HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-4, Page 44t •Airitssels TfMMDAY . JULY 41D07 t _. pNQ(lI N .PARK AND THE HINTERLAND, Br T. W. 0fU80N, Summer in the Northern wrode has maltitedo of Marna. Everyone de. lighle In shedding the trappings of Wlvlltz talon ter a time ; and in propelling, hie aanoa over the watery highway at, forded by the endless euauegeion of river and lake, and in carrying It on his should• ate over the portage, the traveller aonaoiouely returns to the methods of hie Indian predecessor') or of the =treats de bole, who were ae Mtllle(' in woodcraft ea their Indian °wane, The sparkle of the lake sleeping in tbe eunehine alter- nates with the shady depths of the torea6. The evergreen ehoree seat and eatiefy the eye, and the presence of wild life in theterm of a deer, airmail and other game and fur bearing miriade, not to speak of dab, anobae trout and blank Wise, adds oolor and lutenist to the aoene. To pitch ones tent at nightfall, to boil the tea kettle and fry the bacon, to matte a rou.Ing fire on the rooky beagb, end then to turn in beneath the blankets, spread on a coach of balsam boagbe,is not to spend a holiday merely ; it is to taste a new and different life, and to experience all the fresh and unexpected 9eoaetions which belong to it. Dwell a little lodger on the evening acne. The Wisdom oast by the pines on the Western ehoree of the lake grow longer and deeper, until from your oanoe you can namely dietiugnish the line Where water ends and land begins ; bat yon strike the portage and pitch your tent tor the night, After the evening meal wood is piled ou tbe camp fire, pipes are lit, and .nag and story airole round the blaze, In an interval of eilenoe a long, nob anmoeiaal wail etrikee the ear from a diatanoe ; it ie the bowl of the wolf, "willing to wound but afraid to strike," at once the ruffian and the coward of the woods. The lapping waves marmur against the rook., the breeze sighs among the pine needles, and with the friendly stare twinkling through the treetops, Bleep comae quickly, riot to be dispelled anal the early beams shine through the white walla of the tent and waken the inmates to another no hes day'eaotivity, The traot of country comprising tbe bead watere of the Petawawe, the Bonneebere and Madawaska, running East into the O.tawaRiver, the Amable de Pond, r0nniog North into the Mattawn the South River into Lake Nipising, and the several brenobee of the Muskoka emptying into Georgian. Bay, resembles the other portions of the great rooky region extending from the Muskoka lakes on the South to lake Temagami on the North in ite roughoeae, its unsuitability for agriculture its ooniferious foreabe, its abnndanae of water, and ite fitness to be the home of wild animals and birds. There are no mountains in Aigoequin Park, or for that matter in any part of Ontario, but there ie a enoaeeeion of glaciated hills which, Been in the diatanoe, resemble the rounded waves of a gently heaving sea. For the moot part the timber in AI. gonquin Park 000eiete of the ooniferiona varieties. Of these the principal is the pine, white and red. The increasing vine of pine is shown by the fent that a Bingle tree of fair size, when made into square timber or not Into deals, is easily worth $50. Lumbering operations have been oarried on in this region with vigor, and now the greater part of the native pine ie gone, ase gone with it are much of the majesty and beauty of the foreet. There are extensive groves of young pine in many p'aoee, and if fire is kept out these will in time take the plans of the original tree., bit ordinary limbering methods too often lead to a conflagration ; and it seems almost to be accepted ae a matter of course that fire, mire or leas destructive, will follow in their wake. Beeideg the pine there are cedar, hem'ook, tomato', baleam and sprout: and oa many of the ridges birch and maple grow freely. A. pine forest is gloomy and it is often a welcome relief, atter the deep shade of the oonfiere, to emerge on a slope where the birch sad mep'epreduminabe and where the can. shine fells more freely on the ground. Wild animals are abundant, bat are seldom seen. They are ally, and have the knack of dieappearing silently when danger ie enep.nted. There may he abundant signs of bear, and you may hear the chorus of the wolves at night bat you will seldom eee a bear or wolf. The red deer and moose are more in- quisitive in their na'ure, and