The Brussels Post, 1907-8-1, Page 8er-4990=ff40- Cape Kay See telt for Bathing purr purposee — Large Box 20e. isutor,,„ A Be/rolling Sem, mer Diedloina fervesoenit phate of Soda, 23e ' h it box or in bulk at to Town be pot oe. e Will find us lleadquarters for Souvenirs and Novelties, just the thing for remembrances, [Many pieces and various Decorations in Ehret Wood Burnt Leather • Burnt Leather Cards Sonvenir Plaques of Brussels The Latest Picture Post Cards • 10 Different View Cards of Brussels WE AL.S0 HAVE High Grade Writing Paper and Envelopes. Paper Covered Books for Summer Beading. The Popular Magazines. is/ ft DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. NO HIGH PRICES S IT CRAW/ TRUNK RAILWAY. 800103118 611388108 W. 0, & 6, Treble leave Brusele Stetion, North and South, as follows Sown Soma Soma lionmar. tail 7:03 ii..m I Express 10:05 a= Express 11:63 u.m 1 Meal .. . .. .......1:41 Bout Express 102 p.m 1 Expreee 8:61 part roral, reirm A alaiel'a amang ye fakir' notes, .An' faith he'll prent i. Areas; (Jenson, meeting next Monday even• lug. Scnoor. Board will meet Friday even- ing of next week. Tam POST Telephone is No. 20. Cell as Op when you have au item of newe. MannIEIL—In Listowel, on July 18th, Thomas Air:day, a former well known 13r0eaelit8, 10118 united in marriage to Mita Mary Park, Rev. J. W. Menti performed the ceremony. We wish them many happy yeare. 83711611, people have complained lo referenue to the profane and obseene lan• gnaws used by some of the v oaths on Vtotoria Park while engaged in playing ball. A list of names may he handed to the Reeve as a warning to others. A. entree from James Ireland, of Denphin, Man., Bays :—We are having wet weather but the oropa are doing very well. We are both well acd our town is growing very fast. We get THE P081 regularly and always enjoy reading it. Duo In TED WEE31.—On Xnly 1203, :Sortie May, eldest daughter of John Danboro, formerly of Brussels, passed teeny at tier father's home, Defiler', Manitoba, aged 23 years. She had been poorly for several months Buffering from e, bad cold which developed into pear- ly. Deoeased wag b„,ra in Brussele. The bereaved are sharers in the sym- pathy of many old friends. PAT IN ADvAUCE —With a view of quer ing off sebsoription arrears to TEE PoeT and establisbing a pay in advance rale a large numbee el names are handed to the Canadian Publishers,' Collecting Agency who make a, specialty of attending to that important department of newepaper work. With the inereaeed east of mater. 68?, wages, poetage, &0, the margin cm cam try weekly 60001.00 per year is prao• Orally Wiped oat and unities payment can be enured in advaeoe the outlook ie not very comforting. Kindly give us your help in this matter by a ready response to the notifioation you will receive. The mount to the individual enbsoriber is apparently trilling bet in the aggregate 018308 hundreds 06 :1011318 to Tan P08; money we moat have. CuT Tire Wartne.--Here's the law in referenee to it :—.It than be the duty of every owner or oaattpant of fends in a munieipality to cat down end destroy or mese to he out down and deetroyed, at the proper time to prevent the ripening of their ;seed, all the 0011008 weeds growing on any highway &dinning such land, not being a toll road, from the boundary of 82011 land to the centre line 01 80011 thed, and in aaee of default after notioe from the inspector or overseers of highways, or where no inspeot or 01 00818881 is ap. pointed from the clerk of the municipal ity, 1b80000811 of snob nannicipality may do the work, and may add the most them of to the these agaiuet the teed in the oelleetor's roll and °Omit such wet in the same manner as other taxes,"—R. B. o 1004, Chap 27, Beo, 2 Vase= Fnoet NEI, ZEILAND.