HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-18, Page 5PRICES raa ICE 1CREAM Ice Cream 5 CTS. Ice Cream coda In any of the Popular Flavors 5 CTS, Fruit Sundaes and 'Maple'Walnuts 100. 3 FOR 250. Syrup Sundaes 5 OTS, e For the Com e,. y.. f n Summer N Elf x J. '� r �sa�AwsyAr�xcs„r��rA�sat:,ii'�5bc::tlw�.,o�d� �.a��•�T,n�>..L.�i 9 Fall Form Cyesis September CENTRAL STRATFORP. ONT, This Sehc°l retools is nu old rued ft well established one • tweeds to the d.l forefront as the greatestOemmereial mid Shorthand tiuhoolln 4110 West, Our hauliers are uxporiouood su- r o re ouursea thorough ti u to gr to gh oppm- Le tioa4 We atieiet graduates to ppm- Gnus. Write Int. our free uutalattllre, ji I1LIr101".e at Ata LAO MN, Pr' nip ate, BUSINESS CAROS, VV11, MaORAOKEN— . Issuer of Marriage !Mottoes. Of. pee at Groacry,'1'ureburry street, Smola, WM. SPENCE CONVEXANOEli AND ISSUED, or MARRIAGE LICENSES all,lco in the Post OfIeo,.Ethei, 50.4 BRTHA C. ABMSTRONG IN prepared to givo leeaone on Piano 04 meed Organ. 'Terme on applioatiou, Poetonieo audreee-dlruoeele, Itaeiuonoo— Lot8,Con. le, tiny. Pupile may have their loeeuue at their own Mimeo 11. preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL NT; O MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLiN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent 1:Iowiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oftloo and-Resideuoo— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI fuennadeen, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Hato of interest ab per sentper annum, Ant Mortgage. .LIFE AND FIRE IN8. AGENT Excelsior Life Ineuranoe Company The Equity Fire Insurance 0ompany M1 business attended to. promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 410 Division Oourt, AUCTIONEERS. i-+ S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- 4- • non, will sell for better prices, to better men in lees time and lees °bargee than any ether Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ofoe or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUIIVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Woe arranged for at the offiaa of Tan Poem, Brussels. NM VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAfrI— • Sonar Graduate of the Ontario Vet - urinary College, is prepared to treat all dile eases of tlomeeoloated animals in a immune ant manlier, Partioalar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and "Milk Fever. Calle »Four doors North of bridge,rompy attended to.o' Turnbetraud y et.,, Bruesele. 'Phone 41 It LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— 0 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto, bucoeseor to d. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brnosal°, Solialtor for Motro- politan Beak, VVM. SIN OLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, ,Ounveyanoer, Notary PubIl,ic, &o. 6OJfloo-8lewart's Block } dl�toliejtor for to Central pLIOUDFOOP', HAYS & BLAIR— BA1RRISTERB SOLICITOUS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETO. W, PnovDPooT, E. F. BLAm. R. 0. EMI Offloee—Those formerly mounted by Moeero Cameron & Bolt. Gonnit101, UN'i,ARIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DRWTIgr Graduate of the Royal 0o11ege of Deutal 8urgeoue of Outario and Firet•oluso Honor Graduate of Toronto Univereiiy, 011100 next to 'Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. It Fall Term opens Sept. Srd It Pas to Attend ^epnd Pays TORONTO, ONTO The School that ranks PIRST iu thogenu- ine merit. aO t- attood y . mid genu- inti morlt. Cut• a are p1 00 la greet- er,are more Andante elite p Gone and at bettor aalarloa than,in any prevfoue year. Write today or 11 handsome eatalogu6, W. J, ELLIOTT, Priuoipal, Don, V0Ne10 AND ADn0ANDEn 088. to If li gi1 1 $i=ll =fX0,1 dI Telegraph raph Operators