of an Augaet afternoon, paddling along the marshy banks of lake or river, you may often see the deer feeding in groups of three end four, their red mate °entreeb. ingpleaeently with the background of green. The, deer, when dieoovered, eyes you for a time, then tune with a snort and throwing aloft the white flag of hie tail bestride graoefally into the woods. The moose in the Fall of the year le the moot dangerous animal of the foreab, far more to be feared then wolf or bear. He roams the bills oballenging his rivals, and a straggle between two fall -grown castes is a gladiatorial mutat indeed, On the walla o[ my office bang the interlooked antlers of two boli moose whose bodice were found in Algonquin Park one Spring half eaten by wolves. Mutually entangled, the death struggle WW1 fatal to both. The meet interesting animal is the beev •r. When the park was established in 1898 the beaver wad praotioally ex. Meat ; now its demo and lodges may be seen on almost every stream cod lake, A moonlight night ie the beet time for watching the beaver et work. If die tnrbed he dives at once, bringing hie fiM hairless tail down on the surface of the water with a reminding wheal whiab serves ae a signal for hie friends and neighbors to take acre of themaelvae. The otter too with hie onrioae habit of tobogganing down a steeply eloping river bank into the water, is fairly plentiful and 'ea are all the other varietiee of timelier fur animals, The ohief kind of fish found in Aigon• quin Park ie the front, whioh frequents the lakes., but there i8 also good fishing for: broolc trout on the Pebawawa and other stream'. 01 late genre bleak base have been in'rodioed from the Georgian Bay, with great guooese, This gamey fhb ie now quite plentiful in the watere int which it was placed. 7,1 There ars many partridge In the pa and wild duolie of venjoue kinds fairly numerous, bat there ere no r bade gaol) es aItrpet the Minitel migr long of (Melte in other parte of the P vinoe, ..4 number of eaperoailize w brought over from Norway it ` few ye ago I ago, au d liberated tad iq Ai ort u1n Pa K q Bcuoda have elude been seen from ti to time, and It to believed tide maga omit bird -the male le as large as a w turkey -ie being eaelimattzed, 4 due trip ie to put your Canoe in t water at Joe lake and paddle your way a Northeasterly direotion earwig the oh of tattoo and waters into the Petawia aid as tar se Cedar Lake; thenoe Nor westerly from Ceder Lake bo 1 ioehkoq Lake. This trip and return pap bo ma in Mout ten days, The portages are heavy, the oanoeing and fishing are goo you pens through unbroken toreet 1 praetioally the 'whole of the way, and the weather ie favorable you will hav trip lung 10 be remembered. Algonquin Park with its germane toreste and its abundauoe of wild li will perpetuate the primeval oouditto of the aptitude of Uutarto and is tint to be the recreation ground for the jad oity dwellers not only of Ontario but much of the territory South of the b der liue se well, Tho queen of Northern lakes ie Tem gami. Previous to the emanation the Temiekaming & Northern Outer Railway the only ingress was by t canoe route up the Metabibchewan rip from Lake Temiekaming. The fav, able return trip was by way of Menthe River, ettber via Lady Evelyn Lake an Mattawapika Faits or by Red Squirr Creek nod Anima Nipieeing Lakes, t journey ending with a atone's throw where it began, for the Montreal at Metabitahewan rivers enter Lake Temi homing at a'moet the same point. Tb low, rounded hills whioh enolose tt lake, the bright blue of ite waters au the sombre verdure of its pioe.olad ebur are elements of eeenery which do n differ from those oommon to other par of rooky North Ontario-Algonqui Park, for Inatome ; but the soiitude an perfect wildceee of the eurronndiuge, fre from evideuoee of man's Intrusion, grea ly heightenedtheabarme of *hie beautifa body of water as it met the traveller' eye, say, half a dozen years ago. The it took two days' paddling from th banks of Lake Temlekamiug, itself re mote from civilization ; now the Govern meutrailway lande you at Temagami etetion, and you have your ohoioe of ei or eight comfortable little steamers t rnu down the Ion arme of the lake or t g BearIeland, where is the Hudson's Be Oumpany'e poet, amd where lives th Temagami band of Indiaoe and ball breeds, of whioh old Malcolm Maclean lately deceased, was the patriarch Brought out from a Northern Swinish Isle nearly sixty years