HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-8, Page 4THURSDAY, ATJG. 8, 1907. A Preemie of the Dominion Paella. Mont will be held next FMI, statemoute tp the oontrary notwithstanding, Gomm the Federal eleatiohe cannot be held before. next year. The Doming meeting will be a buoy one ae no doubt the railway Commission report will at. ford a wide field for dieoueeion, There ie ample room for work in righting griev emcee some of them admitted by the railroad Companies, TALK up the town, Not for talk sake but with the interest of making our pee- eeseien known ; of eueoarugiog those who have invested their money in indus- tries and businesses of various lines; and in the hope of iaoreasing the employing ageooiee. A croaker can undo more than perhaps ten men are able to buildup. Trade at home and in this way help trade. The oateider pays no taxes nor aide in the promotion of the place. If everybody bought in the city the ehnttere would Soon be pet on the windows by the local merchant, Loyalty to yourself and. your neighbor Should come into the count. Levees a few dollars in property ; build a house ; improve the one you have if en owner and ebow your faith by your works. Advance steps mut and many e time the spirit of emulation has been the oaoee of marked progress. Wake up 1 Now that the Fall Faire will soon be hers it behooves everybody who desires to see them make progress to get busy and prepare an exhibit, The Fair does not depend nearly eo much upon one large exhibitor as it does on the many smaller displays. Often the getting ready ie delayed so long that it is need as an excuse for the uo0•appearanoe of the entry on the Seeretary's books, East Huron Fair is managed by ite directorate eo as to induce everybody to take a part but there are hundreds who never take the least share in entering the lists. We would like to See a rallying of the forcee at the coming Pair so that its record may outebine any of tie predecessors. The prize list affords a wide sweep with good prime as an additional indonement to the exhibitor. Now is the time to get busy. GREATER interest is being manifested over the gaeetion of parity in eeede for two reasons obietiy. One the desire on the part of the good farmer to keep his laud Olean and the other the orookedneee alleged an the part of both large and small dealers to patting on the market an inferior quality. For some time the law has been pat in exeroieeover this question and transgressors have been brought to book es a warning to all concerned with the result that fines have been imposed and the law brought prominently to the notice of those interested. T. H. Race, Dominion Government Seed Inspector of Western Ontario, paid Mitchell Beed merobania a visit early in the Spring, and took away with him a number of varieties of Beed to be tested as to their cleanliness from weed Beed, each ae rib - grass, bindweed, pennyoreee, eto. On Wednesday of last week he was there again and in the afternoon had one of the Beed firma np before Police Magistrate Davie for Belling plover Beed that had in it too large a quantity of ribgrase. The firm admitted tbo charge, but showed that they had told perchance of the rib• grass in the clover Beed, and the Iuepeot or did not attach much blame to the firm in this instance, but the law bed been broken and there was no other alterna. tive for the Magistrate than to impose the fine of $1.00. G. G. McPherson, K, 0., appeared for the Department of Agri- oultare, and E. A. Dunbar for the de fence. Farmers also ehoeld be careful to Belling eeede that are not free from weeds ae the law ie strict inthis reaped. If they have not got a copy of the act they ehonld get one, There ie plenty of room for an advance step in the erndfoation of weede. On many roadways there is not the least effort made to deebtoy regular seedbeds of thistles, mustard, daieie, &a., so that the adjoining farms are an molly eapplied with the very thing that will fetoh increased toil and annoyance to the farmer and render it next to im possible for him to guarantee the purity of seed he might have to dispose of, ab least without much additional labor. HICK'S FORECASTS FOR AUGUST, A regular storm period will be at lie orieie pn August let and 2nd. A Mer oury period is near its septet at this