The Brussels Post, 1907-7-11, Page 4THtYRSD4X, JULY 11, 1007. EAST HURON CONSERVATIVES. or, Chlowl.,1 and Jus. Itowruott Nom - /4140 for Commons ,lied L.emetainee. • v o The nominating do eon ea convention an o mleo.• tion with Eget Huron 0unservativee was held in the Town Heil,: Brunetti, Friday afternoon with a large representation of delegeteepresent from the vannas mnn- iaipaiitiea. MPeeeident Holmes. made a brief Intro- duetory epeeoh and the meeting twee reg- ularly oonetituted ip aaoordence with the object for whlob it wee palled. Dr, Ohiebolm the pi meat member from Wingham, who won the riding at !met election, defeating Dr, P. Maodoneld, deputy Speaker of the House, wee (gain nominated as standard bearer on motion of ex -Warden James Bowman, of Morrie township, seconded by Frank Metcalf, of Blyth. The doctor naked to allow the matter to esend iu the meantime for pereanalreaooue. James Bowman was the only nominee for the Legislature, being proposed by ex -Warden Cook, of Fordwlab, eeoonded by Edward Bryeus, ex -Deputy Reeve of Grey township, Mr, Bowman mode a eimllar request bo that at Dr. C.hisholal, but the probebilitiee ere that both will oarry the Ooneervative banners when the election oampaigne draw near. Hon. Mr, Fianna, Provincial Secretary, was present and delivered an addreee dealing with the live questions of the day from a Legielative etaudpoint. Organizer Carstairs also spoke referring to the or- ganization of the ridfuge, as geographi- cally they are not identical for the two Houses. Reeolutioue condemning the Dominion Government and expreseing nootidenoe in the Ontario Government were passed and the convention closed with !heave for King Edward, Hong. Whitney and Hanna and the nominees of the day, HOT STUFF AT DUNGANN9N• DE. CHHISIIOLM SPL\B SOME YARNS. The Coneervativee of the West Riding of auron met at Dungannon recently and nominated Barrister Edward Lewin, theresent M. P. t c p , for ha riding. He euuepted the honor and will no doubt buckle into the u:,mpeign against Robert aolmee, of (Munn, which will be no easy one. The dlihtou Newe•Reoord, a Con• eervative newspaper, reports tbe dotage of the Convention at IeDgth and we re. produce a few paragraphs from it so they the aatheatiuity need not be questioned : -"Rev. Mr. Bacaders, Euglieb ohorob olergytnau, of Laokuow, in au address of probably ten minutes, twitched on several of the mese important questions of the day and in scathing langeege denounced the eeande;e and graft whish are now bringing to theme mauy of the potiti- Miane at the national capital." "Dr, Obiebotm M. P., of EastHuron, who is always cordially !y gteat ed by West Huron Ooneernativee beaauee of hie per. social worth and the fact that he redeem• ed a riding that heti one Liberal for many years, gave the address of the day. rhe lose of the three Hurons at the last election, said the Dr. was a bitter pill for the Grits and they bave nos yet entirely recovered from the effects, ']'hey are, however, determined to win them beak if money will do it and I have every reason to believe that a big foetal. m801 of s huge boodle fund will be Bent into this ooauty, Aitaiuet euob tactics it is the ditty of all bonen man to oom• bine. There is no doubt about it the tide ie buruiug against the Laurier Gaverumeut of which the beet indication is that the greedy leedere are in a bare- faced manner stealing with both hande ae if tt were their Iaeb obanee. Ie ie the duty of the holiest electorate to join bandit against the common enemy and return membere to Ottawa opposed to the present regime of scandal and graft." The affable r will Dd d t 1 o cab seep better after he got the above off hie stomach. We eel stomach beeeuee it surely wee lout conceived in a well regulated brain. It Woke quite te nit ae it the suavity and wiiliagneee of Dr. Chisholm to deal oat snored eomplinteate to Liberate in East aurae 'is not o0 hie program when be mounte the rostrum away from home and when the cue to plaited alongside of the other the picture will no doubt be presented iu its true light, Hie heroism would be more noteworthy if he had fired off hese "b,oedsidee" while the Hone was in eeeeion but the Dr, wee too o0Ee for that. It ie a poor way to enlighten hie unditore on the important issues of the day by teliiog ghost stories that evi. dently ,ainb in time doctor's wildest im. aginatioe. ALEX MMCLAREN.AND JAS Tae11AN0E NOMINATED At the Conservative