The Brussels Post, 1907-7-25, Page 40010
471)4 > t io . t t' `61°3)178ti" DIl Til!Q auomell so tfo bp
THURSDAY, JU 'LI' 26, 1907.
"TUN mala behind the hoe" le muab
in evidence three day In the odltivation
of the root atop, Awing to dry weather..
this important article of feed bee not
Made the progress often noticeable in
ether years, Frequent ebowere will
render valuable aid however in the
CANADIANS will be interested in the
etatemeut that Hon. Edwerd Bleke,
swing to a poor condition of health, hoe
resigned hie deet in the British House of
Commons and it le expeoted will Dome
book to Canada to reeide. Mr. Blake
tea spent 16 years se member for South
Longford but owing to re stroke of parole'.
ale he uo longer poeeeeees the pbyeloal
vigor demanded of him. He is a Caned•
feu by birth and is in the 64th year of
lite age. Many Canadians will welcome
him beak to the land of the Maple Leaf,
ALotOoT every day's newspaper tells
the sad tale of railway wreoke in which
numerous deaths are not intrequenb,
We suppose it the public demand a mite
a minute gait buwen life must neaee.
eerily pay the penalty. The railways
of this country are not straight enough,
not properly ballasted nor ie the old
weight of rail sofffcient for the inoreased
speed and the ueoeeserily heavier rolling
stook. A. great many more oollieione
weer than should and the authorities
are often too slack in the puuiehment
meted out to the offender-.
CANADA received the beet advertisement
fn rte history, nu doubt, in the reoent
Colonial Ountereuoa and her well known
Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, won
plaudits to no end, irrespective of party,
rot the wisdom, breadth of thought ou
the politioal questions and hie ability to
preserve hie good nature throughout hot
ooutrovereiee. He is oertainly a wonder-
ful man with a wonderful career and
amidst it all his head never gete too big
tor his hat. The history writers of this
ly,iminion will have a wide field to
traverse when they aesay to write the
life of the Premier. Nest session of
Parliament ebould be,eepeoially intereet-
iug as the Mot/Multi of Canada's repre-
(teutative is presented to the House.
It is not aulikely that before
the Wiuter arrives Sir Wilfrid
will address gebheriogs ab leading °entree
iu the Dominion,
IT looks a trifle as if oar Conservative
friends are afraid of a Dominion eleation
beiug sprung upon them and hence R.
L. Borden, M. P., the leader of the Op
poeitiou fti the Howie of Oommone, hae
planued a great political tour throughout
the Dominion, to be divided ae to time,
as follows :-
Nova Scotia, Aug. 20 to 24.
New Brunswick, Aag. 26 to 28.
Qoebeo, Aug. 29 to Sept. 6.
Ontario, Sept. 7 t0 17.
British Colombia, Sept. 24 to Oat. 1.
Alberta, Oat. 3 to 10.
Seekatohewan, Oct. 12 to 19.
Manitoba, cat. 21. to '28.
0,ber leading Ooneervative speakers will
also atteud theee gatherings so lively
tinee may be expected fo political daring the coming three menthe.
A dfovEorasT is on toot to establish an
Eleotrlo Beltway from Goderioh to Dan•
gaunon and perhaps to Luokaow.
This would no doubt be a good paying
line ae it would serve a line section of the
o "uutry now ant off from public facilities
of travel, This proposed line le only a
section of a belt rued Talked of years ago
in which Belmore, Wroxeter, Brunelle
Seaforth and Bayfield were taken into
the oo0ut. For reasons not easily ex.
plaiued the propoeitioo was showed to
drop. Tim POST ie of the opinion that
ane plan la more feasible and workable
today then ever and we have little doubt
bat a number of the mnoioipalftiee in•
tereated would take hold of the matter
quite heartily it set on foot. Between
peesengere, freight; express and mail
oarry.iug it could hardly fail l0 become a
SIA CnAaLEe TUPPaA is a weederfal
man and at about 90 years of age ap-
pears to be bright, vigorooe and greatly
interested in the affairs of the 8tette.
A banquet ie being talked of for him,
in the near future, by hie numerous
!deeds in Noes Bootie and no doebt
many others would be pleased ee pee'
h m reepeot for the activity be hat
displayed in helping in the manage.
meat of public affairs for eo many long
years. While 131r Cherie() did many
things we did not agree with he ae-
slated iu mush that Wag very beneficial
to the Dominion of Canada and pos.
eibly he wag more widely known on
the Ooneervetive side of the politioui
fence than any other man outside of
the labe'Sir John et, MacDonald .and it
ie doubtful if he ie not the peer of any
whe today sit on Opposition benahee
in the Commons,
GIANT TaxoLNxe, "Oarrenoy" "Bober
and "hitt*" Ubewing Toba0oaee, in big
verge. Quality alwaye the BOWL
The enc+al beefier) of the Goderioh
Dietrlot Stiminer Sobool, for Bible "and
Iflieeiouary elttdy and Evaugelietia effort
will be held in Harbor Perk, Goderer h,
from July 29th to Augnet 4th, 1907.
The program le as follow) :-
Monday July 291,h, -Prayer and Praise
Opening Address, President Rev.. a•
Oelvin Reid, 13, A., B. D. ; eddreee,
"Syetematia Beueaclenoe." Rev, 13,
Rogers, Settfortb ; evengellstip meeeage,
Rev, W.11E100011, 141. A., Toronte.
Tuesday 2013 30th. -Early morning
service, Rev. B. Andereou, Blytb.
Afteruoou.-Devotional exercises, Rev.
B, Clemeut, B. A, Goderioh ; source in
Bible etady, Rev. W. Russell, M. A.,
Toronto ; disoueefon and lineations ; our
duty to foreigners in Oeuada, Mrs. D. 0.
Taylor, Lnaknow ; dioousoion end queen
tione I Shine, Bev. A. Sutherland, D, D.,
Toronto, Miesionery Secretary of the
Methodist church. Evening.- Prayer
and Praise ; eddreee, Rev, D, N. Mo-
Cemne, Listowel ;