Vale and will prolong and intensify storm oonditione at this period. Than. der etorme, with many stiff, local gusts of wind and rain will reenter on and about the let and tad. Immediately after these storm pees East of any given locality, the wind will shift to Westerly, the barometer will rise and obatege to some oboler will take plebe. Olondineeewith a degree of threatening oonditione will remain for several days, even after the etatm areae have passed away, Such are the obaraoterietiee of the ?Jeremy equinox, which ie oentral on tile 4th, extending from July 28th 10 Auguetthe 10th. A reaetlonsry storm period is central on the 6th, 6'h and 7th, on and about whiob days may be expected a return of Storm Conditions, The warmth will Inoyaaaa, the laaroitletei VIII fall and olondltteee will drew Into decided areas Of etormiuese and preaipibation, Tbeae Wan arena will( of =tree, not coyer the whole oouptry on any one date, bat they will start in Western parte and progrege in regular order Eaatwardly across the oeonbry. A. regular etorm period extends :from. the 10th to the 11th, It is central on the 12th and whl Dome to et oriels, cent. rally between East and West extrema) of the country, on Townley and Wed needay,the 18th and 14th, The new moon 15 ou the ninth, Lenin hob, threat. ening weather may hold tbrongh the Mercury brooe, Take seven days, with the 7th ae the central day, and you have a period of great seismic probability, Bead reports from the world generally. A reactionary storm period ie antral on the 17th, 18th and 191h. As thie period begins it will grow warmer, float in the Wet, the barometer will fall and reactionary storms of rain, wind and thunder will pees Eaatwardly Somas the country, reaching their oulmiaating stages on and touching the 18th and 19th. A regular storm period covers in per• tnrbiug power the 21St to the 20th, Daring this period the moon passes peel - gee on the 21st, full on the 28rd and the celestial equator on the 28th, The Venue disturbance which is central in Septem- ber, will also affect storm and weather oonditione at this period. Thie period may also be pot down an a decided eeiemio period, oenteriug on the 28rd sed covering the whole period. The telegraph will report seismic shakes in widely different parte of our planet. Seel In every probability tropical .etorme, oalling for watohfalbeee and oars, will reaob our Southern coasts during Or very oloee to this period. The barometer will also give timely iodioatioue of active inland storms betweeu the 2200 and 20th. In ease of low barometric conditions in the South, Northerly winds and high bar - ,.meter will follow inland atoms from the Northwest, mekieeg frosts more -tbau a possibility iu Northern sections during Ole last week in August. A reaoti0nary etorm period is oentral. on the 29th, 80th and 31st. It ie a well known foot that great tropioal ebonite, boring up from equatorial regions, ant live, as a rule, the limitatione of the or• dioary storm periods. Thie is true es• peoially in oases where the Venue egnio• ox and other astronomic oaeeee unite with Earth's equinox. But in all such oases 11 is safe to say that these storms take on renewed energy and violence ae they run into the storm periods next fol lowing those in wbieh they originate. Hence, if tropical storms appearing at the period 21st to Nth outlive that period, they will grow in strength and magnitude ee they reach our coasts and march into our interior during the oloeing days of the month, Catarrh Can Be Cured. Kill The Berlin By Breathing Ify-o•mel {dives quick Belief. Many people who have suffered with catarrh for years naturally feel that the disease cannot be cured, and become discouraged. Their failure to get relief ie doe to the tact that they have not used the right remedy. Oatarrh is an affection of the bead, throat and Muse, and cannot be oared by etomaoh dosing, The only eoientifl0 and natural treat. merit for this disease is H •mei hi h yo ,w o is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler so that its healing medioated air reaches the most remote air cella, kills all catarrh germs, and restores the mucous mem inane of the nose, throat and lungs to a healthy condition. We do not want anyone's money unless Hy•o•mei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be