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The Brussels Post, 1907-7-4, Page 5
ot II .�2 DORAL Vi STRATFORD. ONT. i,, and by Ito tburong8h work null Mauer• Was eetabllahoal beteuty pottier ago .yt, d,` 1/ able thentoge with its patrons tine neemno one of the largest enc; moot widelykuown Cetemerelal Oollegos 9 L 1n the Province. The detuau.l epee a uo for oommorelal t000kora stmt of• 4 atfir 1 , We see#e 4 graduatee t o oo •lice aeletaute greatly exooedo the ;DeusStod u n aro entering ea .v e i, Catalogue free. Li f,t A4L1U1'71 2 MQLA013L4N, JQ 11 GT Prleolpal0, W[ii 1 . aha �Slt irl t=l=li fb DIMNESS CARDS, ``/ H. MoQ1iACKEN— v v • Diener of Marriage Licensee, Of. Bleu at Leooery, Turnbarry street, Brunets, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANO.EI R AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Onwoe in the Post Ouleo, Ethel. 804 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG le prepared to give (memos on Plane or steed Urgae. Terms on application, PUeloffioo address-Bruoeelo. Reelaonue— Lot 8, Uou.10, tarty. Pupils may have their looaonx at their own homes i! preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL., ONT. MISS MARGARET Mv LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Mufiio. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Residence— WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INsa1AN0B, FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of Interest 50 per cent per annum , first Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT The Equity Fire Ineuranoe Company All business attended to promptly.. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 401i Division Court, AUCTIONEERS. til B. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION - 1 • ansa, will Bell for bettor prices, to batter men, in lose time and lase charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by p er0onal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONE. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the °Mae of Tun Poem, Brussels. 8211 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM_ . Honor Wraduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, ispreparedto treat alldie• eases of domesticated animate in a compet- ent manner, Partioular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and atllir Fever. Delle promptly attended to, 01Gce. and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et„, Brussels.. 'Phone LI k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, 5000e1001 to G. F. Blair. offioe over Stan- dard Sauk. Brussels. Solicitor for Metro - 'minim Sark, vvM. 'SINULAIE- • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary P ublio, &o.. Unice—S tewart'e Block I door North of Central Rotel. Solicitor foe the Standard Bank, 1,11CUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARttISTERS, SOLI01'1'ORRS. NOTARIES PUBL1J, 171'0. W. Pam:meow, R. O. 1i. 0. Hem G. F. /Wan. Offices—Those formerly tempted by Masers Cameron 8 Holt, OOnuuroa, OOrAmo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. F EILD' DENTIST Graduateof the Royal College of `Dental Y But•g cone of Ontario and Fiiet•olues Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OOlce' next to heower's Photograph. Gallery, BROSSELS.... Fall Term opens Sept. 8rd tr.; 41 �� Pays to Attend ai It y � OELL/OTT v TORONTO, ONT. The School that vanes TiIRST in and genii- ; thoroughness, b aiarlt u a g p p y e rout - 81, More a der a are lone ie g i.t10 more eat Bette are bladed in n i . � Omni salaries than in ons and I o year. art arse any provloua your. Writs today for -handsome catalogue, W. J. rimMo'TT, Principal. q, don. Tenon AND ALOXANDnn STS. f a toll $I,f&13 Holidays in heeineee. None in our work, AO ft is we cannot be- gin to supply the demand for our well ;ranted produote. Get into line now and Spend the Bummer in preparing toe a good salary. libber any day., Paetioulura