HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-18, Page 1.3°
Vo). ae, No. 2
Atsgoo....sawo mos.
New Advertisements.
Locals—Jas, Fox.
Eyesight—Jos, Fox,
Heifer strayed-aBaeker Bros,
Notice of transfer—W. Clegg,
Vail term—Central Bus, College.
Protect your hoe—I. C. leichards,
Mrs. A. D. McCosh, of Pine River,
is spending a Week's holidays at the
home of her parents, Jno. and Mrs,
Strachan, Mrs. MoCosh is always a
very welcome visitor here, among her
large circle of friends.
The following from the Ripley Ex-
press speaks for itself.—The pio-nie in
Mrs. Blaies,besh on the lake shore on
July nit, was a decided success. The
weather was a little threatening in the
morning,but cleared off nicely, and a
very large crowd assembled to enjoy
a day's outing in the woods. The
Orange lodges concerned in arranging
theIambic deserve great credit for
their pains and the success of the affair
was a well deserved one. A very in-
teresting program was teiven. Mr.
Hunter and Hugh Clark. of Kincardine
were present, the latterfillingthe
cbairman's chair, both genlemen giving
well worded addresses. The Pine
River Quartette furnished several
selections and the ..band and violin
music with an occasional song from
the phonograph delighted the audience.
Mr. Hunter's solo and the rendering
of the Maple Leaf were exceptionally
fine. T. T. Strachan, of Brussels,
gave a very pleasingerish solo, which
delighted the audience. His voice is
well controlled and trained, and the
people here will be glad to see him
hack again. Various speeches, danc-
ing, etc. further contributed to the
entertainment of the large company.
Foot -ball, races and a well contested
tug-of-war, which caused great excite.
ment for a time, also took place.
When at last evening came, the large
crowd began to part, each well pleased
with the dity's outing.
W net:ors.
Mrs. A. Hortrd, from down East, is
visiting her son, A. Hoard.
D. Blake, our jeweler, paid a flying
business trip to Toronto this week.
Mrs, McPhee has gone to Londes-
borewhere she is going to make her
home with Mrs. Crisp.
Rev. A. McNab and family left Tues-
day for their camping holiday on Lake
Huron, near Pine River,
Tete POST to January rat for only 400
in advance. If you desire the local
and district news now is your chance.
W. H. Govenlock, of Chicago, ad
bis sister, Miss Mabel, of Seaforth,
were visitors at W. Neal's this week,
Quite ft numberOf our "sports" were
at Brussels Monday evening to see the
game of Foot Ball between' -Plattsville
and Brussels.
W. H. Humphries was ticketed by
the C, P. R. for the West. He will
visit his daughter, Mrs. Hall, at Gains -
bore', Sask.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church purpose bolding a Garden
Party on the Parsonage lawn, on
Wednesday 24th inst:
The Dominion Express Co. bave
opened their office at tbe station and
Mr. McKay, the station agent, will,
look after this department.
On Wednesday evening of last week
Mrs. IdeFadzean, of Toronto, gave a
lectnre in Duff's church on Home
Missions, which was very interesting.
Misses Moore, who have for .some
time been visitors with their uncle,
Jonathan Moore, returned to their
home at Guelph Tuesday of this
Mr. Feels, of Peterboro' has been
placed as foreman over the section
gang bere. He will in the near future
move his wife and family to Walton.
We welcome them.
This week .the C, P. R. started
handling freight from this point with
the exception of live stotk, for as yet
the "shoots" have not been placed but
will be in the near future.
FOUND Deo,—Last Monday morn-
ing an Assyrian pedlar, named John
Thomas, was found dead. in bed al
Thamees hotel here, Be bad 'spent
Sundae in tbe village and era appear-
ing for breakfast a messenger was sent
to his room to call him, Not receiving
a reply the door wits opened and the
man found dead in hie bed. Tbe
coroner at Wingbani was ca/led ep
but on 'Ionian the partioulars did not
think an inquest necessary, the death
being no doubt from natural causes.
The body was forwarded to London
for interment.