re- funded a n(eee the remedy gives eatisfac- tton, All druggists ebouid be able to sup ply you with Hyomei or we will semi it by mail on receipt of prion, $1.00, and every package is eold with the distinot understanding that it coats nothing um lees it aurae. Booth's Hyomei company, Buffalo, N. P. COMMISSIONER RACE SACK FROM OTTA WA. T. U. Race, of Mitchell, who was Canadian Commieioner in charge of the Canadian exhibit at the International Exhibition at Ohrietohureb, New Zeal- and, and who lately returned home to Mitchell, has since been on a visit to Ottawa, from which he returned last Monday being in the oihy 9/aeeday of last week, and prooeeeing home at noon. Mir, Raoe was pleased with hie reception by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who compliment- ed him upon hie good work in aonneation with the New Zealand exhibition and who expreseed the hope that more work of the kind would be found for Mr. Raoe to do. Sir Wilfrid also quoted Sir Joseph Ward, Premier of New Zealand, in evidence of the excellent service rem tiered to Canada by Mr. Race and the One impression he created there by his poblio appearanoee and management of the Canadian eeotlon of the exhibition, Mr. Race to speaking with the Strut. ford Herald said he bad not at first ex- pected special advantage from Canadieee participation in the exhibition, but he had Dome to feel confident that important results would flow therefrom especially in the way of inpreased trade between New Zealand ,and Canada, He found the people, there deeply interested in Canada, deeariptive books relating to the Domin- ion being frequently met with in the homee, Although the objeot was not to attract immigration to Canada from the deter bolony of the Southern Orme, be believed there would be ooneiderable Migration therefrom. The Canadian exhibit was the largest in the exhibition next to that of Great Britain, and unquestionably created a profound impression. British Columbia manioc( were greatly admired and are likely to be largely imported into New Zealand as a oon0egtenae, Mr. Raoe will in doe coarse send an exhattetivo report tb the Dominion Government on the gaeation of possibilities of trade develop. moot. He thought there was n large field there lot Canadian made goods and with the kindly feeling existing toward Canada it would be but the part of ordin- ary wisdom to look after that markel), The New Zealandere feel warmly toward the"alI•red line" project, eepeoially be clause of the oloeer aommunieation it le .5^,,� . Reliable !� :t Art Studio le the proper pinee to get ybur Photo- graphs taken. Photos from the Sunbeam up to the 14 x 17 Group and Portrait size, taken with great seems. Het a Photo of you Family the first ohance you have to get them together.. We are seooed 00 none Mad very moder,ets in our ohargee, Viewe of residences, elm„ telten on short notice.. Picture Frames made to Order. H. . BREWER UPS AND ND ULS s>�-- The undersigned is prepared to sup- ply the public with the hest en the above lines. Repairs promptly attended to, Orders left with HARRY JAMES, American Hotel, Brussels, will receive our early attention. RAYMANN, ORANBROOK 4-3111 oaloulated to afford with the Dominion. There in nothing more talked about there than the"all red line" scheme, They hoped in oonneotion with that to have aired aonneation with Veneouver,instead of via Fiji or Sydney as at present. Mr. Race said he found a high State of pros. parity existent both in New Zealand and to Aaebralia, Prominent 8lannrn0Uu'er anent* In Vanleek Bill, Ont,, no one ie better known than Geo. S. Watson, When he says "Oatarrbozone ie a real cure," depend on it being so. "My wife" he writes "was eubjeot to bad attacks of throat irritation and bronchitis, Many remedies were tried but few proved at all cental. Oaterrhozone was different Wo have found Oabarrhozone an absolute ours for bronchitis and catarrh." Nothing onus more quickly eo get it bo•day, two sizes, 25o $1.00 at all dealere. bealortte. Civic holiday last Monday, Mrs, Helen Fitzgerald, of Toronto, le visiting her sister, Mrs, Harry Stewart, Mrs. Gale Ashbaugh, of Aylmer, ie visiting her parents, A. J. and Mrs, Bright. P. Edward Lemon, of the Wm. Pickard Dry Goods Co., has left for a trip to the