HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 5• ' : 1 A is,. 1fk • .4• p� 40. Autumn Session Opens Sept, tlyd ht all d'apartntenlo of the i EN PJ AL J3UHINESS t 01;1;130E, Yuma and Gerrard Site., 1 at Soule. Our (7atatog1,tto u- pturn a , nr enperiority in Equip- ment, Staff Motliorle and Results. , lou nye 1nvktoa to write 'foe it if iut.•,e�Led in the hind of sohoot- wnrk which litmus beat enemas, Alalias W. H, SHAW, Principal BUSINESS CARDS. MoOBAOK N- V t w 10x001 of Alarriage Lioeneoe, 01. d 00 ut Grocery, Turuberry etroot, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER olr l\IARBIAGE. LIOENSES omen ill the fest Office, Ethel. Bad BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG - to prepared to give lessons on Plana or lined Organ. Terms on applloatiOO. P ostotlee address -Brussels. lieeldeuco- Lot S, Con.10, they, Pupils may nave their leasuns at Lheir own homes 11 proferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MiSS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto Conservatory of lVIusic. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company unto° and Reeidenee- WALTON. ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI I00081808, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of Interest 6i per Dent per auuam ,ilial lrlortgace LIFE AND FiRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Life Insurance Company The Equity Pare Iuaurauoe Compaoy All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk Oh Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. T S. SCOTT ASAN AUCTION• • ]1 r bot ria to nen, w111 0e i1 better prices, than mon, in lava 11 1110 and less i charges than any other Auctioneer lu East Hnrau or he won't obargo anything. Dates and orders can always be arrangedat this office or by p °rennal application, ROST. H. GARNISS BLUPVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reaeouable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tun rola, Brussels, 112t1 VETERINARY. !'t_ A. CUNNINGHAM- V‘ • Honor tirahtaie of the Ontario'Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all (De- anne of domoetleated animals in anompet- .ent manner. Partloular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Paver. flails promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Ternberry at., Brussels, Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING.' AB. MACDONALD- . Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. Soc000eor to G. 11'. Blair. Ohne over Stau- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Hank. UT M. _SINOLAIR- V W a Barrister, Solicitor, tCouveyanoor, Notary Public, &o. Oftuo-Stewart's Block 1 door North. o Woo tral Rotel. Solicitor for the etandardBank, ?WEBFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BTEli ,SO LTICITORS, NOTARIES W. Pnann9ooT,](i' 0,SLAM,R, 0. HAxe OAteoe-Those formerly ocoupled by Messrs Oameron & Holt, GoDnaIO8, (Munro. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST tlruduate of the Royal College of lintel Surlieoue of Ontario and Fir01.01aeo Honor Graduate of 'Toronto University. Ofeoe next to Brewor'n Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, ill uu d� a Lore OensS8 b tmor 3 CENTRAL i!izG/ I/J STRATFORD. ONT. This eobool by being the best bee bocomethe lariat Budneee trahr• 11 till oohooi In the West• Wo have 8 tlOpartmeutt t 80Mt0EAOIAb, 111ronT- HAND and TELEn8Ar0Y. It iut01:eo1- ad9n Obtaining a praetioal edaea. 1100, write for our How oatalogu0, �1 Oradnatoe aoeiotod Tr, b p ,'plane, . ELL10'.Ii'1' & 1lpels 'gat it Prinolpai0, r�t�pp e a=arlra 8 tf=3t`f Better get ,'8o11e1i1e" SWISH as then lidnenUnn t now Its r wish s t Yon had nrlvt'wm'de, Tall Term froin Sept. 3rd ATT10tlD !L'I1t1 ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. d4 0t0d you will undoubtodly get "genu. Pf d,6 lee" buelee00 training -not the tenon" kind. 001 01 two hundred and fifty oat bookk0mpors, 0touograph.�� era, OEu., wO tiled only nitons. of the 0k whenopa Had ce Ono oleo ready qG when nabs wore received. Yee, it pays ry 8pk to of a et isfreschool-it doubly pays. al d�W. J, ELLIOTT, Prinolpal, Oon.Yonas AND ALEXANDRA 1180. qq�i ay �E 4=R = t3 3i3(e2Atslltll, J. Murray celebrated hie 90th birthday on the 5th. The Ball family held their annual pi0uio to Bayfield, The 000 Fellows are putting a new plate glass front iu the 11are7000'bop. D. Urquhart is figuring on putting in maobinrry in oouneotion with hie oat mill to manofaotore split peas. The new cement walks on Brook and South Richmond St„ together with the aroeeing is completed and the ones on Queen and Elizabeth streets were finished Mat week. The following from this emotion have been euooesoful in posting the depart. mental matriculation exons :-J. D. Buohanao, A. W. Johnston, M, E. Johne ton, J. Smillie, E, 0.'R. Stoneman, J. H. A. Stoneman. 