Wm. Brown, formerly of this local-
ity, is away to Manitoba on a trip.
of the early residents of North East.
hope died very suddenly on June
meth, in the person of Adam Men-
zies, who palmed away at his home
near Moleswortb. Deceased waS a na•
tive of Perthshire, Scotland, and came
to Canada with his parents in 1841,
settling in North Easthope on lot 20,
con. 6. He resided on the old home-
stead until 1877 when he removed to
the vicinity of Molosworth where he
remained until 1112 death, The late
Mr. Menzies was seventy-three years
of age and a life-long member of tbe
Presbyterian church. He was widely
known and respected in the communi-
ties where he had resided and the
news of his death will be learned with
rsteeee eel Mist
Miss Ora Johnsori is visiting rela-
tives in Hensel!,
Miss Gerry, of Brussels, is the guest
of Miss Ada Johnston.
Mrs. Mitchell, tif 'Toronto, is visiting
her son, Dr, Mitchell,
Chas. McLean,. of Mobile, is spend-
ing a week in the village.
C. 0. Stewart of Woodbridge, visit-
ed here several days of last week.
Mre, W. Wilson is spending a few
weeks with friends near Behnore.
Miss M. Fleming, of Toronto, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Carr.
Oliver Smith, of Cbesley, is enjoy-
ing two weeks' holidays at home here,
Miss Jennie Miller. of Toronto
Junction, is visiting relatives in this
C. and Mrs. Koehler. of Ayton, are
visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs. A.
H. Moffitt.
Alex. McDougall had his hand badly
hurt one day last week while -employed
in the saw -mill.
Chester Smith, ot Colpoys Bay, is
spending a few holidays with. his
parents, Jno. and Mrs. Smith.
Misses Rosie Smith, Sophia Robin-
son and Ray Carr were successful
candidates at the recent Entrance
Mrs. Bailey, of Listowel, spent last
Thursday with her mother, Mrs. S.
Playford, wbo that day celebrated her
eightieth birtbday.
Donald and Mrs. Fisher left last
Friday fora trip to the West. They
expect to visit Regina, Portland and
-Seattle and will be absent about six
SAD DRO'WNING.—A sad drowning
fatality occurred here about eleven
o'clock Sunday morning, when Toseph
Casemore, aged 19 years, and third son
of W. and Mrs. Casemore, of Howlett,
lost his life. Be and Isis brother,
William Casemore, had gone to Days'
bridge to bathe and being very much
beated he was seizecilwith cramps al-
most immediately upon entering the
water, His brother, who was' unable
to swim could render no assistance and
some 20 minutes passed before help
could be secured and the body taken
from the water, Drs. Brawn and
Mitchell worked several hours trying
ing to restore life init their efforts were
fruitless. The sincerest sympathy is
expressed on every side for the bereav-
ed parents, two brothers and three
sisters. He was a bright active young
man, bighly.respected by all, splendid
worker and took a keen interest in all
kinds of sport, the foot ball team, of
which he was a member:- sending a
very handsome wreath. The funeral
took place on Monday afternoon to
the Wroxeter cemetery and was very
largely attended. Service was con-
ducted by Rev. A. L. Russell.
with a good Fly Net Or Fly
Sheet We have them in Leath-
er or Cotton and at prices to
suit everybody.
is just now in great demand—the Rubber and Solid Niokle
Trimmings are great favorites. We make all our Harness, both
Heavy and Light, and can give you what you want.
For Trunks and Valisethat will stand travelling you should
bey Outs as they are built specially with that object in view and do
not cost you any more thati the imitation ones offered by some
°there. '
Whips, Dusters and eVerythille in the Harness line in stock.
Rept/Are le 0301larS, HerrasS, ase., promptly done.
Conafortitble ROOMS to let above State
• te; 4,,,,ea
• Richards
Miss Kate Hazlewood was successful
passing the Intermediate exarnina-
tion of tbe Conservatory of Meet°.
A number from the village attended
the Brussels vs, Plattsville foot -ball
mace to Brussels Monday evening
and were well pleesed with the results
of the game,
Shortly after returning from cberch
on Sunday moruing John McLean, of
Flowick, hada paralytic stroke. We
are pleased to state that at last reports
be was improving,
Word was received here last Week of
the death of Mrs. Tones,ea former well
knowp resident of this village. She
had been living with a son at
Sask., since moving from here,
where she had the misfortune to fall
and break her thigh about the 24th of
May, and as elle was advanced in
years, she never recovered from the
ID Iran le vie Mr.
