The Brussels Post, 1907-7-11, Page 1New Advertisements.
Paris Green—Jas. Fox..
. Comb lost -Tia Pos't. ,
Girl wanted—Mrs. James,
Local -Brussels Turf Club,
I•douse for sale -serve Pose.
Drayton tile—Peter Stewart,
Lawn Social—Sewing Circle,
Locket-lest—May Wilkinson,
Hard on the Corns—F; R. Smith,
Telegraph Operators—W. H, Shaw.
Sweeping Reduetions—G, N. Mc-
4Rx> txxx1 ,e ,
47 rata Drools.
A. Reymann has returned after
speudiug a week in Loudon and De.
E. H. Kaiser, of Mount Forest, is
spending a few days with A. J. M.
A son of P. C. Duncan is visiting
with his grand parents, L. and Mrs.
See the foot ball game at Brussels
next Monday evening between Platts-
ville and Brussels,
Among those who took in the Nia-
gara Falls excursion were las. and
Mrs. Perrie, Misses M. McRae, L.
McKay and Annie McNeil,
Miss. Myrtle McDonald, who has been
under the instruction of Miss Margaret
McLauchlin, of Brussels, attended the
Primary Pianoforte Examinations of
Toronto Conservatory last week and
passed with honors. We extend con-
gratulations which are well deserved
by both pupil and teacher and we hope
the success will encite both to renewed
ambitions to attain first place and en-
conrage,others to venture on this help-
ful course.
Sffee tg ra ve.
Ars IMMENSE Success.—One of the
most notable and successful Garden
Parties ever held in ibis locality event.
uated Thursday evening of last week
when on the spacious grounds- of W.
G. Nicholson, 1+ miles East of here,
people assembled by the hundreds un-
til the scene represented was more
like a Fall Fair crowd than anything
else. The gathering was in the in-
terests of the new hospital at Wing.
ham and the object was not only a
worthy one but evidently appealed to
the public by the way the people sup-
ported it. A business like Committee
had the work in band, with T, S.
Brandon as Chairman and D. Allison
as Secretary, and they certainly did
their part most excellently. Long
tables were placed on the lawn where
hundreds were regaled by the neces-
saries and delicacies of this life. The
performance opened in the afternoon
when a base ball match was played
between Blyth juniors and a Belgrave
team in which the latter was victor-
ious, the score being 13 to 8, - Later
a good game carne off with Blyth and
Wingham opposing when the South-
ern lads won a victory by io to 7. A
tug of war -was announced between
Morris and East Wawanosh but it did
not come off. A program was pre-
sented in tbe evening with Rev. J.
J. Hestia as .the genial chairman.
Short addresses were given by Jas.
Bowman, Fr, Laurendeau, Dr. Chis.
holm, M. P., Dr..MacDonald and W.
H. Kerr, of THE POST. Interspersed
were selections from a Wingham
Quartette composed of Misses Griffin
and Mason and Messrs. Cline and
Hill ; a Ladies' Quartette from Brus-
sels in which Misses Hingston, Gerry,
Sharpe and Mrs. W. Leatherdale took
part ; Miss Hazel Brandon, favored
the audience with a well played piano
solo. It was a program well rendered
considering tbe adverse circumstances
under which it was held. Wingham's
fine band was heard frequently and
with good effect. A special train par-
ried Winghamites to and from the
town in the evening. The well
known W. K. Whaley was the dir.
To Jur Patrons
AS we bave entered ou our seoond year
. deliveringmilk to, the people of
Brussels we wish to thank all who have
favored us with their patronage and to
-thank those especially who have been
regular in puttingout the empty bottles
as it saves us a lot of trouble. To our
regular customers milk will be 6o. a quart
the year round, but to those who only
take it in Winter when milk is seam and
takes so much more labor and feed to
protium it it will be 6o. Our aim will be
to please our patrons and give as good
value as -possible. 48.11
Art Studio
is the, proper place to get your .Photo-
graphs taken. Photos from the Sunbeam
lip to the 14 x17 Group and Portrait eine,
taken with great, success.
Oet a Photo of your Family the first
chance you have to get them together.
We are seoond, to none . and very
moderate in our °bargee. -
Views of residences, oto.,taken on.
short notice.
Vlcture Frames made to Order,
-H.R. B R E � 1I E q
enter of ceremonies la commodes; with
a refreshment booth that slid a rus1L-
dng trade. Various estimates were
made as tp the attondauee, varying
from too t0 2000 but it, was a great
tbroug, good natured and out for a
good time, Financial proceeds were
variously stated but will probably net
over 1j1400,00 which is most gratifying.