convention bald in Milverton on Saturday tbe following candidates were chosen : Alen. McLaren, 141. P., was renominated' for the Federal House, and Jae, Torrance, M. P. P., se. oared the nomination for the Legielature being opposed by a. B. Morphy, barrio - ter, of Listowel. The vote wee three 10 one in favor of Mr. Torrance. ALES. MAMILToN Telt CANDIDATE I0 1101100 WELLINGTON. At a convention of the Conserva- tive Aseooiation of N,rth Welling - to', held in the town ball, Ar- thur, July 4vb, with a view to planing n oandidate in the fie'd for the Doming Federal bye election, which ie rendered neoeeeary by the death of Thomas Martin, letely member for the riding, Atexattder Httutilton, of Arthur, was oboeen, the nomination being anent. male. The nominatione as Arab made were 1-W, A. Otarke, A. S. Clarke, Alex. Hamilton, George Pox, E. Toltoa, W. O. Chambers, 1). W. Dntmage,George Diolteon, G. V. Po de, Jobe McGowan, J, A. Goodall, J. M. Skelton, J. Lune, A. Spotbon and Jobn M. Young. Later all names were withdrawn, leaving Mr. Hamilton ee the nominee. W. H. Ben- nett,, M. P., addressed the meeting. His remerke were addressed ohlttly againet the immigration policy of tbe present A,dminisiration, and eharacter• teed it ae 0 ariheme by which Mr. Sit. too was able to insure the election of • Liberal repreeeutativue owing to hie ability to iuftuenoe iutterate fureigoera with wbiuh the Northwest wee being eettlett to !ergo extent, He condemn• ud the Athtutiu Trading Company, surd evoke warmly about "graft." Ptlee get goiek and eartnin relief boom Dr, Shoop'e Kagiq Ointment. Please note it is made for pilus alone, and its (union ie poeitive uud pertain. Itelling, palutul,protruding or blind piles dis- appear hke magm by We neo. Large uiokel•aapped ghee jara 60 eerie. Sold by alideeiers. BRUSSELS TRIiMIS THE SCOTS In last Saturday's Globe the following note appeared in the Sporting Oolarnn:- "Out After Bruesele,-The Broeeele foot ball beam, who have not leek te game thie• season, have scored twelve goals to their opponente' one,ntud are now in the finale of the W. F. A., will have to go goals to keep a pinked Toronto team from soon. iug• This picked team ie aomprieed of the beet Oanedlen players in Toronto, The goal will be defended by Fred, Buell, late of Wingham, The baelre will be Ruse Wheeler and Fred. Gilding, who represented the book division in the Toronto v. Oorintbiaue game. The half. back line to a stouts wall -Jack Robinson on the right, the all-round defense man ; Fred, Gibbons, who played for Little York, noted ae the "Old Reliable," will be at centre, and Hedley Hirone, late of Woodetoek, who eeede no ooaobing, will be on the left, The forward line will also be etroug, "Billy" Forrest, formerly of Oranbrouk, along with "Chock" Tyner, the famous hookeylet end footballer, will be ou the right wing, ably assisted by Jemee Streoban, the crack Varsity for- ward, who will play centre, eupported on the left by George Gilding, while Stewart Thome, hie partner for some eeseont back, will let Brunets know that they are playing foot bell, Tbie team will 'repreeent the Soots, end will leave for .Brnesele at 7 30 Saturday morning, with the Enron Old Boye' Excursion." Oar renders would be somewhat pre- pared to read of Brusaele Intermediatee receiving a decided trounoing when they wet the Soots on Victoria Park here Saturday evening tee the visitors came breathing the old Latih phrase "Veni, Vidi, Vloi"-I name, I eaw, I conquered." they oame-that was true enough and we were glad to welcome them ae in the number were Roe, Wheeler, Jae. Straeh- au and Will. Forrest, former residents of this loos! t and a trio well 1 we kn°N u both Y on and off the ball field. e d. TheYw saw -that was quite (torrent for they are awide- awake bunch with both ayes open. They saw a line -op of shape who were quite determined to keep the iia; flying ; they saw before bait time was np that any chalice of their completing the addage and conquering was very slim indeed ; before the game was over they saw stars end a goal chalked up against them, witb the sphere between their etakee on two ober occasions not wanted by the re- feree. At the opening of the match it looked as if Broeeele had its work est out and the pane was so hot the players were glad of a brief rest to refresh themselves at a pail of good epribg water 20 minntee after the wuietle blew. The first half did notield a score p o