HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 6• •-nr,K
Failures Must Be as Finger Posto to
Future Successes.
"Forgetting tint things- whiell ere 1e-
-111011, mid stretching forwent to the
things whiell nre before."-•Phill. lib: la.
The regret is vain ilint looks not to
reeonstruelion. The best, omiression it
soreow for yesterday's wrong.toing iii
serviee for lo-dny's right. It is a good
Ming to look link, hut. (any that we
may push forward, There in no consola-
tion for the individual:nu betterment fo.
society. in the gospel Wet pies not be-
yond repent/ince.-
There are tunny who nee eating not
ilietr own hearts vvith bttic nipenlingit
of past. hdlies. The cheer isdriven from-
rsery day Ily the nunmey of (ild wrong-
doing; -they thirty are hamiled by n
fearsome past, perhaps, as a Wein
minter of Inct, their slits nye- not as
gross ai4 they seem; »neon/Mk-in has
magnified Mein. But dwelling on them,
miring iiver (beim they Imre parnlyzed
their own rossibilities (if present un-
It is true Mal no man ran undo his
past. It is true. as many know in bit-
terness nrol pnin I spirit. that eon-
acienec, rind nienswy constantly pierce
the hearLs with Me thorns that have
grown from past so \ving. Ilut Is there
icily greater than Mat .of Ilie man or
woman W11.) permits regret for failing
le prevent nny attempt at rising again
Every life may make new beginnings,
Alt else is lostwhen hope is lost ; the
light fades from the eyes and the soul
seems M perish withiu the man whel1 he
ceases to believe that he en» make Yet
ono more beginning. Heaven rejohtes
when we weep over Our own wander-
ing, but greater far is the joy when we
arise and set our faces toward home
In the race of life ninety things may
bring a man down, but he alone is re-
sponsible Ir 11 if he is kith down and
oid. We, the competitors, only he ever
ready to cry "Failure," but somehow we•
know tha1 eternal justice will pronounce
no verdict till the course be done, and
eternal love ever is yenrning to see each
Ilton one again upon his feet nod press-
ing forward la the
In the stool of life we may learn to
forget the dillieullies of the tasks once
set Wore us. and even the disgrace
when we fulled at them in the joy of the
strength that all the struggle of meet -
ties Ark ss the ,<.ymbei of jelaivith's pre-
seiiiic among his people.
Lict thine enemies Le setitlered-The
'terse rofleets 1110 old i1i t keight of
Jehovah as a boil (4 Lantos, loiewn
Anfficipaily through his manifestations
30. Return , Jehovah -An address
1.. Ow art: mid a prayer for the eleditig
pre,etwe of Jelovith muting Ms people.
Mg and mestering llose tasks hug
goon, itow footioh it be who
should refuse hi Memo the larger prob»
tot s of life beeausr. the Mlle old site
be Worked his SUMS ill L3011("1.31
1.11irrett with tear mike.
.\ nil so with our sorrows, Too many.
ate living in the shadow of eloults long
passed. Carrying to their bent the
gloom (41 days gone by, they rot\ to-dey
or its +outage and to -morrow of its glad
emoidence. Their lawks aro moo broken 1
who (1.1 not know to to drop seine
'bit t n groat (lifferene.3 belWeell
Pie freemen! memory of ilays thelitt
their pessing seemed Deist hiller, 1.10+
W.,.11 111!. iniSk Iht.011Fh Itieti loved
faces' smile out of challis shedows and
111:\ peroeinol shrouding or the life in
th.J, carefully pre,orved palls and trim.
pings td our woe.
So, boo, do we embitter oor present
with th.. cherishing of slights end injue-
tires, malice and enmity. thought oe
done lo it in days rnst. Nlemory and
history easily become
a pit whew dwell only ford and noisomo
things. und toeley's plensUre and to-
morrow's promise alike ime lost in One
trinplation of yesterday's poin.
God is /them' as well as behind. The
universe is not benrtless. a pitilesS ma-
chine where pest faillis forover preclude
the possibility of future perfection. .The
ever upsprioging hope in Ow human
breast, is but the echo of the
wooing us to now endeavors. (Idling
men to arise and go to Melt. Venom.
They go forward who legit forward,
The best lives aro the lives Mat seek
ever Unt• best. \\,/ (io, o tolithy 10
ourselves Mat wo not prone In the
dust ; we owe it to all others to begin
again. Whet rigid have wo lo block
ltie way of thoso who would press on,
with Our prostrate forms, or to cool
their ardor with our groaning regrets?
The past has its lessons; led they
only are learning Ihein who are pushing
forward. Regretting the past, set it
right as Inc as you may, then redeem
yesterdayby right doing to -day and
right determination Inc to -morrow. and
you shall find every terve of good facing
with you and strengthening heart and
hand for bolter things,
'I'I1E S. S.. LESS
'oN "stages." Many toiciml peoples mete,
Aeoording to their journeys - Or,
sured the journeys of their armies and.
mit/riding hosts by the daily stages of
their march.
Wildetmess of Paeans -North rif Sinai,
uf ees
and south Ka1115',i, thottgli somtim
AUG. 25,
Lesson Israel lourneyinu to Ca -
Man. flolden Text: Exoti. 13. 21.
1111sed 011 the teXt of the Revised Ver.
S ion.