Facility coast. Mise Minnie Rioberdeon, of Tilbury, who has been visiting her eider, Mre, W. R. Veale, has returned home, At a meeting of the town oonnoil the °entree* for the pavement of Goderiob and North Main streets was let to Edge & Guttridge, who oommenoed work Iaet week. Miss Doherty, mammonist a solali t of the Collegiate Institute hae tendered her resignation. Mise Jennie Ballantyne, of the public eobool staff, has also re. signed. Daring the heavy eleotrioal etorm which passed over this section the two large barns belonging to Mr. Campbell, who lives about three miles South of tbie town were Brook by lightning and burned to the ground. The year's Drop of hay was in the barn^ The lose ie only partially covered by ineuranoe. Free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr, Shoop'e Catarrh Remedy. Let me eend it now. It ie a enow.white, creamy, healing entiepebio balm, Cooteining each healing iogre• clients ee Oil Euoaliptae, Thymol, Men. bboi, etc„ it gives metent and lasting relief to oataral of the nose and throat, Make the free teat and see for .yourself what this preparation oan and will ao- oomplish, Addrsee Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie. Large jars 60 cents, Sold by all dealers. V se e: ham. 0, 0. F. exeureon to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August 10th. The brink work on W. H. Green's five new dwellings ie being pushed along rapidly. Mies M. L. Brook and her brother, Colwell, are holidaying with friends near St. Thomas. The Oitizeu'e Band ie arranging foe a Garden Party ore the park, on the evening of August 18th. Miee Agnea Walker ie spending a mouth at the home of her nook, Wes. ley Walker, of Clinton, Rev, F. Shore and family, of Lisbon, North Dakota, are spending their vada. tion with Ontario friends. A number of young ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Ivan Johnston and surprised her with a hitched shower. McGee & Campbell have denoted two handsome umbrellas to the Wingham Bowling Club for the winnere of Sootob doe bice. Geo, Lamont left for Calgary where he will emend the next few months, Mr. Kyle is relieving Mr, Lamont at the G. T. R. freight oboe, Mies MaoVannell. of St. Marys, will 1111 the vacancy aanaed by bhe resignation of Mise I{etoheeon, ae teacher of. English and Madams in the Wingham High School, A quiet wedding took place et the parsonage in Aobon, when Mies Eva, eldest daughter of Archie and Mm. Simm0nb, of Wingham, beeeme the bride of Foray Brown, At Kinoardine "Old Boys" oelebra. tion 00000117 Miee Mabel, daughter of doenoillor McDonald, won three prizes for dancing, She took first prize in the Sword dance, eeoond prize In the 'Highland Fling, and third in Shawn Trews. Thos. Tipling and Walter Belden, former wcll.known residents of Wing. ham, have reoently !nutted at laloatree,' Seers., where they have pi -Helmond p general more besineee and are doing well in this growing Western town, Ashton G, 0, Mason, another old Wing•, ham boy Is ioeatpd o. nalearree and 10 doing well. lNre, A. J. Nioltolip and, her youngest eon Tett for et three menthe trip. She tools the boat from Sarnia to Duluth, thenoe by unite to Bozeman, Montana, There she will visit two of her brolbere. She will return by Manitoba, and spend some time with ttyo other brothers and a Meter, 8F7sfsirs* lit. Rev. and Mrs, W. J. Ashton, of Both well, are visiting at the foriner's home on the 001, eon. The ladies of the Presbyterian church intend holding a bazaar and lunch on Show day, Ootober 6th. A oouhple of Eugilele families who have been living here for a month or so lett for North Bay, where they have scoured good situations. 