HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-25, Page 8opaommarmastmemaiseaWsmosaleStlaSinacislathsHZIW,' 4igsalas ' Cape May Sea Belt— A Refreshing Sin. foe Bathing pur- VriSit rs ferveseent . Bledieine—Ef- phate of Soda, 250 • 0o. 4r0W11 5o per OE. a box or in bulk at 2 purposes — Large 41115nd us Headquarters for Souvenirs and Novelties, just the thing for remembrances. 1,Many pieces and various Decorations in Burnt Wood Burnt Leather Burnt Leather Cards Souvenir Plagues of Brussels The Latest Picture Post Cards 10 Different View Cards of Brussels WE ALSO HAVE' High Grade Writing Paper and Envelopes. Paper Covered Books for Summer Reading. The Popular Magazines. NQ HIGH PRICES DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 8. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, no follows: Gomm HoIITH Goma Hawn, Mail 7:05 a,m I Express 10:05 aan Express......11:25 amc a.m Express 8:02 P.m Express 8:51 p.m rurai Etivs 4tems A ohiel's among ye takir ' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. THE water in the Malaita is low, Tan Poen wants the time. Send it along, Sim !coal news on pages 4 and 5 of this issue. BASEBERRIE8 are about ready for the market. Boas were 96.75 on Brussels market this week. OUT you share of the weeds and help tidy np the town. Bersenas Bowling Clab will be repro. suited at Goderioh tournament. Tan item referring to Messrs. Pryne Son receiving a oar of Manitoba flour should have read wheet. Soo's, of Guelph, vs. Brussels Friday evening of this week on Viotoria Park, Bennetts. If you want to me good foot hall don't miss tbie game. TUE regular monthly meeting of Bras. sets W. O. T. U. will be held in their rooms on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, All will be weloome. D. A. Lowes has oonstnemed on the pulling dawn and moving of buildings on the property he purchased preparatory to ereoting a new restdenee on the site. STRANGLED.—One day recently Alfred J. Lowry lost a good mi oh oow. The rope round ber neck got caught is her hoot in the pasturage and in her efforts to free hermit strangulation ensued. HORSES TO THE WEST.—Wednesday Jno. Galbraith and Geo. Keys left for the West with a oar of horses. Thie ie Mr. Galbraith'e 20th trip to Winnipeg so he ehould know the ropes fairly well by this time. We hope they will do well with their shipment. Fax.xnun is here, and a good formula to be need with the ordinary hand epray• er will doubtless be welcomed by dairy. men. Here it is—To one quart of kerosene add a teaep000fal each of oil of tar, flah oil, carbolic aoid and oil of pennyroyal. This noixtu rethrown in a floe spray on a oow, is that'll to flies and mosquitoes. Swum AGENT REM IL1,.—Last San. day G. 'T. R. Agent Henry took ill with appendicitis and ie still confined to hie home although considerable improved we are pleased to state. A relieving agent is looking after his work at the depot, Mr. Henry'e many friends hope he will soon be rid of hie tormenting trouble. GLOBE GASIE.—Leet Friday evening the ratare game of foot ball between Ethel Web and Brussels Juniors was played on Vintoria Park here and was well contest- ed throughout. Only one goal was Bored and that by the Visitors in the early part of the play. The future of foot ball is not likely to become a ,net art while Bo many sturdy youths handle the sphere so saientitioally. PUBLIC) LIBELEE BoLIDAY.—By oonaent of Brussels Pablie Library Board Miss 81innie MoNanghton, the efficient Libre', ion, bee been granted holidays and es a result; the Library will not be open from Thursday, 25th inst., to Tuesday, Anguet 13th. All Interested should .govetn themselves Moordingly. This us Mies MoNatighton'a first holiday in 12 years, and Tme PDX hopes she will enjoy it in oasis it might not come again until 1919. WOBE ON ST. MAIM RAILWAY.