—Wm, Ray,8 native of Auokland provinoe, New Zealand was here Ilia week the gum of hie cousin, Pare. W. H. Ear; en route to the North Weak where be may make settlement. Mr. Ray's father paid a vieit to the Wed last year and on hie return home he so impressed bie 9011 with the possibilities of the country Chet the 70669 01311 has come over to see the 'minty for himself, Hie home ie in the Northern Provinoe of New Zialand, and he Bays there la too much re /attire there to suit hie teeth. Mr, Rey thinks be will like the North West et least be knows he would like Ontario from the Sample he hes seen of it. In company witla three other young men they sailed from Auekland, transferred • at Sydney, Aastraba, 1200 milee from home, to the mail ethernet, and enjoyed the somewhat tedform voyage to England, passing throngh the Indian Oaten, the Red S.a, Suez oartar, Mediterranean sea, &o. They Galled at Port Said, Naples, Gibraltar and other 'pinta of interest, the trip taking seven weeke. A remble 0788 1181108 (Armagh England, Ireland and Sootland before they boarded an Allan liner at Glasgow for Montreel. Mr, ley woe horn in New ,titland and is well acquainted with its hietory. both past And present, and Is well qualified 10 give information on newsy items o/ intermit 1(1 menneetian with that part of Kltig Edward's domalu, tno father, who is tt brother to Mre, J. it. Got, of Winnipeg, Wag a one time teeitittet of Ontario going to New Zealand 4/ Yeare ago. The Wittee eetteen ie orr no in that land but they 11107e WO 8110W and very little trod, There is no ebortage 01 rain however their Winters, 41, .•011111=WIMISIMPIE.1110.bliolip1114,6111 Messes. Jam= & Baezatart shipped 4 decks of hogs to Collingwood during the pad week. CADD or THANES.—We desire to reaord our beet 11680668 60 the many kind.friends, who by word and deed, did 80 much to help as in the hour of affliotion and bereavemeut. It was kindness never to be forgotten and which we throat will brink rich rewerds. 8118. Josura A., 0011211 RELATITES. Extrouvrinee Seem—The estate of John Cuming sr. lot 22, eon, 13, Hallett, eon. 1010609 100 mane, with good buildings end oonvenienees end in a line locality, will be offered 606 8886, by public areetiom on Wedneeday Aag. 7th, at 2 o'clock, at Brown's Hotel, Loudesboro'. Edmund Lear, of Blyth, is Executor, and W. Brydone, Clinton, Solicitor. Home Enom A Tare.—Loot Friday Samuel Carter, Mre, Garter and dire 1171118 arrived home from an enjoyeble trip of two months in the West. They visited at Winnipeg, Brapdon, Defeat', Carlyle, Oxbow, Hartraey and other places. Mr. Carter reporte that the aver- age yield of wheat is expected to be from 8 60 30 bushels 781 10018 where he wae. (trope are et least three weeks late. Jtio. Denbow has done well. He has 1,100 80688 01 land with 570 under orop, with 70 head of oattle and 28 horses. Among former Brusselites aeon were Jno., William and Robert Deubow, Robt. Willatnson, and Jno. Hill. Ten following is a list of Fell Faire— Toronto Aug, 26 Sept. 7 Sept. 4-5 Sept, 6-14 Sept. 16-17 Sept. 19-20 Sept. 19-20 Sept. ' 28-24 Sept. 28-24 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 25-26-27 Sept. 26-27 Sept. 30—Oot. 1 Oot. 1-2 Oat. 1-2 Oot. 2-8 Oot. 3-4 Lestowel London Exeter Walkerton &Worth Blyth Mildtmay Ripley Goderiob Wiugharn Luoltnow Atwood Teeswater Tiverton Brussels S. 0. 8, OELEBDATioN.—ProgramMee and posters have been Mooed for the Sons of SoOtland big demonstration in Seefortb, oa Friday August 161h. The 'Torts programme is a good one while the programme of the 48th Highlanders bend for the evening coneert is alone well worth a vielt In Seaford). This femora hand will supply mesio during the entire day. Already a nnmber of enquiries hove been received from the leading athletes and indications 7618.11 10 a very large entry list in each event. The Committee have 0,16000388. for single fere rates on the railways, good for afternoon traine on Thursday, valid to return any train Satarday. This is sure to attract a large mow& Note the date— Friday, August 16, In addition to the many events, already on the program the committee bave decided to give nn additional foot race of 200 yarde, to be oompeted for by femora of the oonnty of Huron or Perth only and for which liberoJ prizes will be offered. In New Hanna. —Tbis week the Gen. tral Hotel paused from the hands of George Brown, who has bean proprietor for a panther of yeate, to Wm. Emigh, of Blyth, who will have Gordon Blo Donald, of Walton, aesociated with hina. They