HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 7t+ + The Last Voyage "Of eourso you Imow, Captain Deuce, OM whoa 1 became Limy Norroaies .gsardian I WI'JS 111'10010d Willi poWerlo withhold It 10111111e Mail she mimes (Le age of twenty -Ilya 10 the eveiit f Tor marrying without my opproval." "I nwaro or that fact, Mr. Midler, and thercfore you liave the power to retain poosessimi of her lithoritunee for (mother twolvo months. But I did not -Como bore ki soek In fon Lion regard- illf, Miss Mamma's tummy; my objeal In loquesting this Interview Wus to 1.14i Pc- or COnStall 10 00e inurriuge," "And 1 have alimily informed you, •Captritn Drove, illat 1 mourn, moult you what you aslc. 1 hum other \lova Miss Norman's future." "I hove heard that you are alionlia.- log to arrange a niamiage between your wurd and your patitnor, Mr. Bornard Clam; but, taking into consideration thut Lucy has already betrothed herself to no', u' refusnl doesn't spent lo -count, for wilco, anyway... "Del you mean to defy toe?" "f•ut 11 lhat way 11 you like, but 1 am ?lot going to Mond Idly by and see the .gh•I 1 love 'forced into a marriage with • a man for whom sho has roo regard.' "Captain Deuce, you have been in Um .oniploymenl of the flrin ot Zeidlee arid Crimo foe a number of yours. 1 should bo soary If we had to dispense with your services." "OM as to that 1 don't care a button's less one woy or lho althea. 'You -wouldn't have employed no If you lindn't got good value for your money. and 11 you do happen to dismiss me it wil nican that Miss Nortnan and 1 get ail/nailed at once instead of %vatting un- til I como bark from thls voyage.' "11 appears to trio that you aro s1. ting my ward against my nuthority." "Mks Noonan Ls not a chil(1, end, salthoug,I1 you conteol her money, you taw no Drawee over her -mind. But you have not yet told me the motive for your objection. I am /101; a wry rich man, but I ant not poor, tool, id - though at moment I am only a 001)1041• -ion One' cif your shtps, the Moe Is not Me Medan( when I shall inherit ny node's haronelcy." "I do not fool coiled tmon to Moo you any oxplanalloo of my objection. It 14 sufficient lhal. I cannot give my consent," "Very well, Mo. Zeldler, we will lot it go at that. You cannot say that 1 hown't bron cainffil and given you duo notice of our intentions." "I will be equally condid, and bell yon Mal I shall do all In soy power to re- -straio ally ward from acting so fool- ishly." "Better save your beonth. (Mod day." As Captain Deuce left the office with a curt nod, Mr. Zeldler sat staring once Ws retreating figure with a look °I bol- Ilcd rage on his face and a station anger gleaming out of his ferrety eyes. Ile 101110d himself as the door oponed and ikIord Grime, his partner, entered. leoldlor; what's the .inaller, 1 mot Drileci outside walking along like a conquering Ivo." "I havo just had n most unploasnot interviow with Win, Caine. One wOrSI slispicion0 are confirmod: he has asked Lucy lo 11fi00y Wm, and came to nui fsr my consc,nt." "SS'hal dlet I tell you? ! niways said you woula mnke a moss of things if you didn't put your foot down. But 1 won't have it, do you hem'? fiticy Nor- man is going to lie iily wife, and you've got to arrange matters for me, or thereall be trouble." "But wing eon I do? I 'refund my congeal, and he—he actually laughed n' me." "What can you do? Why, snok hill al once." "1-1 hinted W. not, Grime, and he sold lhat would just suit Wm, as It would enable him to gel married DI once instead of \veiling until he come 1,ark from the next \'04'a go," "Now, look Wm, Zeidlor; something has got to he done. in twelve months' limo you have got to linnd over to Miss Norman a sum of ae:25.000. To eimble you to do IMO you would linve to sell &moot everything you possess." _ "I know it, Malec, I know it. I was very unfortunate botore you came in as partner, losing three ships one after the :other, nod not a penny of insurs moo on them." "And so.. you threw Mist Normnn's mcney into the businoss nod have bonn trading on 11. ovcr since. Now, 110101) Zeidlios if Coffinin Druce morales Lucy you will ffint youeself in tin nwkward &move vhen he comes nound at the ond of twelve months rind clomands on , account of your guardianship." "Oh. 6)11'k -don't tall: of ill" "Theryfore it \\all bo much bettee for You lo inarrY LuoY to a Mon who un - &es -sends lho position of things." "What do Sion Raonose?" "I have 11111 completed the Insurances 0.11 1110 Hawk," "Whet's. Ilud got to do with it?" "Sho ouila In throe dnysi Itino." "I know IMO, Grime; hut 1 don't see—" "1 YoU'VO staltivilly gone 1 will oxplain. Wo must tranefer C.aptaln Hero, lame° hom ble 131'0s0'ri1 ship ,and give 111,111 eommend Of the :Howls" labeneme Zolellor looked et Ws purl. 3101' for 0 moment In mule nffintentIon, "11,r1011, toy Piny, you tiro genitts." "N ,t, guile Mal. perhaps," onswend Claims morloalty, "MIL I've get my bond screwed on the sight wny. Now, ho\si about your pert ot the Imainess?" - "I worked at 