HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 8- - F 0 R ^-awainelepie. PURE NC LING SPICES COME TO US The Piokling wagon is at band again and it is very neeeseary that the best possible Spines should he used to insure the desired flnvo& In ell probability you have a recipe o! your own, if so we can supply the ,Spices for yon from our Whole and Ground Gloves " " it Alispioe Back Pepper White " Cinnamon " Jamaica Ginger f All sizes of Corks for Pickling Bottles. Also Paraffin Wax and Sealing Wax for sealing bottles, &c. .i " et e1 ,t " ti rr rr Ground Mustard Mustard Seed Tumerio Whole and Ground Mace Garlic Curry Powder WI T DRUGGIST ANIS OPTICIAN. Aral RdUS t.errts A ohiel'e among ye takiz' notes, An' faith he'll prent Lena DAY will be the next holiday. Bae ier's Public Babool will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 8rd. TERRE deoke of hogs were ebipped from Braseeie Ghia week by Meaara. Jowitt & Bateman. 27 rubber tire riga have been sold by Mesas. Ewan & 0o. so far [hie ninon, and still there's more to follow. THE High Court of the 10, F. meets in Berlin on Aug. 28 and 29. It ie ex- pected that a large number of delegates will be in attendance. Tag Hensel' Obeerver nye :-"On Saturday 11 demure school teachers from Brussels drove through town after spend Rig a couple of weeks camping at the Bend. BRUSSELS and locality was largely rep• resented at the Caledonian games belt! at 8eaforth last Frid.ty. It was Civic) holiday in town so the bueiuese plaoes were °losed, LEFT OvER.-Imtsreeting letters ou the West from Reeve Leola&, R Leatherdale, of town, and Thos. Smith, of Grey, are crowded out this week but will appear in our next ie8ne. Faunas, August 30th, ie the date est by Wingbam Higb School Board for the formal opening of that institution, The Commencement est -mien will be held the same evening when a choice program will be presented. • LAer Baturdev'e London Free Press says :-"Mrs. McRae, the esteemed wife of Rev. Dr. HloOree, of Weetmiuieter, met with a serious accident from the offeote of which elle is still suffering. Mrs. McRae was looking through the loft of their barn in quest of eggs when she slipped sod fell to the ground, sum raining severe injuries." - The lady mentioned is a eieter-in law to Mrs. Jas. Spain, Mra, Geo, Robb and Mre. J. Kern• ey, of thio locality, A SUCCESSFUL SonoaL,-The Central Business College of Stratford, wbioh bee an advertisement appearing elsewbere in these ooimmne is without doubt one of the most sueoeastal bneinees training aohoole in the Proviuoe, It le well and favorably known for the thoroughness of its work and the Bemoan of its students. The school is now sending out ite 21st annual oatelogae, and we would advise anyone iuteraated in a Commercial, Shorthand or Tslegraphio education to write the College for their free oatalogue, The Fall term we believe, oommenoee on Tuesday, Septi. Seal. BRUSSELS WELL REFRETaNTED.-There was (mite an exodna of school teachers from Brueeele and locality during the pant week to be ready for the opening of runt imbecile tact Monday. In the nam. ber were t -Mise d'label Zimmer, to S. S. No. 8, Grey ; Mies Gerrie McOraoken, who teethes near Mooktou ; Mies Ella McKinnon, to a school in the acme locality ; 101198 Jennie Rands, near Wier - ton ; ier•too; Mise Eva Cameron, near Owen Sound ; Miss Elsie Wilton, near Gold, water ; Miee Mary Dark, to Essex Go. ; Mee Hay Smith, to Drayton ; Mien. Mise Belle Henderson and Harry Ainley to their respective schools in Morrie. Heinen HELI WANTED OUT WEST,- Upwardsof20,000 men are wanted io Manitoba, Saekatebewan aid Alberta to ocelot in harvesting and to meet the de• wand to some extant the Canadian Pacific has arranged to run low rate farm leborere'exoareions. Leaving dates are Aug- 27, 80 and Sept, 4. (Advertiaemeot in another