HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 4trausei$ gots
THURSDAX, AVG. 22, 1907.
IT 10010 a little to u a I Goderieh
property owners out off their nose to spite
their Noe in defeating the Maitland
Power Ity^Law. Sometimes ropeutame
oomee tea late its these querulous that
Oro pro boon publico.
A email] will be given for the oorreot
answer to the following °monde=
When will the Grand Trunk Railway
keep their promise and put down the
eeneent walk from Turoberry +street to
their depot at Brussels?
Tale Summer holiday business is at-
taining snob proportions the oitizene will
soon have to draw outs oe to arrange
meat of detail of absence Bo that some-
body tent be borne to look after tbe nom.
V people oould be sunburned at home it
would be a lot obeaper and handier.
Con BUXTON has repealed the Scott
Aot and will return to Linton law, If
those wbo handle the booze violate the
new law as often as some of them boast
they did the one just repealed tbe ex.
chequer should be well filled if the Lio•
ease Impeders get a bump on them.
Loa Saturday Hon. Edward Blake
arrived in Toronto from Ireland. He
was carried in an invalid's elamir from
the private eat to a carriage, being unable
to walk. The many friends of Mr.
Blake in 'nomads will be glad to bear of
hie speedy restoration to good health.
A STATztintST ie published that tbe
British people are consuming twice ae
mouth meat per head as they formerly
did. This ie good news se the Canadian
farmer oan grow as good beef as oan be
found and will be glad to do a bigger
bueiness with Jobn Bull.
Tom Ontario Foot Ball Association
might ae well send on that silverware.
True we have not the ecalp of the Green
River eleven at our belt yet bra oar
tomahawk is well whefient • and ready
for the anal froy. When that contest
oomee we hope Brussels will be the via -
Tate West has the faculty of doing big
tbinge, whether it be growing wbeat,
booming real estate or blizzarde. Benora
wee making an attempt teat Saturday to
ont do it's More Westerly competitor
and had a hail storm on the program in
which the bailetonee are described as the
the size of eggs without mentioning the
n ame of tbe bird wbo Emptied the latter.
OWING to the shortage this season in
email fruits there le every indioation
time the =oh jollied prune will once
more hove in sight.
Row dear to my heart se the lumnous straw-
The bright, red eheeked% (Merry that
ripens 101J'une,
But when both of Mese fail, with a heart
full of sorrow
We amen G the dried apples and the faith-
ful old pone
LaMenwrioN has been passed In New
Zealand, whereby the womea of that
land, who now enjoy the franobiee, may
be eligible for blion oftioe, A. new
phase of eleotioneering will likely some
into vogue in that part of the British
posseesione. The ohompions' of the
fair sex in Canadian legislative bails
should oheer up and take °courage. None
brit the brave deserve the fair.
Savour, towns are doing away with the
Tax Collector and otter notification of
amount due, the taxpayers are asked to
call on the Treasurer and settle up. We
believe the plan would work all right
with the exception of a few laggarde who
will not settle until the Net pinch. In
Entente the town Oonstable gather+) in
Ibe ebekele and last year made a good
job of it. 6% is added on all amounte
not paid before December 15th,
Tent Americans ate born inventors and
°flat) on to many thinge that people of
other nationalities eanuot apparently
get bold of. Oue of the latest ie the
training of the flea to perform tricks in
eideehowe in oontieotion with circuses,
The supply ie said to be obtainable from
the Wean liners as the imported spoon
Men is eaid to be more intelligent than
the home growu variety. We have
heard a fellow tell of tbe clime be had
with the ooramou every day Canadian
flea khat kept bin) very busty for a time.
Those Yankees are great people.
Tama aro feta. Weetern Ontario vex.
