HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-18, Page 8Thin hot weather is ell right Mit very hard on the A0l'112, 0.11110 le the thne when they begin to panel end make a portion inteora nt!, bio nub eland it but got a pagkage of our Oorn °ere and get guiok relief, 16o laud 25e per poolings, Many as -Hard Road islmade away by uslug NYALS' F0C)T EASE 'EU -prioo 150 per paokage- hoed for tired, oohing, swollen or blistered teat. Alai daetroye the odor ot perspiration. Summer Comfort ie seonred by using a good Talcum Powder. We have Oolgatee' Violet Tal• awn ; Oolgabes' Closhmer Baguet Talcum ; Tutbyneol Powder ; Mennen's Violet Tolman -very refresbiug and keeps the skin in a healbby condition. Anything that's New in Picture Post Cards WE HAVE IT. 40 S " ITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. rural Baas torts A. ahiel's among ye tacit,' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. PLotIe and apples will be a good crop iu this looality. A. 0, II. W. Lopez will meet Friday evening of this week. WILL. AntsNT's pet coon disappeared from its pen Mouday night. A can of Manitoba floor wise reoeived by Messrs. Pryue, of the National Roller Mille, lest week. GIANT Tent.= "Onrrenoy" "Bobs" and "Star;" Chewing Toba000ee, in big plugs. Quality always the same. BRn08808 is represented this week at the London Bowling Tournament by D. 0. Rose, R. Downiug, Jou. Habkirk and Alex. Strachan. B&BIN° Labe A. T. Carrie bought a lamb from Atex. Bryan° whish weighed 100 pounde and dressed 60 lbs. of choice meat. Mr. Currie says they have killed several of these tbie seam]. A aolun belonging to Alf, Baker met his death Toeeday morning near Victoria park by being run over by the Currie bntaher wagon. Tae dog was aroseing the road and failed to get olear of the wheela in time. It'ebask was broken, doom Fool BALL. -The return match in conneotion with Ethel and Broeeele Juniors will take plane on Vlatoria Park, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week. Game called at 680 o'clock. Ad- mission lee for adults will be 10 cents and for ladies or children Se. Ethel won In the former boat eo a lively hustle will be made by both teams. PUBLta LIBRARY HOLIDAY, -By consent of Btueeelt' Pablio Library Board Miee Minnie MaNaoghton, the efficient Libra. Ian, has been granted holidays Rud as a result the Library will not be open from Thursday, 25th inst., to Tueeday, August 13th, Alt Intereet.d should govern themselves accordingly. This is Miss MONanghton'e first holiday in 12 years, and THE Pon hopes she will enjoy in ease it might not come again anbii 1919. Sneooe-rot.-A. Lawn Party was held at Me,ville Mamie an Toeeday evening, under the auapiceetof the Sewing Oirole, which proved a0 enjoyable and enooesafal gathering. The °hair was pleasantly oacapied by the pastor, Rev, A. 0. Wish- art, B. A. and the excellent program was as fo lows :-Phonograph eeleationa by Carl Holmes ; duet, Mies Jean MoArter and Jessie MoLaaohlin ; solo, Dougald Straoban : reading, Mise Minnie Mo - Naughton • trio, D:ngald, Robert and Jae. Stranhan. Refreshments ware served and the financial proceeds totalled over 630.00. The evening was delightful. PAY to ADVANCE -With a view of egnar. ing off subscription arrears to THE Poer had satabliebing a pay in advance rule a large number of names are handed to the Canadian Publisher«' Collecting Agency who make a 0peoialty of attending to this important deportment of newspaper work. With the increased net of mater• ial, wages, postage, &o , the margin on a country weekly at $1.00 per year is prao• timidly wiped out and rimless payment oan be soared io advance the outlook is not very comforting. Kindly give us your help in this matter by a ready response to the notification you will reoeive. The amount to the individual eubeoriber is apparently trifling but iu the aggregate means hundreds of dollars to Tux Pon, money we mint have. Tan Bahool Board has engaged ]Hies GertroOe Rage, who hae reoeutly return- ed home from the London Normal School as teacher of the department a 3rd de ar mea of Breese's