11, all hist owning, nnd bevc got 11 to nhsoluto perfection," "It tick 011 right?" "T ran eet It to noy lime 1 liko, and it dritan't l'ery a frocIlon of a, minote, Came lip with ma tomight, and we Con lest It agnIn befOre 1 seem it into tho "Bight 1 T think thia last voyage of the nitwit: °tight 1.6 put us right, eh?" "L --I hope so, Grime; but when. 1 110111t of lho crow biemblo, I am pc alt I vely n hold." "Oh, rolibisio n lot of serillnwnga And Intl -birds; Mere nre plainly of leattS, end they will anon be Wolcott up, Don't look fot, 10001310, Mit think linty gime- eus it will lo lo Waco tho nem On a saund Ilmincial 100110g. And, beekleay yon have yottr mon worry to look ten Ilio la w lokee a roeY seelouS rloW 01 ti o illiaaPPinfiriation of trust monoys," "Don't, Bernard, don'ts" 'Theo dinia he foolish, but 'carry the 11111.1104 theough like a 10, With Cap loin Deno, out of the \Amy 1 Can Marry 1,1iO4', and her Mune will remnfn in Um Mu at o nominal rate ot Interest" "But, if 042 IS117" "Falli flow con wo Mil if you've done pen' work WI right? No, 110, we will ma fail; eayou went? to Captain Druce, and 611 litin that, as we tiro dry-dock- ing Me Merlin for repairs, WO lutist ask bilo 1.0 take command of tho Hawk, and la: remly to Sall la throe days' time," Ceplato Drum was very much, sins prised on the following looming. to 00• eolvo a tenor from Moasrs. Zeidlet, and G11010 appointing him to the commond II e Hawk. In Note so gaont \alio Ilia aelordshinent Met he sought an Im• manna iniorview with Ma. Zolilltia• "Am I to understood Mat you Want Me 10 lake 011iiiman1 of the IlaWkr "Min 1 is so, Go 1(11 Deuce." "And /tiny I ask wh.y you wIsn me In lake charge Of that collection of ruf- none whom you ato pleased to designate in11 crew? IS 11 becauso of the little differenco of opinion we loot yesterdaYr "011, no, Captain Deuce, 1 ussuee you. in fact, having had Me to think .over 1110. - Matter, 1 don't Mink that I Intee any right to billucnce Miss Norman any way. So 11 40 will ogre to leave tho matter to abey'anee until 3101.1 001110 back from this trip, 1 (tool 15.003, that, wo shalt have ooy repson 'Mr quarrel- ling," '1 ain the last man In the world to, rintirrel' without reason, Mr. Zeldleo, and it you ready want me to lake charge of the Hawk for this trip, I don't nand doitig IL is my last voyage." "Your last voyage?" "Yes; that is so. My uncle Is getting ralher slinky and seems to want ma lo slay at home, and II I go In the Hawk I shall be back in Englund sooner than lf I walled for toy own $hip." . But although Captain. Druce so road - le agreod lo take choose of the Hawk, there was 0 certain amount of specula- tion and even suspicion In Itis nan(1 el, suddon change maltilmie cl elessrs. Zoldler and Grime, wondee what their pine ia?" he Pe- flectod; "one day gall .and wormwood, Gila lite noxt all treacle and sugar, fm nal a suspicious Man as ft rule, but I think this change of front wartiaffis a Wile caution u.nd a few incluiries." The following day. he was down at dook, where the Hawk was taking in the last Ofkr cargo. As he was Sit- ting in kis cabin, busy with some docu- ments, a seamen came in and told Wm that a. lady was asking to see IMO. 110 hureied on deck onmediately, and trona that Ids visitor was Lucy Nor- man. prils'Selily, Lucy, tOis fa a ,dellghtful sur - "1 thought you'd be plerseed, Harry. 1 got your nolo saying Hint you wor0. going out in the Hawk,. and as I wont- ed lo carry asvoy - withaora a Wenn of your surroundings, " I—wen, 1 .juet came" "Wen, wine along, sweethenet and I'll show you everything, By the way, what do you Make of Mr: Zeidier's change of front'?" "1 cannot understand it, Harry; yes- terday Sionting was loo bad for you, and to -day you am thc fittest enotoin 11181 ovor ealled a shtp." "And what of Bernard Grime?" "011, he's even more enthusiastic about- you than Mr, Zeidler. Ile spent la01 evening with my gonedIan, and even Awn( so far ns to congratulate no upon my engagement to' you." "All this flattery Makes me walker anxious, Limy. I Wish 1 -could fathom thelr inteotions. 1 am convinced DIM they mean 10. try and coerce You in somo way during 01)3' 01)5(1(1(10." "You ntay rost quite: easy on (hat novo, 115 007, 1 0111 nal, a elilld tO he oasily persuaded, and force Is out of Me question to these days." Tloy spera Me next hour talking to- gether and looking over the vessel, and as (he time come foe. Lucy to go, Daum accompanied her to Ihe quay. As they posses] a plle of merchaodise waiting to be lowored into the ship Miss Nor- man suddenly stopped orlth aa excla- im Lion, "W0411, that's funny!".. "What's Itet?" inquired Deuce. "Why, this box. It used to be In rny room at hoMe, and live missed It for Me last day or two. 1 wonder how it cione here?" • "Aro you sure It Is the same. box?" "I ato certain, Homy, I used to koep my books In It at school. 