ago in the service of Hudson's Bay Company, Maloolm eettled on Temagami and raised at least two families -in succession of oonrae- by hie Indian wives, Handsome women amd tall, eta•wart men they are, too, dark of hue and spare of speech, whose English eeotenoee are wbimeioally suggestive in phrase and accent of their eemi•Eighlaud origin, Temagami ie fall of islands, of all sizes flanked for the most part with angular boulders, and not ao often ae could be wished for bathing porpoeee, with sandy beaches. In the deep waters of the lake thrive the great trout famous for their size and quality, which are taken in the Fall of the year with troll and spoon. The record fish for Temagami is 85 pounds in weight. Moose are plentifnl on the eboree. One Antam afternoon a little steam leunob ae it threaded its way among the ielande corned a point, and there on the main- land direetly in front stood a noble buff moose. Fearlessly be watched the ap- proaching boat in the prow of whioh knelt an Iodine with a rifle preeeed to hie ,boulder. Presently the moose turnedleiearely to the bosh and kinked viciously as a bullet streak him in the flank. We landed and found the caroms fifty miles from the shore. The party on the boat did not need the flesh for food, and cue at least on board felt that he had participated in a murder. Btretobing from the Ottawa River to the Manitoba boundary ie a great treot of territory, abounding in lakes, ranging in size. from mare ansa to bodies P of Water many agnate miles in area, con- taining n number teas river e and d etresme which invite the tourist and the angler, and covered for the most part with toreet broken into, alae I too sorely by the inroads of fire and lumbermen, In• numerable are the canoe routee through- out this region ; but some of the streams tumbling ea they do down the steep and narrow elope ou the Southern aide of the watershed between Hudeon Bay sod the great lakes, are too strongly marked by rapids and cascades for oonveulent canoeing. Swill are the Sturgeon, Miseiseaga and others. Bat many are more winding and lees abrupt. A spice - did bit of oanoeing is found oa the Ver. milion River from Larobwood, on the 0. P. R., bo Vermilion Lake. The oar. rent ie broad and deep, and there are no obetructione aid no portages. On the Northern shore of Lake Soper- iorimany rivers contribate'their quota to the great inland sae, The prinmpal one is the Nepigoo, whiab cerrtee the overflow of the magnifioent lake of the same name. There are many good trout streams in this region, oat of the Nepigon ie the most lemons. The huge specimens of speckled trout mounted on birch bark which one eeee hanging on sportsmen's walie have their native home in the Nepigon, and single dei weighing ae moot ae eight pounds have been taken in this river. Lake of lbs Woods commies in Nortb— weeterh Ontario the plane whioh Lake Temagami or Lake Nipieeing weepier', in the Beet, It affords delightful steam- er navigation, and with its hundreds of islands offers many points of similarity to the Thousand .Ielaod regions of the St. Lawrence, It receives the waters or bbe Batley River, into which rune the, overflow from streams on both aides of the boundary line, and which is itself' navigable fob eteamere, except at low water, as tar se Fort Frances, where are, the celebrated talks of the Rainy River,, Few voyages are of greater interest than, a trip down the fertile valley of the Rainy River ltd Lake of the Woods, and se to. Bat Portage -beg pardon, Senora. Oth- er taken have thele trout and base, but Lake of the woods )tae ire sturgeon, whioh are naught in quantities by Amer- d toga companies, for the lake le an inter- national body of water. o North of the height of land the country O is essentially of the same type ae on that t Ili .1 Booth mutt) the great Way belt le reaoi,p'1, are 'There the rooks dive way 10 arahle laud, and Ile red end white pine 1IIO 1e to graves of spruce, baleen), tamarao and balm of. Gilead. The rivers flowing Northward through the glacial olaye are muddy' and opaque, t 'r n'I oou raettl e tCo K 6Y wllh the Wear to a which trill/arse a wa r hf b the granite and gneise on the Southern elope, home ere muob leve fregaented by doh. We may look for the day when {lie Northern area of oley will eupport many tboueaude—at may bo mithono--of peo— ple, Even bllen the vast, rough, broken, wooded territory whioh bordere the great Lifland eeae will continue to eerve a neefttl purpose, both to those who live to the North and tboee who live to the South, in providing a cool retreat from the heat of Bummer, a pleasing point of pocteat with the (teatimes and beauty of mature, and a meene of reinvigoration and re— cuperation for nerves and brutes over— taxed with the straggles cud competition of aoomplex' civilization. • lee at, to, ere are rk, me ill• ltd he in Ain wa th, ni de riot d, Or If ea nt le, ne ed ed of bo a. of io he e1 r• al d el he of id e• e la ea 0E. to a 0 e • x 0 Y HATE YOU CATARRH.? Breathe liyomel and Belief Rud Cure ryHl fie Guaranteed. 