HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-8, Page 8Unusually Late he I lie WagallellnielleMezettamanntatetetaleageNteleeeetiNteNS this season have been unusually late in making their appearance, much to the satisfaction of everyone, but are beginning to show up DOW, just enough to create an annoyance. Keep your houses clear of this pest and secure coin- ' fort for the twit of the Summer and Fall by using-- , Tanglefoot 4 Sbeete tor ee Lightning Fly Pads g P"tag° Wilson's FIy Pads ein a Paokage ' Insect Powder ,VQT=3.6 Insect Powder Guns ilk, rPodkfAarVadstaAOVVVVVV F. R. I T DRUGGIST ANI) OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Elormillett itemmitaION W. O. it H. Trains leave Brussels Staeloo, North and South, as tollowe; GOING ROUTE Goma NoltoM. AMU 706 0,10 I Express 0.01 eispressThee sat Man atee a.m Peeress --wee p.m I Seeress 8:61p.m 4tacs A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. =,,,,,tsssositstsisstess.s. TUMMY Wm, Jewitt shipped two double deck ears of hogs from Bengali's and one from Bluevale. tine Monday's Championship Foot Ball Manila on Viotoria Park, Brunelle and give the visitors a good reception. Toe electric light waa off Tuesday evening owiug to a kink in the machinery. It was all right for Wedneaday night. Summit Sema—G. N. MoLaren'a advt. oame to hand too late for thie issue. He is running a lively sale of all Sanemer goods at aloes prices to get ready for Pall new goods. Watoh for Advt. next week. A-MM.—In eouvereatiou with Robert Thonasoo, well !mown produce dealer, Breese's, we learn that he will handle apples on a larger sole than ever this year. A large quantity will be bought for BItUseeral VS. SZiotrORD. export bat from a bminees trip to the Stumm, Board Friday everting. Weat last year he has establisbed a good Orem Holiday Friday of next week. trade there. People having fruit to die. Reerszeeres are slow coming to mar- pose of would do well to see Mr. Thomson ket this year. or hie representativea or wait until they THE "swimmin' hole" in the Maitland call. id a favorite resort to many a boy in town Goes TO Weezenoo.—Thie week Robert this Summer. Thuell left Bremen for Waterloo wbere Gwen TIMPLETa, "Ourreuay" "Bobs" he has &tmpted a position in the erelting and "Stag" Mewing Tobamowe iu big department of tbe 'Waterloo Manufaatur• plugs. Quelity always the same. ing Co. He has bad over 12 years ex - FRIDAY of next week, 16th Ma, Will perietioe with numbing mainlines, station. be Oivio Holiday. The baeineds places ary and traction eugines so should prove will be closed. Arrange to spend the a handy men. Mre. Tinian and little day at Kincardine, daughters will remain in Brussels until nom youths who were "jubilating" on ?4r. ¶.lhuell Ma decided whether to re. a meat night and annoying a number of move to Waterloo or not. Tnz Poem citizens by protein profanity may have wishes him well. to settle the matter with the Magistrate. FROM TEE WEST.—A letter from Jae. DON'T min the Ontario ehampionebtp Wilkinson, of Alberni, B. 0., saye :— Peat Ball manna next Monday evening "We are having some very mitre weather et Brumele. Stamford and Brasaels bare now, even the nights are warm and will play the return game. Play will clam is }something we never have had 0010018008 00 6 30 o'clock. aims 100018 to B. 0, Times are very B10II860LI4 Voters' Lett for 1907 has good on the Island, miniug and timber been printed and was pasted up on July selling beteg very brisk, Alberni la fall 29th. There are 376 mimes on it, 244 of 0, P. R. surveyors and real estate being in Part I ; 109 in Part III and 23 men." Mre. Wilkinson ie a daughter of E'art III. Persons qaalitied to serve as Mrs. Jane Walker, of Tarnberry street aurora 128. Beath, Brussels, CLOSE CALL.—P. J. McDonald and his WESTERN STAR 9. 0. 0. F.