The Brussels Post, 1907-7-11, Page 5• 1 i L uL''`•`J,: -ot" ik; li'=714=w3'u€",qt`o %�,1J,,: �/T�/HAL //(/l�/�/%C%i�/ t. STRATFORD. ONT. • Was eetabllohod twenty years ago and b y.lto thorough work and boner. . ably dea/lege with Its patr000 hen II bo0uuto one oi the largest and mast widely lanowe Uomrnurolal O011egue us Mr oorumer0htl tottohors sad 01. 11,1bo cite P0OVl00o, '0411 demand upon flee asolotanao ta greatly exUdu the•f supply, we usenet graduates to pool- off twos, Students are entering eaoh Y, week, Catalogue tree, . 14 ' ELLAU1T di MoItAOBq. LAN, C' Prinapitie. �f161= d f 020 el~"Sv`8t".a 114 lP 15 1gqllD'' i.D fd BUSINESS CARDS. U% II. McCtiAGMEN-- V Y • leaner of Marriage Lieeneos, 01' flee at Grocery, Turnberry street, brussels, WM. SPEAIOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES OII1t:0 in file ros14 Omen, 144141101. 80.4 G►ERTHA G. 'ARMSTRONG JL.. 10 prepared to give leaeoaa on Plane or hood organ, Terms on application, posbulfioe address -Brussels, lieoiuouoo- Lot 8, Uou. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessons at their own homes 14 preferred,. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Papilo prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany Oitloe and .Roeldenoo WALTO)Y, ONT.,• ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' 104808114108, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of Interest 61 per cent per annum, Bret Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excoloior• Life Insurance Company The Equity Piro Insurance Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Olork dib Division Court. AUCTIONEERS., 1.11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - _a_ • Hen, will sell for better prices, to bettor men, in less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal applloation. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sates arranged for at the office of Tan POST, Brussels, 221f VETERINARY: A, CUNNINGHAM-- G• UNNINGHAM-G honor tiradu0ce of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat all Me - eases of domesticated annuals in a compet- ent manner. Partioular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and milk Yevor. Calle promptly attended to, Offioe and infirmary -Pour doors North of bridge.. Tnrnberry et., Brussels, 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Ae -. B. MAODONALD- £3..• Barrister, Solicitor: Notary, Etch Successor to 1.4. P, Blair. Office over Stan- dard El auk, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro. politau b as a, ,vM. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, da. Olnoo-Btowart'e Block 1 door North of Oeutre! Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard; Sauk. 1 0UDFOOT, HAYS'dc BLAIR- Ii4RhIBTE1te, .SOLICITORS, NOTARI11S PUBLIC, HMO. W. Pno0Dpruo4, Ti,:0, 1t. 0. Pim0. F. Bnern. Offices -Those formerly'o0e0pted by Masers Cameron in Bolt, Gomultlort, ONrAoIo. DENTISTRY • DR. R. P. PEILD, OMIN7'IST O'adiene of the RoyalUo College of Dental. i BurgaoileolOntario od Fireg•cluae Honor Graduate of Toronto UivereiG . OB- ee 1next to Bre er'e Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. If Fall Term opens Sept. 80 u' It Pays to'Attend Ti ELLIOTT ,aagedi TORONTO,, ONT. The Sober.' that range FI1AST in thoroughness, popgtarily and genn- rne merit. Our attendance is groat' I ,,or, more students are retract ln•11ooi• 1014118'6101 at Monter eahtrie0 than in. to -da r 7 uu114130 a catalogue. Write Y 10 . ,,, Ib'.,Jtaudsarao oataloguo. p dl Con. 14ONWID TNELALLTTN4PrnTlpal, 1(t Telegraph Operators aro wanted badly by our Canadian Railway Compendia, They are farumd to advertise for.thom today, With 5000 miles new roadbtilld- ang the demand will be still !teener. Why not get ready ? The work is 0leitnawl moo and the salary vary good. Wo prepare you quickly