HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-25, Page 1Vo). 36. No, 3
New Advertisements
Local -G, E. Icing,
Shingles -P. Ament.
For sale-Geo.Colvin.
Card -W, G, Coombes.
Voters' List --Wm, Clark.
Watch lost -Ida Gorsalit.
Nose glasses lost -THE Peer.
Visitors to town -1:. R. Smith,
Notice to debtors-Thttell Bros,
Parra for sale --John D. McNeil,
Farm for sale-Mrs.oel Sellers,
Straightforward Methods -Ferguson
& Ross
iistxixi Secs,
The Provincial Governmeut has
granted authority to George E.
Coombes, merchant, of this place. to
issue marriage licenses. No doubt
thoee matrimonially inclined will value
the convenience this will be.
We are sorry to report that Ben..
Dark was seriously injured some time
ago by n kick from a horse. It was
feared at one time that the results
might prove fatal but we are glad to
state that he is making favorable pro-
gress and we trust he will soon be o, k,
C renin htoo le.
Miss S. Seale is visiting in Seaforth,
Mrs. Cusie returned on Saturday
from visiting her daughter in Guelph.
Mrs. Oliver. of Brussels, spent a
few days with D. and Mrs,•McQuarrie,
Misses Susan and Beatrice McNair
are home from Muskoka for vacation.
Mrs, C. W. Keeling and datighter,
ot Cargill, were the guests of A. J. M,
and Mrs, fleim last week.
vlr, and Mrs. Walker spent a few
days with Jho. and Mrs. Cameron,
They are on a trip from Scotland.
Fall wheat is well nigh ready for the
sickle and is a very good crop,
Will, •MacDonald and Jack Fraser,
yisited Blyth friends IastSunday,
Carl Iones, of Moorefield, is renew-
ing old acquaintances in this vicinity.
Miss Ethel Montgomery, of Wrox-
eter, has been visiting her cousin, Miss
_Serve Bryane,
Jas. and 141rs. McEwen, of Goderich,
were visiting the fortner's parents here
for a day or two.
Last Sunday evening Rev. W. J.
West. M. A., of Bluevale, preached in
Victoria Hall here,
' Miss Edith Bailey, of Brussels, holi-
dayed at the home of her friend, Miss
Elsie Strachan, for a few days.
.eammaNsamossoxassr sows.
Four pupils from. S, S. No, A Grey,
wrote at the Entrance examination
three of whom passed viz -Maggio
Johnston, Geo. King and Jean Me.
Lennart. We congratulate the scholars
and their,teacher, Fred, Sryans,
We aro sorry to hear that Dunoan
Taylor an old and well•kuown resident
of this locality, had the misfortune to
receive a severe shaking up while un
loading hay with the hay fork, hie
was pulled off the load and landed on
the barn floor rather uticeremouiously.
We hope he will soon be o, k.
Pall wheat is about ready for har-
Township Council will be held here
next Monday.
Miss Lyda McCellum is home from
Clinton for a few days.
Principal W. P. Freeman is home
with his parents for the holidays.
A Listowel company held a pic-nic
in the grove on the Maitland bank on
Miss McKenzie, formerly of Ethel.
is the guest of the Misses Hansuld at
Mrs, and Miss McKinlay. of Brus-
sels, were visitors with Ivlrs, S. S. Cole
last week.
Mrs. Cramp, of Toronto, was the
welcome guest of her sister, Mrs.
Spence, this week.
Miss' Edith Freeman has arrived
home from an extended visit at Lou.
don. She looks well.
There will no doubt be quite a num-
ber from here attend the Garden Party
in Henfryn under the auspices of St.
D.ivid's church,
F. F, Freeman, Mrs. Freeman and
Master Harold have gone visiting at
London, Ildertoo, Clinton, Seaforth
and other points.
Most of the farmers are purchasing
hayloaders this season. No less than
ten have been unloaded and set in•
motionbyJohn Kreuter, the Frost
& Wood agent, this week.