What about tho well 'known host
He was on the alert to help everybody ;
he received more good advice tban he
can put into practice for the next 6o
years; he was thanked again and
again for his well known hospitality
and in behalf of the hospital Mr. Bell
publicly voiced the sentiments of the
gathering before the program conclud-
ed. If you want a good time never
miss a Garden Party at Garner Nichol-
sons. ..-
J wan es to Wis.
Another wedding ie this locality is
Other. Jamestown news may be read
on page S.
Additional Jamestown news may be
read ou page 6:
40 cents, in advance, secures THE
POST to Jan. 1st 19o8.
Chas, Richardson, of Brussels, was
visiting friends here last Sunday.
Several from this locality took in the
Molesworth plc-nie on Wednesday;
Quite a number from here started
haying and report an average crop.
Benj. Hislop had a raising last Sat.
urday and put up a straw shed. He
has stabling under it.
Some farmers are plowing up their
raugels as owing to dry weather the
seed had not sprouted.
Master Robt. A, MeCosh, of Pine
River, is visiting his grandparents,
Jute and Mrs, Strachan, He is a live-
ly as well as a welcome visitor, Final game for the Intermediate
championship will be played at Brus-
sels next Monday evening. Plattsville
and Brussels will be tbe opposing
teams. It should bean A is match.
Councillor David H. Moffatt's resi-
dence was struck by lightning on the
29th alt. One chimney was knocked
off and the lower part thrown into
the room. It was a close call. The
family fortunately felt no harmful ef-
fects from the lightning.
Recently Wm. Holt was home here
on es visit. While off duty the G. T.
R. engine he was fireman on met
with an accident in which" the engin-
eer was killed. The fireman escaped
by jumping. We hope friend Holt
will preserve his scalp for many a day.
The other day Andrew, son ot Jno,
D, Miller, was riding a borse that was
attached to a turnip sower that his
grandfather was operating. The lad
had a tau pail which he hung on the
bases, and the rattling of the tinware
frightened the horse and off it went.
Shortly: after the whiffletree broke and
left the machine behind and the lad
jumped off and allowed the animal to
go to the barn. alone. Fortunately no
damage was done, It might easily
have been worse.
A newsy item is always welcome at
Ethel news may be read on page 5
of this issue.
B. Jackson has hada new roof plac-
ed on his barn.
Miss Eva Inlay is visiting in Blyth
for a few days.
THE PosT gives the news. 40 cents
getsit to January est rgos,
Ethel Orangemen will go to Luck -
now on the 12th and celebrate, there.
Mr. Dowdell and sister and Mr.
Jackson were victors with Miss Imlay
last week.
A good time was enjoyed at the
Womens' Institute meeting on Tues-
day afternoon and evening,
Those who ought to know say
Abner Smith, our speedy long dis-
tance runner, strikes a gait and
handles himself like a winner.
Championship Foot Ball Match- at
Brussels next Monday evening when
Plattsville and Brussels will meet for
the final game for the Silver cup.
Last Sabbath afternoon a reverend
gentleman irons Toronto addressed
the Presbyterian congregation. He
was here in the interests of Queen's
College. -
The Sabbath School pic-nic Thur-
sday afternoou of last week was an
enjoyable one with delightful weather.
If people did not have a good time it
was -their own fault.
Several from this locality witnessed
the Foot Ball match in Brussels last
Saturday between Brussels and the
Scots of Toronto and Were glad to
cheer for the victory of the home boys.
Some of our Conservativelrionds in
this locality attended the Convention
in Brussels lust Friday. If something
more definite had been Bene by the
nominees they would have been bet-
ter satisfied judging by what some of
them say.
We welcome Rev. Mr. Henderson
and family to Ethel and hope their
stay here mayrbe pleasant and profit-
able. The reverend gentleman
preached his inaugural sermon last
Sabbath evening to a large eongre•
gation in the Methodist church.
We have pleasure In congratulating
Miss Ella Hansuld 0u passing' the
Prlinary piano exam. of Toronto Con-
ssrvatory with honors, She isa pupil
of Miss Jean McLauchlin, Brussels.
The result is creditable to both young
ladies. We hope Miss Hansul8 will
°oedema to climb the musical' ladder,
UND uteeicING.—Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. le
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as.
Bared, Special attention paid to
cavity and 'arterial embalming fot
which we hold diplomas,
A toot ball match woe played here.