—The ofeoe SOD Roy, ot Bremen, had a close call bearers for Western Star Lodge, No, 149, recently whitest work on their eement Brussels, for the entitling term ere as contraotawing to a cave in of the en. MO 478 : bankment where they were employed. J. P. G., Ed, Nicholson; Fortunately no serious damage was done. N. G., Joe Hunter ; Boiviallo.—Thie week a rink of Brow Rea. See., W. H. McCracken ; seta bowlers attended the tournament at Fin. Seo., A, MoGnire; Goderith. It was oompoeed of D. 0. Treas., F. S. Soott ; Roes, R. Downing, E. L. Jainism and Warden, Wm. MoNair ; Jahr' Iffabkirk. They were not short of Con., S. T. Plum; company at the Co. town es the gathering 0. 0., Wm. Martin ; was a greet success. I. G., Wm. Griffith ; W. J. Nemec and family have decided R, S. N. 91., S. Wilton; to remove to Calgary, and will leave It, S. V. G., Jas. Thuall ; Lietowel in about two weeks, The L. S. V. Ge, W. O. Smith Misses Norton have resigned their posi• R, ei, S., Walter Broadfoot trout be the Listowel Publio Sobool and Chaplain, R. Leatherdale ; we understand have secured positions in Delegates to Grand Lodge, S. Wilton the schools at Calgary. Both young and 8. T. PIM. ' ladies are excellent teaohera, and GRAND LODGE L 0. O. F.—It is now Liatowel's lose will be Calgary's gain. less than a week till the Grand Lodge Mr. and Mre. Norton were in town on of the Independern Order of Odd Fellows Saturday. will assemble in Online on the 13th, 14th Niamey evenieg a good praotioe game and 16th of August. The omission will of foot ball was played oe Viotoria Park be an event in the history of the town, here between our Tutermediate obam• seen the Peaket. It is expeoted there •pima and a team from Welton, reinter. will be at least a thousand visitors there earl by a few local players with the well for three days. Seldom before hes the known Baxter Moaner, of Blytb, in goal. Grand Lodge met in n town. The pro— It was a hustling match but Brueeele bleat ot accommodation ham been a diffi— won by a aeon of 8 to 0, Duncan Mo cult one, but the committee feel that Lanoline, of Ste Catharines, was the they now have it well in hand. The referee and gave satiafaotion ae he as- hotels have undertaken to provide for mile} does. Some of the Withal:dans put five hundred, and the rest of tbe delegates up great ball and would be an aoquieition will be planed in private houses. The to the beat teams 01 the cOnntry. peoeram is not yet oomplete, but there is TEE Milvertou aohool board et a meet. no doubt it will be a stirring three days ing lemong other beeiness transacted de- for (kilns. Oe the 3.4th there will be oidad to award a soliolarehip in the form exoursious into town from Masked, of one yeer'e tutitiou at Milverton public eloilingwood, Barrie, Midland end school to the pupil taking the biggest probably from Peterborough and Lind— number of marks in writiug on the eay and from Gravenharab and Northern entrance at Milverton. The motion wee townie On the afternoon of that day, made retrowative, whiela will permit the Canoe Club will hold a big regatta. Miss Wilhelm, of the Topping school, to 1118 hoped to inane the Toronto mime— take advantage 01 it during the coming bete to participate. In the evening there term. In the event of the sainesatul will be a monster street parade. Other pupil being from Milverton school, where features of general interest are being they receive free tutition, the etholarehip arranged. will be awarded In the form of books. ElYeelin4L.—Tee bome of Jaw and A Lanza from Will. Jamieuon, of Mre, Degg, Selkirk street, °leathern, was Virden, Mauitoba, fortnerly of Braman the scene of a very pleasant event on says :—I have left the old town of Wedneaday, July Met, when their eldest Portage and X am cow in Virden, which daughter, blies Eva Gertrude, became is a beautiful town. I think it is the , the bride of James A., Lindsay, 0. 