The Brussels Post, 1907-7-11, Page 8rd on the Igor Tide ]lob weather le all right bub very hard on the Corns. Tllie is the) nate when they begin to piuoh and matte a poreon miserable. Do not stugd it but get it paokage of our Corn Onre and gab quiok relief. 15e and 250 per paolcugo, Many a Hard Road iegmado easy by using NYALS' FOOT DASD'EIY1—pride 160 per paokage— need for tired, oohing, swollen or blistered feet. Aleo deatroye The odor of parapfratiOn, Summer Comfort le oeoured by acing a good Taloum Powder, We have Oolgabee' Violeb Tal. Mien ; Coigates' ()Dahmer Baguet Talcum ; Euthymol Powder: ; Mennen's Violeb Talonm—very refreshing and keeps the skin in a healthy condition. Anything that's New in Picture Post Cards WE HAVE IT, DRUGGIST AND OP TICIAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S0nTaEBN EXTENSION W. E. & H. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, aefollows: GoXNG ROOTH GOING NORTH. Express ,11:26 7:00 axe 'Express m II Express 10:00 am 11:-00 a.m :I Mai] Express 3:02 pNlapreea...... 8:01p. 11,04 a.m Taal Sears kents A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent id. • Preerea xran vs. Brussels, A names of horses are bothered with distemper. Samoa Board will meet Friday even- ing of tbie week. Ammo Benin's mare presented him with a floe Moobare dolt, 40 0ENT8 in advance genres Tan PoeT to the let of January, 1908. Tan Town Hall is to bo fitted up in batter style, not before it needed it. Loma Dim= and Will. Griffith will play with Guderioh Band at Blyth on Friday. THIRTEEN pupils wrote at the exemina- tioes in progress here this week. In. epeotor Robb was in oharge. BRUesuro and locality wae well rep- resented at the Nioboleon Garden Party Thursday evening of last week. GIoNT TRIPLETS "Ourrency" "Bobs" and "Slog" Chewing Tobacooee,. in big plugs. Quality always the same. The annual Sabbath Sobool Exoareion will be ran to IIinoardine fn August. Arrangements are now being made. Les/ Monday evening H. B. Elliott, of Wingbam, D. D. G. M., installed tbe officer, for the cnrre0t term in the I, 0. 0. F. Encampment Brussels. PLATTSVILLE — BRn0SELS,— Mand ay evening on Victoria Park, Braesele. This will be the matoh of the Beason as the 1907 Intermediate obampionehip hinges on it. Don't mise it. W. H. Mo0Re0EMN, D. D. G. M., is buoy these meetings installing the of eiere in tbe varione Odd Fellow Lodges ie his dietriot. He wae at Wroxeter on Mon• day and will be in Wingham Thursday evening. THE Wingliam Times has entered upon its slab year under the direotion of H. 13. Elliott and is lo good fettle. Wiughacn people support it loyally and in that reaped ebow their good sense, Tan Foss wishes Bro. Elliott health, wealth and happiness. KEEP Down Tag Dun .—An unsigned letter is to band, by "A Business Mon," oomplaining about the inactivity of the street waterlog ant and urging that eithr the duet be properly kept down or else that the "dant" be not put down Saturday uigbte. As we must have the proper signature before publication we withold the communication. A TOW belonging to P. J, Kelly Morrie, ran away Monday evening from the rear of Gerry & Walker's store and made a dash into the Queen's Hotel etablee. The wheel etruok the door jam damaging it and further in Mr. Querrin's rubber tired boggy was naught. Richard Stevens was hitohing up Mr. Qaerrin'e horse and the wonder wae that be was not kilted. He reoeived quite a shaking np003IPLAINT i8 made over the foot that some cows going to and from peahen are not properly guarded. One lady had a flower bed and a share of her vegetable garden completely ruined by a vagrant . bossy, and a man etatoo thee ao equine tramped boles in hie lawn that be has been trying to get level for years. This gentleman wants to know who the poand- keeper is, why the Ooanoit dou'a enforce tine rey-Law, or whether it is like some other town By -Laws, a dead letter LOYAL TEMPERANCE LEGION —The meet• ing of the Loyal Temperance Legion was held July 5th in the W. 0, T. U. rooms. The meeting was opened with singing atter whiob Muriel Brothers read the Bible