Thursday evening of last week be.
tween the Ethel team and Brussels
janlors. Victory rested with the,
homelayod clslsoub. A return- mateb will be
p .
�rtly in W alos.
Walton OrangemenBrussels, will go to Blyth
011 the seta,
Some iu this vicinity have started
haying, This season's crop will not
be as Meavy as usual,
Foot Ball match in Brussels' Monday
evening, 15th mete Plattsville • vs,
Brteese's. This game settles the In-
termediate championship for this sea-
son. It will be a hot meeting.
For activity and brightness at a good
old,age feW men would out -do Edward
Lamb, of thle locality, He is 91 years
of age but remarkab y alert for a per-
son of his years and an hour can be
spent most entertainingly in bis com-
On Tuesday the G. & G, Railway
opened up service as far as Blyth.
The -people here will find it a .great.
convenience. Arrangements are so
that by leaving ou the morning train
one can arrive- at. Toronto at I0.50,
have all day in tbe city and arrive
home at 9,30 p. m. -
A dispatch from Guelph last Mon-
day says :—The Guelph and Goderieh
Railway will be opened to Blyth to-
morrow. A regular time -table will be
carried out for the sixty-five miles
from here, The additional thirty miles
West of Milverton touches Moakton,
Walton and Blytb. Thos. H. McKay,
Weissenburg, will be agent at Walton,
and 1. H. Marshall, Linwood, at
• Mole
Some of our boys are investing in
rubber tire buggies.
Mr, Esserv, of Centralia, has been
visiting George Coombes and family,
Molesworth Cheese Factory is run-
ning to its fullest capacity on Mondays.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Menzies is improving under the doc-
tor's care,
A few took advautage of the cheap
rates to the Falls this week. It is a
good trip,
The crops are making rapid growth
throughout this section. They will
be almost as good as lastyenr,,•
Messrs. Hemsworth & Eckmier are
rushing tbe work along on the cement
sheds. It will not be long before
they are completed.
Last Sabbath' afternoon -Rev. S.
Salton, the new Methodist minister,
;preached his initial sermon at Moles-
worth, and did well.
Samuel McGeorge, who was in-
disposed owing to an attack of quinsy
and bronchitis, is making favorable
progress and will soon be o. k, we
Quite an interest was taken at the
Ladies' Institute held in the ball on.
Monday afternoon and evening. A
number of our young ladies attended
also. A good time was reported,
J. C. Thompson and wife of Newell,
Iowa, are visiting with the former's
sister, Mrs.' Robert 'Mitchell. It is
some eight years since they were here.
They will spend some time in Canada
among their relatives,
The annual union Sabbath. School
plc-nic was held in Mr. McIntosh's
grove. ni miles East of here on Wed-
nesday afternoon and proved as mag-
uetic as in former years. A bountiful
supper was served and a short pro•
gram was presented afterward which
was followed by a foot ball match..
Revds. Burnet and Salton, the pastors
of the interested congregations, were
present. The grove is a most suitable
place for such a gathering. It was
a delightful afternoon in tbe bush.
' .
James Gibb took a trip to Port
Elgin last week.
A W. E, Hemphill returned to Tor-
onto on Tuesday.
A. W. Robinson returned to Regina
Sask., on Thursday.
Editor Carr and family spent a day
last week in Lakelet.
Miss Jennie Howe is visiting with
friends near Walton.
Oliver Querrin, of Brussels, was in
the village on. Sunday.
Fred, Orr, of Wingham, was a Sun-
day visitor in the village.
John Hartley, of Blyth, called on old
friends here on Saturday,
Miss Bailey, of Listowel, is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. A, McLean.
John Rutledge left for Saskatoon ou
Thltrsday with a ear of horses. -
Reeve Harris and C. Reis - attended•
the races in Stratford last week.
Miss Cassie Harris, of Toronto, is
spending two weeks at her borne here.
Miss Lily Kalbfleisch, of Milverton,
is the guest of her sister; Mrs. C. Reis,
R. Fox'and Mrs, James Fox, of
Brussels, spent Wednesday in the
Misses Georgie and Beatrice Howe,
Wm. Perrin and Barry Wade took to
the excursion to ,Niagara Falls last
Dan, McTavish, of Howick, bad a
barn -raising' on Saturday afternoon.