aro wanted badly by Dur Canadian Railway 0ompimioe. They are forced 40 000001l00 for them to -day. With 8000 mike now road baild- lug the demand will be etlil Heanor, Why not got ready ? The week is oleltn and oleo end the salary very good, We prepare you qulolily and at little costs Write un for tree parIiuularo. O0INTRAr TI,!,! - 0801'n 801100A, Gerrard Beet, Tor - 01110 W. H, Suaw, President, Prat Rebas 4temo hires Elsie Wilton, of Bruoeele, la 100. Mating at the Star lar000ry at Atwood during the buoy MUUOM. Bean= Hulot, of Atwood, le up and around atter hie regent attaok of typhoid fever. He is visiting in Brnoeele this Mlos Just Minh?, of Listowel, hoe been appointed teauber of U, S. 8, No. 4, Erne and Grey, 8th eon, We oougratulate Mtee Austin on her appoint mens, and feel sure Ihul eho will prove an effioieut teaober. She ie knowu to e number of the readers of Tun Poor, Tea Atwood Bee of lust week °aye;— Bruseele Football Team defeated the Toronto Soots in,Brnseoio me Saturday evening by it more of 1 to 0. The Brei - 0010 team heplaying ooneletent -football thio 0e400n and wtil uow play in Plaits• villa in the Miele. We tool euro Brunie will win out with ease. I'll stop your pain tree, to show you $ret -before you spend a penny—what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a trial package of them—Dr. bbaop'o Headaobe tablets, Neuralgia headache, tootbaohe, -period pence, eto., are due alone to blood oongeetion, Dr. 4hoop'e headaobe tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood presaare. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by ail dealers, Tao Leadbary correspondent to the Seaforth Expositor in reporting East Huron Ooneervabive'Convention con. eluded with th'e following :-James- Bow. man, of Morrie, was the only oandidato nominated for the Local House and al• though he did Doi entirely aooepl the nomination there 1s hardly the shadow of a doubt that he will be the oandidato. He le a farmer and an ex•warden of the ooaoty, an official of the Presbyterian church and an Irish Oanadian. Hie opponent, Mr. Kerr is also an Irish Oaoodian. He ie a printer and publish• er, and hag been a locai'preaoher for the Methodist ehnrah for many years. We believe Mr. Karr, the Liberal candidate, will be the beet oanvaeeer and it Ie doubt• (al it there are many, either Grit or Tory whom he will not button hole during the year to come. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative and my Book on either Dyspepsia, the heart or the kidneys. Troubles of the stomach, heart or kidneys, are merely oymptome of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating oymptome only, Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves— the inside oetves—mean stomeoh weak. nese always. Aud the heart and kid- nap as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and yon inevitably have weak vital organa. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Reetoretive has made ire tame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating bilionenese, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Raton, ties. Write me today for sample and tree book. Dr. Shoop, Retsina, Wis. The Restorative to sold by ail dealers. WINGED., Advance among its funny. grams in reference 16 the Nioholeon garden party eaye ;—"ex• Warden Jas. Bowmao is a pleaetng speaker and was listened to attentively. The Legislature would be the better for a few more hones) fermate that eau expree0 their. ideas as well tie Mr. Bowman.-Bro. W. H. Kerr Ives there, with his election eye open, and he too speaks fluently. It must bo hard work to oanvaes for the. honor of ropre0eutiug East Huron in the Legislature if that ,e the cause of oar genial friend of Tuu EROBBELO POST get Gina eo grey headed. Besides the worst is to come"; suet wait Bro. Karr until you have kieeed all the babies in East Huron and ebaken hands 876,999 times.