11 300 •wEll turn it round there ought to be a sow of brnas mills on the front" Daum turned the box round and found that Miss Norman was correct. "Yes, you ore right, Lucy; 1 see it, Is consIgned bo Wlisibush and Celrd, Syal- ney, by 1.311100 and Co., 1,00c1011, Now, bow mold Bruce and Co. get hold of sour box?" . "1 don't know; the box has no special Mho." • . . "Tent innlos 11 all the Toone strange; however, vit look ram the n.1011e1's, As .soon AS he had seen IMey safely away 111 ti Cab, Di.1100 rolsiened lo the quay mod ordered the box to he taken into Ws 00111, "I wondor whnt 1110 gnme is?" he re - fleeted. "Bytom and Co. Woo their own special cases for their goods; why should they lire ti box from Zeldler's private house? 1 think I an) hislIfied lo being suspicious, .so 111 opoo It." lie procured fi SCreW-driVer, and be - poi to work itpon the instenings. In a few minutes the bap lld was off and quantity of cotton -wool was exposed lo view, and 1101 1110 soond otto rhythm', iirking Moto upon Ws ones, Pro- cerding moo, enrofully, ho lifted off the pliekIng, and 1110 contents of the case wero reward to biol. "Good hertvenst an Infernal mneldnel" Tlict 10 a flesh ho unclorslood the whole Mot of &Why and Grime. Ile lind male a number of cautious ingilir- too the dny before, and found thnt, 1110 owners of tho Hawk had insured lho wear' for a SUM far exceeding Its vallto, 'raid 11110 circitinstence was all BO moro exlinordinary, as 11 was a bywoect In Wrilpping circles that Mesa's, ZeldIer and Grime nover hisured. With this evidence of fficir murder- ous projocl, 1)e1010 111111, be understood their noxiely for him to make Ns last loynge in Ibis veesel, in their gmed for money they reeked nothing fOr 11511 lire, but Willi utter 4011011011458 doomed Ihe whato crew to almost cer- lain deans As he looked 101011 0110 or 1110 most Murderous instruments devlsod by the pervortod ingenuity of man o hot flush of rigI1100.1.8 anger millgused his face, and he moonlik'd for a few (1010021 Is plunged lo thought, !lamming to the dock he Aecurpfl a lotelcol of wilier, and after unserowing inglno of &nth front the lotion] , I She box ho plunged it loto llie fluid. In a few minutes Ilio olockwork ceased, unit Mon by cautious intinipulation be rentleocil 11- haendoss, floplatilng the Dolton -wool In the box lie screwed down the lal, and then cal- liog a seaman he had it Sent dOwn holit milli the olti01 inerchnodiae. 'Ito Hawk was supposc-d to get out \WO( tho Iffie oa Ow following evening, 'and es Me lime °pm -mated for lier ole' 111040 Me spirits of Messrs. 'Miller and Crime roso to such a degree that thor the:fled to celebrate the occasion with a battle of champagne. As Ms. %old - leo held the Morning glass to his lips ito looked al We partner. "Here's to lite Hawk and ler last voy. age." "Here's to Captain Druce and his last voyage," TIteee admirable sentiments having Peen duly honored, their convivtaitly cohort a eller* by the delivery of a !el - ler from Captain Druco. "Bequest poionission to delay sailing foe twenty -Moe hours, ns urgent pra vote business demands toy attention M *London." "We etinq grant (Ms,. Grime; ho mita go off at sts o'clock." "MOM preposterous Ming 1 ever hoaeal or.. answered Crime. "lle MUM: Sall Witholit fuly delay, and — and — Geoegcs Willer, we'll go down and "see That 110 does It," An hour later Contain Deuce WBS much gratified at beholding tho two plielners coming lowords the ship, "Both of theni—Mis Is lucky, I only thought to bag one of the pair." "NVe have come, Captain Douce, in answee to your extrooedinery letter. You know that it ls Impossiblo for os lo delay the salting of the Hawk," sqld ZoWleri "Quite inipossIble." supplemented Grime; "the allip must get away at six oolock, (Ind lhore must. be 3i0 delay under any circumatances whatever." "Very won, gentlertion; 1 am sorry I ublod yott" answerod Captain Deuce. hove managed to Derange iny busi- ness by telegraph, nod so we can get nem)/ in an hour. You will come to my cehln an01. wish us a successful voyage?" "With great 'pleasure," assented Mr. Zeidter. "Most 0001(1013'," answored Captain Drum led the way, and the paetners followed, nudging each other in their satisfaction. Al eXactly six o'clock 111e Ilawk got out and started on her voyage to Syd- ney. A couple of hours later, when ail was clenr, Captain Druce.stimmoned the first mate, a num mimed Fisher. "Fisher, come down to my online and give me a hand, witt Sou? I've got a ccuple of passengers who retililre 053101. 1:1.' into 111010 books. Full or Wander at 11110 announcement, Pastor followed the captain to his ca- bin. When the door wns unlocked and theY enterod they found %Miner aret Clinic loaning back in IhOir chairs, breathing sterlorously. "SVIty; Me Owners," exclaimed Ffeher; "what's Mc noi lter, nOth therm and why am thOy lore?' "They are going to take the trip 10 Sydney with. us. They didn't want to came, so 1 took the libeety of drugging Mont. . 