fee. Write Central Business College 895 Yong° et„ Toronto W. H. Bnaw, Principal FORECASTS FOR JULY. The first storm period will centre on. the 2nd and Ord, with moon at last quarter and on the oeleetiel equator on the 2nd. On the 5612, Berth is fn aph, alien, and Uranus is in opposition, and Neptune le In onjanotion within few o 1 1 a hones ot each other. To aaY the loaot , Sweetening to violent Jaly Moeda and thunder—gusto will appear generally from the tad to the 4th, Oloudburabe need not surprise anyone. Wuteh your bar. ometer—squint at tieing elands—be ready. The mooed storm period is central on the 8th, with the opposition of Mare on the 6111, Moon in apogee and at. North declination on the 0112, and at tiew an the 10th. A vary warm wave will arse the county Lona the 6th to o y the 11th the barometer will tall to low readiugB and b catering thunder storms will reach aotive to violent culmia• atione on and touching the 8th to 1016. Look for only eaat'oring mine with poeeible (cloudbursts in localities widely eeparated. Rising barometer and change to cooler from about the 10412. The third storm palled is oentral on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the 1816, 14:12 and 15ib. The planet Mare ie not wily palming opposition, but he is nearer us Jiffy 12th then for fifteen Deere pest, or than he will befor fifteen yearn to come. The fast enters largely. into terrestrial .problems through- all t11te part of the m•nth,also -Jupiter; =junction on the lath. Seismic and volonia dietorbenoee will be most oat neat for a period of several days, eon - tering on and about the 10th, the date of a solar eclipse. Low barometer, threatening oonditione and probably heavy mid Summer etorme- will oulmin. ate about the 13t13, 14th and 15112. Ex seting eau8ee may prolong stoma and other dieturb0neee on through the 16th and 17th; into the nextretorm period. The fourth storm period le central on the 240h, 25112 and 26th. Tbe fall moon at an.eolipee end in perdigree falls on the 24th. Within forty eight hours of suneat on the 24th many storms and marked aei.mio disturbances will be beard from in many parte of the earth, so that a maximum of Buell phenomena may be noted. Tice temperature will fall after these eborme. The sixth storm period fella within a Mercury period. It is oentral on the 81st and extends from the 20th, two days into August. Change to moot warmer and gathering thunder storms begin in the Weet by the 29th and dor ing the four days following these eon ditione will pass Eaebwardly across the °country. Eau Bole by Force, Woolen By Charm And yet beoause they live lees Bbren• noualy, women neglect the early evidence of failing vigor. The wise women will not permit bet charms to be robbed by ill health. When she feels appetite failing, nerves getting on edge, Dolor fading, elle takes Ferrozone. How it ebarpene the appetite I How quiokly thole blood is available to restore oolor to the oheeke, buoyancyto the step. You are euro to bless the day yon commenced Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 60o boxes. BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. The Bruce County Connell met at Port Elgin for tbe•Jnne 8eeeion. The Granby rate has been inoreased from one and three'gnartere to one and eight menthe mills. A matter in County Council affairs that ie attracting a good deal of attention and not a little adverse eritf0ien', is the rebuilding of Denny'', bridge This bridge over the Saugeen not far from Port Elgin was swept away by the Spring freshet and there ie a diffeeenoe of opinion se to the ad• vieability of replacing it. The e0tim. abed poet of a newbridge was about 015,000, bat it appears that one eau nob be built for that. The Bunten, of Kincardine, have tendered for the erection of an iron bridge at Denny'e for 420,000, and tide has been accept• ed by the (lounail; subject, of course, to the paving of a By-law at a future ae itu or Connell after i1e a duet• eiecment. A epeoial session of the Connell will be held at Paisley an Oe• tober to deal with snob a bylaw. SONS OF SCOTLAND. Tbe 24th anneal mission of the Grand woe held ab Niagara Uem 0. S. N BB r, FaI1. 