The Brussels Post, 1907-8-8, Page 1`dos. 36. No,
New Advertisements.
Extension to Kincardine,
Wood fur sale--Sitnun Grunt.
Unusually lade -F. R. Smith.
August bargains --A, Strachan.
Big bargains -Ferguson & Ross.
Full term -Elliott Business College.
Telephone 'Directory -Bell Tel, Co.
istrict gebn.
III la a vale.
Robt. King and family, of Goderieh,
are b'aiting friends io the village.
Mrs, Sanderson, of Toronto, and
her two sisters, are sojourning in the
former's cottage in the village.
The contractors are removing the
old bridge over the Maitland river
preparatory to placing abutments for
the new structure.
Mr, 'Pipe will soon have the cement
work of the new Presbyterian church
completed. The corner krone will be
laid on Tuesday, Aug. 13th, at six
o'clock by Robert Maxwell, after
which a grand Gardeu Party will be
held on the lawn of R. N. Duty, when
the Wingbum Citizens Band, Biuevale
I'reebyter'lan church choir, and the
Harmonica Band will render a good
program of music, and the following
speakers are expected to be present
and deliver addresses :-Rev, Geo.
Baker, Rev. John Burnett, B. A. and
Arch, Hislop, M. P. P„ Dr, Mac-
Donald, ex -M, P., T. Bowman, and
W. II. err, Tea will be served from
seven to nine o'oloek and other re-
freshments will be served during the
DIED ALONE. -G. N, Davis, an
old resident of Goderieh, was found
dead at his house Monday night be-
tween 10 and rt o'clock. His niece,
Miss Brophy, had been keeping house
for bim, bet took sick about a month
ago, and since then the old man had
been entirely alone, though be was
taken care of to some extent by
friends. When he was found be was
partly, uudressed and had fallen in
abeetp on the floor- of his room. Mr.
Davis was a native of Devonshire,
Eng,, and came to this country when
a young man of about twenty. He
settled first at Dundas, bat after spend.
iug a short time there bo carne to God-
erich to work for W. Story, who at
that time was running a foundry and
also a tinsinithing shop. A few years
later he went into partnership with
Mr. Story, and since his death con-
ducted the tinsrithing business alone
until a few years ago, when he was
obliged to give it up owing to ill
health. Mr. Davis was married to
it Miss Fiddler, a daughter of a form-
er'keeper of the lighthouse here, but
his wife stied many years ago. He
bad a daughter, who died a number
of years ago, and a sen, who is in
Winnipeg at present. Mr, Davis was
a member of the Masonic order, His
funeral took place Wednesday after-
noon to Maitland cemetery, conduct-
ed by Rev, M. Turnbull, rector ot
St. George's church, Mr. Davis was
During ilio month we off,.r Special Inducements on a
great many lines which we are desirous of clearing otlt be-
fore tite end of the season :-
-All beat quality English Prints now going et 11a per yard. _
-12eo to l6e-Ginghems now going at 11c.
-All Colored Drees Muslims from 1280 up to 40e, now going at -12e Inc
100 ; 15o for 12o ; 20a for 10o ; 25o for 19c ; 35c for 28a ; 40a
for 32o,
-White LawnShirtWaists nil down in price from $1.00 to 80o; 01.85
to $1,00 ; $2.00 to 01.60, leo.
--Only a few odd Silk Waists left to Blear at half price,
-Girls' and Boys' Sailor Hate sod Caps reduced from 26o to 19a and
from 50o to 880,
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
r'August Designers and Standard Patterns now to hand. A handsome
Fashion Sheet free to those calling for^them,
Alex. Strachan
exeuRs ION
Special Train, Time and Fares as Follows:
- LE,tVE Tine rare, Adults t:Ltitireat
PALMERSTON 7.15 a, m. 01.15 GOo.
GOWANSTOWN ........... .... 7.10 1.15. 80
LISTOWBL........ •.... ................. 7.45• 1.10 85
ATWOOD 8.00 1.05 55
EIENFRIEN 8.12 1,00 50
ETHEL 8.21 .95 50
BRUSSELS 8.80 ,85 45
B1YI VALE 8,54 ,80 40
\VINGEAl12 9.0 .70 35
Wnun 0HUR0fl 11.21 ,65 86
LTJC 151OW............ 8,8I .66 80
111PLEX , 10.03 .40 20
Aniline et leineardine at 1040
iieturning will leave Kincardine at 6.$Q p. ln.
