HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-25, Page 5ir 'e4 cssavez iZann bell r^a (Vin g-Mc:�Vg51 trai ia96iaPcm7 a9 x , ,alta% Ice Cream rPRICES 5 OTS. rr9 1��i ,ty� 1 ottitiftwittWOatWARitOtifteftitettortauatuivaaarAos r s?'.tiin.. it . , wm� r " i s , ::a, , o lgt ' taa'= t"a ,dam•FAI-AArrA7' ltrF, Ut, fj huptsadl StirUtrt%! NO halilln ktnnr[ ht kJ) 141) cltnrgh tiftdre, Igtaty ut Vototgu htmsiutle ter ill]] Mr. AttartNy GUI cuirttuunild 1118 asap a`' Muthodlet Clinth, and who has heed ()blew et he ae ' eau term upap� a�p�amn¢r a r� seie�aa��au pty pp 1 tq d 0 �i t•�ty y �n j �i�`� m} a v e v't at r„t rr� e tall N111 6111 �N W111)011 r eltG7.L U ,pLL ouaxutduiounrytourt, Japa+ i a la I 1 t nj hIII utachatltafter the Neter mind ulna tileiiL+tt7yElsyA, 'tF o11 h+0r IS+I ,rinnd,l, l uli Dst' Se or CENTRAL STRATFQRI . ONT. sy 'Aide 8011001 wblolt re an old and T1 Well eatabllohed one stands to Wm p,l 1bforebone a0 bbegrouteut latnurpruial and Ohurthaud delimit in the West, ja Our teachers aro oxiaerfanoud iu- snmutors,courses thorough and prao- ��- tieal. We coaled graduates to pool, gtions. Write for our free catalogue, swt8 1Wd.u1"k& sf0LAOH,LaN, Prmulpaie, 4dp BUSINESS CARDS, YVH, MoORAOIIEN— • leaner et Marriage Licenses, Of. floe ut terooury,Turnborry Meet, Brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES u111ae la the Post Office, Ethel. 80.4 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG} Is prepared 10 give lemma ou Piano. oc heed Organ. Terme ou application, Postoa)go addroes—B reseals. Reaidonce— Lo t8,0on.lo,tirey. Pupils may have their Immune at their own homes it preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL,, ONT MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oilt00 and ReoJdenoe— WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INODaeNtE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest (aper gent por annum, first Mor0gaee LIFE AND FIRE INR. AGENT Excelsior Life. Ineuranee Company Tho Equity Fire Insurance Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4011 Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. To S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to natter men, in lees time and lees charges than any other: Auctioneer 10 East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ofa00 or by portional application, ROBT. H. GARN/SS BLUI1VALE O. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Bales arranged for at the ollioe of 'Pun Boer, Brussels. MU VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— ...A • honor oradnace Of the Ontario Vet. urinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeedoated animals in a compet- ent manner, Partloulor attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and 8111k Never. Calls promptly attended to, Oeioe andln8rmary Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et„ Brueeote, 'Phone 47 k LEDAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Buueeoaor to W, F. BIa1r. OOloe over Stan- dard -Bunk, Brueeels,, Solicitor for Metro- - polltau book. p t V M. SIN0LAIE—' V • Barrister, 8olialtor,�Oonveyeneer, Natal' bila, &o. unloo-13 Blook. 1 door North of Central Hotel. Bolfollorfor the Standard Bann. pttioUDE-+OOT, HAYS & BLAIR— IOARILISTEl►S, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, h1T0, W. P n8anseoT, R. 0. 1t. 0, Hate G, V. BLAIR. 011toes—Those formo1ly;00001,3011 by Messrs Cameron & Holt, tIOl1R10H, ON'107110, .DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of tbo Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Outaxia and b'lrst.cfaee Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OBlee Graduate u eller next to Brewer's PhotographG y, BRU86EL8, . (,. Term ens. Sept. 8rd � fall P op p to Attend it -POs s ELLi4TT /� ��ttftT+[e rJ`,ORONTO0 ON7v The Helmet that ranee FIRST lu til thoroughness, popularity ahs genu- . Y iuo rn10it, Our 0(8ou11 1 88 8e gt0 tt• ii d or, mora (rodent( aro pleood to poi;• 1. 