— 'Tie said, Arch. Histop, af, L. A., was there, bol left before the speaking began. It le rumored that he .le bash. Lal, and while he does not object to talk. log to an audience of faithful Grit voters abuot the awful iniquities of the Tories, he does draw the line at a big audience otfair.faaed, bewitching young Indies; it is too mach to expeot of him. Heooe he slid a liberal fee upon the plate (would take no °bongo) and "elippit ata' hams." Wm, Mckenzie King, deputy' Minister of Labor, was baoquebted at Berlin. Aden Fleckenstein, at Buffalo, wag u- nified on a charge of abandoning his wife and family. Rev. Merles F. Pidgeon, of: Toronto Junction, has reoeived a oall to Fleet Presbyterian 08uroh, London, For,dwlels. The orowd from here went to Arthur on July 12812. The night train 1e now due at Ford - at 9 68-16 minutes mailer. The Diraotore of the Howlett Agri. met recently culture Society Dan y In the Township Hall, Gerrie, and deoided to bold the Fall Fair in Vieboria Park Gerrie, on Saturday, October 6th. W. H. and titre, Downey arrived to epend the holidays with relatives in and around I"ordwfoh, Mr, Downey is prinolpal of ono of the pnblio.eohoole in Windsor and it meeting with, good Bac- Jobe Porterfield sr. halta piece of bay on his promisee in town whish is of p000i0g interest. Last year he Bowed oats and barley mixed, on the lot be t quite a oiled down. shin year here ie s'6 Y 9 lot of wheat growing in the field. The Wom an's Institute meeting here was poorly attended. Mies Grey and Mte. Shannon, both of Toronto, gave excellent addre0800 "at` both afternoon and evening aeseiene, 4 mneloel 'pro, gram wee renderrd by Iooul Went, Thy evening oeoelou retie 8. good otte. JIF/s lis, lump Cowan par0llaead a lot Adjoining hie own property from Frank Weimar, The Ierr0Oe owned by B. Mason has been brightened by the paiuter'e brnob, Geo, Douebode, formerly of Myth, tine parobloeod the hardware bueineeo of Jae. Young in Auburn. Albert, David and Whitfield Sellere, of. 01810040, and Weeloy, of La Junta, lfan000, are vieibing at the home of their parents, it, and Mre, Sollars, Five pupils •.went to Clinton 4o try the oxame. of the , Toronto Conservatory of kfuoie before an examiner of that in• etitutlon, and were anooeesful, In 41140 primary ohne Miee Lizzie garter took hon0re while Mies Gladys Colt and Brio Andoreon passed, both equal and only two 'wake below honors. In the junior Mien Reid, of Londeeboro', paooed and in the intermediate Miss Pearl Gldloy had a pees, In peening the pupile allowed good work and 010041 of the honor must go to their teacher, Mies Edna Carder, over ibe manner in whioh she hoe pre pared them for the exams. G:oori0*. H. V, Armstrong left for Buffalo where he has 'moored a oiteatien ae traveller for it drug supply oompeny. Jos, Leech, of BIuevale, Rev, W, W. Leeoh, of Packdale, and Dr, Stewart of Toronto, were the gueebe of Jae, and Mrs. Leech last week. Miss Beret' Simpson, daughter of Wel ter and Mr°. Simpson, 10th non., has passed her primary examination of the Toronto Conservatory or mneio with honors, While driving into town on Tuesday of limb week at noon, Mrs. J. Beswilkeriok came near meetinan uubimely death as just as elle was about t0 cress the mross• lag on the main etroet in her buggy the noon train npproaohed at full speed. The driver pot the air brake° on and elected down while the horse turned from the train and was eo stunned with fright that it tell down. Passengers in the coaches say that when the brabee were thrown on, the jar was so sudden that they were almost thrown from their Beate, 801hen 111neea COY1tee Have you near at baud a remedy that win a,leviate pain and help till the doctor Domes? A. wise thing le tohave right in. your