Pnbllo Boboo', at a salary of 6350, duties to oommen0e atter motion. One is the second daughter of D, 0. and Mre. Roes, of town. Miee Gertrude Would 111 the bill ae her mother did years ego on the Gama staff, Miee Belle Henderson, who supplied this room for the past term, owing to Miee Downey'° ill health and reeigaabion, demonstrated her oapabi!iby as a teacher and the ex. perienae ebould stand her in good stead in soaring ano•her position, If Miee Henderson had held a Normal oertifioate inetead of the Model the probabilities are her eervioee would have been retained, The role of the Board is to only employ Normalitee so as to obviate frequent changes. ALL PA0BED: The usual good record of Brussels Public Saboel pupile was duptioated at the recent Entrains Ex. amination when 15 scholars were aandi• dates, all passing, 9 securing hoods. Following is the list, the names being arranged alpbabetieally :-Honore-par• ria and Kobe Ament, Nellie Ewan, John Henderson, Minerva Jones, Ohne, Mo. Millan, Adeline Robb, Frank Scott and Verne Walker, Pate -Irene Barkley, Willie Bell, Frank Gerry, Bob Leckie, P ena Brewer and Scotian Corry. The latter was ill with mumps and would no doubt have been well to the front in the Honor roll otherwise. We are pleaeed to congratulate those who wrote on their empress and advise them to make good tom of the snbetautial start time obtained in the initial .tags of an eduoational worse. Mies Dora Smith. e t the eaober in oburgc of the Entrance Olase, worked very faithfu ly and resolutely to obtain the result aou.oved. THE POST, extrude oa gratulath,ne to her over her 0000000, FCB quality and quanblty oak your dealer for the new big pings of "Bobo" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaa• odea, 46-13 D. A. Looms hag purchased the property known as the Roes estate, earner of Queen and Princess streets, The present buildings will be moved and utilized in the erection of a new modern residence. The work will proceed at once ao as to be ready for occupation be. fore next Winter. Tonal= of 11318 week W Pryoe & Son shipped 600 bage of their oelebrated flour, 90% patent, to a Hansel! dealer. We bops this ie only introductory to to large outside trade to be done by Brus- sels mill. Some years ago quite an ex. port bneinese was carried on from the National Roller Mills. Tau Property Committee have let the necessary oarpeoter work at the Town Hall to Messrs. Stubbs and MoArter and the painting and decorating of the in• berior t0 W. 0. Smith. 0ontraob will be oompletod at ao early date so as to have Hall In readiness for the Fall campaign of entertainments. IT ie said the Grand Trunk Railway has purohaeed the large gravel pita on Harry Danoan's and Jno. Bata's forme, 4th line Morrie, ata good figure. Men are now busy putting in a switch so as to make eaey aoaeee to them. If some of the local mnnioipalitiee made similar deals it might show both wisdom and toreeight. WAS WANTED AT CLINTON.-An effort WAS made recently by Olintoo Publio School Board to secure J. H. Cameron, of Brunie, as principal of their school and a very enbetantial salary was prof• feral if he'd accept. The Board here, very wisely, added $100 to Mr, 0ameroo'e eatery and while not wilbio $100 of the offer, he accepted and will continue to lead the educational forces of our eobool. Mr. Cameron's ability is recognized by all aognainted with the almost ansae passed history of Brussels eohooi and it is not to be wondered at if other towns are voodoos to seoare him. He prefers remaining in town however. Hie salary will be $1,000 from Sept, let. People We Snow. Mrs. E. 0. Lowry is visiting relatives in London, Mrs. Joseph Marr is visiting relatives in Waterloo. W. E. Hoist, of Atwood, was in town last Monday. Mise Eleie Platt ie holidaying at Ed. Brewer's, Morrie. Mies Orme Gerry was visiting Miee Ada Johoaton at Wroxeter. Mr. Oopp and sone were vieiting Bin. Oopp at Mre. Rogers'. Harry Bartliff, of Olintoh, was a visit- or in town over Sunday. Dr. W. J. Clemson, ot Palmerston, was in town on Monday. Mre. Oliver Smith, of Wroxeter, ie