110113 me to get them into their bunko, and I wl11 tell you the story." Half an hour later Fisaer left the co - bin with his face 51010 and set, 01111 111.1: heruit lattice against the two men sato held life so cheap thn(t they were willing 10 St1C411104 1110 crew for the snke of sordid gain. • IL was twenty-four hours later Bird Captain Drilee fOlind Ins capilves had come to their sehses, and they awoko \villt 10 strange feeling of dread and wonderment. "Feeling better?" asked Drliee, "Whore am 1, and what has happens. ed?" asked 7:atelier, "You am on board the Hawk. Yon \None bole\ Won 111 in my, cabin." '. "Strange," said Zetclleis "I feel very; 'weak; I thfult I had better go home. You mustn't, mis5. the tido, Yon. lolbW, Contain Deuce," "No, .1,11S Zeidler, I did n.ot miss It. obeyed your instructions and got all he 110)10," "Col WO What do 3,0u moan?" ask - cd Grime. "1 Jnean Got T salted with the Ude, and we are twenly-four hours on OUP journey lo Sydnoy." "What? You are taking us to Syd- ney! How dare yew Sir? You must (nen beck 01 once, At once—do you hear?" "Yes, I hear, but I fear that 11 is Im- prissiblc, Nly'orders are lie proceed La Sydney without delay." „ "But wo nrc, the ow.ners of the ship, ood we order you to him back," even may be tho owriers o1 me ;slap when you aro 00 land, and hove every ptwer oe•or any moMments, but just nOW y011 ore only a eoupla of pessen- gers, and are, therefore, under my coo lloority." "Rut 11110 is no outrage. What, pos.. sable reason Can you have for. cdrey- ing 118 with you?" "Peehops 1 \vont yone .com.pony,..wal peroaas 1 want to prevent yoti conepirs Mg aphis!, Miss Norman." "And you refuse to ,Liwn beck?" "I absolutely realsr, so you enn metre yomiselves ns comfortable ns 110001111) for the amniotic?' of tho voyage." As Criplain lame loft the tho tWo men 10O100d at each other with star- ing eyes, • "noes ho ..Stispecf aslred ,allo, no; how could ilea slit we—ove,ve been on the ship for twenty-four hours; 11118 noist be tho 1711). and—oncl--e "In IWO hours svo aro doomocl, uffiess WO ono gel !hat 1300 freim tho hoist' "T31L what can we sny---what onn we do? Ilo will never allow Ilia cargo to' he distuabed unless we toll him the With," "Oh, MIA Is :horriblo—borolblot Why affil I oveo listen to your 'AN -Moiled sciumes? ROL the Moe is pnasiog and overy nilnulk is precious. 1 mny toko lours to SOO that box, 031, Crimoo , 'Grime, go and See Captain Druco and "And tell 11101 IliltI wo how; plannod 'So SouBle the ship, in WO hours' time No, no; 1 hove 11. bettor plan that that. le &Tins o dark WWII; lei, its go on (took mid .aeci if wt' ean't get away In one of Ilio boolas \Vo should AVM De "Anything I can got you, gentionieo?" "OM yes, Captoin Drove; there is a —a box amongst . your cargo; tt eon" lam; some) things that I should very much 1116 lo Wive: 0 --it brown Sox, Captain Druee, offili a row 01 loam mi"lAkin "All 1-134111, love a look for It In on hour or two," "Bat win be too Iale then-- we 2111181 have 11 lip 11001, 11 contains—It co ns—" "An inforroil machine," put bi Capteln Demo, "constructed by you. Elonezer Zoidiee; and sent on boatel this vessel you anti your, portneri" "01i, roomy, more's! Have pity, Cap- toln Deuces" "Pity! What pity havo you for lives of ell the men you ham planival to destroy? Did any Ilmught of Me wimk,sale murder you contempluted de. ler you Mom completing youp dusemal- ly schema? Yon ask for plly after such a dastardly', -cold-blooded" action!" "Init 1110 box -1h0 lox:" 'rho box Is perfectly sofe, rind you ere worrying yourself needlessly. Nlise Nornion recognizett 11 ns one bolong- 1101:-..,M het, when you eent, it on Lomat 141"A111,1'c't—and what 000 you going to My stispiolons were moused anti 1 °pho- ne Oft the two inisorable men to their own thoughts, hut his Mtentions gardIng them nom, nem careied 01, Some hours later Mere was to 'sottish 011(1 11 017 111 the night, Crimo had put his propot into action and col 1110114' one of the boats. lostend of falling eloar, however, 11 bung sideways oVer 010 ship and prertffitated both men into aen. Captain Deuce cruised about for sum tlnle, but nothing could be 'found of Ilion, con going to touch at the noneest pcirt and hand you Valli over to jus- tice. Such a grime as yours cannot be possed over lightly. I shrill Mon hand the slilp over to Mr. Fisher and roturn to England to Marry AllSS Norman." When Caplein Druce eeturruel to' ang- land his report crealied a profound sen- sation. in shipping cholas, and Moen to. received the many congeatulations en his lucky escape he realized Mat 11 was 0013' through Lucy Norman's Sive Mal he ever returned Iron) his last yage.—London Nel/4/1 up„ j11/111 Ilore. IS Ibmce again, BADLY BOILED POTATOES DANGEROUS TO MATRIMONY, SAYS SYDNEY SMITH. • Anecdotes and Superstitions lantwioe Themselvos Closely Around These 'Vegetables, It was St Nova whom St. Pareirk "out of his own head" -taught how to bolt a potato; "a sad thing, and to be lamented that the secret has come doom to so fensi".116 nrstanamod saint left no recipe as 0 legacy. This seems a pity, I' according to Sydney Smith, in a tenor to Arthur Kinglet:1s,, written In 1833,."froquently 1115 Ihni Hose persons Whoal Geld 1101 11 Mined togelhci. 