Ieeeoo. The Lord's Prayer was repeated 1n anieon and a hymn was sang. The minutee of the last meeting were read and adopted and the "Look out" and "Flower" Oommittese reported progress, Trnie Deadman then read a story dealing with the motive pact ablldren roey play in the Temperance muse; Sidney Brothers, one on the Evils of Intemperance); and Edith Deadman, on The Life and Work of Frances Willard, one of on great tem panne workers. After the Band prao• tided tt Temperance song, the meeting was Mooed with singing and prayer, PIONEER PARSES AWAY —Ode of the earliest fam1110e in Wallaoe was that of the Fergoeone, who rattled on the 8rd line of Wallace, and on the homestead here William Ferguson, the head of the family, died on Tuesday of loot week in hie 79th year, Mr. Pergueon bad been bedfast toe a number of years past and hie death Was not a0expeoted, The de• oeaeed wa0 not only a eaooeestul farmer but Was one of the lemons bunters of the earlierdays, and many a fine deet has fallen to his anteing rifle in the Queen's Bach. The funeral took place Thuredey afternoon fr m his late taeidenoe on the Sed line of Miami to Fairview Oem0. eery, Listowel, Demand was tbe father of Mrs. George Bldwards, of Braaeele. MEaete. ULEoa chipped a Ooaple of oars of export cattle on Monday from Brunets G. T. R. stook yards. Six months of the year gone. Pay your subooriptiou for Tan Pon if you have not already done so. Fen quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobo!'. "Stag" and "Oarrenoy" Chewing Tobao 000x., 46-15 A Deunx.—Basker Bros„ babobere, bongbt a Spring lamb from Ales. Mo - Donald, of Grey, that dressed 57 ponude. It was a flue one without any doubt. A Fenn and Feed delivery wagon 0708 shipped this week by D. Ewan & Oo., to Guelph for W. F. Stewart who recently bought a bushman there. It takes Bras - eels to fill the bill, Aa00NO those who visited Niagara Falls this week on the B. 0. B. excursion were Misses Ellie and May Smith, Minnie Mc- Naughton and Oarrie Hingston, W. Paweon, Chas. Bishop and S. J. McKee, FRIDAY of this week is the historic 12th. Brunie Orangemen will celebrate at Blyth, going by epeoial train whiob leaves at 8 a. ne. Returning 7.15 p. m, is set as the hour for leaving Blyth. Re turn fare is 80 ciente. SnvanLL Braseelitea went to Seaforth Friday evening to witness the Dondae- Seaforth Foot Ball game in the Senior finals. The soore was a tie 1-1 but a0 the visitors had the lead from a former matob they are champions. THE Sons of Sootiand of Atwood ran an excursion to Niagara Falls on Taeeday by a epeoial train. The return fare was $2.15 from Brussels, It the trip bed been properly advertised here no .doubt many more would have attended, ae it was 15 tickets were sold at this elation. Homan Mumum—At the Ines regular me0tiug of the well .known Howick Mataal Insurance Co., on Jane 29th, tbere was ao mash work the Direotore had to adjourn until the following Mon. day to complete it. There were 170 ap• plications passed, A quarter of a mil- lion of increase is reported in the amount at risk since January let. Wedneeday of this week Government Inspector Vail paid his annual visit to the Howiok Mutual and met the Board at their ofl'ioe at Wroxeter. The books and bunions were thoroughly examined and favorably commented upon. Tan Grand Valley paper ease of Messrs. Philips &Moore who have bought the Bleat= Light plant from Messes. Tbnell :—"Robert Philips, who haa been connected with the electric lighting basi• nese here at different times for several years, has in company witb a Mr. Moore, bought the plant at Brussels. In addi• tion to the eleatrio light bosiuees there ie a 'Mopping outfit, and feed Matinees connected, Mr. Philips is a thoroughly competent electrician, and will emceed in giving the people there, entire setiefaotion. He expecte to go there about August 1st." THE Poem ie pleased to weloome Meesre, Philips & Moore to Brunelle and hope their coming will prove pleasant and profitable bo them. The former will move his family to town, Mr. Moore is a bachelor yet, VICTORiA. PARR does not lack for