11 yon have catarrh, with offensive breath, burning paiue in the throat, diffionity in breathing, reiaiag of mnoone,diaoharge from the noes, boll ling or dropping from the bank of the throat, coughing spasms, eta., begirt the use of Hy•o mei at once. Hy•o mei is made from nature's Booth• ing oils and balsams and ooutaine the germ kitliug properties of the pine woods, Its medication is taken in with the air you breathe, eo that it rename the moat remote part of the respiratory organa, kitliug all oeterrhal germe and soothing any irritation there may be in the mamma membrane. We do not want anyone's money unless Hyomei gives relief add owe, and we absolutely agree that money will be re. feuded unless the remedy gives eatisfea tion. All druggists should be able to sap ply you with Hyomei or we will Bend it by mail on reoeipt of prioe, $100, and every package ie sold with the distinct understanding that 11 00818 nothing an lees it ooree. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Your Painful Corn What it wente ie the soothing attention of Patuam'e Corn Extractor, which lifts oar the very root and branab in abort order. No Pau n o aftereffect, 'net olean wholesome ore -that's "Putnam,." Cows Pastured on The Road To The Editor of The News -Record : Dat Sia. -My attention bas been oall. ed to an editorial in Tin Baoeeare Poo oommeoding the wisdom of the County Ooanoil in not (as it says) purobaeing the 80 acre farm for $7,000 from Mr. Plum• steel. My object le calling attention to what he says is to have the public kuow the facts in regard to the land. Why could he not have stated the oorreoe amount of laud 7 When the committee galled to examine the farm I proposed to Bell the whole farm, bat they said they would not bay any bat what was adjoin ing the House of Retnge lot, on the Puokeremith aide, and if they boagbt that they wanted the crop now on the farm. lo order to meet their require• menta I offered them 92} sores of land tor 97000 and the crop tur 950D, about the actual cont of putting it in, and to -day ae it etande it is worth 91,000. My offer lo them would bave lett me with part of the farm with no buildings. He ,aye they have enough bo do to work the 50 acres they have. In the first plane they never bad but 474 acres, and when the gronode around the buildings, and the bush were taken off there ie not mnob left to work. I think the editor of Tau Poem would be proud to see the old men starting off every morning with the cows to pastors on the road aide. I think it is a diagram for a County like Huron to have to depend on the grave growing along the highways for pasture. I am not darling faith with the Couaoil for not buying the land for that is their boeineee, but they will want it some time when ft will not be for sale. Thanking you for the above apace, I am Yours Truly, , H. PLIIMexcett, [NOTE BO ED1T011.-Notwithatandin8 Mr. Ptgmeteel'a objections oar mind ie not changed as to the neoeeeiby or ad visibility of paying him 97,000 for 924 stores of land to add to the present 474. We hope he wont worry maoh about the terrible diegraoe of letting the aowe Drop the grave on the roadside.] I'll atop your pain free, to show you first -before yon spend a penny -what my Pink Pain Tablets oan do, I will mail you free, a trial package of them -Dr. Shoop'e Headache tablets. Neuralgia headache,too1haohe, period pains, eta, are due alone to blood congestion, Dr. Shoop', headaabe tablets eimply kill pain by ooazing away the unnatural blood pressors. That )e all. Addreee Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. Grey Council Meeting. Council met pureoant to order on Mon• day, June 24th, at the Townebip Hall, Membere all present, Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last regular and epeaial meet• lege read and passed. Moved by James MoPadzean, eeoonded by John Grant that By