Numeri, Numbers. - TI10
Ntinibers. coolonly given to the
Relent book 01 the Pentateuch, is de-
rived through Latin (remhe tOreek,
it, the earlieSt eedieils of \vIdell the book
appear: under the nom, "Arillimol."
tarty Greek' manuscripts. of Ille
Tesiement. le'Wever, iniquostionithly
lorrowed tho info nom still older onos
Is longer and
souls i(1 null lite word Wes eiegainly
if pre-christitin, und not unlikely of
Alexandrian, origin. In the Hebrew text
ilf the 041 Testaw
nnt, as bus been point-
ed out in previOUS Word Similes, itts
isok. WilS known by ik introduelory
intense, ".And Jehovah spithe,- even as
Cellists wns tokevn liy the title, "In the
Beginning." The book of Num
r.- ber,: dif-
fefrom 11enesis,-)iNodus. 1"ilieus.
told Ihmleromany Roil, \xlieretts these
four boeks (,1 the Penlalelle
1 - ell 1111V
Inined Ilie ,reol; Illitlies, 100
late Was silbsetplently traliShlied and
Scientist Says . That COOkketis arc
Terrible Gossips.
(mired Me policeman's report had order-
ed the twO prisoners to be kept in tie -
test nod beet\ celled May, 1 therefore
lo send a nritien report to lin/
\\*hen the tames Imo presented tie
with Mete cards t had thrust them into
my pocket without seanoing Itte names,
Now looked uh
t tem and road w,
to t..
eent Princess P. de NI. and
N1,-- the Best being lite \\ ifo
ini Aniblissador, eeconit the wife
▪ a Militster of Slide.'.
1 was delighted lo have tmel'i support
lti it petitiona
. nd decided to tleivo
duvet to Ilet Nliiiisier anit lay the nal 1-
ter before Intl) so Halt he might order
111 fowls talk? A .s.cientot who has an ininicilittle investigntion. This 1 00.
101' ilailly Soars beett illets.stigiditig theIiittt. Midtabett 1Was $111110e'lled
ltirgir.ge Of bIt- ritiek.tt Vorld, belim.es lewormilt lo the police comilasairio
tiitti ilw liarmarit 1'00,4er is able 10 who. tit lite most re:met/Hid 11110111e1. in.
111011glits 10 his elnek- formeil ti. Ilint 1110 Itrisollurs w"1114
nig titictik tv it system ‘,1 ,peeem iot ab lib•rty, mid the policeman pun -
The mese, that fowls make with their t.Itii. In it slext time I forgot
throats aro, in his opinkin, Imo in/tide/lb
tv jttv. ib 14) IN! 4'.011VN
t•:111,41, ittsnitne 1 yeat% tittth rassutl. Arielbeing
itt it 14'11 is 111,1T, 11 16- invitritilily woundol in linty I wtie slayilig at tep-
steed: but just es seon itt lite Wililary 1 Pc ui 11,410111111, PrillOtt 1:. et A.
hen or r.,,slor ti 15 (wil iter. you will the proprietor of the relsovned 81111111111/
boor, it you know einekemitinguage; stir Jigs, ittorder to comm
plete y rtt.
no animated comers:Ilion. el. ea( it.
The pes,oe bus 14.1 pursue/I lit.8 O
1.0- ne day ser\oint very indignantly
),.41.elte; far lo be able to ult. it•pt . lel that u nein \vas wailim.,nein the
deesiand who( fowls say. Ind he claims eetirly.ird or the easily wanti /dgitg
(1 itt OA, 10 ink rp_W
ret ally of their \ ery mittlee Itit beim Ned 10 di'lvo
soords, and 1ms sueeeeded 1 imitation him away. bu\em
t lie ail not lenve, All
Mein so well. 111111 otivious is:owe:10011ln] Mai could lie mou
alt t was itini he /11-
bens lune paid ebeie attention to Ms 841331 011 seekitig itie. My servant told
me that ilse pig was making fonrful
lie has Immo d, for imitative, the cry bedsit. and he ked what .he should do,
of alarm made by a ben V.'llen 1 1111Wli I Went (1011'11 10 find out wlitit the
is drawing roar. and If he gives vent trouble was till illottl, end saw 510.
to P. allthe elikkens In the immediate roc with
vicinity run r fosliellee. Ile tolls trs
that chickens tire nrribie goss!ps, slop- AN ENORNIOLIS PIG,
ping to tell 4. -itch other current news• Penh nem and pig were sum
rroaled by
and suehlike. the Prineie. ,seeviods, who were Inugh-
Poultry -keepers will be surprised to nti boiskrousiy.
learn that no two fowls crew exnelly iny askinisliment I sew that 1.1. WaS
alike. The proeotor has taken. note of Ito gip.ey i Ittol befriended Iwo years
Stolle tiro hundred ebanlieleers, and La fore, .1.1e uncoveved his head, knelt
says that very little study shows one 1 tm.0 Ids.all my hand, mid ex -
the difference in 1,./iversallonnl powers, pinined Ids 11,5 11 On learning thnt
A erow can Itist. hoin three 1.) seven sec- I had left Vienna he hail followed. As
ends. act:6111111g o ihe Inforniultem to proof of his gratitude mid by order (if
lie Imported. Everymie knows the row his old father tie Mid taken a silyliing
in the stilly nii<hl, hP acts 11,1 a tele- nig'Willl 111111 as ti present for Ille, iitb
betWeell the rcesters of thl neigh- owing to the long time .taben itt lind
b1.1•11e0(1.ttltiio Ole ctitw of 11'1101'310 idler the pig bud growl) to a great size.
it ',Alit fowl has been vanquished,
Winn the worthy professor shall
have carried kb studies of chlekendan-
memo to a point fluit will enable pool-
Nly feelings al Hail moment were int-
pessible to describe. Ilus man. uneut-
hired. unedneated. N1'ilS SO goaleful Hod
Pc eighteen Months he had been trying
try -keepers to interpret mess:10s 11S 10 10 1111d nit), leading the ever-growing
future egg supply of partielllde (initial) W:111 Ititit ill the time. 'Mot/guts
Lewis, he will have rendered nun/kind of anxiety tiOd cost entailed 10
a d:slinct seeviee. bringing Ili titi3 wee 700 miles, and
4,1 the wrk oinskessary to 11011.11 it due -
i to the journey fleshed 111),eigit
THE GYPSY'S GRATITUDE b.', I felt choking in illy hirout,
und. Ille kneeling man up I,.) me,
1 kissed lain on his forehead. Teers
Ai, Absolutely True Story of a Man'a
Gratitude. for Kindness Shown
considered itt hexing ineluded the \lee). 18 1110 Year 18117 1 wns neellInPd in
mso, ,nttsltillying it sde..iiti
dion,iot wing sonipwlmi inweiquin, technical question for Ills Nlitjosly the
The wilderness of Iturun had at one Ehtlieror of Ausirta. nod itterefore
ii cliligeti 1 .1 domicile in Vienna. Nly atitik
ity i- Moe teen Ishinners dwelling place.
in the Army el Mal perkid wits that of
elo.een mid Egypt.