15xcrmiil rrsp The Ladies Aid of Duff's oburoh will hold a garden party at the borne of W. and Pere. Beattie, on the old Georgge Months farm, ou Friday eveniog Augaelt 23rd, A good programofmusic, reoita, tions, eta., is being arranged, and plenty of refreshments will be served on Me groaodo. Srarrrootb.-The young lady who took the prumiuent part in the following Interesting event 10 a former resident of this towoobip mud a grand daughter of Mre. D. MoDunald, of the 3rd mon. The Milestone Mail says ;-"A very pretty event 000010ed on Friday evening when one of our most estimable young ladies, Mary Jane, daughter of J. O. and Mrs. Morrison, was united in marriage to Alonzo Meek, at the home -of the bride's paronls. Ravi W. M, Fleming perform- ed the marriage ceremony at six o'olook, in the evening, in the presence of a few immediate friends of the bride and groom. The bride was unattended and was beautifully ooehumed in a white silk gown, trimmed with valenoienne in• section and wore orange biome= in her hair. After the ceremony the wedding party eat dawn to a enmptn00e feast, and later in the evening the newly married pair were honored veltb a serenade by the band. The bride woe the recipient of a large number of presents,gifts of the gnash/ and the many friends. Free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a trio! size box of Dr. Shoop 'e Catarrh Remad Le me send end it now. It is a Y. en0w-white, Dreamy, healing enlispetio balm, Containing mob healing mgrs. clients art Oil Euoaliptuo, 'thymol, Men. tool, elm., it gives teetent and Meting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free teat and see for yourself what thin preparation oan and will ao. oomplieb. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie. Large jure 50 Dente. Bold by all dealers. .t.twvoan. John Wilma left on a trip to the West. Mr. Wilton may go on through to the coast. . Silver Oorner'e cheese faotory shipped first ten days of August ahoeoo. Pries realized llio. The mauegere of the (lament Co. have 0011000 as manager of the drying process, Aogae Cameron, of Owett Sound. John Johnston and bride arrived from Detroit, Mioh, on a honeymoon trip. They will visit John's parents, .1. J. and Mre. Johnston, Main street. Elmo Meese Factory shipped last half of July oheeee. The shipment totalled 464 boxes and woe 0000igned to Bedouin Bros., Montreal. For the month of July the Elena faotory will distribute to he patrons nearly 58,500. The total make of cheese for the month woe over 81,000 lbs. John Knox, Seo, Treat. of the At- wood Public Sohool, reoeived the Gov. ernment Grant from Inepeotor Irwin. Ib amounted 80 5170. Tbie was on the 40% basks and had no reference to equipment, eto, The money for pay- meat aymeat of grant for equipment Mo., ie in the hand° of the lospeolor, but he will not dietribabe it till later on, This will give him an opportunity to vital many of the eoh0ole, and prob ably result in some of them getting a better grant it their equipment is improved. U. S. S. No. 4, Elma and Grey, got 580 on the 40% baste. To improve 111 Temper Relieve the physical suffering of amine. Quiokly done by the reliable Putnam's Corn Exlraotor. Beware of amid, -flash eating eubatitntee and insist on Pntnam'e it's the one sure and pintoes once. Wisicham. Winkbam Fall Fair on September 26th and 27th. Seventy six tickets were gold at the Wingham station for tate annual I, O. 0.7. exoureion to Sarnia and Detroit. A office has been fitted up in the Bell !eatery Nod the head offioe for the Wingham factories of tbo Canada I'n at this nntaetaras i now • rn Iture Ma e no factory. Last ween Rev, T. 8, Boyle oonduoted a funeral service oo four ooneeentive doye and, ranee coming to Wingham lags than two years ago, lar constricted service at thirty two fanatic J. A, Morton wow representative from Minerva Encampment of thio town ; W. J. Elliott represented the Meese. dine Encampment and J. F. Greece repreoentoa iMarktlale Eaoampment, B. A. Maguire and Elmer Moore were repreeentativee from Maitland Lodge. biro, J. W. Dodd and Rhea .Elva Dodd' represented the local Iiebeksh Lodge at the I, 0. 