%notes in the Senate which will ne doubt
be filled in the next few menthe. 'nom
Thee believes De, P, MooDonald, the
well known ex Al. P., ot Wingham, wbo
Won and represented East Huron with
go mob credit to himself and the room
ntilueney, almond not be overlooked,
Ile would make an A 1 member, well
able to disouse publio issues and hie
tong experience in studying the pol.
ineal gdeeeione having to do with the
welfare of this geeat Dominion would
fit him odraitably to taloa a leading part
in the Sonnte. If the powers that be
Want to do the fair thing Dr, Mao.
D mold should twelve an early appoint.
Tomato police altered, co raft of 99
Olainesere last Bowdon/ 'eight while en.
gaged in gombling dim. If the 4180
peelers desired to we believe they could
nab a goodly elleal ot geortry who dou't
wear the pigtail, for violation of the
Baum Statute in Toronto the good 1?)
Pounerug down on Ono Oeleetiale alwaye
rerniede us of a big overgrown belly
tomtit* the booze to a, pilot of kide to
show hie commanding presenoe.
Judging from the number of promisee.
live buyers travellieg through the town.
Alpe tbere will be keen ooinpetition in
fruit buying thie Fall and good prices
will be realized by Baron County grow.
A. well known authority on fruit in
lttie dietriat gives out the following ;
"It appeare from billion:as isaued that
the orop in the apple growing (Intricate on
the other side of the line ie =oh below
that of other yeare, mobile Enron county
le rated at o full overage, We hear of
several ember& being eold in bulk and
one hooky orchardist has Mooed for the
bandeome sum of 9725.
The quality of the fruit in tbie dietriot
is exceptionally good, the /tint being
generally free from worms and soab, and
the indioations are that there will be
lively 010160*1 the shipping stations tbie
Fall. There does not appear to be a
very great show for the Vali varietiee.
The bulk of the orop will be principally
Spies, Baldwins, Gtheninge, Kings,
Runlets end a few other varieties,
A. very aouriereatave estimate of the
probable yield for the county planes it al
800,000 bowels, and already the prices
offered are es nigh as 91.26, with the
proapeet of an advanue.
What this means for the orehardiete,
000pere, packers and others engaged iu
ale trade may be easily figured out, and
with the prospect of tbe distribution of
this large sum among the fruit growers
it looks very numb its if the apple maim
00 1907 will be Doe of the beet on reword.
The Tremble Or old Age
With the advanoe of years the vital
fauotions of the body slow down. In
coneequeme the organs of secretion fader
the motion of the bowel++ are loneened and
there is no longer bealtby ()incitation.
The brain is congested with blood,
giddiness, trembling and acid extremities
are 40131/1101I. No felleilitlitnee ie 80 potent
as Dr. Taamilton'e Pills. By their direct
action on the etemaoh, liver and kidneys
they came an immediate change. Minn
free from gripe, strengthening and Means.
ing the whole eyetem, no medicine ie go
valuable to old age ea Dr. Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, Try
these pills, 25e per box at all dealers,
.A. notable event iu the village of
alonkton on Thnreday of Iset week was
the laying of the corner stone of the new
Knox Preebyterion ohnrob, the @notion
of whoola has just been started. Addres-
ses were given by W. K. MoNaught, 101,
P. 17., of Toronto ; .Tae. Torrame, M. P.
P.: Rev. Jame Abrey, F. W. Hay, Rev,
Mr. Pentagon and A. Obelmera.
The old frame oharon building in
whioh Presbyterions of Monkton and
neighborhood have vvorelaipped for forty•
one peen has been moved to the rear ot
tbe ohoroh property to afford site for the
leendsome new edifices the motion of
winob is now ander wwy. The new
ohnrob will be of cement blocks and red
brink, of dimensions 40x62 feet, with
ootagional reOliall added in rear to provide
o aboir and organ gallery. The arobitea•
tore of the church will be attractive and
ionpoeing. There will be a handsome
tower on the Western oorner rleing
about 80 feet. Boum:toes will be at each
front corner and a flue ornamental Win.
dow ooilb farther set off the front. 2tte
seating capacity will be about 400, seats
being platted °raiment fashion on an in.
alined floor, The bourn:tent will provide
a spat:done Sunday school room, and have
also vestry kitchen, Math and cool room.