0, L. Andrew pnrohaeed the boot and shoe business of 8, 0. Rothwell who he leaving town. The bueivaes will be carried on in the same stand as formerly. Rev. 0, W. MoTavieh moved into Mr. Denetedt's house last week. The par- sonage will be enlarged and renovated. Thie hoe been needed for some some time. Ilow Is Your Vitality ? Are You Physically Strong and Able to Work As You Used to. Perhaps you lank courage ? Out of joint with everything ? Seemly on speaking terms with your neighbor. Such low health ie pitiable—bnt curable. Your brain is fagged, your blood ie weak, your reserve of strength all gone. What yon need is Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and nutritive Longo. It's by malting dee, and blood, by in. fusing Iron and Oxygen into the system that Ferrozone builds you np. It repairs the weak spots, instils new life into wotu outorgaue—makes you feel like new. Think it over. By nourishing and strengthening, Ferrozone lifts age for the old and imparte resilience and buoyancy to the depreeeed. Why nob be strong and ruddy colored ? Why stay weak ? Use Ferrozone and enter the healthy life it's sure to bring. Price 50o per box at all dealere. Ltfrtowel. Miss 011ie Grant left for Hamilton hospital to train for a nurse. Eli Snelling sold hie Oliver Wilkes driver to W. 0. Kidd for $300, Monday August 12th hoe been pro• claimed oivio holiday for Listowel. Jacob. Kritzer hae the contracts in hand for the creation of the new Presby. terian oburobee at Monkton and Blue. vale. J. F. MoOatebeon, an old Lietowel boy, has been appointed head Principal of the St. Thomas Public and Model echoole. A. L. McIntyre, prinoipal of the Lietowel Beninese Soilage, left on a trip to Chicago, where be will spend a week or two with his zoo. The briek work of the new Vandriok block an the East eide of Wellaoe street has been finished and Jacob Kritzer, the eontreotor, has made an excellent job of it. W. E. Binning, seoretary of the Lieto- wel Agrionitural Society, has received word from J. Leckie Wilson, Superinten- dent of Fall Fairs for Ontario, except- ing t- ing an invitation to open the Lietowel Fall Fair. At a meeting of the Publio School Board, held on Wednesday evening the resignations of Mime 'Norton, who are leaving for the West, were aoeepted, and Mieeee Beatrice Tatham and Lailia Bamford were appointed to positions on the teaohinestaff, at the minimum eatery of 0810. Principal MoDonald'e salary was inoreased by $20, and the other members of the staff who have taught in the eahool for a year and up- wards got increases of from 515 to 525. (Jllnton. Jacob 'Taylor has been appointed a J. P. for the taking of affidavits and other purposes. Daniel MAUI!, a former resident and assessor for one year from Hay, made application to be admitted to the Huron Hoagie of Refuge, but owing to his having some diseoee admission wag refused. Mise Millie Dingman, daughter of A. Dingman, of Stratford, who has been on the staff of Brautford Collegiate In• ebitnte for the -past -two years, and was at one time on the staff of. Clinton. Collegiate, bae juet aaoepted a position' ae aeeisbent in the library of the great Yale University, at New Haven, Con- neotiout, and begins her new duties there in September. You May Need It Ask your doctor -about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. if he says It's all right, then get a bottle of It at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. We publish our formulas We beeiah deeper Te ,per from our medtoma. � f {,®ryd We orae you to ooanult your doctor Many a boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver. We firmly believe your own doc- tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great deal of good. They keep the liver active. �llade by the J. O. Ayer Co.. Lowen, Man,— Henry Raneford, manager of the Dominion Bask at Boisevain, had a narrow eeoape from a serious aooident recently. He was riding a bronoho, which threw him and rolled over him. He got off without any broken bones, but was ooneiderably bruised, He is a son of John Raneford. The old Clinton Knitting Factory, whiob was reoently bought by D. Ciente. loo and othere for the moue of alerting up another apple evaporator, will not be need this year the parties interested finding they have all they oan . attend to in handling fresh fruit for export. Bev. B. Olement, of Goderioh, a form. er Oiioboniao, had a narrow escape in connection with the recent dieaeter in London. Mr. Hamilton of the ill•fated firm of Hamilton & Long happened to be an old friend of Mr, Clement,. and he called in to see him, remaining there tor a Pew minutes while Mrs. Clement, wait. ed outside. Mr. Clement had only left the store a few m(natee when the oraeh Dame that destroyed eo many lives. Fetal Blood -Poisoning Frequently follows the uee of cheap corn salves and plaetere. The safest is the beet and tbat'e "Putnam's" whiob has a record of fifty