— Work 00 92, hlarya and Western Ontario Rail. way at Bt. Plary's is being pushed along au fest as men and homes can be had to do the job. The work of tunnelling tinder the G. T. R. lute been conomeneed and the atone and cement work for the mill siding is being constructed as fat en possible, bat a shortage of men and lsorees 14 keeping the work bank somewhat. The atone ie being (pooled from the bed of the rivet to build up the siding, and et the aame time 14108 a better outlet to ths mill ram The low water i8 materially aiding in the work. To GBAND Bon —Saturday morning of this week a bevy of the yonth and beauty of Bruseele will leave for a holiday outing at Grand Bend Park where they will. upend e (motile of wash, a cottage bay- ing been rented for that purpoee. They Will be titiien to Grand Beed and a eon- vegan's() will go iron town for them when they are ready to return home, The ebmpany will be composed of Mined Minnie IdellatightOn'TIMMS and /Edna Gerry, Maggie end Lena Beaker, Lizzie and Hattie Downing, joie Boolsanen and Mabel Zimmer with tire. W. L, Leathetdale m !chaperon, We ayrapath, Me with the latter. Elleets Fern% AIim of Park Hill, formerly of Brumele, and • Mice Baird, of Sarnia, will join the eon. tingent from here. It le ne use saying We hope they will have a good time for they will have it eny hoe. THE POST bee 8 partial promise of sortie amp shote On their hOrne cooling, 40 °ante in advance gets Tan Posx to Jauaary let 1908. THE Posx telephone is 20. Call us up if you have an item of news. MESSRS. CARDIEF & BEST shipped a oar of hogs on Thursday. 96.76 was paid, Wan about a go.as-you please base ball match in town 5 There are a nntn ber of old players who wonld likely take a hand in it without match persuasion. A. sancta in the feather market is ex- peoted after the departmental examine. tions are announoed. There wae con. siderable pluakiug even in the lower exams, thus far. OUB bowlers did not fetoh home the trophy from London. They can't win all the time. A. good many prima in the various competitions in past yams have oome Brameleward. Tan snoceesion &Wee will net Ontario nearly a million dollars this year. This mot harrow the cont of the Provinoial Secretary, who used to describe the tax es a robbery of the dead. Inetovetinne are being made at the mill dam in increasing the height of the pier and embankment and putting it in better shape to withstand the flood•tide of Fall and Spring rains. PEOPLE driving round the oorner of King and James streets need ant conform to military emotnees in observing right angles as the square oorner of the oement eidelvalk has been changed into a graceful 0000e, Enex ENRON Fall Fair will be held in Brumes on Thursday and Friday, Oat. 3 and 4. Plans ars being laid for a first - clam Fair in which an A 1 program will be presented. Prize hate are now in the printer's handa. WEDNESDAY of next week East Huron Lioenes Commissioners will meet at the American Hotel, Brussels, to deal with the transfer of the ()antral Hotel from George Brown to Blesses. Emigh & Ede Donald, The latter firm having put. t:imed the peemises take possession on August LA. BEECUTOE'S S. --The estate of John flaming er. lot 22, oon. 18, Hullett, eon. taining 150 acres, with good baildiuge and convenienoes and in a flue locality, will be offered for sale, by public auction, 00 Wedneeday Aug. 7th, at 2 o'olook, at Brown's Hotel, Londesboro'. Edmund Lear, of Blyth, is Executor, and W. Brydone, Clinton, Solicitor. Tim Canadian. board of railway nom missigners has issued an order approving a new Canadian freight olaseification, to become effective by Sept. let next. Tbe more important featnres of this' mislead, olanifloation are that 240 commodities which hitherto have been carried at the owner's risk will hereafter be carried at oarrier's risk without any advances in the ratings, and that on these ankles whioh will be still oarried at the riek of the owner, the risk is to be speoified and re: striated. Fon Berz..—Brueeele Foot Ball team hue bean trying to arrange for a few matches and have been in correspondence with Sealer= Dundee and Gatsiph. The fleet game will be with the Senior Suite of the latter place and will come e on Viotoria Park, Brume's, on Friday even - Mg of this vseek, The Beate play. first. class ball and will give our champions a busy time. Play will oonsmenoe at 6.80 o'olook and will be a game well worth witnessing. Arraugemente are not yet completed for the Ontario Chip Ohara- pionehip. OONGRATS, FROM PETnoxen.