HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-18, Page 4'2iURSDAY, JUIx 18, 1907, Josnes GXRION, the Well known Inger. Boil Poetmeeter, hee been eboeeu Erni. dent of the. Dominion AIfleeoe ea euo• ooeeor to the lets George F. liiekter end will no doubt eotively and worthily All the position. In the Met number of The Pioneer, the official orgeu, ho places him. tell before the public in the follawing manner: --To the Mombere and 3: rlende of the Ontario Brutal] ot the Doinfoioo Allmoe: Ladies and Geoblemeu Heving been eleoted by the Extontive Committee to the oflhe of Provident, to fill the vnoency oaneed by the death of the late G. I: Metter, I deem it my duty to eddreee a few Words to you in order that we may get in tomb with each other and tons be in a petition to push forward the good work whloh we hove in view. I do not aesnme for a Bingle moment that I .oat hope to fill the plane which our lata Preotdeut oo•' oapied with mob great fidelity and siugleneee of purpose, but God helping me, I will do my beet, feeling oonfldeut that I shall receive your hearty oo opera- tion, Our great cause is now reoeiving the Rhaetian and eapport of thoughtful people tliroogbeot the civilized world. In our own Provinoe the eitaation ie full of hope. Let ae be worthy of our great opportunity, The main ie80e now before ae ie to take advantage of the Local Option movement and to try non olneione with our oommoo foe wherever there le a fighting obanee of enooese, In the meantime let na not relax our efforts to 0t0990 the repeal of the three fifthe Manes. We ask no favors at the bends ofih' liqu r traffic, but we do ask for fair play at the bands of the Governineut of the Province while en- gaged in this great moral straggle. Our friends may freely oommuuioete with the bead offioe in Toronto, when every p"9eible nseietenoe will be cheerfully rendered to enable you to prosecute the work. We are united for the parpoee of laying the foundations ot a eater people. This object is worthy of the cop. port of all °lessee of our population. Fathers and mothers, help ae to try and save your children from the attack of the worst foe of our rase. Workingmen, lead no a helping band for the liquor traffic in the enemy of our indnetrial lits, Electors, drop in your ballots and blot out this prolific, canon of our 00u- tr 's rain, and thue let a united 0 hriet• Mn oitlzenehip glee in their moral strength and say to the Rum Fiend, "Be gone you have oareed the ooantry long enough i" "A better day is com- ink" Why not in our day? With this purpose in view let os gird on our armor and ever remember that in oar lexicon there is no such word ae fail. Yours faithfully, JOSEPH GIBBON, Yr eeiden t. TUE 'CII00L FOR THE BRANTFORD. BLIND AT To the Editor of THE POST 1 DEAR Bin :—I ask your assistance to enable me to get into oommnuioation with the pareute or guardians of all the blind children in Ontario, under the age of tweutyone years. The Institution for the edncat100 and inetruotion of the Blind, meiutained by the Outario Legis. latnre, admits as paptle "ail blind yodtbo,of both sexes, between the ages of amen and twenty one, not being de- ficient in intellect, and free from disease or physical infirmity, being residents of the Province of Ontario." It ie not necessary that the appliesnt shall be tot illy blind, the tees le inability to "read ordinery type and attend a eabool for the seeing witbout aeriooe injury to the eight," The toitial difficulty is to Iooato the children who are eligible for adwiaeicu, and it will be helpful in the future if your readers will Bend me the name+ and eddreesee of blind children under seven as well as ot those between seven and twenty one. Sboold you favor me by the publioa• tion of this letter, I would oak your readers not to depend upon the wenn of the children with detective sight to at- tend to this matter. If all oould witneee the gain in health, happiness, knowledge and self rename then comes to those who, deprived by their eftlioticn of amen to the pobtio % houle, take advantage of the ednoationat 1801111i68 afforded by thia institution, none would grudge the time and trouble required to widen the scope of the schools influenoe. Bend me the names and cadreeaee, end I will by oorreepoudenoe or visitation do the meta H. F. GAtiDINER, Principal 0. I. B. EDITORS FOR PARLIAMENT. It is remarkable that in Huron Oonn• ty three nature have been nomivated for Beate in Parliament. All are re. presentatives of the Liberal party. In South Huron 01, Y McLean, of The Beafortb Expositor, le the