13, They lirst toek ilwir journey- a sentor captain navntry), ani.t.ns i linve
thc. word "first, to sonereolio, 0 perfect linnwitidge of the Ilungmlint
If retained., the meaning would eeein to langlinges I hail ini diflicully in tinder -
shooting nod speakilig those putois ittii
be 'they befoul their journey."
Areording to the temitindinent t 1 Ie. gunge, used bY 111e. Peonle of :-.Ilavish
here refers OrlUill•
lo the ilivin.•ly prescribed otnrehing Olie morningon my way to the Nitro
(3111(T indicated in verses 5-8 44 this istry of 11 er, being in full elress tint-
clinplcr end elseWliere. The precision ionn• 1 l'assett n crowd ctf PeoPle
wii w1)1,!1) 113e C011ithaildilient. wus r(31111ding it litille11111111 pulleelllan svlt
l'yed is 3)1(1100e:1 by Ille detailed lie. WaS Very roti0ily 'renting two glps1,3N,
veldit or the beetiking up of the ennip These gipsies belonged to the Slovne
end the Emmett:al (if the marching order the mewls:es if sttbt iruN
IT iril,es with designated tribal leaders alsall Austria tind Niro their living es
indicated in 'verses 1 t-28, which hey('
101411 Omitted from the printed text of 11 is ti eiodoni 1 btte Milo, HIM Ihe
our lesson onsoinge, mute or each family has 10 lefiVe hie
21. I lt bab. the son of Retail Inct\Mil- village el.ery springtime antl 'wander
none. Moses' Judg„ 1. through tho comilry selling itiS goods
11 Holed) is relied the brother-in-Inw of as best as 110 eau, Each nine usually is
Ntoses and is ittentilied as a Kende. In ttelloilioinieti by n son who, oil the
Exod. 2. 18, 111.0 now flobah 1 omitted, journey, gains experience In his father's
11ttei being ,subs1111111.11 ; 1.I0 Alter' lit*Illess,
hivitot is II 011111 mane may won lie Hid Nly emiosity being atoused Hp -
the peosentil tonne "Haab." has In pronehed the policeman In ottdoe to in-
t.:Ned. 2. 18, Inset purmisely (enilleil lil (paw why. tet was arresting 1110 Iwo
.. eon f owinch tov
se,. Ao the pomeonan did 1,1 110-
foyer of 111.• mime el IIe.
oven' 11,1110 11101111.er w118 derslanit hie NO 11111,14111ers, 11111 V1041
Versa. 1 sn0103 10 Ihe Older gip:sr, WhO;
glad It' bear 111111 I knew his tiltiolt, 101-
lesinet1 Ilint :Wire ladieS had given him
and hts sun it 11(11.111 eaeli, and, this be-
ing obseeved by the policeman, they
has 1. 111 10 1,;.)tit itg 1.,n03,11 ty. 11 sell. Hello)! the tiesigna110/1 lit) -
101111, ednlenk 1 II,„Itt Ili Im of 1 leine- inny be Inkon
Isalk.o( Numbers are Very inis,tellinicims signify llotiati of Me trilsi of Reuel.
F.isoy hero ihe falher-in-low <if Ahlses is
ealled teiluiti %mid. 3. 1). im seeming in.
reusislellzy Wilielt has 1101 twen tis Yet
salisfuelewily exploliwil. The fied, how-
ever, flint Is iS lit :01110 ease,' said 10 1.1e
itlilittitiie tilld ill 0111(3rS it Kellib. dot3s
Hid 1111.01vt. mt seri011s discrepancy. sitlee
bell) ileSigradions agree Itt milloeling
131n1 by inarringe .\\1111 no Arab or ti
311 eilllraelor. (bit lieok falls nittortilly
into twe winched divisions, or seeliens,
itt lirst of Wiliell. NUMHIn. lim
. 1. U. y
1.e regarded ns all Iiipt3lidiX to the 1,o01,:8
il EX.04111S and ',nee the ill 1-
(11.111S 01 1110 wijoltrn 1,1 the Isrueli1,4 111
11,,, ti sinui Ore
Ins belwelei Eve', 10, I tout
Nun). CO. In. 'rhos,' chapters, therefore,
fern/ a velum! eon/meted group by
Tho teinnitalor Ili' look
is devoted to a reeoed or the eNnorienees.