oolmmn gine territory and particulars.) From all Ontario stations one way tiakete will he Bold to Winnipeg at $12, Men ere engaged at Winnipeg and are given free tickets to pointe where help is needed Ent of Mooeejaw. After worsting at least thirty dads and having the employing farmer certify to the feat, a ticket bank to the original atoning point is teemed on payment of $18. This is a splendid opportunity to sae the galdeo Weeb and to make eomething more than expenses, Local 0. P. R. agent is well posted and will be glad to give anyone fall information. DIED AT Moon JAW, -The sad intelli• gone was received by Mtg. S. (Mammon, Brunets, that her son Janne, had died in the beapital at Moosejaw from typhoid fever, the immediate auntie being bemor. rbage of the beanie. Deoeaaed was barn in Grey township 51 years ago being the eldest eon of the late Samuel Blemmon. He was married to Mies Maggie, daughter of no. Cameron, of Oranbrook, who with 7 daughters end a son survive. The family went to the Weeb 22 years ago where Mr. Shuman took up land ;Isar Mootejew and did well with it. He etid 820 aorta tbers and bought a (jointer notion at Pasqua, Seek., where hie bro. [ber John bait a stare. Mr, 'Mammon had been away Die a Governmaat appoint ed Weed InapaotingOommieeion and was only ill a short time, Hs was popular, pushing and full ot enterprise and his decease will be greatly regretted. For some time had been botbtred with usahma. Tnet news of Mr. Sleenmon's de. ossa Deme with a great shook to the rela. tivea bare as they bad not hated of Ilia ill. neer, The bereaved will to a000rdtti sinners sympathy. Raman horse Dover loot. The finder will kindly return CO BARER B11o8. Brunie, DR. BUTLER'S VISIT. -Dr. Butler, the London Eye Speo,aliet, will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Brussels, on Wedeee- dav, Angara 28th. Glenn eupplied, 21 Ynans OLn.-Last week the Blyth Staudnrd attained its majority and ie better able to hold its plaoe than in any poet period of its history. The B -yah people aid in this by their cordial sup port. TRE POST wishes the Btandetd a year of progress. A Finn Cana GAME, -A large and eo- thueiastic crowd witnessed the beat foot ball matoh of this eeaeon on Vim toric Park, Brussels, Tuesday evening when the sturdy and hitherto unbeaten Shamrocks of Green River (6 miles from Markham) contested Witil Brueeele in the fitet round of the finals for the Pro- emial intermediate championship. Both teams played an elegant game in which every advantage was watched for a &tore. The home team tallied 2 goals in the first half and 1 in the last while the vieitore tailed to get the ball between the poets, although they were nutwantiug in dengeronsruebs. Josepb Ward, an experienced Iooaballiet, 01 Stratford, was referee and looked 0arefal. ly after the play. He penalized two of the } unoke by patting them en the fence for a few mtuutee and the tbird for objeoting to his ruling but even then Green River did not soon. Gate receipts were $112.00. The return game will be played at Markbam Friday evening and if Brueeele oar bold their own that match will oloee up the season. It will be a &harp and active meeting no doubt but by careful and etrsonone work Brussels should win as they bad the bet• ter sad of the play Tuesday bare. Green River will fight to a finish to win the maob coveted lament so near at band. We bops to see oar etnlwarte complete the season with the Ontario ohempion• ship. They well deserve it, The line up Tuesday evening was a8 follows :- BRUeeSLe GREEN RICER J Audereou 000.1E, Norton A Audereon Baaka ff.. H. Panay W McDonald1 W, White O Quern) Stewart R crown 1. 