took posseeeion on Wednesday. W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, was here am. Meting in the valuation of the furniture, deo. Mr. Etnigh has had a wide ex perienee in catering to the public, and will no doubt keep the ()antral tip to the exoellent name it has earned in providing for the entertainment of its patrone, 31te, Etnigh and family have arrived from Blyth and will we hope aoon feel at 110608 in Brussels, They 81100137 018 acquainted with a goodly number in this locality. Mr. Brown and family, have moved to the oom fortable brier residence recently par. chased from D. Lowry, on Queen street. Mr. Brown may take a holiday trip to the West. D Flummox Elomm—The Stratford Beftoou, of July 29111, speaks of 61 former Brusselite esfollows 1—Du0oan Ferguson returned from his European trip 013 Saturday, having 08018 719 Montreal on the 'Vitginian. Two of his fellow voyagers; were Mrs. 3. P. klabee and Mies Mabee, of Torouto, who had enjoy. ed a delightful visit abroad, Mr. Forge. son reports manufacturing exeeedingly brink in Great Britain, indeed so briek that It is diffioult to get ordere fined at present high p11088. This particularly applies 00 silk, linen and Woollen goode. The spinnere 818 espertially busy and, different from former years, have thinge pretty mutda their own way in getting prises, the weavers having to take the Irate at meet, 8160118.1 aotivity is being displayed in France and Gerenany, but not to the same degree as in England. The weather in 611 01 Northern Europe has been unusually cold and wet. "The week I arrived, Jnly 1803," Mr, Ferguson said, "there bad only been 22 hoare of aunshine, and the time canditione um. tinned for come days longer " Yet not. Withalandinti, the prosperone English. Man 1988 enjoying hinceeff in bie motOr ear as nem before, Iletrybody whose briefness awarded to anythIng'eeetined to have SU 800o, "Probably," tentearked Mr. Vergneet; "it 130,8 the desire to peseeee a 010006 Car that abootinto tor thb • Capital Paid Up $1,000,000,00 etro litan s' .Bartic RuesnedrviveidFeudnpdroafintds $1,183,713,23 Every Department of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and Absolute Security. Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited. W1100011•0111,1111.111001.00111 Savings Department $1.00 or more opens an account. Interest allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal, BRUSSELS BRANC W. J, FAWCETT, Manager • lawman. ..v.arovara• `91119610012.111,11:616100 renewed energy put into manufaothring lansinees, If so, the auto has perform. ed a good minion." Mr. Ferguson re- turned in the beet of health and spirite. 7 10 0-200 the mike of keeping their muscle up and perheps picking op a few of the latest pointer& on the game Brae. seta Intermediate, Foot Ball ahampions invited the Senior Scots, of Guelph, to pay them a visit feet Friday and have an exhibition game on Victoria Park, The visiture came up on the afternoon train but whether they were the Saoto or not we don't know but we would hope not, The game was began about 6.80 o'olook but it was demonstrated in a fees minutes that oar lade bad the rems In their own hands. Time after time the ball was panted between the stakes and so frequently did this osour that when the matob was aonolnded the soore stood 7 to 0 in favor of Brassele, Li might wily have been doubled as a good share of the last half time wae epent in putting up a "jolly', on Guelph. Duncan Me- Lam:than, of St. Catharines, was the Referee and his decisions were received with favor by both teems. The expecta- tion was for a good elm genie and snob woe desired by oar players but it wee too one Bided to be intereeting. Comm A.WAT,—Tiae people of thie oommunity could hardly believe the sad 168178 00 Tuesday morning of the demise of Joseph A. Osler,, as many had not even heard of hie illness. He Went 10 Landoll Tuesday of last week and was energetically pushing hie work in the stale of awnings lam tame home the tame evening feeling real poorly. Medical aid was summoned and it was thought be was doing very well when he took a bad turn and died 80 1,80 Tuesday morning. Appendicitis