HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-22, Page 3ieezete ti i +Q'000o•DceoeooQo*QOo YOUNO FOLKS OO oasooa00000'000a LOST. Ono 'marring A'MInMI° Aeon awake 10 n strange room,• ti11e was frightened at nest, then she remembered llemg car- ried, half -awake, from the train in father's «rtes, She remembered the bumping of Um carriage over the cobble- stones, the flushing lights, and Um:i- sha must havefallen asleep again to wake no more until morning. She scrambled out of bete and flew to the window ; nal Wliut (lo ycu suppose she expected to see? Why, the ocean, to be sure, Mhltielcnow no geography. But (hero iv5S ortiy t1 POW of tall belek houses with a strip of blue sky over them. What a dieuppointment d "0(1 well 1" said Mlnile. 'Ile over behind 111e houses somewhere." "Another," she said, after breaking, "mayn't we go out now and hunt the ocean? \\'e cannot see It Isere 1" "Not this morning," said inOlhcr, "l, shall be unpacking, and you children` would get lost if you went alone. But if you will promise not to go off the pavement nor off the street, you may go downstairs a 7ltlle while," "Olt, yes'm 1 We'll not l" cried Minle and the boys, with one voice. The street was a quiet one, between ttvo busy avenues; but to the small country- children it seemed wildly ex clling. Poppy counted twenty teams passing in no time, and presently they honed a burst of music. "There's a band confit'," cried Ivllnlbe. "Let's go and see 11," said Poppy, boldly, running down the pavement, "031, dont run. 1" said Miniie, in a horrified voice. "'Phis is the city I" SO with a very dignified air they walked down lo the corner, hut there was no band in sight. Thero was only a wonderful honcl•orgnmon wheels, with two dark, jolly -faced men to push IL along and turn the manic. 'lee children. followed: the organ to the avenue, and. stood there, watching mind listening un - 111 it was out of slghl. 'Then they turned and strolled slowly back. "Which. is our House?" said Mlntie. "Ho 1 I can pick it out in a minute " sold Poppy. '"There were lions on the steps." 13M, dear me, there were six houses that had (ions on the steps. The chil- dren looked at cnoh other, wills grow- ing terror, "1 wants my mother," said Peony, with quivering lips, "Peepy Dean," said Millie, sternly, although her own voice trembled, "don't you dare to cry 1 What would the city people think? And don't you for a min- ute tat on that we're lost, right in front r We'll ell walk upand o. our own house \\ down, and mother will come to look for us tiler awhile." The Three forlorn but proud little souls marched.drearily up and down the. wide pavement. The street that had seemed so gay ons full of hid..en terrors now, and presently Minlio saw a sight Mai shook -even her bravo heart. "There comes a policeman," she wllis- pered. She had never seen a peliaemnn, but she had seen Many pictures of them, .and knew that they always wore blue Uniforms. "If he ands were lost he'll take ve to the police -station. That's what they al- ways do with lost children," she said, "Hello, children I" said the policeman. "Where did you come from?" Too terrified to speak, Mtintie pointed Upward with a small, uncertain fore- finger. Ye don't soy 1" said the policemen, looking tip at the sky, ,with a grin. "Come ell the way down last night?" Must have got some wet, I guess. There was consid'ble shower 'lout four o'clock." At that Auntie found her voice. "I meant at tete lop of the house," she said, w1111 dignity. "Olt, I see I laughed the ogk er. "Which house?" That was a terrible question. Tho children looked at each other, then enti- tle lmtee looked up and down tiro row of houses, then she looked nl 111e'policeman again. There was something in his face that won her. canticle -nee. "We don't know,' she said frankly. The policeman threw back his head anti roared with laughter. "Never mind, dear; he sold lcindiy, ns Auntie's face grew scarlet. "There's bigger and older folks than you gets mixed 010over these Melees that looks all alike. Your name's Dean, isn't it?" Min lia nodded. I thought so. I happened to hear the grocer on the cornet' sny,lhat a family named Dean was gain' to move' into the top of flat No. 315; .010(1 ills jest three doors from here, Remember the num bet encl you won't get last again," "He's just like other folks," said lie, ndmiringly. 