e to either aide bat ra- velled the faot that the home team had the play well in baud. On changing goals oar boys settled down to combine. tion work that could not be withstood uud despite the determined and well placed work of the stalwart defense the leather was planted in the oitadal of the Soots. Almost immediately after the fade -off it was carried bank to the'Toron• to goal and pat through but the Referee did not allow it, and again a few minutes later the does was repeated and while not wonted demonstrated tbe fait that tbe carpet town eleven were getting close to the balleeye. If it had not been an uncommonly wacm evening Jim Ander. eon, oar silent goal keeper, would likely have eootraoted a bad cold as be had not exercise enough to keep himself warm. While thie is erne the majority of oar team were not laoking in tbie respect as the Soots play red hot ball from the drop of the hat. They are well balanced, play good combination and are epeedy but this trinity of foot ball excellenoiee did not avail when they met a team posses. sing the same traits with ability to stay with,tbe game until the timekeepers said it was enough, J. Leslie Kerr, of Blyth, was the referee. Monday's Toronto World, atter the match, sings the following tone :-"A. earateh team of the Toronto Soots united at Brunets to -day and gave . the borne champions a terrible snare. Broeeele ooald only soore one goal, and were lucky at that, though it made 13 for the eeaeon against one lost." The above is very riob. A "scratch" team with 11 hustlers on the lioe.np euoh as they have. Yon wicked, wicked World to say our boyo received a terrible scare. You deeerve to go to the hot place for eooh lying -yea 1•yi•n•g. Now that the Soots have arrived beak to Toronto, and probably have repovered their breath, ask them to tell you all about it and don't forget 10 enquire if our Inde looked badly frightened when your pig akin hunters abaueed to meet them on tbe field that evening. "Vent, vldi, -" got slaughtered. Tau Poexeympatbiees with Messrs. Wheeler, Straohan and Forrest in belonging to an aggregation that has to bite the duet, Innen it was not that way when they played on Brunets team. The Globe eald the Soots were "Out atter Brussels" and that is really true for they were both out end after, The dear old Globe 0oobleoes to bell the truth not. withstanding whet the World Saye to the oentrary. Brussels knew "they wets playing foot ball" and the "Boole" knew that Broeeele wee playing foot ball too, It was certain ly a good game, comparatively free from roughness and was fall of interest to the large number of speotatore. The "Soots" will be welcome bank next year even if we have to trim them 3 times in enc°es. Bion. Saturday evening's line cm was as follows;- DaasanLe "Seen" '.. 3 Andersen Gaal R A !Robinson ..•tt Books Gilding W McDonaldwheeler 0 Bryans Gibbons U Querin 1, Backe J Dowdell R brown ,.... Hirone E Earley L'orceat A D1aLead Tyner R D C tediff ... Forwards Strachan J Stevenson e J McGillivray Thom arsben i1I/ t p a In the absence of Waldo Miller Charlie Bryan played on the fertvard line and did will, Art: R•,Uurenn, tt fin mor 111,1' pet of 1410 Want, 1wt1,0 a Mille„t ve who tete Vleitiug in lawn, proved lie had not forg,oIteti the meet modern mentor Of elevatog the ephere from the full book position Re he took Alex, Anderson's (one Of firaaeeia' sturdy detente players) plays and permitted the latter, to enjoy a good tutttpb au a spectator, HAVE YOU CATARRH? Breathe Iiyowoi and Belief' and Cure Will Bo Guaranteed, If you have catarrh, with offensive breath, burning pains i0 the throat, diflioulty in breathteg, raising of mu0oue, dievharge front the nose, tloli ling or dropping from the bath of the throat, eoughtng epeeme, eta., begin the sea of tly.o.mei 01 once, 14y'omet is made from nature's Booth lug oils cud baleame and eoutaine the germ killing properties of the pine woode Its medioatiou ie taken in with the air you breathe, eo that 11 reaohee the most remote part of the reepiratory organe, killing all oetarrbal germs and soothing any irritation there may be it: the mueaone membrane. We do not want auyone's motley mitten Hyomei gives relief and oure, and we absolutely agree that mousy will be re• feuded anfeee the remedy gives eatiefse• ttou, All druggists eboaid be able to sup ply you wttb 13yamei or we twill send it by mall on reoeipt of price, $1.00, and every package ie sold with the dietioot understanding that it mate nothing u0 less it tures. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N, Y, BUSINESS TRAINING, A School that Fits For The Demands of Actual Experience, The demand for fireb•cless etenogreph. ere, book•keepere and telegraphere ie contently increasing with the great development of Oeuada, and a thorough training in any of these brancbee is 'a valuable asset to the young mu or women, The euaeeas of the Ventral Business College, Toronto, in fitting graduates for the very beet poeitione in the baeineee world, aommende it to the ooneideration of perente and guardiaoe. Tbie ie a school which oombinee ecper• for serviee and appointmente with reason• able rates. 'It really consists of three sohoole ander the same roof, and each subool iende a r tbe supervision on of a staff of oom etent teachers a eoiall Y quail lied for their work. A cis months, course coats $50 and tbie fee eutitlee the student to tuition in all schools, The eouool maintains an employment depart. meat which looks carefully after all students who have completed their courses. -It also maiotaine and (meditate a correspondence Department through which a number of excellent nurses, including Chartered A000nntsnoy, Ad• vertieiug and hlnetratiog, are given with the most satisfactory results to theueends of students who cannot attend college. All who are looking for the best in the bgeineee eohool line should_ Bend for catalogues and information to W. H. Shaw, Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Bte., Toronto, Ont. COMPLIMENTARY BUT BAD- LY MIXED. The Walkerton Telescope of last week in speaking of the reoent Foot Ball match in tbat town eaye :-"By common eon- eent it has been decided to drop football as a theme of conversation in Walkerton, fur several months to come, perhape for. ever, It's time for a change, and any- way, ae the saying ie, there aint nothing to it. It was all right eo long ee the Walkerton boye were doing all the winning, but now that the other tellowe have started in to do the winning triok, it would not be in good taste to have mach to say about football. As to the match with Brunets, which was played here on Friday, we may se well admit, that Walkerton was not in it to any par. tioalar extent. They are a big, hanky lot, this Breseele bunch, and were maetere of the 'situation from start to finish, They won three goale to Walker - ton's nothing, and if they bed wanted to very bad they cohld have doubled the snore. That they will win theobampion• ship ie admitted by everybody here who knows anything about football. But their viotory will bring little honor' to Brunets for It repbrt be brae, and it likely ie, most of the members of the Broeeele Foot Ball team are residenes of other towns and oitiee and are simply playing for Brussels money. One Domes from Cliaboo, soother from Wingham two from Buffalo, and eo on. It is this hiring of proteeeionale that thine legitimate sport, and it is largely tar this reaeou that the and never wastes mash epees over names of any kind," In behalf of the Brneeele team we .are gratful to the Telescope for the good opinion expreeeed as to the piaying of our Foot Bali boys and glad also to bave the opportunity of =renting the rnisap prehension oonoerning the residence of the players. We have no person on the line hp from Clinton, Beatortb or But fele. McGillivray, the alert forward, ie a Wingham boy and "Wally" Miller, who playa winning ball ou the eame wing, lives in Wroxeter, bee outside of these the remaining nine ate honaflde reei dente of this locality and have been for years, In the matches with Stratford seniors and the Soots, of Toronto, Miller was unable to be present and Charlie Bryans, of Brussels, eabebltuted with no discredit to himself or the team, Brne- eels has no hired professionals as per. eons acquainted with the people of this neighborhood ciao testify when they sea our winners on the field. A Mildmay correspondent to the Telescope pokes fan at Walkerton in tbe following style :-"The editor of the Brace Timee mnet be of a patbetio nature, at least we would infer that from the doleful stories be mimeo out with bow the Walkerton Football Wale is abased by the different W.F. A. referees, A000rding to the Bruoe Timee the game at Broeeele was loot by having an unfair referee. Was the home game lose in the eame way 7 If Brown Jackson was any worse as a referee than the epecimaa exhibited by Walkerton et the 'first W. F. A, game here the Walkerton Football club have oat heartfelt sympathy, We claim the game played here this year wbiuh left us a tie for the dietriet That tie wee broken on the (ret 01 Port E gin whoa the Store made \Sallterlon slap to the tune of 4.