130810 0008 at 008118 salaries 111.08) In ne rOvloue year. Write today for 1rtt yn I8 ,p LaneBoane catalogue, Tp 1b W, J. ELLIOT;(', Prluolpel,' G.Y r Cott, Vona Aso ALaxAanna Bxe. y�pQ th,AJ Djig4t= 2gI i t', Ili lid Operators are wanted badly by 080 (300adia18 Railway 00mpeniee. They are forced 00 advertise for them to -day. With 8000 miles now road builds leg the demand will be still keener, Why not get ready ? The work is Olean an(1 glee an(1 the eatery very good, We prepare you gaaoitly and at little cost. Write us for free particulars, Cnu''eor. TxsLn- Oltern Scnoor, Gerrard East, Tor - 0830. W. H, Skew, President, goxat %etas `teius Earl Beaker, who hae been at Win nipeg, tae gone on to Moose Jaw, where he has Geared a better eiluatiou. • Pea quality and quantity eek your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag” and "Currency" Chewing Tobao• noes, 46-18 Dr, Cavanagh, of Owen Sound, is in Maximo at present oombiniug batmen and health building, Be was a former Brueeelite. Mr. It. McLachlan and son removed to.Etralford this week where they per pose making their home. Tbey parry with them the good wishes of many trieudalor a proeperousfuture. Rev. E. G. Powell wee in Lnoknow lastweek arranging for MM8 Thursdayof work ue District Sabbath School Seers. tart', 14 is anew oflloe tine being the fleet year. A Sabbath Bobtail' (leaven. tion will be held at Ripley in oonneotion with the Diettiot Meeting. As Wingham Dietrich is not bolding a Summer School this year a cordial in vi. (alien Is given to residents of the Die- triot to attend the School Io be held at Goderioh July 20th to Augnet 4th. A. fine program is being arranged. Meet• lags will be heldiu a large tent by the lake. W. W. BUEOESO, photographer, a form. er Brneeelite, was thirteen years in the photo. heehaws in Mitohell, on Tuesday, 10.h of July and ao that day he photo• graphed all perone 60 years of age of over who applied and gave each one A cabinet photo. of themselves tree of charge. Piles get gniok and attain relief from Dr. Shoop']] Mogio Ointment. Please note it is made for pi10e alone, and ite action is positive and certain. Itohing, painful, protruding or blind pile° dia• appear like magio by it'e nee. Large niokei•oapped glees jars 50 aunts. Sold by all dealers. The following refers to a former Brae• eels pastor :—Rev. Geo. 1'. Salton, Ph. B., and eon, Harold, arrived in Stratford Friday afternoon and were welcome and prominent figure( at the Central Matto diet S. S. pia bio. Rev. Mr. Salton oo• oupied the pulpit of whioh he is return. ing for another expected euoceeetnl pas• Emote last Sunday morning and be intends to put in some days in the joyful work of unpacking goods at the parsonage, afterwaede joining Mrs. Salton for resumption of holidays. Since hie first pastorate in Stratford, Mr. Balton has been pastor in the lending churches to St. Thomas, Hamilton and Ottawa, and returns to Stratford to reoeive a warm weloome from the congregation. , Jerry T. Cootie has been re•engaged no Prinoipal of Milverton Public Sohool at $600 par annum. Ha le a brother to Mrs. Jae. Elliott, Brussels, The show- ing made by Milverton Public Sobool in the relent Entrance Examinations, says the San, must be pertioulorly gratifying to all 'concerned. Oat of nine pupils sent up nine were successful and all obtained marks considerably above the standard required to pass. The result reffeate great aradit upon Prinoipal Cur tie, who wee somewhat handicapped in hie work daring the year owing to the 0w standard of the clave when bo took charge, The late Geo. Aoheeon, of Goderiob, whose death warred a short time ago, in hie will left $8,000 to the Trnetee Board of North street "Methodist obnroh ; $2,000 to the general Missionary fund of the Melhodiet ohnroh of Canada ; $2,000 to the Woman's Missionary elooie4y ; $1,000 bo the Superannuation' fend ; and $1,000 to the Ednoational fund. mfr.. Aoueson wits a .member. of both the Quarterly and Trustee