'Dust like other folks, murmured Peepy. Poppy stood silent and motionless, geeing, unlit the blue -coated figure Mimed the corner. 'Then 110 'sighed deeply, and, with the air of one wito n.fler long thought has made up his mind for ever, he nmlounecil, "When I OM a man 1 shall be a policemen." "Me, too," echoed Poppy, taking tiny strides up and down the pavement, cin(, swinging an imaginary club. w..— A w'llI,y member of the legal profes- sion was once a guest at a (linnet' tee Intl 1.1011110 fes meagreness. The din- ing -room ltltd been newly and splendid- ly furnished. Some of lire guests eon- grolulnted the host, on his taste In dee0reti0rl. "Por my parte 1 -would ratter see less gilding and more carv- ing," se id the wit. Willett) : "\\tell, old man, I haven't seen yeti for an age. And how do yeti find matrlmony sults you?" John (sigh- ing); "It's an -expensive joy. If I had only knowe wheat I had to pay in mill - nem' : Y'ou would 11500 1'0i1111inccl single, eh?" .10110 : "No; MO'1'1!i fl'S AN elha'l'Y, The 81n1111e1' months oro a flee of tweedy. the Ina(hers, because they are the most dangerous 0)0111)15 111 the year for bullies and young children, Slonuch end bowel troubles come ;qutekly during the hot weather end' almost before the mother )realizes lhltt thcrg. is Clanger lee little one nifty be beyond aid. Baby's ((w 1'l'ebtels will prevent. 0111111102' OMI plaints If given occasionally because. II.ey keep the stomach and bowels free front offending metier. And lire 'rub - lets will cure (hese troubles .1f they Pante suddenly, The wise mother should e n cl 011(1 prep Ihrso''1'abl is alwnyS at h n (41 V11 1110(11 occasionally lo liar children, 1110 'I'slrlels (1111 bo given with equal sucres to the now horn ludic or the well gr wn (heli] They always do ge:od-Ihry cannot possibly do harm - mer the mother has thegunrautee of a (lkvvennient analyst that this medicine dos a not contain ono ,particle of opiate or harmful drug, Soid 11y alt medicine dealers or by 'mall at 2) cents e boa (nom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. POLITENESS THEIR RUIN [BANNERS SOMETIMES CAUSE MAN'S DOWNFALL. Picking up a Few Apples for a Poor Fruit Vendor Cost a Man Ilis Life. There is a widow living in great pov- erty in Louden to -dry, who might le far otherwise but for an ill-timed act 0i courtesy on the part of him who was once her bread -winner. It wus'tlee.aflernoon of Tuesday, Sep- tember 3rd, 1878, and the pier -al Sheer- ness was crowded with boisterous exeur- slonisls. Through 311100 threaded. ire ,man in question with his wife, very soon to be Husbandless. An old apple- tvOIIUl1 s stall was lnlocked down. The male slopped to render assistance, bicl- dtng ids wife hurry on to the boat to convey them to London. IIe would fellow. Ile (lid follow. But, too late. The vessel had Bono; bearing hLs wife with i:. The next boat was the Princess Alice, which ire caught, only to be d lowlled In the Thames, off Woolwich, wills 001110 700 other unfortunates. And 511 through Staying to gather up a few :apples for a poor frust vendor. WIIY JJf(E TAY BRIDGE FULL. Sir Thomas Rauch, the emieen( en- gineer, was one of the most corneous and considerate of mien; and to lheee traits in his ehnracler was distinctly traceableh t e avvfui tr that hat .ler- m:naledalike his professional career and hie life. Ile had to grapple with vital prob- lems connected with the stability of the first Tay. Bridge, and al the same (lute keep in order an nrniy of subordinalo , smile of whom were ofilcient and lion - e el, and some of whom were not. elle tv.i duties clashed, and neither was ,performed property. Moreover, it be- cauie known about the works that Sir 'Phomas was' loo good-natured to dis- miss an Incompetent man, while his native politeness shi.'ank from adminis- tering reproof evon. . As a consequence the bridge was bad- ly constructed as well as badly design- ed, and in about n yea0 and a half after being first opened for traffic IL collapsed while a North iOritish ,mail train was travelling over it. Betyecm,eighty end ninety persons lost Meir lives, and with the passing of the first silocic of horror came the apportionment of the blare. The un- happy engineer had to bear Cho chief b1rd.n of this, and IL proved too heavy. err him. Within foto' months of (11e ad- verse verdict of the Board of ')'rade in- quiry he was dead -of a broken heart. One would imagine that a shopwalker oeulct hardly be loo polite. 