—A letter to Tan Pox from A. E. Mellish, man• ager ot the Metropolitan Bank, Pet. rolia, formerly of Brussels, nye W. H. KERR, Dom Bin —I want to ask yon to ex- tend my heartieet congratulations to the Brunets Foot Ball team, I am ee very pleased to know that they captured the W. F. A. Intermediate champion. ship. I have 0080 80019 foot ball gime leaving Bruner), but I can't nay that I have seen any better ball played than they do in old Brussels. • Be games played here are Bowling, Lamont:1 and Ban Ball, with Fob Ball in -the How I with that I had a. chance with J. H. Oameron to make J. Fox and W M. Sinalair line up on the other aide of the tennis net. I will always renumber those good old rallies. Of course .yon know that tbie is a great oil town. In and around this diettiot it is estimated that there are in the vicinity of 10,000 oil wells. Some of them are going boils, °there give fine ntoduotiene. ' I have been over quite a number of the, prop,et. ties and it le certainly interesting to see it large number of wells all pooping at ono. A power bonee ton 40 Or 50 wells, You know they are aonneoted with rode or liner with the welle. Wanstead, the eons of the Wtell dieteter on the G. T. R. several years ago, is quite near here. 1 have been over the epot general times. There were seteral portend belonging to Ilia town among the killed. There are mole eery fine forma Mound here but as whole they aro nob se good 88 thole about Breareis and the farmers them. [selves are a very decent lot of • people but I'm afraid they cannot moss the eturdy yeomanry of Grey and Biotic I em getting along hest rate and am quibe well. With kindest regards to ell. I al yours eineetely, A. t. ffinattsR, Pettolia, Ont,, July nth, 1907. IF YOU SAVE MHOUGH it be only $1,00 a week, you will soon be on the way to independence and wealth, In the Savings Department ofi the METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 opens an account. Interest is allowed from date of deposit and compounded every three months. We'll gladly handle your account and serve you with the same courtesy and efficiency as if you were a large depositor. THE METROPOLITAN BANK Capital Paid Up, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, .z.r,o0o,00r),00 .MI83,713.25 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager AUGUST SALE OF Fintli/TMIE,—The annual August sale of furniture will be held by R. Leatherdale & Son ae in former yea= 10% off on all goods. BRUT LOTT, who is bome from the In• stitution at Brantford, is 000npying part 05 1118 vacation by making oane chair seats, horse fly tate and hammooks. Any person desiring anything in these lime should give him a oall. He lives on Albert street. BABY DIED.—We are very sory to state that Reginald Mark, the 9 moothe eon of H. R. Brewer, died Thursday mooing from an attack of pneumonia. He was a bright little lad whose mother paesed away shortly after hie birth, The fun. eral will take place Saturday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock service at 2, Interment will be made at Bennis oemetery. Mr. Brewer will be a large sharer in the sympathy of the community, Emomen PRESIDENT.—A recent issue of the Winnipeg Free Preee said :— 'The annual meeting of the Grain Growers' Grain Company was held yesterday and about 80 stockholders were present, many of whom had proxies from one to fifty. The halanoe sheet abowed a saeisfaotory business for the year, 3,000,000 bushels having been handled alma organization, ten months ago. While the expenses had been very heavy owing to the appeal tion of the Grain Exohatige and the exicuraion from the eXebange during five months of the mason the butinese thowed up satiefttotorily, a dividend of 8 per cent. being declared. The old board of control was re eleoted an- animonaly. The directors were