A number from the village were
present. -
Mr. and Mrs. Berry, who have been
guests of Mrs, George Ranee, left for
their borne in Darlingford, Mau:, on
Austin Morrison is enjoying a few
holidays baying just returned front
Port Arthur where he has been em-
ployed in the lumber - camps for the
last ten mouths.
Rev. A, L. Russell, the new pastor
of the Methodist cbnrch here, 00
copied bis pulpit Sunday evening.
Rev. Mr. - Russell, was one of the
first ministers in this village having
preached in a school house here forty
years ago,
A number of young people from
here eejoyed a plane at Pine fake on
John King and family, of 'Bleevale,
have moved into Johu Undorwood's
tar4i V, -
Fall wheat is going to be a good
Mrs, Arthur Ward enjoyed a visit
to Detroit last week,
Tuts POST to Jan, tat, 1908, for the
small sum of 40 cents in advance,
Ernest Smith, of Swan River, Mao.,
spoilt Sunday with his brother John,
idtb con,
Ralph Langdon, teacher in S. S. No.
I, has gone to his home at Eastwood
for his vacation. -
Russell Wheeler, of Torouto, is
hone for a holiday visit. Hole a son
of Lawrence Wheeler,
Joseph Raynerd, 4th con., who was
laid up with bronchitis last Spring, is
improving nicely we are pleased to
Miss Beryl West, of Ripley, was a
visitor at Chas, Rozell's last week,
Harry Davis, of Wingham, who is a
cousin of Mrs, Rozell was also a caller,
It. F. Smith, of Toronto, took ad-
vantage of the Huron Old Boys' ex-
cursion to visit his brother, 16th eon,
Ells wife and family accompanied him,
Miss Gussie Smith, of Toronto, is
visiting at her old home, 7th con.,
with her mother, brother and sister.
Miss Smith now enjoys first-class
Rich.. Armstrong, 8th con., and
Elijah and Edward Jacklin, 2nd con.,
have had cement floors put in their
stables. Lorenzo Frain had tbe con-
A short time ago Abram Bishop,
8th line, injured one of his fingers on
his right hand by it being °aught in
a rope he was holding attached to a
horse, It is still quite sore.
Last Sabbath morning Rev, loo.
Hendersou, the new Methodist min-
ister, preached at Roe's iu the morn-
ing and at Union in the - afternoon.
He did well and will be cordially re-
Plattsville and Brussels • Foot Ball
teams will battle on Victoria Park,
Brussels, next Monday evening for
the Intermediate championship,
This is the anal game. It will be a
good one.
Weare sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm.
Bray and son, 16th con., are not en-
joying as robust health as their many
friends would wish but we hope a
change for the better will soon ensue.
Miss Mary Livingston and Gordou
McVicar, of Toronto, were visitors at
Mrs. Duncan Livingston's during the
past week. Miss Margaret Livingston
is home for a month's vacation from
Next Wednesday David Grant, an
old and well known resident of the
I4th con., will celebrate his 87th birth-
day, We wish hint continued good
health and a calm, reposeful evening
to his life.
Misses Teenie and Mary McArthur
took advantage of the excursion last
Tuesday and paid a visit to Niagara
Falls. Among other Greyites who at-
tended were Wm. and Miss Kate Tel.
fer, Thos. MoFadzean and Miss Bes-
sie McDonald.
The last Sabbath afternoon Rev.
$, F. Armstrong was at Union church
a complimentary resolution was pro-
posed by 1. K. Baker expressive of
satisfaction over leis work and good
wishes for himself and Mrs. Arm-
strong on their new charge.
Huron Old Boys' Excursion last
Saturday was taken advantage of ley
W. H. and Mrs, Salter and children,
of Toronto, who came to pay a visit to
Mrs, Salter's parents, Chas, and Mrs,
Rozell, 9th con, The visitors were
former residents of this locality. .,
PRESENTATION.—The Manitoba Lib-
eral, of June 27th, published at Portage
la -Prairie, gives the following interest-
iog account of a presentation to H. J.