and a weak heart were the Mee of hie demise. He wee the eldest eon of Joseph Oster, Dth con., Grey township, where be spent his boyhood, and was in his 84th year. Deceased 17680 married nearly 8 years ago to Miss Rachel Jacques, of Sowiok, who with a little girl 2 years 06(3 80131088. Mr. Oster bad resided in Brussels nearly 4 years and wae well and favorably known He had been eogaged in the photo brieiusee for the petit 9 years. The faneral takes place Thursday afternoon of thie week at 2 30 o'olook, interment being made in Bruesels oemetery. The bereaved will be deeply sympathised with in their sorrow. The subjeet of thio notice Ina aol intelligent busineemlike young man who hail a wide circle of friends and aectuaintanoee who will 8600810y regret to hear of his deoease. Floral tributes were received as follows : —Pillow, from family ; R. Graham, a wreath ; Dire, Hunter and Myrtle, a spray ; W. and Mrs. Henry and bliss Hoary a spray ; Mre. Friendship, a pillow ; Miss Mand Quarrin, a spray; Misses Heys, a bo quilt ; Geo. and Mrs. Robb, spray ; Mrs, W. Martin, baguet; A, and Mrs. Semen, baguet ; Mrs. Thole Maxwell, hoqeet ; Mr. and Mrs. Hull, of Watford, a boquet, People We Talk About. kiln Ida Fulton Sondayed in Wing. ham. W. H. Stewart ie visiting at his home here. Mr. Berry le home Irom a trip to the WLeef3stlie Lowry is holidigIng at Seaforth with friends. I. 0. and Mrs. Riohards spent a few days at Bayfield. A. J. Lowiok, ot Fordwiola, wao in town on Tuesday. George and Petra, Robb were at Lie - towel on Wednesday. Min Carrie Edwards is holidaying iii Berlin and Stratford. Mrs. John Thomeoo wae renewing old friendships at Seaforth. Miners Ellie abd Mary Smith are vieit. ing friends at Wrexeter. Mies Barber, of Toronto, ie visiting her Ildra. George Birt. Mice Orme, Gerry ie in Toronto visit- ing with relatives and friends, Mies Margaret Ament 18 vieiting 10 Wingham Red Rineardine. tars. George fdelimaid, of Bluevale, wag visiting Mre. (Dr.) Toole, Mies Carrie McCracken is beak from a holiday at Olinton mad 1)03 111161, Mrs. Wateon A.inety is visiting her daughter, Mrs. MoIntosh, MoKillop Miss Mabel Thompson is vioiting Mende at Shakespeare, Greaten and London, Min Mary Howe! of Wroxeter, is spending a few days in town with old friends. Miss Stewart and little neire are boll - day on 11111 1611 oon. of Grey With old friends, Station agent Bendy ie making levet. able improvement but is still confined to the hones, Mr. Meredith, wife and children, of Toronto, were visitors at the borne of Mr, Pryne, Mimi Kate Willianneon, who hes boon visitieg May Birt has retuned to her home in Wingbam, J. IL Rovrland, irian8961 of the Stan. (lard Beek here, takes a well 981080 ,6100,. tion for a few weeks. Charlie Hingston 13111 18878 • shortly to thlie a position as barber 686 Manitoba, Hugh Utiob hos ermined the clothe of junior in W. E. baneful's tonsorial par. tor here. le. F. and Mem rreerorin, of Bthel, were sailing on old friends in Brneeele on Wednesday, They 17360 00 the home, Streteh after an enjoyable tattling with relativea and old tiiiinde,• tire. Hannah IfoRenzie and Mies illation, of Guelph, have been renewing old friendehips In this locality. Mies Bertha and .A.11th0r Dowding have returned to their borne in Toronto after enjoying a month with friends in Brae. sale W. E. and Mre. Dunoan and Mrs, Nicholls have been enjoying a vacation at Heneall, Grand Bend and. other poiuts, J, D. and kits. Ronald left Wedneeday for Stratford to keep house for Rev, and Mrs, OMIT, who gee their 16011(3878daring Apgast. Min Mary Oliver, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Leckie leaves Friday of this week for her lienle in Theesalon. Misses Fulton, of Detroit, who were vlsitinmelatives and Mende in Brussels and locality for a few weeke, reterned on Wedneeday. Sorry James umpired a game, of Base Ball between Palmerston and Wingbarn in the latter town on Thanes. day evening. Niee Horgan is oft on a well earned holiday outing. His p0608 00 the Amerl. oan Hotel ie being supplied by Joe, 8106111, of Fergus, Mre, 0. R. Perkins end baby, Ethel Grace, of London, ere visiting at the