10 ma- trimony, ill -cooked joints and badly - boiled potatoes have pot. asundee." There are several hundred ways of cooking potatoes, and as Kipling of the making of tribal My's, "every 0110 of them is .righl," An ingenious ond in- ventivo modern cool: has even made miniature motor -cars, baskets, hats, and such -like fancy gem', of ribbon -potatoes, writes Frank Sehtoosser in the Loudon Express. 1314 thia Was, as the barber said of the wig, only large enough to Ot a Mimi -nut, "10 a moment of enthusi- asm." 'The oldest -fashioned, tl:c sound- est and most legitimate way is and re- mains plain boiling, ffithough doctors tell us Unit A roasted potato lakes two hours to digest whereas a boiled one lakes throe 'hours and a hall. It Ss on record that tho Queen or, hones f„ In la ta; paid two shillings of the money of the time for a pound of potatoes.; this would be equivalont to wooly a soverelam nowadays. The piece Ia. however; easily outdono by the value sot upon a new nod particularly prolific sort toy to shoet while allot' its discov- ero 01' invettion. Thus, the famoos El- dorado was sold in 11101 for 10000 pee pound, and the Hon. Ii, A. Slonliope, mieeidon1 of the Agricultoral and U04111111111 ASSOCIatiOn, 01010$ Mat tho produco of one 501011 potato of tho Northern Slot' wax tiounst to limber 1131 potatoes,. weighing 203-a pounds, While from 0 single shoot, or "chit,"re.- moved :horn no Eklorailo and stuck in a Plant 11111'1Y -six Pololoos Weighing Otc,i poonds were grown, BRITISH MOP, • It is estfinoted Mat in the British Isles 0,000,000 tons of potatoes aro 130(1' (1100(1 annually on about 600,000 acres, giving 011 overage of len Ions to the tore, but a vevy Inage quaintly of polls loos comes from abroad, so 1.111 omi annual consumption is much larger than thee° figures would indicate, Them are a 'great many suporstIlions connected with tho polalo, ninny of 1111111 111441.1 411 b1.11, persistent, as all superstilloas are. In ,Suffolk certain folk, beforo • unclortalcing nny new $01101110; dig up a polalo, ancl, looking 1L13 carefully, try to find 21 's',tonllliucO in lis appenrance in the 1800 of smneono cool -meted with tbe 1101101 a 16011088 Is even ongnely pos- sible, it, is n good omen of success, Again, the 0.0 '(1111 of a herd. unconk- ail potato to Me trousers pocket, in the onso of a non, or In Ilie dross, in (Imo case or D. wonum, Is ofte» sorposed 811100 01'1 0110111110 118111, lhotors suggeat 11101 Mis may, in 1 ttenalmo, bo duo to Ib presonco of n certain amount. of solplun, in tho Ilibyr. In Priori, limos aoaa, (1101134 war, riiaaa with a am. ciol "potato pockol" iis 1 0111111 agninel the tIlsenso, hi sotto park of Germany potatoes burned in tho. cindetie aro StreWil over sornflolits, with 0 YieW to keeping oway the blight filaalllaS OF 'rim c.onx, Tho laliotaeorgo Gisalogi 111 his "PK.. 4 a 10 lanpers of (Tetley liveoron," has an 01 1110 anal new potatoes, hue rook. Arlon (bossing Morn, pule IMO 111e saueepan a Sprig of, green mint Tins is genius I Not otherwise could the /ta- lon of the Yeffeltible he so p04151114' 3.01 so dolleintely, vinplinsized. The mint 3 More. and V1.0 1)14130 11; yoi our palates know only Me young Dollars" When Falstaff, in "Tbe Stella' Wires of \\Incisor," exclaima, "Let tho eky iain potatoe5. a' ile dos not refer to 01/1' homely vege4able, MIL miaitit potatoes ((3m lo), a very different aort oa 1,111 011l101011 bit Englond hefore Sir Wal tor Bulefgh Introduced the "Nargitifail potatoes" 1(131)Comity Cork, Ireland. WOW al/. "alio alorry WIVes" was published lo 11102, but our poloto of 14-1154' was not 311 'p11101' Or apprreinled Po' 1111111Y .a long r It:forwards, lit 11' 051119 Brad- ly wrote Hint "Potatoes are of loss note than luou nsractish, scan -moon,. loots, rind skirrel, Another old 11131 says that they are not so good mid %%11010801n° LIS Jerusalem artichokes. "Mit (nay prow g0041 /41V1114," EV4411 Old 4101111 Evelyn, who kni w 111111 11118 01 be knonot in his /MO alaidit ger- doffing, nil \ism ogrieulturists M "Mont your polatoos M raw \west groun" d: By 1110 Bread Acta of 18:12 and 1833 1041(1011hanovo iell ve r beim repoikala it is 100u11111001 1311 "every person whm Make 1<,'e auk'. 8011, 0/4 moose for ho o sale any broad 100144 01-11011)4 or 00 ('1(11113' of peas, or beans, Ca' polatoc.,.. 10 ea 0,0 10 1 31411 140011 10 be 101(11001111111 a hirge lloinan 'a),' signifoing 'mixture.'" 11 liert, Tho Laneet said : "11 would 10. well. thoroolres to eamilino 0m:osmium). 1111 knives for Mk imprint," 11 is well logoOri 111/0. for good and suffielent Sono, 1,1110,040(211011trio a pertain propor. tion of imlato-flour, but IL is probable had very row of them know of law obliging them to stamp their lonvos with 0001) FOR GOUT, There is a tradition Mat politicos are gf.,ad for gout 1111C1 also promote od l age. IL Is certain, at tonsil Shot Lord Palineeston: who was a gouty aubjoel, lived to eighly-one, tool ale potatoes al every meal. In 501110 111011081044"s, 100. 