Tiekete good for one day, ea eept frons Palmerston to Atwood, inch -
sive which are good to return following day.
Arrangements are being made for
Lawn Bowling, Foot Ball, Base Ball and
other Sports at Kincardine.
Iucgulbeet St, Jobu a Church, Supt. Melville b. S. Supt, 1vloteodlet S,$,
itt one time pretty web fixed financial-
ly, and at the time of his death was
the owner of the house he lived in
and where be formerly car-
ried on business, besides other prop-
erty. He was seventy-five years and
seven months of age, and had been a
resident of Goderieh for aver half a
century, S. Davis, of Clinton, is a
yoeuger brother.
Miss Lulu McDonald is visiting
friends in Blyth.
Dr, and hirs. Turnbull and family
are in the village visiting friends,
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr.
Ashton, Bothwell, will conduct the
service in the Methodist church here,
'1'he funeral of Mrs. Keffer, sr„ took
place to the cemetery here on Monday
'afternoon, Rev. Mr, McRae, couduct-
ing the service.
Athol Mc9uarrie is holidaying here
from Goderieh. He and his another
are away for a visit with relatives at
Hartford, Michigan.
A welcome visitor is Robert Steiss,
of Trout Luke, 13. C. It is several
years since Mr, Steiss went West.
He is a son of John V. Steiss, an old
and well known resident of this local-
Lead Re v.
The picnic at Bethel Saturday
afternoou was a great success.
Mrs. Morrison and Miss Susie' Dris-
coll arrived home last week from Lis-
Wm. J, Stafford and family are
holidaying with friends in the neigh-
Mrs, (Dr.) Waters, of Detroit, visit-
ed her sister, Mrs. T. J. MoGavin.
last week.
'Phis week Mrs. Morrison and
daughter, Maud, go to visit relatives
at Goderieh.
Miss Emma Hackwell has returned
home after a sojourn of some years in
Rochester, N. X.
Neil McEwen, who was visiting
here, has returned to visit in Hen -
sell and London.
Clayton White, is visiting at Sarnia
this week and Miss Cora White is
visiting at Stratford.
A number from here took advantage
of the cheap excursion to Guelph last
week on the C. P. R. line from Walton.
Mrs. W. M. Smith and daughter,
Alice. ot Toronto, are. visiting Mrs,
McEwen, Mrs. Smith is a sister to
Mrs. McEwen,
Miss E. J. McKibbott and her neice,
Miss Annabell Thomson, of Toronto,
visited with the former's sister, Mrs.
McEwen, last week.
Mrs, George Wilson and children;
of Park Rapids, Minn„ are visiting.
at "Woodland," the home of her
parents, F. and Mrs. McCune.
Bethel appointment Ladies' Aid
met at the home of Mrs. McEwen
last Thursday: There was a good
attendance and an enjoyable time
We are getting a new blacksmith
here. Ronert Munn takes possession
next week. The farmers in this vici•
nity have felt the loss of one for a few
months past. They will now have
a chauce of supporting and holding
one here again if they wish.
Alex. and Peter Gardiner made a
shipment of cattle to the Old Country
on Monday from Walton. Jas. Gardi-
ner accompanied them as far as Mont-
real. We hope, Jim won't get lost and
that the ret for the
a returns will
cattle t 11
compensatefor the venture r ,
Our nets school house is being push-
ed rappidiy forward and will be a fine
building when completed. It is neat
and handsome in appearanceand shows
the -section is keeping pace with this
age of advancement. The Trustees
intend having a grand entertainment
at its completion.
Four rinks of the Blyth Bowling
Club visited this place Saturday and
enjoyed a frietidly game with the
local club the resnit being as follows
Clinton Blyth
G. W. Barge Mason
IIJr, Harkbey M, Taggart
W. J. Stevenson Reid
W. Brydone J. McMurcliie
skip....., ........14 ship 9
J. L Courtiee D. B, McKinnon
T. Weiss McKellar
H. 13. Cotnbe T, Enngh,
E. A. Lappin S. Gidley
skip ., ..., ....26 skip,..,
W. J Bad ' skip...".
G. Powell
T, Hunter T. Everett
h. Holmes T. Anderson
J. Taylor A. W. Sloan
skip t4 skip,..,.. 13
A, Armstrong. Metcalf
J*huson JJ, McPherson
, Wiseman • J, Carter
. Coller
y 0, H. $nese
skip ,..a , 26 skip 13
Total So 40
Majority for Clinton 40 shote.
