HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-8-8, Page 3)t'••:•4�'. • .r •:•r4rt.•lrs. 1••1.1, oleo. d.4••t, MENTA). DYSPEPSIA. While talking with, n ptonlrenL pay swiln It G \v days up, writes Granton (load, the latter ed\unced, the theory Batt it is oat 80 nluelt the food we eat that hurls us us the way we eat it. As this was a mallet' in winch 1 was par- elculnrly Ina retitled 1 questioned hied somewhat closely, 1uu1 there 15 the les- sors 111(11 lie taught too. There are lot; of people in the world whit ale' suffering frau' slaunolt di- mities, slut a three pereenlage of thein edger)), leave nothing Ilio matter with them if shit' could only bo made to think so. 1n reality they are suffer- ing leen 1)181) 101 dyspepsia, n die'ease that anybody can coillsact If he once 6unkes up his ruled to be that particular loot of n Pell. 1'o g.'t this dlseeso firmly settled upon him i1 is only ncccssury thin a 11180 elemild tutee all his !melees led i.ndls- ,posilinns to the table with hint, 1f lie site down tc eat while In a sour tette Der the disgruntled Mental cohdili.in 4hat is 50 plainly Indicated upon his Vellums exercises its effect upon his food. Although the bread and meat That he has eaten may have been. of the Lest quality procurubh', his sour tem- per sours 1t so DIM it is linally nothing tetter than contaminated food 11ta1 goes into his blood old his stomach. As anger is admitted to be a thought - Wilson, the man who takes his angry and spiteful thoughts to the table with the morning paper usually suoeeeds in poisoning everything he eels. To lake one's worries or•the fretful thoughts to ies meals is just as serious a misLalce, for they, too, are poisonous. Business t ares, family discords, .personal griev- ances, should all be banished al the door of the dining -room, for If it is true that these thought elements have just as much effect upon the digestion of food its they do upon the other nerve forces o f our bodies, there is not one of us who can afford to consume such dole- terious elements along with our rolls end coffee, or al any other meal dur- ing the day. According to this physician's theory the nerves play a more important part in the actions ofthe slomech, and our eider digestive aiiporalus than many of us have herelofore imagined. Thus, IV claims, if Wo eat With the idea eon - Mainly before us that we are in Mager of eating too much, or that the fowls we are eating arc liable to hurt us, we are taking the one course that is cer- tain to bring about the very results that we fear. In other words, Ilse anxious thoughts that havo worried us during the process or eating will continue to assert their evil influence during the 111101' progress of digestion. slow often do we hear people say: "1 ant going to cat this, but I know it will Burt a11e," and in nine cases out of len 11 does. We Ilene others say: "My stomach is s0 weak that there is scarcely anything 'that I can cat." The statement is 1't- eiully true, but the thing they do not realize is this -11111 11 is nothing more than these sane anxious thoughhts that are poisoning 111eir food and making ,L co them this harm instead of good. et you want your food to disagree with *Ou just be honesty and consistently afraid that It is going to do so, and you kvill find 'hat you will not be .disap- polnLed. On the oiler hand—a.nd forllualely for all of us—this is a law than works holh ways. As the result we who would be healthy have but to mala up aur minds to eel, properly in order lo enjoy all the edvonlages that one May derive from following these new prin- ciples in hygiene. Instead of going to the table with n sort of resigned ah`, therefore, as though we were certain that nothing was going lo suit us—as though we 4cnew that the 'toe spent in eating 100111(1 be time spent disagreeably—we should strive O r make the ho u s t -eat- ing the hoppiest moments of ourof lives. As these are often the only hours when -the family group is together it ought not to bo difloutt to mance them 111e- nnornble for theirmerriment. All that. is necessary is that the various members:. O f the family should mance up their minds not to bring their Troubles to tine table, but In the place of the anxiety, the worr]'me.nt, and other poisonous elements, to bring the jolly stories, the 'chatty gossip, and the cheerful thoughts, that will help so much to assure good nature, and its natural result, good di- gestion, from one end of the table to elle other.. This is the theory as it was explained to -me. Personal experifnent only can prove whether 11 is true or false, but 10 it 511(s to me as though the expert- went was one that was worth trying. Greater London's population is now rapidly ttpp08nching the seven million mark. "I certainly was shocked," Said the stern -visaged woman, "lo hear that you were married. 