at- tentions since the pablib ecbool closed as from 2 to 4 matches of foot ball and base ball are usually an the daily pro gram. The juniors monopolize a good share of the time while bbe young ladies' base ball affords amusement for many a epootator in the evenings se they demon. strata how ball should be played, s000m- panied with many peals of laughter and feminine sename as fliesarecaught or close calls for making bases are experien- ced. It is hinted that a bloomer ooetume, in whiob Sootoh and Irish plaids will figure for the respective nines, will be adopted. Not a few of the maidens handle the ball and bat with no small meaenre of dexterity and' the examine and Ian should prove invigorating to all who join the merry throng, Foca Be0r„—Tavistook and Platteville played off an lnbermedinte W. F, A. tie at Stratford Mooday evening thelatter Winning by two goals to one. Two games had already been played, one at eaoh town, with the result that neither team eaored. Monday Platteville eaored in two minutes, Cummings doing the work. In the first half Tavietook seemed to have the better of the playing, though the loans. To the second half Tavietook started in strong and Rate scored in three minutes making the eoore able, and so ie' remained to the finish of the matob. Ten miontea play each way was indulged in to deoide the tie and Platteville soored and as Tavietoak failed to even up the game went to the other aide. For Tavistock, Field Ireland, H. Witzell and Flabh ahowed up strong and MoDonald, W. Hall and Pipe, for Platteville, were strong men. Line ap ; Tavietook— Goal, Mohr; baoko, Weitzell, MoTavish ; halves, Ireland, Field, H. Weitzell ; for- wards, King, Mlobowander, Betz, Loth, Froth. Platteville—Gnat, Grieve ; books, Siebert, Ed. Ooxeon ; halves, W. Hall, Tenn, MoDonald ; forwards, ripe, Ander. eon, Cumming0, Whetter, Barnett. D, A, Mal,aoblen, Stratford, was a very satis— factory referee. The attendanoe wae very good, being composed largely of eappnrtere of the two teams, The winner meets Brussels in two garden tot the Obampionabip at Platteville on Friday and al Bennis oext Monday, Rare sport may be expected as these matdhos ate he the finale, P T 0 a g d E Y DI is Jr m b M to E en Q A L of G of M hi re P th of ho fri De do on glL P ra th pb B bu It to of 00 oh ed an TRM tr Br to th P1 an wo Br ev M h kn to ne Wi Pr Ira aw tsar fro m0 jn fro eta dao Per He ape jr., bo me ed neo tai ornt Deposit ,, ccou.nts Ike Melville lents Maggie Wm. Mogelvey, description rows rained o, sang ennie) aeries hen ea0inga Goal aII Incenoon ooh onday ening. a edgy aped are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be deposited or with, drawn by husband or wife, Particularly valuable for farmers and , town residents, Q Money orders and drafts sold at ioweetrales, Q Farmers' Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon, Q SAVINOS DEPARTMENT—$1,00 or more opens, an account, Interest allowed from data of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year, Q You may deposit or withdraw money by mil, The_ metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, ;1,000,000:00, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,773,23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager . Bow Evna% horse in the livery stables is Milted up for use to -morrow (Friday) for the 12th, A amen roadster foal is now the prop. l0ty of W. W. Harris. The .sire is lootb & Warwiok'a Kaplan. TRE implement ageote aro baey. lrasoele has a good share of them and hey all appear to be hustlers, A On3080 wall is being pat ander Bras. tele evaporator by the proprietor, John )unningbam, preparatory to hustling raeinese next Fall.. Bean comb lost at the Garden Party at Selgrave last Friday evening. It bad 8 •hineetane eters on it. Finder will please envie it at THE Fon. Jno. and Miss Maud Bootle of Clinton, fere visitors at Mrs. Habkirk a, Turn. terry street, last week. They have just Married froma year's visit in the Oorthweate A MaouoonA aabsoriber in remitting ubeoripbio0 Bays:—Yeo will please find nolosed the sum of $2 00. We really to get THE Pon as we like it almost 6 well a8 a letter. LAWN BaoIAL.