in- creased from seven to nine. E. A. Partridge refused to again accept the presidenoy of the compauy. W. Orerar, of Rumen, Man, was elected president ; John Kennedy, of Swan River, vioe-president, and John Spen- cer, of Winnipeg, seoretary•Ireasurer.” Mr. Omar mentioned above is a former resident of North Esethope, Perth 0o., being a son of the late Alex. Crerar, of 4th oon., and a nephew of Alex. Stewart, Qoeeu et,, Brussels. People We Talk Ed, Kerley is visitiog at Linwood. Charlie Leckie was visiting in Leak - now. Mies Bessie Bone ie holidaying with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Thos, Maxwell ie visiting old friends in Wingham. Miee L. A. Avery is home from a six weeks' visit at 'Toronto. Councillor Baker took in the exoursion to Detroit last Bettie/ay. W. J. Goodwin, formerly of Brussels, is now residing at Ripley. Mies MaGill, of Blyth, le vieitiog at M. Buohanan's Tureberry atreet. Mise Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, wee the gueet of Mieeee Downing, Mks. J. L. Kerr, of Blytb, was in town far a couple of daye title week. Mayor Watson, of Lietowel, was in Brussels Tueaday of thie week. Mre. Wm. Miller is visiting her son, George, at Wingham Junction. Mre, Goff and eon Eddie, of Toronto, are visiting at Jae. Dudley'a. Jno. and Alexander Walker, of Tees. water, were in town on Tuesday. Noble Gerry, of Toronto, is visiting hie ormein, Frank Gerry, of 'Brussels. Mimes Lim and Margaret Elirons, epeut Sunday at their home in Blyth. Mies Lenora Frain has been holiday. ing with her omen, Mies Hazel Lowry. Thos. aod Mre. Moore and the Mimes Moore are enjoying a week at Goderioh. Miss Mabel Taylor, of Paris, ie visiting with her grandpareute, Geo. and Mrs. Crooke. Bliss Laura Constable has returned to London after spending two weeks in Brussels. Blies Minnie Moore, of St. Thomas, is home for a holiday visit with her parents and friends. Miss Mary.Friendship has been on the eick list but we hope she will soon be fully motored, Miee Sarah Hetet is ill with an attack f pneumonia bat we trust she will soon be notivalement, Mm. 11, Leatherdale attended the funeral of her nephew, the late Mr. Gills, at Harriston, • ghomaa Nelson and Gus. Finn are ependibg their holidays with the lattet's parents, Queen street. Mitserrrlielly, of Hallett, spent several .claya with their oonein, Bliss &overt, Chetah street. Birre. A. filttheriand, of London, is visiting her eister, Wire, A. Hunter, and her brother, A. M. MaKay, in town. George Ford, of Guelphootte here for a week reorniting end visiting hie omens Mieeee Violet and Florence MoKenzio, Robed Dark drove over to Moleeworth to me hie brother Ben,, who vetii quite ill fent a kick he received from hie hores. Bare. M. B. Bloom and eon, axe aajaf. Ing Lake Huron breezes at Kincardine and sharing in the 018 says, program, Marne Laura Ryder, of Kingeton, and Annie Cowan, of Blyth, are holiday visitctre with Inepeotor and Mrs, Robb, Blies Nellie Oreightcin, of Eismiitob, is spending part of her variation with H. L. and Mrs. Jrtatroon, her tumid and aunt. 51. 11. Lady and F. 0. I), Smith, of Harriston and Toronto respeekively have been the pests of Chen. Rowlett, Queen 4rWahlte. and Bete. Hall, of Montreal, were d8iling 011old Mende in Brooder this week, They were former resident° of this lOortitty, Dr. 1. 11. MoNaughtcm and wife, of Pen Yon, N. Y., are away on a pleasure trip across the briny. Their first mall is in the Emerald Isle. Miss Lib, MoLanohlin, of Toronto, is home for a short vaoatioo with relatives and friends. Mise Sarah V. is also home from the Queen ()By. Mies Little Koenig, of Paris, who was holidaying with Miee Mary Rose in Bruesels, 1108 9008 to Wingham to visit Miss Hazel Johnston. Mies Nina Rogers and Blies Nellie /Vigour, of Mount Forest, are welcome visitors with Mrs. A. C. Dames and Mre. George Rogers. Mimes Beatrice and Sasan Mollair, who hove been teaching Eliseo] in Mare koka District, were visitors with Miss Mildred Suitt this week. Herbert and Mrs. Gray and Ernest and Mrs. Gray, have returner! to