Boarde of the North area Methodiet ohnrob. He also lett $2,000 to the Outario Woman'( Christian Temperanoe Colon and $1,000 to the Alexandra. General and Mariue HOBpital at Goderioh. . REUNION AT PALtz0°MTON,—At the lab meeting of Paimereton Town Oounoii a letter was read from Senator MoMuilen stating that when in Hamilton lately, Postmaster Brown, one of the original ptomoiore of the Wellington, Grey and Brae Railway negated a reunion at Palmeretoo of all the old pioneers who are etill'living along the lice between Guelph and Souihamptou and P1imer- eton and Afaoardine. Mr. Browne would be glad to attend and give an ed. dreee on the hietory of the railway stud the resultant development. Senator Mo. Mellen eudoreed the idea and expressed hie willingness to a00ist in any way possible. The Connell took up the idea, ouupled with that of a general railway phalli). A uommittae was appointed to oars. oat the eoheme. Tno Pon think( Reeve Leokle and otbere would enjoy the [e -anion. I will mail you free, • to ` prove merit, m lee of myDr. S hoo 's Restorative 8a P P and,. my Book on either Dyspepsia, ills hart or the kidneys. Troubles of the stomach, heart or kidneys, are merely iI t Don't e ailment, D symptoms of a de 0r . akthe oommon error. of treating eympioma only. Symptom treatment i8 Meeting the result of your ailment and not the oeuee. Week stomach nerves— the inelde nerve0-mean stomach weak. nese always,, And the heart and `kid. neye ea well, have .their controlling or inside aervo9. Weaken biose nerves and you inevitably have weak vital organa. Here is where Dr, Bhoop'e Restorative has made 143 fame. No other remedy even oleim0 to treat the "Weide nerves." Alco lot bloatingbiliousness bad breath , oe ootnplexion, ate Do. Shoop'( Restore,. tivo. Write me to -day for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wie. The Restorative le sold by all dealer]],. r, is ra Ont1)' 0. larn0d to 1:'orunto, 0,, his 0%'O (wife he remained in 13[iti0h Columbia to look into the 10reigu breech work there, end found that the Japuneoe and ()biome minion 0t041on0 on the mat to be doing very oatiofaotory work. J7r, Setberiand returned from the East in exioelleg4 been)). 110 WOO aeoompanied. by the vonnruble General Superintendent, Rev, Dr. Carman, Free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, 0 trial eige box of De, Shoop']] Catarrh Remedy. Let me send 1t now. 38 is a snow -mobile, (nearby, howling antiopetio baba, Containing such baling Jngre• (Cents ae 011 Euooliptes, Thymol, Alen. (bol, etc., 80 via umlaut and lasting relief to catarrh of the none and throat, Make the free best and pee for yomraet! what rise preparation an and will a0• oomplieb. Addreee Dr. Shoup, Ratline, Wie. Large jars 00 oats, Sold by all dealers. PAX IN Anvaoon.—With a view of equar• tog off sobeorIpbion arrears to THE Poor end establishing a pay ha minas rule a area number of name are handed to the Oanadian Publishers' Oolleobing Agency who make u epeoialty of attending to this Important department of newspaper work. With the tuoreaeed eat of meter. ial, wage0, postage, &0., the margin on a 0000try weekly at $1,00 per year is pram. daily wiped out and alma payment an be seared in advanoo the outlook to not very comforting, 1uldly give no your help to thia matter by a ready response t0 the notification you Will receive, The amount to the Individual eubooriber in apparently trifling but in the aggregate means handrails of dollars to Tin Poor, money we Intuit have., A ►lard -C+ eOvercome e No longer ne0eaeary to suffer from musoular rheumatism. Every case eau be oared. Ferrozone is unfailing as proved by David Jobnotoo, of Ormond, Ont. "My wife was a dreadful sufferer"' he writes. "For two years ehe would sanely do any work. Her knuoklee and joints swelled, causing torture, To get up or down stairs was impossible. She took box after ha of Ferrozone and rubbed the are plaaee with Nerviline. Improvement started and she mended fust. To day she ie quite oared and we thunk Ferruzanetor be recovery." No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozone : it dues oars, 500 per box at ell dealers. 