9, R. puttied place on the main line of the ' dispatoher at White Rivet, ea high noon. 0. P99. in Manitoba, The population is The bride entered the parlor on the arm 2,200. There are a lob of beautiful reel. of her father to the strains of the Wed• demo here and an 4.1 foaming nanny ding Marob played by Miee Hoagies, around it, I think ea good tts there ie in when Rev, J. W. Hedging, Rector of Manitoba, The orope are not very Holy Trinity oburch, Methane, made good le Manitoba thie year oe amount them roan and Wife. The young couple of it being such a haokward Spring, were unattended, and the °mammy was Around Virden the want of rain has witnessed by relatives of the family. been A drawback as it haa been very Abet an excellent wedding luncheon the dry around here. There will only be an young ample took the afternoon Mein to average mop. I am very glad to hear the Paolflo Coast and on their mime of the manes of the Brueeele Foot Ball will nolle at White River, The groom's team and they have my best wishes and gift to the bride was a beautiful gold I hope they may continue to hold the beamed set with torquoie 1.10 the bridee] honor of Ohempionehip of the W. be A. mother e set of shirt waist pine end 1 ane sure the bops aught to be oongratbeads and to Miss Beta a signet ring, Wand in every roma for I think 1.0 16 Bride's gift to Mies Hedging wag a gold an honer to the town of Bruesele to pin, The bride received a large number have a b(14411 Of ae alever eporte as they of beautiful pinnate inoluding a mantle hew°, I like my new titillation, I am Oink from Dover (Thumb where ebe was memeger of the larnituee Department organist and choir leader; a family for the Manitoba Hardware and Lumber Bible and white prayer book from the 00. Limited here. They do a huge bride's grandmother, Mre. Vanden. basiness 10 900918 0100 employed in the The bride hi a granddaughter of Capt. More altogether and laminae ia increas• Stratton, of Beneele, that 10000 being leg all the time. X think I will close for her birthplace. She was well and favor. thie time wishing you all etuteme. Maly kuown here and many geed eviehes I tonne* yours truly, will follow Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay for a WW, humor}, long, happy and proepeeous sail on the Virden, Man, , mean ol llle, 1 he Best Servant of the Farmer= Is a Strang Conservatiue Chartered Bank 1-1S MSTROPOLITAN SANK makes a specialty of the business of Farmers, and extends 1.0 them MOST REASONABLE T9RMS. Every department oF banking is conducted, Best service and absolute safety guaranteed, 101 THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT deposits of 91.00 and upwards received, and interest allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR, Capital Paid Up - $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713.23 The Metropolitan Bank BRUSSELS BRANCH, W, j, FAWCETT, Manager Blew Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co, OF CANADA Is about to Publish a new ierin e of the OFFICIAL TUTU: DEUR? FOR TEE District of Western Ontario, 01101190I00E THE Village of Brussels Orders for NOW connections, ohanges of firm names, ohangea of street addresses or for duplicate eotriea should be headed in AT ONCE to 'JAMES FOX, Lome Measeern. S. 0. S. Celebration at Seaforth Friday August 16th. 48th Highlanders to be at the concert at night. BOY wanted to learn the printing lanai - nese. One who Me passed tbe Entrance Examination preferred. Apply at Tux Poe. SATUBnit, August 10118, I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit from Wiugham, returning leave Detroit on Monday, Aug. 12th, on any White Star line up to 2 30 p. an. conneetieg at Sarnia et 10 p. an. with special train for Wing. ham, Kincardine dm. STILL WINNING.