FOOT BALL. -A lively .game of font
ball was played Last Friday evening on
Victoria Park, Brussels, between Ethel
and Brussels. It was a hot game all
through but it resulted in favor of
Ethel by a score of x to o. The line-
up was as follows :-
Batten B)wossng
R Jaoklh, Goal F (ferry
J Gibson ..,..,,,.,.. J Armetiang
R Foamier li aaka
F Hooter
B Stevenson...y J Elliott
J Goaaed •1•1•1•1.. i8acke W Scott
W Goatee ,r b ...,,....ii Holmes
W Hemsworttr. l Boas
W Jacklin ., W Henderson
wF eiebnan Forwards MoMilI tt
a em torani
t ••t1 wimple')
Glassier A
G] a DfoJrlllan
This was the second match played this
season, Ethel winning both.
Mies R, Spence intends taking a
well earned holiday trip to Brantford
and several other points next week.
Thos, and Mrs. Hall, of Montreal,
are ependleg their holidays with R.
and Mrs, Ransom, parents ot Mrs,
Hall, They are weloome visitors.
The Epworth League and Christian
Endeavor unitedly intend having a
sot al evening on Friday of this week
in the Township Ball, A good pro -
grain and lunch will be provided,
UNOEaxnttttG,-Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone' No. is
28a attd a call will bavo our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sered. Speeial attention paid to
cavity and arteriai embalming for
which we hold diplomas,
Quite a number from here went to
Brussels last Friday eveuiug to wit-
ness the return match between : the
Ethel and Brussels Junior foot -ball
teams which was played on Victoria
Park and resulted in Ethel gaining the
victory by one goal, I! reeittan scoring'
after the gains had been open about
ten minutes. There are few placed
of its size that can turn out as good
a gang of players as Ethel and. we con-
gratulate the boys on being able to
keep up the reputation of our little
village. There will be three more
gables played this season 'at least,
namely ;-Ethel vs. Atwood ; Ethel
vs. Fordwich and Ethel vs. Wingham
of which time will give the results.
Ete l 'rave.
Nnwsv BRsEzES.-MISS Mason, Of
Wawanosh, visited in Belgrave.-Mr.
Hnggitt is putting down a well on the
school grounds. -Chas. McClelland,
sr., is visiting friends at Port Huron,
-P. W. Scott attended the Masonic
Grand Lodge in Ottawa. -Geo. Taylor
disposed of 3o head of cattle for ship-
went. -C, W. Lawrence visited with
friends in and around Kippen,--Job°
Wilford and wife, of Blyth, visited. at
Wm, Wray's.-Clegg & Johnston ship-
ped a carload of rattle and a car of
hogs on Monday. -R. 1. Clegg left for
Winnipeg, Brandon and otber Western
points, -Misses Breckenridge, of Blue -
vale, are visiting with Miss Lizzie
Owens,-Armstroug & Co. shipped a
carloacl.01 hogs on Tuesday. .$6,7o
per too pounds was paid. -Some of
the youg men of Belgrave are bring
ing in great strings of bass, some
strings weighing s as g g g much a et zo
pounds, -Mrs, 1vloClelland, Miss Tenet.
ta Black, of Wroxeter,- and Mrs.,
Buchanan, of Walton, are the guests of
D, and Mrs. Sproat,-Jno. and Mrs.
McCool and children of Wingham,
25 dozen Ladies' Fine ins Ri
b Cash-
mere Stockings, double spliecd knee,
seamless heel and toe, real �
value 50e, Special this week at U u
We want you to know this store simply as one that never charges more than the
Lowest price at which a good 'article can be sold. We will have nothing to do with merchan-
d'se of doubtful quality and so are never tempted to praise trash, posing as- "Bargains." Oar
guarantee is absolute protection against low grade and,bigh price. We have real bargains,
plentyof them; especially at this season. Read the list through, pick out your wants and
get here as early ae possible.