and at little coat, Write uo for free part1ODIaro, C1tN'fitAL Tioiw- Miami 804(001,, 0et't'ttrd Plast, Tor- onto. W. H. Slow, Pre8ideut. fl.o.xxz t taus Saws the dandelion shook its golden looks it le certainly a poor looking objoot. Bunloml1mN pupa to all United Brutes subourtbers is 51.50 a year, payabi0 otrtatly ht advauoe. OerrAgzo oheeeemakere are to be granted special privi egos in regard to Sunday labor. The Department of Agriculture hie reoommeuded to the Attorney General, that perml0eiue be granted them to work Sundays for the balance of the 068e0n. Tun city of Buffalo, N. Y , will bold an 0.d Home Week from September lel to the 7th inclusive, All our readers who are former residents of that wicked alt) are re nested to amid their addressee to q James W. Geeslin),Chairman :Publioit Committee 707 21, White Buildings and they will hear something to their ed• vantage. I'll atop your pain free, to Elbow you Oret-before you spend a penny -what my Pink Pain Tablets pan do, I will mail you free a trial aoka a of them -Dr, p g Shoop's' Hoadaahe' tablets. Neuralgia headache, toothache, period patina eta., ere due alone to blood congestion. Dr. tOhoop's headache tablets olmply kill pain .by coaxing away the unnatural blood pre0aare, That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Rookie, Wis. Sold by all dealers, KINOANDINo HOMO GATHanINo,-During the week of July 22-27, IItuoardine will hold an Old Boye' and an Old Girls' Re. union., Greet preparations have been made for a grand home going; and one week of solid eojoymeut may be expeot• ad. Promisee o1 a big gathering are in evidence ae many have signified their in. tension of befog home for the fah. This ie an exoeptionelly fine place to spend a week ou the !bores of Lake Huron and le oneofthe .prettiest towns in. Ontario. Railway rates are on the convention pion and a good program of sports for the entire week has been arranged. Da, 0. A. HonONT'fO, Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, Is making arrungomente to iuelail at nue or two repre880tative oneeee factories, oeptlo tanks and any other apptimu ms found necessary for the disposal of eewsge. T11ia subject has heretofore received very Itttme atteutiou from a eoientitl0 stand.: point and the necessity for better previa ton for thedispoeal of sewage isbeooming more and more apparent. Iu foot many of the factories will be required to make better provision for keeping the plant and surroundings in a more sanitary condi- tion and shin can only be done by in atalliug euttable equipment. The poet for this will not be great and it is expect- ed that the Department of Agriculture in oonjuuotion with the Provincial Board of Health will be prepared later in the Beason to make some definite r80ommeu• datione as to the moot suitable methods for the disposal of Cautery sewage. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr, Shoop's Restorative and my Book on either Dyspepsia, the Meat or the kidney°. Troubles of the etomaob, heart or kidneys, are merely symptoms ofa deeper ailment, Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment and not the 06210. Weak etomaob nerves- the inside nerves -mean aloma0h weak. nese always. Aud the heart and kid- ueye aeavell, have their controlling or inside 080,08. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restarntive has made its fame.: No other remedy even claims to treat. the "inside nerves." Alen for boating biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restos• live. Write me to•day'for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Repine, Wis. Phe Restorative is Bold by all dealers, Melli1110p TowasUlr 000NmL.