—Not ratisfled with the Western Aeeooiatiou championship in the Intermediate sane Brueeele Foot Ball team ie seeking the farmers of the Provincs. In looking toward this they were booked to play two games with Stamford huetlere so away they hied Wednesday morning to naeet their com• petitors. The result wait a win for Brus- sels. Monday evening the return match will come off on Viotoria Park, Brueeele, when the game of the eeaeon will be played. Everybody should Bee it. It oar lade mut win that the only bar be. tweee them and the coveted silverware will be Green Bay team and they moped the earth with the All Sainte, of Toronto. Our team may not be all minte but they will make tbeir opponents go faster than a jog if they get a Mance, which we hope they will have the opportunity of doing. Brussels team is a dandy and ehoald win out. Business Locals. A wan/TY of dry soft stove wood for eale. Apply to Assoc Mune, 5-8 James street, Batmen. To liatiT.—A. comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hard and soft water on premnes. Apply to Dn. tanAHAM, Weeesu.—Large quantities Butter and Lgge. Olearing stale of ell Summer goods daring July and August. Gap. E. KING, Wingbana, AUGUST Sara or FMINIMIBIL—The annual August sale of furniture will be held by R. Leetberdale & Son ae in former years. 10% off on all goodie miweass will be paid for the return of a, pair ot gold rimmed nose gleams lost a few weeks ago. Finder will much oblige by leaving them at THE Pon Pub. /ishing House. Oat Give e MACII0 TO1308.—When reapers and mowers are dull you oome and BEG me as I am, ready bo sharpen ten thomand or more. 'Yours T. Me - Gateau, earner Mill and Melo. inmate, Bremen Ont. WANTED,—Young lady to learn photo, retouching and midst in reception room, fair wages while naming. &leo a good cameos for 070003 naan to take a worm in photography, Write to W. W. Bar. gem' Photo Studio, and Art Store, TYPEWnintli BanclAnte.—We are agents for mooed hand typewriters of all waken at prices ranging from a few dollars up to 985.00. If you want a good rebuilt typewriter at olose figures, consult ne, We also rent maohinag. Tun Raceme Pose. PERSONAL PARANEAPIISe Councillor Plum and family were vide} Ore at Blvtb. Mies Eva McCracken was holidaying ab Melton. Jerry Curtis, of Milvertoe, is holidey• ing in Brussels. Baba MoAlpine ie bank from a buet— nese trip to the West. Mimi Pearl Beaker is book from a visit with Goderioh Mende, Mee. Tbomeon (nuree) ie recruiting her health ab entente:triton. Mies Margaret Ament and Miee Nettie Brown are tinning in Blyth. Harry Bartliff, of Olinten, watt bolt. dayieg in town over Sunday. Mies Myrtle Thompson, of llatailton, ig renewing old friendships in town. Jot). MoCrae is at Prince Rupert, the termintte of the Grand Trunk Pactifie. Milton and ettra. MeAtter purpose tek. ing a trip to the Waet and they may re. main if they find whet Mite them, Min Carrie Hiogeton spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs, D. MoKenzie, John et., was VISO. ing at Walton. Mre. Fry, of Cleveland, ,visited et her mother's Mre. Thuell'e. Mies Lill'au Scott, of Toronto, ie visit. ing Mre. EL L Jaeleson. Poetmaeter Dioksoo, of Seaforth was in town Tbureciay of this week. D. Stewart, of Wiarton, is renewing old ammintanoes in town this week. W. J. Stewart, of Anse Craig, is boll. daying at his tathere', Queen street. J. L. and Mrs. Kerr, of Blyth, were visiting releiives iu Bremen thie week. Wise Eva Gilpin is home from a month'e vleit with friends near Seaforth. Mies Mirna Birt and Mier] Jamie Gam ble, of Elarrieton, are visiting at George Birtie. llIsBessie Walker, of Centota, is en• joying a holiday with relatives and old friends. Finlay and Mrs. MoKerober, of 1403/11 - lop, were visitors at J. J. Gilpin's host : rtouirdecttte.yr, event sunday ' Wand Mee. Carrie and son, of with A. T. and Mee. Currie. Robert. Roes lam taken a position ee maohiniet in Lietowel. He wag in town over Sunday. Mies E. E. Griffin, Misses Amnia GriSin and Dora Kueteleel, at Wingham, were in town Thursday lain, Mrs, N. B. Gerry and