Pic -N10. --,The Jackson Maeufacter•
jng Company, of Clinton, employees
and their friends, to lite number of
poo held their first annual outing at
Spriugbank, London, Tuesday after,
point, The etttployees ail displayed
enthusiasm in the different . sports'
which were run off during the after:
boon and all left for home at 8.30 ex-
pressiug themselves as well pleased
with the outing. Thomas Jackson,
who had charge of the affair, 'stated
that everyone was so well pleased
with the grounds and surroundings at
Springbanlc that next year would see
twice the number present, One of the
most interesting features of the after-
noon Was a tug.of•war between young
ladies who are employed iu different
departments. Tho kniekee operators
were captained by Mies Mattie Jolns-
ton and the hand sewers by Mfas Katie
Baxter. The young ladies wore cheer -
ed as they tugged with all their
strength to out -pull theta oppunents
which resulted in a victory for Miss
Johnston's side, The baseball game
between the pressers and cutters caus-
ed a great deal of amuseieent, as the
various players endeavored to imitate
the work of "real stars." The teams
were captained by the Colyer twin
brothers. The pressers won after a
hard fought battle, the snore standing
6 to 5, M. McLeod officiated as um-
pire, The following Is a list of sports :
Running race coo yards -Geo, 'Prow -
hill, 1 ; A, Couiff, 5. Smoking race
5o yards -W. Johnston, 1 ; Geo, Trow -
hill, 2, Tandem trice boy and girl -
Colyer and Id. Osborne, 1 ; Wilkins
and P. Danford, 2. Girls race-AIIie
Stoi'maa, 1 ; Stella Perdue, 2. Run -
ding jump --Geo. 'I rowhill, r ; A.
Coulff, 2 (no records broken.) Boot
and shoe race (girls) -M. Watts, t ;
M. Livermore, 2,
Jas. Longmire is in a critical condi-
tion at present from typhoid fever and
Mrs. Robert May is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Stewart in Sebringville
this week.
Mrs. John Cuthbertson, who has
been so ill with typhoid fever. is pro-
gressing favorably,
On account of of the rain Monday
the union Sunday School picnic had
to be postponed until Monday, August
Rev. H. P. Westgate left for his
home at Watford Tuesday morning to
spend a couple of weeks with his
Death claimed its first victim from
typhoid fever on Friday morning last.
in the person of Mrs. David 'Thorn.
dyke. For the pest three weeks little
hope was entertained for her recovery.
Although alt was done that medical
skill and good nursing could do, it was
of no avail. Sbe was a member of the
Methodist Church and will be missed
by a large circle of friends. The
sympathy of the whole community is
extended to Mr. Thnrudyke in his sore
affliction. The funeral to Elma Centre
cemetery on Sunday afternoon was
largely attended. Rev, Mr. Bond con-
ducted the services at' the house and
vie- .
The root crop requires more rain,
Miss Sara Buttrey spent Sunday
with Miss Mary McDonald, Ethel.
John Livingston, of Detroit, is here
for a Holiday with relatives and friends.
Ed, and Mrs, Ward, ot Brantford,
were visitors at Wm. Buttery's 11th
Wilson Evans lost a good horse on
Sunday, paralysis being. the cause of
A week from next Monday will see
the school house doors open for the
Fall term.
Next Sabbath evening Rev, D: B,
McRae will conduct services at
Bethel church.
Union was well represented at Ethel
on Sunday and was delighted with
Rev. J. Henderson's discourse.
Mrs. J Morrisou, of Stratford, and
Mrs. J. Struthers, of Atwood, spent
Monday with their neice, Mrs, L.
Addie, I -4th con, Grey.
Mrs. Joan Hamilton, of Guelph, and
Miss Nellie, of Atwood, spent Wednes.
day of last week with their friend,
Mrs. L. Addie, loth con.
Councillor Brown has been laid
aside fronto k
w r owing to a carbuncle
on bis left wrist. He and Mrs. Brown
were visiting friends in Seaforth and
The annual Sabbath School Ex-
cursion to Kincardine will be run on
the W. G. & B. on Friday of next
week by special train; Time table
may be read in this issue,
Mrs. D. K. Livingstone and Miss
Marie, are away et North Bay visiting
the former's sister, Mrs. Wm, Milne,
formerly of Ethel. Tbey are enjoying
an outing at Pine Grove Cottage, on
Pine Island. tee
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
Wm. O. Bray, rsth eon., is not en-
joying very robust health and ,her con-
dition is a cause of anxiety to her
numerous friends, We hope a change
for the better will soon come.