11m,! elder monks live very Itiegely 00 potalnea, rind thrive M goodly ago thereon, W. Thockevay Was a great believer. in potatoes, and has lett behind him tho Manch. fiddre8sed to the wailer at Evans' Supper llotons, in Covent t Grdit'So t ai'eic: s (1(11, (11(01',appnralus )arri fpl goittittoosl oachop and A COliple of No article on the potato can be con- sidered adequate without al least, a re- ference to Antoine Auguste Parmonlier (1737-18111, who did so much ---every- thing in fact, to popolarizo 11 1(1 France. 11 1\4115 ft long strugglo, foo the preeo tudi was great, bul aticcemied at lengbh. and even. persuatted Louis XVI. to wear O bouquet of potato flowers 11.4a sign of victory. Potato soup is to this day as apotage r pamentier" In his 1101101'. Finally, one may recall the wise 01(1(10of the late Edwprd Lear, who wrote "01113- -Iwo things in this world are too serious lo be jested On—potatoes and tualeimony." — WORK OE SKIN SIUSCLES. Protect Body 0001 CoId and sudden Clintiges. '"ahe 11111001,15 (11 1110 skin need train- ing to educate them to (-lofted vigor- ously on the slightest cold," says a moll - cat writer, "to shut 1110 blood mit (10 llie skin so quickly that (he (('1011008 body heat wIll not lo hist, You indicts mot whim the skin is cold there Is a 'goose skin' appearance. This is due to the cernraction of the little muscles of the skin. The contraction of the nntaclos compresses the external blond vrssels and drives away the blood front Ilte sins face, harcloning and thickening Me skin, which thereby 12000111110 a bolter non- conductor. Thus the 1)0(14'tomperature is maintained. , "It is because of the 00501001 exposure to cold flint Indinias body is 'oft Ince.' Tile skin of Ws whole body, not only Dint of Me face, has learned to take care of itself." SENTENCE SEIINIONS. LOAM Is licovenis tight. 'Bating reproof is loving 01110. Sacritlee clonionstrates ainrerity, There is 110 achieving without bellev- fog. The Woad of 111(110 a. lot more than 04(1012,The smooth men has a hard rood 11110001 of him. No soul ‚41021 000' yet caught by a stool hop smile. No one needs In sit slill while 10(11110(1 the total. woe mariates 000100 was no.or sound by looking for it. - Tho people will go to tho chunch 11101 glom itself to thetn. Tho gooiest miracle is the costing out of the doll of self. T.01•0 may be inisundeestood lort 11 1101.01 InistindersInnils, Tho love of the Lord never yet led ?on to Mite (me another. A 11100 May bo solid oni Ihe lime card and still miss ihe lioin. 1,10113'a sister srolla her teeth/limy in 1110 iburch 1)4'11(04longun the 1(130301.Thoro is eomething wrong willi 1115 1161110 Mat 101101 the lumpiest lance. on mirth, 11 is 1110 giving In his mono thin hums the cup of cold water into the wine of love. Many rm. avorngo 1111111 has been 31031011 by Solving to live 111111 nom who 11100011, he was 1103'nbova the Oven go. This is not 1110 only world (hal ie cal- lotk M nom who goes 11011(1(1 looks log for a chance to put. his footings un - doe 1110 other fellowia foot, Tho 11004 POrsian Con:411111110n gives Yate la 011 111011 1)41,W141411 1114 ages of 30 and 70 who ono rend 811(1 write, (ro) 10113 11<101' boon convicted of (114'0115111011(11(11143 11(0 low, 001101' bad gone 1003'nem011i1 loft 01113, son in elinrge of 1110 atom, "Ais vyon the heed 111 1111 firm'!" nsked a 1111111 with. 11 .00111010000(1 Mitering the 01, "No, sir," remaelo,O 1110 voniv• num great urbanity. "le» eloquent triblito lo the potolo, "Think only mu heir of tho head 1" ' I.J.SEFIJI. HINTS, Soule cooks claim that the flovor el cs',0011 11 ImproOrd by a little eltironnOn sornikleci oveo tlie kip just before strv- o:g, To clean r0110111111 100011 fatCh latb eparately with water to which Wile. 121111141130 is Milled, Sponge Aida! clean woler, and dry with n soft cloth ' Cut glass, ofter heing washed, should leo dried thoroughly and brushed ell over wilt pm\ derod ellalk. Use soil i,o ii.nilc sitos, ,nct ago carefully in to all the ci ld Ostockings make c,seetiont fjorns rs, split ,Ipeu and :AM kW) 10- gl ther, offiting oft feot if they aro timeO dinned. T103, ure also excollent for polislnog Blows. The flavor of toa fIrld coffee mows out numb bettor n•lion drunk without ouglos Not only Mat but the ewerl 11105 01 ism tb:,neS0V,141P,e‘tny ‘ay lo 10,311 wbim, '11311 ;:.:10i4) 00 to leave only a liace of the g170,00- aleuining or foisting lo Won't 1110 In - aide of the window with to eloth mots, 1,11101 with pure glycerine, wiping it is,:aing on blankete nod other woollen ioods can bo removed by using a mix. lore of &pint parts of glycerine and f l a l 1 a 34 34 54 l".;;u1,i 43 11103 4.1. 