-10 dozen Ladies' Wash Collars, all this sea- 25 pieces of Extra Fine P,iubed Organdie
eau's styles, regular price 150, i8o and 26o. Dress Muslin, were 12ao and 15o. Speoial price
1price to clear
Clearing at one rte .... � ea
-25 dozen Pure. Linen Towels, white and
colored borders, size 19x88, fringed ends, worth 22
regular 300 per pair. Clearing at per pair.... ��J
-3 dozen Ladies' Drawers of Mae Cambric,
with embroidered frill, regular 50e line. Clear- 35
ing at
-10 dozen Ladies' Vests, full ribbed, bleach-
ed, half sleeve and sleeveless styles On sale
at 120 and . ......... . 15
-5 pieces Trench Silk and Wool Voile, in
Black, Champagne and Grey, our regular price �+ J
$1.00. Clearing price 11
-25 only Ladies' Black and Colored Silk
Belts, some slightly damaged, were worth 850 19
and 76a. Clearing at e`7
-15 ends Dress Tweed, in dight and dark
colors, all this season's styles and worth 60o per
yard. Clearing at �9
20C. INDIA LAWN 160.
250. INDIA LAWN 190.
This tells, in two lines; the story of the best values in good Lawns
that ever went over our oountera,' They are better than good values -
they are Bargains; inthe best and truest sense of that much abused word.
Qualities guaranta•ed perfect. Bought direct from the maket. Quanti-
ties limited and positively no more at the price when these are sold• Buy
all you think you will need while you get it at tbie price, -
85 Dainty 'Waists - V►lues Beyond Question
There are, all told, six styles to choose from, White Lawn and Satiate ; no stint of Trimmings, Lacs, Insertion,
Embroidery, Banda and numerous Tease' all enter into the sohemo of beauty. It is the time of times to lay in estip-
ply for the hot weather ahead.
Clearing at Cost the Balance of our Men's and Boys'
Straw Hats,. All New this Season.
Ferguson oss
DryGoods and Groceries Clothing1i.tade-to-Order
...._ 9__
Y 28,: 19D27
spent a few days with Mrs, McCool's
parents, Mr, nod Mrs, Hopper, -john
Stewart is able to be around
again, although ft will be some time
before he will he able to resume his
dotles in the blacksmith shop,
W s'olicecer.
Mrs. Kay, of Toronto, is the guest
of Mr's. 18. Lewis.
Miss laget Black is visiting with
relatives in Termite.
Mrs, W. 'Reid and children returned
from Lucktow last week.
Len, Brown is on the sick list this
week suffering from asthma.
there will be no services held in the
Presbyterian cburch next Sunday,
Miss Berrie Willis, of London, is
visiting with relatives in this vicinity,
Mrs, Cltas, Jackson, of St. Cathar-
ines, Is tate guest of her sister, Mrs, A.
Mrs. L, Lovell and Miss Bessie
have returned from visit with friends
near Woodstock,
John Keine, of Sault Ste. Marie,
visited with his sister, Mrs. W. I.
Johnston, this week,
Mrs, R, Miller and Miss Maggie Mil-
er, of Toronto function, are guests of
Mrs, F. V. Dickson,
Mrs, A. Moreau and two children
left last week for Listowel where they
will spend two weeks.
Miss Cassie Harris returned to Tor-
onto last Wednesday after spending
two weeks at her hone here.
Jas. McEwen. of Toronto, is spend-
ing the vacation with his parents, Jno,
and Mrs. McEwen, of Turnberry.
Misses Ada Morrison and Laura
Lewis and Austin Morrison took in
the excursion to Owen Sound on Tues-
Thos. Brown was in Ottawa last
week as a delegate from the A, F, &
A. M. Lodge here to the annual meet-
ing of the Grand Lodge.
A civic holiday will be held here on
August 2nd. Arrangements are being
made for a large picnic to he held in
Smale's grove under the auspices of
the Masons, Odd Fellows and Forest-
ers societies.