• israci Jitter loaring 1u) It,
}atilt lit whieli they Were nt las1
rtirr.d. 111141 pO,,,,i4J11 4,1
ilte ',and of lOomise. thhe /incentive of
bbs soemal perlion of 111P 11,014
It period 01 11 Hein forty years,
i-lpookil :41mila-is is plumed bit'nar-
rate, (n) 11},1 W„.01,1, 4,1 n1,4 feW M1,1
IttVii1,111;.4 01 Hie 1011r1WY.
fuly leaving Ilie vicinity of nod
modit al the f'1111 of the loimt 1.1(.,ei.1 wan-
Ntoses is instrueled 11)' Jehovah
111111Iber be mle, anti IL is front
these Iwo infroberings tlint the ok boas
linVe linS rocettorl
"ilium I/11,e r,Iittwildernes.,4,
NIfises, Ileptirt, go tip lienoe. thou
tind lime pemile Ilad Molt 1111St brotight
tip rail of the land 4,1 Plgypl, tmlo 111e
Inuit of width 1 swan\ unto .klirahimi.
to Isaac, mai to Jacob, saying. (Iot') thy
..d win I g1),.4 11" (1.13,,,d, 3;1, 1),
tin. Mine own land-l'he imid
the Namilartes of which are not
(I( finitely lixe(1, Ille Nilillaniles tieing
monads tmtll html haying Itt pernimient
duelling place. It has boon suggested
Ilml tho (Anil tI 11e itltliatitts 1 11.1tivii
llobab belonged tiny liave dwelt teem
southern point. of Ihe Shunie [lento -
solo. in ohich ease 1013S111 itt l'alne bit
it WOUIti hove eoluened
pis( It litlio ..;‘,11111Waril front 1130 place
V'erSe 11, Irt seemul year, in ilie viler.? tit rsmtrmtlitt 1V1111 Nhises
st"'181 1/1"1'11,---Tbe s01,81/11 of Ihi tittliirally look ranee, If his Iribe had
Isrnelites ril, shod loot occupied from ltomm joteded birilwe to Ille mirth, est.
ter, t() twelve ;timidts. plod. of 111,, it would seem Mai, sies,
1/0 elotel was Itil.011 upe-The {loud too 1.„10•11y h„ne,weed would leo, holt Smbitiulet willi the result of nty !Mee.-
ayinkilizing the 1)1 It of Jehovah 111,1 wr sone. dist/ore 1:1,111g Ilti 1'411)0.-421 inrt'llco, 1 weld bintit• hi 1110
reshot nisei iit Itiliernitele ever shoo ils Um- (if inarell of 111, Israelites, and, mit hitting lltt eight to order the
110,11011. ,The l'ising flie cloud Irian 31, •rtern. shall he to uo he
istnd 4,1 his tw(1 prbosnd
er,s, I tol
"'"s 1110 dil•hattitjtl etio -Fiat/Moe \villi the 110. him lo Inky ri cub told eenduct thein to
AltliPIST1,..1) AS IlEtitiAliS.
1 kid thio policemen) llint lie loot made
a inistelie, end. itt 111111 moment the .1(1-
ee prisoner, seeing the Iwo ladies pass
agent on llw opposite side of 111e street,
ho1111•41 them tttl 1, niit, tttltt sinliing
(in his lowes. logged Itt with liars lit
his eyes lo ask Ow 1 Wo hullos myself
end v\erify his stultenelit,
:As a lest tierce' Ole kneethig ninn
stitil. "(th, pray, caplalti, save us from
1.1 sheltie nI lwing repoeled I() the v1,1 -
cis of our vitt/Igo nod of leetig impels-
oited end transported home by the po-
I conlil not resist Ibis uppenl, nod.
although 1 had very, little lime at My
Ilisitit 1 1 Ituriredly folloo.0(1 Ilw Iwo
hero, me! lo toll trio if tlw
giestes ltd molested them lit any
way. Willi great surpriso they 1(11d rtie
Mal they \\.t.re both Ilutigarians mol
111.! b,ti llIctmts ul)KIntoly liy
will. \Vo exchanged .:ards,
sod they iteelare(1 Ilimuselves quite
Ho/ lii mimeo' bef(ev the pollee emit-
litissuire nod testify lit ftiv(ir of Ilw gip
Hint IM110111.'i In) 1.4 iiivito,1 11 /id ti it dOS(.11 gukk) litilieenW
.slalio, here 1 W0111(1 ap-
ennip and proceed on lhoir minelb The ro, the isrimines, tool is promised. 11,111' as 541011 n
t,telid, visible, in the (laylime, assumed {hiehtiess for his kindly If,: won us for nevi:1g seen 111 111 dthe awnY
fit iuigttt 5 fiery uii IllnitimuS tippetirtinee. himself, im share in titit Prosliorit' which (*bingo of Ihe -policeman, I hurried to
11, N11111slry iti \Vim mid reached Mere
half ini 1511.11' Ian`,
circumslinwes sonielinies eortibine
litippined kiwi, two hours passed pc.
krt. T wtis able to
11.11.11,11, MY PROMISE,
\\ lien 1 ultimMely re/Wiled Iliti pOliee.
61ali011‘ 1 Inc cOMMI881.11re who had re
'(11 Inbernaele of 1110
and ,in 011100 passage; so called because
/1 the Owl, lind in the Hely elf Mlles 44
this Itiliernnele were pew -erred, itt the
Ark of (he Covenntil. die tildes ef stone
omt WhIeb Wer0 Written the Ten Com-
12, Set forward Sennied their
Moses is vonthlord the eleisen people of
JI ivaht will soon enjoy.
33. Three days' joillmo- Not. sopa-
retell Nom Me people by it 11111331 (Itlys'
tourney, but going bernre them during 0
three dilys" march.
To seek tell it resting pliwe-A suit.
able Wiwi\ for encampments
35, 'Moses said- liiinsolf to
were running hard antt. fast dn ow.nly
At that moment my host, Prince C.,
ceoeinad on the scene. Wilh tttm expres-
61(111 Of undisguised astonishment ''ehielo.d at ine bathed in tears. In a few
TIlL1.) 111)1 WIRT 11AD 1 IAPPE.:\;b1I.
fie riski.d me lo introduce him to the
pone Stooge and presented Die wooderer
le tho Princess and all, the .ladies my -
sent the nine. This was dmit. with
bit graceand perfection of old-litne
blelless told cereomoy. The 1,001. pea-
sant of the Carpathian Muntalas wns
treated us uti equal by all present.