13u1 he con; and there is one looking fpr a job el Ibis present moment who knows it to his cost. 'i'o this lost place came a' lady customer, YOUNG .AND PRETTY. She bought freely, too, of fursvelvets,. a1(1 other easily negotiable goods. Again a1(1 again she came, always with a bow and a smile to elle oblig- ing shopwalker. And 110, on his part, riot content with merely showing ha' Jo Me department she wished to pale realize, piloted her all over the estab- lishment. Nor were his 'suspicions awakened eve11 when she shove a1 unfeminine curiosity regarding balls and bars, and U1c voolous ways of ingress anci egress lc and from the premises. Only when, later on, a. gang of burglars looted the p1000 of some 71110,000 worth of goods, cal be realize how then' feminine con- redernt0 had prated by 11is politeness. Similarly, the unlucky sufferer in -s recent notorious jewel robbery In Clete itenwell, owed his enisloet ulo to a lllce bait 111 his character. 'Fhc conspira- tors, who afterwards murderously es- saulled end nabbed elite, sent n decoy, 11 will ho remembered, 10 , pretend lo purchase a gold \vetch mid dlemond pendmnt.out of business hours. Natural courtesy, rather then mercnn- I110 zeal, compelled a.(lenlion to the pinueible`rnilial, ,and with disastrous results to the accommodating cruder. 1110 Russian peasant has a saying which invariably puzzles the foreigner: "Teo p01(30, and (no lii<o ]lekovilch." The proverb refers to one of the mast Eagle episodes in • MUSCOVITE HISTORY. In the enlly Spring of 1717 Prince 13elzovilch Chornski led a1 armed expe- dition consisting of 4,000 infantry nett 2,000 cevair;y into the than almost un- known interior of the Sodth-Central Assn. 1 -his ostensible object ens to open up commercial reletiens with the Ithnns of I(hlve and of Bokitura. His real ere, to see II it were possible to invade India from the north. Tho Prince,,, with whom .wero many officers of tho Imperial Bodyguard, a 1 would 11°0 married (he n'1111)"01'." brilliant company, marched his inert across 1110 arid steppes with difficulty, and on August 15110 Halted some eighty :Pommy ; ,,"What does (ho poper man miles from the city of I(iliya. -p' calling Lir, Shapley an eight by ten The I(hivnns, ignoring his pr'ofessbons 1,,0irress mall'?" 'Pontes Father. "1 pro- of frhdedShip, attacked the force; bul end better dlsciplltaed soldiers of the Czar: '('heir 1(hun, thereupon resorted In diplomony. lie visited the Russian' eaten 111 stale, Explained that the in- troit delivered by his people was all a neetalce. And invited Prince Beknvilc11, and his principal officers, to ii,it Ins cepittil as his guests, Two days Mee., et a grand e01crl0n- mere, the )Ginn toasted 1)18 "Mends the Russians,' and vowed eternal frienll- sh1p. He also took the opportunity of requesting Prince lielcovileh lo divide 311. army into small deiachmenls for ciiler1al11111ent In the surrounding vie- lugas, regretting the inability of his ca- pital to entertain so many guests, The Ilrlssiatt commander politely agreed Io the politely preferred request, Ilse Hue, Mari force W110 hlvlkoil up, and the ((Iran Deigned se'doni:ally.. HIS '1'UIIN '11AD COME. Early next day he killed Belcovllch, and forwaeled his bead as a gift to the 1(han of Bokhara. ')'hen he anntliblaled the Ito sial nrniy, Yet melee notable Instance of an ex- cess of politeness 111 war, resulting 'u dlsaster, occurred al the battle of Fon- tenoy, • Two Dienes of troops, the one )trench, the other English, suddenly found Ili nlselves face to fuer, and with- in twenty paces of o.110 another. Lord Charles Huy, who happened to be the senior otheer on one side, at once stepped to the front, and sanding rho French mmnV10(151' (Count d'Auterochr), exclulined ten !lemon of 111e French Guard, fie first." '1'o this courteous Invitation the CA1101, not meaning to be outdone in polite- ness, replied, "Phe yourselves, gentle - mea of England; WO'never fire