ohildren, of Blyth, are holidaying with relatives and friends in Brueeele and locality. Rev. E. G. Powell left on Tuesday for a three weake' meting at Grand Bend. Ma work will be eupplied here, Mrs. (Rev,) Powell, who is holidaying ander the parental roof near London, waa here for a few days last week. Little Margaret Maunders has been 41011 with the measles at her grand. motber's, Mrs. Thou, Maunders, Morrie. John and Mre, Emigh, of Blyth, and Dr. and Pare. Menzioa, of Walton, were visitors at the Genteel Betel over 800. lay. J. 0. and Mrs. Goff and eons, of Tor. onto, were holidaying at Jas. Dudley's. Mee. Goff 14 a daughter of the hoet and hosteee. Jno. Winter and wife and Mre,. Albert. Jobneton, of SOW104, were the guests of Jae. and Dare. Johnston, Tarnberry etreet, BTOSSeiEl. J. W. Oettigia, formerly of town, ie eating manager of the Standard Bank here during the holiday of J. H. Rowland. He's a welcome visitor. R. D. Cardiff, teller in the Metropolitan Bank, ie having a few weeks' holidays and inoidentally 000asioually ebowieg people bow foot ball should be played, Blre. John Hewitt end Mies Rhoda arrived home this week from an enjoy• able visit of a month with friends at Galt, Berlin, Waterloo and other points. Roy Pugh has gone to Petekboro' where he has taken A position in B. photo studio. He has been in 99 ,99. Brewer's employ in Brueeele for the p001 7600. We wish him WeDthr. Aiteheson,of Ortonville, Mahe 'le a visitor at Wm. Martine], The Dr. is a brother of Mrs. Martin. He le now at. tending the reunion of the Tann old pupile at Galt. Min Edith Cash, of Seaforth, spent a few days with her eiater, Mrs. A. T. Orates, Miee Cash holds the position of book-keeper and °nattier in the Piokard & Son dry goods store. THE POST was glad to see Ben, Derk, of Moleeworth, able to be in Braman on Thursday of last week. He ie recovering nioely from hie reoent severe aocident and we hope he will goon be o. k, P. L. Kintner, a hustling reeident of Sebringville, 0088 10 town for a day on the look out for some good borne flesh. He found a congenial spirit in Manoillor Beaker wbile in Bremen. Mre, J. D. Werwick, of Bremen, and Mira IOiullla Grower, who has just re- turned from a sojourn in Uncle Sam's domaine, visited their eietet, Mre. R. N. Barrett, at Wingham, last week. Mies Oran Barrett amompanied Mre. War. wick to Brussels. Mre, Chas. M. Hall, of Coldwater, Ont., wee the guest of lellee Jean Habkirk. The visitor was amompanied by Mies Mamie Livingston, of Blyth. Mrs. Hall would be better known to Emmental] as Miss Allis Bennett a former dreesmaker of f°e, wv°D R . and MN. Rogers, of Seaforth, called on TEE POST on Wednesday while driving through to Belmoee, raver. end gentleman was a junior pastor of the Methodist °beech bare in 1878 and is kindly remembered by numerous mem• bars of the amok. We are sorry to Mate that Mrs. Thea, Bredwell, formerly of Brunets, wbose home is neer Olifford, hae not been ere joying her usual good health of /ate ow• Mg to a etomaob ailment. Her many Old !Needs in this locality hope Me will mon be ae vigoroue 00 ever. Rev, Mr. Coburn, of Toronto, waa 0111. 103 00 old friends in Brussels last Mon. day. 990 3090 an address at the heal Orange Lodge in the evening. Although deprived of hie eyesight Mr. &Lure ligeee" many an interesting thing ae he journeys through life, He was a former resident of Huron 00, bare. Wm. Moffatt and baby have arrived beak to thole home at Brueeele leiter the enjoyment of a monthes holiday et Steele Ste Moen wines the former's mother, Mrs, M. G. Riehardsoe, a well known one time resident sI Bentsen lives. The latter had been quite II' bat le improving nicely now. IES1'AIIII-10til ED 1873 OF CANADA Head Office — - - Toronto K The Standard zank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Departnignt in Connection with all Branches. RUSSEL'S BRAN CH J. F, Peovelarece, Manager 