•—The Sewing Oirole of Church will hold a Lawn Booial n the Manse lawn on Taeeday evening, Mb Inst. Good program. Refresh- will be provided. Admission 10o od 150. Everybody welcome. Among the nomber who same to Bras. ale by the Old Boys' E000reion last aturday were Misses Clara MoOraoken, MaLaaohlin, Annie Beattie, Mrs. Ainlay, George Irwin, Jae. Btraob. o, Ras. Wheeler, Lorne Pringle, Alex. and W. Moore and obildren. A B, 0. aEdDER adds to a letter with anima "I think your aperis like wine, it improves as it older, I am elwaye pleased to get an POST," These kind words are like 4ES to a horse, they pat "go" into you Id balance to some degree the short alive en Editor gets because he eten't always do what people tell him WaniEeDAY afternoon of thio week ilton MaArter, one of the popular men of Bennis, wee suited in 0001090 to Mies Edon Armebrong, a it young lady of Brampton. The nom afather, mother and sister (Miss attended the interesting ogre- ony. May the yoopg couple enjoy any happy years. Well mite straw• and ice cream, Mr. and. Mrs, aArter will reside in Brneeele on. re. ruing from their wedding trip. ' PROPERTY BouGam.—Leet week George :own pnrohaeed the comfortable and ocean brink reaidepoe of D. A, Lowry, ueen'e street, and will get possession on tenet let. It is a desirable home. Mr, awry has bought the eligible lot owner Queen and Albert 0108000, from B. errs and will proceed with the ereotiod anew bciok home. This will make r. Lowry'e 4th taeidenoe built for mutt on varioae 0008Aons. Not & bad &Ord. You Aim To BLAME,—Do you ever kiok the names of your vieitore do not pear in the personal column of Tan .00 and winder what's the matter with e editor'? Well say in the majority cases the neglect ie dee to the host or stele failing to let us know who their ends are. We oatoh on to a good toy strangers but often 00 ubt, mise. some of them. Yon would ly have to report from 1-5 while our possibly refer to from 100 up. news is always welcome at Tail in and we will be glad to do the at- aging if you will kindly supply un with e 00,0001 dabs. Bt'iek, np sur tale- one No. is 21, ' DPP no PLATTevILLo.—Brneeele Foot aspects go to Platteville Friday t0 try o0nalneions with the atliog leather hunters of that village. will be a battle royal no doubt as both. .me are eager for victory in mooring 9. on the =oh coveted silver dap are. mpanying the intermediate W. Fr A. empiouehip, A epeoial train was talk- of but as Bright is the nearest depot 4 it 4 miles from Platteville the se. ngement0 had to be dropped. Next afternoon a epeoial excursion in will be run however from Bright to easels for the return game here so ea enable Platteville rooters to witneee e closing game. Our lade have met attev lie team they prelone mamiune d rev ze that y willb opponents rthy of their beet efforts. We hope maple will'secure the ;honors Friday ATTEMPTED BunatART.—•The Ypsilanti, lob.) Daily Press of July 6th' contains following item concerning a well own former Bramante :—A bold at- apt Wee made about 11 o'clock Wed. night bo enter the home of Iliam Blaehill, 14 - Short Oak street; whom 00 the. return of her husband, m his reetaarant, Mrs, Bimini] was ' aliened by some one at the window, e heard the screen rattle. When she ped and partly arose in bed a voice m the outside Dried If you make a ve I'll sheet you.!" Wire, Biasbilll . out of bed and milled for help m George Brydges, who Mewed" ap. ire, Meanvebile•the wonid•be burglar aaped, He bad out a bola in the Ho large enough to admit his hand, tried to raise the blind but the ing refused to work. George Bridges, who was returning to the Bleebill m here he rooms with hie father, 0,07 0 , 1 a young fellow, who from his exalt• appearance and oonvereation is ode• ted of knowing something of the af• e The police were notified. Toou $&None.•—Mise Pearl Leather. dale was one of the number who want ap for Toronto Conservatory Primary pianforbe examination last week and we are pleased she passed with honors, - taking splendid marks. Miss Jean Mo •La00blin washer Inebrnobor and it is n0 doubt very pleasing to .both Miasee Leitbberdale and McLaunblin. Tan Poem metaphorically ehakea bands with them. over the result, W. 0, T. re.