Atter a few days' rest, 11:e Slovon
started for his native village. Gills \ I
all sorts Were SilnWered 11)1011 111111. nnit
.1 Irani:lined to hint 1110 parting wovds
of the Piineesst
" \\hen you return home, tell your
elders dint we here have been pi.....tet 1(1
make your negiunntence, and we beg
•you lo neeept some soilvenirs as a
pleasing remembrance of the limo you
have spent, with us here."
• The old uncultivated own wive the
Nithiwing imswert •
"1 nni.umv4wIlly of Ihe event kindness.
Lnd i hike the souvenirs With Itt I1Sii
irtra(VwanThipli‘intlymr.?Arl. ;..initiu.n6111
11111 itt 11
Tills /dory is abkolutely Irne. 1 Mink
pone renders will agree with ow Mal
this tineducitted wimileeee possessed Ihe
timilities of a perfect gentle/Bath-Peat,
son's Weekly.
— -
Yet Iluninit Nature Seems to be The
Same Old Article.
\\hen wit jeurnoy, mountains, !there,
end sene are 110 longer olislaeles to us,
hid we rltilt iltrough Ilt owl. them in
insurioes ease tit n speed of from 21 10
Inn 11111es 110 110111', 0111' 310113k3S ere
lighted with the brilliimey of ;love's
thinulerleill mewls of Ilut linniessed
power of a waterfall litindeeds of
dIsliod, and the same Mills/Mem of Pie
ettelli's force Ot gravitation penions cries,
hauls halite, Illuminates slreele and
• Ittn beefsteak.
\\hen on... Is III his physician lal:es
n picture of Ms internal tiegans, opens
him if need be. cub: away a clisonsed
part and silos him op, leaving Mtn In
a few weeks us good us now. Chemists
pr(nliice many of tht . pro -
Miele of maitre. mid prediet ititit Ihe
tithe is Approaching when a 111t111 Will
1111110,3 /1. good meal out of the mitten's
of a wilier pail /Ind /1 veal Selt1110,
\VIM rill ils ochievements of tole-
twillous Itt ninterial things, human no -
bre, H. must he enufessed, reinehis
much inc 11 was 100 years ngo,
1.0NI)ON'S N.11:11.
11 lias be.'n calculeled Mut the cosi of
it muddy day itt London, lOngliind, ts
something like $25,000, This ie not sin,
prising when one remembers lhat
fewer Ilion thirly-two tons of imid oro
carried 1111011 t 11'0111 1311100 10 place ort 1110
Wilt:341s it garb; and -1111,1
lourses' 11001$, A1101' 11 Wei dny the dry
Irmo people's clothing
timounk to fifteen bans, and a vol.) 111111.
Mr 11111011111 1$ shaken 4,111 or rho door
-ma's, City until, however, litis its goort
poinls, The slumblack inceenses his
+tainting( In the mitibly Weenier. and
new stIli lints end dresses and hoots
and 141100$ 01.0 emit imtiil all Ilie
outecene of its ilestruellve goalllfes,
Yon can't, dodge 1.110 Worst by sitting
de,wn and hoping for the best.
Visitor ; "Anti what is your new little
brother's name?" Tonimy : "They
haven't found out yet."
bq liom e x
SONO,: 0000 itECIPOis.
Fig Calie.--thwo-tiiirils of a imp oi
sugar; me! leaspeonful of Hour; huller
110. size or 1.1 ahnd and yolk of Iwo
eggs. Stir well together, Mini mkt one
cupful (if buttermilk. 1,1av1r with lemon
extract and lake in n crust, Ilso while
of one egg for. frosting.
Vie, ---.Cate cop of sugar:
one-half cup or butler; one. eup or tinny;
mid one -Milt cut) of corledareht
half eon or sweet. milli; \\ lines of 11We
eggs; Iwt) leasporicuts if billc,ing-p41W(1.0.;
0110.1101r NOM' tit iigtt lloppvtl line and
billed hi one (if water.
Salad prossitig.--Tako Iwo or Hiroo
(mi., yolks and beat, with ono teaspoon
of intestnril, stignr, butter, pepper unit
Salt to tusle, Add vinegar slowly ki
Sail and (.601i.
1101 1:110ettlate )ttnie0.--1'111 10111' 01100(S
of gritted ttil 1 iimeolide, one (wiltl of
sugar, and half tem of iitiiit i» double
hull when dropped inlo water.
boiler. !toil 1111111 inixtuet. forms a soft
Crumble Torim-Poill• the yoll(s of six
eggs well. add hell -pound of rowitered
sugar. Nils tow hnspoonful cit bakilig
10 \viler with four lite/ping bilitespoon-
fats of well dried and rolled tweed-
crunihs, mut add to the settle; tool
sugar. Clam one poond of walnut
meats, one pound of dales, and add to
11)0 mixture. • Add the stittly beaten
whiles of the eggs last, and bent all to-
gether. Spread thin in pans like layer
rtiloo; and lialc.e twenty niinules. \\hen
winded for u110 ..,.rtutilite, heap im on
platter, and pciar over it whipped,
seeoiened Op1111).