years Booms, Re fuse substitutes for "Putnam's" which costa 25o in every drug store. Bemis Bros., bag factory of Boston, will eetnblieh a million and a half dollar plant at Welland. The Cauadian Shipbuilding Company will build a new ebeamer tot the. Riche: lieu dr Ontario Co.. William H. Mance died in the hospital at St. Thomae. Re was eoalded in an explosion on the tug Gilbert. - Tbe Ontario Government mayeetablieh a number of permanent emigration -otfi• des in Great Britain and Ire.and. George O. Alcorn, M, P., was again the ohoioe of the Ooneervativee of Prince Ed. ward ooaney ae their candidate for the Commune. A valve blew out on the steamer Otou. epee onis Lake, e La a, and two hundred passengers on board were almost panic. etrioken. The men charged with oo0nterfeiting were sentenced ,t Lindsay. Burke wee given three years in penitentiary and Miller was acquitted. The otbere got lighter eentenoeetbat Burke's. Several barna iu Weetern Ontario were struck by lightning and burned, Two wheal honeee at London were dam. aged and at Woodetook the Moleon'e Bank and the Court House were streak by lightning. FREE TO YOU. If you have Rheumatism, any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or think that these or- gans are affected, write for our valuable booklet. Free to you, and tells all about The Gentle Kidney Pill. se The Clatlin Chemical Co. Ltd., Windsor, Ont, Nailailal Roller Flour bills Good Bread and Pastry are:. essential to good health. To obtain good Bread and Pastry it is necessary to have good Flour. White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make these essentials . Try this, our special pro- duct, arid it will please you. tAll kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Ring up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. M. R Hr..d].. m BRUSSELS 5 ompoxf IMPORTANT NOTIWEG QI3INGL;CS —A OAR 011` RED Cedar Shingles Met to hand, F. ANENT, Brunelle. OUSIl ANI) } ACRE LOT for Bale -Albert street, oomtorrable home in good repair. Small stable, good well, oietern ,Ro, Poeeesetou anytime. For furtherpartloulars apply on tro promisee t0 SO010AWFOitD, lirueeela, '18.01 NOTIOB TO DEBTORS—DA. BIIBNS has pplaced his aoomu,te to my -hands for oolleetion, All parties bidet*, ed will kindly arrange pennant at 01100. ^A, B. AfAODONALD, Bruesele, July 8rd, 1007, 02'51 $RICK. STORE TO RENT BY February let -part of Smith Block, 22a00 feet ; 2nd door from Amardean Hotel ; lately used as tailoring and gents' furnish - bug establishment. Fbr further particulars apply to DR. MOKELVEY, Brunelle, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -The undersigned offers for sale her. house and lot on '1'uruberry street, Brus- eels. Possoeeloee could beiven at 08100. For price, terms, &o„ apply to MRS. F, SHIELS, Walton P.0,, 0r to 'inn P080. K. 0. T. M. Druesels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 29 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Room, Bekker Block, on the 1st and 8rd Tuesday evenings of each month. Vieitore always weloome, A, SOMERS, Cam. A. Afo0IIIRE, ILK, FARM FOR SALE—BEING- Lot 24, Oen.18, Grey,containing 100 sores. 41 acres Mound and balance bard wood bush and swamp. Good brick house with kitchen, driving shed and stable ,.good well, orehard,de, ou memisee. Place well fenced. Posseerion could be given atter crop is oil. For further portioulare ee to price, terms, dm. .Apply to JIM. D. McNair., Lot 24, Con, 14,Grey. or Monerleff 5:0. NOTICE Any person wtehing to have their lots at- tended to will find me at the Cemetery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each weak during the Summer months., 1 am also Agent for the Mitchell Marble and tiranite Orin. Come and inspect our work and get prime before buying elsewhere, ROBERT (3. DARK, 99.4 Caretaker. i OR SALE OR TO RENT: JL The uudoreigeed offers her 100 acre farm, being Lo1,20, Oon. 7 (Trey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable douse bank barn, orchard, wells, &c. Farm is only } of a mile from the stirring village of abhel. For fur- ther particulars apply to F. S. 00010, Brn8- sels,.or MRS. KATE HOLLAND, 75 Mutter Street, Toronto. 