Robt. Forrest, of Brantford. was a
visitor here this week.
Miss Aggie Brown returned to her
home in Fordwich last week.
Mrs. Chas, Brodie and daughter, of
Seaforth, are yisiting in the village.
W, E. Forrest has returned to Tor-
onto after spending a few days at his
Mrs. Slenunons, of Brussels, was the
guest of Mrs. R. K. McDonald last
Miss Lib. McLauchlin is here from
the West where she spent several
Miss Maggie Cunuingharn, of Dray-
ton, spent a few daysrecently with
herbrother, Hugh Cunningham.
A short time ago Tacob Long sold
his black peeing roadster to a Gorrie
gentleman at a good figure. He was a
good one.
Miss Mande Menzies, who has spent
some time visiting relatives and
friends, has returned to her home in
Berk's Falls.
Duncan and :Vire. Menzies, of Los
Angeles, Cal., are spending a few days
with their sister, Mrs, Menzies, while
aurorae to the West.
After having been in possession of
the family for 4.5 years James Mc-
Laucblin sold his farm West of Cran-
brook, to Jas, Perrie, of Grey. Pos.
sessiou will be given next Fall, Mr.
Perrie also owns the adjoining place
so will have a property difficult to beat.
We have not learned what Mr. Mc-
Latiohlin's intentions are as to the
Miss Linda Milne is home for her
40 cents gets Tee POST to the first
of January 1908.
Grey townsbip Council will meet
here on Monday, 29th inst.
Principal McDonald and wife are
holidaying at Wiarton and Miss Pome-
roy is at Fralarton Corners.
John Lamont who has been spending
his vacation with bis grandmother,
returned to the city last Saturday.
• Misses Nora and Cassie, daughters
of Leyi Lake, of Liatowel, -have been
visiting their aunt, Mrs. C. Eckmier,
Ethel football team will go to Brus-
sels Friday evening and play the re-
turn game with the juniors of that
R. C. Davies, commercial traveller,
is home for a holiday of 5 or 6 weeks.
He is enjoying his new position and
doing well.
delivered a lamb at Ethel station that
lacked 8 days of 3 months old, but
tipped the scales at too lbs,
The June cheese of Ethel factory
was bought by Wm. Harris, of Brus-
sels, the first hall bringing al+ cents
per pound and the last halt ta 1-16 cts.
There was a large attendance from
this locality at Brussels to witness the
winning of the Intermediate champion-
slaip. Plattsville was not in it with
the home team.
Zack McCallum having decided to
remain here and take charge of the
Slemmon farm his deceased father
had leased, Mrs. McCallum arrived
in Ethel this week from Boissevain,
Man„ where Mr. McCallum was em-
ployed when called home.
UNDERTAKING.—Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
melte and arterial embalming foi
which we bold diplomas.
8 Ethel Patella School pupils passed
the recent Entrance Examinations out
of u who wrote. The successful are
Jas. Breniter, Clestlite Dane, Roy
Ectrinier, Irene Heath, Alvin McKee,
Lavine McLeod' -Elwin Thompson, and
Annie Thompson, We congratulate
the scholars and also the teacher en
tbe splendid sbovvingetnd hope it is an
index of progression all along the line.
CARD or. THANKS.—We wish to
gratefully acknowledge our sincerest
thanks to the officers and members of
Ethel C, 0, F. and to numerous other
friends for their great and never to
be forgotten thoughtfulness and help-
fulness during the Meese and sub-
sequent deniise of the late Teo. Mc-
Callum, Words are not adequate to
properly voice the gratitude we feel.
We trust everyone will be abuudantly
Ethel, July 16111, 1907,
One night last week station agent
Smith bad a flue roadster killed ou the
railway track. The aminal was pastur-
ing hi the station yard and ran down
the track ahead of the night train.
Getting to the bridge, over the Mait-
land the beast got caught when the
engine struck it throwing it into the
titter, It was dead when found the
next day. The beteg was valued at
lemo end was it good oue. It will be
qeite a rats to its owner,
° v.
The farmers (;.ar'erliaying.
A better grade of road work Is being
Mses Aetna Cardiff and Mabel
Zimmer were visiting Mrs, C. H. Mo-
Li/Arlene, of Atwood,
C. R. Bennett, of Arcola, who is
visiting here was away last week holi-
daying with relatives at Brantford.