1 Backs Routley W etevens0n... Percy E Earley Pero A McLeod Doton R D Oexdilf ... Forwards Barton W Miller 2iighweodere J McGillivray ,. ,.,....,... White A more husky tenor has nob been assn oo Brussels park for many a day than Green River and the 11 that defeats tbem has to attend to their knitting withoat any doubt. PERSONAL I'ARAld1tAPlIS. Aliases Lizzie and Ella. Woods visited friends on the 14tH eon, of Grey during the past weak. -Mise May Elliott has gone on a holiday visit to her oriole, and aunt at Cadillac, Miob,-Mise Burdetta Geddes, of London, has been renewing old friendships in Brussels and toosiity, -We are pleased to hear that James Thomson, son ot George Thomeoe, a well known oitizen of Brnsaele, has been pro rooted to the taper's boa in the Farmers' Bunk at Bethany Ont. Banking rather rune in the Thomson family. George, an older brother of the young man referred to, is Manager of the Farmers' Bank at Hetwkeeton, Ont., and doing wall ; Afr. Thomson received a drilling in the same bosinese aquae the herring pond In bonnie Scobland, and Mre. Thomson's lather, Mr, Colette, was at one time prominently oouneoted with banking in• strtutione in the Old Land. If thereat anytbing in heredity the boyo could hardly be expeoted to busy themselves at anything ease-Miee Elsie Wilton left lase Saturday for Coldwater, Simooe Go„ where she has a school. We expect she will make aoapital teaober.-Miee Hattie Downing is taking in the Goderioh Ool• legiate 08 001on of old pupils this week. She attended aohool there,-Mre, R. Leatherdale and Mre, Downing spent last Friday with Hire, Henry Bali, Wingbam, -Rev. Mr. MoCamue, of Lietuwel, was in town on Friday. He wheeled trona home to visit his cousin, Mre. Hector MoQaarrie, of Grey township, -Airs, Gottlieb and grand daughter, Mies Bergen, of Mitchell, are visiting friends in and around town, -Mise Stewart, Obueoh etreot, and little niece May were vietbing in Seaforth last week, -Niles Morgan 1S beak to town atter a 2 weeks' very enjoyable trip in wbioh be toured the Northern lakes starting at Sarnia,-Jno. and Mre, Emigh, of Btybb, opera Sunday in Gown. -W. H, McCracken, S. Wilton and B, T. Plum were at Orillia lava week attending the X. 0. 0. F. Grand Encamp went and Grand Lodge reapeotivoly. Meseta. Wilton and Plum -took a trip to Cold Water (where they called 00 Robt, Leatherdele and wife) sad Waubanehene. At the latter plane they were greatly in. tereeted in the large eawmiil of the Georgian Bay Co., where about 800 hande are employed and opacity for gutting 866,000 featof lumber in 10 lecture, The moat up to date machinery and methods are in vogee.-Mireeo Maggle and Lizzie Brown and Resell were et Myth last Sunday visiting their Meter, Mre. r7, L. Kerr, -Mian Dorn Shaw spent Sunday in Seaforth.-Brian Soon, of the G, T. B. service, Palmere0on, wag in town on Tuesday to see the Foot Ball Joint Deposit a l.+6..tial'u/nis are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be deposited or with, &awn by husband or wife. Particularly valuable for farmers and town residents. ai Money orders and drafts sold At lowest rates. q Farmers' Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon. q SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -51.00 or more opens an aceount, interest allowed from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times a year. q You may deposit or withdraw money by mail. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, 51,183,713.23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J, FAWCET'l', Manager matoh,-W, D. Bill, of Oranbrook, B. C. and E, J., of Lethbridge, Man., were welcome callers on their father, John Hill, Queen etreat, last week, -Mrs. Morgasou and Alias Lena Armatroeg, of Toronto, are visitors at the home ot W. Pryne, el111 street. Be peen are rela tives-Mieese Mildred and Alta Pryne are away bolidaying, the former at Wiartou and surroundings and the -latter at Newbury, Middlesex 00. -Mise Gerrie Ewen is enjoying a holiday visit wall friends at Hamilton and Toronto, -Word has bean received from Mrs. and HIies Grant that they landed sadly after a most enjoyable voyage aoroae the Ablantio. -George and Mre. Underwood, of Van Denver, are the guests of J. and biro. Leckie, After leaving here 29 years age they lived in Dakota and then moved to Vanoouver where they bave prospered. Mr. Underwood takes quite an interest in shrubs and flowers, -Wm. and Mre. Habkirk, of Blyth, were visitors with relatives in town.