The Brussels Post, 1907-7-4, Page 2ENE A SAD LIFE STORY a4-01> (al. ell Eli •leIfeallt, "Corgigne, 14. Tile ;grt:' 1ii" ,4-1•1* 34114 14.' lie t:,•11 ;loser. "Yoe' era (al& t 7, ,f • .,;4 .4-01-Coeseo+ bet ler' .order titan When. taet E 11311 Ile LONDON NICK%eellai. pleestire gif *'ug L. "Do yien mean ntooveneeet ;leas, Taxicabs, the letencla the nelierieta ln Ivry kitowly. Ed and glintriDee. "Yes" eetill with that ;viral smile -- flatter yolt were fame, 1 foul the honor ed The etivele of I.:mtge.,' ',give been elel- helping to pads it to Bend alter rim 1 led latter with bona:note pew, rel aW 'afraid 1 Vali rather {limey over it,‘ timnwd /nrAilr gees. whati ply for lure el-lat 44_4 4‘,4,kY Fele, 1, 11041'04 Iattfer t***el lite redoceel rate of eiglitpenee a tat 0Y -we -Data WA r , +ti aftY ri4$1 fail,!. They are Janet on yl rieleieere and IlliMbie Piton ne$1 Mae promptly been alied "UNA- nil bad. OctNi,tholl to Us/ them? l'oOr (lam:" boy I lie criod priotigli over them io Mice Laudon es a queer Ar,fri hqUilf)r ail the ',dish on 1" the nir;Itor a naming es public, oho hai, sea down open ibe $ofa, racr modes. Of transit, seas the korrAipOtl. W1"11 " gr(lit "')0441' 11411*. 41)"t1 441411 dent of Town and Country. -The Gen- harmoitegoe 4n41 Lints, is thr weal. tral London Railway, wbose uniform "ber not Itner at :no 1 lui seys. 441114. pees 41,4 tw„peme, ihe first ed the tutor "yno *s44 ljaT't• 411'47' 11111.1:11.1., etwirrielleni'Miusneirtar‘'olexd111, iffe. 1""tunp-te oby haehor, rre,re rn do..,,,rorn 1.01, ' ring, (any tube." „ Then eame the 13eker OA and Waterloo underground. which r''' •' 1 ',1 4, 1' d'''';'11"14'le4j 4 ittPi" swliwt11fig ill the 04`411,i'TdrvailLs' Of by any other to am.; Lor wet reit follow wheel ti Ulieled that 41.11., 110I' it tifyin-er-tivol '44 Wil"fjg (11-1111/' 1S, n'11' L4H.;('Lalt le be '4' 14 1'4 rhp arm Bremtptior and Picethily line (eager,' "14111""ef 14f4I III", ell" 44 r"eble linOW11 ;ISTPiticael "he illy" end the areta brae might Maley, effort or Leo, give up the .eruleavor to Tnainei ,setinamaiS tire 09 the 99194*4. eat- frame ally query. Ail Iter puss ri ',hoe, I he imearirree, maaerene re beg geet'lIth It! Th" • •.; eigee timer (PL.'r the 1,N.' (oil of evleob her companion has been SO err°, re the aerie :end ne eirierehen # 4 ,,,,7‘47.' 717,' '0 '7,, !envie eveli teeregution hag pae-ed Into those eyee, generally dabbed erne Tr0e,., the nil, 0,rex-•:44 1 ehaeing them arh would etarre et et.e.neetrg . ig. "recogat 11#";;T berm II „ \ m 6 ), m a y, hill riOafratehr. West End by giving It " hen a ' ravel. eat . et"'1 4 ' ego:eh:JP' atartore. ern. -the out,pt of Ms life, gets Snell a facer leor years the St. Ianmee's restaurant, "Did 1! It eat-, ca,..7 „,i4 4 gr,1,1 in el be did, if he has out a very strong sews], the eroore „e air human ao, $'''''at'e Aalk'''Ii `tver 4a7 gra' D':`,..-'; I le- god eget. A met Engheig trees is eliaraeler. it IS opt he driee Min "1 the lit'ily so far as the gilded youth about gogeeic, 44". 51' nee; cage pia ores, j, And wee, iriore ele- .- good lie doe. net a .4 eer ages, Rua ;Rao 0I'llie P,477,,f, li7,17: '.1 71,,A 74,)r :44)114W %At 771.., , . 1 ,r , r r, 7 d lwjir ,,, 4, ,. 7, 114„, „,.. ,, r W eieyge. I s.4.W a tioieti better otter Yee. of the same name the ardent young . two are ,,,,e,r,•,. I : jar: a. gorge tr.no.,,, it ere, itee for half the price at eitsr-1 'There Is a prove, jities ayes are re. erten of town are already Mitring of the '.,c 4* ittriti'd away reran the faee of I • - re . it 0. 'gel h . .1 eropty. Sae I. not aitig tier ;aide, s4t,Iea II•I'e.",-- r-I.,...r.. 1 „ .., , 1,41 ,„ Elizej.e,11 ir ell %she., _ Ian wi lip .4.4.p 1; 9110)4 1"1 i -) w+ nee n ten and weal le n•ore. ehe doe, rat owe ger , it'', ataise re e -t, fete all.s 'I', i- tr , - • i '. " au . 1 ' " '- "Jimmy's' opens Ito doors again. 