and Mrs. McNeil, of Oakville, Man.,
former residents of this locality. The
former is a son of Lauchlin McNeil,
14th con, and Mrs. McNeil a daughter
of Mrs. Thomas Maunders, of Morris;
—On Tuesday evening 18th inst. a
very pleasant affair took place at the
residence of J. S. Wood, South of this
plane. This was a farewell to Mr. and
Mrs. McNeil who are leaving for tbe
West. After supper was served in the
grove the Rev. Mr. Thomson took the
chair. Short speechss were made ex-
pressive of the esteem in which the
guests ot the evening were held and
regrets at their departure. These
were interspersed with music by a
string band which added much to the
enioyment of the evening, The pro-
ceedings were brought to a close by
presenting Mr, McNeil With a gold
watch and Mrs, McNeil with a half a
dozen pearl handled knives and forks
and the reading of the following ad -
j., H. and Mrs, McNeil :—
DEAR.. FR1ENus,—We have invited
you here this evening that we may add
one more to the many social gatherings
we have enjoyed together, Diving the
seven years you have resided in our
midst we have always found you ex-
cellent neighbors, - firm friends and
pleasant companions, the soul of
hospitality and always ready to help
anyone you found id need of assistance,
Now that we find you are going to
leave us, and we cannot tell you bow
sorry we are to ]tear of your decision,
we Dan assure you that you will be
greatly missed and any gatherings
suob as this we may have in the; future
will not seem gene complete' without
your presence. We wish you health,'
happiness and prosperity in your new
home and as an earnest of our good
wishes we ask your acceptance of these
entail presents and hope that as often
as you look upon them they will' re.
mind you of the many friends you
leave behind, who will always tie de-
lighted to hear of your succes. Sign•
ed on behalf of yoerfriends present :—
JANET Wobn -
Getters B, Csausao%
.Mr, and Mrs, McNeil are expected to
visit in this locality before .locating at
Moe rlat,
A new driving house has been built
on the farm of James Bowman, 3rd
The 5111 line has been put in - good
shape by the grader and a plentiful
supply of gravel
MissDoason, of Toronto, was visit-
ing at Samuel Walker's, 6th line, dur-
ing the past week.
A well is being drilled on the- farm
of Alexa McNeil, 6th line. George
Birt, of Brussels, bas the contract,
A. H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, was
home for a few days He has a fine
position and stays with it in good
Joseph and Mrs. Clegg end Jay
Clegg, B. A., Mrs, Clegg and sao, are
enjoying Lake Huron breezes at Kin-
cardine for a couple of weeks,.
A new brick kitchen has been added
to the residence of George McCall,
8th line, which will add to the con-
venience and comfort of the family,
H. D. Ainley, teacher of S. S. No; 6,
has taken an advanced step in the
horticultural line, bis specialty being
tbe Rose. That's the long and short
of it, ain't it Harry?
George Bielby, 13. A., has accepted
the position of Science Master in
Georgetown Collegiate, at a salary of
$950 and will commence work iu Sep-
tember. He has been an A 1 .student
and will make a successful teacher.
CARD OE TI4ANKs.—We wish to
thank the many dear neighbors and
friends for their sympathy and kind-
uess to us in our sad bereavement and
trust that God will reward them as
we feel we never can.
ARM BROKEN.—We are sorry to
state that Mrs. M. M. .Cardiff, 5th
line, bad the misfortune to fall in
the barn while gathering eggs and
broke her right arm at the wrist. She
is making favorable progress and we
hope she will soon be all right.
A welcome visitor to Morris town-
ship is ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, of
Weyburn, Sask„ who along with his
daughter, Miss Minole, arrived here
last Friday. Mr, Mooney and his
sons, Harry and Rob, own 96o acres
and farm on a large scale. Prosper-
ity bas attended their efforts and Mr.
Mooney's many old friends would do
no kicking if he'd come back and
spend the balance of his life here.
We are hearing through the Conserve.
Mee prime a great deal about a speeoh
made by oar member, Dr, Chisholm, at
Dungannon where he stated that be bad
it on the beet of authority that there had
now mime into the three Hurons eI0,000
each to sestet in carrying them
at the next eleotiob, Now the windy
Dr. knows thio is a falsehood that or
!gloated in bie fertile mind, or in other
words it ie a oaee of drawing a herring
asrose the meet, It ie well known that
parties who do things that are not straight
themselves are generally the first to talk,
and talk loadeet, about their opponents,
whether truthfully or falsely it mskee no
dlfferenoe and especially to Dr. Ohienolm
when on the akin hunt, Let us examine
his actions In the past and see if I am
right in my -conclusion°, We all know,
and he knows, that bis last election was
not straight alae tbat.bbat the Ooneerva-
live party traded London for East Huron
in the matter of protests in the last
election. They then knew that London
was not straight on the part of the
Liberate as no elections think bee been
straight on either side in London ninon
Sir John Oarlinges famous elections, and
they well knew that Bast Enron was the
same on their part or they would never
consent to drop the patting in of •a pro.