13eIgrave. Miss Roes, of Seaforth, visited at Dan, Geddes'. Mise Cassie Halliday is visiting friends in Carrick towe:hip, Mise Hazel Wilkinson, of Morpeth, is visiting at the pareouage. Mies Nettle MoLean is the geed of Mice Olive Gerrie, East Wawanoeh. J. F. Boylan, of Walkerton, was a vial. for with his uaole, Rev. G. W. Rivera, Mise Loveless, of London, is Melting her unol0 and aunt, Joo, and Mrs. Boandrett. Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. D., was at Ridgebown, performing a marriage oeremouy. Mies Lille Isbiater, of Saskatoon, Seek., i8 epeoding bon holidays at the home of her parents. Mies Iebister has been 10006aged t0 take oborge of the same eehool 00 Met year, with an sdvenoe in salary of $10.00 a month. Joe, England and his two sone, Joseph John and Rev. Christopher England, of Miohigao, formerly of Morrie, were renew- ing old aogoaintanoe0 in and around Belgrave. Their old home sae where Reeve Taylor lives and were the first Det• tiers of Morris. I'll atop your pain free, to show yon firer—belore you spend a penny—what my Pink Pain Tablets oan do, I will mail you free, a trial package of them—Dr. Sboop'e Headache tablets, Neuralgia headache,toothaobe, period pains, eta, are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Sboop'e headache tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood premiere, That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Ratine, Wie. Sold by all dealers. ii'OrClw le]a.. The briok work of F. Adams' new honee is completed. Rev, A. B:.Dobson left for the lake shore to spend a lew weeks holidays. His address will be fine River. Rev. W. Johnston concluded the' ea. vices in the Presbyterian ohurah on Sun- day morning and at Gerrie in the after— noon, 'John FI, and Mee. Molise, of Neepawa, Mau., a000mpenied by their ecu Johnnie, are visiting relatives in Gerrie and vicinity. Miee.Joao McCurdy reamed her pees.. bion behind the cumber of Fordwiab Drag Store atter a two weeke' vacation spent with Kinloagh Mende. Homer .Aylesworth had the misfortune;,, to rue hie Huger agaioet a sew in Strome's mill tatting the point of his little finger on the telt hand almost off. Rev. J. Hussar and family_ lett on Monday of lest week for a holiday. Tbey expeot.to be absent three Sanctity's, and will Melt relatives in London and Vicinity. 151'v 1111.. The p001offiae hes been re—papered and _painted inside. Mies Jennie Moore, of Brussels, eves 0, visitor in town. The new flag pole of the L. 0. L. is 68 feet above ground. Wm. Johnston bad a new windmill erected on hie livery bare, The Epworth Lenges of the ,Methodist church took in $800 on the 12th of July at their dinner. The Sunday School pio•nio of the Methodist ohuroh was held Tuesday of taut week at Potter's grave, A good time •wee enjoyed. Joe, 110gland and Met, J. 3., of Cairo, Michigan, and ,Rov. 0. England, of Lapeer, Mioh., wore guide with relatives wed triend8 in town. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's oltoroh are talking of runniug an axone. Mon to Guelph on the 0, P, R, if Bathe. factory arrangements Can bo made about the. 7th of Anguet. Prinoipal Hartley has resigned his po0ition at the Blyth 001001 to a000pk the poeit(ou as Principal! of 0lhnton school 8 aimed r, u hwho eh to one d � Log bas re sued, Mt. Hartley" will reoeive a salar of Hn 000, y $ The removal of Mr, and Mrs. y Bartley will Mail a 10081 not only t0 the town and 8ohool, but to Trinity Obutoh,' whore both have been a!waye ready to lend a D 1, MnP'a(' ; b, (110)1 Ur 010 17 ,men It` ' • ' fly h. u. i an 1 r"• l uu r;ui+;. I w....11 if you lake qua Ou, latmuw, was u1 town and hail platted the Dominion J:ttpreto office in the atom of G. M. Ohambore & 0o., and Mr, Cheatham will be the agent. A Tawe In WWII Arlahat Mrs. A, P. A'ergae