0,4ii,thib„ .,.,, ,i„. ,f,,,,4 „-t,..,. :,, ,,,,1,0,i, ,„4,1 MO g:;:ii,..1 'A itit+,tve911, vath its figurentent. He doee net soma to have emeo s- - - i ogeteivoe for 71.d. at White- hie Meat softened towards ber 80 be seid, been chrLeterged the "laxierilis,' 1 elecearac over teem. owl oeying daper- reels, to give lani a shove downwards." tg wn is couvierned., was called "Jim- aorea dad! diet : I see; and You think 1 hate fglAeri na,•'s"- and nOW that it has been swept , een get thee 7;0,, eheeper at tem a shove downwarde, away ie makes room for the new hotel 14 „ and the tObalt l'4,1ehe-, of pain ere nothing (gruel chs- The new motor cubs twee, as afore - to be naiecei ,, age.II,...g ne he lied feet hgareng '4; arid , ". • • 4*43 g • , "d and the horse drivers are wild wait rage si too. eel. eo, say she del not. Marro pereeetenLy over t hea of a . surly tone in anesi, :me ised lgom al. . m .1 • h ht at their auccess. They have sounded tis5U 171811 Peg)'344'a 11e ' dea'h knell of the old lime eraw- :Jiro them; &easel tai tea' father, 4', 114w:'" ti,ro r iv' ool in 41 reel -1•101. ea; and .6,(tli r' ih-teried deevile the wearing - room ringe nose geouilly ogat tether e•-• ,01411 lers, which. aside from being stow and how 143,,.1:11 in,,ro..10.: '471431 e,..ra'41 ee wl'a"laa end 41 knee', hangs c'el the wall' o't,o4 riot altogether safe, have not been loo than .teed tf,#: (gt prev000 "'*1-4` hi41.4 (34e -e 41 11Pngth 5114 4-74*kS, tn a 1" as' law a" eheap; though I do not suppose Anieri- ro-erang. Mom:rebate-. coat. , we" 41°L the e°010 4411 eltheelY °Un- cans who use thorn here on their sum- ue. +loco not get on with her own. would be irtaudild erred:, ereer„t„re „„ri „ern. ',re 4,,,earreg, arre farriiiy at home. and See lies querrelled i -, l', ivert him a muell worse slave down • - , , , mer holidays will agree with me on " „ that point. The one thing that viele on the hem re.i.ieed termed !Mae the ev-th ;14 her. 4f44-"aihn r"ThRehIens• 4 g . - • ' • " tors Morn 'our side delight In Is lo eft . Whole etrimote a the hone gathered s'ale isiestbett, In a 4eitgitted expfana., Iim Wilde Me lova. Is he about lo. in a hansom eah by the hour and drive utom it, eeen the 41 r'.4 rnearae, woo ikry Voi,.1.4)+1.. Wietfulhoes end desup-I hear frern her own lips that secret Which e.„01eady about, because "it is so Iwo, nr,1 ,0,,,,,r, ih,c.ir ri„,,.„,i /.0)1,514,. ti,,,,1, Faber -rata have elike vaitielsel out ‚*4 her ; lic leis magnanimously restetrei all op- ee,"„a7e„,., roOna tor a Poo -ogle.. gag, eioneng them; :mien tam, wheih ie one ripple of' mesa. Venni:tie:5 of liettang from other a"if-iit•eau ....., rse it Le cheap when compared seewee, veratdeo in ripper-1mile ,,,r,!,,,,e,,,,. ehgef. -"The rat sridow in the weepers, worms'? But the words that, after a .. , 0 a re„ai 1 arese halo, this idrcaei whe,,,„red setth the prices that the road piretes sarY fure. Tee Ambit and Tuelie have who i3 . PI4K,11fivj 11"r'''''n l'k le ' t P ' . t ' charge in American towns, but even slimed their gay rep and certats, end, poitfqr p,g,,,-.m. ti trying to marry the, statement are not a confession. They, there the shillings mount up into diephieal thar hoe e,f digo their aroso. weeemei oiO gentleman in the teatime I, 11M onlY ac anneal. enunels after a few hours. The "taxi - They mei, r,:tas.r. ; Ili .. ,m,, we think.she will aim.; "Neet,r a•-ould be doing the kindeet • •-teg et: re, Work .and their embroidery. - .: ",., cab" is altering the matter a good deal. . a etiorerenio 0 rd,, a (mar, ender tyl,' i,e0;1; 6t.r.inOinies we think ho win not ,i thing lien you .ever e.liil ill yr011^ Life, LL . . ! you could bring youreelf lo eity nett you, rile only diffieulty from the public bine. Doe iii lying beeide les wares, tn. a is so intercieting r' point of view, however, is that the eight - on azure jecket and a rose.red sash, arn wars down at her with an aeton-, thought I did it for the beet." lehment 'bordering on indigoalloo. 