Law No. 270 autborioing the Council to borrow from the Standard Bank of Canada for eohoole the gum of 94000 be read 8 times and, finally passed. Carried. On motion of Joo, Brown and Jno, Outt By Laws Nos. 271, 272 and 278 to mimed By•Laws Nos. 261, 264 and 285 wore read 8 times and finally passed.: Moved by Jobe putt, eeoonded by Jno. Grant, that the Reeve be authorized to gigs contractor's agreement for the 4 pair of cement abutments, viz. -Dukes, Elliott, McCartney and Beauchamp bridges and that the said abutments are to be completed on or before the 15th day of August next. Carried, Mr, Bray applied to have a culvert put in oppoeite Lot 26, Oon. 17. On motion of John Brown and John Outt, Jamie MoFadzean to attend to same. Carried. 11, H. Ferguson and other ratepayere from Walton, presented a petition to the Connell requesting the 0oenofl to ienoe ebentnree for the. building of camera idewaike in said village and that a oopy 1 said petition be Bent to John Roger, . L, S. and that he make an examine. ion of the promisee and report to the 0 lincll. And that of 9100, the coin. Imitation moil for Btalnte L•tbur', now due the village of Walton, be allowed to 0880181 In butbtlug said oidewalke, balMaoe to be geed in doing plate labor, and all 0011101uted *Roney to 4e deed, lt* do*i K et t *e the highwaye only in tutnrr and that the Walton 1 qu n r to Pilate perform their etetat0 labor an the highways i.n 1907. All o,ote and ex pensee in eonneotion with sift( sidewallta. and debealaree to be ppaid by the acid' ratepayers of the village of Walton,, Moved by John tirnut, seconded by Jae. Moaeda:an, OM the prayer of said peri. Genera be granted. Carried. Moved by Joho Grant, eeoonded by Juo, Srotru, that the Olerk notify the engineer to have the Angus Molfay award drain completed according to the award. Carried, George Dunlop applied to have a oil• vert pit in opposite lot 22, con. 16 and on motion of Jno Brown and Jno. Outt Jae, Mel3'tdzean to' attend to it, Canted. Moved by Jno. Brown, eeoonded by Soo. kraut, ltd 40 rode on eideroad 6, con, 10, be logged, graded and gravelled and old °roseway taken out North of Extension Drain, Carried. Peter.Malntoeb applied to have a cal• vert put in at lot 15, con. 6 on eideroad. On motion of Jno, Grant and John Brown John Oat to attend to soma. Carried. Moved by John Genn6, eeoonded by John Outt the'. :hie Council spend 0500 in opening eideroad 5 from oon. 10 to 0. P.R. station. Carried. Moved by Joo. Brown eeoonded by Jno. Grant, that By law No, 274 `author labia tbe addition of 5% on all rete, alt lineaments after the 14th day of De amber, A. D„ 1907 be read let, and and 3rd time and amity paned, Carried. Oa motion of Jae. MaFadzean, second ed by Jno. Grant the following accounts were ordered to be paid :- Adam Turnbull, shovelling gravel$ 6 00 Geo, Mitobell, commutation stat• ata labor .... 16 00 H. Dobson, commutation statute labor 18 00 Jesse Wilbee, shovelling gravel3 75 Ino. G. Turnbull, " " 6 00 Joshua Flood, .• 4 00 Daniel Spillet*, ' " 6 00 David Corson, commutation afar uta labor 2 00 Peter Torr, tire, Grey and Morrie bdy 8 76 Peter Tarr, tile 21 85 Fred. Mame, gravel 14 90 John Machan, gravel 11 60 Olose, Robert I 0 nae wire fauns at at• dere bridgeC 4 28 Hobert Biller,grading at lot 9, noes. 11 and 12 4 50 S. S. Oole, plank for repairing culverts 54 29 John 0. Fischer, rep'g culvert S R. 2, con. 10 5 00 James Pearson, grovel 9 04 John Bryan,, gravel 786 James Pearson, shovelling gravel 5 00 John Peareon, culvert lot 21, oou. 4 2 50 A. Hill & Uo., part. payment Dake and McCartney bridges800 00 John Huffman, gravel 16 48 Jqo. W. Ruth, drain oo S. R. 8, Coq. 6 15 00 Jno. W. Rose, bal. on contract, Bremner bridge approaches.: 10 00 Jao. Stehle, shovelling gravel2 00 Dan. Neabal, gravel 13 36 Ohm. Oaee, inspecting grading con. 17, East of bridge 7 50 Jae. Colaloagb, filling' bole East of bridge con. 17 37 00 Robert Bowee, gravelling Grey and Elma bdy., Grey's share2 85 Thus. Al000k, removing old orose• way, lot 13, non, 14 24 00 Jno. McDonald, culvert lot 1, con, 1s 200 James Williamson, gravelling and grading S. R. 3, con. 17 16 40 John Howard, on contract S. 12 5, oon. 14 50 00 John Hamilton, gravel 4 40 Moved,aeoonded and oarried that the oaunoil do now adjourn to meet on Mon. day, July 29th, at 10 e, m. JOBN MOINTOea, Clerk, Even Her Blood Turned to Water, `fhon Tying of Pornieboeee Anaemia Ter Life Was Saved by ..FERROZONE.. Probably