• -Mies Nettie Kay, e0 o,-mpanied by her niece, Mies Helen Hay and nephew, Archie Key, of Stud; ford, are visiting the former'& eieter, Alta, W. H Herr, -Mrs, Mneee ]S1ofad den and son,Jaek, of Sault Ste. Marie, and Jno, and Hlre. Falkeraon, of Neepawa, Mau., are visitors with D. and Mrs, Walker, Turnberry street, The former is Mre. Walker's sister-in-law and thelatter a nieoe,-Gte,fleld Baeker, of Gbatham, is bolidayiog in town witb relatives and old friande:-W. F. Stewart, of Guelph, made a business trip to Brussels and spent a few days. He is well pleased with the Royal oily, -Geo. and Mre. Habkirk, old end well known residents of MoXillop township, were vieitore with Mre. 4. S. Habkirk, Brue eels, last week. Mr, Habkirk is 86 veare of age but is active and bright. Many are the ohangee in MoKillop sines the old gentleman first followed the oow pabhe,-Mre. Walter Jackson, who hag, been absent from town for some time at Toronto, Ottawa and other pointe, is re- newing old aoqusinbanoee. Mise Elate Jeokeon, of Toronto, ia also here for a holiday. -Mee. Robert Harris and eon, of Cedarville, and Mre. Thos Eaton, of Goan, are visitors at R. W. Pbilip'S, John street. Mrs. Philip and Mre, Han rie are danghtere of Mrs. Eaton -Miss Florence Thomson is visiting at Shakes pears, -Mies Alice Bone, of Toronto, ie home for a vacation bat will return to her millinery position shortly. -Mise Addie Lott arrived home last week from Colborne, where ails has spent the peat year. That part of the Province evidently ngreee with her, -Mise Ella Hamilton, of Atwood, visited in town on Tuesday. -Misses Bertha and Peat' Sharpe are holidaying at London, Inger- eat' and Toledo -Fra: k Gerry le away to Guelph for a viaib with hie grandparents.-Mre, W. A. Grewer arrived home last week from anenjnyable visit with Mre, T. A. Hawkins, ot James town, N. Y. -Mise Verne Walker is holidaying at Seaforth.-Mies Hazel Lowry is spending part of ber vacation with her comein Mrs. Hogg at Milverton. -Mime Kate MoKfulay, Olive Mooney, Edith Bailey, Mabel and Linda Galvin, end Mary Rnee, are attending the millinery openings at Toronto, -Mien Edith Scott, of Monet Forest, is a via- itor with Mre. Geo, Rogere and Mre, Dames, -W. H. and Mrs, Stewart and son, Archie, purpose removing to Gue'pb where the former will assist hie father in the Flour and Feed bneineee. We wish the prosperity. -John and Mre. Garter have returned home from a visit at Auburn, Blyth and other pointe, -G. N. McLaren and Mise Kathleen are spending a few holidays at Midland with relatives. -J. F. Rowland, Manager of the Standard Bank, is bank from an en- joyable holiday covering a few weeks, - Reeve Leckie amd eon, Bob got borne last week from a pleasant outing in the West, -A. J. and Mre. Lowick, of Fded- wish, were vieitore in Brussels on Tbure- day,-Mies Elliman, of Benefield, ie visiting Mise Pearl Leatherdale. Business Locals. Lon, -White bead neok lane in Brute eels on Saturday afternoon, Finder please leave it:at TDR POST. Fon BALE. -A (paucity of slabs and kindling at $2.00 per load of 2 oord'e. Also turners et $1,00 per load. 7-8 P. Amen. A QUANTITY of dry soft stove wood for Bale, Apply to SIt10N GnANT, 5-8 James street, Bruuneie. AUGURY BALs OF FnnNITDRE. -The annual Angus[ Rale of furniture will be held by R. Leetherdate & Son a8 in former years, 10% off on all goods. area