home a bottle of "Nerviline" which gives instant relief, and preveute disease from spreading. Nothing known for the etomaob end bowels that compares with Nerviline. For cramps, indigestion, heartburn and headaoheits indiopeneable. For fifty years Poloon'e Nerviline in 25o bottles has been a family standby. Get it to day. 1-.1,1iowv el. Samuel Farrell has returned to town after eojonrniog for year or two with his daughters in Vanaoaver and the Went. Lietowel A. 0. U. W. lodge intende holding a garden party in the near future. A representative of the Grand Lodge le expected to be present. 0. A. Lee, photographer, wag taken with an attaok of appendicitis and has been seriously lit eines, hat he le pro. greasing favorably and his early recovery is looked' for. Dr. Olarenin Philp Thompson, eon of Robert Thompson, merchant, left here tor San Jose, California, where be hoe eeoared a good opening for praoticiog hie profession. R. A. Olimie has removed into hie new store, the interior of which bas been re. built and speotaily fitted op for him by Mr. Livingstone, the owner of the block on Wallaoo street visited by fire a few months ago. Division Court was held here by his Honor Judge Barron, at which a num- ber of oases were ' heard, including one in whioh the Atwood Portland Dement Go. were the plaintiffs, who sued Mr. Hilae on a note for 040,29, The plain• tiffs were non•eaited. Wood Reasons For its Success The majority of oaiarrb remedies are aeelese. Bnt one that does Dura ie "Oatarrbozone." It clears the head of muooue discharge. Putrid matter in the nostrils, phlegm in the throat, and die. 0000 germs are completely swept sway. The canoe ot the disease is destroyed, its results are destroyed, and the eyabem eo thoroughly oleansed of catarrhal poison that care ie permanent. .011 types of catarrh, throat and bronchial trouble, eolde and 000gbo are more certainly cared by Oatarrhozone than any thing eine, Two aims 26o and 01,00 at all dealers, Pt. tvsrool1. Bert. Turnbull bee; passed his Junior Medical Oonnoil Exams. Frank Dennis' baby is confined to his bed, suffering from;a rather were at. tank of typhoid fever. W. Prioe, pathmaster, plaoed a gab. etantial dement crossing in front of J. J. Johneon'o and Dr. Kidd'° reeideaoes, on Main St. - RevMr. and Mre. Bond were in Tor. 0010 an Monday and Tuesday of lash week attending the wedding of their eon, Burne Bond. A large oongregation greeted Mien Rattey at the Preebyterlon ehurob on Sunday evening ,when ebe delivered a splendid addreao on French Evangeliza- tion. The Sone of Sootland excursion to Niagara Falls on Tuesday of last weak was well patronized eo far as Atwood was oonoorned,'751iakele being sold by G. T. R, agent MoOulla. Young Willie Robb met with a some. what painful aooldent. He was fooling with a young colt when the animal sud- denly Molted him on the face de y o , just under the eye infliction an ugly wound. The pupile of S. B. No. 8, Elma, pre. dented their teooher, Ralph E. Robert eon, with a beautful gold watch chain and abefore everin hie oonneo. address' ad g Mon with them as t acherMr, Robert. t. eon ie giving up the "noble profession” to take a tour year course in Dentistry in Toronto. The pupils of the Junior Division of the Atwood pablio eohool presented their tetioher, Miss Lizzie Thornlineon, with a handsome toilet set, aeoompanied by an t ti t plena on address. The Pecan a ou sok a ad the last day of school and the gift was prompted by the loot that Miss Thornily). son severe her oonneetion with the eohoal and goes to attend the Normal College atter the holiday,, hfiss Mina Dark 1e spending her 11011.' Jaya with iriondt In North Bey. Julie I4io00h, malinger of the Dement.. works, hue oilmen .entirely reuoverrd Dino the ultely 6ouidrnt which brlel him, Ito woo pleolog e belt on a • pulley. and