Toronto after spending an enjoyable week with Harry and Para Finn, J. T. Rose, T. T. Thomson, Moir Thomson, George Roes and Jno. Mooney were eightseers aL Kincardine this week at the Old Boys' Rennion. Mrs. W. F. Stewart removed to Guelph tbie seek to join her hneband who pre- oeded her nearly 4 weeks ago. We wish them well in the Royal !city. lire, Sohleihauf and daughter, of Rodney, Elgin Co„ are visitors with Mrs, and Bliss McKinley. The former is airs. McKinley's daughter. Blasters John and Eddie and Mies Dela Querrin, and Miss Flora Witzoh, of Berlin, are holidaying with relatives at the Queen's Hotel in town. Mies Minnie Miller hen returned from a visit of five weeks with friends in Wawanoeh, Whiteohnroh and Wingham. She had a moat enjoyable time. Last week J. D, Warwiok, V. S., left for Edmonton, where he has reul estate investroente. He will return sod spend , the Winter here with his family. Miee Lin. Gillespie, of Seaforth, who has been teaohing at Cromarty,,has been renewing old friendships in Brussels. She enjoys her work as school Lowther. Thos. Ross, of Cheeley, was in town for a few daye. A000mpanied by hie don. ghter and his sister, Miee Lizzie, he took in the Old Boys' manioc at Kimardine, John Ross, of Galt, ie visiting hie brother, William Roes, William street. The visitor is 80 years of age being 2 yenta the junior of our well known towne• man. Alby Robinson, representative of Riobards Pare Soap, Woodstock, was in town on Tueedey. Ws many a long day alone he first set foot in the carpet town but time deals kindly with him. Mies Jean BloLanohlin left Thursday morning for a pleasure trip so Fort Wil- liam, taking the steamer at Owen Sound. She will be away a oouple of weeks. During her absence Mies Margaret will take charge of the former's mesio pupils. Robt. Farrow, Mre. Farrow and Mies Ethel, of Ottawa, were here for a few days visiting Poetmaeter and Mrs. For - row. They drove from Brussels to Gode. rich to upend a short time with relatives. Miee Farrow reoently completed an honor warm at the Ottawa Ladies' College. Norman Forbes accompanied hie bro. • then Will, to Shoshone, Idaho, leaving Brussels on Wednesday. The latter has been in Idaho for several yeare and Norman may spend a year 00 90 if the olimate agrees with him, He has not been any too rugged of tate. The girls and boys, of town, wish Norman a good time and plenty of money. A. WONDERFUL OLD Lenv.—Satueday, Oth inst., was the 101st auniversary of the birthday of Mrs. Holmes, of Holmea. vIlle, Some of her obildren were with her to help in the oelebration of the event, and she was able to take dinner with than. She received lettere trona a large number of friends who had re- membered the anniveeary. Mrs. Holmen ie the mother of Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, of Goderioh, and Dr. T. G. Holmes, of Detroit, both former well known red. dente, of Brunets. Business Locals. ; To BENT.—A. comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hod and soft water On inemisee. Apply to Da. GltADATE. A BMW= will be paid,. tot the return of a pair ot gold rimmed' nose glieses • lost a few weeke ago. Finder will much oblige by leaving them at THE Poo Pub- • Belting Home. • WHEN Taube & Son'e attend to your eyes you get the benefit of over 85 year° experience. Gall and 0o1i5010 them • at FOX'S Drng Store Monday and Tuesday • July 22nd and 28rd. Goan looket and oherin Ioet in Brogeela, Saturday evening July 6th by Miee May Wilkinson, of Morris. Portrait in locket, The linden will confer a great favor by leaving it at Tnn Post. lltninnunta the date of Taube & son's visit to Brussel° and if your eyes bother you in any way do not fail to ooneult them at Foxe Deng Store Monday and Tuohy, July 22nd and 23rd. PAN Clxvit A MACHO Toni:M.—When • Megan and Iscovecte are dull you 00018 and me me ea I am, rearl,v to sharpen ten thoneand 00 01000, Yours T. Ma. Ganclon, oorner Mill and Alain etteeta, Brussels Ont, TYPEWBITER BAROMN8.