test. in London if the Liberals did the
ease in Bast Huron against Dr, Chia
We also know that he stated at the
Conservative meetingsheld at Brussels
last December and Jane and last Friday
that he would not say that he would be
the onndidate in the Tory interests ; that
he did not want to run as it bad ruined
bis praotioe, broken up bin home and he
was au old man and should give way to
younger men, and 11 is up to the electors
of Eaet.Buren to see that they take him
at hie word at the next eleotioo. Let his
owe word's be the battle Dry cud yet the
man who gets up and makes theme state.
menta is and hasbeen for months Dan•
+miming nearly every Doe be meats iu
the tidieg. He don't Dell public meetings
and let the electors know what be has
been doing. If be did tble he would have
to tell the troth or be shown up, but he
takes the still hank where be can have a
story for every one to snit the eireum-
stauoes. Anything and everything to get
votes appears to be the Dr's, motto. It
was eo iu the teat election and will be in.
the next es he is in the field even if he
did not aoaept the nomination at the
oonventiou. I have shown that our
member is not either truthful or honest
with the electors and T think East Huron
don't want e,uy snob pertbn to be their
representative at Ottawa,
No one Dan say oaoh about A, Hislop,
the Liberaloandidsle, as he is not and
never was a trimmer. -Every one knows
when: and where to find Archie on any
subject and be ie the same to all, honest.
and truthful.
Yet there is another reason why the
windy Dr, dose not accept and it is along
,the same line. Ibis even hinted by big
supporters, and one who was a little
green and not posted on the ways el big.
nominee, stated after the Convention en
the streets of Brussels that it be accepted
be (mild not prsotiee int Dr. end that was
his teesnn for not aseepting tit the present
time, Yet if year readers only think
OW is the role he tilayed1 last time and
there it more truth than poetry lo hie
eletemeot in not being able to praotioe,
Ila earl praotioe medicine bat not ae he
to said t0 have done last time 0r 11 would
void hie eleOtion, Viet is : where the
Crabb comae in. .After' the last (dinette/
it wee°errantly elated tbat be bad done
a deal of free praotioe with the object of
getting votos and if he eseepted it might
stop this praotioe,
This was the ooarselis adopted in hie
campaign last time rad will be again.
Liberate were (met napping and it le 111)
to them this time to see that they are.
n01 again naught the Same way. East
Huron is oars if we united en we should
a Conservative, let alone a one 11,0
Liberal, should never have been elected in
the riding, :Take everything the Dr.
says in hie personal oanvaee with a
strong grain of salt as you are 'safe to
bet it ie not gospel he is telling you.
He dare not tell one hundredth part of
his yarns in pabilo where be ran be eon.
bradtated. One would bays thought MAI
ab their lest two meetinge at whiob there
were Cabinet Ministers a pabilo meeting
would beheld in the evening when the
general public would have been invited
to bear what they bad beau doing but
Bath was not the oasis they evidently
don't want light to be given. They al-
allowed the Provincial Secretary to walk
oat of town the same evening ma be met
them in the Hall as if they did not seem
pleased about his explanation of his
takiog the liquor question out of polities
as they had promised when, in power.
If every elector examinee Dr. Obie
bolm's personal cauvaseing statements
they will find them on a par with hie
610,000 yarn, All Liberals, eepeoially
those fooled lest time, and all fair mind.
ed Conservatives ehould make up their
mioda that East Huron will not be re.
presented by any each a man let him be
Grit or Tory. -
When Dr. McDonald was, first elected
be only got 61,000' indemnity and he
could truthfully say it ruined his pram.
Moe. The salary wee raised to 61600 and
Dr. Chisholm said if it was ruining his
praotioe he should step down, as he bad
been long time there and look after his
practise but now that it baa gone np to
$2600 and Dr. Cbieholm has been draw-
ing since he went there it wee one of the
things he telt the same as the Govern•
merit on. Yon may wonder that the Dr,
ebould say it bas ruined his praotioe 50
you wonid 'saturant, think $2600.00 and
what be makes when at home and the
free passes be gets to travel all over on
railways ought tosatiety any ordinary,
man but It don't satiety the Dr. He
meet mean that it ie his system of free
praotioe that ie raining the proceeds
from his practice if so be should be sent
Wok to hie praotioe and his home.
A LmaaAL.
Mrs. R. Paul was visiting in Wingham
last week,
Will. Grieve, of Brantford, was holi-
daying in Brnesele.
R. Harkness ie off duty thie week owing
to a sprained knee.