to do so had to 01004 001 the shaft, When the bell elruoit the pulley, the shaft alerted to revoiyg end Juke 11a4 to jump to prevent himself falling. among Dome of the machinery. Unfortunately be landed on 00rne plunks and eoveroly injured hie ribs and flip, Ile woe carried to his boarding homes and for esveral daye woe eOntnrd 4o bed and suffered considerable pain. Met sot The Whole '1'hisg Your table le loaded with food—digest• Ible and wholeenme, yet you never gahr strength, What's the bronbie? Look' within and what do you filed ? A • lazy liver, ebomeob overloaded with work-- tuelage work became the bewails and liver are not outiiOlontly Bettye, Relief 10 quielily supplied by Dr, Hamilton's P1110, They make weals folks strong by remov- ing the mune of the weakneeo. Digestion improves, constipation leaves, liver takee new life, kidneys wake ep,—the whole eyebem Is enlivened by Dr, Hamiltoo'e Pills, No better mediotnefor the Mak or well, 25u at all dealer°, WY11mitana. J, L. Constable sold his barbering baoinese 10 1. W. Hewer, w110 bas taken poeeeseton, Mise Eva Graoey has been chosen to play the pipe organ in Wingham Presby• wrists oharoh. Wm. Armour left for the Old Country to epend two mouths iu London, Liver. pool and Glasgow, Fred, A le of na Ro oke ter w a N Y, was y, visiting p n with hie arae e t Johnnod Mr a e. Ansley, for a few days'. Thos. MoOlnre, a Sootoh immigrant, bad hie lag broken while playing toot ball at W. & W. H. Elliott'e brickyard, Thursday, Aaguet let, is the date of the annual Union Sunday Sobool exoar [fon to Kiooardine. Tbie date will again be Wiogbam's oivia bolidey. Rev. A. H. Banton, of Toronto, has been secured to millet in Evangelietio services in Wingham Methodist oharoh, to'oommenoe about October 18111, While aeeieting to move a big boiler from the station to the Bell factory, Jae. Hamilton received a heavy blow mimes his Gaon with the handle of the windlaee, The Eureka Bible Class in Wughom Methodist church held their annual meeting, The ofacers are t—President, Wm. Feoeaut ; Vma„?resident, J. T. Davidson ; Teaoher, R. E. Saunders ; Secretary, 8. A. Maguire; Treasurer, M, Beckwith ; Orgaoiet, Mies Sperling, A report was &icoalated here that John Wells, formerly ot Lower Wingbam, bad fallen on a oiroalar saw and bad been killed. The report has no foundation ae his sister, Mrs. D. W. Allenby, writes that no accident bag ooeurred and all are well. They report enjoying life in Florida. Gluon UrsETe.—Sunday afternoon two young men, John Rims, eon of Robert Knox, merchant, and Robert Thomas, of Blnevale, were out in a canoe on the Maitland River. While near the 0. P. R. bridge, by some means the canoe nicest. Neither at the boys aonid swim. Yonng Knox went down, while Thomas managed to oling to the oanoe and woe reeooed by John Madigan. A orowd of oitize00 noon gathered and an effort to get the body of Knox was made, bat not knowing the exact looation they were somewhat handicapped, After being in the water for about two hears the body was brought to the eurfaoe by Albert Ronthier. Knox was about 20 years of age. laherunall*lir Almost trilled Iter For years Mrs. S. Stahleohmidb, of Humberstone, Oob., was a martyr to rheumatiem. "I wee so stiff and lame I could scarcely walk." she writes "An attack striking my Limbs made walking impossible, Friends and dootore gave me preeoriptions but I only got relief from Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and got relief from the first. To -day I am well, Leel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health," Whether maaoalar or inflammatory, ohronio or otherwise, Ferrozone does onre rbenma• tiem and eoiatio, 60o per box at all deal. ere. Celebrated the Twelfth. 