Liberal uaudidate for the Home of Oommono, Robe Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, is tbe Liberal candidate for the Oommone tor IVeet Huron. Io East Heron W. H. Barr of Tun BRDeasts Pon, be the Liberal candidate toe the Legislature, Mr. MacLean and M. Holmes had a long experience in men. ioipel affairs. Each bas been Mayor of hie town, and each hes eat in many Councils. Mr, MatLeen has also 68,vod in the Legielatare, and ear. Holmes in the Federal Parliament. Mr, Bert is entering upon bio first parliamentary meters, but for many years be has been one of the leaders of the Liberal party id Heron, In other days law and medicine were the treiaing schools for pobiio life, but in Iduron at leen jourualiem bee become the chief avenue to polttioal preferment. It is to be hoped that the result will Rat be to draw too many reoraite .to the profession, and to oat down the etnalumente. So far as Mr. MacLeod, Par. elolmee and Mr. Herr are ooneerned the seaefonai indemntby, in case they ere sleeted, probably wilt Dover the losses that will be eaeteined by their absorption In polities. bat with or without emolumente, these men have beau a0t1v8 and faithful pablia 8arvent8 and it is 111.10901 that journalists else- where ehouel rejoins in their prefer. m-ut. It bili be well' if in Parliament OPSNINC` T NEW The Guelph-Got1ericb Line The first [rein of the 0, P. la. to arrive aver the G. (I, line for regular passenger envies arrived in Blyth on 1.dnoday night of laet week at 10 p. m., and a big orowd Of 011ie000 WAS down at the new etatiou to wituese the opening, The train lett et 0 20 ou Tuesday morning tor the return trip to Toronto. The dotted line in the a000mpanying illeetretiou indioaiee the route of the new line. Tbe oonetruotion wee started in the Fall of 1004 and it hae been a long time getting iiniehed. On Monday of luso week the work was beim off Oontreotor Gibeou'e tondo and the O. P. R. now have tbe line in working order op to Blyth where they have the Ai L WAY A018100 not errtving the ebation 6%0 in derknape on Monday evaning but it le now lighted. 01001 TRAIN In nr9Tn, Another mileetoue fu the oonatrugtiou at the Guelph > Goderioli Railway hoe been paned, and the village of Blyth, to the heart of Huron county, le now the terminal, Oonduolor Ayere and Engin• ser RIamiiton were in oberge of the regular train, dne to leave Gnelph tor Blilvertou at 7,45,, and whioh upon ibe ar• rival at the latter point Monday night bitched up He egependere and started off to Blyth, some twenty nine melee further on, Moukton and Walton' were Weed, and the new elation agents let off Now Open to Blyth and nntt8rone .mall, brit neat, clean, 01/819888 plume greet the eye or the visitor, Just to the Snth East of the G. dt G, 04411on the trach et the L. II, & B. *reek of the 0, 9'. It. panne overhead the 0. 1'. 11. line, eo that the town is now well provided with trampOrtrttiOn forthe produete wheat are met keted there, Tin claim of the 0. P. R. people that the new line is tbe best ever built in Ontario would appear well feuded, There have been rash people who said that the G. 111 G. le a line without gradee or onrvee, Bneb le not the nee. The G. k G.1109 mune, but the armee are so miminized and the outeide rail elevated ao exactly measured that they 'ere eta notioed by the paeeeuger. 11 late grades, The stations tom Gue'ph Jot. to Blyth are :—Gaelph Oity, Elmira, Linwood, Milverton, West Mouktoo, 14toNaoght'e (Hag etatiou,) Walton and Blyth. F. L. Crawford is the relieving agent at Blyth etetion at present but the reenter agent is expected to arrive in a week or B0. The new time table went into effeot on Monday evening at 12 p. m. andthe traine leave and arrive in Blyth at the following m time. Leave —Blyth— Arrive 620a. m 130p.m. 3.00 p. m 9 45 p, m, —Walton - 6 83 a. m 105 p, re. 3.25 p. m 9 80 p. m. The train leaving Blyth at 6.20 a. me rune through to Toronto withont obange and the train leaving Toronto at 5.50 p. m. rune through to Blyth without obange. The other two trains just run to Guelph Jnnotloo. Owing to some of the eleotrio light at their new headquarters. Ab the form• er etatiou a goodly crowd watt present to welcome the first passenger train to 1)098 through their village. But ab Blyth, although -the train did not arrive antic 10.80, owing to the delays aatborteed by °sullen in travelling over a road as yet untried, an eathueiaetio tbroog awaited the train, and when it anoetentatiouely pulled into the elation it was greeted with wi h 1 cud applause. The crowd then took possession, and as many se 000ld find seats made the trip around tbe "Y" while the train wee being re• versed, A pretby little town is Blyth. Let out in the centre of a rich agricultural notion—than wbioh there is no better along the route of tbe G. d; G.