u K' colt known Oapa IJrotoaor has pored AM4hme by "Oa4arr1ozooe," iier oteternent is Don• viuolug 1 " dItheegh I wee troubled for year]] it wail only r0centiy I tried Oabarrhozoue, When An attack started I gut oat my inhaler and invariably got quiets railed. Feeling added 0atarrh• ozone would are, I continued the treat•' 01000 till one 4ottie was finiohed. I didn't use more because I sae oared and the Whine ha0 never returned." Oabarrhozooe is Imre death to asthma and brouohitie. Try it and be oonvinood. Two eizee 2de and $1.00 at all dealer]]. Grey. Cray Ooutwit on Monday 20tH. 40 ante in ttdvanae gets' 1E Poor to January let 1008. Mise Ethel Dunbar vieited with friends in Clifford for a week. Miss Ella Pearson has been visiting friends in Hallett township. Dire. John Bryan visited her ]]hater, tire, Albert Tuck, of Clifford, Mies Maggie Campbell, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home on the 8rd. Ivie and M[e, Campbell spent a few days with friends in Stanley township. Mise Ewrneoliffe Musgrove, of Wing— ham, is visiting her ooaein, Mies Busse Pearson. Dr. Chisholm, of Wingham, M. P. for East Huron, was renewing aoquaintanoao in Grey Iaet week. ;vire, Joe Ames, aeoompanied by her eieter, Mies Bryan, of Brussels,have been visiting friends near Pelerboro. Mice Emilie Macon, who -baa been taking a aurae of massa in Toronto, ie holidaying at her home near Ether. We are pleased to hear of the 000000s of Mies Mae Hogg at the recent Normal examination. She hue been engaged to teach in a school neer Myth for the oom• Mg year. :[.1iotowel. Mrs. John A. Watson has returned after upending a mouth with bar daugh— ter, Dire, 0. A. Krohn, Hamilton, Mrs. Ballard, Mimi Minta and -Mre. George Ballard left for two months' holi- days at Jaokeoo Point, Toronto, Hamil•. ton and Grimsby. Mies Mary Hacking left for trip to the Pacific coast via 0. P. R. She will be aeoompanied by her brother, Ernie Seeking, whom she met at Fort William. The members of Listowel Lodge, A. 0. II. W., have arranged to hold a garden party on Friday evening, July 26th, which will take plane on the lawn of Dr. W. M. Brea, Wallace etreet. F. R. Blewett left on a trip that will inolude Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. Part of the time will be spent as a pleasure outing and port of tbs time in oonneotion with fraternal society work. The tennis club are having a doable May ooart built at the golf links. It will be Erne and fast and very aonveaient for nee from the club house. It is intended to entirely enoloee it with eight foot - ten- ting. The Bell Telephone construction gang have arrived at Gowanetown for the pur- pose of building the new Knrtzville Tele. phone party line. Eight new sabeoribers Will be added to the Listowel Exchange by this, extension. The town Connell ie providing a Lath. ing place for the boys in the Maitland, on Mr. Riddell's property, a short dielanoe above Mayor Watson's dam. The river bed hae been cleaned otic for some dis- tance, leaving a depth of water of acme three or four feet. A canvas screen hae been pet ap for a dreaming room and to obeonre the bathers from view, When That Cold Cottee How is it to be oared ? Thie method is eimplioity itself. Rub the chest and throat well with Nerviline, nee it as a gargle end take some in hot water before retiring along with 000 of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Neat morning findo you refreshed free from cold and bright se a dollar. Thee]] hoceehold-remedies are wonder. fully saooeeefel, and certainly won't fail in your came. For Bale ab alt dealers. ]leant —vu. MATnniONIoL.