Next Monday evening a Foot Ball
match will be played in Brussels for
the championship of Ontario between
Stamford (near Niagara Fails) and
Brussels. It will be a hustling game.
Ball will be facedat6,30 o'clock.
STEEL. RBMOvEu.-The piece ot steep
lodged in Jno. Oliver's eye recently
was removed by the use of a powerful
magnet at the hospital at Toronto.
He is back to his home batt will not be
able to use the injured optic fora
A cbange has been made in the pro-
prietorship of the Moncrieff blacksmith
shop. Robert Munn has moved to
Goderich where he will be employed
(11 a foundry. His, place here is taken
by 0, Armstrong, of Molesworth, He
Woa lf, likely voting man and should do
Sunday Lorenz* Bray, second soli of
William O, and Eliza Jane Bray,
rdth con,, died of tuberculosis of the
lungs at the early age of 21 years, 2
mouths and to days, He had been.
in failing health for the past year and
hie demise was anticipated.
Me," es es he was familiarly calle'i, was
a bright young roan who had a wide
circle of friends both old and young
who regret his decease. The, '(liberal
took place on Wednesday afternoon
to Brussels cemetery, Widespread
sympathy is expressed for the bereaved
family, Rev. Mr. Henderson, of
Ethel, conducted an appropriate Ser-
vice at the home and cemetery, The
pallbearers were Masers. Speiran,
Palmer, McPherson; Campbell, Ward
end Renwick,
W, H. KERR, Prop'
John Bray, of Hamilton, a brother
to Wrp. P, Bray, 16th con., was .here
attending the funeral of the latter's
son on Wednesday. Wm. Palmer and
wife, of Parry Sound, were also here
on the same sad mission
"Live to Purpose" was the topic of
an instructive lecture in Roe's church
last 'Tuesday evening by Rev. Mr,
Coburn, of Toronto, The reverend
gentleman has been blind for many
Years, Thursday evening be lectures
at Union on "Our Homes, National
Social, Domestic and Heavenly."
F. C. Fraser has been engaged as
teacher for 5. S. No. 4, Grey. and will
commence his duties on October 1st,
Fred, Bryans, the present teacher, will
take up the study of Medicine .at To-
ronto. We wish him success.
Owing to the resignation of A. F.
McDouald, as teacher of the school
t} miles West of Jamestown, on ac-
count of having too much work at
the store, trustees have engaged Miss
Belle Henderson; of Brussels, for
the balance of the year, Mr. Mc-
Donald was a good teacher and while
sorry to part with hint we welcome
Miss Henderson. She taught tor the
past term in one of the departments in
Brussels School.
ANNIVERSARY. -'rhe anniversary en-
tertainment in eoauectiou with Vic-
toria Hall will be held on Tuesday
evening, August loth, when a first-
class program will be presented. In
addition to wefl known local talent
the Committee has been fortunate In
securing the well known vocal humor-
ist, 'fames Fax, of Toronto. The
chair will be taken by W. H. Kerr,
of Brussels. There's always a great
crowd at these anniversaries. Be
sure and attend and enjoy a good
laugh. It will do you good.
Into rrite.
Cut the weeds.
Rural schools will open on Monday,
19th inst.
Council met last Monday. There
were no appeals against the Cole
George Manning is home from Man-
itoba and is assisting his brother Herb,
on the farm in harvesting their crop.
Mrs, James Duncan, 411 Line, bas
been under the doctor's care during
the past week but we hope she will
soon be all right,
Postmaster Watson, of Sunsbine,
has not been very well and took a trip
to Kincardine to recruit. He was
away for three days. We hope he will
soon be 0. Is.
Mrs. Jas. Petch, of Deloraine, Man„
itas been renewing old friendships in
Morris and locality. We would offer
no objection if she and Mr. Petah once
more became residents.
Miss Maude Bryans and Mrs. Jos
Ames and Miss Lyla arrived home last
week after an enjoyable visit with their
grandparents and other friends at Port
Rowan and Port Burwell,
Championship foot ball match in
Brussels next Monday evening, com-
mencing at 6,30 o'clock. Stamford
(near Niagara Falls) and Brussels will
be,the opposing teams.