—The regalar meeting of - the W. 0. T. U. was held June 27th with 25 ladiee present. After the regular bueinese wa0 transacted there was a dimension on the subject of making home made wine in which quite a nomber took part. A paper was given on tbe•subject by the President and a most exoellenb address by Mrs. M. Buchanan. The speaker spoke of self denial for the sake of others • wine as au unnatural drink ; milk and water are thereby natural drinks ; alooholio drinks arcate their own thirst ; also the .pity for the drunkard. A number of other ladies took part in the discussion. Meetiug Mond by singing the temperance Doxology. The following waa Mrs. McGaire'a paper on "Domestio aquae," The small fraite of the garden are now ripening and the season ie at band when the question must soon be Battled ae to what diepositioo should be made of them. Many families and: those of moral and Christian people have of late years beenaooustomed to maaniac. tare from those fruits, withtheaddition of sugar, alcoholic wines and the number who 000verb them to that nee, we have reason to believe, is yearly increasing. Now we ask every wife and motber to pause and &insider well befoee they add to the amount of intoxicating liqnore in this drunken world. It is the presence of aldehol that gives the obarm to all I forms of intoxicating drieke. Wines foreign or demesne, beer, ale or porter whiskey, gin, rum or brandy, the whole brotherhood owe their attractions and their power for mieohief to the alcohol they contain. Tour domestic 07rnee, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, tomato, rhubarb, dandelion or what not all eon. lain alcohol and in larger proportion than Frenob, German or Italian wines whish are the products of fermented grape l juice. Satan may well rejoice at the trfok by which Christian mobbere, whose eons are in greater peril from the pros. eerie and power of intoxicating liquors than from all other agents of mieohief operating in human society, are. made efficient agents for the prodnotiou of their own and their ohildten's stoma sad that too under the moat seductive forme. No intemperate man could ever reform• ed while peeing domestic wines and they will be found quite enffiaieut to areata in the 000etitntian of the young a lova of aloholio stimulation and in the end a demand for stronger etimulants. Bye and bye a drunken eon is brought bome by some of his oompanione and now has come the hour of aat0niehment, grief, tears, lamentations, It behooves the parties interested now to remember the words of the blessed Saviour, "What. never a man soweth that shall he also "[v.,'' Business Locals. WANTED agood kitchen girl. Mre. James, American Hotel. BUNCH of keys loot. Finder will be re- warded by leaving them at Jae. Fox's Drug Store, Brussels. Pett of spectacles 'found. Owner may have them by proving property and pay. ing for dila notices at Tag Poem. To RENT.—A comfortable 7 roomed dwelling, with both hard and soft water on premises. Apply to Dot,- GRAHAM. WOOL WANTED.—Any quantity, high- est prloes. Alco large quantities batter and eggs. GEO. E. XING, Wingbam. PURSE Met Friday containing a enm of money, an American bill included. Reward will be paid by leaving it at Tag Poem at once, Flonsnentn.—All interested in arcane. ing for the Summer mode are fiend to meet at The 'Queen's Hotel Tuesday evening et 8 o'dook, Da. BsTLoR'e VIeoT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Specialist, will be at the American Hotel, Brune's, on Wednee- day, July 17th. Glasses supplied. Geste locket and chain loot in.Brassele, Saturday evening July Mb by-Mise.May Wllkineon, of Morrie. Portrait in locket, The finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at THE Pose, DRAYTON Tmn.—The andereigned has reoeived a car of Drayton tile, from ei to 6 inches inalaeive,,wbiob he effete far Sale at the G. T. R, yards, Brneeele, PETER STEwenT, near G. T. R. depot, HAIR DnseINo.