The beating will be done by warm air
furnftee. W. E. Binning, of Listowel, is
The oast is estimated at about $8,000
but a greet deal of work is contributed by
members of the congregation enah se
eand and healing, so that real value of
the building when completed will likely
be in tX0e88 Of that figure.
The p09100 0! the church ie now Rev.
J. E. Ferguson+, B. A., who went there a
oonme of years ago from the township
of Zoom, Yellers be had labored efflafeatly
for some years. Rev. Mr. Ferguson has
been for several years and still is the
excellent clerk of Stratford Presbytery.
The acceptability of Mr. Ferguson'e 00111.
nitration's coupled with the quioltened
growth imparted to the village by aoquire.
meat of railway facilities has made one
erection of a new and mnob improved
place of worehip both nemmeary and easy
of mooropliehmena
The death of Robert Baird, poet.
master of Inineardine, 'mouthed Friday
morning. The late Mr. Baird was of
Irish parentage and came to 'this 0030 007
twat Tyrone, settling with his parents
in Efastings Scanty.
He was 74 yeare of age and mune to
Kincardine when a young man. For
many years he ovaa in the grain bust.
noes and was one of the tOWn'il leading
busimea men. He wen peogeeseive end
forward in all meiteuree for the better
moot of the town and always took a
deep intermit in muuloipal and °data.
tional entire.
He occupied the posibion of mayor,
reeve and oonooillor for nearly 0 dozen
years and was Mao wooden of the Conway
of Brum for several years. He min.
tested the riding three times ia the in.
tenet of the Coneervative peaty and eaoh
time was only defeated by a peeress,
Majoeity. Delving Sir John MaaDonald's
term of office Mr. Baird wag appointed
to the position of poetmeater, wield) be
held to tbe time of hie death.
During the peat year he had been eon
fined to hie home and the donee per
termed by Lia aeeistant. In religion be
was a member of tbe Anglican body.
it is with deep regret that tbe animas
generally learned of Mr, Btoirdto death.
In him many 0 one had found a true
Art. Studio
ie the proper plum to got your
graphe taken. Photos front the Sombegon
top to the 14 x17 Group and Portrait elm.,
token with great summon
(Jet a Photo of your Venally the first
chance you loom to get them together.
We are eesoua to none nod very
moderate iu our Ohargee.
VioWs of resident:ea, elc.• talon oil
sheen notice,
Picture Frames made to Order.
The undersigned is prepared to 009 -
Otto publio with the boob in the above
Ropenrs promptly attended to.
Orders left with HARRY JAMES,
amerieau Hotel, Brussels, will receive
out early atteution.
friend iro trouble, and he was one of the
few eealy pioneers of the town who al.
ways had greet faith in its future.
He leaves a wife and one eon, Harry,
and a brother, John, to worm hie loth.
The funeral tools place on Sunday
afternoon and wag very largely attended.
Juo. Hearten, of MoKiliop, who is a
relative of Mr. Baird woe at the inter.
naent, By the aemise of Mr, Bided
the °Mee of postmaster is made vacant
and as it is worth from 91200 to 91000
above expenses (pita o number are after
it. 3. Tolonie, M. P., is iu the West
BO an appointment will scarcely be made
until his retract.
Breathe flyoinel's Beating ,tor and All
Irritation Will be Qiilekly Cured.
The moot irritating and annoying form
of °tough is that termed bronobial.
People subject to bronchial troubles
wbenever there ie a change in the weatlo
er oe they are exposed to a draft will
noatoh" a bronohool oongh, which it very
dieagreeable, irritating and annoying.