1 wouldn't lmalty the best man on earth." "He never gave you the chancel" retorted Mrs. Llridey, bemuse ho assured me that I was the etnly gal he ever proposd to,11 Magistrate : "Officer, what 1s this man charged with?' Constable. "Ile's a cancra fiend of the worst icind, yer woe ship: But this mal shouldn't Have been arrested simply because he has a mania for taking piettres•" "IL isn't that, your worship; he takes the cameras," "My blend,e'said a solemn man, "have you 0081' done aught to make the Com- munity in which you live the better for your living 1)1 [1? I havo done 'much," n'8(111edthe other ieumbly, "lo purify 1110 homes of my fe11oW-beings." "Ah 1" sontnned the Solemn man, with a pleased look ; "you distribus track?" "No; 1 dealt ea`pe(s, " ilober(s (of very doubtful commercial slenfling)1 "As Shakespeare says, '\l%iinl's in a name?'" Jenkins "Well; 11 you want to know, why doaa't you ask. your wife?" Roberts: "Aly wife? What bshe ve0t11 to. do with is inyodne ur"Why, everything you Yale's name, isn't it?" s• HEALTH ATABUI-1 Of STOMAf:II RELIEVED BY PE -RU -NA WAR WITH HOLD UP MEN STORY 00 i'INMiH'l'ON, 71111 11L1 A'1' oI:'1'1':G'I'I Vh'. Interesting Itrmhlisrenees 01 Old -limn Robberies — "black Burt" and Ills Methods. More than two-thirds of the fannies train ',oblides w110 have figured in the e:'ll11111111 history of the United filmes elle'. the (evil war have either been k111r11 cltlright, lynched, or "died with their Loots on," Of the remaining third, many (tied 01 wounds, Or were captured, imprison- ed. or 010011 11110 exile in lands beyond sea. So declared Welham A. Pinkerton, of Chicago, in an address to the an - Leal convention of the International Associalion of Chiefs of Police al 34111105- iown, Va. "BLACK BART," LONE BANDIT. Not Me least interesting part of N1r. Pinkerton's reminiscences wits his de - 1 seription of "Black Bare," the famous "done bandit" of California. He - "From 1377 to 1333 stages in the moun- tains of California were held up by (1 lone highwayman, always wearing a jute meal bag on the lower part of Ms legs, an old linen duster, his stead and' Thee covered with a musk through which gleamed bright black eyes, whin a coni- cal circus clown hat, IIe was nlvnys polite to the passengers, and especially to the ladies, never robbing them,but always requesting the stage driver to throw out the box and mail bags. When the 10110 robber, at 1110 point of a rine, would order 111e stage driver to pass cm, Altogether this lone highwayman committed twenty-three robberies. MDE.-JOSEPII BEAUDOIN. hide. Joseph Beaudoin, 50 flue SL Olivier, Quebec, P. Q. Crm., writes. "Peruna is wonderful'for indigestion, 1 eat whatever I want and no longer 1 el ally oppression. "Having had dyspepsia for a long line and having tried various other remedies, I decided to try Puerta and with the fourth bottle of It 1 was perfectly cured. "For this reason I recommend it to all those who are suffering with that terrible malady, dynspcpsia. "I hope that all who are nfilioted in this way win take Peruna as I did." The expericnee of Nide. Beaudoin night to be su111cient proof to any one of the value of Penne in cases of oa- lurrllal dy:epepsia. if you suffer from stomach Catarrh in any of its various forms, give Penne a fair trial, avoid- ing in the meantime all such indiscre- tions in diet as would tend to retard a cure, and you will seen be rewarded I'y a normal appetite and healthy diges- lien. SO FATIGUING. "So young Mobley I(add isn't to mar- ry Goldin S111es after all?" "No, he got seared." "Well, well, and I heard they had even gone so far as to rehearse for the Wedding." "Yes, that was the trouble. They had rehearsed five Limes, and Oichley said the preparations for matrimony 'were such Irma Work he was afraid he couldn't stand the real thing at all," PULL UP. When the ladies in charge were clear- ing up the left -overs atter a Sunday - school plefuio several slices of Cake were found which they did not wish to carry Monte. One said to a small lad Who was already asthmatic from gorg- ing, "Here, boy, won't you