0. V. Grand Lodge. l 1leotor McLean waft on his 1 Way home when he was run into by a young man on a bl0y010, and kn0oked down, sustain. Sag 00me outs and bruises wlrieb neo0o- sitnted hie 000001ting a ph eloian, A very quiet hone wadding took plasm at the borne of P. S. and Mrs. Linkiater, when their only daughter, hilae Jeanette, wee united in marriage to Leslie C. Young, both of town, Rev, 1). 'Berrie ufBeiatitlg. I'll stop your pails free, to elms you first -before you spend a penny -what my Binh Pain 'Ballet° oats do, I will meal you free, it trial package of them -Dr, 8hoop'0 Headaohe tablets, Neuralgia headaole,toothache, period pains, stn„ are due alone to blood oopgaation. Dr, Shoop'e headache tablete Dimply kill pain by coaxing away the unilateral blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. F0 rtlwlclll. About fifty rods of rai.way tenon was destroyed by fire last week three miles Gast of Fordwioh. Rev J. Maser, M. A Ph, D. preached Sunday morning and evening in the Listowel Methodist oburoh. The telephone wire hoe been strung to Springbonk and the subscribers are now patieutly walling for the inetrnmente. Rev. A. A. Bine, 13, A., of Durham, had charge of the oorviaes,in the English oburah in Fordwiah, Gerrie and Wrox- eter on Sunday. Wm. Baird's barn op the 4th coo. wee destroyed by fire together, with his bay, binder, mower, eta. Mr. Baird thinks it the work of a tramp. There. is $500 ineuranoe which will not 00ver the lose. Rev, J. W. lUohood, for many years a ooufersuoe evangelist of the Northwest Iowa oonferenoe, ties reo0rltlybeen elect- ed a field secretary of the General Oen fer0000 Commission on aggreeeiv0 even. geliem and will devote hie time mainly to the oo•operabive evangelism plan of the oommiooiou for the cities where there are several Methodist chorale(' amateurs of uniting in the evangelietio work, Invaluable For Nursing Mothers With nursing moose an un0000i8104 strain on the mother's vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are irritable through toes of sleep. Anxiety and mare break down even the strongest system. Experience teaches that nothing is more helpfol than Ferrozone, What an appetite it bringa I No blood•former or nerve tonic more potent, no =adjoins known that so steadily brings book the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It's beaanee Ferrozone nourieb• ee, bosun it supplies the materiels for rebuilding that it does euoh permanent good, 500 per box at all dealers. SealOrth. SuoauoaauL GASrae.-Oaledonian games wereheld here last Friday and were most eu000sefnl. The two largest contingents were those of South Brnoe and Toronto. The latter arrived shortly before 11 and the train was filled to overflowing. On it came the 48th Highlanders' band and with it large numbers from Brantford, Woodstock, Stratford and Mitchell. By the time of their arrival the sky cleared and the sun shone beautifully and cheer ing orowde greeted the kitties and ap- p anded their martial music all along the 01,0(8. The amateur ranee brought out some of tbo hest athletes in Amerioa and the entry lista each event ware large. The local events were alo well oonteatd. Tba dancing brought many 'o o ht oonteebaoto from a distance. 100 yards rape -R. Kerr. Hamilton i L. A. Moreb, Toronto ; J, Sweeney, London. Time, 10 2 5 sea. Two mile raoe-G. Adams, Hamilton ; Dick Grant, St. Marys I J. M. Mc- Dougall, Porter's Hill, Time, 10 min„ 58 sec. 220 yards raoe-B. Kerr, Sarni!. tun ; L. A. Morel), Toronto ; J. Sweeney, London. Time, 22,} too, One mile race -7, Coley, Toronto ; G. Adams, Hamil. ton ; G. M. Brook, London. Time, 5 min., 26 4 5 see. Five mile race -T. Coley, Toronto ; J. Nicholle, .Mangey ; F. Nloholle, Munoey. Tints, 30 min., 47 2-5 tea. Standing high jump -J. Greenwood, Toronto ; W. E. Edwards, Goderioh ; A. Balton, 'Toronto. Height, 4 feet, 4 iuohee, Vaulting -G.111. Brook, London ; J. Sweeney, London. Height, 8 feet, 2 melee. Tom Longboat gave an exhibition race of two miles paced by Diok Grant, St. Marys and L. A. Marsh, Toronto. Farmers' 100 yards race -B. B. Stevens, W. J. Grieve, H. Kyle. Time, 12 eeaonde. Half mile race ran under protean ; decision not yet given. Hoye' rain, under 15-R. Hays, T. White. ly, R. Beet. Quarter mile race -G. Adams, Hamilton ; Doreen, Toronto. 