goods at low price, If you need hand, ones out, rip bunk one or two metre saws you call and See me ae I have a eapply lot sale and you ere sore of get. ting them in number one order. Youre T. MoGanaoa, corner Mill and Main et, Brunetti. Tonaolyua Form. Of Systanuttlo Catarrh Not an easy thing to Dore, and a remedy that makes good deserves the credit. Catterrhozone cured Ghee. H. Webb, of Woodetook, N. B., who writes t "For s number of years I Was broabled With eyetemntio oatarrb. It Wan a very teeaeions form of the disease and nothing helped, I need Catarrhozone. '1'bie combination can't be beaten, They oared me." Yon sass may be ohecnio bat Oatarrhoz,ne will drive out oatsrrb and keep it out. Twa erzee 260 and 51.00 at ell dealer's, gold ander gmira.ate° of aatiefeetion, Can good working horse for este. Ap. ply to Jona Soso, Breese's. To BENT. -A comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hatd and sort water on premises, Apply to Dn. GRAHAM, ANNUAL OUTING TO KINCARDINE. A Delightful Day at the Lakeside.- Lint akeside. Leat Friday was the date set for the *.usual Sabbath School Exoareion on the W. G. & B. to Kincardine. The morning did not open auspiciously for an Dating of that obataoter but as rain was badly needed people pocketed their disappointment although a goodly number remained at home fearing that ib would be a wet day. A lively dash name on about 8.30 a. m, and another shower et 9 80 but liter that the weath• er wee charming, the showers having laid the dust splendidly. Promptly on .time a double header with 9 menthes arrived at Brnsselel witu the genial Oundnabor Totten in ebarge, Engineer Burnell pulled the leaver on No, 896 and on engine No. 188 engineer Arisen peformsd Mauler service. A goodly number of exouraioniete bad been pinned up at the intervening stations between Palmerston and Betw- een and the company was more largely angmenbed ae the train prooeeded lake ward so that on arrival at leioeardiue at 10.30 neatly 700 were aboard. The different ebatioue 000tribcbed their quota as follows :- Palmerston 6 Listowel ... 20 Atwood 27 Heutryn 2 Ethel 73 Brunets 268 Sammie 84 Wingbam a 89 Luoknow 179 Ripley , 10 634 Taking the wet morning into minouet; the demonstration at Palmerston ; civic holiday the Monday previous at Listowel; and the fact that Wiesgham had run a big excursion to the same point a short time ago the attendance was very good. Mayor Temple, the genial presiding offloialof Kincardine, was et the depot to welcome the vieitore and the town dray was soon brought into requisition to convey the well laden hesitate to the Park where water was boiling ready for the tea and coffee, The crowd now divided off ae beet Butted themselves and were Boon busy upholstering the inter for department with the nsoeeaarise and Insulin of this life. The afternoon was enjoyed in boating, bathing, swinging, bowling, viewing the town and taking in a beetling game of Base Ball between Teeewater and Kin. oardiee in which the honors were very evenly divided the latter winning by a soore of 5 to 8. In bowling rinks be longing to Kincardine, Teeewater and Brussels took part oD the fins lawn pee Reeled by the port hewn, The results of the sphere trundling was as follows :- DaUeBRLe. TEg8WATER. J. Fox J. Rainebottom J. H. Cameron G. Hoeenfing H. L. Jackson 0. S. Ewing D. 0. Roes J. Fargnhareon skip 22 skip 10 BRUSSELS. TERBwATDR, A, Snitcher' Lapman Dr, Feild Fergneoo H. L. Jaakeon Farquharson D. 0. Rose Allison skip 19 skip Y1 BRUSSELO, RINOARDIND, W. F. Stratton Cooke M. MoArter Moliandriok J. Allen Watson J, Habkirk Mavis ekip 18 skip 12 BRUBSEL8. EINOAaDINE, A, Straahau B. Wood D. J. MoLauohiin A. Malcolm Dr. Feild M. MoPheraon R, Downing H. Clark ekip 30 skip 17 A Brunets quartette remained be bind for it game in the evening with the appended eaore :- oausaaLe, R0NedaDINE, A."Btruohan W, Harvie D. J. MoLauahiin R. Rose D. U. hose Dr, McDonald R. Downing Dr, Bruce ekip ....,,....22 ship. 18 It will be Been by the above that Bruasele won nett eonloet and came out by a there of 111 to 68 on the five games. Teeewater and Kincardine had several very interesting bouts aleo, About 6 p. m, the lunob baskets were once more brought into requisition and many of them wore an "all gone" ap pearanos by the time this important fnapwtion was oompletnd. A16,80 the whistles of the 00gle0 tooted and off we started on the hems trip, well pleased with the day by Lake Huron's shore, not marred by accident, The train made good time, so that the journey was not merle wearisome eyeing to tedious delays en mite. While Rums talk of a ohunge to 80010 otber point by way of varying the outing, it will be dtffionit to fled any place ae easy of aeons from This emotion, ea O"nvenient to the wetter 00 leaving the train I or where larger hearted hospitality be meted oat than at Kincardine. e8TABLPSHCD 10T3 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Baiik Department in Connection with all Branches. 1e BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Massager LITTLE WAVELETS. In bowling We wonderful how We do it but we do. 2 or 8 fruit and oonfeoeionery etande beeineee on the park. The walk along the beach bee been =oh improved eine last year. That deviline whistle at the water works singe its solo in donble forte. Kinoardine has many beauty sputa in the way of fine reefdenoee and well kept lawns. If Mayor Temple were dependent on the vote of the esoureioaiete he would be re•eleoted for a third term by a large mejority. If Kincardine had a dozen more Doe• tagee for Bummer visitors and an elec. trio or steam launch they would have one of the nititeet reeerne in the land. Somebody shoeld preeent the Grand Trunk railway with a few baggage oars so that they oonid live up to their agree, meat on exoareion Jaye in affording a proper disposal of baakenn. Kiacardfne'o newspapers have taken a very praiseworthy advance in the past few years andappear to be well amp. ported by the townspeople. Hugh Olark, the well known M P. P., wields the paste pot and eoieeore on the Review and J, 7, Ranter stands at the halm of the Reporter. Sine oar laeb visit to the lakeeide a fine new park has been opened North of the power bones. A tiptop } mile track ie on it, a big grand stand built and an the grenade are need by the Agrionitaral Sooiety a large exhibition building, in the shape of an L, 60 x 70 and 30 x 70 feet reepeobively, has been completed. In one of rain or bad weather this would make an ideal hone - lug plane. The premises are a credit to Kincardine. Moved by J. H. Cameron, Boperie tendent of Melville oltnrob Sabbath 8ubool, eeoonded by Dr. Feild, Boperim• tendent of 8t. John's Sabbath School end supported by W. H. Kerr, emporia. tendent of the Methodist Sabbath School, that oar beet thanks be tendered to Mayor Temple and the Council of Kim cardiae for their many kiudneesee shown to the exoureioniete on Friday on the event of oar visit to the lakeside, It wee most highly appreciated. ,. BRVEMF»%.B MA.1.2.2C252 -'M,' Fall Wheat ° 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oate 40 ' 92 Butter, tabs and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 16 16 7 00 8 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 ,6 20 Hogs, Live 6 50 Wool (washed) 20 22 Potatoes per baa 90 1 00 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 26 Saar, per bbl., retail 1 26 1 26 Hay per ton . ......... BOR 287 Eoxntreo.-In Morris, on Anguet 8th, to Mr. and Aire, Louie Eokmier, a daughter. Lewaguon.-In Tmruberry, on Aug, 22nd, Henry Lawrenae,aged 48 years and 6 montbe, AnteSTlroNo-CoeoxEa.