—and built in the white, solid etyle which obaraaterizee tbe towns of Huron meaty, it is a good example of the town which thrives without undue exertion expended in the lineation of manufacturing enter- prises, Quietly, handsome residences but the approaches are snob that they are negotiated bandily, end there is no appreciable differenoe in the speed of the train. The ballasting is well nigh per, feat, and, for a newly opened road, the trip from Milverton to Blyth ootild not easily be equalled for comfort. Add to these oonditione the excellence of the rolling elook—bbe easy running oars, etc„ and the uniform courtesy of tbe train and road officials, end it may well be said that nog e serol a atter train fgiven in b o any section of the country. The new trip is not an say one on the orew of the through passenger train. Formerly this train started from Guelph at 8 20 in the morning and returned at 7 85 in the evening. Then the line was extended to Milverton and now to 1319111, witbont any partiouler difference in the original time table, but adding to the last inetanoe two hours eaob way to the working house of the Drew. It is a good long trip, some 116 miles eaob way.— Guelph Meroury, they do not permit their independence of ohartoter to be sapped by the de• mends of the oauoae and the deviate loyalty to leaders which is the bane of public lite in °enada. It is to be ex• peoted that they will aot in general sympathy with the party to which they belong, but there is room in the House of Commons for greeter freed• om of speech and action, and that higher loyalty to individual 090vtal• tone whiob nude to personal diatino• tiou and to the honor and dignity of Parliament,—Toratlto News, Stop limping, Cure The Cern Quickly done by Putnam's Painless Oorn Extraotor. Acte in one day, nausea 00 pain, removes every trace of soreness. Fifty years ot 0000008 proves Putnam's is the best. SUNDAY WORK AT CHEESE FACTORIES. DEAR Sia,— We beg to inform yon that we have, ander year inetroutions, made oaretul and thorough enquiry into the question of Soode). work in connection withthe manufaotare of obeeee through the thirty two Instruotore employed by this Department. From oar own personal knowledge of the situation and as a re- sult of the enquiries made, we feel that we are pretty fully informed as to the preeeot situation. In Western Ontario oat of 218 factories, 68 are manuraotuting oheeee on Saturday night; in Eastern Ontario, lase than one quarter of the 1,000 faotoriec are taking in milk on Saturday night end manufacturing it into cheese. In the majority of oaeee where milk is taken in ou Saturday night, it is found impossible to properly complete the work before twelve o'clock. The work le therefore oontinned for a period of from one to boor or five boars in the beginning of the Bnnday. If those faotoriec that are at womb doing some work on in the early hours of Sunday were prohibited from carrying on thio work, it would, in nearly all oases, be oeoe6eary that the milk be retained at the hemss, of the patrons, ae the factories at present have not proper fa011ities for bolding over until Monday', morning this milk and then handling it with the Sun- day and Monday morning milk, Tbe diffionity now met with in the handling of the milk at the home of the pa0ro08 is that the patrons have not storage or ice eeoeeeary for tbe purpose. Io all other factories where Saturday night delivery does not take place, or where the factory ie not equipped for making milk into batter, it is 0688Beary for the patrons to make butane at the home or to hold the Betnrday nigb0'e milk over, along with the Sanday'e milk, until Monday morning, It will be seen that in the tntore to handle the milk at present made up on Saturday night and Sunday, either the factory meet be reoonetraoted or equip- ped with better faoihies or the patrons mast put in additional appliances at tbe home and provide the supplies. It the law against doing any work in Meese factorise during any of the honre of Sunday were elrt0tlp enforced et once there would of neoeesity, be a very large waste of milk no the fernrin addition to the inoreaeing of the Sunday work on the pert of the prodtoer t0 a very large extent. Having ooneidered ibe (petition from all standpoints and obtained opinions from many pereone interested to