10 W. H., Mrs. Willis and Harvey, of Seafortb, spent Sunday and Monday at B. Gerry'e. Gerry Willie was at Bay field. Geo. Brown went to Stamford with the Foot Ball boys and will visit hie brother in Hamilton before returning home. MN. Jae, _Ballantyne and song and MN, Neil MoLanohlin epent a maple of days at Mrs. Ballantyne's old home fu Hallett. Jackie is extending hie v le it. 011191ES Next Sunday 7. Hartley, of Blyth, will Combo% the services in St. John's church the motor, Rev. Pdr. Leng•Ford, being away for hie vaoation. Rev. Mr. Oamerou, of Hamilton, offi• Mated in Melville March 19.P1 Sabbath inetead of the [utter, Rev. A. O. Wishart, who is holidaying. mr. Cameron hi a good preacher. The joint Executives, of the Co. Sabbath School Association and the Ohrietian Endeavor will meek'in Clinton on Friday to arrange for the coming Convention. W. H. Kerr, ie President of the former. Rev. Mr. Aahton S. T. L., of Both. well, will money the pulpit of the Metho. dist church bare next Sabbath moroieg and evening. Be is a brother to DIN. Jae, Johnston, of Mussels. The reverend gentleman ie e. good preacher. Last Sabbath the pastor oompied the pulpit in the Methodist church it being Wee Quarterly Oommanion. J. L. Kerr, of Myth, sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thonglit" at the morning service and Mise Currie of Toronto, favored the congregation with i'Beachlfal Home in Paradise," Rev. Mr. Powell preached At the monthly Miseionary serene in the Methodist Sabbath 8obool last Sue• day efternoon Harold Lowry gave a good recitation, Misses Posen Mitchell and Nora Maunders gave suitable readings and Mersee Mamie Cardiff and Pearl Sharpe sang a Melee duet. The collec— tion was 98.90. Next Sabbath a short Temperance program will be provided. two good germane to large audienam, Many took part in the testimony meet. ing. 2S301.42.,7- Baerinore—In Frobisher, Saak„ on July 24i11, to Mr. and Mrs. W. 9. Bran. don, a aon. BROUORTON.—On Wednesday. July 2405, to Mr. and Mre. Edward Broughton, 3.6113 con., Enna, a son. FOREMIN.—In Mout, on Saturdny, July 27th, to Mr. and Mre. Arthur Fore- man, a daughter. JAOKBON.—IO CIGO—Wilii6111, Manitoba, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Jackson, a son. LEPPARD.—In Toronto, on July 19th, to Dir. and Mee, Sanford Leppard, a 800. Danphie, Man., on Mon. dity,2ely 22nd, to Dr. and Mrs. Lineham, a eon. oisCat-m.M.SeeMo., VAIM3ANK—Thisteman.--At the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, on August 603, by Rev. E. G. Powell, Mr, Peter Fairbank, of Wayne, Co., Micah., to Klee Abby Dempster, of Colwell, ° LINDeAnyb—ataaB.--At the bride's home, Chatham, on Wednesday July, Met, by Bev. J. W. Hodgine, Mr, Jas, Anderson Lindsay, of White River, Algoma, to Miee Eva Gertrude daughter of Ntr. and Mrs. Jae. Deem, and gra,pd-daughter of Capt. Stratton, of Braman. MoAmee—Wrizes.—At the Pareonags, &Murat, on August 7th, by Rev, D. Rogers, Dlr. Henry MeArter to Mies Margaret J. White, both of Morrie township. =maw. Beex.—In Grey, OD Sunday Augnet, 405. Lorenzo, mooed son of Wm, P. and Eliza Jane Bray, aged 21 yearn, 2 menthe and 12 days. KEEFER. —In Grey on Ammon 3rd, Mar garet, relict of the late Jacob Keffer, aged 81 years end 5 months. ittle Things E13248881AddidikkeeilM881388111281,811881822BOM at a Saving Doing little things well in a obaraa- terietto of this More. We recognize the foot that t traneaction that nay seem mall in often of great import - 00100 to you and our methods and service are mob that we ettre foe tile smallesb sale as woefully as we do the larger ones, There are a great many articles in a drug stook for Which only oticesional mile are made, but when they are wanted it is to fill a need wiffoli nothing else oan fill. It is our constent effort to supply these trifles. Thie same attention 10 detail is carried throughout our busi- meas. In