Brouohiol troubles cannot be eared by
etoreaub dolling. The medioeted air of
Hy o mei is the only treatment that
rettebee the affeoted parte and gives elm!
and more. It destroys all the disease
germs tbat are preeent in the no,,e, throat
sod Mugs, Bombes and relievethe
irritated 021100118 membrane in all parts
of the brouoloial tubes and quiokly over-
000nee the irritation.
Bronchitis is really an inflammation
of the mallow membrane lining the air
paseages and ie purely a local dieease, so
that it needs a local treatment like that
afforded by 133,o mei.
We do not want anyoneni money unless
Hym•mei givee relief and core, and we
abettoutely agree that money will be re-
funded unless the remedy gives eatiefao-
All droplets ahold be oble to sup
ply you with Hyomei or we will Bend it
by mall on 0000190 of prima 91,00, and
every package ie sold with the dietinot
understanding that it mete nothing an,
less it euros. Booth's Hyomei Company,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Morris Council Meeting.
Clounail met according to adjournment
in the Commit Room on August 6th.
Olembers all pressen tbe Reeve iu tbe
oboir. Minium of loot meeting read and
oonliemed. /temente were ordered to be
pout as follows :-Wna, Thnell, repairs
on grader, 9860 ; Wm. Thaell, balanee
on work with grader, 910.00 ; Sawyer &
Money, shell for moment moulds, $5 75 ;
Jae. Bird, gravelling oa East boondeay,
982.85 ; Jae. Bolger, imputing on East
boundary, 97 50 ; R. E. Motienzie, nee
of timber, 92.00 ; McKinnon Broth,
grovelling on South boundary, 971 88 ;
W. A. Logan, inspeoting on South
boundary, 96.00; Jae. Owning, grovel
on South boundary, $15.60 ; D. Sommer-
ville, gravel, 98 86 ; Wm, Coehrone,
extra work on grader, 91 00 1 J, Smith,
gravel, 96.80 ; Doff & Stewart, work and
material, 9149 001 Wm. Taylor, gravel-
ling, 920 10; M. Kelly, roatetial and
work on bridge, 911.00 ; M. Kelly, plank
and Mork on Ellison drain, 981.00; W.
H Kerr, printing Cole drain Bylaws,
926,00 ; W. H. Keen part printing oon-
traot, 920 00; J. Smith, gravel, 98 84 ;
R. Johnston, vowel, 95 80 ; J. Bracken.
ridge, gravel, 10.66 ; D. Ager, gravel,
$6.52 ; Jae. Peacock, gravel, 99,24 ; W.
Taylor, gravel, 91.08 ; 'Wm, Hoy, geovel,
18 oie ; Wm. Corbett, denwing gratiel,
96,00 ; Alex, °lackey, gravel, 98.45 ;
McLean, an of 'scraper, 76 eta ; Juo.
Salter, uee of scraper, 76 cite ; D. Irvine,
eravel, $7.08 Jae. Oraikebonk, gravel,
$7.88 ; W. J. Rendereon, use of weapon
50 Me i D. MoCtillooh, drawing tile and
patting in ealvert, 911.75 ; 8. Walker,
undertmehing and repairing oulverto,
917.00 ; R. J. Neebitt, drawing gravel,
$8 00 ; 0. Royale, shovelling gravel, 94 00;
J. Scott, ohovelling gravel, 92,00 ;
Smith, ebovelling, 92,00 ; Geo, Taylor,
gravel, 92 45 ; R, Craig, gravel, 98,85 ;
J. B, Voncemp, gravel, 94 66 ; Corpora.
thin Eitst Wawanoeh work with grader,
$6 00; S. Jordan, filling at Ologg'o bridge,
$2,00 1 Taylor and Vanoormun, niaterml
sad week on bridge On 4th tine, 96,25;
°hag, Genies, tile °rooming, 97.76 ; G. T.
10. express charges re 0010001 moulds,
91 12 ; Jas. Clraikehank, making tile,
984.10 1 3. Young, cement, 97 85 ; J.