the glutton, we beg to recommend that, for the present year, permieelon be granted to oontiune the Saturday night work In obeeae factories until not later than 5 a, m. Sunday morning. Io tine 000080• Woo, we might state that, in the great majority of mese, the work ma earthy be completed by 2 a. m. but in tome eases beyond the control of the maker, it may be found impossible to make up the cheese at so early a time. Farther we would enggeet tbel early notifloation be given to the dairymen of the Province (owners of cheese factories, makers and patrons) tbet it will be 080805ary next year to fully comply with the regairemeote of the Sunday Obeerv- anae Law and that They should now make arrangements whereby eitber the patrons of factories shall now begin to make provision to keep the mirk at home under proper conditions or uli ize it at home, or that the feotorlee shall make snob provisions as may be necessary to enable them to hendle the milk on Mon- day morning. Reepeotfolly submitted, (ogd) 0. 0. JAMES, Deputy Minister of Agl. Gm. A, PQTNAtr, Dlreobor, Dairy Instruction. G. G. PDBLow, Chief Iaetruotor, Eastern Ont. RON. J. P. WHITNEY, Premier. "BLUE DEVILS" Get Bid of Indigestion and Things Will Look Bright and Joyous. Even in the present area of prosperity and good times everytbtng appears blaok to these people who are coffering wretch. edly from some form of indigestion. Where dtgeetion is gulch, complete and easy there le a joyous and hopeful out. look, but indigestion onuses depreaeion. The want of a safe, effective Dara for eiok beedaoh, indigestion and stomach troablee, 6908 always felt until the pre. aoriptioa known se Minna stomata tablets was pat up in popular form and proved Ite invariable 0000898 in the many forme of indigestion. After a few days tee of Mi•o.na atom• aoh tablets the headaohe, dizzy feeling, drowefneee, bad taste in the moabb, coat- ed tongue, 009000nees, eleeple8enees, distress after eating—all these eymptome of a weak stomach—will disappear and parted digestion and a good skin will ehow abut the vital machinery le ouae more 900ningsmootbly. 1111 one is to be taken before each meal and it will stimulate the secretive and digestive juices and eirengthen the whole of the digestive system so that the unpleasant full feeling will be abeent and indigestion prevented. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 60o. box of Alto 0c, etomaob tsblete and not be sabiefied with the results. Mi•o•na le sold by dragging everywhere, or will be sent by mail on reoelpt of pride, 50 cents. Booth's Mi0na Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Pelee get quick and rennin relief from Dr, Sloop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made for piles atone, and eta aotion le positive and Detrain. Rotting, painful, protruding or blind pilon die. appear like magic) by it's use. Large niekel.oappped glees jars 50 dente. - Sold by alt dealers, SEVERE PAINS IN THE GERM Trying Experience of a Well known Citizen in St, John, N. B. The caee of Mr• Cbae, F. 0 ive, for years foreman in the "Gazette" of St, John, N. B., is a striking evidenoe of the power of Ferrozone. No remedy has such a record for re- storing sufferers from acute nomad] and kidney trouble ;it invariably dues cure, "For several yearn" writes IIIr. 0iive, "I have had kidney trouble and until quite recently I Buffered torture. A few menthe ago my condition aneamed a very eerione form. I oonenitedseveral oily deotore, used different pills, but without the elighest benefit. I suffered from an intense pain In the groin, and the inoreasing eerioaeneod of my trouble temptntl nee to try i"errozone. It gave me goiok relief, and a half dozen boxes opted me. Ferrozone I can recommend as a epeoifio for disordered kidneys." Won't yon try Ferrozone too ? 50o. per box at all dealers in medioine. Clinton, The °nalome collections at 01101011 port of entry from April to Jane 30th, 1907, were 84,518 58, being au increase of $7,04 over the oorreeponding period of last year. Joe Rattenbary has let the °entracte for the erection of his new hotel to the following parties : Oement wells for basement and blooking, Hiram H11; briok work, Dan, Prior ; woodwork, Stops Hair' Falling Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- Aroveproved - d formula,will certainly stop of thhair. Indeed, we believe it will always do thi s unless there is some disturb- ance of the general health. Then, a constitutional medicine may be necessary, Consult your physician about this. Doe., not change the color o Ile hale. Formula "Mb seek bottle Show it to your ® e s doctor Ick him abent it, thea dem he en The reason why Ayer's HairVigorstopps falling hair is because it first destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After this is done, nature soon brings about a full recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. ..