The Brussels Post, 1907-8-1, Page 5l C i)' • .r. Fa11 Farm 0 no Sotambsr CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Tids Bchool welch ie en old and well established into stands to the V lerotront as the greatestUemmerelal 13 1� and Shorthand lichee' is the West, Uur teachers taro exporlouood In - 11 o u'0eturs. courses thorough and prac-11 tical, We outletgradoatoeto posi- 8.0 ttjue' uLL1UrL't11MaLA0titr N, 1,4 11 Prinoinais, BUSINESS CARDS. MoORAOKLN- V • Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 01. due et liro0ery, Lhtrnberry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANOER Arno ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Oalee In lite rest OOloo, Ethel, 80.4 iPRTkIA C. ARMSTRONG 10 prepared to give lessons on Pious,. or head Organ. Terms on application, Postalltoo address -Brussels. Resin elm - Dot 8, Uou.10, Crey. Pupils may have their lessens at their own homes it preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company office and Beeideuoe- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; INB1RANO1, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Hato of Interest 0i pergage oeut per annum, drat Mort LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Exoelaiot• Life Ineuronoe Company The Equity Fire Insurance Company Alt busiueee attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4011 Division Court, AUCTIDNEERS.- til S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • lien, will Bell for bettor prices, to 003000 men, in Thee time and lees chargee Man any other Auctioneer In East. Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders cane 1wayB bo arranged at thisoidoe or by p croons! application. ROBT. H. EARN/SS BLUWVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Torres reasonable. Bales arranged for at, the office of Tan PORT, Brussels. 'l2tt VETERINARY. (1 A. CUNNINGRAM- N_A Honor (Oedema of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- oasesof domos0foated animals in a oompet- ant manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever, Calls promptly atcoudod to, Otdoo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, '1'ornberry et., !inmate. 'Phone 4t lr LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD- . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Oucoeaeor to H. P. Blair. 011ice over Stan- dard Sauk, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan Banc. INT M. SINOLAIR-- V r • Barrlater, Solicitor, Xouveyauoer, . Notary Public, dm. 011toe-Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel, " 8oilol0or for the BtandardBank, 1)LIOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIB,- le ARLtIBTBItS, 8OLI01TCR8, NOTARIES PUBLIC), 1000. W. Plloonroom,E, 0. R, 0. Hose G. F. BLAIR, Unities -Abase formerly ooaoppfed by Meters Gamer°. & Bolt, GODaitlam, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R; P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of tho Royal College of Dental Snrseoneof 001aelo and First-class Honor neztt 00 )3 of lotonto Urapt o1loity, O111ae next to Brewer'sPhotograph.. Gallery, BR1(08EL8.. .rtZ= a l$ i e Fall Term opens Sep,t. 8rd rP tend II, r to I, Pays Y ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. y The School that range FIRST in D tboronabnee0,populavlty and genu. LG ,D Inn meolt. Our attendance le great - g or, more studooteare plowed in noel- Snorted oel'- tiono and at better 0alarie0 titan in 1. 1 any previous year. Write to -day tot baudeome oatalogus, W. 3. ELLIOT0, Prpolpal, d0$1;, YONNE AND AtTIXANDER 808. 1,1lb f; t $l il& i 414A Telegraph Operators are wattled badly by one Canadian Beltway Companies, They aro forced 10 ndvortls0 for them to -day, With 8000 miles new road build- ing the'domaud will bo still keener. \Vby not get Toady ? The work 1s aloin and aloe and the eatery very good, We praline you gnlaltly nnd.at little cost, Write u0 for tree partieulare. Comeau, TzLa- oRAPn.Sailoar, Gerrard Eaet,.Tor- onto, W. H. 1311,11Y, President. rand ltebis Pins Env. IWo. Lang Ford of Bruseele, wars oaliing on friends in Gerrie lest week. Mae. J. P. Brine, of Bealortb, wee here on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. P. 80011, of Brussels, somooniPTIos prise to all United Stales subeeribere ie $1.50 a year, payab e etriotly in advance. GIANT TRIPLETS, !'Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobaoaoeo, in big plugs. Quality always the name. Joni about the time a girl gate old to wear a peek a.boo waist she begins to ley plane to capture a hnebaud to button it for her.. Loots at your „ohanga. Counterfeit 258, piens are in circulation. They are Bo poor an imitation of the genuine that they eon readily be detected. F, u quality and quantity oak your dealer for the new big pingo of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Ourrenoy' Chewing Taboo. 0000. 40-13 A 00 m deal of interest was taken in the partial eclipse of the moon 00 Wed uotday night of that week, Au the heavens wore olenr, a splendid viely Of the eclipse was obtained, Pelee get quid( and aert0i0 relief from Dr, Sboop'a Magic Ointment. Please note it le made for piles alone, and its action is positive and pertain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles die• appear like magio by it's use. Large otoltel capped gloee jars .50 Dente. Sold by all dealers. Tun bat way to head off the mail order houses le for the loom merchant to advertise liberally and get the trade themeetvee. It does Iank reasonable, All the sueoes000l mail order houses are heavy advertisers and if they man make it pay why not the looal merchant. An young men and women who intend entering a business college this Fall' are invited to write to the Elliott Business College, Toronto, for theirhandsome catalogue. Tbie Bobool le &leaeed among the beet bnoineee colleges' in Canada. The advertisement of the college appears in this paper. I41 atop your pain free, to show you first -before you spend a penny -what my Pink Pain Tablets on do, I will mail you free, a trial package of them -Dr Shoop's Headache tablets. Neuralgia headache, toothaobe, period paint, etc., are due alone to blood 0ongeetion, ]3r. Shoop'e headache tablets Dimply kill pain by coaxing away the uonntnral blood preeaure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Eaoine, Wie. Sold by all dealere. A wenn to yon sonny -you little twelve or thirteen: year•old buy who is smoking cigarettes on the sly. What do you want to be when yon grow up -a stalwart, healthy, vigorooe,' broad- ohou'dered man, or a little, puny, measly, no 'count weakminded dude? If you want to be a man, strong like a man, with hair on your face, brains in your head and mneolee in your limbs, you int In those cigarettes alone. If you want to be a thing, pitied' by your folks, despised by the girls, and held in contempt by the fellows, keep right on smoking and end your days in the insane asylum. BAIL. MARTIN, at Strathroy, hag a sample of potatoes growing in his garden whin, if he on aocoeaefally propagate, should make him a millionaire,and, in• stead of the tauel maledictions heaped upon the head of the wealthy, 00080 0810 name to be revered and blessed forever. The tubers in question are perteotly free from peta0oe bugs for the reason that they have no stalks, not even a vestige of anything elbowing above ground, yet a number of good sized new potatoes are growing from the Bets, and promise to reaob maturity.-Vinelees potatoes are the latest surely, Tem Atwood Bee of last week' re. matke :-Brunetti football team won the. W. P. A. Intermediate ohampionehip by easily defeating. Platteville on Iwo co oneione, The Brunets teem deserve aredit'tor their excellent showing, They sacred 17 goals to their apponent'e 2 and always played ooneis0ent football. The Braeeels people are to be pardoned it they show great pridein their team's 8U0000e. In 1003 Brothels won the supl again in 1904 and moo more in 1907. In 1905 theteam wits in the` finale with Dendae. In 1903 Bruseele-oleo won the Junior ohamplonahip, Hale off to the B008000e football team. ALL SAINTS WEIRS " Kin -In a Seml finalgame of the Intermediate Aesooia,. tion football obampiooehip of Ontario played at Brougham sa0rday evening, the Sbamrooke of Green. River defeated the Alf Sainte', winners of the Toronto Leone, in a madden death game by a soore of 5 to 0. The 80010 was a fair indioation of the game. The Toronto bayewere not able to break through the splendid Mena of the Shamrocks, while the Shamrooke got;me to the Benita' goal with ease, and rained not atter shot on the [Sainte, preemie may have to play the Sbameooks for the On- tario Cup. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples, of my Dr, Skoop'e Reetorative> and my Book on. either Dyepepeia, the heart or the kidneys. Troubles of the atotnen, heart or kidneye, aree merely e m tomp e of a deeper ailment. Don't make the oommonerror of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment and not the canoe, Weak stomaob nerves -- the inside nery00-mann Stomach weak- ness always, And the heart and kid• nye as well, 10av0 their controlling or Onside neryee. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop'a Restorative flag made 118 fame. No other romody Oven 0laims to treat the "inside nerves." PgymmemsowAlen lot blettilrig bitten 1iddit DA, br8&til or 001nple$latl, tree Ur. Bhuop'a ltestora• rive, Write me to day for eathple mod free link. Er. Shoop, Reohto, Wie, The Reetorallvo le gold by all dealere, Xt, kli 8311. The Atwood Bee of loot week gays ;- The Proebytorian Y. P. S. 0, E , held a picnic at Ethel en Monday afternoon to wtiioh they invited the young people 01 the Baptist, Methodist and English ehuroltee of the village, A large number responded and in spite of the threatening weather on enjoyable time wos spent by all, Rain fell intermitting• ly but not enffioiootly heavy to dampen the spirits of the piokniokere who played beeeball, ran ranee, played games and enilad the nnm00ou0 rafts on the river. It watt an on0onveotional piania and all went in for a good time. An enoellent luaob of eendwiohee, ;tpieo, Dake and lemonade was served and to this all did ample justice, Leitalbit r'V. J. J. Irvin was visiting with hie brother in 131, Marys. Mien Drirooll and Mre. Morrison have gone to visit with Mies Adams, of List owel, George Nesbit, 01 Moliillop, met with a pointol accident. He fell from a load of hey and 000010red some of hie ribs. Mise Stafford ie recovering from her serious illness we are pleased to state but Matthew Stafford still continues in poor health. Mies Susan Delon!, who hoe for the past year conducted a dreeemaker'e chop, bee oloeed mud hart gone to Listowel where she expecte to remain for some time. John Crosier's little sou tell asleep in the hay field and Dame, nearly being run over with the mower, hie father *teeing him just as the mower knives reached him. Neil MoEwen, an old Huron boy, and soft of Peter McEwen, formerly of Melling), is in lets vicinity visiting hie numerous friends and re!ativea. Mr. McEwen has been engaged in the min• ing beating in Arizina for Borne years. July 1011, at the manse, Hamlets, Manitoba, Levi Tisdale of that town, was married by Rev, Mr, Egan, to Mise Flora McClure, youngest danghter of Jahn McClure, of McKillop. Mr. Tie dale, who was formerly of Seafortb, was employed in the Ball Engine Works, in that town.. About four years ago be went to Hamiote, where he is an engineer, He has prospered and be and hie bride are now comfortably Battled on their new home, whish Mr. Tisdale owns] in Hamiota. Atutoot Bend Or J3rouehllts Few people have suffered more than Juo. P. Taylor, of Dyment, P. 0 , Ont. To day beds well and writes, -"I mn0t tell you how mash Ostarrhoaone bee been to me. I woe so bad with bronohitie sometimes I thought it would Goon be over with me. A spell of choking would - some on .that lett me prostrated and. weak. Singe using Catarrbozoue I have had no Iroob eat all. Itletre11g110,ned my throat, stopped thecough, gave 1)30 free breathing and entirely oared." Just the anal experience. 'COtarrhozone in variably - puree. whether Bronchitis, Aethma or Catarrh. Two sizes, 25o and $1.00 at all dealere. odex-aem Mre. (Do.) Holmes returned last week from a trip to Lake Superior. E P. Paulin has the contra&t for roof ing the Wheel Rigs Co.'s factory with Patin roofing. Mre. M. 0. Reynolds and Sheriff Reynolds left teat week for a trip down the St. Lawrence. Willie Tumbling who was killed io the London disaster, was a nephew of A. Snazel, of Goderiab. Hie age wag 14. John Cos, Goderioh towoebip, and R. R. Glen, of Uaborne, were sworn fu as Janina of the Pease before Mr. Seager. The Sunday School. of . Nortb street Methodist church wig hold ile annual pionio at Point Farm on the &fvia poli• day (August 7th The fifth annual tournament of the Goderioh lawn bowling club will be held en the West street green