12) 11 11% 01(.111101n, i w4111'3LIs a mistrike to lay scrubbing- Innsbes with the briAtin side upwards. Obey should a1011178 be put witlj th, britOles &um. othorwise the water wif• amilc into Me woodon 340(1told the Mis tios very soon loom& loose. nice Ihmoughly washed, thrown in- k a large loltle of rapidly -boiling water 'rhe comploint look. Mir very severely and boil, d continuously tor twenty min- neon Me Hest and she dlod four day* utes. Clam strained and dried in the, own after Me disonse had attaeked hor, or ovor the ilro, wilt be while, dry and "They say 311111 people reach their n:100a.v‘13.•, and look like a great plate al second childhood \vhene thy have passed s White enamelled kitchen ascindalial°00y,' ofOn beeome Urell nppearances hope AI folks dying of childish complaiMs. lossly ruined when food is burned or, 1 had a patient last yeao, a lady, eighty- thom, Pince a inSiture of Wrong soap- Wur yeare of age, who died or sup. powdor and Milling water in them 111.3 iress,x1 mensles, ii.he had never suffered :et Mem atond Iwo 04 Ihreei dnys v11 1011 :NMI the complaint before, mid lier -changing water. Then pour off aile relatives refused to believe, Mal she 110d 1'111/ 1114 InS014 With a soft cloth. All then, and iosisteid On my 11000g a blackness and slain will disappear. 111 sonsultallon with two other physicians. careful red lo scrupo heforo soaking hi 1 wits quite agmeable, und the result, Oils way. as the enamel will crack. 'ea,. the sante us I had diagnosed--sup- When the smelt of frying pervades orossed measles. The old lady (lid mg, the 11,1115e examine the outside and bail- are/ oner it, but passed away from the tom of the frying -pan. and yoll Wil 'fleets of this cbildish disouse. probnbly Ond (hut it is covered will: "roothileho is a queer thing to die, Mira fat, which diroelly 11 Ls al from. and yel, I had a million. a man of WI hot. Besides washing tho pan in- oighly•one, who literally 'passed in his side and out with strong soda walei ele-irea from his inability lo 810101 1110 diteetly 111105 leen used, it is necessaey mill of a raging tooth. I wanted hint to oecaelo»ally io boil II out in Inegor 1011'0 11 0111, but for mime retiSon Or 1110- ifesSe1 with strong soda water and soap. ;her be eh:slims] ond said 110 would bear Directly the burnt grouse is removed "is pain. Ile bore it like the fine old the strong smell of frying in the boils(' ,tilt Mut ho 005 he had ploughoct the 'When the pan is on the fire will exist sons for fifty-six 3'oars1 for saine weeks, no intore, btli gradually the suffering wore away Stained soft wood floors which show Ilk sirengtb, ando,lie died simply and worn piece's should be touched up with ecdoly from eahmistion, Ibe sumo stain and the whole ahould then be vaentslod with suite first-elasa floor varnish. TiJo varnis11 should la lano\ved 101 iniervols in the places Sub 3500(1 to most Wear. Mit 1( 1110 floor has ken so long oeglected that not only the Varnish 1)011 11180 the, elain is worn through and must I,e putehed, a frost., ce,at 0 viiintsh ovor the whole Itior do 1,11101)111g to Iiide the junction GI Me (ow and old stain. and add to its cppearance and durability, EXHIBITIONS. MPS AT NINETY-FIVE SOME OLD PEOPLE WOO DIED Vie OfFigirt DISEASES, Nine '1'11111,8 Out of 'Pen (Ad Ago Is Not Ole Cause of Death in Old People, Tire 4,141 lady who lived M be 1101 and Mon entoom 3101' 04,11 death 113, 101)111(1 front a cherry should nor, or 141 111,'.)', 1150.1, taken lo troloolinthing at her adeinived age. Had she not dalle Sf.) oso might IIIANT 1i1101 kJ be 1110, thuugit Ile' pr,bability is Mal 5111, would Moo olniftloil off this mortal coil by ,_-.831111air1- ing sonio disease nol ustmlly (issociated with the ups!. "It ta VOIT 411144," :says a well-known doctor recently, "that 1per- sot, <Ilea of old ago-elite:kora out 160 a liandle, us it woo, deeay' is not 1" '1101)011 oomplainl, and inni) I11ne5 mo. of ton is oot Me 01111,10 of dealt! 11.1 0 Id 1044/010. "1 11111',) on my books." lie continued, "Ilio 1100s4 of numy patients who tiro over eighty, hut 1 do nut 11g11e that Iwo. per void. of limn will di0 of ohl 00, 1'e.1.1°1)p 3'mt /1011111 Of Mrs. Cynthia 1I0ug1131113)i34, who died revel 1 I ly 11 tho age of 11111013 .311e from 111" )1111010s. 1 W1144 not believed possible at first that ni such rut ago sho could bo, suffveing 10101 a disease which she soul eseapod 1011 "11101111/01.1, 11111 I know for o fact Mut 11. was PLAINLY A CASE OF alUNIPS. CONSEQUENT ON THE P.11N. Only fur that bo' 11) I sliould bavo been iltle to keep ban alive for another len years. I feel conlident .."It1 gooey how frequotelly a11 aceident will curry art ri One. strong, healthy oetogeourian. I lool 11 ntoresting cosi) of the soil two yenrs (1 g.', when a Pii- tiont 1.0110 ceu Moldy and ninety. per- fectly /40P11,1 in all hia organs, not with im accident Milling at 1110 linos motile key 11 11101 hie doom, to was vory fond of gard,ming, and 01144 0(00- 1(34. while weeding, he elm a fthro of tooken lel Ilo info hia thumb. The Disease exhibitions are 'being held 1) .11 was 11 small one, lait 1 Wtki int - froth time to time in Germany, Ont medialoly sent for, 111111 40115 .S111.041Sed l0 '011d regard them as popular forms 0' Itiol my old palient, in a state of 044:014. ontertninnont, 11111, 11 is honeyed they 34111110(1 anximy. linVe a great (111U0(11(01101 'mhos Every- "Refore 1 (tressed Me svourel ho M - [Wog about different diseases and Mob formed me thin ho hail received los etiosea expininial. andbooks and death notices. niol that within a 105010primplileta 040 forthcoming showino 0111111 00s1 1111 11010. I p4(oh-1)0(110,d how 140 illSeaseS nre 10 be e0100(1. Two his Mars, but it wee no good, nod SUN/ 1111011Ve(1 thousand people stsliod such ,'lo 03431 tho old ilian wasd-ad floc:, or; nt Drestion, and ono 00111g dnys. Tlic, 011‘1414 1.11i0g, 111X/111 it was that held ii1 13re50111 tit Frankfort.on-flio-Nlain 11,0 wound limitod nicely, lint I suppose le eqUidly successfid. 