad
wratroel,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Thera is one roof that eaves money
heron.°it will haat Inn years.
Guaranteed In writing for 25 years.
This roof saves you work becalrae easy
so asy t0 put on (do it 1oursel1 with a
hammer and snips), and save you worry
because they fireproof. windproof and
weather-proof the building they cover.
Write ma about 10 and hear all about
sol ROOFING RIGHT. Address
The PEDLAR People Tiant.
Oekawa Montreal Ottowq Toronto London Winnipeg
RIM and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Summer Cruises in t0oolLa.titudes
Twin 8orew Iron SS. "Campana," with oinstrld
lights, electrto balls and all modern comforts.
d p m., 3rd and 17611 Tana tat, 12th s od 20th Ialyl
19th and 20th August, 11th and 23rd 8� gNptomb oath awl fortnightly thereafter for Pluton, 14.8,, calla
In at Quebec, , Gaopo, Mal ide, 11y Force, Cape Cove
Grand River. Summarsido, P.1ti,L, and Clhorioti
tetown, P.R.I.
Bummer Excursions, 7050, by the naw Tvriri
Seem 55.Bermudian'; kW tons. Sailing at
and 10th Juno, 3rd, 17th'and BetJnly, 14011 se
tech August 4111, lith and 21th September, kb
10th and Sett, Ootober, 6t1,, 10th and rah Norem,.
bor. Temperature cooled by sea breeze. Beldon?
rises above 80 degrees,
The afloat tripe of the Beason for health 8.4
ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebeol
6O Broadway, New York.
ICs all right to judge a man by the
company he keeps, but it isn't fair to
judge a woman by lire company she is
forced to entertain.
Auction 3 le of mmgb=Class Berkshires
The Tops of the Berkshire World, Champions of
Canada for the Past Five Years.
Annual Cale of high-class Berkshires to be hold by W. H. Durham, at his
home Islington, Ont., six miles west of Toronto, on . -
Sale to eminence at 1 p.m. sharp. The offering will cr; sist of imported
and Canadian bred sows in. !arrow, gills, and young boars, the blood of
English and Canadian Champions. If you aro in need of a goad show nnim01
this fall, don't fail to attend this sale. Come and spend the day with cls, and
see one of the greatest Berkshire herds en the American continent,
Write foe catalogue and turtfier particulars to--
o-AuctioneerI. MceweN. Weston, Ont. W. 11, DURHAM, Boz Boss, Toronto, Can,
t, d
in size to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on or
near railways in .the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing
and stock raising distrlots of
Prices, with water right, perpetual and unfailing, lower than
those ever placed upon Irrigated lands in the adjoining Stales,
no quality of the land the finest.
An aero of irrigated land in Southern Alberta raises twice
the crop of the best untrrdga0ed land elsewhere -AND TRH
This magnificent irrigation treat of 8,000,000 aol'es is without
doubt the finest land proposition on the market to -day.
Intmlgrntion is pouring en; values Wiil 6001). Sao on the dee.
Write us for interesting and 11111 printed information;
The Land w'epartrnent,
Union Trust Co., Laiovaited,
174 Bay St., Toronto
Exciusive Agent In Ontario, Manitoba and the Maritime Pro.
COMPANYS irrigated lands.