fortner'e parental home with Angus and MM. OaMpbell. Rev. W. W. Rivera, B. D., Mrs. Rivers and daughter, Lillian, of Belgrave, were visitore with W. .7. and llirs, Fawcett Thursday of last week, Mre. Armour and daughter Ida, are visitors at John Broadfootes, being greed daughter and great greed daughter respectively of the hoot. Robert Forrest, who wee recruiting hie health in this Tonality during the past three weeks, retnrued to hie home at Brantford on Thursday. Ray Leppard, of Toronto; is holiday- ing at hle unalees, H. L. Jaolveon. Mier, Lillian Scott, of the Queen city, is Mee a. visitor at the eame home. Mre. J. L. Kerr and Mre. Turnbull left Tuesday morning for Oannington, where they will spend a month with Mrs. W. A. Matthews, the fort -aerie daughter. Mien Nellie Campbell, of London, formerly of Brussels, is spending the Summer at Port Oarling, Muskoka. It 68 100 enjoyable spot barring the romp quitoes. Robt. and Mre. Coates and Gertie, of London, Mre. J. G. Ament, Wm. Ament and family of Seaferth, elm', Geo. Let ter and ohildreo, of Ypsilanti, Mioh., were vieitors at Philip Arnent.'s. R. Philip moved hie household effects to Brussels this week from Grand Valley and has leaped the hawse lately vacated by W. H. Rom aohn Creek We welcome Air. and Mrs. Philip as residents of onr town. Mu, John Doig, accompanied by her nepi3esv, Jim McFarlane, spent a week's vacation 18.11109 00 the Old Boys' rennion at Kincardine and visiting her uncle, Wm. Turnbull, Kincardine, and .Robert Mo0oeh, Lake Shore. Henry klooney and Mimi Minnie, who have been Oohing in' this locality for the peat month left Brussels on Thursday. They will continue their holiday while en route to their home at Weyburn. We hope to see them back again before long. Neil Mawan, of Arizona, Wee vieiting at Peter Stewart's, Brunets; last week. The gentlemen were formerly neighbors in North Dakota. Me. MoEwen ie farm ing bra is also interested in gold and copper mining in Mexico. The visitor wile a former resident of MoRIllop town, eltip, Huron GoRe Beth in bile Salt River valley where the government is pushing the irrigation Bahama. No Mee than seven crops of alfalfa oan be cut in a season, Climate is fine and inclined to be warm ; no rain fail° ; eon, wheat, barley, ,Oro., 1016 910170 and ranching is curried on in the mountable, Mr, Mm Ewen has spent three years in Arizona and will return in the oourse 0( 0, month. Business Locals. Wenean.—Large quantities Baiter and Eggs. Clearing rale of all Summer goods daring Ugly and Auguet. G130, El. RtNei, Winglians. troves short Wile coat foot on the tith son, of Grey, Saturday evenieg. Finder will mutat oblige the owner by leaving it at TEE Pon Publishing House. Amuse filerm OF Fustamota.—The annual Anguat sale of fureiture will be held by R. Leatherdale & San se in former years, 10% off on ell goods. "' A armee will be paid for the relent lef a pair of gold rimmed nose glasses loet a few Weeks ago. Finder will meat oblige by leaving them at TUE PM Pub. lishing House. 088 �0/1 A MAGIC; TO11011.—When reapere and mowers are dull yon oome and see Me he I Min, ready to °harped ten thousand or more, louts T, Mo. Glnetion, corner Mill and Main etreeta, Broagels VeraMen.—Yoang lady to learn photo. retouching and !Moist In teoeption mem, fair wages while learning. Ale° a good chanoe for a young man to take a course in photography. Write to W. W. Bur. gaga' Photo Studio,- and Art Store' Pditohell, Tteawarreu SilICAINS.—We age agents for second hand typewriter. of all Magee at priatie ranging front a few deflate up to 085.00. If you went a good rebeilt typewriter at olose Ageing, consult Ia. We also rent Machinte. Tim Sentential rem kSTASLIStik() 907B THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office ; ; Toronto • UAW OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department, Deposits of $r and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays M making Withdrawals interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Ifk.owlantil, Manager To 111.0M—A comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both haid and soft water on premien. Apply to