—Switohee made out of combings and out hair. All *order° sent by mail prompbig attended to. MRs. R. HIND°TON. Hill Street, Brunie. Cox Gm a Me020 Touoa.—When xea ere and mowers era, doll you come p and see men I am, ready bo. sharpen • ten tb*oneand or more, Yours T. Mot Galloon, corner Mill and Maid' Meseta, 130088010 int. Free for Catarrh, joet to peon' merit, atrial size box of De. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me semi 11 :now. T1 ie a aeow•wbite, oreamy, beating entiepetio balm, Oontoining mob healing ingre- ciente se Oil Enali t e Thymol,en- pR, M thol, etc., ibgives tnetnnt and lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat, Make the free beet and see for yourself Iwhat thio -preparation Gan and will ao• ISTAISLISIIEP 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - Toronto The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Ban Department in Connection with all Branches. 10 BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. Rowland, Manager oomplieh, Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents, Sold by all dealers, P, M. Hamel, City Engineer of Hall Que. is dead. A boiler shop owned by A. Hales was desboroyed by fire at Guelph. George Patterson, of Brom Township, oommitted suicide by drinking Carbolic aoid. Rev, L. W. Hill, bis SOD and daughter, of Toronto, were injured in a runaway aooideot. Beetle F. Gregory, of Toronto, was ao. quitted by Judge Widohester on a charge of forgery. The Board of Education appointed H. Crawford, Prinoipal of Riverdale High Sohool. Tim jury for aoe000d time disagreed in the trial of Thos. F. Collins for mar. der at Hope Bay, N. B. The prohibitionists of Dafferin nomi. rated R J. Woods to oppose C. R. Mo. Keown for the Legielatare. James Thomas, who lives in Sidney township, West of Belleville, reoeived probably fatal injuries through being kioked by a horse. MILVERTON WINS JUNIOR W. F. A. In the second of the bome-and-home games between Guelph and the home team for the junior W. F. A, champion- ship played al Milverton Monday even• ing, the home team won the game and the ohampionebip after the hardest and fastest battle ever fought on the local grounds.. The firstgame whiob was play. ed at Guelph, wen woo by them by a more of 2-1, and the eeoond game went opposite by a more of 2-0, giving Milver- ton the lead of one goal in the aeries. Thegame went to twenty :minutes over time, as the soon ae full time wae 1-0 in favor of the Meals. They eoored again in the first ten miuutee of the overtime, playing the latter holt reversed. Milver. ton uttered in the first half after some fast and speedy play, but the balance of the hour were held in their plaoee, both sides lighting hard. The play was re, marisably Glean, and Referee J, W. Ward, of Stratford, had no trouble in keeping rough bones work out of the gems. On a000nat of an aooidental hard cheep, Moriariby, one of the Guelph forwards, bad a couple of teeth knocked out bat kept in the game. The crowd wee large and the friendliest feeling prevailed be. tween the plsyere of both Mame, and their example might well be followed by some of the senior and intermediate teams. The line-up was as follows :- MI eremmo2i 00gL00 Onilth . .. Coal Pslld Guntbar .... McGibbon Groeoh E 8aoke 1 " 8eddeu $OBs (. .MOeowan Rete d Backe 1 Motile Hart Meyer.,.... t ......... Ooombes Pbeetoa Morlarlty Hart ... A Mo0owan Robertson Forwarrds Leaobman Smith Barrie Spencer lllard P ..