visiting relatives in town, Mre, W• H• Stewart and Archie were visiting in Stratford for a week, Mies Annie Blackstone, of Goderioh, is the guest of Mise Jean Habkirk. Mre, R. Leatherdale is visiting in Harrietoo this week at her brother's, Mr, and Mrs. Robertson spent last Sunday with A. 0. and Mre, Dames. Mies Mary Manure is spending her holidays with her mother at Seatorth. Arthur Dowding, of Toronto, is visit- ing the Misses Kelly and other Meade. Miee Pearl Ashton, of Fordwioh, was visiting her soot, Mre. Johnston, Brus- sels. Miee Hazel Lowry is visiting her unci r e Lorenzo ram Y, in Grey, fora few weeks. Miee Mary Miller, of Toronto Juno. tion, hart been visiting old friends in town. Juo. Beattie, of Cbealey, was in town on Monday. He alwaye had a fancy for Brussels. Mrs. Bonniok, Mise Hattie Boonick and Charlie Booniok were visiting Mre, Damee, Mre. McGuire, ot Wingham, was the guest of Mre. Rogers and Mre. Dames Nat week, Mre. W. L. Baeker and her mother, Mrs, MoNiobol were visiting friends at Stratford. Miee Hazel Johnston, of Wingbam, is vieiting Mise Minerva Jones and other old friends. Mies Merle Gerry, of Blyth, is spend- ing a portion of her vacation with friends in Brunie, Daimon MaLaacbin, of 131. Catharines, le spending a short vacation under the parental roof, Harvey Boohanan, who ie teaching In the Wert, arrived home last week for his vacation. Mae Mary Merles left on Tuesday morning for Port Hope where she will epend some time. Misses Gracie and Jean Habkirk, of Blyth, are visiting at their grand. mother's in Brussels. G. 0. and Mre. MoDowell and eon and Jno, cad hire. Smith and children spent Sunday, in Jamestown, Jno. and Mrs. Smith and children, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Jas, Ma Dowell and other friends. Alex. J. Roes, of the Ouetoots Depart. meant, Ottawa, Is home for a well de. served holiday for a few weeks. MakeYour Funds osszaranernensemssounaneseanafoseszestmarseentrustereetaoseinesesto bear interest at the highest current rates. Amounts of $1,00 and upwards are received in the SAVINGS DE- PARTMENT of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Interest is allowed from date' of deposit, and compounded every three months, No delay in withdrawal. ALL DEPARTMENTS OF BANKING ARE CONDUCTEDWITH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION AND SECURITY. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Pald Up, $1,000,000,00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713,23 BR'U'SSELS BRANCH, W, J. FAWCETT, Manager Miee Carrie Ament spent a few hon. days at Ethel, Philip and Mrs. Amen[ were in Wing- bam on Tbureday. Frank Davidson, of the Metropolitan Bank, Bosnia, is away for bis holidays at Toronto, Mies Margaret Ament entertained a few of her friends to a tea party ou Wed. needay evening. Dolph Omits, of London, ie visiting Earl Ament for a few days. He wheel ed all the way. Missal Olive and Norma Venetone of Wingbam, were the guests of Mise Vine, Cardiff for two days tbie week. Mies Mary Ross will take in the ex. 000810. to Detroit from Listowel on Friday combining baeinees and p,eaeure, Alfred Beaker and mother returned Monday from an enjoyable outing to Stratford and other pointe. They drove. Ronald Sinclair wag home over Sun. day. Be has been moved from Walker- ton to Brantford in the Bank of Com. meroe. Mrs. Joe Hamilton and eon, Mark, of Watton, have been visiting the former'° mother, Mre. Thos. Oakley, Queen street, Brnseele. Miee Roee Smith, of Wroxeter, who wee visiting the families of Jno. Smith and Alex. Stewart, went to Hamilton on Tuesday. Mime Ada and Estella Moore are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Wilson, at Listowel. Miss Nellie Fox ammo -- ponied them. Mimes Mary and Fronde Pardy, of Thorndale, are vieitore at Postmaster Farrow'°. The young ladies are Haloes of Mre. Farrow. Mise Eva Cameron has scoured a soleal for next year 7 miles from Owen Sound. She should make a good teach. er and we wish her eueoees. Miee Nioholeon, of Bluevale, who lives at Mr, Farrows, was called home Toeeday by telegram, her father