Master Erney Dunford, of Clinton,
is enjoying the holidays at his uncle's,
William Sinandon's, Grey township,
ex -Councillor Johnston has perorate
ed the East part of lot 15, con. 14, from
Mrs, McNeil, of Brussels. paying $1400
for it,
The lanai premises of Wm, Rands,
reth com, is beiug greatly improved
by the building of cement stabling
under the barn.
Metallic barn roofs are quite Maim -
able through the country. H W. Mc-
Kay and Donald Robertson, gth con.,
are trying them.
Donald and Mrs, Campbell, Mth
con., have been away on a driving
tour through Perth, Wellington and
Halton Counties renewing old friend-
The 4 pupils who wrote at the En-
trance Exam. at Brussels from Mon-
crieff school were successful. They
were Alex. Speiran, Hill Hislop,
Alex. Mann and J. F. eloNaught,
The first mentioned took honors and
all did well.
Among those who successfully
passed the Conservatory Piano Exam-
inations, recently held in Listowel,
we are pleased to see the names of
Lynn Evans, I2th con. Grey, Pearl
Holman. 14th line, Elma, and Fier -
ence Holman, of Monkton. These
were all pupils of Mrs. George Wilson.
We extend congratulations and hope
the young foie will excel in the days
to come,
C. and Mrs. Hutchinson, 5th line,
are entertaining at their farm, 'Fair-
view," Jas, and Mrs. Edward, and two
daulhters, Alice and Grace, of
Chicago ; R. W. and Mrs, Breckin-
ridge and daughter. Mae, of New
Haven, Conn. ; J. M. and Mrs. Breck-
inridge and son, Will. of Chicago ;
Mrs, Sarah Clifton, of Toronto • Mrs.
Jas. Breckenridge, sr., of Goderich;
and A. M. Breckenridge, of Iowa.
MATRIAIONIAL.—S1. Andrew's 01111r013
Carillion, Que., was tbe scene of a
pretty event on Sunday June 2gth at
4 o'clock p. m. when Miss Mary Grace
eldest daughter of Thos. and Mrs.
Faggan, of Carillion, was united in
marriage to john E, McKinnon, ot
Fort William, Ont., formerly of this
locality. Mr. ante Mrs. McKinnon
went on a tour to Toronto, Buffalo and
groom's old home at Brussels. May
their joys be many.
Hearty congratulations are extended
to the three pupils of S. S. No, 2,
Grey, viz., Miss Florence Clark, and
Masters Richard Cunningham and
Wilbur Turnbull, who wrote and
successfully passed the Entrance
examinations, the two former being
eleven years of age while the latter is
only ten years old. May their future
through life be ever as successful. We
also congratulate their teacher, Miss
R. McNair, who bas the reputation of
an efficient instructor.
PASSED Awev.—Monday of last week
Mrs. George McKay, Lot 34, Con, 15,
passed away from the earthly home to
beoomo a dweller in the palace of the
King. She was 74 years of age and
the cause of her demise was a paralytic
stroke from which she had 'suffered a
week previous. Deceased was an old
resident baying spent more than 40
years here, She was a native of
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and is sur-
vived by her husband, 5 daughters
(Mrs. Patterson, Logaa ; Mrs. Kelly,
Baligonia, Sask. ; Mrs. Bloom, St.
Thomas; and Mrs, Cravat and Mrs.
Breakie, Sarnia ;) and 5 sons (Alex.
and Duncan, Aylmer; Will„ Tames
and Joe, of tbis township) Funeral
took place on Weduesday to Cranbrook
cemetery and was largely attended.
Rev, D. B. McRae conducted the ser-
vice. All tbe children were present
at the funeral, Mrs, McKay has three
sisters, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Liding-
ton, of Woodstock. and Mrs. Campbell,
of Aberdeen, Scotland. A brother is
deceased, Mrs, McKay was a kind
hearted, industrion woman, always
ready to do a good turn and was held
in high esteem by a large cirole of
relatives and frieuds wbo will deeply
sympathise with the bereaved.
Blom tette-
Wm. Keys. 5th line, lost a valuable
horse last week.
Miss Maria McCall is heel° from an
extended stay at Brantford.