The annual Sabbath School Excur-
sion to l:(incardiue will be run on
Friday of next week. It starts at
Palmerston and calls at all the stations
along the line. See time table in ad-
vertisement in another column.
Last week James Hall.6th
had the misfortune t
o have a leg
broken by a kick from a colt in the
stable. It is a very busy time to be
laid up just now, We hope he may
be speedily restored to his costentary
M titarsn.-Wednesday of. -.this week
Rev. D. Rogers tied the matrimonial
knot at the Seafortll Methodist Parson-
age between Henry McArter and Miss
Margaret J, White, both of Morris.
May their Joys be many and their
troubles few,
COMFORTABLE house and lot for sale
at Ethel station. Possession could be
given on Oct, Ist. For further par-
ticulars as to price, terms, &o. apply
on the premises to MRs. HAntIL'roe.
Wednesday evening Rev. Mr,
Coburn, of Poronto, delivered an in-
teresting and instructive Lecture in
the Methodist church on the topic
"From Childhood to Manhood with-
out sight." Many facts were stated
that were a surprise to many in the
ENTERED INTO REST. -There pissed
away last Saturday an old and worthy
resident of this locality iu the person
of Margaret Oster, relict of the late
Jacob Keller, at the advanced age of
over 85 years, She was born in the
township of Vaughan in 1826 and was
united in marriage to Mr, Keefer in
1846. He died in June 1904, They
moved to lot 16, con. 7, Grey, in 1868
where they Continuously resided un.
tit called to tilt Better Land. Their
tarnily consisted of 2 sons, vis: -
Peter, who died in March 1906 and
Aaron On the homestead East of
Ethel, In religion Mrs. Keller wee a
Lutheran. Site was the youngest of.
a family of rs children and WAS of U,
E. Loyalist stock, coming to Canada
from Virginia, U. S. Tho funeral
took place to Craubrook cemetery
on ivionclay afternoon, the service
being ie charge of Rev, D. B, Mc-
Rae, of Cranbroolt, Interment was
made alongside her hnsbaud in Crau-
brook cemetery. The pallbearers
were ;-3; Oster, J. Yoe, A. Rayntann,.
A. Lamont, Win, Hall and J. Sellars,
Among friends front a distance were
Isaac Keifer, of Tborudale ; Wm.
Oster and Miss Rose McDougall,
of Toronto ; J. and Mrs, Sellars, of
Bluevale. Deeeasett Was only ill a
very short time, She was a first-
class neighbor, a good wife and kind
Sunday Schou) Excursion to KlnCar-
dine Friday of next week. A special
train will be rim. See time table in
another column,
UNDEaraxrau.--Prompt and care-
ful attention givou to all orders for
Undertakiug. Our telephone No. is
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming fat
which we bald diplomas.
LEA'I'ttEaxAlas & SuN,
"What think ye of Christ 7" was
the text cbosen by the pastor last
Sabbath morning at the Quarterly.
comntuuion service here from which
be preached a good sermon. Rev,
Mr, Coburn, the blind preacher, from
Toronto, gave a stirring discourse in
the evening from the words "Thy
Kingdom Come."
Frank Klyne and wife, of Stratford,
paid a flying visit to R, Ryan's this
Mr. Reid anti daughter, of Toronto,
were visitors at Jas. Murray's this
A made up foot ball team from here
played a game in Brussels on Monday
Miss E. McKibben, of Toronto, is
renewing acquaintances in this viein.
ity at present.
Miss Carrie Berry has returned home
after a sojourn of over a year in Man
itoba. We welcome her back.
Neil McEwen, formerly a resident
stere, but now of North Dakota, Judd
a short visit to friends iu this vicinity
A. Gardiner and son Peter each
shipped a cur Load of export cattle
from Walton last Monday. They were
booked for Glasgow.
The annual Sunday School Excur-
sion to Kincardine takes place Friday
of next week on the W. G. & B. A
special train will be run.
Foot Ball match in Brussels Mon-
day evening between Stamford anti
Brussels for the Ontario champion-
ship. Both teams are great ball play-
Nelson Moore, of Guelph, was visit-
ing his brother, Jonathan Moore, last
week, Mr. Moore disposed of bis
home to Henry Clark last Saturday,
The former had a sale disposing of
household effects etc, and leaves
Thursday of this week for Guelph
where he will make hishome for some
time. Mr. Moore will be greatly
missed here for be has been a resi-
dent in this locality for over 5o years.