-Oounoil mat. at Dublin on Saturday, June 22nd. All the members preeen0. Minutiae of last meet- ing road and adopted. Tenders for, 6% Sohool Debentures were not accepted, they beteg below par. On motion of Gowan, eroonded'by Roes- it was agreed that 10 oe0te per cubic yard be paid for gravel for roads. Accounts to the amount of 5030.22 were Linseed and Ordered to bo paid. The oontraoh tor oonottrootibg a' oement arab bridge on sideline 20 and 21, eon. 4, wad let to Nagle & Looby for 51400. Contrail ad- journed to meet again. at G. S Holland's house;,Besohwood, oe Ju y 27th • at 1 o'clock p. m. 01. Mounts, Clerk, 13e lgraLve, James anCstnp, of London is visit. lug pug relatives. 141400 ()lark of Hamilton 10 bome on her holidays witli her Barents. -Obarley Bell has parallelled ]tfr. L'ro- eer'e house and lot in Belgrove. James MoOallum, 0r., left on Tues. day, of last week for Manitoba and the great West. Mre, Proctor, or Palmerston, ie v tail- irg her daughter, Mee, OamOCon Robert. 0'00, and her brother, Garner Nioboleon, an tett and Pony S 1(d Mit; Jne. Taylor are, spending their holidays at Centralia with their plater, Mrs. Brooke. Johu;L. Stewart, who got hie foot in• jnrod at 'Ryden' ridging, has had his great toe amputated but we hope he will 00043 be o, 0. There were shipped from Solgrave station recently iu one week, 15 onrloade' of hay, 3 eine of hogs, 8 oars of cattle and otr8 oar of wheat. Joe.Qharnney's spirited young horses made 0 lively run from the hotel ehede to the sandlot'. The only damage ape pmently done was the top ofthe baggy torn off. Mido Bella A1ljHon 10 taking s toiir to Winnipeg and will Melt her brother slater holm retareiint The 101100111 report I'! Be Nrevn n term Mothothet Cherub has Maio t.auw,t, '1.1,0 work bee been well unstained by Rev. 0, W. Riven, I3 4,, B. D„ the pastor and hie helpers Belgrave appointment rained 5148 05 ' Brads Oltench, 5480,54 alt uahtn0, 58813.07. Thera teas raised on the oirotdt for paetnr'a eatery, 5700.70 1111.0014418, 5201.80 ' ouporentioR iott, 560 00 ; Womou'0 Mteaionary Society, $02 00 ; Sunday Sehoals, 5122 40 ' in Traee Boerdo, $108 17 ; total 100 MI purpoeee, 51,458 00, (Riedel O raab), is lteoording Steward. 1:11tr o 0,0, 'F, apd Mre, Martin spent Dominion Dity at Somali. Minutes of Morrie Council may be reed in this ieaue, Mule Lizzie 'Miebie lute been laid up with the mumps but we hope elle will soon be all right. Klee Ilene Jackson, of London, spent Dominion Day holidays at her father's home on the 5th line, Mrs, Wm, Newoombe, of Newarli, New Jersey, has boon renewing old aoa quaiutenoeo in this vicinity. A number of the youths of the 6th line,asteud:the Roman Oatholio panda at t, Augustine ou the lanai Joly: John Clegg Mae improved the appear: anoe of his farm by buildiug u neat wire fence along the !rout.. Ile is another of the ap•t° date farmers of whioh Moe, ria makes its boast, wish pleasure we uatioe that Mies ituby Ologg, et the close of the Bigh Sohool Tel in at Wingham, was preeehteo with a handsome fountain peu by one of the teaohore for having the beet nomp oeitions during the term. We eon. grittalate Mies 0 egg' one Or The Saddest Stories Fleet it was a oold, uegleoted of course and catarrh developed. Nothing was done and oonoumption followed. Watch the little oold, keep it from growing by agog "Uatarrhozoue.uColds and catarrh fee a0 before Ore, Every ease of throat and biooabial trouble yields immediately. Uularrbozone to eaientifio and absolutely guaranteed for preventing and airing oatarrh. Two sizes 25o and 5100 at all dealers. i:tllel. ADDa400 AND PNHeoNTAT0ON.