100 yards race -L. Merviiie, A. Hayes, Whitely, Glrle' 100 yard race -R. Hol. man, A, Oruxer, M. Comer, BAD FIans -The Scottish oelebralion held here last Friday was followed by two melons fires about half poet eleven o'clock. Soon after the people bad got eeltled in their reeidenoea after at - bandanas at the concert in the park, the fire alarm was ooanded and it woe found that the pumping derriok in oonneotiou with Coleman's Batt works was on Are. Tho firemen were promptly on hand and with 0good -apply of water, kept the fire from epreadiug to the surrounding build Inge notwithstanding the faot That there was a brisk wind blowing at the time. People had scarcely got oomfortubly settled in their beds when the alarm was again sounded. Thin e a lime the fire was in the o to ilit i g fac- tory aotory of the W. E. Southgate Oompany. Here the fire spread ao rapidly that nothing oonid he saved and the build. ing with Ste machinery and stook were completely oonoumed. The fire, however, was 000finod to this build. ing. At one time it was feared that the briok woollen mill on the opposite side of the street, the property of the, John Diok Co. of Toronto, would also fall a prey to the flame, but good t work on the part ofthe firemen saved it. Both fires were ungnootionably the work of incendiaries, There had o been no Ore in or around the Galt derriot for yoreanti only01m0EC10.t„ was need in the Southgate faotory. A young man named Baine, who mettles soar the factory, when relnrntng from the Arm, fire and when paoa.trg the too. tory, noticed a light inaide similar to Chet which k lamp world make, but did not think muoh of it. Be. tore tetieln;;, however, ho looked out from Ilia window add saw the light Much larger and determined to investigate but before he got to the place the whole in, 11rior of the building seemed to be in liftmen Two warehoueeo along the rail- way wok were also set on .Are, but the tight watchman disoavered them and put them out while rn the !uui "a nt 0tag0. In these irlelancee 101101 waste soaked in opal oil had boop used. 4e yet Mere is no ea0pIokmn tie to wito the iticendiarl-g are, nor can any object be imeigned for their doe, tardly ante, I will mail you free, to prove marl, sample's of my Dr, Hhoop'o Iiostoretive and my 13oolt on either DYopepaie, the heart or the kidneys, Troubles of - the stomach; heart or kidrteyo, 000 merely symptom° of 8 deeper ailment, Don't make the common error of treating aynifttems only. Symptom treatment is treating t11p result of your aliment and not the canoe. Weak otomaob moven- the inside nerves -mean etomaoh weak. Dees always. And ebe heart and kid- neys es well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital organa. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Eeetorativo has made its fame. No other remedy even mimes to treat the ',Junkie nerves.' Mao for bloating bilioneneee, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop'* Restore. siva. Write me today for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wie. The Restorative is aoid by all dealers. 131s•t.la. Joe. Stalker, of Luoknow, has been ap. pointed Prinoipal of the 'Blyth Poblla School. While working in E. Livingston's mill at the hoop maohine Geo, Burling had hie first three Legere out on hie left hand. Peter Gardiner, Alex. Elder, and Jas. anti) will be ordained to the Eldership of Si. Andrew's church next Sunday morn- ing. orn- m8 H. and Mrs. Gilley took in the Sarnia -Detroit exo0rsion and made a visit with relatives and friend's before returning, Mrs, Gibson and two daughters from Evansville, Ind U S., are visiting at the home of -the lormer'a parent-, A. and Mrs. MuOreight. There were 08 tiokete sold at the G T. R. station here for Bernie and Detroit on the exoureion under the I. 0, 0. F. of Wingham. Mhos R. Jackson, of the Mimics) Indus• trial Behool, returned to her position after a visit with her brother in town, Wm. Jackson, and other relatives in Morrie township. During the past years the Blyth Fall Fair nae received as a Government grant $180, but this year the Government grant is raised to $214 and the society also re oeived $57 for the Spring Fair, making a total of 5271, a difference of $141. In the reaglte published for the Junior Teachers' examination font pupils from Blyth painted oat