Culao Style Chicken. -Cut up a good-
sried ehleken told bell Uilli1 Iiitr TIllw
out of broth, roll in tkimr, and fry in
t art land mid pert butler tintil brown
On all sides, Add one cupful of broth
eml id $11111110r ten minutes, Take etil
chicken and pot (m hot pinker% 1111v0
tWo eupfillS ttf boiled VICO, the Sallie of
tomatoes; one green pelmet., ellimped
fine; season with salt rIMI ntaTY pttvict
to taste, Add ail iti brown gravy; pito
In centre of platter, place chicken
around (IMAM/ edge, and garnish with
Vmtnllba NA'nfers.--'10 one egg, one cid-
gfelii.,0/1,itt,is ()I:sic:um:v..1101 gnetielt.iiiphiti)cf itir,tftei„
one teaspoon of soda dissolved to live
lublespoens of sw.cel. milk; (1110 1:N1VMM-
Nil of Nlix stiff and roll thin
on a Well Iloured board. but in strips
about Iwo Inelles wide; make 1111Ic
Ihe length of the strips; cut in (our-Ineli
lengths. Grease undee side of a
dripping han and btMe in moderate
(o.en, stowing ti little, as they spread in
liaking. It is necetary only Oi grease
Itt.pan once. Serve Willi lea or lemon-
n'Ilse.110 mire s'alad.-Three orangesthree
bananas, Mat (3110 pineapple !entitled
wilt do); 0.111 mu\ gill of mayonnaise and
OriE head (31 ei,rly lettuce, Arrange let-
tuce for itatividonl serving; peel mid
ell Laminas; peel and (lice oranges;
peel rind dice the pineapple. Heap 1110
mixed frull on the lettuce; dress will)
ninyonnalse, and garnish with Etig-
(therm) Straws, -One CUp grated
cheese; told one cup flour, half of a
sinnll cup of huller, nod M. quintev tea-
spoonful of salt; lowed all together un -
II' of 1 Itt right consistency to roll with-
out eteinibling; hake,
Tonitilo Flgs.--Six pounds of lomnloes
end three poinids of granulated sog,ar;
meleel smell yellow in red tomatoes.
pot them tri mi eoltnidee and plmige thein
into 1 watee for it nionwrit. Ile -
move lho skins, do not breidc the lolno.
toes; cover 11 bot tomit of 11 poreelnin-
lined kettle with a portion of Ilie sugue;
put in a leyer of lomakies and the re-
mainder of Ilie sugar; do nol 1111,111mc
L131111. IWO lilyeaq of tomutew1
kettlo on a moderate tire and COOk S1C/W-
by linlit the /aigni. penetrates 1111. Centre
or the loninkt; lift cloth tomato carefully
with a !urge fork Or spoon, Spreild Mein
611 a genolle dist), ntid slam] them in
s1111 a day or Iwotreke itit'tit, in
iv. night before- the itew, aud put Mein
mil hi the morning. \\idle they are dry-
hig sprinlite Mem several limes with.
grnmiltited sugar. When perfectly dry
pinetl them between livers of. waxed
paper, If (lone properly 'limy will keep
011 Wilder and are 0110 of the daintiest
of sweetmeats.
The glnss pictures and mirrors mny
he well cleaned with dity whiling and 5.
woollen 00111.
A IN.1311-131111 011 egg is tt real n(111ilion
to it 1111111., (if Mott npplos.givjtlg
lIghltiess and tl gimd ihilVOt to 1110 dish,
Atter Itovintt washed Innin
irsoup nod wnter scald \vith clear wn-
ter, 'they caii lie dried inlich move
imickly 11101 will lie perfectly clear,
To Mike polainesitt (von( ono -half In
Ihree-quarters (if im hour, boll ItImIll
thoroughly heatet through beiore
In 1)10 oven, which hikes about five
itliAntigiCsis'd starch gloss 18 made tw 11(1(1.
ing ri little spat/met/1i and abool a lea -
spoonful of bolas 11 enelt quart of
wider. 'Chose ingredients \vitt give Ihr
stinialied [Mitch% is particularly Ible
gl.Strtir( 1111331 should occaslounlly Pc
scrubbed with a 11111e 10111, ancl after -
weeds well rinsed met scalded. Insult].
cient washing of the utensils 111 which
11 is kept is the frequent cause of sour
TIitlt potnioes loolt whilo nod floury
by boiling lit ns 1111Io water ns po((sible
sivnfii. (Ind (Ow at <1111.J lo ()pot( door.
Give Ihe pololoes n vtgiirons shoke itt
nit isatteeputi tont itt il ronlnin micoVer.
eel til Me side ot Ihe are for free Mho
tiles before serving.
Sliced raw onions keni constantly in
ft SIC): 1.00111 Where there tire truplivo
diseases may not be very pleasant, 1nd
they aro 1111 excellent preventive agalnal
contagion, The slices will he soon dis-
colored, grow Vito dItrkt and 0011111
Men be al once -destroyed mid replaced
by fresh slices,
Methylated 81011, limn will) weler and
11 ellailluis leatheIN and, if polished IM -
mediately with it snit. cloth limey Will
haVe a brilliantly elear appearance,
which will be retained for sone' little.
Tint leaves or house:0'11dg should he
1:itpl• free .froni einst, henee frog -ilea
washings atte absolutely esseitlial, til -
1110111th when Nvillerillg 1110
!hovers of Ow plants, oe allow drops of
w tiler lo shout (in 11.10 INIVI."4. itt HU' tillti•
NhOW(1 never In. unloved
hi • stand iti stillerrs
plank aro soitil-teptillt%
llioilli• Iglwilor 11
ball of whiling and eiwitfully sIlt 1,
Nlix nits situ -sillily Wttli a Whieglasslul
ofsweet oil and ti 1011,330011Ra Of $011
soap, \\hen well blended, told sufficient
inethylalial spirit to brilig it to Ilie om-
sistenvy of thiek cre11111, Ruh the nett-
eles iit be elite/led win) this polish, wipe
olf Willi it sidt Viotti, and polish Willi it
\'ttiI iiiiltmtg ,Vegelables no stall Ihe
water is at toiling point 1,..fere putting
in the Vegetable): 10 be eeoliel, If it is
cold or lukiovitrin 111 Irosillios,I and
111111'le stllb s„uli „Ig j„3„
Moe the sauceptin over 1143tiosl 11111
ot tho mow, itt mid 11 will 1.11 as
(middy as possiMe, end be careful lhat
1.1 boiling does not. eellSe 11.11111 111,. odle
lents are thoroughly cooked rind r(tudy
141 he dished.