James Duntord, of Clinton, was in
town on Thursday.
Dr, and Mre. Hoseaok, of Innerkip,
were visitore in town,
Miosee McNaughton and Hingston
Sundayed at Wtngbam.
Mre. Eager and. daughter, Enid, are
visitors with Mrs, Leokie.
Miss Olive Mooney 'le home for the
holidays from Lundeeboro'.
Mre. Newton McCauley wee visiting
relatives in Ethel. locality..
Mre. J. D. Warwick was visiting at
Bernie, Detroit and other pointe,
Miee Georgia Roes, et Listowel, WRere-
newing old frindehipe in Brussels.
Mise. Herringer, of Mildmay, bas been
the omit of Min Margaret Ament.
Mies Troia Deadman is visiting Mrs.
George Miller at Wingham Jooation,
Misuse Georgie and Bethel Kerr are
holidaying with relatives in Listowel.
Mies Millie Grower is belidaying with
relatives in town and ie welcome book,
Mies Annie Grieve, of Paris, was holi-
daying in Brueeele on Dominion Day.
Robert Forrest, of Bran tford, has been
visiting relatives in Brussels and Morrie,
Mies Vera Ainlay is holidaying with
her sister, Mre. McIntosh, of MoKillop,
Mise Ilya Gilpin is spending part of
her vacation with Mende near,Jealorth.
Mrs. Murphy and son, Roden, visited
Mrs, R. N. Barrett, Wingham, last week.
Mise Mable Colvin has retained home
from her millinery position in Crediton.
George Raney, of Pada, was renewing
old trieudebipe in Bo:iam i on Dominion .
D Mrs, J. G. Skeane is away on a holiday
tit Port Dalboueie, Toronto and other
David and Mrs. Resit have both been
quite ill but we hope they will soon be
Miss Vera Danford is home for bar
Sommer vacation of a month from
Mre, (Dr.) Scott and son Harry, of
Seaforth, were in town on Thursday of
last Week,
Mre, C. Robertson, of Belgrave, wee
visiting Mre. Peter Weison, Queen street,
on Tuesday.
John Ranatotd the genial Salt Ring, of
Clinton, was in Broeeals on a bnsinees
trip last Tuesday,
Mre. Fred, Lowry, of Port Heron,
Miele, visited relatives and friends in
town for a week or so.
S. J. MoRee, of Ssakatoon, wee visit.
i11g in Braseele for a few days eombfning
heathen and pleasure.
Mies Maggie Soott,-of London, 55 boli-
daying in Brussels and.looality, She is
Mre. P. Wateon'e sister.
Miss Ethel Govier and Mise Myrtle
M y
were visitors with
the Misses Ounniughem.
Robert and Mrs. Hay, of Ulby, Miob„
ore Sieitors et Henry Heist's. The for-
mer will take a position as brahesmen on
the W. G. and 13, Mre, Hay is Mre,
Haist'a sister.
Mee Peart Sharp to away on a holiday
outing to St. Thome, Loudon and
Inger0oil for a week or so.
GeorgeTbomsou is aWay to Hawit•
stone, Ont„ to visit bis son George, who
18 109051101 of a Beak them,
Mrs. Wm, I''orreat and Miss Marion
are home from an enjoyable holiday visit
at Brautford and other please.
Mrs, W, Grower ie away to Jewels.
town, N, Y., en a visit to Mre. T. A,
Hawkins, formerly of Brunets,
J. Leslie and Mrs, Kerr, of Blyth, and
Mies May Reading, of Wingham, were
visiborein Jimmie over Snudey.
Mies Belie Heedereee is away on a
visit with relabivea and friends at New
York, Newark, Coney Island, eto.
Mee Bertha Dowding, of Toronto,
was the guest of Mies Mary Roes, She
Dame on the Huron Old Boys' Exonrsion.
J. D. and Mre, Ronald are back to
Brunets again from Detroit, glad to
eaoape the heat, duet and noise of the
Mr, .Harkness, of Teeswater, has been
visiting hie daughter, litre. Frieadsbip
and eon, Robb. Harkness, for the paeb
Mrs, (Ray.) Lang -Ford and Mies Nora,
who spent the past two weeks at barilla
visiting with relatives, has returned
We are sorry to state that Mre. W. Al.
Sinclair le not enjoying her nsuel good
bealth but we bope she will soon be fully
J. W. and Mrs. Leavens, of Owen
Sound, have been spending a week with
the latter's sister, Mrs. R. T. Hipgeton,
Mill street. -
Herbert Danford and bride, of Fox.
mead, filmes 0o., Ont., were visitore at
E. C. Dunford's last week. They were
on a bridal tour.