0<11011 0110WS, how rho mina was so impressionable that it ever, aro not for nervous folic. &minuted oncryllitrig elso, and so tho 4.61 fellow died, pi•icoOie,flon115whal..it13711 'warnings' of their approoching emit and vtrnl1igupv(10 51111' time when ono would think deuth tawniest froin their Iltotighia, no\ body being in a period. Stale of health. I erm .000 you AN ION ISIlliSTINC EX.aa1PLE of what I 1110011. IL is one of tho few ensos in which 0 pationt of mine has . Ilemi roully end sololy of old ago. Sho was El 11110, 111110100:110 W01111111 of eighty- nine. upright [mil vigoeous, looking amoly seventy. I cancel to seo hor no average along ono, 10 wovk, Home was molly ito muse for 11l0' "01114 evoning, liono•ver, whon 1111 had loll the room—N3(0 motioned tlieni oway --she told 1110 01 tho night beforo she hod had 0 `V-101011' which had revoitled to her Dial on such and 011011 0 (14Iy .4401 mug he ready to lake A "king juninry,' slii:yasIns1 ike (1 111100,,s, 11 tuwlib101'('fl(l 11111(01 11, ln,L ilygged MO 10 reinenffier (ho tiny and liot 11,3) (1114,:liLaflormoon of the clay in (1(08' 11(11 I called 5,'', 0)1)11(1 lo Illy promise, iitt11111,0s1\018„1.,1 1(111c1g 1s1001111,(1(31„‘‘.mit)0iiirk,;),1111(1111„s11,11,4011):1111 1111111e.e d eonlonted. I sat for a few itunionils (1;11,ene1,1111).11g1:1 11\ \111111: saeitfl11.,1-1:,1113,gsvo 80111 0r11107. 1,1 my oestillonto I gavo Nolo ago' as tao emise or Oiallt, for I didn't koow what olse to put.” 4r_ ANIEB1CAN NEGROES. There are 0,201,51 110g0008 in thy L3nited States, inclucliog Porto Moo ond Hawaii. Nino-te111110 of them live in the South—one-third 01 ils imputation. Sevenly-seven pee cent work on 7413.- 0AP fneins, of whiell 21 wir cent. arc abi 50111163' '0011 tout'1110.11;vocenniia.: 01)1a,11:101i11 clgt‘‘Cile lIctittribacynItle0ig's1.'02v181,.000T btirbers nml near- ly AS many doctors, 10,000 ministora, MOM masons, 1e.000 diasesmalcoos, In. - 000 ongincees nod firemen, 5,000 shoe- makers, 4.0011 muscieinns, 2,000 actoo- nod showmen, 1,000 lawyers (which seems too many). Since 1800 nogro il- literacy has sunk from 57 to 4/.5 per cent. CONSTDERA•rte LADIES, SoetelY Indies in the taWn or napn• Pandit, in Sweden, havn just 111.1'1V1441 ni Intrrestiog docision on a point of sI '001 otiquotte, Thoy Wive ilevided In relieve nom of the maces -Ay of doffing their hale to ladieo in 1110 streets ns long ns the cold weather lasts. 11 hos game for111 Mot during the \violin, 011 11113 will 00 .expeetrd fano mon will lie a mil 110') salute. l'he ladies look Ihis stop os e580111 of studying ousheril stalistico, which ralablisbis, iho feet MO in 'Motor Moro nee Isreo times moil, non Man womon suffering Mon cold, nouralgio, trollineho, and influonza, .11oTEr, F011 TIONMPS, Phitnitolphin possesses n great lintel for tramps. This is a most impo.ing building or rom, 111(13') 1, comprking dining-roonis, rending -rooms, mid Hie 1110\ 11,310 Indltro.,an.:. 'Tramps who witnt a night's lodging mast do a (Tr- Intr. nmount 1 N101.1<, griolunied accord. lug lo their p. ysical inunc. they 1,1150 In the rotul3 ard to Ilo their lash. .lfler Ihe foil is over they lutve on (\tpporlimity or going mit 14, soot: for \mak, mid Own they emu(' M for ihe evening. lleiros, going 1,, boil. however, lhoy eimpolles1 agalo lo potorm 11, o 1,1tirer,smiti(ii:Is-A1•014:33 11...W1171:11 (1)1105 hovo pro. ahlsoi,s11 101 .511,11,1,01.1,:331,a 31 omsoivo...4 they 01.0 g0111111.; 41111 1111 311311(11» lion on (mother's happiness. ' PAL:111E11 I'llINCES, many roducod 011/411/41110 11.1 1110 1111 11041 Stales aro engaged 111 Very hinn. leo einiikwimills. A toW years ago o geoat-grandoon of the 10010110 .1,3411. Mill's11011 11111(311'' 141 the efloste 00 11114.011011 10 1114 pailper's wmmrd • o Now vork hospital, While a nephew • 1'rineo llioreerek wns '11'10411 In 111011 11411/40 ill 1110 SI1 1 011011 AVMS. .1n.,111or Gernitm prium• became a Waiter in a motaurnot 111 NOV' 'York, nfl,i, faltmg 111, subsisted for n 101 the kindors, of e eollcagho who hopponal 1., havo ken 1:41.111 on 1110 family estaloa, rind 1111.4 101114 proud of iho bonor of aupliorting solon 011 the great hous,,, 310(1,' forty yenra of rip, 4 4011111101144 11111011g tuou 31,1 11.,r11i.u. Anor mut ago 1110 comhtfons \Owed\ .