Mr. Fisher, of London, travelling
agent for the Fairbank Co„ of Toronto,
called on his cousin, Mrs. D. M. Miller,
one day last week for a short visit and
to combine business with pleasure
came over to our burg and he and local
agent,.A, Moffatt, drove out and sold
Mr, Neil, of llelmore, a fine gasoline
engine. No doubt Mr. Neil will be
b:igbly pleased with it as the Fairbank
is a good reliable Co. Mr. Fisher,
though young in years is a hustler for
Jonathan Moore was visiting in
Guelph for a few days.
Miss McGill, of Blyth, was a visitor
at W. H. Sholdiee's this week,
Alf. Hewitt is improving the ap-
pearance of his house by a coat of
Mrs, Mighton. of Vickers, was a
visitor at her son-in-law's, Neil Mc-
Neil, last week.
Wm. Rhyne. who has for the past
year been in Detroit and Ohio State,
is calling on old friends.
A Garden Party was held on the
lawn of the Methodist Parsonage on
Wednesday evening of this week.
Art. Hoy is borne this week, the
steamer on which he is working being
tied up at Goderich for a few days.
Ferguson & Watt shipped a deck of
hogs from Walton on Wednesday,
This is the first live stock --to go for-
ward by rail from here.
Tuesday of this week a gang of 45
Italians arrived here. They hre work-
ing on the final "lift" on the railroad.
They will be here for three weeks, -
Harvey Buchanan, ' formerly' of
Walton, was renewing acquaintances
here this week. - Harvey for the past
two years has been teaching out West,
Dr. F, C. Neal, of Peterboro', pard
a short visit to his home. returning
on Tuesday. His father, W. Neal.
returned with him and will spend two
or three weeks in Peterboro'.
Rich, and Mrs. Yells and two chil-
dren, of Harding, Man., have been
visiting with Charles and M-rs, :Case,
Mrs. Kells is a uelce to Mt's." Case and
a daughter of Mrs. A. Clark.
L. C. McDonald, who for the past
year has been on a survey party North,
of Fort William, is home having a
touch rte blood poisoning in the hand.
We hope he may soon be all right.
Tbe heading mill shut down Mon-
day, The men are now busy loading
lumber on the cars here, In about
two weeks Mr, McDonald expects to
be ready for the tenting of the head-
mgThe many friends of Mr, Calvert,
maInger of the Sovereign Batik, will
be pleased to see hint again, Although
not quite up to the nark yet, the oper-
ation proved successful and in e'ver'y
short time he will be o. It. again.
A. Hoard, the harness maker, has
disposed:of his house and lot bore to
McNeil Bros. and will give possession
next week, Mr. Hoard and family will
remove from Walton, going back to
the place they came from near Brock-
ville. •
Mrs, Thos. Clark, and Master Geo.
and Miss Flossie, of Trowbridge, are.
at preterit visiting at Neil McNeil's.
Miss Flossie was very unfortunate last
Sunday for in falling she broke her
arm in two places aiso dislocated it
at the olbow, Although the break is
serious she is doing as well as can be
P, J. Ryan some time ago Injured
ono of his eyes while cutting down
a thorn tree, one of the thorns coming
in contact with the eye. Ho found
ft necessary to go to St. Michael's
hospital, Toronto, He returned home
the other Clay. The: doctors there say
that the eye will not likely be perman-
ently injured,
The fnneral of Jas, Shortreed passed
through here Friday last from Seaforth
where he and his family moved to
about three yearsagofrom their farm
in Mortis, Mr, Shortroed had been
ailing for some time and his depth was
not unexpeeted,
Saturday afternoon of next week,
Aug, yrcl, Jonatitan Moore will offer
for sale his farm, house and lot, live,
stock, household furniture, &c., by
public auction, with F. S. Scott
wielding the hatnttter. Mr, Moore
proposes going to Guelph to reside,
fie has been an old resident here,
'Miss Ida Bowman is 14,idaying at
Duugannou and Goderich,
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, sth lust. It will also be Court of
Revision on the Cole Drain,
Mrs, J Ross, of Ednionton, and
Mrs. Archie Robertson, of Wingham,
were ruiners on Mrs. 'Joe Shaw, 3rd
line, last weep,
The sound of tine mowing machine
is heard in Cleland. Hay is a medium
crop. Oats appears to be the furthest
behind of anything.