-A Gerrie wrreepuodeut speaks of former Etttetitee as follows -'IA very enjoyable evening was spent in the Methodist church here on Jane 27th, when in the preemies of e amber of intimate friends, the Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. A., B. D., and Mrs. Wells, were presented with a handsome olook and silver tea est, The following addreoe woe read :- Roy. 0, P. W&LLo, B. A., B. D., Dean BROTHER. --We regret that the time lice arrived when your pastorate here has come to an end. We recall with pleasure the pleasant intercourse of the past two years, and the .eoholurlydie• courses to whi013 It, has been our privilege to listen. We 00nuot allow you and Mre. Wella to leave this oirauit without au expression of our oonfideooe and esteem. Haooe we ask you to accept theme gifts, not as a measure of oar appre0iattou, but. as a email memento of your friends' regard for you. We trust that though small the gate may be, they may serve to remind you in the days to come, that you had feitbfhl friends on the Gorrie oiroalt-£rlonde who were true and who appreafated the Bermudianof your labor's, Our prayer le, that the blessing of God may rest upou you and your se teemed partner in lite, andthat in your pew field of labor you may find faithful OO work•ere, and that abundant 0000un8 may Drown your effort0 to edvaooe the &luster'.' eaten, Signed on behalf of your ueareet friends on the Gorrie .circuit, 01r. Wells made vary suitable reply, thanking the people of Gorrie for the kindness shown them daring their stay emon581thorn, and aloe thanking the people, especially of the congregation, for their support and kindness in many ways. Rev. Mr. Wells end family have made many warm friend° in and around Gorrie, who all join in wiehiug them every emcees in melt- new field of labor." Since the presentation arrangementi have been made by which Rev Mr. Wells will continue at Gorrie and Rev. Mr, Butt, who was down for Gorrie, goes to Oen• tralia. Don't use Greasy ithtlulonle A notary ago they were popular. To. clay people want something easy to apply, 00rlain in rosette, and above all a Olean liniment., When Nervillne is applied aches and paws disappear au the pores absorb in soothing healing prop. ertiee. Nerviline penetrates to the pore of the pain, arise instantly, and leaves no oily bad smelling memory behind. Good to take in, capital to rub on, and live times more powerful in destroying pain than any oily liniment. Don't fail to get a large 25o bottle. J141Y1e791Co NV Il. A. Pollock and Wm. Sing visited re. oentiy at Fergus. Alex, and Mre. Bryans were recently visiting friends et Salem, Wm. Eoight, jr., and wife recently visited friends near Gorrie. Jae. B. Inoie, of Moorefield, was a welcome caller in our burgh.. Ptooeodings at the picnic on Saturday were a little marred by the severe storm. Mies Allie Me olvey is bame .from Toronto holidaying under the paretltul roof. Mien Bella Wilsonof Harrow, Eames Ootie holidaying with her muds, Jun - en` Taylor. Rev. Mr. West took the service in the Hall here lamb Sabbath evening and gave a fine dieoourse, Mre. Montgomery and family, of Win. throp, vioited at the home of her parents, , Simpson. A. and Mre Thos. Smith is way on a trip to the West. Our best wishes for a pleasant e j )urn accompany him. Mies Pearl' Baker, of 'Bluevale, re. oently ignited at the home' of her auut, Mre. G.EOkmier, ot this plane. Ileo, end Mrs, Bennett, of Galt, and Mre, A. Robertson, of Wingham, visited at tilehome of MeoDouald Bro. James Straohau oam0 op from Toronto on the Old Boys' Exouroion last Satur- day and'vieined at the parental home. Ribt. Cant one of the pros orouor o m. Munn ot Cud, recently vloited iriende bare, He brought his mother with bim who purpoeee °pending dome time here. It, ',1', "Ofiller attended the Liston] SCIATICA aces. A'thar Y„nlnlu s. of Toronto, was ti 1aO'unm1dnry 0r Itfuveulnr R1leuutafism; 011111»r 111 18111,,. n,t111hv0 ... 4101711,,!!!,/, fir ttralgia,• t!;' y nre all the A11aa J00410 /3.01441,1411 ap.4,8 D,•ntwt1;11 1.111 Day boiiday with Mrs. Welter Intros, Moorefield. 