—We are agents for second hand typewriters of all makes at Woes ranging from 0 few dolma up to 985.00, If you want a good rebnilt typewriter at aloe Retiree, cononit ne, Wn 0188 tent 0118111000. Tim 131111809h9 POEM, nar.eakulasmaomea0 wommanameso.....nurnitalloCaumr..... ESTABLISHED 1813 teedIVIVeleilfetiter.MMMeM582311 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Head Office - Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with an Branches. Mow R.USSELS BRANCH J. F. lkowlanal, Pritesniager 15 Wntskisn.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs. Olearing eftle of all Summer goods during July and Auguet. GEO. E. Km, Wingham. Ten Syrian peddlers held a meeting in Greufell, Sask., on Tuesday. Their leader's attention was dietraoted by a stray goat, which be tried to ohaee off the railway, but the train came along, knooked the pedlar down and out off his head. EEO De, BRADWIN.—In Galt, 58 Market street, on July 19111, to Editor A. E. and Blre. Bradwin, formerly of Blyth, a eon. Banni.—On July llth, to Dr. and Mre, Blake, of Fort Frances, Ont., 0000, Mrs. Dr. Blake was formerly Mum Hattie Jaokson, of Trowbridge. GRAHAM —In Elms., on July 1801 to Mr. and Mrs. Riohard Graham, aeon. LONOMIRE.—On July 11111, in Atwood, to Mr and Mrs, John Longmire, a eon. PoPE.—In Wroxeter, on. July 14th, to Mr. and Mre. 0.0. Pope, a daughter. sax=mr.. Bunwm.—In Brussels, on July 25th, Reginald Mark, Youngest eon of H. R. Brewer, aged 9 months and 15 days,. GANNETT.—In Blnevale, on July 140h, Charles Gannett, aged 86 years. Numoasox —In Turnberry, on July 16111, James Nioholeoo, aged 75 years. Nnwsteemo.—In Dryden, New Ontario, on July 14th Margaret nerdy, relict of the late James-Newbigging, form• iy of E'ma in her That year. MIR T.TS.72.1EX,S HZ -P.M P EC3EIW 9 . Fall Wheat 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oate....- 40 42 Batter, tube and rolls16 17 Eggs per dozen 14 15 Hay per ton 9 -00 9 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 75 Wool (washed) 20 22 Potatoes per boo 1 00 1 00 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 25 1 25 ..4.T.TCTX.MI14' SATURDAY? AIM, 8o»,—ParM, 1101108 and lot, furniture, etook, &o., at Walton. Bale at 2 o'olook, Sale unreserved as proprietor is moving away. Jonathan Moore, Prop. F. S. Scott, Am. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, QHINGLES.—A. CAR OF RED L J Cedar Shingles Just to hand. • P. AMENT, Brussels. VOR SALE.—BLACK MARE 1.." Oen, rising 2 yeare old. For further partionlars apply to GEO. COLVIN, Brus- sels South. DARK RED HEIFER TWO years old strayed from the pasture field of P. Ament, 8212 Line, Morris, on or about July grel. Any information regarding same will be thankfully reeeivedER BRO_hy_ BABES., 2.2! Butahere, Bruimels. W. G. Coombes Issuer of Marriage Licenses MOLESWORTH NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—ALL personaledebted to the undersigned are asked to eettle the account at the Eleo- trio Light Officio on -or before August 10th, After that _date they will be put in other bande for collection. All interested should govern themselves accordinely. 9.2* 'PHLIELL BROS., Brune's. 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, known as the Hodder homestead, of W4 of Lot 20, Oen, %Mortis. There is a frame house and ham, wells, oreharde. dee. The farm is all cleared and in good shape. Possession Riven to plow in the Pall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o slyly en the premises to MRS. JOEL SEL- LERS, or Itinerate P. O. 3-t0 TilARM k'OR SALE—BEING 801 04, Oon. 18, Grey, containing 100 acres. 45 acres cleared and balance hard 01000 11008 and swamp. Good brick house with kitchen. driving shed and stable , goad well, orchard, dm, on promisee. Place well fenced. Possession could be given after crop is off. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o. Apply to Jim. 0. 000NE1L, 8,01 24, Con, 14,Grey, 08 000088180 P0. 