We congratulate you Elston on your
new rubber tire, Things will boom
Crops are doing well and will sur-
pass the expectations of a few months
Joe Clegg, jr. mist be looking ahead
for a bard Winter ae he is after bis
supply of Cole.
Misses Mina and Lou Proctor, of
Toronto, are visiting friends in and
-around Belgrave.
Robt. McMurray, 4113 nee, bas net
missed a T2th of July celebration siece
he was eight years of age.
Miss jenny 'Jordan and brother
Morley arrived home last week after a
pleasant visit with hien& at Carlow
and Goderich.
Misses Jean and Margaret Shedden,
eth line arrived home last week from
Owen Sound, after spending a very
enjoyable time with friends.
Qffite a number of the youtig men
of the 5th attended the concert in
Blyth on the t2th but era all at for-
tunate as Fred being supplied with a
horse and rig,
S. Jordan, 5th line, has disposed of
bit hitedaome driver for a tidy suni.
Win, and Mrs. Wheeler, of Alma,
visited relatives and filen& in Ibis
MISS Mary Jane Cloakey has return-
ed home, after spending the past six
months in Toronto.
L. J. Williams, 5th eon, has sold his
farm to Samuel McCurdy, who got
possession en the 15th inet. The prim
paid for the farm was $5,000 and for
the crop $400. Mr. Williams held an
motion tale last Monday.
Sydney Jewel, of London, England,
who has been spending the past six
wee with his grandmother and other
friends on the 4111 line has gone to
Toronto, where he has taken a position
On the C. P. R. as engineer.
Scsioov REPORT.—Following is the
report of S. S, No, 5, Morris, for the
promotion of Sr. III and Jr, 1V
classes i—Tr. IV--Nurnber to pass
52o--Norrnan Wheeler 563, Hester
Johnston 547, Annie Bell 53o, Irvine
Ferguson 410. Sr. III—Number to
Pass 48e— Scott Irvine. 58o, Victor
Voting iso, Morley Jordan 495. Henry
Armstrong 485. HARRY D. AINLAY,
JA311:S Suer:Tem DIU:RASP:D.—After
an illness extending over the past 9
mouths from a kidney ailment, James
Shortreed paid Nature's debt on Wed-
nesday of this week, passing away at
his home in Seaforth, where he has
resided tor the past 3 years, going
there weep be sold his farm to his son
3. W. rvlr. Shortreed was 66 years, 4
menthe and 9 clays old. He was born
in the township of Esquesing, flatten
Co„ and came to Morris 3o years ago
when he bought a fine Too acre farm,
Se lot 16, eon 9 owned by the late Jno.
Henderson. Mrs. Shortreed's maiden
name was Miss Caroline Brodie, of
Morris, she and the son mentioned
above and an adopted daughter sur-
vive, Tbe subject of this notice was a
man of industry, sobriety and integ-
rity, esteemed by all who knew him.
He was a Presbyterian in religion and
a Liberal in politics. Deceased was a
brother to Jno. Shortreed, a well
known resident of the 9th line, and a
brother and sister live on the home-
stead in Halton Co. The funeral will
take place Friday afternoon from his
late residence, Seaforth, leaving at
0.30 o'clock for Brussels cemetery.
Res' Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, is ex-
pected to concluct the service et the
home and Rev. Mn. Milligan will take
charge at the grave. The bereaved
will be accorded the sincere sympathy
of many relatives and old friends.
We give below the names of the am
meant eandidetes at She recent Entrance
Examination held at the ',axiom exam.
elation centres in Elan Enron. On the
whole tbe papers were very fair, al-
though the Literature paper or Written
Readiug, as it is now called required
greater maturity of thought than is
usually possessed by ohildren of thirteen.