We wish him well.
rox ter.
Mrs. A. Stewart, of .Brussels, visited
in the village last week,
Dr. J. P. Mitchell is -spending a
pert of this week in Toronto.
Mrs. White, of North Dakota. is the
guest of her son. Neil White.
Mrs. S. Campbell, of Listowel. is
visiting under the parental roof.
Mrs. Elliott, of Wingham, visited
last week with Mrs. Geo., Harris.
Rev. W. 5, Ashton, of Bothtvell,
called on friends here on Monday,
Mrs. O. Smith left on and
for a
month's visit at Galt and Hatniltou.
Geo. Ross, of Brussels, renewed
acgnaintanees in the village last week.
Mrs. McKenzie, of Milestone, Sask.,
is visiting g her sister, Mrs, D.
Miss Effie Powell left on Tuesday,
morning for a trip to Sault Ste. Marie,
Miss May Davidson is the guest of
Miss E, Henry at her home in White-
J. Adams last week commenced the
brick work on John Hamilton's new
Wallace Leckie, of Micbigae, is the
guest of his mother, Mrs, Jno. Leckie,
of Howlett.,
Dr. Agnew and Miss Agnew of
Wingham, were visitors in the village
on Friday.
Rev. Mr. Radford, of Bellmore, con-
ducts services in the Presbyterian
church next Sunday afternoon,
John Earner bad his bend badly cut
while employed in the planing mill
last Saturday.
Miss Flemming and Jos. Flemming
of Toronto, are guests of their sister,
Airs. W. H. Carr.
Miss Mary Howe returned front
Brussels ou Friday where.sha has been
enjoying a few holidays,
Miss Jean Davidson returned to
Wingham on Thursday after spending
two weeks at her home here.
Miss Milly Harris has been on the
sick list for the past two weeks, We
hope she will soon be convaleseeet,
Rev, W. Hartley, of Blyth, assisted
Rey. T. H. Farr in the service in the
Episcopal church on Sunday after -
A DANDY. --The picnic under the
auspices of the Foresters', Masonic,
and Odd Fellows' societies, held in:
Steele's grove was the prineipal at-
attraction on Friday last, Wroxeter's
civic holiday. There was a very large
gathering Of villagers and their friends
from the surrounding country, sad all
seemed to enjoy themselves. There
were a number et' races which were
iuterestiug beingvery keenly context•
ed, For the benefit of the children
1Vir; Putland's "Ocean Wave" WAS on
the grounds and needless to say it was
well patronized and proved to be a
greet source of pleasure, After tea alt.
exalting game of, base -ball was played
between the tttarried andsingle men
which resulted in a victory for the
single men, The score standing 83-7
in their favor, J. R, Gibson was
empire and the players were :-Mar-
ried, 7110. Dottglas, Jas, Baltautyue,
Geo. Allan. 0, F. Edwards, Jas, Ai-
lan, 1 , B, Harris, W, Sanderson and
The. Edgar, Single, m. Flown. R.
Hantiitou, II. Brawn, i. R, Wendt, A,
Rae, W Sanderson, W. McLean,
Edgar, In rases und•jemping formen
the must of the prizes went to Geo,
Rees awl Jas, 5ttiu:han, of .Brussels,
and Altars i.tte, Thos. R. Bennett and
Welds Miller, of Wroxeter, The
prizes were large sized useful pen
knives. ':[`here were also races' for
married women, young women anti
girls the prizes being, pins, lockets &c.
Brussels Cou.noil.'
The regular meeting of Brussels Ooun.
oil was held on Monday evening, A1t,
the mambere present except Reeve Leckie
who Is in the Weston a visit,
On motion of Oounaillote Banker and
Ballantyne R. Orebam was voted to the
Mingtee ot last meeting read and
Tite following somata were presented
R. Oliver, salary... $83 93
W. H, Kerr, on printing 15 00
Waterloo lWutnat Innuendo
37 00.;
N. MoOsaley, gravel..........,80 00
Jas, Fox, aoaount 4 50
Moved by Jae. Bellantyue, seconded by
S. T. Plum that the above amounts be
paid. 'Carried,
A. petition representing over 50 grate•
ler the
appere was ointment ofrF Friday August 10th its
ep y g
Civic Holiday. This was parried on
motion of Messrs. Ballantyne and Baker.