1690 1907 Good Weather and Large Attendance. OF COURSE YOU CAN CUiRE YQUR RHEUMATISM! No matter 11010 long you have Suffered, nr wliat remedies yon hero dried without relief, lin-Ju will sure you, We know .what Bio -]u hos done for people, bedridden and helpless. We know what Bu-Ja le doing every day for people I tortured with ltheumetiIm, Sciatica, . Lumbago, Neuralgia. liu•Ju, The Oentlo Kidney Pill, cures Rheumatism because it nets directly on the kidneys and stops the poisonous deposit of uric acid in the blood, which nausea Rheumatism. lin-Jn will cera your Rheumatism: Take It on our antarionee that your motley will be prom- ptly, refunded should it fah. bac a largge box. At all drugg�ttats or by ,nail from The 01011140 Mende -al Co. Limited, Windsor, 001, 6e 001811. The glorious twelfth was royally cele- brated here. Fully 5,000 people were in town. Special trains on the G. T. R. and 0. P. R. brought large crowds. Ad. dresses were glven by Fred Dane, of Tor- onto, D. D. G. M, of Ontario Wiwi); Rev. Mr, Lowe, of London ; Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Wiugtam ; and Revs, Small, Ander- son and Hartley, of Blyth, gave addresses of welcome. Bro. Harney, ot • Dungan- non, County Matter, wog Chairman, Three beanie were in attendance. A base ball metals between Milverton and Blyth wag on the afternoon's program, the former winning. ntralr8°w.. Twelve lodges and an immense crowd of people joined in the oolebratiou of the 12th here, A. T. Davidson, of Look. now, and C. MGDonagic, of Zion Lodge, as mounted marshals, met the lodges roe theirre a ion At 2 and ar a d o f o'elook the procession formed in Queen's Park and paraded in the following order Slog William, A. T. Davidson.; Leek. now Pipe Band ; Lodge 409, Bathtub ; Bethel Lodge' Salvation etl LunknowSa Army Bend ; LuoknoLodge; Rip• ley Lodge ; Kinloee Lodge, No. 898 ; Westford Lodge ; . Zion Lodge ; Kin. longh Chosen Few. The permeation marched to the perk, where addreeees' of weloome were given by D. 0. Taylor, meter of the tonal lodge ; m0. Reeve Ander. eon. Other speakers were.; O. Mooney,. Ripley Baptism] ; J. J. Hunter, district master, Kincardine ; local clergy ; Revs. Sa4ndere, Sawyer, Ford and Reid of Nile, and Rev. James Livingelone, of London. Repreeentativee present wore ; P , H. MOKenzie, 14t, P., Weet Bruce, and B. E, Truax, hi, P, P., South Brune ; Mrs, Anderson ,and Mre, Me Math repreeenled the Ladies' -Orange 1}vienevoillaOnt, oot Association, No 63, Tupper. ST, MOM, Orange lodges from all parts of Perth and a number from outeide eseembled here to celebrate the 12th. Fully 6,000 visitors wore here and over 1,200 maroh- ed In the prooeoeion. Among the lodges whioh were represented were; Nitrate'', Greenway, Biddalph, Granton, Fleawort, Parkhill, Logan, No, 908 ; Wallace, No, 882 ; Gowanetown, Trowbridge, Thorn - dale, No, 984 ; Blaosberd, Woodham, Donegal, Brodliagen, Britton, Purple H01 ; Lakeside, Stratford, Listowel, Carthage, St, Marys and athero. The procession wee betded by County Master D. Bonin, A Beetltoru and other prom• Went Orangemen on boroebaok, with some of Ibe opealrors of the day in oar• r ar e— Loh ll ria ea. Four drum b M d i e Hanes. dha en ekt n Parkhill—were g ,Iii o,t and 1 ore w in the prooeoeion. The march ended at Woleh'e Grove, where the afternoon was spent in - epeeohmakiug, Among the speakers were Hon. Deleon Mon. With, Mieieter of Agriculture, who re. presents this oonetitnobay ; Rev, G. W. Raney, R. T. Gilpin, H. B. Irforpby, of Listowel ; Mr. Walsh, of Listowel, and others, D. Bonin anted as °hair. man. A feature of the day was the la. °tease at Athletic Park in the morning between St. Marys and Aliso, Craig, the home team winning by a eoore of 11 to 2, Right Breathing Cures Catarrh Simply Way to Hill Catarrhal Germs in Nose, Throat nits Lungs. The only natural and common seise method known for the care of oatarrbal troubles ie