Dn. GRA0A11. Dirs. Wilkin was found drowned in a small creek at 'Uxbridge. The army out worm le ravaging the gardens in London dietriat. George Rieke, of Piokering, ie in jail at Whitby on 8 charge of bigamy. A Judge's squabble hen caused a email deadlook in the Britieh Columbia Supreme Court. thinaditthe are leading their Britieh rivals in the artillery competitions at Potawasva, Joeepit Gran fell off the Quells° bridge into the water 8 distanoe of 180 feet and escaped with a broken rib. Mr. Pay, a prominent St, Catharines grower, eye two thirds of the petrol) treats were killed by the Winter and Sprieg this year. A Montreal oarter has been charged with revolting cruelty to a horse. He drove the eninual into the ditch and then attacked it with a pitob fork. 31.c.a.72.7yX==. AMAX—PAM—AA the minister's resi• donee, Lietowel, on July 18616, by Rev. J. W. Mann, Mr. Thos. Ainley, formerly of Weenie, to Mies Mary Park. rammem. MoCtirmoaell—In East Wawanoth, on July 29t1,, Mrs. Catharine lough, aged 78 years. 081510-10 Brussels, on Jnly 80th, Joseph A. Oeter, in his 84th year, 01010t-13'M=T.5 24-4X.2.7=Mvra . Fall Wheat 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oats 40 42 Butter, tuba and rolls16 17 Eggs per dozen " 14 15 Hay per ton 9 00 9 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live • 6 76' Wool (embed) 20 22 Potatoes per bus 1 00 1 00 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 25 1 25 Mira:EC. .A.T.TOTX0161' 8010110601, Alle. House and lot, furniture, stook, &o., at Walton. Stale at 2 o'olook. Sale enreeerved its proprietor is moving away. Jonathan Moore, Prop. 17. 8, Scott, Ana. . Little Things tanannauswanorarawasus at a Saving lislowimospasteesanscaniainimas Doing little things well is a oliarea. terietto of Mlle store. We recognise the feat that a transaction that may eeerii 810011 18 often of groat import- ance to you and our methode and service aro well that we care for the windiest male as oarehilly ea We 110 the lerger once. There are to great many artioles in 11 drug stook fat which only oetheional yells are made, but when they are wanted 111 10 to 011 P. need whiola nothing else can fill. It is our constant effort to eupply these trifiee. This Same attention to detail is carried throughout our husi- MM. In selecting goods each article is purohaeed with regard to quality— Our motto is "Oftee the 0heepost, Always the Beet" —AT— F X S DRUG STORE GTHE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. LD WATOLI LOST, NEAR Orauhrook. Hoe monogram a, H. G. 00 11, The fluder will greatly oblige the no - derigned byits earlYretyopaQ1INGLES.—A CAR OF RED iltm. Cedar Shingles lust to hand, ..., P. AMENT, Brussel. r..1" OUSE AND i ACRE OF .1—.1- land for sale, Comfortable dwell. H Ing; hard and soft water under corer OUSRIKREPER WANTE.D— ple, plum and cherry braes, leo. Pos;session ap- One ehild four years old in family. eau be given at once. Vor price, terms, !M. Would like duties to oommenee at ones, cult al THE pon, For further particulars apply to ALFRED BUTTON, 3,84 20, 000, 7, Morris, Or BrUaliels P. 0, 441 ENDERS DEM win be reoelvod by the Trustees of S. B. No. 8, Grey, up tO AUgnst 10111, for the removal of the old fence and to ereet a wire fence around the school property, For further particulars apply to CD. FULTON, See.-Treas , Lot 10, Gon. 15, (kap brook 7,0, W. G. Ooombes Issuer of Marriage Licenses MOLESWORTH FARM .POR SALE—BEING Lot 24, Co 0. 19, Grey, containing 100 aores. 4088180 (geared end baaanee bard wood bush and, swamp. Good brielc house with kitchen, driving shed and stable , good well, orchard, &a. onDreonlBO9, Platte welt folioed. Poo sesplou could be given after crop is off. For further partienlarS as to price. terms, 840. Apply to 3100. 11 McNair., 3,01 54. Oen. 14,Grey, or Monerielf P.O. reARti POR SALE—BEING Si A- Lot 18 and 6,08 17, Oon, 16, Grey. The farm contain 160 dome, 190 cocoa Weaved and 500108 of good hardwood bush. There ia a good frame house, bank barn 401180 fa. outbuildinge, Jzo. Windmill on barn mid water works system in house and atable • 2 orchards ; 100 aores of farm now in prise. 