Russel Lowry has taken a poeition in
St. Thome, iu a large -bakery. He is en
induetrioua young man and will no
doubt give a good aotonntof himself,
Mre, Price and Mise -ltIsDnugell, of
Toronto, visited Mre, Oeter over Sun.
day. Miss McDougall will remain for a
time. Mre. Price went home Monday.
Mrs. William James andbelay, of Lon-
don, were visiting Mre. Harry -Jamie
at tbe American Hones. Mrs, Harry
James, or., aosampaoied ' Mrs, James
Dan. MoDoneld, wife and 8 children
erehere on a visit trona Tilbury. It is 4
years eines they were home. Mr. Mo.
Donald is doing well in Tilbury and his
old friends here hope it may long con -
George Heist, of Wingham, is in town.
He le on undesired holidays owing to blood
poisoning in bis lett baud, occasioned by
en iujery to the knnekie wbile work-
ing in robe ohmic factory. We hopehe
will soon be o. k.
Mrs. Clark, daughter sod son and Mrs.
Oraipksbauk and Clarence, of Toronto,
were viStots at Thos. Bone's Bruseete,
The ladies are daughters of the hoot.
Mise Gerbie and Clifford Clark will epend
their Summer vacation here.
Alex, Smith, who has enjoyed a holiday
visit with relatives and old friends in
Brussels for the past two months, left for
his home in Roseland, B. O., Thursday
morning of this week. He lied a good
time and will be welcome book.
(lies Edna Gerry, of Indian Head,
who was vieiting here, went to Paris last -
Friday to holiday with her aunt, Mrs. S.
Y. Taylor, formerly of Brunie. Mre.,
Bert Gerry, of Fort William, aosompan•
led her and will visit relativee in Brant•
Mrs. Fred F. Wilson, of Toronto ;George Little and Mies June Litt)e, of
Detroit ; Arthur and Mre. Lugedin and
eons, Murray and Leonard, of Toronto,
are visitors with Mrs. Wileon and Mies
Myrtle Wilson at Hawthorne Plane,
Mre. Wm,Moffett and son Alvin left
last Friday on a visit with the former's
mother at Sault Ste. Marie. We are
sorry to hear that Mre. Riobardeon has
been quite ill bat we hope she will soon
be all right. Mr. Moffatt may take a
holiday trip Northward also shortly,
Mre. A. G, English and eon Willie, of
Harding, Man., and dire. W. H. Dogfish
and eon Georgie, of the same place, ar-
rived here last Friday and are visiting at
George Colvin's, Brunets ,South. The
first mentioned lady is a daughter of
Mr, and Mre. Colvin and hue some home
to recruit her health witioh hue not been
es good as usual of Isle. We hope the
Ontario air will aid in building her up.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Council was
held Monday evening, the Reeve and
other members of the Board preeeut.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. The following amounts were
ordered to be paid on motion of Alf.
Bteekar and Jae. Ballantyne :—
Robert Oliver, on salary $ 83 83
R. Henderson, fuel., 84 80
N. MoOauley,gravel 66 26
Henderson, work on aimeet,,,. 6 00
Sellers ifs Hawthorn, worts on
street -
Tbaall Broe„ E.eotrie Light..,,. 1017 2686
ed. Niobolle, work on street...... 1 00
F. S, Scott, on Clerk's salary..,. 60 00
Moved by Jae. Bellantyna, seconded
by S. T, Plum that the commneication
from Thuell Bros. be lett over for further
oonelderation. Carried.
A resolusion was passed on motion of
R. Graham, seoouded by S, `d'. Plum that
the G. T. R. be written to poo mel:11 tg
their promise to put down a cement
sidewalk from the depot to Turnbsrry
street and that the same be done ab
oaee. -
Thegcarin ro
of uestion tele for
q p
Several culverts Wale property committee
easing about repairs to Town Hall ; the
alearieg'oat of drain on. West aide of
town were discussed and action taken.
In the latter the Smeltery' Inspector will
sae Wet work ie done forthwith,
The oousolidation of tdwn Bylaws was
tallied of end the Reeve sod Clerk wee
appointed to go aver By.luwo roterrisg
to publio morale, an motion of it,•
Graham arid Jas. Ballantyne, and draft
a new iffy -law if neoessary.
Oegnail then edjonrned.