'Sloe wap a0a0mpeniod tome by Mioo Lizzie Inceo, ALwAVI fN ''ontLt*An,-..Wo llearfily eon, rratuhtle'Arohie 0, Wright, who has oomploted hie aogiae at Wblgbarn' Bust. neer College,, evolving hie diploma Altbt nab only 10 pion of age and 8118,1d - i rig College lean then 57 menthe, he paasrd n vary successful examination, taking nearly fell marks in several sob- jeeta, .When only 11 years et age be panned the Bntranoe with honors at Wroxeter, May long 006010uod semen be yours, Arable U. May Wingham Busiceee College 0outinee to prosper, even more in the future titan It has dope ip the past, It certainly le the right place for the young t0 8to48 their minds with noefnl knowledge. W ft l Loll. Mise Jewel MoKIln le visiting !risotto at Strathroy. Angus Mc0uliig left for the Weet thio weals, We wish him 8000008. Mrs. Geo, McKim is at present visiting iter slater, Mro, Wm, Belrnes, Wiarton, al lee Maggie Rarneay bee retrr e 1 home aftrayear or so sojourn in the West, Jae. Ryan la now home for hie ve06a tion having spent the past year in College at Montreal Bert. Commingle , formerly of thio place, but now of Rochester, N, Y,, oalled on friends here last week, Mrs. Jae, McDonald, gravel road, and Jas, 11. Williamson were among Shoes who left for the Weet 'Tuesday morning of last week, m. al Wm. Mrs. e has N returned home after an extended visit with friends et Tobermory, Her niece, Mies Rubio Crittenden, retarued with her and will spend a few weeks here. Select Tour Medicine With Care In debility and weakness medioine eh.•uld be mild and far reaching. Many pills and purgatives are too harsh, are drastic instead of curative. Excessive action is always followed by depression, and knowing this Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Mandrake & Butternut so as to mildly fiar0008 liver and kidney ao• tivity, flush out the elementary canal, tone and regulate the bowels, Thus do Dr. Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore °learned; to the akin, bring strength and that sweet re etorer of health.. Beet medicine on earth 250 per box at all dealers, Ian a.dbnrv. Mre, Hodgins, of Hill's Green, i0 visit, ing her parenbe Mr. and Mre. Hamilton. W. 1. Stafford wan home on Dominion day to see his slater, Mabel, who has bean under the dootor'e Dare but is im proving, Isaac MoGavin raised his One barn. It le 40 x 100 ft, and will be modern and up.to•date in every way. Boegy Bros, are doing the work which will be done to perfection. A loot pig, a siok pig, a deal pig is the subject for diecudsioa on the 12th at the present time, ;The boys are trying to diagnose the ease but at the last meeting they were unable to come to a conclusion, The Leadbury correspondent to the Seaforth papers Beams to take particular delight in'ridlonling certain persona who have been engaged in a serviv0 of Love iu this vicinity lately but dear eoribe there is nothing manly or olever in this and could we only "see ourselves as others see 0011 we woad use our pone for different purpoeee. Be A Strong Maur Increase your vitality and nerve energy restore vim and force to your overworked body. .Ferrozone will do this as it did for Walter/Wood, of Beaoport, N. B., who writes : "Loan say Ferrozone hits given me a new lease of life. A year ago I suffered so from . nervous exhaustion I wee scarcely able to drag myself around, My appetite was gone, I had 010 Dolor or ambition and felt used up. One box of Ferrozone started me back to health, I took a unmber of boxesand my health watt completely restored," For men who are tired, pale, nervous and thio blooded cathing compares with Ferrozone. 