0124 mile to sanool and 215 miles to village of Cranbrook ; 9i wiles to railway depot on 0. P. R. Posse8siou for plowing as soon an erOn 68 011, For further partteulare, as to price, Winn, 110, apply on the premises to JAMES PERBIE, or Oranbrook P, 0. 401 600wwkiskeva.wwedwwww." 3 RUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE 1TOTICE TO DEBTORS,—ALL -L persons indebted to the undersigned are asked to settle the 00000811 34 the 74 tea. trio Light Ofdoe ou or before August 10011, After that date they -will be put in other Lands for collection. All interested should govern themselves fulcOydlualY. 5.2* emetemr, nRoe., 'Brussels. ' 50ACREluln troddiTtSALE,inosiend .144 o1Wl of Lot 20, Con. 2,6forria. There is a frame 00089and barn, wells, orobards. tee. Pilo farm is all cloaked and lo good shape. Possession given to plow hi the Fall. /Mr further partioulare as to prim terms, 110., apply On the premises to MBA. .1013L PIEL. LEM, or Bluovale P. 0. 841 Voters' Lists 1907 Thanielpalify of the Tillage of Brussels, County of Moron. Notice is hereby given that / have trans- mitted or delivered to the portions mention- ed in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Vetere' Lista Act, the apples required by said see - Nous to be 80 traunnitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to amid Bet3 01 1011 perilous appearing by the Jost 10768811 48- 001301800 Boll of the mita muniathatity al Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muniefpal Eleotioue ; and that boo said 11001760 erst panted 010 60 my office, at Brussels, on the 20th day of July, 3007,0,04 remains there for luepectiot, Electors are (*lied upon to examine the said list, and, if 1007 0101901808 or any other errors are found thereiu, to to ilnaladlgto oreeeedfugs to have the said mom eorreet- ed according to law, Dated this 60th clay of nay, 1907. F. 13, 00012.e, Clerk of Brussels, sIrt.74.**,./..00081*IMPA SWEEPING REDUCTIO' READY-TO-WEAR CLIME • tip to 88.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for.$2.50 —Boys' 2 -piece Suits in light and dark colors, Tweeds and Serges, for boys 5 to 10 780,60 old ; regular 93,00 and 98.50. July sale puce—Your .ohoioe for—. ........ ........ ......... • Up to 86.00 Boys' 8 -piece Suits for $4.60 —Bye' 8 -piece Suits with Kniaker Pants, in light and dark shades of Canadian Tweeds, well made with good linings and are prided fittieg, for boye 10 to 16 yeare old regular up to 06.00. July gale price—Your &owe dor 4.60 Up to $9,00 Men's Tweed Suits for 0.60 —Men's Suits, light and dark shades In good qualities of Cauadian Tweeds, etrong linings and perfeot.fitting, alt eizee 36 to 44 ; regular up, to . 09.00. July sale pviee—Your ohoioefor. ..... 6,60 . Men's Odd Pants, regular up to • . $1.50 for $1.15 —Men's Tweed . Pants in light and dark shades, strong Canadian Tweeds, ell sizes 82 to 44 ; regular up to 91.60. July sale price—Your choice for 1.15 A Soft Snap in Soft Front Shirts —Men's and Boys' sizes in Soft Front Cambria and Madras Cloth Shirts, meetly in light oolors. All Mises from 12 to 17 in the lot. Regulat prices 60a and 750 Only sale priae—Your choice for 480 12ic Fancy Muslinfor So • 1.6o Ladies' Black Cotton Rose for 10c s —20 dozen Wotnenie 1310,01t Clotton Heim, —6710808 Fancy Muslims in light shades, mein Sertmleee feet, fashioned and, fast black, all finished stripes, just the thing 406 ohildren's 81588 from 13 to 10 prim, 180. July sale dressee and waiste ; mow 817 to 12en. July sale price—Yoer choke for p6170115 .05 prioe per pair .10 SPECIAL SALE Of STRAW 'HATS 60e Boys' Straw'Sailors for 25e —2 dozen Boye' Foamy Bettid Mean, Sailors, with silk band ; regular 50c, fel, • 25 75e Men's Canton Sailors for 50e —3 dozen Pilen'a White Clanton Sailor% with leather meat hands and good. silk bande ; all sieoe; regular 750, • July 'oak prion 50 $1.00 Men's Clanton Sailors for 750 dozen Men's White Canton Sailors, fine quality with leather sweat and silk bands ; reg. War 91.00, Jnly sate price 75 Att. .....06A...••••,.•••••,..•••••••Awft amowea*••••••••aan0 pnioms voR, pnoiDuo olvt; htolr!eilBack. Ggea00,tolreieToel; AT*4 litteLaren • ' , ‚3 eot, 01