commencing Tuesday, August 6th. It is said that Pigott & Oo,'e oontraot will be through by August 611], and el• lowing a month for the eel0ing of the cement walls, paeeenger trains should be running from end to end of the G. & G, R. R. in Ootober,1907. The, choir of Victoria street (those gathered at the reeidenae of G. M. 1•(11010 to bid farewell to an old and esteemed comrade, J. W. Broderick, who is leaving town. They presented bim with an ad. dress a000mpanied by a handsome gold. headed cane. The Sanatory of the Goderiab Board of Trade hoe been notified by the C. P. R, officials that the Guelph & Goderioh branch will be opened into this town on September let, and that any arrange. mento to mark the event.. easy be oat-- oulaled for that slate. Bodmin Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS IM' WW ill meet' team r rn e f o a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels, Brewer's. Reliable Art Studio ie the proper place to get your Photo- graphs taken. Photoe from the Sunbeam up to the 14 x17 GrotE and Portrait size taken with groat enact 80. Get a Photo of your Family the first thence you have to get them together; We are e000nd to none and. Very moderate in our charges. Views of;'residences, eto., taken on ghat notioe, Picture Frames made to Order. H. R BREWER J, Wt fIi'oda ilk las sold hla boaliii;ii here to G. M. Rlllott and leaVee 81000110 1310 Landon to take a Well earned rest from the 800191ti00 of bnaiuees life. An int00081ing teak was made in the Sunday School of Victoria street Meth °dist (Murata, it number of the paplle re• citing the Ten Commandments in Som• petition for prizes offered by G. M, 111 HMI and J. W. Broderi(k. Quite a number took part and first prizes wore awarded to Gene Wootton end Ida Smith and sewed prized to Lizzie Carey and Grace Duff. Overtaken By Nausea You don't know whether it's going to stay down or some up, You feel like thirty gents and look even worse. If one thing is gainer than another, it's Nor. villne." Tan dropsin sweetened water gives relief instantly. Almost like magio ie the ohanga you experience, The (muse of the nation is removed, every symptom of vomiting and indigestion is mored within ten minutes, When Poison's Nervilino ie go truly and economical, a bottle at home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones for a quarter at all dealers. 100,t W 0(31(0. Fred.itE L le was married to a young lady of Vaeoar, Mich. They will reside in Denver, Col. Hugh and Mre. Porter left on Tuesday of last week fur a holiday visit in Cobalt and New Liskeard Eima Cheese Co. 'shipped' 520 boxes of Joy oherse last Saturday to Hodgson Bros., of Montreal. Berry pinking will soon be e'I the go, Reports are to the effect that raepberrfee will be a splendid crop. All the fever patients on the 12133, 14th and lath oonoeeeione are doing rioely and will soon be oonvaleteent. 131. Alban'° church will hold their au• neat Harvest Thanksgiving nerving on the Iaet Sundry in September. W. Stubbs, of Listowel, had the eon• tract of painting Fred. Switzer's new verandah and made a good job of it. Mise Effie Crooke, who has been work• ing for some time in Stratford, returned home on Monday afternoon of last week. Mre. David Tborndyke is holding her own at present and good hopes are enter. tained thatehe will recover from her severe atlaok of typhoid fever. Mrs. George Rome and baby, of Pal mereton, and Alm. Oaril, of Rdrana, Man., are visiting at the home of their parents, George and Mrs. Gordon. A Union Sunday Sobool pfoofa, coni• prieiug the seniors of the Baptist, Englieh and Presbyterian Sunday Schools, will likely be held in the oo0ree of about two week's. Wee. Boyd, of the Blind Line, was threatened with an nttaak of fever, recently, but thus tar seems to be in a fair W0y to escape it, though he was sin enough for a sew days. Mee Resta Boyd, grand daughter of J. W. and Mre. Boyd, Main et,, ie confined to her bed with typhoid fever. Mies Sarah Boyd ie progreeeieg favorably to• wards recovery and we hope to see Mies Bette, have only a light attack. The Presbyterian ohurob has been romewhat improved by having new window frames planed in it. The win. 