The Voters List for teo7 are in the
hands of township Clerk Clark and
were first posted up on July 23rd,
There are 68o names in part I ; 96 in
part II, and 5z in part I11, a total of
g18, Persons competent as Jurors
Invitations are out for the marriage.
of Miss Minnie R, Kelly, of Cypress
River, Manitoba, formerly of Morris
township, to Lawson Graham, of
Wellwood, Manitoba, The marriage
will take place at the home of her
brother, G. J. Kelly, of Cypress River,
Last week the Wiughatn Times gave
the portrait of ex -Reeve Wni. Isbister
acconnpsniedby the following sketch
-'The above named gentleman has
been closely associated with the pro-
gress and development of the township
of Morris, and with its municipal
history. He is a Scotchmaa by birth
but has for a considerable length of
time been a resident of this section.
For a number of years he served in the
capacity of Councillor. and later as
Reeve. He ,also represented the
Brussels -Grey -Morris division in the
County Council for two years, Mr.
Isbister is well versed in municipal
matters and has also taken quite an
interest in educational and political
fa v0 v.
The township Commit Cot will b e
t held
next Monday, zgth inst at Ethel..
George, Hodge had a successful
ditching bee on Friday of last week.
Miss Netta Simpson, of Ethel, was
visiting for a week with Miss Bishop,
5th line,
Mr. and Mrs, Ziegler spent Saturday
evening and Sunday with friends in
Miss Hazel; Rozell is spending a few
days this week at T. Whitfield's, near
Miss Rebecca Laird, of Hamilton, is
a visitor at Chas, Rozell's, also Meryl
Gerry, of Blyth.
Miss J. Howe, who was visiting
with Mrs. M. T. Stewart, 16th con.,
was laid up with tonsilitis.
W. F. Schnook, had a new galvaniz-
ed steel roof put ots his barn this week
by Kreuter & Co„ of Ethel.
Juo. Speiran, Ltth con., had a
cement wall built under his shed and
cement floors placed in his stables.
Mrs, Wm. Armstrong and daughter,
Miss Florence, are visiting friends iu
Mullett and Constance for a few days.
A number from this locality attend-
ed the barn raising on the farm of.
Peter Patterson, 14th con, of Logan,
on Tuesday afternon,
,Mrs..Jes. G. Hogg, of Milverton, is
visiting her parents here. Louie
Frain, the fortner's brother, who was
visiting her, came home with Mrs,
Mrs. Chas, W. Eaket and daughter
Myrtle, are 'visiting at A. 12. Ma -
Donald's. Mr. Eaket is. at Moose
law, Sask., where he is employed at
A couple of youug ladies hailing
from Brussels and Morris, it is said,
visited a flower ggrdeu near the road-
side and plucked two beautiful roses
in the absence of the owner.
Peter Kelly and daughters, from
South of Seaforth, visited Alex, and
Mrs, Stewart 16th con„ and other
Mende, Misses Mary and Helen re-
mained to spend part of the holidays
before returning to teach.
Miss Winnie McDonald, of Winni-
peg, and Miss Louise K. Heureux, of
ort Arthur, are visiting their cousin,
Miss Sadie McKinnon, 8th con. Mrs,
McDonald, of Winnipeg, is' also visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. McKinnon.
WELL DONE, -Five pupils from S. S.
No. I, Grey, wrote at the receut En-
trance Examination at Brussels and all
passed. The list was as follows: -
Honors -Addie Grant, Maggie Stev-
enson, Pass -Joe Armstrong, Willie
Hoover and Lizzie Hoover. We con-
gratulate the scholars and Teacher
Langdou on the success.