Lettter was read from Itir. Cross, of
England, objecting to the distribatiou of
the $25.00 be had sent to pay expenses of
his son's funeral
Attention was called to the condition
of the temporary foot bridge. It was
moved by Jai, Buliautyne, seoonded`by
A. Beaker that notices be posted at
foot bridge warning the pablio that they
use the structure at their own risk.
Coaoeillor Ballantyne asked about a
Bread By -Lew permitting a 18 pound
loaf instead of the present 2 lb. loaf, the
former to sell at5oente.
The scale returns for July were 824,85.
The question of 'erecting a skating
rink in Brussels was introdnoed by It.
Graham and the matter of possible
exemption to any one who wouldunder-
take to build one diseossed,
The Clerk was inatenoted to procure
copies of Bread Bylaws from neighbor.
iug towns when the matter would come
up for consideration. Connell edjonru.
To the EditorofTan Poste :
Duan EDItort,-There is an article in
Iaat week's Pose again,name not given,
bat pen name 'Liberal' instead, this
time aimed at your Minable oerrespond.
ant end apparently intended for others.
Mr. Liberal makes a start by tailing the
readers of Ten Pose that be got a hint
from the Editor that he can take oars or
bioteelf and baoke it up by saying that is
right. Now I say right here that any
person who oan claim and boast of
the ability to compete with all comers
should not be ashamed to sign Me name.
Next he says "Bulger is much annoyed
that I did not give my name that hs
could indulge its psrsonalitiee about me
as he did with yon:' Instead of answer-
ing my aaaneattoile, He he tries to create
eympatby for Mr. Kett and tries to make
bim believe that I need abusive person-
slitiee to him, when I did nothing of the
kind. What I did ae is
y that I am set -
prised thaet
tea her of tbe Gospel and
editor and proprietor would allow the
columns of his paper to be emirobed by
each mad slinging, I will leave that for -
the readers of Tim Pose to decide. Be
says I went hie name so that I oan lire
personalities at him. Is not that a very
tame excess for biding bis name l No,
Mr. Liberal, I don't want in the public)
print to, lire any kind of personalities at
you or any other person, either Grit or
Tory, for I claim that both parties bave
a right to their political opinions but
what I am after is the abusive articles iu
TSB Posr. I bays no right or reason 10
answer his sensations for wheat the
maker is ashamed to put his name ou the
maoufaobured article it is generally eon.
sidered nob genuine. Dr. Ohisbolm ap.
parently thinks them beneath his notion.
Next Mr. Liberal says the "difference
between as is that be writes to see his
hems iu print and I don't," that is not
very mnob difference 'for be writes for
Dr. Chisholm, for assure as hie name is
sot Liberal he is working for bim, lie
gave tate Dr, a good lift in the last elect.
time In bbe next place be comes out
With a plea of Belt eefeuoe and gives us
bis belief in disowning pablio questions.
Ie it not an iusnit to the intelligence of
the people to have a self appointed tenon•
er loom up to teaob them politics when
nearly all can read and have papers to
read, Next he sttye "As a rule there ie
little of a serious oharsoter in
What he
writer." 115 is right there for I never in.
Bulge in the serious praotioe of writing to
abuse et belittle nay fellow being to start
a paper war. What does Mr. Liberal
generally 'write on 7 Weil gonerelty the
old song, time and again, composed of
politica and. Tory ahnse, Again Liberal
says of me that I said "about election
times- the readers of. Tan Pose were
treated -to hot stuff" which he dose oat
know the meaning of or neither do I. I
said we were treated to abominable sluff
and it came out "hob sbutI" If it had
been changed to rot stuff the meaning
would be plainer. Now wo acme to that
fake story when at that Oonaervative
meeting in Brtieiale ill buns when he
Saye the Dr, told of a young member of
Parliament who had it jag on at the
Ring 'award in 'Trento, giving no
name, Meth you, but giving an Impros.
tion, Now that improation must have
been worked and twisted trout one to
Another until ae he nye it looked like
Blalop. What stuff for the readers of
Tee POST. It reminds me of the man
who seed he saw the man who saw the
man w110 thought he east the devil.
JAMES Bowen.
Mario, Aug; Mb, 1007,