being dangerously ill, He had passed away before she arrived, Wm. Emigh, Mre. Emigh and eon, of Blytb, were in town on Wedneeday, probably getting acquainted with their new home into which they come into pee- eeseion on Augnet 1st. I. 0. and Mre. Richards have just re- turned from a very enjoyable trip to Montreal and pointe along the route. They wed by boat from Toronto and were away over two weeks. George MoLaaohlin, of Fort William, ie here on o holiday. He bolds a posi- tion in Gerry Bros. hardware store and likes it, Mr. MoLanohlio is a eon of Mrs. Neil MaLauahlio of town, Mre. Jno. Long and Winnie and Wil- lie will take in the Kincardine Old Boys' reunion next week. The first mentioned was a former reeideot and Lae a warm spot in her heart for the lakeside town, Will. Forbes is home from Shoshone, Idaho, for a visit with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. He ie clerking in a store and has been 7 years in the West. It is 8 years since he was home- Mre. 0. F. Fawcett and daughter, Miee Myrtle, of Tiverton, are vieitore with W. J. and Mre. Fawcett. Mr. Faw• esti is on a proepeoting tour in the West, having recently disposed of hie hardware business in Tiverton. J. and Mre, Falconer and ohildren and Mies MoFarlane, of Chicago, and Miee Edith Inman, ot Guelph, are holi. day vieitore at the home of Mre. Jae, Wilson. Mre. Falooner and Mies Inman are daughters of the bootees. Miss Habkirk, of Brussels, and her brother Joe, of Blyth, lett town Thee. day morning on atrip to Manitoba and the Wed. We wish them an enjoyable visit. The latter may make his home in the Prairie Province if he hods what suite him. Last Saturday R. G. Normae, who has been teller in the Metropolitan Bank here, wag asked to report at the head office, Toronto. R D. Cardiff, will now handle the cash here as hie onnoeseor, Mr. Norman has many triende who will lee pleased bo hear of lois rapid promotion. This week Reeve Leckie and eon Bob and J. H. Cameron left town on a trip to the West in which bneinese and pleaenre are combined. They will be absent from 4 to,6 weeks probably. Jay Clegg, ot Belgrave, and G. E, Blair. of Goderioh, were oleo in the company. They took the boat at Sarnia, Ali. Denny, Tlaoe. A. Riok and Martin Oabaoa, of Buffalo, were here this week, They were taking a 1,000 mile motor cycle trip. R. S. motor cycles, man. nfaotared at Reading, Pen., were used, Rick Bros., agents, at Buffalo. They found the roads exoellent [hie gide of St. Catharine°. They averaged 25 miles an hour on the road. F, J. Gilroy, a former Brusseiite, was in town last Sunday andmet many old friends. He ie relieving the manager of. the Metropolitan Bank at Elmira and took a run up on the new 0. P. R. Sat- urday evening to Walton where be visit• ed with an old friendin the person of George Ferguson. The latter aa• oompanied him to town, Mr, Gilroy's headquarters are now in Toronto. He ie doing well. Mrs. J. R. Grant, Miee Neagie Kay and Mise Jeeeie Grant, of Winnipeg, were vieitore with Mre. W. H. Kerr, the former'° daughter, at 'Riverside Villa." They left Tneaday ter Strut. ford and on FridayMre, Griot and Miss Grant will saifrom New York to spend a year in the British Isles and Germany and will remain for thegreater part in London and Berlin, where Miee Grant goes to continue her tnosidal studies. Miee Kay will remaln In On. tario, CHURCH. 01113100 There will be High Maes and sermon next Sunday in the Oatholio obura 1, Bruneels, at 10,80 a. no. A large 000gregatlon attended St. Themes' Anglican church, Granton, on Sunday, July 7th, the occasion being the dosing service with hie people of Rev, F. E. Powell, 13. A., the popular and finer - gado rentor for the pastyear. An argent invitation was recently extended to him to become incumbent of the parish at °Lesley, and Bis Lordship the Bishop of Huron was pleased to make the transfer and grant Brie promotion. His oongre• gatiou at Granton were loath to part with him. Rev. Mr. Powell supplied St. John's church, Brussels, at one time with mhob aooeptanae. He is a eon' of T. 1i. Powell, of Tnrnberry. We