—A very pretty wedding was solemnized at "Woodbine Farm," Wilmott, the home of F. and Mrs. Sandereon, on the 17th ;net, when their daughter, Mies Mabel Olive, was united in marriage to A. A. Fogel, of Hayeville, Ont. The bride leaning on her father's arm, took ber place ander an arab of evergreens and roeee on the epaoiono lawn while Mine L. Bete, rendered Mendel- ochu's Wedding March in n pleasing manner, Rev, F. Thomann, of Wood• stook, aeeietod by Rev. H. Brand, of Bright, officiated, Bride looked obarm• ing in a gown of dream voile de eoie with .trimmings of silver sequin and (tarrying a shower bogaet of bridal roses. She wore the oonventional veil with Lilies of the Valley, The bride was assisted by ber slater, Mies Eva, who Was becomingly gowned in Dream alba, ma, with towhee of bine, wearing a piobare hat. .l3tissee Pearl Murray and Mande Erb, aloes of the bride, strewed roses on their path, The groom was supported by hie Prised, H, Ounningbam, of Fittmoreton. The bride's present to the groomsman wag an amebbyet tie pin and the groom's gift to the bride was a drawing room olook.; ea the bridesmaid gold monogram locket and chain ; to the flower gide gold friendship preoelote. Amid ehowereof aonlebti the bride and' room left on the g E 710 train for Owen Sound and pointe in Muskoka. The meanie were numerous and costly ehow- ing g es the high esteem in wljieh the newly married pelt aro held. The guests nom baring about 100, acme from Stratford, Palmerston, Atwood, Henfryn, Sakes. pare, Barrie, Berlin, Hamburg, Bright, Hayeville, Platteville; Wilmott, c&o, J& TVVOO(4. Mra, 13, T, Greeneidee le spending a couple of wake with her eon at Brant, lord. The Mothodist Sunday Sahoot held its annual Piono in Mrs. a Graba m,u grove, Elms Cheoee 0ompany ]]hipped leek I t 'half of J'nne cheerio. The shipment eon, ' stored of 440 boxes, willow d to Hodgson It Bros„ "ALL ALL DEALEIIS„ The Gentle Kidney Pili, pc. a large box. M Druggists, Or by mail direct postpaid, 66 The Clalltn Chemical Co„ Ltd., Windsor, Ont. The Y. P. S. 0, re, of the Presbyterian church held a pionio at Ethel last Mon. day. Mies Sarah Boyd ie oonAnod to the Image with an abteek of typhoid fever,. A trained name is in abteudaego, Rev. Mr, and Mrs, MoVioar end family are spending a well earned holiday at the home of Mrs. MoVioor'o parents in Gode• riot. Tho trustees of Atwood Pnblio School have engaged Miss Hodgson, of Mitchell,. ae teacher of the junior. department at a eatery of $860 0 year. Henry McNichol, 8th con., East, leek tt valuable horse, The animal got frighten ed at eomething, ran away and took a header over a fence, breaking its neck. Mrs. John Robbie lett for Berlin to join her bueband who has scarred work in that town. Mr. Robbie went West this Spring but found attentions ;tions so On• favorable for work ao a mason that he re. toroed to Ontario. He reported hundreds of men ae being out of work. HenryDuncan 12th con. west,( week or so ago carried a sore arm as a malt of trying to stop hie runaway team. The team, hitched to a milk wagon, bolted away from hie hired man, came down the lane on thejomp and tore through the gate ae Henry opened it. Be en. deavored to pull them ap and in doing eo gave hie arm a bad wrench. The team ran ae far ae Newry, spilling 400 lbs. of good milk. Fortunately the entire toad of milk was not on the wagon, or the lose would have been more eerion0. The tongue of the wagon broke. Right Breathing Cures Catarrh Simple Way to Hill Catarrhal Germs ha Nose, 'Throat and Lungs. The only natant and oommon ease method known for the ogre of oatarthat troubles is By 0.mei. Ib i0 breathed through an ingenioue pooket inhaler, so that its medicated air reaohee the moat remote airmails of the longs, killing all catarrhal germs, eootbing the irritated mucous membranes, and restoring 0 healthy condition. If you Buffer from catarrhal troubles sea as offensive breath, raising of ma. enoae, frequent oneezing, hneky voioa, dieoherge from the nose, droppings in the throat, lose of strength, spasmodic cough- ing, of a feeling of lightness across the upper part of the cheat, you should begin to nee Hy -o -mei at once. It will destroy all disease germs in the nose, throat and lunge. and provide the blood with ad- ditional ozone, We do not want anyone's money tiniest] Hyomei gives relief ad ours, and we absolutely time that money will be re funded unless the remedy gives ealiefao• tMe. All draggiete should be able to sap. ply you with Hyomei or,we will sand it by mail on receipt of prioe, $1.00, and every package ie sold with the distinot understanding that it mete nothing on. lees it oorea. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N X, ME'TS From Whom are You Going to Buy ? • From n reliable firm where you see' what you are gutting or froin some agent Who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only for his aoiumiseion as agent ? We employ no agents and guarantee all our work for five years. Wilsons. Saunter It100SS18L5 Cough hCaution Nr1Dat o never 1oisonyourlungs ifSo 538g1 ee0 0 Amok told only—you should always Soothe, amleas0the irritated bron.i ehini Mhos. Dont blindly sUPPrese it with al stupefying .poison. 104 0t,ango how, 008110111iug04 tfl mil rrnmo about. For twenty years Ur Sha op+ 3111 111100 ie8' warned peopleo4tonsil' Chloroform, ,, Proscriptions scontaining31111alitt10 bturoo11111—C ogre t 01000 s, 0ut1d nowhe little' into isona ar Conga v save "Put Mixture," ixte Wialnbol i f. e 1 ons urs in 301 Cough [ xtnro " Oman' {. J Very b AI o verygondIIHennblurft,ton voolIlE1), micas. and triers, should melee on laving Ur. Shoop'g Cough Caro. No poison merles on s Dr. Bhnonp'e labels—cud nom, iitthem medicine, else it must 10 law by on the lithe) And it's not only eaferbut• it• 1000 1d to ha ley those that know it best, a truly re.. maa•lieblerough remody. Take BaoMargie then,, onrtirullrly with your r1i11rrn. insist on having ilr, Shoop'0d'ough Coro. Compare carefully the Dr, Shoop pn1101111 isith others and note this differen0,. No poison (malts diem! "You .Cm_ always bo on t1e safe side by demanding t 9 OP S Cure with Jt good Fly Not or Fly Sheet. We Have U11111 in Leath. el' or Cotton and at” prices to suit everybody,. OUR SINGLE HARNESS is just now in great demand—the Rubber and ;Solid Nickle Trimmingsare great favorites. We make all o1111 Harness, both Heavy and Light, and can give you whatyouwant. For Trunks and Valises that will stand travelling you should buy ours as they are built specially with that object in. View and do not cost you any more than the imitation ones offered by some Others. .. Whips, Dusters and everything in the Hiarness line in stock, Repairs in Collars, Harness, t&c., promptly done. Comfortable Booths to let above store. I. Ir `' R��. had t alional Roller Fiotir Nlili,s Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good health. To obtain good Bread and Pastry it is necessary to have good Flour. ite Loaf Fi ur possesses all the qualities that go to make these' essentials. Try this, our special pro- duct, and it will please you. 1a"AIl kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call W de Rs A. PRYNE BRUSSELS Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition. The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes an ooaur to anyparchaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, mud no slack stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back slays. Otto Bdggies have improvements that no other Bnggioshave. 100 BUGGIES TO SELL Likewise MI kinds of Rubber Tire Buggiee on hued. We invite in- tending purchasers to (aped one stook and buy a Buggy made by Ewan & Go. iu Basal); and save your money. We alert handle along with our own Baggies, work of reliable firms such as Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re- quiring them, - Call and buy at Ewan ck Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, end save money. OLD' BUGGIES Re -painted, Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and get our Prices. t 0 FOR UCF Y P For the Com- ing Summer Ice Gleam Soda In any of the Popular Flavors 5 CTS. ruitnd ae �, sa and, Map Walnuts Maple Wali u+N 100. 3 FOR 250, Syrup 5 CTS. J. 0 ' M25:0 ddrzl SA e Agz=sde,VAk v= sriviwvi.awAtWsE