of seven who wrote, Following are the names of the pupils who passed :-Eva Strothero, Ella Tay- lor, Myrtle Pbilipe, and Muriel Mellow. W, Hearne, of Milverton, appeered be- fore the Council asking for a Iioense for a pool and billiard room in Blyth. Moved by N. B. Gerry eeoonded by J. H. Mellow that we leave the matter of granting a lioenee to pool and billiard room over for n month for consideration. If left over for 10 years Blyth would be ahead. A meeting of the direolore and friends or the Blyth Brandt Bible Society met in the vestry of the Preobyterian church e n Friday evening, Angina 9th, for the purpose of presenting Hugh McQuarrie with a life membership certificate from the Upper Canada Bible Society for long services rendered as Treasurer of the Blyth n extending 4 Brn ez en the B off ro into e 46th year and ciao a proeentallon of an address from the Blyth Braoob in o00- neotion with the memharehip certificate. In the absence of the President the chair was taken by the peat President, John Brigham, who ably fitted ebe position of honor, and in a stirring address enitable to the 000801ott reviewed the history of the Blyth Bronoh and the worthy part Mr. McQaarrie bad taken in furthering the interest° of the society and other good oaoeea in Blyth. The ohairmon then called open -R,v. S. Anderson, Rev. J, L. Small, 3, Wilford, H. Young, Jas. Smith, R Salter, A. Elder and a lady friend, who in torn suitably spoke of Mr. MrQaarrie's well deeerved honor from one of the greatest 'moieties in the world, hie long and faithful/emelt/wise Treasurer of the Blyth Branch, his untiring q ian- ties in other Christian work, together with remineeaenoee of the past hi Bible Sooiely work, and all wiebing Mr. Mo. Quarrie many years of neefalnees in the future, In reply Mr. MaQnarrie gave a retroapeot of the past. Pilee get quick and certain relief from Dr, Shoop'- Magic Ointment. Please note it is made for piles alone, and its motion:ie'pooitive and certain.. Itobing, painful, protruding or blind pitta dis- appear like magic by We nee. Large niokel•oapped glass jars 50 omits. Sold by all dealers. - NERVES UNSTRUNG You Feel Limp Loaded With Worry Unable to Sleep Tired and Excitable You'll t8ron Steadily Worse Unless the System Is Better Nourished. Nothing will build you up with the otrtointy of Ferrozone. Thousands ft hoe oured who never hoped to be wetl- and here is ample proof-enbetantial by one of Nova Scotia's prominent elerias. "Before taking the Ant box of E'er rezone," writes Mre:A.nnie Jeffry, of Sandy Cove, N S miry condition 8a0 de. plorable. Though 1 employed the moat skilful medical 9,,Id, I grew (steadily weak- er. In foot, I was in suet a Iow condi, tion that it was impossible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very week, and I enffered from terrible pzipitationo, whioh the doctors said were n peculiar to omen. from tr shine eo t w p . Ferrozone, and Friends advised mo to tryFo ro ono Pre e I bought six boxes. When I had weed the third box my old time vigor end terenatl returned. Tho polpi• tenons aerated, my appetite inoreseed, and I got a rosy Dolor in my cheeks. It would be impossible to epoak too highly of Ferrozone. All weak women ehoald nee it. I hope many °offering 0ietsre will use Ferrozone, for it will Barely cure' there," Rev, J. 0. Morse, D. D„ pastor of the Baptist Chnroh, Beady Covo, beard wit. F. & 25 dozen Men's Fine, Pure Linen td e with I'lfb 1 lief lisle w til }moll hem; worth 150 t * ek 01) 08113 "� C) at oalv,... ,i V & R. Big Bargains- - All i ;A r the Store We have gathered special news from the several departments that must certainly prove irresistable to renders of advertisements, and wise folks all - do read them. 'These specials call for no talk. Every one does its own talking. All we need to say is this, many of thein are in limited quantities and should bo hurried for. The stare 811001d be crowded while these goods and prices bold out. -26 ends Tweed Dross, Goods in light and dark colors, our regular 500 and OOa 0 lines. n sale -at - .... - 39 -30 ends Fine Englioh Drees Chambry, in plain colors, striped and chooke, worth regular 121 and i6o. On sale at ....,... 