Eve INlvaan.-Last Monday john
Oliver, 6th con., had the misfortune to
have a particle of steel fly into One of
his eyes from the face of a hammer,
As the injury was ot a very critical
type he was advised to consult a
specialist iu Toronto and he went to
the Queen's city Tuesday. Owing to
the condition of the optic Mr, Oliver
has to remain there for few days at
Saturday evening the "Tigers," of
Grey, came down to play a football
game with the Carumnnock "Rang-
ers," However the latter learned that
most of the "Tigers" were the "lions"
of several teams accordingly as the
Rangers had only challenged Tigers
they refused to play unless two of the
outsiders were put off. The Visitors
refused to do this aid as a consequence
there was no game much to the disnp-
poiptntent of the spootators,
Townsbi t Clerk Burgess has - not
beenas well as usual of late hot his
racy friends hope he will soon be as
well as ever.
The commit blocks are ready fon' the,
foundation of the new Presbyterian
church and the date of the ooruor stone
laying will shortly be announced, It
will be a fine edifice when completed.
GARDEN Pahl',, -The Garden Party
under the auspices of the Methodist
church, ontbe lawn of T, Stewart, on
Tuesday evening was a success, The
ladies merle bountiful preparation, and
the evening was pleasantly spent,
The Salvation Army Band, of Wing -
ham, furnished music and gave good
value for their money. They certainly
play well, and intersperse the Band
music with singing.
'1 uataniiattY CouNcxf,,^Minutes of
Council meeting held July 15th,
Members of Council all present, Reeve
in the ebair. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted on motion of Messrs.
Rutherford and Moffatt. Moved by
Mr. McMiclteal, sconded by Mr.
Rutherford that we. appoint Richard
Wilton to inspect drainage work at a
salary of $z,00 per clay. Carried,
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
Moffatt that we accept. tender for
drainage work from Lattimore and
Cook, Jamestown, providing contrac-
tors sign agreement satisfactory to this
Council, Carried, Moved by Mr.
Moffatt seconded by Mr. Kelly that the
Clerk be instructed to notify contract-
ors for drains to meet the Reeve at the
Clerk's otBce, Bluevale, on Saturday
July zoth at z o'clock p. m. to sign
agreement, etc, Carried, Tbe follow.
accourts were passed and cheques
issued s -John Porter, - road machine
and repairs, $25,87 ; H. B. Elliott,
printing, $34.35 ; Jas. Nichol, draw-
ing tile and repaing culvert, $4.eo ;
Allan McTavish, repairing road, $3.25;
A. McKinnon, gravelling, $3e.00 ;
Geo. Bryce, inspecting gravelling,
$3.00 ; James Porter, repairing drain,
%%so ; john Smith, cement culvert,
$3.Oo ; Hugh Tucker, road through
river, $to.5o ; Alonza Waite, railing in
2 culverts, $3,00 ;. David Dunkin, re-
pairs to road machine, $3.00; Dr.
Tantlyu,' medicine for Wm, Grey,
$2,00 ; David Jewitt,, gravel and drain-
age, $5.ro ; John IvlcBuraoy. gravel
and drainage, $4.00 ; Ben. Aingleo,
gravel, $3,36 ; Geo. McDonald, gravel
and drainage, $I.95;Jas. McDo'all
gravel and drainage, $3,30; Saul.
Vapstone, gravel and drainage, •$4.5o ;
John Duckett, gravel and drainage,
$2.73 ; E. Orois, gravel, $3,60 ; John
Hardy, gravel, $3,6o ; A. Longley,
gravel, $2,56 ; David Eadie, gravel,
$3.40 ; Thos. Askin, gravel, 98.80 ;
Mrs. Holmes, gravel, $6,00 ; F.
Finnangravel,Moved v
,$3.7i ed byr.
Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Mc-
Michael that this meeting do now ad-
journ to meet in the Clerk's office,
Bluevale, on Monday August Igth at
to o'clock a, m, Carried.
Grand Lodge A. F, and A. M.