Latimore, digging ditob, 98 00 ; Jas,
Pen000k, drawing tile and gravel, 92,60 ;
Wm Thoroton, moving cement moulde,
98.00; Wm. Riley, putting in two onl-
y erts, $5 78; 4., Shaw, gravel, 92 00 ;
Thas, Runoff, gravel mood work, 92.00 ;
Wm Cook, team work with grader,
911 00 ; P. Kelly, gratel and damage,
095,28 ; W. EL Knox, gravel and damage,
99 79 ; R. Moliltorroy, gravel and gravel-
ling 4th hue, $50.07 ; Jae, 13olger, !timber
and work, 91,46 ; 0, Folioed, gravel, and
work, 97.75 ; A. Pollock, gravel, 918,86 ;
1), Rooltordeon, shovelling gravel, 91,25 ;
(aeo, aeoliano, gravel, 98.67 ; Jae. Far.
gobareoon gravel, 9-1 85 ; It, Youill,
graveling ou Wein boundary, 966.00 ;
It Craig, gravel on West boundary,
07,84 ; 11. Youill, work on grader, $10 00 ;
11. Toon, grovelling on 9oli line, 929 70 ;
R Broom, tweeting grovel, 996.00 ;
am, Hopper, oleeniog out rondway,
914 50 ; H, Ropper, repairieg, oulvert,
91 00 ; Joeepli Miller, tile (Veto, 94 50 ;
U. Garodee, tosigtotooe ou draiu, 97 26 ;
D H. thompbell, work on beldge, 93 00,
The Court of Revigion on the hole Droin
Bylaw was opened and the Bylaw read
but AB 110 eppeals were entered it wee
moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr.
Oatnpbell that the Court of Revision be
olonni and that the Bylaw as DOW read
the third time be finally paned.
Carried, The Court of Revision on the
Ewan Drain By-law woe then opened
but as no appeals were entered it was
moved by Ma Taylor, seconded by Mr.
MoCutobeon that tbe Court of. Revision
be °lased and bloat the By law ae POW
read the tliird time be fleetly paused.
°Laded, Roved by Dir. Oaropben,
cmoonded by Mr. Taylor that the Reeve
and Treasurer be instruoted to borrow
91000 to meet current expenses. Oorriod.
The °canon then adjourned to meet
again on the 2n9 day of September next
at 10 o'oloole 0, no. W. °LAME, Olerk.
Why illeitranee UompenteeDieerlininate
Against the Gentle Sen.
Medical examiners of ;neurone's oom
paniee say that the reason 0 women
pays more for the privilege of ineur.
ranee than a mau, 10 10000 the foot that;
womeu moth readily fall victims to in
digestion and stomeoh troubles and the
fetal ailments that spring from these
oaneee. „
All persons, they say, wbo have a
Eveltkened digestive system and suffer
from oink headache, dizzy epistle, die.
erects after enting, :meek') before tbe
eyes, bloating, nervousuese, sleepless -
noes, and the many other eyropoome
of indigestion, soon lower the torte of
the whole eystem and are most etre
oeptible to a fatal illness,
For curative power in all stomach
troubles, nothing else is as Bate yet
effeotive, nothing oleo oan be thor.
mighty relied upon to relieve all teem
Mee from indigestion se Mi o no. It is
unlike any remedy heretofore known
and is really IMO of the valuable die.
aoveries itt modern medical +onerous.
It. is not the aoute attach that in.
finance the ineUrenee examinere alone,
but tbe onistant feelings of weeknese,
headaohee, indigestion and stomach
troulnes-theee things, physioiane eay,
kill more people than many more 0501000
We obsoletely agree that your money
wi.I be refunded eimaid.you buy a 50o.
box of NV o na stomach tablete and not
be satisfied with the reunite. Doli -oma is
sold by druggiets everywhere, or will he
sent by mail on receipt of prioe, 60. oento,
Booth's Miona Company, Buffalo, 14, Y.
The 0. P. R, has deolared a dividend
of 2 % on preferred and 8 % on oonatoon
here is
Your Hair?