first." "As you please," rejoined Lord Hay, and turning Le his men, he gave the re quisito word of (01001and. An instant later the British muskets were spouting death, and the French had to retire in confusion. --me. _- GHOST WORE PLUG HAT. .Vas MI in 'While Except the Head - Gear. A new ghost story is told by Lloyds Weekly,. al Landon. A party of Norwood machine mind- ers, going hone in the early hours of Seturdlay morning were suddenly scared by a ghostly figure racing past thein to the railway station. The apparition was clothed only In a white nightshirt and a silk hat, and under its arm carried -a book and a folded newspaper. One of the work- men tried to slop the seeming phan- tom, but it was too qulek for him. As it .reaehrcl the railway station the fi- (;ire slopped suddenly. When tate ma- chine minders came up they found an awakened and much distressed som- nambulist, who turned and ran for hone while they unsympathetically laughed. ---.-_'-� 11 stancls to reason that a tennis suit should be hied in open court. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it 38 it safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. MASS Oldbirde: "1 alight have been, married scores of times, but 1 always re- fused," Mr. Youngun (without thinking): "slow very ]rind and oonsiderple of you." A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Plead -The high pressure of a nervous life which business (11 011 of the present day fro consh'ained 10 live make draughLs upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. it is only tem the most careful treatment that they are able lo. keep themselves alert and ac- iree in Mete various callings, ninny el thein know the value of Pa'nlelee's Ve- getnhle Pills in regulating the stomach and consequently keeping the head clear. "Haven't I told You," - asked lh0 father, "always to tell the truth?" Yes, you told are that," the young pian admitted ; "but another time you told me never to become the slave of a habil," ITCH., Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human er animals cured -fn 80 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary lotion. 1t never fails, Sold by all druggists. ----- She (after twelve) And would you really put yourself out for my sake?" [0; "Indeed I wouldd",,.She: 'Them do it, please. 1'nn awfully sleepy l" A flatter of Intqortance be all those who are run down anti debilitated is the fact that lrorrovim"is the Gest tenie ever oomponudod It gives strength and bunds up the system. Ido yelled al the lop of his voice for hvo hourS and teen slopped. "Well," said ifs mother, "are you going to be good? Have you nnlshed crying?" Noe said, Tommy, "I 'have not finished; Om only resting." l(noivn to Thousands. - Parnielee:s Vegetable Pills regulate the action of line secretions, purify the blood and iwep the 810100011 and 11owels free from deleterious menet'. '('meet according to direction they will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate b11'ousnoss, and leave the di- gestive organs healthy ,01101 strong to perform their functions, Their merits arc well-known lo lhousa.nds who lcnmv by experience how beneficial They are in giving lone to Mc system. COST OR CAPITAL 'PUNISHMENT. Capital punishment came near to be - Ing abolished lite other clay in Franey on itce0un1 of the expense, and the cosi of the institution 'does certainly seem rather high, The chief executioner draws a salary of 71.1,220, Ile has two first-class assistants, 05011 drawing ,$500' a your, and three second-class assis- tants each drawing $600 a year. 1n addition to this tho exeetltia0ee draws 12 Trines and eaoh assistant draws eight francs a day for expenses when operating in the provinces, while the stabling of the guillotine costs $300 n year, and an algerinn executioner is Warted at the same figure as his Paris - Ian colleague. Weeks ; "I hearJayboy is thinking of buying n place 111 the country 071 the in stnlnlent pinnl' 'I'weeks t a'itow-m11011 has he got of it so fa'?" Weeks t "1 be - Mime it uie5iie he Is not exaeliy square,' were easily defeated by the bettor armed hove lip's got iia Man -mower I" HEALTH NOTES FOR AUGUST, One kind oh underwear, and only one, fits right, wears out slowest, and salsi- fies you from the day you buy it. That kind is irade. marked (as above) in red, and guaranteed to you by stores that sell it and the people who make it. Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, in form -titling Oita for women, Ines and children. Look for the PEN -ANGLE. 2137 He can't get ewer beret. W.* NEWHOUSE TRAP. N«rM rTN. es....,,,r,«., isn ' T,0.« wr""""' ♦ N.A.. .w0 &, .. 10501100 riHunm, Mann trd. August is the month of internal catarrh. The mucous mem• braves, especially of the bowels, are very liable to congestion, causing summer complaint, and catarrh of the bowels and other internal organs. Pe-ru.na is an excellent remedy for all these conditions. YOUR SU\IMIER OUTING. If you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camping or the study of wild animals, look up the Algonquin National fart( of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspelssed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can bestow. Miagnificent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feel above sea level. Pure and exhiar- ating atmosphere. Just the place for a young n10r1 to put in his summer holi- days. oltdays. An interesting, and profusely il- lustrated descriptive publication tell- ing you all about it sent, free on appli- cation pplecation to J. 1). McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont - N01 QUITE. "Have you any difficulty in getting the proper diet for the invalid?" "No, indeed ; the doctor 11asordered us to give some of that prepared dese- crated food." Very 1110ny persons elle annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if ,proper remedies had been resect. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medicine that never foes to effect. a cure, Those who have used i1 say it acts promptly. 0nel thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. Brooks: "Where do people get the idea that two can live as cheaply as one?" Newlon : "Perhaps it comes from the same source as the idea that two hearts beat as one 1" SEWING MACHINES P01 RENT. by week or month, et low rates, The Sln,;o1r, and Wheeler C Wilson ere acknowledged the lightest -running and most convenient of any. Try one and he convinced. Only at the Singer Melee. Look for the Red S. Steger Sewing Machina Co, Write us at Mon- ning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. CURIOUS DI11T(CT1ONS: \Vhile waltzing through Wiltshire„ England, a week or Iwo ago a pedes- trian asked a native how far it was Lo the next village, and received 1110 curi- ous reply, "About, three pipes o' bnccn." (rc subsequently found Mal, watches tend (leeks were wiry rare in that district, end that it eves usual to indicate dis- tance by the number of pipes of tobacco one could smoke onthe journey. l'ongher: "Well, did you malce hen Mice his w'or'ds beak, es you said you were going to do?" Meeker : `Yes, he Inok them back; but he used them over - again more emphatically than he did before," ISSUE NO, 33--•07: 1 ETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRITER now than be sorry afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MACHIHEC NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan St., Toronto HALIFAX, N. S. MONTREAL. RAILWAY'S UNIQUE RECORD, Tho Iligliland (Scotland) Railway in one respectoccupies a unique position in British railway history. Althougih the first. portion of the system was in- corporated so long ago as 1850, not a single passenger was killed until 1804. The first portion was opened in 1858, so thate for a period of thirty-six years not e. solitary passenger Jost his life in -a )rein accident, and although over ten years have elapsed slpce the fatality and many millions of .passengers have dur- ing that period -travelled over the sys- tem the total of .fatal train accidents to passengers yet remains at One, and may it long continue to do so. A COMPBO(IISE. Old-fashioned leather (sternly) : "Can your prospective wife make up a good batch of bread?" Truthful Son (diplomatically) : "Well, she can handle the dough all right." Where cern 1 get same of iiollaway's Darn Cure? I was entirely cured of my .corns by this remedy and I lvish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mfr, J. \V. Brown, Chicago. "4 don't. believe I'm the only girl you ever loved, Fred 1" "Why, dearest 7" "Because you kiss as if you were used to it" TATTOOING AND ITS POIICE. 