'r eleation of aims resulted The as follows: --- Alexander Fraser, of Toronto, (re. elected), Grand Chief; F. S. Mearns, of Toronto, Grand Chieftain ; D. M. Rob• erteon, of Tu,outo, .(re coated), Grand Secretary 1 Alexander Hay, of Toronto, (re aleoted), Gradd 'Patentor ; Rev, Dr, Bremner, el Ripley; Grand Chaplain; Dr. Time, Wylie, of Toronto, (re•eleot. ed), Grand Medical Examiner ; J. Mo. Klllop, of Weet Lorne, Grand Merebal ; a George Hid, of Calgary, G Grand Senn. deminearer ; Nao ltl nald of Brae°. trid •e Grand Senior Guard tGeorge Hamilton, of Attwood, (re elected), Grand J unior Guard ; Albert Johnson, of Belleville, Grand Pipe Major; 'i'he 1 xeautive committee is eompoeed of Toronto• ( re elected), on of John Frr u ° g Rev. Dr, MoRrte, ' of Loudon John 1'ytler, of 'Toronto, William Johnson, .ter Bertram- o[ am• of .Mur a Pe Ram- ilton, nt, and W. U. Gilchrist, of '0rillia. After a long debate the proposed tbange in insurance rates was referred Week to the Exebative Comtpittee, whieh will report at the Greed Oagtp 1u 1900 The oa0itetian Inst wee 1 d fromI s ll e I lap a Iwo to al per 't• a 6f 1 lir, vacate a then mummify, to 'bittern 0.21e per month, payable monthly, The matter of organization wee left to the Exeoa1ivo Committee witlt power to sot, ',Che pxeeptive will revert on the proposition la permit members to enter the eiok bnelle/Benoit without entering the life lnauranoe branch. !Tree for Catarrh, just to prove merit, it trim eine box of Dr, Shoop'e batnrrlr Remedy, Let me egad It now. It ie a euow•wtute, creamy, healing antispetio balm, Conteining each healing mgrs. dieut0 ae 011 Euualiptuo, Thymol, Man. Wool, eta,, it glues ;natant and Iaetiog relief to catarrh bf the nose lend throat. Make the free teat sed see for yourself what thie pra atdo can and wiII le o oompliah,Addreoa Dr, Shoup, Reefer WIN. Large jure 50 cents, Sold by all, dealers. Orates tSr r),011‘ . Salloo° Raron'r.-The following ie Oranbrook eohool ,report - for June, Names are fu order of merit :-Entrance wan—Emma Hueter, Harold Smalldon, Inciter Sperling, Mary kluNiobol. Sr, IY—Bealrloe MoQaarrie, Mina Fox,. Lillian Dark, Muriel Sperling, Vola Long, Julia Balser, lioy MoQaarrie, Leila Sparring, Jessie Menzies. Jr, IV— Arthur Fox, Bessie Aldoraod, Lan Mo Donald. Br. 111—Orme Stelae, Harvey Noble. Jr: III—May Hunter and Addie Spading (even), Lacy Alderson, Mamie Cameron, Bueeel. Knight, Hazel Ma Douaid, Leslie Petrie, George Smalldon, dr. II—Evelyn MONlabol, Lo'o Steiee, Gordon 0ameron, Edward Smalldon, Jr, II—Lent Noble, Elgin Porter, bred. Fischer. Sr. Pb. II—EIeto Spading, ar i p g' Maakie Parrie, Gordon IIKnik bt Thelma a Bmalldou, Enrl Ray mann, Charlie Mor row, Lily Raddatz, Oscar GorenlilA Arnold Flutter, Jr, Pi, II—Hilly Aldareon, Madeline Baker. Alvin Ham tier. Primary—Wilfred Cameron, • Wel. land Kreuter, Johnny Schnook, Clare Long, Stuart Noble, Mary Long, Bee. tiara Fischer, L. A. MdrR{AY, Testator. Let Tho Stenmtich Alone Yon can't sure by dosing the etomaoh The disease is in the throat and bronchial tubae. Lihale Oatarthozone to the spot where the diseaee really ie,—it clears sway the foul seoretione,stops dieohargee at once, parifiae and heals the peerages, literally annihilates every traoe of Catarrh. Nothing else is eo direot and eo certain ae "Oatarrhozone-” Remits guaranteed, Two sizes 25o and 01 00 at all dealers. .tl...twoo(i. Tom Alex:auder, well driller, met with a paiufal aoaidnt having hie nose badly broken. John Patton, of Ford City, Web., ie emending a few weeks with hie parents, Lemuel and Mrs. Pelton. One of the members<of a saw mill gang got several fiogere slashed with the saw while working