The 52nd annual communication of
the Masonic Greed Lodge, of Canada,
held their mission at Ottawa, with 1000
delegates in attenda0oe. The features
ot the session were the dela addressee
read by Mayor Boott and the presents,
tion of the annual addresses, by Moat
Worshipful brother J. H. Barrio, of
Pembroke, Out„ the Translator of the
Grand Lodge. In hie address the Grand
Master noted that the numerical increase
had been 8000, the total membership
now standing over 40,000. The capital
amount steeds at 9114,852, after an ex•
penditare of $34,851 for all purposes, in -
eluding benevolenoee. Financially the
year has been the most proeperone in the
htetory of the Grand Lodge. The Grand
Master asked approval of hieaction in
forwarding a cheque fol 91,000 for the
Maeonio sufferers at Kingston Jamaica,
Six wsrrante for new Lodges lead been
granted during the year, and 13 lodges
were dedicated. The Grand Pilaster ad•
verted to the effort at the last session Of
the Dominion Parliament to incorporate
an insuaanee society to be known as the
Maoouio Proteobive Aeeooiation of Can•
Oa, and deearibed the action taken by
lodge to prevent the nes of the name of
the order. The report on the condition
of Mesonary presented by Aubrey White
of Toronto, showed a total of 338 lodges,
six of which are under dispensation. At
the beginning of the year there were
87,628 members and einae then there
has been 2,800 iaitiations, 512 affiliatione
168 restorations or a gross gain ot 8,467,
There were 602 resignations, 896 ecepen•
sine for nonpayment of does, and 416
deaths, showing a net gain of 2,060.
The amount spent for benevolence by
the Grand Lodge was 925,655, and by
private lodges, 914,500,
The results of the elections at the
Maeonio Grand Lodge of Oaneda were
as follows ;-
Grand Master, R. W. Bro. A, T. Freed,
Depety Grand Master, JudgeMaoWatib,
Grand Senior Warden, W. Bro, John
R. Reid, Ottawa.
Treasurer, M. W. Bro, 111, T. Malone,
K, 0„ Toronto,
Grand Secretary, M. W. Bro, Hugh
Marra,, Hamilton,
Grand Junior Warden, W. Bro, P, A,
Somerville, Hamilton.
Grand Oliaplan, Rev, 0, H, Rich,
Board of General Purposes, It, W.
Bros. F. W. Harcourt and A. F. Wsbeter,
Toronto ; R. L, Gunn, Hamilton; D. B.
Miller, reston; J. 0, Boyd, Spelt Ste,
To serve two years f Dr, F. Guest,
St, Thomas ; George $. May, Ottawa ;
J. C. Boyd, Sault Ste. Marie t A. E,
Cooper, Loudon ; A, E. Webster, -Tor.
Appointed by the Grand (Hueter
Aubrey White, Toronto ; It, P,, Genn,
Herniae': ; D. B. Slmpsan, Bowman -
vine; J. A. McFadden, Toronto; Stewart
MoWhirber, Peerolie and W. J. Drops,
gimeby, (one year.)
Niagara k'allo wart *Waisted as the next
plane of meeting.
flroeeele Lodge did not Bond a re.
preoantabive nolo year.
Oo1.H, A. L. White, St. Marys, has
been elected Bletriob - Deputy Grand
Master of South Huron Maeonio Diebriet .
and Thomas Brown, Wroxeter, for North
Enron dietriot,
To the Editor of Tun roar' :
DEAR Stn. -Kindly allow me apaoo in
Tris Poor far a few words. It appears
thee readers of 'Dos POT, both Grit and
Tory, ore to be again pestered with the
"hot stuff" wbioh generally appsare in
TUE POST before an Election. The first
instalment appeared last week the name
not given butpen name "Liberal" instead
wbioh enited tbe father of the production
well for lie certainly was vary liberal
with personalities against Dr, .Chisholm,
M. P. A preen whose identity le high.
ly protested like that can say anything
for he has just merely to open his month
and let it talk, I ask was there any valid
reason for interrupting harmony and
starting a paper war, for I have yet to
tied a person either Grit or Tory who
believes in ouch taoeice'and approves of
them ? In tact the writer has shown ns
plainly that he did not believe in the
truthfulness of what be had written for
he was ashamed to sign his name. It
also apprize strange that a preacher of
the Gospel, an editor and proprietor
would allow the comma of hie paper to be
smirched by anal( mud slinging,
Yours Respectfully,
1A3.1E8 Bonosa,
Morris, July 20th,
[Nose Rs Eniroa.-The so called "mud
slinging" began et Dungannon when Dr,
Chisholm delivered anaddreos wbioh was
fearfully and wonderfully made, obarg-
ing Esot.Haroa Liberals with the hand.
ting of 910,000 t000rruptthe constituently.