—Malo by the J. 0. dyer Oe., Lowell, 29*ea.—•-, Thos. Mackenzie ; plastering, Joseph Copp ; roof, Harland Broe. The steam heating and plumbing bite not yet been 'et. The building Ie to be of white brink, three storeys high and 62 x 72 Leet. Fred, Richards, one of Matt. Mains' oarpeetere, had a very narrow tempo on Tuesday afternoon of last week from meeting with a serious if mit fatal mei. dent. He was working on Levi Wiltse'e barn on the London Road and was very near the pinnacle 01 the root when be lost hie footing, slid down the iron roof head first and in that position shot to mother earth, a distance of about thirty feet. The speed a1 which he d080008ed threw him out some dietanoe from the building se that he eeoaped the limber lying around and lit on a manure heap which softened his fall and, no doubt, saved hie life. He was etonned for a time and was ooneiderably bruised and shaken up and bad a out or two wbioh the Dr, had to stitch, Bohm Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS r"Willmeet teams from a dietanoe at Central Hotel, Brussels. • To Our Patrons A 8 we have entered on our second year delivering milk to the people of Brussels we wish to thank all who have favored us with their patronage and to thank those especially wbo have been regular in petting out the empty battles as it saves us a lot of trouble. To our regular customers milk will be 5o. a quart the year round, but to those wbo only tette it in Winter when milk is scarce and takes so much more labor and feed to produce it it will be 6o. Our aim will be to please our patrons and give as good value ae poeslble. 48-tf CHAS, ROZELL Crewe is Reliable Art Studio is the proper place to get your Photo- graphs taken. Photos from the Sunbeam np to the 14 x 17 Group and Portrait size, taken with great suooess. Get a Photo of your Family the first °hence you have to get them together. We are eeocud to none and very moderate in our charger. Views of residences, etc„ taken ou short notice. Picture Frames made to Order. Ha Ra BREWER ildllg Prices for 30 Days on Single . , arness For Cash See our Window Full Rawhide Whips only 85e. Lap Dusters, Fly Sheets, Fly Nets. Trunks; Suit Cases, Satchels. Large Stock at Small Prices. Repairs in Collars, Harness, &c., promptly done. Dwelling Booms to let above store. Convenient, soft water, &e. Very comfortable Dwelling for sale ; acres of land ; Fruits of different kinds ; very nicely situated. L C. ichards FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 2 11118 management ,luring the pad you' hue 1,10011 over Two Hundred 9 0 u. 0 g Indies and gentlemenae 00110E - 1.4p 1 e r s, 'n/ book k``]- oe ere uud (Joe tele crap11- A ere, and pieced 4ham Ill axo811eut Ailtatttone in lead. Mg Canadian and Alnsrivaa all(ee, Individualhlttruutlou. •Write for catalogue, VPingham Business College GEo. Sporran', Principal IMPORTANT NOTICES r_j OUSE AND >• ACRE LOT •1..1 for sale—Albert street, comfortable home in good ropuir. Small stable, good well, oietern,.&o• Possession any time. For turtber particulars apply ou the p90011110 to. 0, CRAP/FORD, Breese's, 48.11 NOTICE TO DEBTORS—DR. BUIONB has platted li00 0000uute lu my hands for collection. All parties indebt- ed will kindly arrange payment at 01100. A, B. MAC.DONALD. Brussels,1uly 8rd, 10u7, 62.11 BRICK STORE TO RENT BY February lot—part of Smith Block. 22180 feet' 2nd door from Amerioau Hotel ; lately need as tailoring and gents' furnish- ing eetabllebment. For further particulars apply to DR. MoHELVEY, Brussels, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE —Toe undersigned offers for sale her buuoesun lot on Turnberry street, Bros. Bele. Emersion o00)d be given at ouae, Fm' leprloe terms &e., apply to MRS. F, SRIELB, Walton a. 0., or to THE Ponn, K, O, T. M. Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24 hold their regular meetings the e Lo d g e Room Beaker Blook on the 1st and 8rd Tuesday evenings ymonth. Vielbaro always.weleowe. A. SOMERS, Com. A. MOGUIRE, n, 8, NOTICE Any person wishing to have their lots at- tended to will find me at the Cemetery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week during the Bummer months. lam also Agent for the Mitchell Marble and Granite Orin. Oome and inspect our work and get priest] before buying elsewhere. ROBERT G. DARN, 49.4 Caretaker. 