11 Involves Terrible "41'4Ut0 el the Many. 1n Samoa tattooing fes, applied tottie whole body froin the hips to the kneel, covering- the skin so completely with the )lantern that at a little' dIslanre Cha person looks as though he were'weoring ornamented tights, bays the Chicago Dully News, The operation, which re -1 quires much time and many "sittings," I la gld'Dems. 'i'he tallcuua', cnlleil thelo merataionleu, is a lila) o1 00114(der-� nbie iufluonee, end his services are en- gaged by a_prspaymoul of several oarndpc10r1h54f) PaO 1aflseveral mals, l0l0e1n0)lr'(((•'mfee0011100811saedre, made of human bones, aballt an inch or less In width, resembling little borne adzes with the edges cut with a nar5110r of teeth. These blades are attached to handles ebo111 six inches long. The pig- ment is mune front the ashes of the eocoatul. The person to be tattooed Iles on ifs face, resting his head in the lap of his sister or some oilier female relative, who, will other young women 1 assisting, sings loudly to drown his l/1 S A Lot, of Bother The starch thetgeedn't he cooked„that: won't stick.. that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-effort.'len't that the 5tarehau ought to have them nse on your clothes! 13117 it by name., your dealer sells ft, 201 grottos, as it would injure his record for CLEANY M1iP OUTING I courage, to 1,e heard giving vent ,to e: LADIES WALNIFte Like little volcanoes of disonso, Cho eruptions ' of bonnie pour out dieoharges. 8ad blood abuses too trouble. ''1110 local remedy is weaver's Comp, .1 amt \Vuaver's Syrup will drive the p(tson from lha blood. Awful Child : ",\lannnasaid you were pretty old." Visitor : "Well?" Awful Child 1 "You are old, but you ain't pretty.,' Tho World is Full of Pains. -The aches end pains that afflict humanity are ninny and 001101ant, arising from a multitude of indistinguishable ca11ses, but in (he plain owing lox -man's negli- gence in inking cer0 of his be0llh. De. 'lemmas' Eclecirie Oil was the outcome' of a universal cry for some speciae whin would speedily rolieo'e pain, 01101 it lies filled its n11561011 to a remarkable degree. Timmins, who believes in the old say- ing, "See a pin, pick it up, end all day. long you'll have luck,' ono day saw a pin 311 the street. i3clnciing down to get. it his hat Jumbled 011 and rolled Into the gutter, his eyeglasses fell and bronco on iho pavement., his'braces gee way behind, ho bust the buttonhole on the back of his shi'Gcollar, and he all but lost 1118 1105 lasso teeth. Belt 11e got the pin. leek "'You. 51161110 11500 soft Miss T3irly, leer eyes flashed 11re, aid Arlirm'; ""flute's tunny, lost said rt 111p 11e11t ego' that she froze you with 't I l glance.' • lu•essions of pain. Instances have oc- "1lrred, however, when young braves 1101'0 lost all sell -control, being entirely 0011(0me with 13110 agony of the opera- tion, nod have been despised as cow - reels for the rest of their lives, The operator, Having braced out his pattern, commences to drive the toothed "eaulb” , through the stein with his mallet ,by sharp and rapid laps. The assistants 01.1 ready with .strips of while "rnassi" to clean off the blood as "it flows from lira wounds. • A remarkable case of tattooing came to light in Professor 1•Iebra's lecture - room in a hospital in Vienna thirty years ago. The man was the subject of it lecture, and one of the spectators at first mistook hint for a bronze statue. He was tattooed from head to foot, and not a quarter of a square incl) of his entire person was intact. The skin pre- sented an appearance resembling the tracery of an exceedingly rich cashmere shawl. The tethering was done with in- digo principally, with enough red in- serted here and there to give it nn effect. His name 1V05 George Constantine, a Greek by birth, who, with a band of robbers, entered Chinese Tarlary to commit depredations. The gang was captured, and this man, with the others, was ordered by the ruler to be branded in this manner, On the palms of his hands letters were tattooed which ex- plained that he was "(he greatest ras- cal and thief in the world." It took three months to