near Mr. Vippond'e. Atwood Lodge, L. 0. L. No. 630; will miracle for divine eerviee at St. Alban's Episcopal Church on Sunday afternoon, July Selo, at 2 30 p. m., when the Rev. H 1'. Westgate will preach. Bix oaodadabea from the Atwood public lollool were writing at the High 'School Entranoo Exams., at Listowel last' week. Iwo of the pupito wore unable to write owing to en.ottaak of mumps. Three Euglieh families bave rented the upstairs portion of Jame° Feegueon'e store. The men are employed at the oement works. Our village needs some imitable houses for renting purposes. At the closing exercises of Whitby Ladies' College among the prize winners we are pleased to see the name of Mies Agnes Diokeon, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Diokeon, 8th coo., West.. Mies Aggie took a high stand in junior vocal work. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it ie made for piles alone, and rte notion ie positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles die, ;appear like m0gio by it's nee. Large oiokel•oapped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. Ethel. Son000 Raronm.—Beport of Ethel Pab• lit School for May. Names arranged in order of merit based on etanding in week ty examioatione.—Senior department— Claes V—Beotrioe Bateman, Elsie Dun bar, Ruth Engler, Edith MoKee, Edwin Hemsworth, Sr. IV—Alvin MoKee, Edwin Thompson, Roy Eokmier, James Bremner, Annie Thompson, Charlie Haueuld, Celestine Dane, Rose Fraser, Annie Cooper, Irene Heath, Laving Mo• Leod, Harris Eokmier, Agnes Thomp. son. Jr. IV -Freda Freeman, Irene Engler, Alice Barr, Vera MoCall, Wil. feed Eokmier, Lizzie McIntosh. Sr. III—Clifford Dunbar, Robert Loose, L zzie Thompson, Joe Cooper, Spence Hemeworth, Harvey Smith, Pearl Me - Kee, Elsie Maybury. Jr. III -Noble McKee, Gristle Bottler, Pearl Bateman, Norman Addy, ©live Cooper, Elwin Dobson, 'Cecil Eakmfer, Lyall MOAT• lister, Stanley Straohan, Verd Pol. lard. A. H. MAODGNALD Principal. Junior department:—Sr. IL—Banal! Eokmier, Reggie Hemeworth, Rose (loathe, Grace Balmier, Wilfred Thomp- eon, George Cote, Edith Ferguson, Edith Heath, Jr. II—Lninda MoNeelaode, Roy Dunbar, Pearl Dobson, Della ltle• Kee. P1. II—Harold Freeman, Maggie Goatee, Stuart McDonald, Floosie San de ra Lockhart Dane Stanley Gill Lydiadi a lhlbfdeaa, Pt.I (u)—Laura Hemeworth Harold Love, Louie Marten, George Pollard, Willie Cole. Pt, I (b)—Edith Eokmier,. Lillian Davidson, Marion To Our Patrons . A $ we have entered on our eeoond year delivering milk to the people of Brussels we wish to thank 11 who have favored no with their patronage and to thank those especially who have been regular in putting out the empty bottles ae-it saves 110 itt of trouble, To our regular customers milts Will be 5r. o quart the year round,but to those who only d take it in Winter when milk is shares and takes so mt1011 more labor and fend to or duce i it i11 be Go. Our aim ill o t w w be pleads one petrous and give as good value ae possible. 48.11 OHAS. ROZELL Thompron, lames Lucke,: Evelyn Ido 'Mesh, John 11rn 11, Ru sell MrNoelandv, Steven 'ln'hi t• n It 1 (e) —Pavia Melt a Pent L tee, Berlin 1 o e, Ito.. eel' Reenter, myrtle Lamont, t,Euaet ,flub• eon, (•adye Bomb, Irma Mott ell, Er.91a M. 1?oNKAox, Assf84ant. lit ot10rftce0*. . The Farmers' Inetitnte exourelon to 0uelph carried, about 1700 people, 80 tir•t it Was Ile panni a rumness, The jewelers of town have agreed to ohne their places of business on Wednee• day afternoons during the monthe of July and August,, At the late meeting of Huron Synod itt Loudon, Hie !donor Judge Holt was ep. pointed to represent the Dioneee on the Senate of Trinity Univereity, Tuesday, August 18, has been fixed as the` opening day of the Goderiolt bowing olub'e mutual tournament, J. H Ttgert, W. A Moliim and Aodrew Porter have been appointed a committee to par - abase the prizes for the tournament, The promoters of tbe