1 and will be glad to see all those troubled with defective Eye- sight call and oonsult. We guar- antee their work to give perfect satisfaotion— . —AT— . . • eitefi.alkateWeeW Weseit,~0411 EYE SIGHT I I Italie arranged for a returb vieit with Taube & on. he Celebrated Eye Specialiate, of Toronto, to ba at my etore MONDAY& TUESDAY July 22 Sc 23 FOX'S DRUG STORE illeowsrowEototioaeituatrree‘steetenosesnoweitee GOLD WATCH LOST, NEAR 0‘41. gi)asni=',):NVLNUggrIttgalig: d °reigned by its early return to Tan Poor. IDA GORSALITZ, - - NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—ALL aceounts doe 018 008 being collonted by N. F. Gerry, at his store, Brussels. Fer- mi) interested will govern themselves ac- cordingly, W. E. STEWART. Ir_l• OUSE AND 1 ACRE OP • land for sale. Comfortable ins; hard and soft water under cover ; ap- ple, plum and cherry trees, eso. Posseesion can be given at once, For pram, terms, &e, call at THE POST, PETER KERR FERGUS, ONTARIO Organ Repairer and Tuner Twenty years in Hell & Guelph. Satisfaction guaranteed. Moderate charges. Orders left with WALKER & BLACK, Brus- sels, will be attended to. 52-4 Voters' List, 1907 Municipality of the Township of Morris, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have trans. mated or delivered to the persons mention- ed In mations 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Li ets Act, the copies required by said ace. tione to be so tronemitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised As. easement Roll of the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative assembly and at ainialeipal Elootions; and that the said list was Lint posted up In my office, at Belgrave, on the 29rd day of July, 1907, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said itst,aun, it any oncissione or any other errors axe found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct- ed according to law. Dated this 2501 day of Jaly,1907. WU() 1 eartoM ARf E.orr I egiewwwavoiroworraw•Not. BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE tionelioneNsweewwwwwereArreasionewill G. N. McLaren SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING Up to l3.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for $2.50 —Boys' 2-pieoe Snits in light and dark colors, Tweeds and Serges, for boyo' 6 to 10 years old ; regular 98.00 and 98:50. July sale price—Your. choice for 2.50 Up to $6.00 Boys' 3 -piece Suits for $4.60 —Boys' 8 -piece Suits with Knioker Pants, in light and dark shades of Canadian Tweeds, well made with good linings and are perfect fitting, for boys 10 to 16 yeare old.; regular up to 96.00. July sale price—Your ()home for 4.60 Up to $9.00 Men's Tweed Suite for $6.60 —Men's Bulbs, light and dark shades in good qualities of Canadian Tweeds, strong linings and perfect fitting, all sizes 86 to 44 ; regular up to 99.00. July sale price Your choioe for 6.60 Mon's Odd Pants, regular up to $1.50 for $1.15 --Blen'e Tweed Pants in light and dark shades, etrong Canadian Tweeds, all eines 82 to 44 ; regular up to 91.50. July sale prim—Your choice for ........ 1.15 A Soft Snap in Soft Front Shirts —Men's and Boys' eine in Soft Front °whale and Madras Cloth Shirte, mostly in light oolors. All N mos from 12 to 17 in the lo). Regular prices 60o and 75% July sale price—Your ohoice for 48c 12ic Fancy Muslins for 8c —6 pieces Fancy Muslim in light !shades, satin finished stripes, just the thing foe ohildreis'a dresses and weighs ; regular up to 12ao. July sale prioe—Your choice for per yard .08 15o Ladies' Black Cotton Hose for 10c —20 dozen Women'e Blank Ootton Hose, Seamless feet, fashioned and fast black, all ego from 8 to 10 ; regular price 15o. July gale price per pair do SPECIAL SALE of STRAW HATS 50e Boys' Straw Sailors for 25e —2 dozen Boys' Fancy Braid Stem Sailors, with silk band ; regular 50o, for 25 75c Men's Canton Sailors for 50c —3 dozen Men's White Canton Sailors, with leather meat briars and goOd silk bands; all sinee ; regular ?U. July sale price .... 50 $1.00 Men's Canton Sailors for 750 dorms, Men's White Canton Sailors, lino quality with leather sweat and.silk bands ; reg- ular 98.00. July sale price 75 BEIE)STpiziams FOR, PRJODUOEBJ Goods Right or your Money Back. Next door to American Hotel. . .cLaren