-At the residence of the bride's parents, 11loleeworth, on Anguet 14th by Rev, John Bur- nett, B. A., Mr. W. (3. Armstrong, of Monorieff, to Mies Goderba M., eldest daughter of Mr, and Mre. W. G. Combo, of Moleewortb. NRerITT.-At Trowbridge, on August 18th John Nesbitt, iu his 89th year. SLENttors.-At Moose Jaw, Bask„ on August 17th, James Blemmou, form• erly of Grey townehip, aged 51 years. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. VOUNG PIGS 6 WEEKS OLD for Bale. Apolyy to DONALD ROB. ERT8002, Lot 8, Con. O, Grey Twp. PROPER.CY FOR SALE. -BE- zNG part of Lot 24, Con. 8, Grey, con- ing d8 acres more or lees On the premises are two h,neee and a barn ; also two wells. Lend in good state of cultivation ; very conveniently situated to Ethel villag. For price and terms apply on the premises to 8. CHAMBERS, or to Ethel F. O. 7-tt THE _- -• f�11'r WANTED BOOKS ARE_•"" - WAITING It's a satiefeobton to buy School 13oohs and Soleool Supplies whore all the items needed are certain to be bound. Our stock is very complete and well assorted. Now and all through the school year we aro ready to servo you promptly and satiafRc- torily and we will be very pleated to receive a portion of your patronage at the coming opening, tar -Our Post Card Soribblers Rud lilxsr- oise Books aro special features. See them- -AT - FOX'S DRUG STORE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - cine 0bild four years old le family. Would like duties to commence at once. For further particulars apply to ALFRED BUTTON, Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris, or BromicP. 0. 441 ITRAYED ON THE PREM - nes of the undersigned, Ni Lot 20, Cou, 8, Morrie, on or about August let, a small heifer, light rets in color. The owner ie requested to prove property, pay expen- ses and take her away. JOHN D. SOOTT, Brussels P, 0, 0-4 HOUSE AND ACRE OF land for sale, Oomfortable dwell- ing; bard and soft water under cover ; ap- ple, plum and aherry trees, dao. Possession can begiven at Duce, Por price, terms, dab, °all at THE POST. ARM FOR SALE CONTAIN- zna 26 acres in the Township of Grey, adjoining Oranbrook. Land all cleared and under crop. There le a comfortable frame Image, 'barn with stone stabling, orchard, good well, dm. Poesoasion given on Novena. her Bit For further particulars ae to price, tonne, &a , apply ou the premises to W. J, ALDER80N, Proprietor, or CraubrookP.0, 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, known as.ttio Hodder homestead, NI of WI of Lot20, Cou, 2, Morris, There is a frame house and barn, wells, orchards. &¢. The farm la all cleared and In good [nope. Possession given to plow le the Fall. for further particulars as to pride, tonne, &a„ apply on the pr.mlees to MRS. JOEL BEL. LERB, or Sleeved° P. 0, 8-tl Voters' List Court. • NOTIOE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Ant, by His Honour the Sedge o! the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Township Ball, Ethel, on Thursday, the ttil day of Septembe, , A. D,1007, at 10-a. m„ o hear and determine the several com- plaints of errora and omissions in the Vot• ere' List 01 the Munioip.,lityy of Grey for 1907. All portions having briefness at the Court are required to attopg at the said Lime and place, Dated this 20th day of August, A, D, 1007. 3011N Ato1NT08H, Clerk GreyTownehip. BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G. N. McLaren 1 Mad -Summer male Bargains in all Lines of Summer Goods Our policy is to clear out all lines at the end of each Season. . You may come ex- pecting SPECIAL PRICES for the balance of this month. Remember all Summer Goods must go and the prices are Low enough to move them, JUST RECEIVED New Fall Skirts Blacks, Styles, HIGHEST Browns, Blues and Plaids. Newest Perfect Fitting, Correct 'Price. PRICES FOR PRODUCE Goods Right or your Money Back Next door to American Hotel, G.N 1VitCLar en