are pleased to Dote his promotion and wish him 000tlntred stomas, BEV, F. M, SorITR DEAD. -Rev. F. M. Smith died at Kincardine on Sunday lastr atter an illness of upward° of one year. Mr. Smith celebrated this year the 50th anniversary of his entrance into the ministry of the Methodist ahnrob, and during that long period he bad minieber- ed to the spiritual wants of many con. grega1ione, among them being Smithville, °rewiaed, Welland, Bt. Davide, Lynden, Flamborough, Eramoea, Garatrexa, Mt. Foresb, Thornbury, Shelburne, Elmwood, Henfryn and Kincardine. He has been on the retired list for some years, living at Kiacardiue, and was active in visiting the eiok and relieving hie yoouger bretb, req,of the mit.istry when 000aeien de- manded. Mr. Smith was born in Oak- land,Brant County, 77 years ago, and was married in Blenheim, 48 years ago, to Catherine Sopia Rathbnro. HOME Mlseroxs.-A most interesting and well attended meeting wee held in Melville church on Thursday evening of last week, addressed by Mre. (Rev.) Mo• Farina!, Cheater street, Toronto, Her object was to interest the women of the church in regard to Home Mission work so they would organize add strengthen the hands of the Home Mission Oommib• tee of the church as they have already done in connection with the Foreign Mission Committee. Mre. MoFadzen depioted, very vividly,tbe great need for this, reminding the audience of the vast influx Into our own North Western 00on. try ; the dire poverty of many when they arrive and, if overtaken by slalom, the unspeakable misery to whioh they are exposed, especially in the newer settle. manta where there are no comfort°, and io many oases not even the common neceeeariee ; their little awoke that they oail homes having in some cavae not even a bed where a poor mother and her new bora babe can peacefully rest. The great need for hoapitale oud uurees in the more thiokly settled districts was shown, and the Missionary appointed to these dis- tricts requires to have a medical training as he is expected to minieber to the body as well ae the soul. Many touching piotnres were made to pass before the 000gregation in panoramia view -one of a young man, friendless, homeless and alone, dying on the floor of the Court Hoose beoanee of hie disease, tuberoolo• ale, no one would take him in. Aooth• er of a eiok mother with a young child in her arms, etretobed on a bin of potatoes on which had been spread a little grass. And again, 13 eiok of various ailments, in one little dark room, which had not even one pane of giant through whiob a ray of sunshine might .enter. Misoionariee in. these planes are a unit in asking for hospitals and nurses. No other one thing will help more in their work as thus they can demonetrabe practical Christianity by ministering to these come, and when the heart is touched by deeds of kindness the way is often opened the idolatry I b for t ry t0 the soul. The great- est ueed seems to be amongst the Gal. ioiane, who have oome into our country in enah numbers, 100,000 havingaiready found bomes hare. Although a poor, ignorant people, the fault ie not theirs, as underneath their rough exterior yon oan find the noblest hearts which, it we amid look into, we would pity. The women, particularly, have sad Hoe - they hove to work so bard, often out doing work amongst the cattle when they ars in a fit state to be in a hospital. God hae blessed the efforts pat forth to relieve the eiok and Buffering and many bave been greatly benefitted but so much .re- mains to be done. The fields are white to the harvest but where are the reapers 7 The Home Mission Committee of the Presbyterian oburob i8 very deeirone for united effort on the part of alt Presby terians to rise to the 000aeioo and meet these people when they come to our eboree with the Gospel of peace and mloistry of Love. II we do not grasp the opportunity and make the beet of the situation what kind of a place will it be for our sone and daughtere who are going. from oar bonne in Ontario by the hon. tired eaoh year to bow out new homes beside these foreigners ? Which