Goderioh Wheel Rigs pompeny concluded the purobaee of the six mores adjutant to the Kerning• ton Furniture Company, on which 10 erect their buildings. Mr. Lloyd, press dent of the company, ie expeoted to come. here from Menominoe, Mioh„ ju n few days, s, and the building a n tracts will pro Deed ea soon ae poeeible. Our °Rizene generally and a wide oirole of friends will regret the death of George W. Th•tmeon, whuee illness caused hia removal to the Alex•sndria Hospital. Mr. Thomeou'e condition had become to weak that the operation, whioh was the only hope of giving him relief, could not be performed and be died at an early hour Chareday morning. The funeral took Paea t Sa nrdxY afternoon. Are Von Losing Leeks or Strength v Ouoe you were robuet, bright and nappy. To day you are dull, worried, taping in vitality and appearance. Jeat when you should be at your beet you're played out and need a cleansing, bracing tonic. You're blood will soon redden, your vivacious spirit will soon return, you'll be yourself again if you regulate the eyetem with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. it eearobeo out dieeaee, positively drives away headaobe, weariness, and look of vital foroe. Give yourself a Aimee. Use Dr, Hamilton's Pine and watch the result. Sold everywhere in 25o boxes. L.104(0 wet. R. 0. Bamford bad some of hie fingers badly lacerated by the shaper in Bamford Brosplaning mill, W. S. Binning, merobant of Moose Jaw, Sask., eon of W. E. Binning, architect, spent a week in town. Lewis Bolton, D. L. S., lett on Monday for Pa Pae, Sask., where he wee commie. Monad by the Dominion Government to do some settlement surveying. Mrs, Bolton accompanied him ss far aa Winnipeg. The corner atone of the new obaroh of the Evan Lutherian congregation at Kartzville was laid Sunday afternoon. llev. W. Weinbaoh, of Bebringville, delivered the Garman and Rev. 0. Grose the Engliob address. Rev. Mr. Saunders, formerly pastor of the Baptist church here, epee; a sew days In town. Mr. Sanders has recently re. turned from the West, where be was en• gaged in edaaational work in oonoeotiou with tbe Baptist Church. He purposes returning to the West again shortly. A Convention of the North Perth Con eervetive Association has been called for the purpose of nominating ondidatee for the House of Commons and Ontario Legislature. .The Convention will be held at Milverton on Saturday, July 6th, at 11 a. no. A. F. MaoLareo, M. P„ who ie at present in Vancouver, is expeoted. home in time for the Convention. BP" tlo. T. J. Haoketep has purchased the Howard blook on Queen street, nooeieting of two stores, from John Howard. The Eckhart family, the Swine bell- ringere and entertainers, will give a eon• cert in Indneiry Halloo the evening of the 12112. Last week the white pony owned by W. Meson (same to a madden end on account of being obolted to death. The halter got tangled around hie. oeok. At tbe Entrance examination 39• pupile wrote at Blyth school, Anburn sending nine, Londeeboro eight and Blyth eight, the rest coming from the country schools. Rev. W. H. Hartley, who attended the Huron Synod in London, was oiosen as cue of the executive of the. Alumni Society, which ie in o0nneolion with their obaroh. L. G. Constable, of Wingbam, has dis- posed of hie barbering business to Wm Davie, of Ayton. Mr. Davis ie a ,eon of Mre, E. Davie, of town, and a brother of Jae. Davis. T. W. Soolt left for London where be wee joined by Robt. Milne, They left Montreal by the Dominion Line steamer Southwark on Saturday for a trip to the Old Country. For the convenience of the country people Postmaster McKinnon will have the poatofioe kept open till 8,80 p, m, during the months ot July and August on S atarda •avenin e, Chief Westlake had the Blyth lookup repainted and fixed up generally, and Inset week put a [nab coat of paint on the weigh etudes sad the frame work of the new water tank, Bonn