very few oases are on record in which an absolute wire has been made of pernigione anaemia, But Ferrozone did care Elaine Stand. hope -oared her abeolntely, and her mother Mrs. G. Standhope, 'of Rothsay, Ont., ,aye the following :- "My daughter complained of feeling tired, She was very pale and listless, Cure Your Dandruff Why? Because itis annoying, untidy, And mostly, because it almost invariably leads to baldness, Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at. the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff Does not change the color of the hair, Feria la with ..ek bathe y showecoids it to your tiers Ask hirq about it, Meg does h. rays The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de- stroys the germs whick are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a;perfectlyhealthycondition. —mate by the J. 0. dyer Co.. Lowen, Itses....» and kept Toeing strength till too weak to attend scampi. The doctors prescribed ' different bottles of medicine but Elaine kept getting worse -instead of better. She had anaemia and we were afraid for e while that she might never rally. We read of a similar ease, that of Min Dement, of Stirling, Ont„ being oared by Ferrozone, this induced a, to get it for Elanie. Io took three boxes of Ferro• zone to make any deoided improvement bat when aix boxee were need my dan• ghter was beginning to be her old self again. It didn't take maoh longer to make a oemplete care, and I am con• aimed tbat there ie uo better blood• maker than Ferrozone. It baa made a new girl of Elaine. The credit of her recovery 18 entirely dee to Ferrozone. Every grown girl and young woman can make herself strong and healthy with Ferrozone. Complexion goon beaming perfect, nerves get new strength, tirodneee vanishes -perfect sot reward for using 1 e Ferrozone wi ozone h oh ie sold by 080 druggists -Price 50o per box ; don't fail to try it, Doubled up with Cramps Stomach feels like an infernal menthe and you want relief mighty quick. Nothing does the work half eo quick ae Poleon'e Nerviline. Why it kills the pain instantly. Nerviline keep, the dootor bill small beosuee it aurae little Hie before they grow 'big. Nothing for indigeetioo, heartburn and orampe like Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for 25a. Reports received in Toronto state that heavy rains have drowned out the fires around Theeealon. Hon, A. B. Ayleeworth, Hon, Jacgnee Bureau and Hon. G. P, Graham epoke at the Weet Lambton picnic. Bohm Lime Works, BELGRAVE Ie headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS t Wilt meet teams from a distance at Con tral.Hotel, Brussels. WOOL WANTED AAA The Highertt Market Price will be paid in Cash for any quantity of 'Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker Redncea Prices [N' SO Bays on Single Harness For Cash Full Rawhide Whips only 85c. Lap Dusters, Fly Sheets, Fly Nets. See our Window Trunk s, Suit Oases, Satchels. Repairs iu. Collars, Harness, &c., promptly done. Dwelling Rooms to let above store. Convenient, soft water, &o. Very comfortable Dwelling for sale a acres of land ; Fruits of different kinds ; very nicely situated. L C. Richards FALL TERM OPENSSEPT.N SE 'file management during the coat 70000 has truiued over Two hu ndre d y u: n g '""'"'�"' ladlee and gentlemen 200 ae 0Eenog . re phore, book hap. erea 11d toleg ra U• oraand Ampluoo01 login in aant Ac abiomn In loud• lug Canadian 0.uandorivan oRloa, Individualinsbruobion. Write for catalogue. Wingham Business College GEO. BPOTTON, Principal IMPORTANT NOTICES • HOUSE AND 1 ACRE LOT for sale -Albert street, comfortable home 1u good repair. Small stable, good well. cistern, &o. Poaeesetoo any time. Por further partloulare apply on the premises to 8, CRAWFORD, Brussels. 48•tf BRICK STORE TO RENT BY February 1st -part of Smith Block. 22x88 feet • end door from.Amerloan Hotel; latelyneed as tailoring and gepte' Yuraleh- apply to Dit BIeKELVEYOBrusseleztioulura HOUSE ANI) LOT FOR SALE -The undersigned offers for saleher heuee and lot on Turuberry street, ann- als, Poseeesion could be given at ouoe. For price, terms dee., apply to MRS. F. SHIIIL8, Walton lt, 0., or to T11E PoeT, K. 0. T. M. - Enamels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Room, Backer Blook, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of each month. Visitors AaeGIA, SOMEComMURE, R. K. NOT/CE Any person wishing to have their Iota at- tended to will and me at the Oemetery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week during the Slimmer months. I am also Agent for the Mitchell Marble and Granite Arm. Come and Ioepnot our work and get prioe, before buying elsewhere. ROBERT 0. DARK, 49.4 Caretaker. VOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 sore farm, being Lot 20, Oon. 7 Grey, for sale or to rent. -Comfortable {rouse, bank barn, orchard, wells, &e. Farm to only } of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur- ther particulars apply to F, B. eoott, Brus- sels, or MRS. BATA HOLLAND, 78 abater Street, Toronto. 