The names are arranged in two °lessee :
Honor end Pass. To pass a candidate
meet obtain 390 marks oat of a possible
650, and for Moore 487. The oertificatee
of anomesful candidates and the marks
of them who failed were sent out last
Bernice Anderson Frank Finland
Bertha Brodgen James Watt
Elva Brown Archie Wells
Alice Fingland
Esther 13e11 Male Millar
Hazel Bennett Ralph Moen
Verna Braithwaite Myrtle Niool
Keziala Brown Mary Paterson
Laura Clarke Thos, A..Roclger
May Cowan May Rogerson
Roy Crawford Albert Skelton
Kate Crawford Frank. Strangban
Gladys Oat Baraeliff Tierney
Cepba Roblin Lillie Wanless •
Lottie Jackson Florence Watson
Lillian Lee Beads Wells
Emma Leith Russell Woode
Murray Jaokeon
Harold Ker
Jeanie Martin
Jean MaTaggart
Cora MaGnire
.Edna Rodaway
Clarenoe Anderson Elsie Lobb
Anoka Barbliff 011ie Lobb
Gledys Oantelon Myrtle Mair
Albert Cooper Bert Millar
Howard Orient Greg MoGregor
Leobard Cole Jennie Stevenson
Della Finch Nettie Siuoleir
Howard Farquhar Mary Smith
Wilbur Ford John Sturdy
Oberlee Govier Winnie Sonder000k
Eliza M. Gray Elizabeth Taylor
Edward Glen Myrtle Tipledy
Katie Gunn Edna Turner
Willie Hall Willie Wasmen
Eileen Hoover Leslie Wasnaan
Helen Hibbs Hubert Witte
Emmiline Holland Ruby Wise
Elva Levis
Dorothy Ball
Carl Diehl
Minnie Eassom
Willie Gregg
Roy Grigg
Agues Irwin
Lawronoe Maguire
Robert Armstrong Andrew Johnston
Hilda Minion Clifford McCurdy
Stephen Butobert Verne atoLanghlin
Noble Cettanaoh Wilfrid McLaughlin
Marjorie Dobson Andrew. Spoors
Harry Gregg Beatrice Sheerer
Isabella Hargrave Olive Wattere
Wallace Hetohisou
. Timone
Anna Bell Minnie Hablairk
Mama 1e, Birke, 'Wilfred B, Karr
-• - x ^
jean A. Carmen
Frank Cleft
Mary 00Wan
181, Fargabereon
John R. Allan
Mary Bruxer
Bare H. Campbell
Elle Carter
Aline May Chesney
efegh Chesney
Mary J. °actin
Artbur W. Dlok
Archie 0, Diokson -
Tracey J. Bluest
Ilene Freemeo
W03. H. Gould
Elva Grave;
R R. El,,matele
Norma Hartry
Chafe Hoye
Edith M. Hoag
JienaB, Et011131141
Marguerite Boren
Reseal G. 'ante'
Barbie Kyle
Eva Love
Miobeal MoCardle
Elide MoOracheon
Mae MoCtoech
May moGregor
kinsie Morrison
Mary Riley
Florence Moiety
Mergaret Mugge,
Hugh AL Muleay
Mary McKee
Anus B. McLean
Wm, Jno, Mamie
Vergne Uoldann
Wm. McMillan
'Gordon MobTevin
Catharine O'Keefe
Dalton Reid
Roger P. Roberta
Finley Roes
Robert B. Soott
DawilOn 0. Smith
Gertrude A. Smith
Florenee Soole
Florence Staples
Sammy Storey
Wm. Geo, Strong
Forma E• Troyer
Bertba E. Walker
'rad Ray Walker
Jack 311, Warwick
Peoelope Wortley
Blanche Bennett Milton Roadhouse
Edna Biehl Mary Ritobie
Edith Buchanan Lillian Rom
Verna Dickinson Edua Swarte
Emma Foreytb Florenoe Snggitb
G. Wilson Geddes Mary Stewart
,Tee Harold Ada Spence
Frank Gilleaspie Emma Stewart
Ade He,iuee - Roy Turvey
Lizzie Johns Gordon Young
Ernest Linklater Milton White
elector Mutton odrew Welle.oe
John Mitobell Helen Wilson
Eldon Nelbery
Jennie Armour Bertha Jones
Tease Anderaon George Jacques
James Aitken Edna Johnston
Alex. Kerr
Oeoil Koox
Alva McDowell
Allan Pugh
Luella Sbaw
Howard Stewart
Orval Taylor
George Tervit
Ethel Tipling
Elsie Wightman
Leslie Wightman
Dora Weir
Minnie Beeman
Pearl Cartwright
Etta Currie
Bartle Currie
George Carrie
Steens Foran
Remit Fixture
Lila Gray
Mary Gibbons
Norman M. Geddes
Roland Henderson
Fred. Johnston
WilItam Elliott
Rollie Nash
Ray Cern
Eranoes Edgar
lean Edgar
Gordon Edgar
George Elliott
Elva flepfer
Sophie Robinson
Rosie Smith
Gladys Stinson
John Weir
Gordon Wray
Oarrie &meet Jane MoLennan