A isnal honwounde paste may he .
ANOT111.31111TNESS To TEIN sTiongs,
Mations Spent on leduenlion
Gem/ming a Great 111tinuftietur-
hio Country,
certain symMoins of Innovation stem*.
klicibly upn oin 3. ininginntion as I Iran.
bit Illeough 1111' country districts
Japan, says 11 Writer in illtieliwoo(M.
Sehools presented eonspieuous ren-
ter., in e.very corner of the coutitey-oiktie
the suttee/1s deal' (0 1110 bigoted literull
of Chinn or Rio intolerant mulltilis r
(skim, but, modern, up to date, twenti-
eth. century schools, where Ilie loww-
1( rine iind learning of the \Vest Is fest
1)1,061114)g Imparted to the children sf'
i rine/Mier one dny meeting 11 num
r s
I of mall boys returning front a vil-
lage sohool inn dislrfet far removed
bow the inflisnice of runways and lip
eines, On a
lily approaching them they
dim up to attention with Military pre-
pared by tile proportion of haw "81°11 "181 1"Iv'ed !I'l'e18"118-41813' L'a
(mitres or How, anci it Inot. its 1 pasaid.
minces of brown sugar. These should 1 \vas somewlint pozzled to find a reit-.
Lc made Into it paste COW Itt fOr OILS 81,011141110OUS diSplily, and
water. A sail/mum of boiling waive subs.queolly Intoned thal Ilos cause was
should he made ready. the mode pineeil
in a eup In Ille i.e1110mid stirred rapidly
over1 ere.. \Viten il tins thickened li
to be lotind in Ike cut of my clothes,
I was driseed after the manner of ihe
\Vest, mid oils therefore an object of
few drops of enrisilie nekt should he reSperl. 5,11 ti$1i Why? Iiee1111S0
sttlt'itd in to preserve the paste, when mimization is the fetich. of the day,
it may be laillied until required,
Mouses Inshiolied of cokired wnsiting
silk should always he soaked in 'odd
Willer. 10 WI11011 a Mlle sett' bus been
added bekne they are Initudeeed. The
WIller Sh011id Well tt tillrezed 0111 tilitt
the blonSes wnshed In Itiliewarin wal er,
O lather being litaile ,villi tt good wash-
ing soap. nIlhough the soap ileelf should
red be rul.hed on lho sbblc. The quicker
the weming operations 111Protteealtel
with Ilio totter, so 118 10 prevent the (.010v
trent running, whilst 11 Is, in addition.
• good plan to p(mr a few drops of
niumonia luto the water in which the
articles are rinsed.
Ilerore puling fruit P1 glnss jats. wrish
them in soap slats -containing n little
soda. Then rinse well with sealtling
wider, and set in 111to sun to (11'Y,
if you went Mc fInvoe of the fruit to
come out well, do not use nu excess of
Never use poor fruit for canning. The
best Is none too good. Let it beinc frt.S11
10 pos.sible, and no! overripe.
Ihindle it ns little us possible.
itee0 ,,oeryliong in readines, 1,0fore
you begin opeteitions. The woman WI14.1
has lo 1.1111 10 01. Iiilt.11011 every
it thing is wattled inal(es herself
double the week liters necessary.
Use 1110 best grade of sugar. it may
Cost a little more than the ordinary, but
11 Will Millie your fruit, enough better tu
ray the difference in cost.
nol stir your fruit when 11 is
cooking. if you mini to know how It
itt c.0111111g 111011g, hike (nil it [nee() of it
without disturbing 1111 rest.
cave 11 ti twist( ladling. If alhoved to
stand and simmee it will not retain its
shape well.
When the eons are ready Inc sealing.
se \ that tho covers IR perfectly. Never
use one that does not hug down tightly
ki the shoulder of the jar.
SOME 11011555.
Tlie Noble Attlitti i Trained io do Almost
incredible Penis.
In his tellers In Lord Granville, pub-
lished by the Royal Philosophical So -
cagy, who wn,i also grently interested In
natural history, Smithson. the founder
of the Smithsonian Institution al
veltilos how horst, of Alex -
limier Ilie Ilueephalus, would at
night, on hearing tt blest of the Muni -
pot from the soldiers 011 guard, showing
Ilw approach of the enemy, run at
great speed to his master's lent told with
his teeth grab Me sleeping menitireli nod
slinke hint until ittl sprang into Ilie sad-
dle and galloped loward the enemy.
Also lhat the groin Caliph llortimel-
Rescind, In lIlt eighth century. 'In
marching lownrel the Neves 01 Q1143011
Irene ot Consinnlinople, consinolly had
number of (Tinned Malden. horses
(direct descendents of the ramous horses
owned by Isiminet 4,000 yeaes ago)
kirwtird as snouts, \vho (5011
time lo titttt returned to camp, and by a
peculiar whinny and neigh reported Mc
proximity 01 the enemy.
Again, lie relates the cneriencos ol
the 1,tailliglie8e -explorer, Allitiqiiermie,
who lived kw tunny years in Ilie
((moth century on the 151111111 n1 Stl.
Ilelemi, where he mid the natives taught
llie hords of wild lairSiiS 111(4'41 10 1101,
only dig hill 1110101, liiii lo husk men, and
Mese horses, descended from a herd
len/tight thero from Cappadoria iIt the
seiamil amino*, as related by the Greek
historian, Philistorgius.