selecting goods ettoh article la purchased with regard to quelity— Our motto ie "Often the Oheepeet, Always the Sea" F —AT - 9 DRUG STORE 10100 'Z 3...0.A.XeeteecCO, Fall 'Wheat 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oats 40 42 Butter, tubs and retie..., 16 - 17 Eggs per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 9 00 9 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 75 Wool (washed) 20 22 Potatoes per bus 1 00 1 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED— One 80111 tour years old in family. Would like duties to oommenee at ont). For further particulars apply to ALFRED BUTTON, Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris, or Brueeele P. 0, - 4.01 ENDERS WANTED.—TER– nom win be received by the Trustees 00 8, 8. No. 8, Grey, up to August nth, for the removal of the old fence and to erect a wire feriae around the sohool property, For further particulars apply to DD. FULTON, am -Tress:, 1,00 19, 0011.10, Oranbrook P. 0. JJOUSE AND ACRE OF land for sale. Comfortable dwell.. ing; hard and soft water underpeper ; pla,pittm and olcorry trees, rho. driosseselon clan be elven at oueo. For pribe, terms, ,ho, oat] 00 100111.1 POW, 50 ACRE 'FARM FOR SALE, known as the Hodder homestead, 114 OOW1 of Lot20, Con. 2, Morris. There is O frame house and barn, wells. °Tabard& &o. The farm le all cleared and in good Chap% Possession given to plow in the Pall. For further partioulats as to priee, terms, deo., apply on the premises to 100100, .001010. LERS, or Bluevale P. 0. 8-tf • SMINMINGSG0811311.1 26 dozen Men's Fine, Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with inch. bem, worth 15c each. On sale at only.... ....... .10 F. ilk 4.*3f g Bargains All Over the St 0. re We have gathered special news from the several departments that must certainly prove irresistable to readers of advertisements, and wise folks all do read them. These specials call for no talk. Every one does its own talking. All we need to say is this, many of thein are in limited quantities and should be hurried for. The store should be crowded while these goods and prices hold out. —29 ends Tweed Deese Goode in light and dark colors, our regular 50o and 60e lines. Ou 39 sale at —80 elide Fine English Dress Chambry, in pinto oolors, striped and cheeks, worth regular 1 I 12i and 15o. On sale ab —5 doz. boy's extra heavy rib cotton Hose, will 1A giye strong wear mid perfect dye. On sale at.. _L --5 doz. only /*die& Embroidered Cashmere 41M Hose, worth regular 35o. On sale ab 4e1 —8 only Ladies' Print Wrappers, made from good quality print, waist lined and skirt with 9 As inch &tune, worth regular 91,26. On sale at.. —At $.80 per dozen -15 dozen pure SUER huok Bed Room Towele, good size, fringed Bethel 30 worth 31,65 per dozen. Ou ode at —10 dozen Mons' Wool Soake, would be good el value at 15o. On sale at 2 pre, for BAR MIS FOR THE B YV If your boy wants a suit don't wait but buy it now and yon will be money in pocket. We have pledged our word to get this stock run down as low as possible before the arrival of our Fall clothing. Suits at $4.50 Suits at $4.00 —25 Boys' extrot quality three pima suite, These —Boys' extra fine quality three piece Stiffs, Woe are the beet selling lines we belie, Very dressy range of pattetin, Well made and good lininge use1. gamete mad right up-to-date. Worth regular 96.50. Full range size, Beguile: 95,00 to 96.00. On sale On sale at 94,50. at 94.60, Suits at $3.50 —About 25 Boy's three piece Suits. Tweeds end Borges. A full range of size% Worth regular from 94.00 to,e6.00. Take your choice ea 43.50, Indramis. dowravi* 25 Only Ladies' Three-quarter Rain and Dust Coats Tweeds and, all new this season, On sale at exactly cost price. Now is the time to bulyiglalb nicect for little money. Ferguson do Dry Goods and Groceries a SS Clothing Made -to -Order EME73218122MULTitheneNte2Seelsallsass