Este Ament Della IldoLarty
Vim Bowman
Nellie Ewan
Addle Grant
John Henderson
Minerva Jones
Clifford McKee
Chas. teoadillan
Adeline Robb
Frank Scott
Alex, Speiran
Maggie Stevenson
Verne Walker
Jae Armstrong George King
Irene Barkley Bob Leckie
Willie Bell Alex, Mann
Jamea Bremner Maggie Paiebie
Frank Bryans Alvin McKee
Florence J. Clark Omit aloLarty
Wm. Cunningham Lavine. McLeod
Oeleatim Dane 7. F. MoNaugbt
Roy Holm:der Daniel O'Toole
Mary Forrest Ella Pearson
Cora E. Forbes Victor Sperling
Frank S. Gerry John Speir
Lucy M. Hall Annie Thompson
Irene Heath Elwin Thompson
Will, Hislop Wilbur E. Turnbull
Lizzie 0, Hoover Robert J. Young
Willie Hoover Dora Watson
Mary Irvine Pene Brewer
Maggie Jobneton Beatrice Curry
Wm, C. King
Brussels Win the W. F. A.
Intermediate Championship.
This is the Nrd Time the Honor has
come to Town.
Tee Boys Deserve Hearty Congratulation.
They May A 1 Dalt.
In the final game of Foot Ball for
the Intermediate boners of the W. F. A.,
played on Victoria Park, bare, last
Monday evening, the superiority of
Brneeele over the Plebtsville team was
aelfevident and the result was never in
Friday evening of last week onr boya
were at Platteville, the game resulting
in a tie 1-1 mil this was taken as eve
dame ot what the final outcome would be
when the teams met at Bruesela,
Referee /McLachlan, of Stratford, kept
everything in order at Platteville, and
Retry Brown, the well known Berlin Foot
Ball enthusiast, was tbe officesl authority
bare but bad little to do se the .game
was so one aided there were few demsions
tbe given.
Monday evening drizzling abowers of
rain fall so that waterproofs and um.
brellite were at a premium but nobwibh.
stending tbet 015 Probe, was in a dumpy
mood tbe intermit in thie important
mune was very apparent AD the people
from far and near made their way to
the park. Throughout the tnetob the
aqua peril oontinued to descend and
with a beet hall and slippery grass the
aombination was rather :splint fleet.
class ball. Brussels Seared two goals
in the find halt to their opponents 0
and when tbe ends were revereed the
home team deoided to add it few more
^ + n • n '11,
W. H.K.ERR, Prop
, I x • ^ -1.• ^ .1.
bat the Milton played so eturdy a de.
fence that while Many an onelaught
was made the figuree remained tbe game
at the ems& Brnesele goal keeper had
nine or nothing to do, Oar boys won
the .rnatela and the Intermediate chime
pionahip on merit as they have played
very line ball all season and well de.
served the honor. The live up was
as gallows :--
nuesaties rr.eserrivreen
1 erten Goal hrtsys
6, Anderton .., tBaous Siebert
W Siellouald.4 (Rouen
---'.10'Querin.. 1
O BrownaBas ke Tow
15141W etaveosonet moot:1mM
10 I0seley t 1 Anderson
A 11101.00d .......1 1 'Welcher
1. 1) Clardia.... P001554118eerie
W Euler Barrett
Championship eilverware is not a new
aung in Brussels us thie ie the third
time the tankerd mime to town. We
bad it first in 1003, again in 1904 and
lest but not twit in 1907. Our lads
were in the enals in 1909 with Dundee
but lout, 110411 year they were knocked
out in a fluke game in a downpoar 01
rain by Wingbain but the lettere] rase
was very ehort 10 travelling toward tbe
finals. In 1903 Brussele also held the
Junior ohampionsbip, ' .Fecti plume
have a better lloot Ban reoord.
Ebe beam this season eonipared very
favorably with that of Any previous year
and perbapa was better balanced than on
any former ocioesion. There was not a
week point on the line up. JAS. Ander.