tattoo him, the indigo being pricked into the skin. The de- signs represented elephants, lions, tigers and birds, with letters worked in be- tween. A couple of dragoons orna- mented his forehead. He said his body swelled up very much at the timer and ever since had been sensitive to changes in the weather. COLOSSAL IDOL. Two miles from Kamaleura, and about 20 from Yokohama, in Japan, on a ter- race near the temple, sits the most gigantic idol in the world. It is the brazen image of a deity, and dates from the reign of the Emperor Silo mu, who died A. D. 71.5. The dimensions of the Idol aro coliosal. His height, from the base of the lotus -flower upon which he sill to the top of his head, is 03% feet. The face is 10 feet in length and nine feet wide,the eyes are 3 feet 0 inches Iram corner to corner, 1he eyebrows 5,1 feet, and the ears 8% feet. The chest, is 20 feet in depth, and the middle finger is exactly five feet long. Tie 56 leaves of the lotus throne are each 10 feet long and six feet wide. The Duke of Richmond had a coach- man who had been in the service of his family for 82 years. Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure -most reliable medicine for baby. Used over 50 years. First compounded by Dr. P. E. Pieault in 1855. Flakes Baby Stron Restores the little organs to perfect health. Gives sound sleep, without resort to opium or other injurious drugs. .`• a. At drunirt: , 25o. 6.bonlr 01.25. Nations! Dr , 8, Chemical Co. Ltd., Montreal SUITS flu be done perfectly by our Preach rr000rr. Try It truemsl AMERICAN 001150 00, YONTOISAre TORONTO, OTTAWA & Q1101150 I 11.00F5 es That Ray -Poured The stroneoftcovaredh ' 1(1 pelf locking rip away a ro "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't get through It in 26 - Years (guaranteed in writing for that tong -good fur o century, really)-fi cant bother such not -proof against all 10'0 ole1lrents-the theat�e�st GOOD roof titre is, Write us and well show you why it costs last to roof right. Just address The PEDLAR People TM. Nth.. Montrcol Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg Every packet will kill more flies than 300 shoc:o of oticky paper — SOLD FSY — DRUCCISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES 100. per pa0 kat, or 3 packets for 25c. will last a whole noason. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO VPAGV LIMITED. Lawrence River and Gulf of St. l�► Summer Cruises in Oool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Oampaas," with cleared lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS ai 4 p.m., Ord and 1710 June, 1ot, lath and 28th July, 12th and 2810 August, Dth and 2Mrd September, and fortnightly thereafter for Platen, N.B., cat. Ing at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal nay, Perce, Gape Cove, $$ever Summerside, P.)t.L, and Chariot! !stow.. Summer Ezcnrsiona, 085, by the new TwIIb Screw S9.Bermudian", 6,680 tons. Sa111ag Stlf and 10th lune, Mrd, 17th bad Slat July, 1410. an Seth August 4th, itch and 21110 5eptom er, 0411 lath and 2et{. 0obober, alb, lath and 2111, Norm. bor. Temperature 000lod by sea broom Bolden) Maes above 50 dogreos, Too finest trips of the Hodson for health and Oomto t. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec) A. E. OUTERBRIDGE da CO., Agents, 10 Broadway, New York. IRRICATED F BLOC8 N�F � FOR SALE 3n size to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing and stock raising districts of ALBERTA AND BRITISH tOLJi3iA Prices, w'it11 water right, perpetual end unfailing, lower than those ever placed upon Irrigated lands in the adjoining States. The quality of the land the finest. An acre of irrigated land in Southern Alberta raises twice the crop of the best unirrigated land elsewhere -AND TILE CiROPS NIS\'Ent FAIL. This magnilloent irrigation tract of 3,000,000 acnes is without doubt the finest lance proposition on the market to -day, Immigration Is pouring in ; values will soon be on the rite. Write us dor interesting and full printed information. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, 174 Bay St., Toronto Exelusivo Agent In Onla'io, Manitoba and the Maritime Pro- vinces for the CANADIAN PACIFIC I1t111Cx,\TIQN COLO.fI'!.'A`i'ION COMPANY'S irrigated lands. et norseasT