� � w "Jimmie" Preston and Bngh Hart, of Stratford, p ayed right wing for Mil- ton daring the 'sal four games. The viotory of the Milverton team over Guelph will plans them on the list of junior W. F. A. obampione of 1907. CHURCH CH1MIES. The Epworth League now meets on Monday evening, the first meeting under the new arrangement being this week. The Little Stare Mission Band of Melville ahurob held their annual' pia nit on the Mance lawn Wednesday afternoon, Last Sabbath afternoon was the regain monthly Miesicnary day in the Methodist Sunday School. W. H. Sal ter, of Torouto, a former teaober in the school, gave a timely address. The col. leotioo wae $5 50. ORANGE SoRatoN,—There was a large attendance at St, John's (March last Bun. day morning when Rev. H. M. Lang. Ford preached the anneal sermon to the members of the Orange Order. The die- ooDree Wag most eaitable to the o00asion, particularly to the sons of King William as tbe rector ie a member of the Order. axasin- FERaReoN 10 Wallace, on the 2nd inst., William Ferguson, in hie 79th Paris Green The Kind that Kills No need of a second ap, plicatiou wlien our Paris Green is used. In fact we know that there is no bet- ter Paris Green than ours. 35c per ib, —AT— FOX'S DRUG STORE Illowtowtosewsta g3m'r7ssmr..6 ze.aa.masz=m-ews, Fall Wheat ............ 80 82 Barley 48 49 Peas 70 71 Oats 40 42 Batter, tabs and roils 16 17 Eggs per dozen... 14 15 Hay per ton 9 00 10 00 Floor, per bbl 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 80 Wool (washed) 20 22 Potatoes per bag 50 60 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 60 Salt, par bbl., retail 1 25 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NOTICB TO DEBTORS.—ALL - aoeounte clue me are being collected by N. F. Gerry, at hie store, Brussels. ?sr' 0000 intoroatod will govern themselves ao• oordingly. W. F. BTBW0RT. B100.0001I LOST ON MONDAY .evening in Brneeele. Sterling silver anchor set with 800tah pebbles. Reward will bo paid for its recovery. at the post - office. MISS PAYNE. H OUSE AND } ACRE OF land for sale. Comfortable dwell. ing; hardand soft water under cover; ap. pre, plum and sherry trees, &o. Poseeeeton. eau be given at once, l+or prioe, terme, do, oallat THD P08T, PETER KERR FEBGDB, ONTARIO Oran Repairer and Tuner Twenty years in Boll & 00.'s, 008lph, Satisfaction gaarautood. Moderate charges, Orders loft with WALKER R BLAOK, Brus- sels, 7111 be attended to. 62-4 BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G N. McLaren SWEEPING REDUCTION;, IN READY-TO-WEAR CLOTFUf4C Up to $8.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for $2.50 —Boys' 2 -piece Suits in light and dark colors, Tweeds and Serges, for boys 5 to 10 years old ; regular 92.00 and $8.50. July Bele pride—Your choice for 2.50 Up to $6.00 Boys' 8 -piece Suits for $4.60 —Boys' 8-pieoe Snits with Kniaker Pants, in light and dark shades of Oanadian Tweeds, well made with good linings and are perfeot fitting, for boys 10 to 16 years old ; regular up to $6,00. July sale prioe—Your oboioe for 4.60 Up to $9.00 Men's Tweed Suits for $6.60 —Men's Suits, light and dark shaded in good qualities of Canadian Tweeds, strong linings and portent fibbing, all eine 86 to 44 ; 'regular ap to $9.00.• July sale pride—Your oboioe for 6.60 Men's Odd Pants, regular up to $1.50 for $1.15 —Men's Tweed Pante in light and dark shades, strong Canadian Tweeds, all sizes 82 to 44 ; regular up to $1.50. July sale price—Your choice for 1.15 A Soft Snap ill Soft Front Shirts —Men's and Boys' sizes in Soft Front Cambria and Madras Cloth Shirts, mostly in light colors. All eine from 12 to 17 in the lot. Regular prices 60o and 76o. 48 July sale prioe—Your choice for 12ie Fancy Muslins for 8e —5 pieces Fanoy Muelinsin light shades, satin finished stripes, pleb the tbiug for children's dreams and waists ; regular up bo 12}0. July - sale price—Your choice for per yard .08 15e Ladies' Black Cotton Hose for 10e -20 dozen Women's Blaok Cotton Hose, Seamless feet, fashioned and fast blank, all sizes from 8 to 10 ; regular pride 150 July sale price per pair .10 SPECIAL SALE of STRAW �T ® HATS 50e Boys' Straw Sailors for 25e —2 dozen Boys' Fanoy Ilraid Straw Sailors, with silk band ; regular 50o,for r ............... 25 75e Men's Canton Sailors for 50e —8 dozen Men's White Canton Bailees, with leather sweat bands and good silk' bands ; all sizes ; regular 760. July sale price... ... 50 $1.00 Men's Canton Sailors for 75e 1 dozen Men's White Oanton Sailors, fine quality with leather sweat and silk bands ; reg- ular $1,00. July sale price 75 3=C-2 ESZ' PRICES: FOR, PRODiTCE Goods Right or your Money Back, -me to Next door to American Hotel. AMcLaren