07.8m DROPERTY FOR SALE—THE situatundersigned none till suets his house for sale. It is well located,a convenient and conifer - table home. Possession can be given at on0e. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth etreete, whioh would make a ane building site. For further par- ticulars as to price, terms, do., apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford- mieh. 80-4 FARM LABOURERS AND DOMEBTIOS— ibave been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom iu positions as farm lab - omen or domestic servants in Mile vicinity. Any person requiring such help should noti- fy me by letter stating fully the kind ofhelp required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbere arriving may not be s=Gahm* to supply all requests but every effort will be made to pprovide each applicant with help required. F. B. SCOTT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 89.1y Brussels P. 0, WOOL I The Highest Market"Price paid for any quantity de- livered at Storehouse No. .1, also for Grain of all kinds. R. GRAHAM BRUSSELS. ALLAN AIr, LINE I E 5TE �'"UI7iB N AM,E'R,S MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Balla rrlday, /My 6 Aug. a 1 !tutel l " Ja v 11 Aug, 9 Vbetorran " Jnly)a Aug, 18 Ionian " July 20 Aug.29' TO MONTREAL OLASGOW Numidlan ,,.8elio Tleraday, July 4 piougoliau... Thursday, July 12 Ana, l0 Corinthian.° " Tbureday,Jnlylfl Aug. 22 Pretorian ... " Thareday, July 98 Aug, 20 an ory ladling,)lets and full Information to W. 0. REI*,Ay Agent Allan Lino, Brussels. :SynopslsofCanadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered section of Dominion Laude. in Manitoba, Baokatobewan and Alberta, exeepting 8 and 20, not roeerved, may be homeeteaded by any parson who le the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 yours of age, to the extent of one•quarber eeotion of 100 sores more or lege Embry may be made pereonally at the local laud office for the dietriot lu which the laud. is situate. The homesteader 1e required to perform the mud' gone connected therewith under cue of the following plane t 111 Al toast six menthe' reel dance upon and oultivatlon 0! tloe lad In each year for three years, (9) If the tether (or mother, If the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vlel,It9 of the land entered /or the requirements as bo reef. deuce may be satisfied by such personre- 814100 with the lather or mother. (8) 1f the settler has hie permanent reel - :lame upon farming laud owned by him in the vicinityof Hs homestead, the re- quirements as to reeideooemay be sage - fled by reeidenoe upon the said land. 8ixmouthe'notioe in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W.W.00RY, Deputy of the Minister of interior. N. B. Uuanbhorised puttlloatlon of this ad- vertisement will nut be paid for,. Lime dor Sale Just received a oar load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. revue r' S Reliable Art Studio If you are visiting in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. We are sewed to none and our prices are lower than other towns. We would be pleased to have you oall and see samples, also see our large assortment of views on Poet Cards. They make good Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done in first -alas etyle- Crayou or Water -color. Give us a call. H. R. BREWER SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt ' they require. Gordon Mooney, 49-4 Foreman, - Brussels. A DANDY STOOK OF B uGG-= M TETE have an A 1 stook of Top Buggies, 7/V manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Plattsville, and Wm. Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is First-class and prices are fright. Don't fail to see them, Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates. R. ]Francis & Co. Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost'& Wood repairs, Call and see us.