Men who make public utterances im.
possible to eubatentiate must not find
much fault if they are ohallenged. There
are Conservatives, as well as Reformers,
who repudiate the slur thrown out by.
Etat Huron's M. P. As to Mr, Bolger's
opinion of"Liberal" we are not concern.
ed as the latter is probably able to osre
Dian Ention.-It is quite evident that
Dr. Chisholm, M. P., and Sas, Bowman
have accepted the nominations as oaodi
dates for the Dominion and Local eines
of Eaet Huron ander the Ooneervative
party at the next erotica, whether made
known publicly or -t as they are now
oat hunting se a Goa le, nanveasiag and
looking atter the stere' lists. Those
acquainted with eit r party know they
would not be d
w ! Eo spend either their
r p
time or money unless they expect to be
the gainers thereby.
Every eleotor in the riding, be he
Liberal or Conservative, should ask the
Dr, it he was honest when he said he
bad suffered Isom being a member in the
fade of eatery of 92,500 per year and
perquisites 1 Alert tell him they have
takes him at hie word that be was get -
Mug too old to be again the member for
the tiding at Ottawa and bad deoided
to this time vote for a young man.
Ask bit his authority for that Don.
gannon 930,000 yarn be told the Liberals
had received to Garry the three Herons.
Hu ions.
Liberals of East Huron and in fact
of all the Hurons, take off your coats
and the three ridings both Dominioh and
Local, are Dura at the next eleotioa and
without the Dr's. 910,000. You can rest
assured if Meseta. Hislop, Holmes and
McLean can't do more for Old Huron
than Meeera. Chisholm, GannrosndLewis
did they should be asked to reeign at the
following election. I am sore no one
knows of anything that the latter trio got
for the oonnty nnleae the 97500 ot salary
they drew themselves. I am Yours,
Anti's BOARD,
During the absence of Miss Jean Mo-
LauohlinatFort William, Mies Vinic
Cardiff will fill the position of organiet
In St, Jobn'e oburob.
In Melville °bush last Sabbath morn.
ing the pastor preached a sermon nn
"Ohrist's prayer for tlitity," and at the
evening service the theme was "The
betrayal by Judas,'
Program , f Goderich District Sommer
School may be read on page 4 of tale
isene of Tag POST. W. H. Barr will
introduce the bopio, "The Relation of the
Sabbath School to Missions."
A doe dimness was preaohed last
Sabbath morning by Rev. E. G. Powell
from Ebb. 9 and 9, his topic being 'The
Tabernacle," In the evening ha dwelt
on "A message from the Orme,.
Rev, W. Smyth, of Wiarton, and Rev.
G. H. Oobbiediak, 13, D., of Woodetoek,
both former Bruoselibes, have been elect.
ed Ohairmen of their respective Dietriate
in the Metbodiet Ooafarenaee to which
they belong:
Avae•arrengement bee been made by
the Speoial oommittee of London' Con-
brewer of eevetal Methodist ehureh
patentee, By the new arrangement '
Rev, W. H. Batt is planed at Centralia,
Rev. O, P. Wella at Granton and .Rev.
H. W. ivloTavish at Gerrie,
Tbete are now 24 patients in the small•
pox hospital, Torouto,
Prot, Hatt - has been investigating a
peat that attaaks the oraharde in Dur-
ham county. anent trees have been
The steamet Ptarmigan tone wreaked
en the Columbia River, between Golden
and Windtere B. O. There were 100
panengers en board, all of whom vera