)11,3, 10 Num down 10 Ihe preSeltl day,
ft 1 vetaloti by it retired :\Jew Plogland
ciergymon, whose', sands of to.,, ond
moiety pun lad. that (1114`' day, on tootling
his horse down through a lime to a
brook, for 11 drink, lite mil/nal suddenly
Milled, nod turning its head round,
gI-ilitil lip Willi 111.1 teeth One (11 IIS hitil
shoos nImitlt 111n1 illsd cim1)110t1 firf, alfd, so may let ft rim clown.
holding it in its mouth o.ith the "Ihtt we arc prollv sure to get up In
Ner Is 11, only the boys. who Intend
the seito«ls In this year of grace 1907,
the seliGolgtrl in ningeuta hakama,.
with satchel and bemks P1 litind, walk-
itm.. blithely to ihe nearest academy, is
rule entinr Man the exception of
b.-dny-and a vastly significant one in.
And if we turn lo ;Aalidicg regarding'
education WO 111111 thin lhey more thnii
MI1111111 the dealeliOnS of COSMO ohe
T1111S 111 100.85,0G per centof thit.
boys and 51.06 per cent. of Me gills 41
school Iwo were attending sehool-fig-
tires which had iticrensod nvo yeart.
later lo 011.50 nod 511.81 respeCtively.
During lite school yonr 1 903-iti Oho Infest
foe whieh I have figures) X4,506,1X/0 \vas.
spent, on pubile education, told 5.076,-
121, or 93.23 per cent. (.1 ilt children,.
boys and girls of school lige
WI:It:ere: ha.dn, ,ansiet7_eneiv 11:1.
tristrue I ion.
haps n sinskes-influence eti ling slowly
but surely into the old(..,oniniumil life of'
the people, the influence of modern ;n-
th/skint requirement. Alreudy thkitie
sands of women ntol children are loll-
ing wearily in fnetoey aria workshop.
Mending ineelianieally to the, great
steam driVell SpindieS and 1001n$ WhIeh
(.1) Whivil Were Illade the exquisite fab-
sPiti. lowly 1.111 toesorniil,v erushing the
rice embodying Ihe artistic soul of Ja.
Mc out of the family hend machines
Ungunrcied nod uticared for by it
kindly legisintion their kit can searcely-
1:e cousidered on enviable elm. No
factory eels grace peges of the sta-
tule book of ,Taptin,
"\Ve limo\ out. duly Mein before us,"
say the nitinidactiwors. "to estnblish
our oommodilles newly upon (he world's-
marleets. f.et tts get otte hold of them
before we are tied arid handicapped. by
Government interference."
NA Weil I benrcl breathed by more than
Inanuraehirer--ri prayer Whiett.
would appear to linve, every chinico of
leing panted, since only so lately ns.
August last llw Jupanese Onveee111001
rilused an itivittition to send delegilles
10 till internetional conference at Berne,.
held wilt a view to peohibiling night
work by women on Me grounds that
th( slate of the industries of tlic eoun-
W did not admit of such interfeeencer
True, the women end children may
smile over their work es the casual visi-
tor passes to tuid fro airong the whir-
rweels ov tho crashMg looins, but
Mon the ;Inn/mese smile is tut enigma-
tical Ilfug a»d. ,is lins been written,
"the 3apancso ean smile In the teeth el -
&nth, taut ustudly does."
Some dny the workers of Japan will
rise nod will claninnd for themselves.
Ihe same rights and privileges tilready
cone, /lett 1.ti their fellow workers in 111e-
Wes1-b111 the day is not yetnacre.
that time conies :Wan will have dis•
pelted onea for all (he illusion Ilmt slur)
ti s ll'intT in Loy lanterns and paper
fens owl will have vindiented her claim
in be regarded as (1110 of the manufec-
hiring nations of the world.
The Morning, Not (lie Evening, the Best
- Time, tlic Watchmaker Says.
"Most 1eo1/10," said the walehlrinkerl
"whid their watches at night hill 11
WOIlld be bolter to wind them in the
'You see, we nee linble to go lo bed at
different hours, and so to wind our
Watch nt Weepier intervals; and it is
bolter to wind 11, regularly, Then WO
am more liable to forget to wind our
wntch at night nom in the morning and
11 hacked up nglimst 11 stone
wall and chipped 11 on lo its hoof, und
will) it few Violent kieks milled it on
Domestic servalik lit NV0111110011,
Now linvo formrti 11 Union told
&mend al 111011' work on Nknelays,
Tilesdnys, Fetilays rind Sitturdnys shell
cense 111 7,30 in the eviming, trloirt.
days and Sundays Iwo ill 1110 111101.
110011, and oil 3i'edI1PSilays nt 10 pan.,
all domvslies to be hone\ hy ten oo.look
eserpl, 011 Thuredny, witen theY luny
slily out 1,111 midnight.
An 'Indiana inif is reported In have
swallowed Iwo slicks of dynamite. We
'may look for Veal lo go up al, any
• A confidence men has very little con-
fidence In other people, '
the niornMg at our regular hotir, \\diat-
om, ilia hour al which we went to bed,
Grid so by winding 11 then \vo tony in-
sure regulnitily .wintling; amt Ihn
watel) is brought, In mind then, when
we' put il tbhl 101' 1,181', end mAti are less
bllcoiy to hirget hi wind it.
"So morning is the hest tline to \virai
ri wolch, if you can get yourself Into OM
habit of winding It them
Mrs. Slinmurse 1 "It's all nonsense to
Itille aboui managing a husband by
silent appeals to his good nature. IL
can't be done. If you wrod, anythi»g
you've got hi say so right, out, Yolt
1:11055' Iiiis horrid ol(I rot; woim Inc
lwe, seasons?" Nit's, NItilo,shifl, "Yes;
end I suggested hilIti you :Mould mlielly
put it on mid let hini see you wearing
it." Mrs, Slimptirse "Thitt'S jost what,
1 did- exnelly whet 1 (11d; and when I
Ill'oPosed 1,1 Wtilk doWn 1110 \street will)
lihr, he snkt, nfrauf no flits flneey
Wi1. make my old clothes look shabby I"