In your comb? Why se? Is
not the head a much better place
for it? Better keep what is left
where it belongs! Ayer's Hair
igor new improved formula,
quickly stops falling hair.
There is not a particle of doubt
about it. We speak very posil;
tively about this, for we know.
Does not change the color of the hatr.
Yormuln with oisolt bottle
Sho-ty It to your
S Ash him about tt.
then do an be eve
Indeed, the one great leading feature of
our new Hair Vigor may well be said to
be this -it stops falling hair. Then it
goes one step further -it aids nature in
restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy
condition. Ask for "the new kind."
,--Mado by the J. 0, Ayer Co,, Lowell, Mone.ww.
stook for the half year, with an addition•
al bonus cot in on the common on land
'You Moly tato Siete To.Night
Without a moment'e warnieg pain
springs upon no, At the outset it is in-
stantly cured by Nerviline. Ole extee•
nal aotinh is no less certain than We
wonderful elect when token internany.
Of mune Nervilina ie powerful or it
mould not be so penetrating. Bat not
irritating or oanstio. There are other
pain remedies, but when yen use Ner•
viline you the the differeme. That
different* le this, others relieve, but Nen
vino° does ours sprains, straiue, ewell.
loge, earache, toothaohe, neuralgia, Inm•
hap, in fact all muscular pains. Large
bottles 26o at all dealers,
Esther Hazen, who disappeared from
her borne in Toronto a mouth ago, hole
been located at Cookeville.
The warehouse of Hermann H. Wolff
& Go. at Montreal was badly damaged by
the collapse of a big water tank on the
roof. '
Do not compel someone to rub your
aching back or limbs this winter, but start
right 112 and take
It will clear your system of Rheumatism
and all other Kidney diseases, making you
happy, consequently others.
50c. a box at Drug Stores or by Mall, 92
During this month we offer Special Inducements on a
great many lines which we are desirous of clearing out be-
fore tbe end of the season
—au beet quality English Prints now going at 110 per yard,
-1.2no to 15o Gingloams now going at llo.
-All Colored Drees Mtoolitto (torn 1,20 up to 40o, now going n1-i2/for
100 ; 155 for 120 ; 20o for 16o ; 25o for Ile ; 85o foo; 28o ; 40o
for 82c.
-White Lawn Shirt Woolens all down in price Zoom 91,00 to 00e ; 91.85
to $1.00 ; 52.00 to 91.50, Mo.
-Only a feov odd kink Waists len to clear al half. prima
--Gilds' end Boys' Sailor Hate and (Jape redueecl from 260 to 19e and
from 50o to 880.
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
tantaugueb Designees and Standard Patterns now to band, A handsome
Fashion Sheet free to those mem for them.
let. St
arm L
20,000 MEN 10 MANITOBA
SPECIAL 000 e 1 toe Additional for the Ram e/token
EXCUltitsIoNS $11 ..G4 Tamm14-21.11.01bP under conditions as below.
Aug. 27
Aud. 30
Sept. 4
From Toronto and all Stations west in Ontario, south of main Inc of,
Grand Trunk fiy„ Toronto to Sarnia,
From Toronto 00 Sarnia on 0,T.R, and all stations north to and In.
eluding Can, pas, Stations Torento ter Owen Sound.
From 'Toronto And east, to and, including Sherbet Lake and Kingston,
also north of Toronto and north of Caedwoll 401. 00 0.1..0, and north
of Bolton Junction On Oan. Poc.
Representative fartnere, appointed by Manitoba:Saskatchewan and Alberta Covernmente,
will meet and engage laborers on errivial at Winnipeg,
Free transportation will be furnished at ‘t Ininpeir to points on Can. Poo. and Clan, Nur,
itys. where laborers are needed, mud of mouse Jaw, Kamm& and Swan Slyer, flooded-
ing branches), and at Otte cent a each way woet thereof in SaskateheWan
and Alberta.