50o boxes at all dealers. VViugrham. J. J. Ball left for Fort William, where he will assist in the Furniture and Undertaking business, for the poet few moothe conducted by hie brother Luther. Wingham Orangemen intend celebrat- ing with their brethren at Blyth on July 12th, The Citizens' Band has been engaged and will eamompany the looal Lodge. At the special meeting of the Town Council Geo. Allan wag appointed to the position of Chief Constable for the Town of Wingham. No other applies. tions had been received. Dames has been prevalent in Mrs!. Brook's family. Mies Brook and also two ot the boyo are 111. We hope the illness may not prove serious, butthat all may soon be well again. Rev. W. G. Howson has go0e to Mug. koka to enjoy its invigorating at, moephere apd scenery. Hie enter, re, oontly from England,accompanied nim. Rev. Joeias Greene, of Clinton, will sup. ply Rev. W. G.13oweon'e pulpit, Hartley Patterson, eon of Arch, and Mrs. Pati rcon of town, i s working hie way upwards iu eduoational mat. tere. He ban been librarian in the Y. M, 0, A. in New,., York, and will have charge of the olfioe tering the vaoatioo. Hartley is studying to be a /licit engin. neer, and has just graduated from the D,vigbt Preparatory School, and will anter Colombia University this Fall. Ile on the Dwight gold medais for r both sebolarehi and ease •eomethio p Y, k very unusual The eobolarship'•it equal to 5260, 131v til • George Doweon and family aspect to move to Fergie. A new cement walk and steps have been put in at the Methodist parsonage. Another awiteh is being laid at the 0, P. R, station for the ttoaommodation of 01100. The apple evaporator, owned by Isaac Brow.,is being veneered with oement blook%. The ofliae of the 0. P. R. lice been moved to Bly tit to the building tii0t N. Oumminge has rented, L\' Don't suffer needieeSly When you have a positive and guaranteed sure iu Mnnoyback it they frtil. ,Sac. a box. At druggists, or by man direct from 64 Tho ClalIn Chemical Co„ l,td,, Windsor, Ont. Mrs,' a. S. Moliilmen and baby, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Dr, and Mro, Milne, afro. Babb and little" daughter, of Toeewater, and Mre. Dunbar, of Texas, are visiting their parents, Il, and Mrs, OlcQoorrie. J. L. Stewart, of Belgravo, formerly of Blyth, got hie fool badly hurt at Brydgee' raising by a heavy 81i0k of timber dropping on Mie large toe, break. In 10 0 H ea t g p o o lay him off work for two r three weeks o a eke 1(t isnot. Wedoeoday morning, June 04th, at ten o'oiook at theresidenoe of Edward and Mrs. Hope, EIderelie towuohip, near Ohealey, the marriage of their daughter Hannah to Frank Baintoa, of Blyth, was ealemniz'd in the presence of immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. The young couple were unattended except by little Edward Jefkins, nephew al the bride, who made a onto ring bearer. After the oeremon hi y, which was par•- formed bythe v e Re . Charles Wnehbhra, of Millbank, a oumpt0oue wedding luncheon was served in the dining roc m. Mr. and Mre, Bain1on left on the 2 $0 train for Galt stud other planes, the bride travelling in a navy blue taffeta silk suit with touches of cora dolor and hat to match, On their return they will take tip housekeeping at the groom's new resp. denoe on the Main street, '11RE NEW REMEDY. Tel: 43 it Now that Yaealiob Days are Fast approaching. Thousands of men and women are anxiously looking forward to the vaoa. lion days that dome in June, July and August -not eo mach for the pleasure or enjoyment as for the ohanoe of getting rid of their ill health. To thoroughly drive away troubles of the etomaoh most people think they have to make a business of it with dieting, exercise and perhaps a vacation. Bat Mt antra etomaob tablets taken with regularity, in a very few days will drive away indigestion, dizzy spells, die. trees after eating, headaches, sleepless, nese and the many other symptoms of bad digestion and einggisbneee of the digestive organa that keep people from enjoying themselves. Day after day, at work behind desks or in the factory with poor sunlight and air soon results in eluggiehnees of the entire physical and mental apparatus, The first alight symptoms of indigestion can be easily cured, but when they are allowed to increase without any help, then the stomach complaints become hard to shake roll. Strengthen the whole digestive system with Mi•o•na and you will soon find that both stomach and bowels do their work AO they should. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should yon buy a 50o. box of Mfo na etomaob tablets and not be satisfied with the results. M0.0.na is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of pride, 50 dents. Booth's aliona Company, Buffalo, N. Y. From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are gettiug or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only for his commission as again ? We employ 010 agents and guarantee all our work for five years. Wilson. & IIua,ter 11001ISSp,a;S 'Weak Viol e To weak and ailing women, there is at least. one .way to help. lint with that way. two treatments, must be combined. One Is local, one is eonstltu- Itlonal but both aro important, both essential, Dr, Shoo 's Night Otu'eis the Loral. Dr. Shoop's Restorative, tlto Constitutional , Theformor-Dr.Bhool'sNI htOure-ioato,0111 i g D 61 0 0011 0 Restorativembralie e10 wholly an nie, while Dr. 16100011'sd h 11 in n S non 8 i 1v a an ter 1(l treat- ment. UY r mann. The . Restorative a rep rthroughoutfnerve, :all ti system 11 lothe repair of all nerve, ,all ie"N and ell blood is name I Tho "Night Cure", 1(e its implies, i a t' en 4050. to lled d m while sYou rl9100,,- It s lent sore and iugmn. odm0eous nrfn u healslent tkir n s cs o t s vat ossa n d !excitement, wglyo renewed Restwed Igor sesta nervous ,excido 415 wasted trenewed vaging about re ewe .etolds uD o,nd en, bringing about renewed 0 ReltO al .vigor, and energy. Tape ee al tonle bo the or t ve local O, 010 0 won 'totlmsyat0m, For nositivmioealholD.usoa°yuan 'Dr, Shoop :.. 's I aht Cure ah Milverton i i �+r "ALL DEALERS" Pine Apples Bananas California Oranges High Class Confectionery 1t�Fancy Biscuits Good Groceries Smokers' Supplies Pu110 Ic0 Cream and. Suaa.er Drinks a At n a r I �a(ioual Roller Flour ��ills W't.'t'1,11, stbi W't 1i' 1- I,'4,111 a, Weav h eJ wet received :car ce d aload of 02ilvie's Famous "Royal Household" Flour iu 25 lb., 50 lb. and 100 Ib. sacks. Now is she time to lay in a supply as' It'1'vur prices are advancing. "WHITE LOAF" FLOUR the product of our own manufacture, is without an equal. Give it a trial and be convinced. OATMEAL KPT on hand for sale or in exchange for Oats. ta'A1I kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. WM. dRA. PR. J YNE BRUSSELS w a n Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition. The new Dlah Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes can odour to any purchaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no slack stays as w0 have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggieshave. 100 BUGGIES TO SELL Likewise all kinds of.Itubber Tire Buggies on Maud. We invite in- tending purchasers to inepeot our stook and bey a Buggy made by Ewan & Co. in Brussels and save your money. We also handle along with our own Buggies, work of reliable firms such as Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re- quiring them. Call, and buy at .Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save money. OLD BUGGIES Re -painted, Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Oall and get our Prices. EWAN et 0 rErrs'+�`4aMi aY^;A .''t21(Mr. For the Own- ing Summer tee` a `rca`4aliMit Ss aaa a4szalgta Ice Cream 5 CTS. Ice Cream. Soda In any p v of tbo Popular Flavors 5 GTS. 'ruin Sundaes and I Maple Walnuts yOC. 3 FGF? 20. 5 Syrup Sundaes 5 CTS. J.W. .WliWP/AI i•ACS`Y.WT .v1fte.yd.`i9A'ru?.\tc3A,iY7Lvu,'lviil!': kWh ER 6 6 4 EYJ A� 1v,9A�Al�vAv„vtv�l:4uA