itfia, mos that) predominate 7 Shalt it be a Christian Canada, where Juetio8 and Righteonsnese prevail, or a Godleee nation where each man is a law note himself ? As Mre. MoFadzen oloeed her address the feeling was intense. The thought almost beoame the spoken word : "Did not our hearts burn within as as u h talked to us and. we certainly would se i y have had hearts of alone or adamant had we remained untouched. An expreeeion of opinion was asked for in regard 10 organizing for this work and those favor. ltsrfivill.,141,1C0 Vets THE STAND' ' :BANK OF CANADA Head Office = r = - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department, Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. B.owlande Manager ably inolined, who would promise alleg• ianoe to a soolety amid one be formed, were asked to stand. The large majority rose to their feet. Rev. Mr. Wiehart, the peter, assured Mre, MoFadzen that elle might go book to Toronto with a feather in her cap and that Ws would have a whopper of a soolety here in the Bear future. Business Locals. To RENT, -A comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hard' nod soft water on promisee. Apply to DR. GRARAtr, WOOL WANTED. -Any quantity, high - vet prioee, Also large quantities butter and eggs, GEO. E. Moo, Wiogbem. WREN Taube & Son'e attend to your eyes you get the benefit of over 86 years experieoee, pail and consult them at Fox's Drug Store Monday and Tuesday July 22nd and 23rd. Dn. BUTLER'S VIerm.-Dr. Butler, the London Eye Specialist, will be at the American Hotel, 'Brussels, on Wednes- day, July 17th. Glasses supplied. GOLD looker and ohain loot In Brussels, Saturday evening July 6111 by Miee May Wilkinson, of Morris. Portrait iniooket. The finder will oonfer'a great favor by leaving it at Tag POST. Bxt<etmen the date of Tenho & Son'a visit to Broeeele and if your eyes bother you in any way do not fail to eousnit them at Fox's Drag Store Monday and Tuesday, Joly 22nd and 2Srd. TYPgw0ITEn BAnOAINO.-We:are agents for eeoond hand typewriters of all makes at prices ranging from a few dollars up to $80 00. If you want a good rebuilt typewriter at Mose figures, ooneult 00. We also rent mnobines. THE BRUSSELS POST. Free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop'° Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow -while, Dreamy, healing •antispetio balm, Containing eaoh healing Ogre. dieute se Oil Euoaliptue, Thymol, Men• the!, etc., it gives instant and 'lasting relief to oatarrh of the nose and throat, Make the tree teat and see for yourself what this preparation oan and will 8c• complier. Address Dr. Shoup, Ranine, Wie. Large jars 60 dente. Sold by all dealers. MORN. ALtaxANoEo.-On July 5th to Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Alexander, "Litman Cottage," Lincoln Park, Winnipeg, a daughter. S6.A.RRIoolD, Bouage-Domo-In Bt, Peter's Oatholio Rotary, Gioderiob, by Rev, George R. Northgravee, grand•unole of the bride, aeeleted by Rev, Donald Mc- Rae, pallor of Goderioh pariah, Mary Caroline, eldest daughter of Hie Honor Judge Doyle, to Francis Swift Bourne, M. D., of Seattle, Waebing, ton, late Major Commieeiooer and Chief of Staff United States volan- teere in the Philippines. MoKINNON-FA°AN.-Oil June 2915, by Rev. Father Roux, Mary Grace, eldest daughter of Thos, Fagan, Elmburet, Carillon, to John E. Mo• Kinnon, of Fort William, formerly. ofl3raeeels, ODIosmn. OAesnionu.-Drowned in Wroxeter, on Sunday, Joiy 14th, Joseph J. Caee• more, aged 19 years and 4 months. MOKAY-Io Grey, on Joly 8th, Mre, George MoKay, aged 74 years, SRommREEo,-Io Seaforbh, on July 17 It, Jame+ Bbortreed, formerly of Morris township, aged 66 years, 4 months and 9 day°. Ontario Liquor Limo Act . License District of East Huron Notice is hereby given that George Brown, Iaeq of the Village of Broeeele{ has made application for permission to transfer his tavernlicense for the premises on Turn - berry street, Brussels,known as "The Cen- tral Hotel,' to McDonald & Rmigh, 0f the Villages of Walton and Blytb, inthe Coun- ty of Huron, and that said application will be