have another piece of cake?" "\Voll," he a'eplied, laking it rather l+stlessly, "I guess S can still chow, hit I can't mailer." ANXIOUS MOMENTS. Thousands of Little Ones Die During the Summer Months. Every n10111er of Small children knows how fatal are the summer Tn.:mills. Dysentery, diarrhoea, chol- era lnfantum and -stomach troubles are alarmingly frequent at this time and ice often e. precious 1)1110 life Ls lost after only a few Mom's' illness. '1110 mother who keeps Baby's Own T.blel s to the house feels safe. The occasional lase of Baby's Own Tablets prevents stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes. unawares the Tablets Will bring the title one through safely. Ash's. Geo. Robb, Aubrey, Quo., says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for 810010011 and bowel troubles with the best results. I feel quite safe when I 1)000 the Tablets in the hoose." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25e. o box from '1'he Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A bushel of sunflower seed produces a gallop of excellent oil, and the seeds are else very' useful for making pout - toy lay in winter. Mother Graves' Warm Exterminator hao the largest sale of any Minor pre- paralionsold in Canada. It always gives salistaalion by restoring health U: the little folks. Goorge—"A thoroughbred gentleman Outs on itis clothes and then forgets then." Ned—"Thai's what 1 try to do; but ln.y tailor won't let Inc." NOT SPEAKING LIKENESS. DeAuber—Don't you think this is 051 excellent po'h'pit of your wife? Neggsby—No. There is . a repose ebeut 111e mouth that isn't natural. ISSUE NO. 31-01. \VAS A MINING MAN. "'Black Bari' was also known ns Charles E. Benton and Cherles E, Bowles. He had lived at an unprelen- tires boarding house 111 San Francisco, where he informed tie landlady and Ids acquaintances that he was a min- ing num, which accounted for his oc- caslona] absence. Ile was originally from Decatur, 111., near which place "e. worked on farms. IIe enlisted in Com- pany 13, One hundred and Sixtieth Il- linois regiment, serving three years In the civil war and was known in his re- giment as 'Wrestling Charlie.' "After this capture he pleaded guilty to one of the robberies, but strenuous- ly denied that he was the former stage robber, and declared to the court that 11, was only an urgent necessity that drove him to' commit this crime, as 11 result of which, on November 17, 1333, Ifo was sentenced to six years in pri- son al San Quentin, Cal. Since his lc - lease he has been seen more or less in 'honest occupations on the Pacific coast. "During 'Black Bart's' career as n robber he never tools the life of or in- jured a human being. He was a le- nlarkably good story teller." One of the most daring train, rob• aeries recounted by Mr, Pinkerton was the following: "Sept. 30, 1331, Oliver Curtis Perry bearded a New York Central railroad Lenin dear Utica, while the train eves in motion, cut hes way into an Ameri- can Express Company car, and. cov- eting the messenger with a revolver, stole 83,000 and some jewelry there- from, cul 1110 0)r brakes, which reduced the speed of the train, AND MADE H1S ESCAPE." "Fob. 1, 1802, Perry' again boarded an express trail. near Syracuse, N. Y., concealing himself on the roof of the express car until the train was 111 5110- (1011, when, with a snook and rope, fest- ered to the roof of the car while the train was moving at filly miles an hoar, be lowered himself to a window and, covering the messenger with- a revolver, ordered hent' to throw up his hands. The messenger attempted to pull tie tall cord, but Perry shot 111.10 in the hand, the messenger returning the the with several shots. Just as 1110 last shot 111e pulled In- towas Lyons. He attempted to escape by driving th fireman and engineer from a locomotive which. stood int a siding, which he boarded,. and started to 'es- cape in 1.1 at' full speed, but was fo1- 1wed by railroad employes in another lecotnollvc, who subsequently overtook him and after considerable spooling caused his arrest." — A SEASIDE TRAGEDY. Effort to Get Wave Photograph Causes Death oI Three People. Miss Dottie Gillen, aged twenty-four, of Worcester street, Stourbrklge; Mr, J. W, Gillam, twenty-three, bank clerk, her brother; and Mr. Ernest Taylor, twenty-seven, corn merchant, of High - clam Norton, Siounbriclge, her sweet- heart, were the victims of a ciislressiilg, 'tragedy at Olielepoo), England, recently. 