11 -5 dos, boy's extra heavy rib cotton Hose, will 7 n give strong wear and perfect dye. On sale al.. 1 r7 -6 doz. only Ladies' Embroidered Cashmere D� Hose, worth regular 35e. On sale at,,,. �re7 -6 only Ladies' Print Wrappers, made from pod quality print, waist lined and skirt with 9 rye - inch flounce, worth regular(31,96.. Ou sate at.. 0 -At $.30 pee dozen -15 dozen pure linen huok Bed Boom Towels, good size, fringed ends,x c� worth 5L65 per dozen, Ou sale at...... , ... A J -10 dozen Mena' Wool Backe, would bo goodf value at 16e, On sale at 2 pre. for �7. J BARGAINS FOR THE BOYS If your boy wants a suit don't wait but buy 18 now and you will be money in pocket. We have pledged our word to got this stook run down as low as possible before the arrival of .our Fall clothing. Suits at $4.50 Suits at $4.00 -25 Boys' extra quality three piece suits. are the best selling linea we have. Very garments and right up-to-date. Worth regular On sale at 54.50. These Greasy $6.50. -Boys' extra fine quality three piece Suits. Nice range of pattern. Well made and good linings used. Full range size. Regular $5.00 to $0:00. On sale at $4,50. Suits at $3.50 -About 25 Boy's three piece Suits. Tweeds and Bargee. A full range of sizes. Worth regular from $4.00 to $5.00. Take your choice at $3,60. 25 Only bathes' Three-quarter Bain and Dint Coats iingZweedaedks, all new this season. On sale at exactly cost price. Now is the time to buy a nice cast for little money. Ferguson & Ross Dry Goods and Groceries. Clothing Made -to -Order nese to the recovery of Mrs. Jeffry and writes ;-"This is to certify that Mrs. Annie Jeffry le a lady upon whom word on can depend.have known her I since childhod, and believe her to be a truthful, honest woman.! This adds ad. ditionai force to the testimony of hire. Jeffry, and gives aseuranoe to other ent- terers that Ferrozone does what le claim- ed for it. Three weeke treatment coats 50a., or six boatel for 52.50 at alt drug- gieto. MONU- MENTS From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only tor his commission as agent ? We employ no agents and guarantee all our worts for five years. Wilson- & 3untor °-le It(10801.5 Rheurnatism 1I hive found a tried and tested cure for Rhea. lmatismi Nota remedy, that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples nor turn bony 'Bgrowths back to flesh again. That is impossible. ut 1 dart now surely kilt thepdne.and pangs of IthIn Germaniy-Witt 00 Chemist in 111e City of. ibarmstadt-I found the last ingredient with which Dr. 81,8010 Rheamatie ReIqedy was made is perfected, dependable proscription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated litany, a now t7 tf than casosofRheumatism1,b t w.thi ns t i lMuch rds all Getable hose 8f 0.1118 granular ,frdreaded disease. Those cl. seem dl000l1r Ianti pa, 0o ways R(10! t tfa 1100 0 xthis 00000 80 and pass away UMW tllo It 0110 of this remedy on t !freely as dohs sugar when aldol is are door. OeY p w ,And then, when t'1 olvod those dlSanons 000 01 A o, dos u 'freely pass from the forever. andTthe c808 of 'realne8- 0gone xi0 Thrro is nota no outlel . W 01actual 8xen c n dent longer with• out kelp. we seil,and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop s Rheam t Remedy m a is "ALL DEALERS" atioua1 Floiir 111 Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good health. To obtain good Bread and Pastry it is necessary to have good Flour. White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make these essentials. Try this, our special pro- duct, and it will please you. it All kinds of Feed kept constantly ou hand. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. WM. Se Ri A. R E BRUSSELS Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Jtock of Buggies that Defy Competition.. The new Dash Supporter is long felt want. No more broken dashes Dan moue t0 any pnr8lta800 of a .Ewan tC Co. Buggy, and no sleep stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping -book 08ityt. Our Buggies hove improvements that no other Buggieshavo. 100 BUGGIES ro SELL LikewiseallklndeotRnbbetPieBuggies s of laud We Paull an- t/setting 91101080810 to inspect our stook and buy a Buggy made by E1von it Om ie 13rn000le and save your money. Wo also handle along with our own Buggies, wot'lr of reliable flims u l' k ' e and Brantford Buggies a f 1 all a Le+ t as Oshawa, B oft vtll a Blau t l to o 0 aunt tle n gg Y cutting them. q g Call find buy at Ewan r13 Cols, Brussels Carriage Works, and save money. OLD ;BUGGIES Iio•paiutod, Tope Relined and Covered and made as good as 1108, Cell and get our Prions. SWAN & 00.