Bon in goal wee Mews equal to the cite
casion although the limey Make, Alex.
Anderson and Wallis McDonald, never
allowed the enemy to trifle with
the citadel, you would almost think
obey were born at Klakerville. Oar
half beck line was Mt bra to in.
vinoibie and would be bard to beat.
Rus. Brown worked like a horse although
he kicked like a mule, with either me or
two feet, and always made it dizzy for
hie ohmic. Wm, Steveneon and Oliver
Querin taught many an opponet the folly
of getting into their territory and played
very oonsietently throughout. The
half books are splendid feedete to the
evely forwards who were ever ready to
take the sphere to tbe goal. Dick Cardiff
wits speedy, determined and never had to
take mooed placie. Arable McLeod often
made his competitors look foolish 55 he
performed loop rho loop and otber
puzzling featuree with the sphere.
Waltie Millar, ot Wroxeter, and Jimmie
eloGillivrey, of Wingham, were always
busy and the Leven of the game from.
Brussels alwaya breathed freer when tbe
ball landed in their territory feeling as-
sured tbsy would do their beat to score.
55 Kerley never showed to better ad-.
vantage than tbis season and both in the
game and at practice played hitt poeition
GO a finish. Everybody on the team did
well. Charlie Bryana and Wm. Bender -
eon, as spare men demonstrated that
they possessed first -glass foot -ball timber
and will be heard from again. Jas.
Strachan was expected on the line np
and be did play me game et Clinton, but
his signing with a Toronto team shut
him oat here.
You did well boys and Tan Pon is •
proud 01 300, au you advertised Bra:male
in good style, did youreelves oredit and
deserve recognition in advance of a vote
of thenks. A team that can win 17
goals to 2 in a season's oompatition with
red hot association oompetztors is not
met with every day.
eBruseele 1 Brassels 1 'rah 1 'rah 1
17 goals to 2 is rather a respectable
season's score.
The Toronto Globe headed the report
of Bruseele winning the obaraptoustup
"Great is Brut:tsetse'
If 5135.00 can be taken in a drizzling
rain ae gate receipts what might it have
been on a dry day?
President elaoDonald and other officers
aw that the bareness arrangements were
teithfully carried out,
Bruseele and community beaked the
team up is good style and made 10
possible to place them on "Easy street"
in their finemee.
What about the Ontario obampion.
ship? There are 4 tame looking for it
and the probabilities are Bonnie will
have a foot in it beton) disbanding tor
the season. Tee officiary ie making en.
quiry. The winning or losing would not
luterfere web the honor already scoured.
Bather an ramming incident in Mon.
day evening's game was to see Jimmie
Anderson, Brussels reliable goal defend•
er, escaping part of the alanwere, mobile
the game was in progress, by blas aid of e
friendly urnerella. Gout keepere don't
always mete time for these oonvention•
Among the members of former teaming.
Foot Bali teame in Brussels notified on
the park Monday evening were D. J. Mo.
lianahlin, of StCatharlues Dr. W. J,
Oameron, ot Palmerston ; ittrl Switzer,
of Atwood ; Rae. Wheeler, of Toronto ;
Dan. Heather, of Tavietook ; Jim
Straehm, of Termite, and 3, L. Kerr,
of Blyth. It no doubt reminded
tbem of other dap when they were on
the line up and winning silverwaee.
Brussels Seltoot Booed,
Speoial meeting of the Brunie Publio
Sohool Board was held in the Board
Room Tuesday evening ot Mat week,
Members tareeenb T, Farrow, D. 0.
Rose, M. H. Moore, Jas. Elliott and J.
G. Skim. Minutiae of last meeting read
and adopted.
Inapeator Robb's report was read
and oontents noted. Action on inopor.
tent matters will be taken later.
Moved by Jas. Ellliobb, seconded by
M. IL Moore, that Alio Gertrude Roes
be first 0110100 se teaoher for room No.
2 and that Mise Marion Smith he semuti
Meta. Carried.
Moved by M. H. Moore, se000ded by
D, 0. Boss, that J. H. Oameron'e salary
as Prinelpal be mind e100.00 to take
efface Sept. lab, 1907. Ponied.
13oerd then adjourned.
3, G. SIMS, Seorebary,