87.8m PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers his house and lot, situate On 111n street, Brussels, for sale. It is welilocated,a convenient and cow for. table borne. Possession eau be given at once. Will alto sell the vaoaut lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a due building site. For further par. ticulare as to price. terms, &0., apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford - 86 -4 FARMLot eFOR SALand Lot E—BEING Grey. Si farm oontaiue 160 acres, 190 acres cleared and 6 acres of good hardwood bush. There is a good frame hoose, bank barn 96x100 ft., outbuildings, &o. Windmill on barn and waterworks system in house and stable ; 2 oroharde; 100acree o1 farm now in grass. Onle of Ore bromilok school and emiles to r ilwaymiles tdepottonn 0. P. R. Possession for plowing as soon ae crop is off. For further particulars, as to Brice, terms, &o•, apply on the premiees to JAMES PERUSE, or Oranbrook P. 0. 410 7i� ARM LABOURERS .L AND DOMI9 TIOS — S Ihave been appointed by the Dominion Government to plan Immigrants ,from the United Kingdom in positions as farm lab- ourers or domestic servants in this ytoinity, Any person requiring then help should moth fy me by letter etattug fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be sufficient to supply all requests but every effort will bo made to Provide each applioaut with help required. F. 8, 8005'», Canadian Government Employment Agent 82•ly Brussels P.O. ALLAN MAILL LINE TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Tunisian Saila Frlday,Aug, 9 Sept. 8 Victorian= Aug, 16 9ept,18 Corsican (new) ' Aug. 22 sept,20 Virginian " " Aug. 80 Sept.27 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Ionian Saila Thursday, Aug,. 8 Sep, 12 Mongolian.,, Thursday, Aug, 16 Sep. 18 Oorinthiau,,;Saile Thursday,Ang, 22 Sep. 29 Pretorian .„ " 'Thursday, dug, 28 Oot, 8 iFor menage, lists and full Information apply to W. Ill. 168igt, Agent Allan Line, Brunetti, FALL TERM S SEPT. t 2 Thie management during the peat year has trebled�vor TTwo Hundred y o ul e. g ladles and gentlemen s rap he r e, 'f/� baaok068000- k •ee era and /J O O telegraph. are, and plaoed . I d them n ant eltnat)ous n lead - lug Canadian and AmortOau cltios, Iedlviduel ioetruotlou. Write for catalogue. Wingham Business College Principal GED. SPOTTTON, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lando. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 6 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 nom more or lees. Entry may be made personally at the local land aloe for'. the dletrlot in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform " the conditionseonoeoted therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At tenet Six months' reeidenee upon, and cultivation of the land in each year for three yearn, (2) If the father (or mother, 1f the Sather is deoeaeod) of thehomesteader resides upon afarm in the Vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements us to mei- deuce may be eotlefled by eneh person re- siding with the lather or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent reel - dance upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity o1 his homestead, the re- quirements ae to oeeideuoo may be satis- fied by residence upon the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be Londe at Ottawa off boteuttou 00f applymfor patent. W.W.00RY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B. Unauthorized publioattiiou of this ad- vertlbemeut will not be paid"for. Bodmin Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS l 'Will meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels. 1M6 or Sale Just received a ear load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY B11USSELS. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. A DANDY STOCK OF B tTQ G- 2 M S WE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies, manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Platteville, and Wm. Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is .First -class -and prices are right. Don't fail to see them. Repairing,- Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmaplike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates: R. ` Francis Shop next to. Town Hall, Brussels Wb also-lteep'iu stoilii the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost & 'Wood repairs. Call and see as. .. w o vette t