Hoata,—The people of Blyth were surprised" to bear that Mrs. G. E. Denetedt had atb assed away her home P iu Corrie on Thursday evening, June 20th, at the ago of 88 years, 10 months and 17 days. Mrs, Denetedt was born et Waterloo and with het parents moved to Morris townehip, 1} miles North of Blyth, Her maiden name was Mary Ennobling. Deceased was married over 19 yearn ago to her now bereft husband and they moved to Auburn where her husband bad a hardware store and later moved to Blyth, The past five yeere they have lived in Gerrie. Two daavh. tete, Pearl and May, ate left, to mourn the loge of a kind end loving mother, the ria Mrs. Donated; d an In S had at. Spring Mink of la grippe atter which in fiamma• tory rbeomatiiom-set in. She was only alok a month. The funeral took plane on Saturday from Gerrie station at 11 a. no, the serviette being conducted by Rev. Mr, Waite, Mebhodiet minima and 'motor r o[ the deceased, The Ladies' Aid and Mie• eionary Sootety marched from the hones r to the station and ae the ;Tofu Wag pull. 1 a p 1 ing out saw "Shall we gather at the river," The body arrived here on, the 4 p. m. train and prooeetledto the Union cemetery followed by many friends, Bea. View 1 idlleys for So. a Iffy, Weak kidneys that are leaking your batik et:100--1,11at are ina1,1n8 you suffer with Rlteuniatism, Sciatica, Lumbago' -,t aro changed into well, strong kidaeye by Bu -Ju, It is Bo.Jto—.the Gentle Kidney Pill—that heals the kidneys; 1 gives you practically a nen pair of organeand corrects all Bladder Troubles. If you know you have Kidney Trouble, or fyoususpect't r i it by he paitie in the back,headacheo, frequent desire to urinate —take Bu J20 on our positive guarantee that it will cure you or stoney refunded, goo, a box—at druggiste. Tho attain Chem. Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont, 68 Mr, Anderson officiating at the grove. The deceased leaves three brothers and three slitters to mourn her lose. The pall bearers were all Corrie friends— Netters, Gregg Hamilton Sberor, 00there, Beswitheriok and Stinson. To the mourners the people of Blyth and vioioi- ty extend their heartfelt sympathy. The following pupils of the Blyth sobool are writing on the Junior Leaving Examination t—Ella Taylor, Eva Btotbere, Muriel Ohellew, Myrtle Phillips, Annie Stuart, Wilfred Weir and Emanuel , L onePrinui al Canter - to, P to, of Brunets, le in charge. Ex•Beeve and Mrs, Stoat and their eons and daughters and grandohildren and other friends, to the number or lour teen, visited the County town sea pio•ni0 party. They apeut the day in and around Gnderieh:returning in the even ing by way of Clinton, They report hay. ing had a very enjoyable time. Tbe Morrie District L. 0. L. meeting was held Monday afternoon in III h and rePreee Esti oo were here from Auburn and Loudeebaro also County Master Burney, of Dnegannou. In the evening the regular meeting of Blyth Lodge was held and committees were ap• pointed for the 12th. The reoeplin oommittee is Brae. J, H. Ohellew, R, Viot, D. Taman and A. Wilford. The Lodge has engaged the 83rd Regt, Band, of Goderiob, to play daring the day. THE NEW REMEDY. Take it Now that Vacation Days are Fast approaching. Thousands of men and women are anxiously looking forward to the vasa. tion days that Dome in Jane, July and August—not eo maob for the pleaenre or enjoyment as for the ebonite of getting rid of their ill health. To thoroughly drive away troubles of the stomach most people think they have to melte a baeinese of it with dieting, exeraiee and perhaps a vacation, BM Mi o-na stomach tablets taken with regularity, io a very few days will drive away indigestion, dizzy epelle, die• Ewe after eating, headaches, sleepless- ness and the many other symptoms of bed digestion and eloggiehueee of .the dijteetive orgaoe that keep people from enjoying themselves. Day after day, at work behind desks or in the factory with poor sunlight and air Boon results in elaggiehneee of the entire phyeioal and mental apparatus. The first Blight eymptome of indigestion Gan be easily oared, bot when they are allowed to increase without any help, then the stomach complaints become bard bo shake off. Strengthen the whole digestive eyetem with Mi•o•na and you will soon find that both etomaoh and bowels do their work ae they should. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 500. box of Mi o na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the reantte. Mb-o•na is sold by draggielo everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of prioe, 50 cents. Booth's Miona Company, Bo Melo, N• Y From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only for his commission as agent ? We and ants aguarantee employ no gg a ee all our work for five years, Wilson 8 hunter 10111188 RLS Heart Strength Rear; Strength, or Heart Weakness, reennsNerve Strength, • or Norvo weakness—nothing num, Pos• itiVoly, not ono Weak heart in a hundred is, in It. soli, actually diseased. It Is aimed; always n hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault, This obscure ;serve—the Cardiao, or Hoeft Nerve —simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more Controlling more governing ttrenBth. Without that the Heart renal continuo to fail, and the stomach and kidneys' also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why,as a medicine,. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in thpost done so much for weak and ailing Harts Dr Shoop first sought the censeof ae this Painful, p ittin g , suffocat- ing ng heart distress. Dr, Shoop's Restorative—this, Copular erinn—is directed in these r1, genuine hestDlp If you would haveStrongHearts, strong di. kostio0,strengthen' those ;nerves— re-establish thorn as needed with .wt Dr, Shoop Restorative "ALL DEALERS" onl...J•'t✓,'4,.1'lJ•.blez:Juutl 41 'Joei-1rfk.K a Pure Ice Cream axed. Summer Drinks Pine ApplesBananas s na a California Oranges High Class Confectionery Fancy Biscuits Good Groceries Smokers' Supplies 7!)At alec115aa���••�,�•••��••pry_t��t ��,,��pp��••••��pp••��I��q�,�p•• �y qtr•({f}•���y.�y-�,y��•�Qt,�••p�y1�•© 'lr"J'•Ly"�k„J••1,.�'•�Ifie E�'C..J',,y'•l-i`tY'lJ"LIR..J•'�.Y"lJ'•l.02 aliollol Holler Flour Hills W'trtt1t1'I hl,'e; t'n,'t'huh'4,Nde,nl. We have just received a car Toad of Ogilvie's Famous "Royal Household" Flour in 25 ]b., 50 lb. and 100 lb. sacks. Now is she time to Jay in a supply as Flour prices are advancing. "WHITE LOAF" FLOUR the product of our own manufacture, is without an equal. Give it a trial and be convinced. T L ICF,PT on hand for sale or in exchange for Oats. All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. Webque,indeAbllu'bine'1,Il)II(n, W M. & R.A.PRYNE BRUSSELS wan & Co. Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition. The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes oan odour to any purchaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no slack stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back Maya. 0'ur Buggies have improvements that no other Bnggieahave. 100 BUGGIES To SELL Likewise all kinds of Rubber Tire Buggies on hand. We invite in- tending purohaseroto inspect our stook and buy a Buggy made by Ewan & Co. in Brussels and save your money. We also handle along with our own Buggiee, work of reliable firms snob as Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re- quiring them. Gall and bay at Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save money. OLD BUGGIES Re -painted, Tops Relined and Covered and made as good ae new. Call and get our Prices. EWAN & CO. m amt-riAri ai ii�a�4aar aqt raa1ffi tS�10:a Aia4 gars 1 rEICES Ice Cream 5 CTS. FOR Ice Cream Soda In any of the Popular Flavors 5 OTS. 10 1ICE Fruit Sundaes and Maple Walnuts iCitliAll 1Q the Co . For m 100. 3 FOR 250. Syrup Sundaes 5 OTS. Com- ing Summer J. W. KERNEY