•0, Again we try our band at the job of wow -coming forward with the elatemedt ibet Jirnseele oan't trim oar Stara 11.0 on onr own gr0alnde the way they: did Walkerton, If the Editor of the Brno Time proph. ogles the minaret' be preaches to Nee prophets )tie oftlee this 'week will pre. Mit it eoene of aneient lienee with its eooupanttogged out in seely cloth and aehee bewailing the tileote of too muob lint eir, Enough sold." lir1100041 Lae troanoed ymt on several ouoaelone, Alr. hlildnley, but what the Baume were we are not now prepared to state. You were good shill oompetttore too. Morrie Council Meeting. The Court of Revision met ou Jnne 24th aeoordiug to adjournment, members all present. Alex. Murray wee then entered owner of North part lot 26, eon, 10, in Ono of Angus MuUueig, value 97001 P, Ryan en. tared owner Sontb part lot 21, con. 6, value $; D. Calvert entered M. F. Werth half1250 10, eon• 3 ; W G. MoMilIen, entered F B • John Hetherington en. tared °weer North halt 8, eon. 2, in plane of Obits, Maguire ; Mr, Pearson entered owner 01E1 W quarter 12 oon. 3, in piaee ot Wm, Jaokhn ; Geo, Kerr entered owner part South bell 29, oon, 5 1 in place of Jae, Siretton ; Thos. Blelby en• tared tenant N E quarter 12, eon. 9. On motion of MoOutobeou and Taylor. the Court of Revision was then closed and the aeeeeement roll as revised and oorreoted was established ae the aeeeee. meat roll of tbe township of Morrie for the warrant year. OOandil business was thee proceeded with. A petition was preeented by John Maeou and others asking for the con- tinuation of a municipal drain at lot 27, and Westward in the 3rd oonoeseion, On motion of Taylor and Sbaw the prayer of the said petition was granted and the Olerk inetrneted to notify the engineer in eaaordanoe with the previa. lone of tbe Manioipal Drainage Etat. Wm, Moses requested the oonetraetion of a drain on roadway at lot 28, 2nd oon. line, On motion of Campbell and MuOnt• obeon Mr. Shaw wee inatruoled to at• tend to the matter, James Sherrie regneeted that some re. pairs be made Oneida road between lots 25 and 26, oon. 4. On motion of Mo0atoheon and Cern!). ball 920 wall granted for gravelling en eide road. Meeers McMurray and Wheeler re quested that the road on the' 4th son.' line near Belgrave station, be repaired by gravelling. On motion of Shaw and Campbell the Reeve was iuetroated to expend 950 in gravelling on the said road. On motion of Campbell and MoOut- oheoo Mr. Taylor was instructed to ex. pond $80 in gravelling at lob 11, on 9th 000. line, Moved by Shaw, eeoonded by Taylor that this Couooil make no further ad. vanceerigid: for quarterly payments of teach. er's salaries for the torrent year. par. Auoounte were ordered to be paid as follows Thos. McCall, drawing tile and putting iu culvert 9 6 00 6 30 4 44 6 30 3 84 Thos. MoGa11, gravel Jas. B. Kearney, gravel Thos. Miller, gravel Ohne, Forrest, gravel John R. Bell, demagoe.......... 1 00 Duff & Stewart, lumber • 22 05 Wm. Abram, repairing bridge 3.00 Jae.Oruiokebaok, drawing gravel and making tile 29 70 M. Kelly. materialand work on bridge 0 00 W. J. Jobueton, gravelling 20 00 Geo, Peacock, gravel 5 20 Jae. Pea000k,gravel..,.. 7 64 Robt• Smith, gravel 7 00 Rom. Turvey, repairing -culvert, 3 25 Wm. Thaeil, work on grader 20 00 Moved by MoCutohenn, eeoonded by Shaw, that the Ooart of Revision on the Ewan drain be held on Angaeb 5th at 2 e'clools p. m. end that the Court of Re• vision on the Cole drain he held on AOgaet 5th at 3 o'olook.-Carried. Oa muton of Campbells and Taylor the Reeve and'rreaaaxer were iceErnated to borrow $1000 to meet (torrent expeneee. The 0ouooil then adjourned to meet again 0o Aognet 5th at 10 o'olook a, m. W. GLARE, Clerk. Struck By Lightning Neatly deveribee the celerity of Pat- nam'e Oora Extractor,. Roots oorne oat in abort order. Causes no pein, leaves no sear, and gives perfect eatiefaotion. Remember.bbere is only one "best" - that's Patn ne's-fifty years 1n use. Recentdiscoveries have shown that falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop failing hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Does not change the color of the herr, 'ormule with e•ott bottle g Show it to car arsAsk Lim ebout It, then do u ne asy' Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the seal!). Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing to do, is to completely destroy these dan- druff germs. Here, the same Ayer's Hair Vigor will give the same splendid results. •--Malo by the 3. C. Ayer Co., Lowen, lraaa.� .DARIC BROWN TASTE Your Head Aches Tongue Is Coated !Montt Tastes Bad Stomach is Sick 1'lle Gastric Suites Are not Doing Their Duty and You're in the Grip of nervous Dyspepsia. A bot bitter fluid, and sour indigeeted food rise to your mouth. Your vision is (ironed with epeoks that float before the eyes. Very shortly you'll have nausea, rank breath and sleeping: nights. What you need is Ferrozone. It regeiatee the gaetrio juices, pate new life into the etomaoh, braces digeetive powers, gives the aid that's eo badly re. quired. Ferrozone le the .beet treatment be oauee it goee to the root of the trouble, remedies the conditions that oauee dyepepeie and thereby three permanent. I. Y If you want root read the ex ori o sed of Mr,'. E P. Davison, a well known resident of Portland, who writes "Ferrozone ie beyond 'doubta mob powerful Dare for indigestion and weak stomach. Food eo badly disagreed with me that I was almost afraid to est. Pastry and etaroby foods fermented, caused soar rieinge and gave me head. aohee, brown taste, offensive breath. I grew weak, my weight ran down fifteen poaude and my looks fatly indioated all that was wrong. Ferrozone put me on my feet again. It braced me up, renew. ed my digestion and made me a well man." Doctors and patients alike speak of the merit of Ferrozone ( it ie different from other remedies, different beottnee it cares eo you stay cured. Try it eold every - where ver -where in 60a, boxes. Minn Lime Works. BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS I Will meet teems from a dietance at Central Hotel, Brussels, L WANTED The Highest Market Price will be paid in Cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker ReIIHeed Pries or 30- Days t�= - . o r, . Single A, arness For Cash • See our Window Full Raw hide Wipe only 85c. Lap Dusters, Fly Sheets, Fly Nets. Trunk s, Suit Cases, Satchels. Large Stock at Small Prices. Repairs in Collars, harness, &o., promptly done. • Dwelling Rooms to let above store. Convenient, soft water, &a. Very comfortable Dwelling for sale ; acres of land ; Fruits of different kinds ; very nicely situated. ichards FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 TWO tuanagelneot during the pNast your Ilse trained over Two Hundred i y o u; n. g lndieindite!uud 2U gentlemen as apnea. rap b Or e, na boost -!tee i. m l tele g rano' t u u ti • I ors, ata pinpea tbmu In e40ell04t elteatlous la lead. iug Onaadieu nud Autorivau olltoe, Iudivld nal laetruotion, Write foroata)ogne, Vin ham Business College GEo: SPOTrop, Principal IMPORTANT NOTICES lJI OUSE AND i ACRE LOT • for sale -Albert street comfortable Home in good repair. Small' ebable, good well, cistern, dm Poseoseion any titoe. For !tubber particulars apply on the premises to B, CRAWFORD, Bruesols. 48.10 NOTICE TO DEBTORS -DR. Bt7RNS has placed his u000unts le any bands for collection. All parties indebt• ed will kindly arrange payment at once, •A. B. MACDONALD. Brueeele, July 8rd,1007. 02.11 RRICX STORE TO RENT BY 21-1 February let -part of Smith Bleck. 22588 feet ; end door from American Hotel ; lately used ae tailortug and gents' furnish- ing eetabliebmeut. For further particulare apply te DR. MoKALVAY, Brussels. 'HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -The onderelgnod offers for Bale her house and lot on Turuberry street, Brie. eels, Possession could be given at once, For price, terms &a., apply to MRS. F, SHIA LS, Walton 11, 0., or to Tim PoeT, K. O. T. M. Brueeels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 29 hold their regular meetings ee E1 Lodge g Room, Backer Block c the let and r 8d Tuoada y Vielb roe ot each month. A, SOMERS, Conttvaya welcome., RE, R,10.. NOTICE Any person wishing to have their tote at. tended to will and me at the Cemetery ou Thursday, Friday anis Saturday of each week during the Summar months. I am also Agent iOr the Mitchell Marble and Granite Arm. Come and inspect our work and get prises before buying elsewhere. ROBERT ti. DARK, 49-e Caretaker. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - The undersigned offers her 100 sore farm, being Lot20, Oou. 7, Grey, for gale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, orehar d wails &o. Perm iEtbi y t of a mile from the stirring village 0 g y 1 Athol. b,For Brus- sels, particulars a apply to F. S. Bo Oat, Shuter 1. MRs, EATS HOLLAND, 78 Shuler Street, Toronto. a7•Bm PROPERTY FOR SALE -THE undersigned offers his house and lot, situate on !gill street, Brussels, for sale, It is well located, a convenient and oomfor- table home, Poeaeeeion eau be 5lyeu at once, Willalao Bell the vacant lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a fine building site. For furtherpar- ticulare as to price, terms, &e., apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford - whin. 38-0 FARM LABOURERS AND DOMESTICS - Government tappointed place Im'by graute Prom the United kingdom in poeitione ae farm Ian, miters -or domestie eervabte in this violnity. Any person requiring such help should nob!• fy me by letter etatiug fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be sufaoieu t to supply all requeete but every effort will be made to provide e ach applioaut withhe!P required. FB, S00'1'T 62'yCanadian 4ove. But Employment Agent - 82•lBrussels P.O. Executor's Sale Estate of John Coming, sr., Bat 22, Con. cession 13, Township' of ILullott. This excellent 150 acre farm will be offer- ed at auction on Wednesday, August 7th, 1007, at 2 o'clock p, m., at Brown's Hotel, Londeeboro'. This ie a first-olaee farm, has good buildings including commodious brick, house large bank barna with stone stabling' and other outbuildings ; all modern !arm improvements and couve nienoee -; good wat- er and a good hardwood bush ; near to subool and market. Inforwation win be eromptll given- upon request.- ADMIIND LI9Alt, Blyth, Executor; W, BRIDGES, Clinton, Solicitor for the Estate. 52-3 Yaw ALLAN TaittA BINS TUi4BINE' STEAMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL v(rginfatt Sails Friday, July 8 Aug. 0 J'unislaa," Juin 10 Aug, 0 Vieturise " July l0 Aug, 1s Ionian " " July 00 A00,28 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Nunildien,,.Batie Thursday, July 4 Mongolian... Thursday, July 00' Aug. 10 Uorinthlau,.. " Thnrsday,Jely16 Aug, 22 Proterluu ,,, " Thursday, July 28 Aug, 00 For ettilings, ]lade and fall information apply to '1V, 0, LKY..ItI%% Agent Allan Lino, Urnosels. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered eeotiou of Dominlaa Landeau tion tubo, Baekatohewan and Alberta, exoepting 8 and 20, not reserved, way be homesteaded by any person who ie the nolo l,ead of a family, or any mule over 08 years of ago, to the extent of ono-quartor eeebion Of la0a aerea more 00 leen, Entry may be mune pereonalix al -tiro local land cage tor the district in which the land le situate, '1"ho nooieeteatler Is required to perform the coedit:onecanneotod therewith under one of thefollowing plana: (1) At least six menthe' reatdenm, upon and cultivation otthe laud' in euob year for three wears, (2) Il the father (or mother, If - the father is deceased) of the homesteader residee upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to reel. deuce may be satisfied by snob person re. Biding with the father or mother. (e) If the Battler has his permanent resi- dence upon farmino land owned by hi to in the vicinity of hie homestead, the re- quirements as to reetdeuao may be satis- fied by reeideuoe upon the said land. Sixmoobbe'notice in wilting should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply tor patent. W.W.00RT, Deputyof the Minister of Interior, 01, B. tTuauthorleed publication of thin ad. vortieemeut will not be paid tor. Lis for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. The Highest Market Price paid for any quantity de- livered at Storehouse No. 1, . also for Grain of all kinds. R. G-RAHAM BRUSSELS. 49-4 i.. T Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. A DANDY STOCK OF 3E3 "LTG arama WE have an.A 1 stock of Top Buggies, TV manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Platteville, and Wrn, Dore & Co. of Wingham, The Workmanship through- out is First-class and prices are right. Don't fail to see . them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at 'very reasonable rates. R. Francis Co Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also keep in stock the real Floury Plow Points and the Frost eft Wood repairs. Calland•soe us..