'Iowa raise from the bottom and in eon is pieced a transom, so that plenty of treeb air Dao be. obtained. Improvements have been made in the !oast telephone cffioe. The switch board and private cabinet have been moved to the front of 0. H. Holmes' °tore where the light ie mush better and where the operator will be oobjeot to lase interruption, Tae Bas. Saye :-The Special Geoerel meeting of the shareholders of the WesternOntario Portland Gement Company, Limited, took plane fn Mitob• eli'a Masao Holl, Saturday afternoon. There wee a lively time and consider. able excitement at the meeting. The shareholders ware galled together to ant on By•lewo to be submitted to them as mentioned in the Notice of the meeting as it appeared in last week's Bee. However, no By laze were eabmilted or passed. A motion was passed in reepeot to leaning the works and to keep them running. We understand that the Company has made nrrangrmente whereby the Gement Company's worke will continue in active ope0atfon. FIan INer1R,tNoa QotnPANy.-A meeting of ,be Direolore of the Elmo Farmers' Mutual Fire Ineuranoe Oo. was held on July 16th. Members of the Board all preoeet. Minutes of lest meeting read and mused. Claims were presented from the following :-Alex. Robinson, Morn • ingtou, for $14 for heifer killed by lightning ; Jae. Gray, of Elms, for $85 for sow tborobred, killed by lightning ; Peter Davidson, of Elms, for $260 for mare and colt killed by lightning ; Herbert Madden, of Moreington, for $3i for 2 heifers killed by ligbtning ; Ben. Maddens, of Mornioglon, for $10 for ealf killed by lightning; J. W. Fisher, of Eima, for 87 for sheep killed by light ning 1 Ed. Morr, of Moreington, for 8235 for a mate killed by lightning ; David Hood, Eima, for 895 for two sows killed by. lightning; Geo. Brown, Enna, for $12 66 for damage tobarn by lightning. All of the above -dolma were paid. Applioatione for inaurenoe were aooepted amounting to 8193,825 on motion of Grieve and .Cleland. Mr. Baker intimet• ed that some remuneration was due the secretary for extra work in connection with preperingt.he Company's' By taws. It woe moved by Grieve and Cowan that $10 be allowed for the same. Oenried. Meeting adjourned till the 261h of Angaet. DON'T DIE AT 45. Ore the Indigestion Nllleh 18 HO Liable to Lead to Apoplexy. Buell of bfeinee0, eating too fast and too mooh, excesses of any kind, soon re• fullt in indignation, Then when the digeetive organs oann01 care for the food properly Ilia Coate of the blood vo00810 in the brain get little nonrieh• ment bnooroe brittle and finally 1eld to y the tierce blood pressure. One f0 then said to have a"shook," to be paralyzed, or to die from apoplexy, People enffering from beadaohe, giddi• nese, palpitation, eleep180eneee, bol taste in the month, droweineee, mated tongue, diotrose rifler oathsg, opooke before the eyes, and any other of the many diatrm s. ing reenits of a weakened stomach, should profit by the discovery of Mi•o•na stomach tablete. In reoonl yeare the greeted advande 28 dozen ladies' line Rib ()[tali. . mere 'tocliinte, double spliord knee, seamless llt'.el and toe, real value 500, bpeciai this week at e STRAIGHTFORWARD METHOUS AND TR'E BARGAINS Wo want you to know this store simply as one that never charges more than the Lowest price at which a good article can be sold, We will have nothing to do with merchan- dise of doubtful quality and so are never tempted to praise trash, posing as "Bargains," Our guarantee is absolute protection against low grade and high price. We have real bargains, plenty of them, especially at this season. Read the list through, pick out your wants and get here as early as possible. -10 dozen Ladies' Wan .Collate, all this sea- son's styles, regular price 15o, 180 and Mc1 Clearing at one price l -25 dozen Pure Linen Towels, white and colored borders, size 192'88, fringed ends, worth regular 80a per pair. Olearieg at per pair..., 22 -8 dozen Ladino' Drawers of Fine Cambric, with embroidered frill, regular 500 line. Clear- 35 ing at -10 dozen Ladies' Vests, full ribbed, bleaob- ed, half sleeve and e[eevelees styles. On sale ��' at 10 e and eJ -25 pieces of Extra Fine Pointed Organdie Dross Muslin, were 12iJo and 15oSpecial pride to clear 1 Ll • -5 pieoee French Sills and Wool Voile, in Black, Champagne and Grey, our regular price 6 C 81.00, Clearing price ll -25 only Ladies' Black and Colored Silk Belts, some alightly damaged, were worth 850 19 and 75o, Clearing at -15 ends Dress Tweed, in light and dark colors, all this season's styles and worth 60c per 0 n yard. Clearing at e) if 200. INDIA LAWN 150. 