Byo•mei. It is breathed through an ingenious pocket inhaler, so that its medicated air reaches the moot remote air•oelle of the lungs, killing all oatarrbal germs, soothing the Irritated m000us membranes, and restoring a healthy condition. If you suffer from catarrhal troubles enah as offeoeive breath, raising of mu- onooe, frequent sneezing, husky voioe, dieoharge from the nose, droppings in the throat, lose of strength, spasmodic, cough. ing, ora feeling of tightoese across the upper part of the cheat, you eboold begin to nee Hy -o -mei at once. 11 will destroy all disease germs in the dose, throat and lunge. and provide the blood with ad. ditlooal ozone. We do not want anyone's money mnless Hymnal gives relief and . Dire, and we absolutely agree that money will be re. funded melees the remedy gives Batisfa's. tion. A11 druggists should be able to amp. ply yon with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of prise, 01:00, and every package le Bold with the dietioat understanding that it omits nothing un• lase It Ares. Booth's Hymnist Company, Buffalo, N. Y, From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are gettiug or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and oares only tor his commission an agout ? We employ no agents and guarantee all our work for five years, inter 11It UB S 1C LS Pain in the boat)—pain anywhere, has its canna Pain tseon000110n, pain is blood pressure—nothing. alae usually. At Most, so says Dr. Shoop, end to .provo it he has created a little pink Wble1. Thai tablet—called Dr. Shoop's H ro1 ho Tablet— %Noxell blood pressure away from pain n euters, 000ot15 charming, plops1, 15dnlinhtfu.ContlY .though Dttl ,it sural OnnitO8t106100dnirbtti 'lotion. If You painful la periods with wolne ,Pasture, i If p0 aro of periods with \vmrvo sumo clued, H you ora ab0041 pressure.. restlea hat timet Uloid' congestion -b Dr. 10opsHeadache e That Tablet is a' end a to Tablets a o ,certainty. lit s, anduoe's bl a l t o I distribute and the tablets simply 20 minutes, a p Ott in rho Bruise your Auge ,'aossuro. ,011,4 Your tinea,, and doesn't i it got rod, and, swell, and pain rens Of course it dots. Ire capp• Uge-s-always. TVs You'll And 8n00, ro.palo ie Weso s. 2t's ent , a Common Sense. We Goll.at 26 cents, and cheerfully re0ommend. Dr. Shoop's eadac h.lr j. Tablets "ALL DEALERS" Pine Apples Bananas. California Oranges k-ligh Class Confectionery Fancy Biscuits Good Groceries Smokers' Supplies re Pure Ice Cream, and t.1 a At Grewaes Summer Criss Nal!onal Roller Flour bills Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good health. To obtain good Bread and Pastry it is necessary to have good Flour. White Loaf lour possesses all the qualities that go to snake these essentials. Try this, our special pro- duct, and it will please you. tAll kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. - Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. p ql M . R ■ a tee— `tr YNE BRUSSELS Ewan Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition. The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes atm 000ur to any purchaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no slack stays as we have the remedy 10 prevent loose, flopping beck stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggieehave. 10-0 BUGGIES TO SELL Likewise all kinds of Rubber Tire Buggiee on stand. We invite in- tending parohasers to inspect our stook and buy a Buggy made by Ewan & Co. in Brussels and save your money. We also handle along with oar own Buggies, work of reliable firms such as Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re- quiring them. Call and buy at Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save money. OLD BUGGIES Be -painted, Tops Relined and Covered anis made as good as new, Call and get our Prices.