A certillento is furnished with 0051 ticker, and this nertificate when °owned by farmer
allowing that Motor him worked thirty day., or more, will l,s honored from that point
for a second class Molten basil ui .AtIttil.:4 Pints in Ontario, at 518.00, Prier 00
Nee. 30th, 1007.
Tickets are good only on medal Poem Laborers' Video and will be issued to women as well
tui to men, but will not be issued at hull fare. to elaidren.
Nornesee kers' forgExcursions et the For full pasaicntars See nearest 0.0,10, admit, at
with Tourist Sleepers24 ' write 111. POSTER, 111,rean °,1*.10., (0100970T0
Aug, 27, Sept. to Mal
c,,,111INGLES,-A CA.10 OF REID
iJ Oodar 811Ingleto non to Maid,
abtlete, thameole.
for eale-albere street, comfortable
bona in good repair, Small stable, good
8001, eletere, die, POSee081011 any time, For
further oartioalare apply on the prennees
to EL OnAWFOnn, ltruseels, 40.00
4- nututs has plowed Itis aeoonnoo itt
nly halve for commotion. all Perigee ludobt-
ed will kindly arraugo puyinent 01 onee.
to. 1.4. MAODONALD,
Brussele, ard, nut. 01.14
Yebruary Ist-part of Smith Sleek,
EWE loot; 20,1 deer from Amerluau Rotel ;
lately used as tailoring and gents' foretell -
lug eetabliehment, 1'm -further partioulere
apply to DP,. bloRELVSY, Bruseele.
ncloralgued offers for Bale her
house aud lot ou Toruberry street, B rue -
8010. Poeseseiou could be given at onue,
For priee, terms, a0p07 to LiKO, 11,
MOMS, Walton P. 0., or to Tan Pow.
K. co. T. M.
mambo Tent of the Maocabeee, No. 04
hold their regular meetings in the 'Lodge
Room, Boehm block, on the ist and Sril
Tuesday eyaningti of each month,
Visitors always welcome.
A, 8001E118, 0010.A. AleGUIRD, R, X,
Lot 24,00n. 13, Grey, coutuining 100
acmes. 15 acres cleared and halftime bard
wood bush and swamp. Good Mk& house
with kitehen, driving shed arid stublo , good
well, o rolserd,54e ou apnoea. Plum ivoll
feneed. P ossossfou could be given atter
crop Is of/. For further particulars no to
priae. terms, tlie, Apply to .1no..1..) McNutt',
Lot 04,000, 14,Grey, or 0100501000 7.0.
Any person wishing to have their Iota at-
tended to will and nie at the Cemetery on
Thureday, Friday mid Saturday of each
week during the Summer months. 1 am
also Agent for the Mitchell Marble and
Granite Ann. Oozes 1104 inspeot our work
and get prices before buyiug elsewhere.
10018101t11 G. DARK,
49-4 Caretaker.
..L. The undersigned offers her 100 aura
farm, being 1,o021, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Clonsiortable house, bank hum
°milord, wells, .to. Farm is only 5 of a mile
from the stirring village of BMW. For lur-
ther. particulars apply to 7.8, Soot:, Bras.
sole, or MRS, HAUS ROLLAND, 00 Shuler
Street, Toronto. 87-3m
undersigned offers his house and lot,
situate 00 01011 street, Brussels, for eale.
It is well located, 0 couvenient and oornfor.
table borne. Poesession eau be giveu at
once. WIN also sell the vacant lot, corner
of Mill and Elisabeth streets, which would
make a fine building site. For further par -
Maulers 08 to price, terms, Sco., apply to
FRED. ADAMS, hardware Dealer, Ford -
whin. 864
JL' Lot 10 and 1,00 17, Con. 10, Groy. The
farm contain MO aoroe, 140 aores oleared
and 5 mires of good hardwood bush. There
ie a good frame home, bunk barn 46x100 ft.,
outbnildinge, dm, WiodiolIl on burn and
waterworks system in house and stable; 9
°retards ; 10U acres of farm now in grass.