'Miss Gillam; the two young men, and a young German girl nailed Bring - 1010(1e Schaffer, who was slaying with thein, left the house where they \veto slaying with their parents shortly bee fore ten o'clock and walked along 111e particle at North Shore, admiring the rough _sea, and when apponite Derby road, Miss Gillian], wino was an enthu- siaslic amateur photographer and had her camera with her, expressed a desire to lake a snapshot of the waves as they broke against the hulking. Fol' this purpose ,she went on to 1110 steps leading :clown to the sands, and was followed by her companions. Just. as Miss Gillam poised bee camera, how- ever, a bigger \veva than usual amid' up Lhe slops and swept her into the see. Her companions were horrined, 1111180111). out hesitationthe two .young mien plueiti]y clasiied into the Watet' .after her, )11', 0111am after 0.strua;gle, nem - heed (o get hold of his sister, but Ait'. Taylor, who could not swim, never no- tuelllt reached her. A hrowd rapidly collected, and a life- bio1011( thrown Into the sen, but It did (rot reach the struggling trio{ end was 9001 \vashod back. Prolcssor Fara- day, a local Swimming instructor, ex- pressed his willingness to go to their assistance, bathe was dissuaded, for II 5ea1n0d Impossible for any, swimmer to lino Ion 800)1 a 5011, \011110 a boat, if 0110 ()shown. You eat afford to roof Galvanized Wing without Oshawa Gal. S p e ® 1 vantaed Stool ShingIes. 9 1 Good for a.hundred years. S h i n g l e S Send for the free booklet. Tho PEDLAR'People inuiunis elluswa M0,1 01 00000 'mals Loudon t1 WI's g had herr) available, would soon hove been dashed to pll;ara against line hulk - The crowd watched the struggles (.f 1110 haps ess trio In breathless exeilemrrlt P.1 several 1,1111111es, Mr, Gillen) 1111.1 hi si,cler, bolls of when) could :swim, kept together, but even Welly they were eteapelled to separate, (1ni1 \liss 1;111- 0(11 was seen to sink, Both young men were dashed ugoinsl the hulking with. twine force, and then 1110y, ton, dls- appea'ed. When the three holies Were recovered some hours later the faee of one of We young men was so battered that 11)5 features were utmost unrecog- nizable. Al 1110 inquest a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. AUSTRALIAN SHEEP FARM THE WOOL INDUSTRY IS CONDITION. IN 1100D Lady Sarah Y'1'ilson 301)15 of Possibilities for Settlers From the 0111 Country. Lady Sarah Wilson writes in the (.nndon Daily 11011, of Australia, as follows :— "There is ani appearance of solid pros- perity in both the great, towns, Mel- bourne and Sydney. 'Phe shops are excellent, the streets present an ex- tremely busy appearance, smart motor ears go buzzing about, and the ladies and children who throng the pavements aril all very well dressed. 13u1, it, 16 edit of town lith but of bush or country life that 1 want to write, so I shall asic any readers to follow -me a couple 0f hun- dred miles from the capital '10 a station in ane of the many ferule parts of Vic- toria; then, four or flee ihundred miles further on, t0 a similar properly on the vast plains of New South \Vales. SL-IEGP AND TIIETII VALUE. 'in Victoria the nightmare of 'drought' Is not so greatly dreaded as 111 other localities. Of course, there are good and bad seasons, 'but as a rule the rainfall is generally to be counted on With average regularity. Here are to be found 5111011 farms with Ono crops of grain and potatoes, the soil rich enough to '*row anything, interspersed among the ll,rger sheep stations. In the station we were at 111 Victoria the pasture is so good that it denies as many as two sheep to on acre, whereas In New South \Vales about one sheep to an acre is 1113 most that can he reckoned. Erich sheep is supposed to produce ten pounds of wool a year, and at the al- most record. price at which wool is now selling the fleece of each animal should be worts at least Len shillings yearly. In addition, lambs ere worth ten shil- lings a head. "All sheep ere now shorn by machin- ery, and a record shearer can shear up to ono hundred and seventy a doy—one hundred being about the average. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION. "One largo landowner near where we wale slaying has gone in extensively for irrigation, and has made 150 miles of canals on his property, by dint of which he cam grow lucerne, which carries up lc twenty sheep to an dere, and im- proved other land to enable it to carry two sheep to an acre. This landowner paid thirty shillings an acre for his property eight years • ago, and now would not sell it for £3 10s. an acre. in consequence of this example, the Government havo even now commenced a system of irrigation on a large scale in this port of Now South Wales, which, te in 1.110 almostimmediafuture will render a large district 110W only fit for sheep suitable for closer settlement, which .means the cultivation of fruit, - grain and vegetables—a great induce- ment for new setters.- „YOUNG MEN Ole ENERGY. A successful squatter sald to m0 the other day : 'All that Australia wants is setters—young men from the 'Old Country,' with small capital' and great energy, who woukl thoroughly enjoy this bush life, and wllo, under good ad. vice from friends largely settled here, should do well.' ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE. "11 is a mistake to think that Aus- tralia has had its day. Wool has never been in greeter demand than it is now, and it is conceded that no Wool is as good as the wool from the .Common- wealth. The Japanese market is'begin- ning to be opened, to the AuStralian wool producers, for With European manners comes the necessity for European cloth- ing:; and it Is possible that: China, looming large wvlth its myriads of in- habitants, may follow suit," The Crick lin. the Back.—"One touch 01 Mule makes the whole world kin,' says the poet.. 13ut Whet about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago, which is se common now? There is no poetry in that touch, for it !vendors 11f0 miserable. Yet how delighted Is the sense of rebid when an application of Dr. Themes' E01001110 011 drives pain away. There is nothing equals 11, Tho World now produces 0,300,000 tons of beet sugar yeooly, and the total pro. duce of arm sugar in iho \Vest ladles has fallen to 228,000 Mons. A hundred' years ego the West Indies supplied sugar to half the ivor)d. Lingering, stubborn old 6000,0 aro eraand from the okrri by Wontor 6 Co0at0, ,Tia gene work et eloodesloseetne is cornplotee with wooer's Syrup, The Great Rank et Notvfomcllanc] is G00 Metes long by. 120 broad. It bee been formed principally by teeth enol l)old- 0015 dropped . by tete icebergs which 0onslanily sail down from' the North, enti is the greatest natural flsh-farm I1 the World. en -Angle The underwear that fits perfectly, wears out slowest, and neither shrinks nor stretches, is named PEN -ANGLE, and bears this trade mark in red. Who sells it, guarantees k, in the maker's name, Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, / rode rlor in form -fitting sizes for women, men and children, PEN -ANGLE Guar- anteed Underwear wears best and DIA f s better IN T110 RUSH LUNCIII0011. "Ross," shouted the big cook from tile Wicheu, "wo have a lot of scraps out Yore that ain't working." "font of scraps, o111" replied the pro- prietor of el, Shovedawn Lunchrnoln. F'We1I, mix them all together, add n little fiery Iobasco sauce and then put a sign outside, 'Central American Pud- ding to -day.'" LABOR NOTE, Wayside William (the tramp) — "Weary, did ye notice. by ih' papers that (betimes of men was goin' back to work?" Weary Wiggles—"Well,, that'll be a gond thing ler our bizness." "Flow se?" "1t reduces competition." The visitor found little Bessie crying as though her heart would break. "What is the trouble, tulle girl?" asked the visitor, sympathetically. "Boo -'loo-" :,ebbed Bessie. "B -Bobby wants lo be a surgeon when Ile gets big." "And lees that worry you, my dear?" "Y -yes; ire has cut all the sawdust out of my dolly to see 11 she has appendicitis," The number of deaths occurring among young children during the sum- mer months is simply appalling. in the city of Montreal last week, 175 children under the age of 11.00 years dled, and nearly all the deaths were due to stomach and bowel troubles. With ordinary care most of these little laves might have been saved. \\'atell 13..e food given the little ones. Do not,. feed meats; see that the milts given is pure, and give an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets, a medicine which surpasses all others in preventing and curing stomach and bowel troubles. "No," said the old shoemaker, stern - 1y; "1 will not do it. Never have 1 sold anything by false representations, and I will not begin now." For a moment he was silent, and the shopman who stood before hint could see that the bet- ter nature of his employer was fighting strongly for the right. "No," said