110E SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 sore farm, being Lot 90, Oon. 7 Grey, for Bale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, wens, &o, Farm ie only # of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel, For fur- therpartioulars apply to 2.8, Boort, Brim- eels, rum- eels or MRS. KATE HOLLAND,78 Shnter Street, Toronto. 87:1m PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers hie house and lot, eituate. on Mill. street, Brussels, for axle, It 16 welllooated,a convenientandaomlor- table borne. Possession can be given at ones. Witt oleo sell the vacant lot, corner .of Mill and Elisabeth streets, which would Make a floe building. site. For further par- ticulars as to price, terms, &c„ apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wiab. 80.4 FARM LABOURERS AND DOMESTICS— I have been appointed by the Dominion Government t0 place Immigrants Mora the United Kingdom in positions as farm lab- ourers or demesne servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring 80011 help should noti- fy me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered, Wife numbers arriving may not be ,nfileien 1 to ellpply all requests but oyery effort will be made to prOvide eaob aptnloant with help required. F. B. SCOTT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 82-ly Brussels P.O. Executor's Sale Estate of John Bunting, gr., Lot 22, Con- cession 13, TOwn81611, of Mullett. This excellent 160 neve farm will bo offer- ed atauction on Wednesday, August 7th, 1007, at 2 o'olook p, m., at Brown's Hotel, Londeaboro'. This Is a first -Glare farm, lune good builiings includingcommodious brio* bourn, large bank barna with atone stabling and otheroutbuildingst alt modern farm improvements and ammonia/ices l good wale er and a good hardwood bush; near to school and marina Information will be promptly given upon rogae61. EDMUND LEAR, Blyth, Executor; W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Solicitor for the Estate. 69.9 A LJ U AIvvAI a' LINE TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL V1010r)an Sails 291ilay, July 19 An5,10 Ionian y 24 Aug,00 Virginian 'i Aug, 3 . Aug,34 1 e 'ruuloian,,,•,,,,. Avg, 0 Sept. e MONTREAL TO GLASGOW eorlutlulap...BailtTbnr0day,Julyle Aug, 24 Probe' leu , ' 1'bareday,Jaly26 Aug, Ft 8C01nntt ...,, T1uraday, Aug, 1 Sept, 0 Ionian " Thuroday, Atte..8 1181,12 For eailinge, Ileto awl full information apply to W. to. HERR, Agent Allen lalue, Brunets, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered section of Dominion .Lauds is Alanlboba, Saekalohewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, May bo homesteaded by guy person wbo la the sole bead of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter motion of 100 acres more or lose, Entry may be made (personally at the Meal olllee lnr too distriot in wbioh the laud is eltuate. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions oo0 Daubed therewith ander one of the following plans: (1) At least six menthe' reel donee -upon and cultivation of 111e laud in each year for three years, 12) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the violnity of the laud entered for the requirements as to reel. deuce may be Battened by such person re. siding with the lather or mother, (8) If the settler has hie permanent mei- dem upon farming landowned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, .the re- quirements as to residence may be sate - bled by resideooe upon the said laud. Sixmontbe' notion in writing ehonld be given to the Commiesioeer of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W•W.00RY, Deputy of ibe. Minister of interior... N. B. Unauthorizedpubliamtlon of thie,ad- vertisement will not be paid for. Lige for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. WANTED • "AA The Highest Market Price wilt be paid in Cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker SALT Farmers or Storelceepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. A DANDY STOCK OF Bv0-G-zS VETE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies, manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Plattsville, and Wm, Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is First-class and prices are Fight. Don't fail to see them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates, ' R. Francis & Co. Shop next to Town Mall, We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost & Wood repairs. Call and see ue. Brussels el" L