Only 5 mile to sonool and 9.5 miles to venues
of Oranbrook ; Sj miles to railway depot on
0. 7.10.. 1.084881330U for plowing us Boon as
orop is off. For further particulars, us to
price, terme, dm., apply on the promises to
JAMES FERRIC, or Oraubrook P.0, Of
I have been appointed by the Dominion
Government to place Immigrants ,from the
United Kingdom in positione as farm lab -
0110000 00 domestio servants in tine yleluity.
Any person requiring suels help should 0000-
37 010 by letter stating fully Cm kind of Map
required, when wanted and wages offered.
The numbers arriving 0107 001 be 81111100ellt
to supply all requests but every effort will
be made to provide each applicant with
help regnired. F. S. SCOTT,
Canadian Goyernment Employment Agent
32-ly Bruesele P.O.
T111118.11111,.. ...... 131111B Prlitoty,aug. 9 Sept. 6
Victorian " Aug. 16 Sept.13
Condom (nety) " Aug, 23 0090,20
Virginian " Aug, se Sept, 27
Ionian ...... „niatle Thursday, Aug. 8 Sap, 12
Mongolian... " Thursday, Ang.10 80P, 10
Cernithian...Salle Thureday,Aug. 26 SOP. 06
Pretorian "- Thureday, Aug, 20 Oct, 3
For Railings, MO and full information
apply 00
W.'11. lkniali, •
/ Agent Allan Line, Brussels,
Tide management dedeg the Pala
year lute Minimal over Two Rundrod
1g,e41tialeum,ean, 200 on 0000009.a u
0 0, 11 9 ladles nud
d et' Oslo
r 0, a u
them In excellent situate:one no lead -
log Canadian and American cities.
Tinily/dual inattuation,
Write ter oatalogue.
Business College
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
A NY even numbered seetioe of Dominion
Lande in manttoba, Saeleatellewau and
Anierte„ smoothie 8 and 20, not reeerved,
may be homeeteadad by any person who is
the aolo Mout of a tinnily, 00 0007 untie over
18 years of age, to 0000 extent of one.quarter
section 0( 100 acres more or lege.
Entry muy be ,o -,,da personally at the
local lend officio for the diatriet In which
the laud 40 situ ate,
The bonsesteader is required to perform
-the Donate° us conneated therewith under
0110 ot the following plane ;
(1) At Iamb six menthe' reeideuee upon
and oultivation of the laud in eaoh year for
throe years,
(9) If the father (or mother, if the lather
le deneased) of the homeateadee residee
upon alarm in the Moluity of the lund
entered for the requiremeuts ati to resi-
dence may bo satisfied by melt pereon re -
01410g wite the futher or mother.
13111 the Battler bee hie permanent resi-
dence upori fumble land owned by him
in tbe vicinity of his homestead, the re-
quireMento no to reeidenoe may be satin.
tied by residence epee the said land.
bix mouths' notice 8,, writing should be
gime to the (ionimissiouor of Dominion
Lunde at Ottawa of intuition to apply for
Deputy of the Mlnieter of Interior.
9.13, Ihmuthorized publioation of this ad-
vertisenaeut will mot be paid for.
Bodmin Limo Works,
Is headquarters for First-class
Lime. Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson .84 Sons
r'Will meet teams from a distance at
Centro! Hotel, Brussels.
118 or Si
• Just received a car load
of No. 1. White Lime.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
WE have an A 1 stook of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
Co., of Plattsville, and Wm. Dore & Co.
of Wingham. ' The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are right. Don't
fail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and 'Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner ou short
notice and ab very reasonable rates.
R. Francis & Co.
Shop next to Town Hall, , Brussels
Wo also keep in stock the teal Fleury Inow Points
and the Frost & Wood repairs, Call and RPM 005.
• •
0 00
A •