the old man again, "1 will not do it. It is an inferior grade oft shoe, and 1 will never pass it off as anything better. So just mark it, 'A shoe fit for a queen,' and put it in the window. A queen, you 11110W, does not .have to do much walking." Some persons have periodical. attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- 1•hma, and have to use great predate. liens to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such per- sons we would recommend Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Dyeenlery Cordial as being the Lost medicine in the market, for all sununir complaints. if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will to experienced. PROVIDED ALREADY. Beggar -"Kind sir, give 1110 ten cents Ter my three children." Bina Str—"Tann isn't deer, certain- ly, inn I don't thunk I'll take then'. 1 sieve foul` already at home." It is only necessary 10 tread the tes- timonials to be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for ihe removal of corns, warts, etc. It is a ecmplete extinguisher. Doman : "Can you tell what ails my wife?" Doctor : "She does not take enough out -door exercise." "She says she docs not feel equal to it." "True. She needs (ening up." "What have you prescribed?" "A new bonnet." A MACHINE FOR WOMEN. should be the best obtainable, The Singer . and Wheeler ee Wilson sewing. machines arc acknowledged .111e light est running, most durable and con - wedeln of any: Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine C.O. Write us al Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards tree. ,r It is only domesticated dogs that can .baric. If a lame dog runs wild, as they do sometimes in Alaska and elsewhere, it loses after a lime its power of bark - Ing. A Cure for lever and Ague.—Parmc- lee's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be found 10 :preserve their powers fn any latitude, 111 fever and ague they eel upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has found' its way in- to the blood, They correct 1110 impuri- ties which find enira Ce into the sys- tem through drinking water or food and if used as a pl'evenlive fevers are avoided,.. Doctor --•"Madam, your 1ushimel must have absolute rest,' Madam --"Welt, doe - tor, he w'on't listen 10 me---". Doctor -"A very good begiteniltg, madam --a very good beginning." Children, 84,5 are Pile aI"l ipniedsh want aomd- thh,s that will Mako good gait blood; there 10 nothing to 1(4,11.1 ",:+orr0vim," for t1,1s Imrpo05. Mothers, bo 0(506 00 get a Dottie F1NOF.B 1'RUNT SYSTEM. "Do you believe in the theory of Wen - Lily by 1hunlh-nlorks?" asked the man in 1110 restaurant," "1 certainly do," replied the proprle• ler, "Well, will you pulse look at this pirde of soup and sco which one of your wailers brought it in, and tell hurt not 'l0 put his lingers in lay soup again?" A I3.A1) 5101 1T, "And 110w is yer this mornIn'? "Feel Lad, thank ye." "And pilw.lt3 the platter wid ye," "01 had such bad dhlenms lust night, that 1 couldn't sleep a wink." HAPPINESS. Byslondcn' rat a Ou•)—"\Who is that grinning lunatic dowing a jig In 11ri51 01 lba1 burning h1)115e?" Poliecuian --"110 ti the man who 01095 the furniture, and it is insured for near• ty its full value.' ANO'ITIER LEMON. "What kind of a pie Was 111at the lady gave you?" "1t must have been a lemon pie, 1 couldn't eat I1." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured 1n 30 minutes by Wei- fni`d's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls.. Sold by all druggists. The highest cultivated land in Eng- land Is said to be that mend the vil- lage of Allenheeds, 1n Northumberland, which Is 1,400 feet above the sea. Part of the prison farm on Dartmoor is at the same duration, and excellent root crops are grown. Just the Thing Thais. Wanted. -- A pill that. nets upon the tstOmach' and yet is so 00111<eunded that certain In- gredients of it preserve their power to nal upon the iutes1Snal canals, so ns. to clear them of excreta the retention. of which cannot but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profes- sion. 11 8005 1011114 in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, 0111011 are the result . t much expert study, and are scientili- colly prepared as a laxative and an al- terative in one. HAD NO KiCK COMING. "I hale work," said Languid Lewis. "I don't see why," rejoined humble. Harry. "les a safe bet dat work never done youse no harm:" TFIE REASOIN, "Mamma, why is the ocean so angry - looking?" "Because iL has been crossed so often, 'W'illie." FEMININE. Na girl would care to wed a thief, But ninny an honest miss Cares not to know the man who does Not even steal a kiss. Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby. Preve,•:.. colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest —cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium • or other injurious drugs. 42 CLIITS 25c.—at drug -stores. National nrng & Chem - Diarrhoea ical Co„ l invited Montreal, -. WILSON'S FLY PADS Ono packet has actually killed a bushel off Oleo. -- SOLD 57 — DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND MEM STORES tea. par packet, or 9 packets for 2bc. will last a whole treason. 'ol iSti.ves A Lot The starch that needn't be eookod„that won't otitis., that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-ef2ort„isn't that the starch you ought to have them use on your clothea? Buy it by name,. your dealer sells it. 201 011-._ . -. -.--• YOUR OVERGOATS 000 laded aul1 world look honor di)ed, rt n” 8906 or our, la your 1000, 0,110 lieu,! Llontr,al, 1102 16I DRITIOH AMESIOAOI. DYEING. 00. The Perfection Cow 'Tail Ftoldei4 (patented) insures comfort and cleanliness while mllking.' t will please you. Thousands sold, 50 mail, 160; two for 05c. Agents wanted, Price* right, Address, WM.I80X0N, Pluton, Ontario. DEFTER buy an L. C. 7IITF $& BROS. TYPE- WRITER now than be sorry afterwards. • Every useful device.In- buiit not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATR1 CATALOGUE 0REE. L. C. SMITE & EROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MACHINE. NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITED. SOLS DEALERS, 9 Jordan St., Toronto HALIFAX .N.. S. , MONTREAL. A . Q QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPAN Y LiM1TED. River and Gulf of SI, lawrenca Summar Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS... dampana,” with electrlo lights, eleotrio bells and all modern comforts... SAILS FROM MO;7TRS0AL ON MONDAYS at f pan., Srd and 17th 7unu 1st, 16th and 28th July, 12th and 16111 August, 8th and 2Srd September, and fortnightly thereafter for Piotmu,. 16.5., can- ing at Quebec, Gaspe, Dana Bay, Pam, Cape Cove, Grand 111lror, Sumnmrside, P.11.I,, and Charlet. tetewn,.P.E.'f. BER'.'UDA Summer Ezcursiors, 855, by the new Twin n Sailing 611 tens. Screw S5. "Harm udi7th 5,500 ng It an ','arid Slat Jul 4 h d and nth June, Srd, 17th Y. 16011 August,Oat lith and 25th September, 6th bor. and 261, Lure co 0th, nth and 27th Novara - . bar. Temperature cooled by sea breezed seldom r1os above 6o. degr0 The anent tripe of06. the season for health and t. f r coARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Agents, A.o E. OUTERBRIDGE &' CO., Agents, 20 Broadway, New York. SALE OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN ONTARIO, MANITOBA AND THE MARITIME PROVINCES. The Land Department of the Union Trust Company, Limited. has been appointed exclusive agent in Ontario, Manitohn, and the Maritime Provinces for the sole of the Canadian Pacific Irriga- tion. Colonization Company's irrigated lands in the West. ARE USATISFIED WHERE YOU ARE? If not., and you think of changing your location, you will matte a mistake if you do not investigate the opportunity for money -making offered in farming on irrigated land. SOME PEOPLE who have not gong into the merits and ad- vantages of lrrlgattoe, imagine that the farmer on an irrigated farm deserves sympathy. He doesn't. His irrigated land, in a country where conditions for plant growth are otherwise ideal, ensures him good crops. EVERY YEA1b. Owing io climatic con- ditions he never suffers the drawback of a wet season, and irri- gation prevents the possibility, of a dry season. Modern irrigation transforms farming from an uncertainty into a certainty. The average price of irrigated land in the Untied Stales is about three lines the price of non -irrigated lands, In Southern Alberta the difference is at present very slight, but as settlement proceeds these irrigation lands will increase very rapidly hr) value. A careful study of its advantages will convince any practical agriculturist that farming by means of irrigator is the most et - tractive proposition 'ever put upon the Canadian market. Ful] hnferm0lion; `prices and terms (which are very favorable) sent tree to any address en application to The Land Department Union Trust Co., Limited, 174 Bay St., Toronto