eoheidered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held at the American Hotel, iu the Village of Brussels,. on the Olet day of July, A. 0.1867,at the hour of one o'clock p m, All persons in- terested will govern themselves according• 'Dated at Morrie this 16th clay of July,100?, W. OLEGO, 2.2 License Inspector. EYESIOHT I have arranged for a return vi q with Taube 8 Sort' the celebrated Eya Spooioliets, of Toronto, to he ab my °tore MONDAY& TUESDAY f July 22 & 23 and will be glad to see all .those troubled with defective Dye - sight call and consult, We guar. antee their work to give perfeot satisfaobiou- -AT- X'S DRUG STORE BF0TTSS1-7I1M 116AR0fi'.D8, Fall Wheat 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oats 40 42 Butter, tubs and rolls„., 16 17 Eggs per dozen 14 15 Hay per too 9 00 10 00 Floor, per bbl 450 5 20 Hoge, Live ' 6 60 a Wool (waebed) ..... 20 22 Pobatoee-per boa - 50 50 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 50 Balt, per bbl.„, retail,.-1 25 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DARK RED IIEIFER TWO years old strayed from the pasture Held of P. Amon[, 6th Liao, Morris, on or anon[ July Ord. Any information regarding same will be thankfully received by BAEI{ER BROB„ 2.11 Butchers, Brussels. OTICE TO DEBTORS. -ALL £ accounts due me are befog oolleoted by N., 8'. Georg, at Ile stare, Bruesele, Lar- 0005toterestedwill ,govern . STE' lues ae. cordingly. W. F. STEWART, I OUSE AND } ACRE UI' land for sale. r under hard and 0021 water under °over ; ap• ple, plum oud. cherry trees, &o. Possession can be given at once. Cor prior), terms, &o, call at THE POET. PETER KERR FERGUS, ONTARIO Organ Repairer and Tuner Twenty years In Bell & co.'s, Guelph. Satisfaction guaranteed. Moderato °bargee, Orders left with WALKER ec BLACK, Brus- sels, w111 bo attended to. 62.4 BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE GE Na McLaren SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING Up to $3.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for $2.50 -Boys' 2-pieoe Snits in light and dark colors, Tweeds and Serges, for boys 5 to 10 years, old ; regular $8.00 and $3,60. July sale price -Your choice for 2.50 Up to $6.00 Boys' 8 -piece Suits for $4.60 -Boys' 8 -piece Suite with Knioker Pants, in light and dark shades of Canadian Tweeds, well made with good linings cad are perfect fitting, for boyo 10 to 16 years old; regular up to $0.00. July sale price -Your choice for 4.60 Up to $9.00 Men's Tweed Suits for $6.60 -Men's Suite, light and dark shades in good qualities of Oanadian Tweeds, strong linings and perfect fitting, all sizes 86 to 44 ; regular up to $9.00, July sale price -Your ohoioe for 6.60 Men's Odd Pants, regular up to $1.50 for $1.15 -Men's Tweed Pante in light and dark Mamba, strong Canadian Tweeds, all sizes 82 to 44 ; regular up to $1.50. July Bale price -Your choice for 1.15 A Soft Snap in Soft Front Shirts -Men's and Boys' sizes in Soft Front Cambric and Madras Cloth Shirts, mostly in, light colors. All sizes from 12 to 17 in the lot, Regular prices 60o and 75o. 48 0 July sale price -Your choice for 12ic Fancy Muslins for 89,, 15c Ladies` Black Cotton Hoge for 100 -8 pieoes Fancy Muslin° in li ff1ahades, satin -20 dozen Women's Bleck Cotton Hose, finished stripes, lust the thing for obildren'a Seamless feet, fashioned and fast blank, all dresses and waists ; regular up to 121c. July sizes from 8 to 10 ; regular .pries 15o, July sale sale price -Your ohoioe for per yard ,08 prioo per pair ./0 SPECIAL SALE of STRAW HATS 50c Boys' Straw Sailors for 25o 2dozen Boys' Fanoy Braid Straw Sailors, with silk band ; regular 50o, for 25 75c Men's Clanton Bailors for 50c -8 dozen Men's White Clanton Sailors, with leather sweat bands and good silk bands ; all sizes ; regular 75o. July sale price 50 $1.00 Men's Canton Sailors for.75c 1� dozen Men's White Clanton Sailors, fine quality with leather sweat and silk bands ; reg. War $1.00, July sale price 75 I IG•HZFST PI JIO.ES FOR PRODUOE Goods y Right or our Mone Back. � y Next American 1V 3�t dodr to A rlett Hotel.