250. INDIA LAWN 190. This tells, in two lines, tea story of the beet values in good Lawns that ever went over our counters. They are better than good values - they are Bargains in the beat and truest sane of that much abased word. Qualities guarant• ed perfect. Bought direct from the maker. Quanti- ties limited and positively no more at the price when these are sold. Buy all you think you will need while you get it at this price. 85 Dainty Waists Values Beyond Question, There are, all told, six styles to (hoose from. White Lawn and Batiste ; no stint of Trimmings, Lace, Insertion, Embroidery, Banda and numerous Tuclte all enter into the enema of beauty. It is the lime of times to lay In a sup- ply for the hot weather ahead, Clearing at Cost the Balance of our Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. All New this Season. Ferguson Dry Goods and Groceries tl S Clothing Made -to -Order in medicine has been in the study of dieeases of digestion and nutrition and uo other pree0ripticn has proven itself of as mash value as Mi•o•na. Itis relied upon as a certainty to day its relieving the worst troubles of digestion acid Beeimlle, tion and making a complete cure. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 500. box of Mi o na etomaoh tablets and not be satisfied with the reenits. Mi•o•na is eold by druggists everywhere, or will he Bent by mail on receipt of pri0e, 50 dents, Booth's Minna Oompany, Buffalo, N. Y. From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only tor his oommistiou as agent 7 Wo employ no agents and guarantee all our work for five year's. Wilson & Iua.ter 1150088E1,9, Indi,&t;tion Stomach trouble is hi t a -symptom of, and not Initeolf a. true disease, We think of Dyspepsia, Hoarbb001I, and Indigo elan ns real diseases, yet they aro symptoms oily of a certain specific' Neryo sickness -nothing also. It was this fart that rage eorrcatlyled Dr. Shoop In the craft/Ion of that now Very popular 81omaah Remedy --Dr, 811060's Restorative. Going direct to the entrench nerves, alone brought that 'success and favor to Dr. Shoop and lite Restorative. 'With- out that original and highly vitalorineiplo,no such lasting accomplishments were ever tobobatl. For tastross'blo blooding, biliousness, Fo a g, to of s, Sh, badbr. and -Thole corn irtuid' try 00 Shoour. Restorative-Tabletsl'tat01 c or Pio. 00 and son for gown self what it inn and will do. We sail and cheer. fully recommend Dre 1oop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" Protect Your Horse with a good Fly Net or Fly Sheet. We have them in Leath- er or Cotton and at prices to suit everybody. OWI SINGLE HARNESS asst. mnenseliallili is just now in great demand -the Rubber and Solid Njcldlb• Trimmings are great favorites. We make all our Harness,-bo,th Heavy and Light, and can give you what you want. • For Trunks and Valises that will stand travelling you ghou1{1 buy ours as they are built specially with that object in view and do not cost you any more than the imitation ones offered by some others. Whips, Dusters and everything in the Ilarness line in stock. Repairs in Collars, Harness, &c., promptly done. Comfortable Rooms to let above store. L G. is h a r ka Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition'. The new Doeh Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken (lanes Dna non to an uroh ser of Ewan deCo.Boggy,and no e a a C Y p slack stays a0 we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping book stays. Our Buggies have improvements that, no other Buggioslinve, 100 BUGGIES TO SELL BALD Likewise all kinds of Bobber Tire Buggies on hand. We invite iu- tending purchasers to inspeot 0111 stock ad buy a Buggy made by Ewan & Co, in Beueoo e and save your money. We also handle along with our own Bnggiee, work of xoliable Orme 1 Brantford Buggies for u nor . snob as Cal aNa Brookville and Brautfo c B fo a o e 1 V gs Y quiring them. Call and buy at Ewau rk Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Wsr1to, and cavo money. BUGGIES Repainted, Tops Balite ,and Covered and made ars good as now. Mall and get 010 Prices. Asea W A CO.