1 lie feels that if he euteretes hfs eyes to - - ' • Lonny fare is awkward because there twanging a "guriebra" or little Arab ,„ • he Is no coin of the denomination of eight- maroptioar„apaet nom (he iv.,54. r.,f the l'' I -11''s the swami', wine cried ber-"1-( her's' his wilt gla5t go wIth the"- pence and the public is so used to shit. eampany, a! 1110.1.,vri,The r,ri,j 0.1 the lee. eick lest night <IVC.11' mettitir.tes of the eo.; will have no power left of dieee.ne from the drivers are benefitting 1 race, 114 i, poaor vehtot a evidently here recent past? in OM ;note, natere, is! any requeet .she may choose. to make; SO lings U1444 undeservedly. ea ,r'.' ,'1'141134* right, doie to ihe finho. there nothing that one C11.11 114 Igred of?' he still Meets over her head at a screen . They are. in consequence, becoming "eleagroy arid I get 4111 infinity of amusement out of them," outinues elat,, still 'playfully, but faltering a hale under the eeverity of his look; "oh, we know "if I had Iriaeried tern should ave trade. aeon whose blue and mate Lied lop• her 1.0,1)30 are fling. EliZabelft is Ail1ing- and silting alone. emither trucu- lent father nor friglitened nother bar- ring rippea„,r, ea he,. lee "nova hre eeay a. great deal abwit there all ; and 'hoe* at owe: to liar. that we do not know about we mike straight against the sea- aYeu were net at dinner Met night?" 51(41'1' for r "I coital not po.ssitey say that unless I "frobscA 1" !mew the cireumstances or the ease," be at hers, thoi did not armor that. you Hee lone i5 so curt. that the stream of uttawers Judicial - were ill?" her gaiety 414P-5 up meter il, and ehe re- Ile hears a low sigh, net of impatience, ffer eyes are not Lilted to his-reserigt laesee Info eilerice, looking loveards the but of melancholy aequieseenee. rather on Rat babletrade. through whose fteelling sea, and the ficue•tree, that is "Then you must go on thinking ill of e There is suelt a depth of dejeetion, as weft as sneh art emendable sweetness, CliAlallele XNXIV. irt tier voiee, that the words of little "You sitid just 110F,' :het iseehig me l'rireie Arthur, addressed to laubert, flash breught thIngs tack to you." upon his nand : It ie party reninr.:it at having eroih. "If Heaven he pleased that you should lad ber, end partly pee -Tensity, which me me ill, ee I c 1. a eeInc o 1 ., high handed In their manner and re- titled room of the little suite. One leaf, fuse in take passengers unless they are folded back, gives a peep through the assured of a strong pour boire, almost Mlle chamber, thro»gh its deep -ached representing in size the amounL of the window to whereL, date -palm stands -up actual fare. There is a la.w against this f grm of oppression, but the public is generally limid and does' not litce to lake strong measures for &topping the imposition. plereed lireckworec little boaceite of a0- 31e11:41113a are meeting. "No, I 41'414 WA ill." She reptigeei 1i3011.• "1/41 I hed Made flecore oi myself by crying that mammy thought I laid better eley aooy. When. I looked in the glaies" 3,4,44 il'4143 hU44'1010.161y, "1 thought SO nlyeelf." "There waa not meets sign of Mors de:Wee (hie eeribmee on lame part. Ike why, ih„n you ifi„St 1, about yeti when we pernel et Notre PeraereitY C-, aterhaice, the preeloaanara Dense d'Afrique," eaye. lenequely, , dement in his metive-o pervereity. Afier 1313, what 4*0414*4 111 earth or skY "No, huVe-willt a, eadden oiling:of her eseggeti. lareing efillicol her away from the has /Ippon-OM him ter executioner? pretty 1to4,4.5. krioN there ie never tiiihjOd w hen shO WaS Parley seekiog "I do not wish to think 111 of you,ii he any modem, to mei 1 ant 14141'1y23 either an Opererig to it, now forcee her to re. answers ;parley. "Good heavens ! do need to fell you that? I have trieel all. larighoof ery.itg.,, and. of CfmrSe. SW.. turn to it. She starts a tittle. leg you agent brmighte-agreught 414141315 "Yee- ye," hhe aitswer.e; "tea along to keep myself from fudging you; Mork to tne." brougla things leiek' fe not quite the but I should not Le Malan -you. must - She keilie wtetfolly at 11314* 03 she 81afie PlIriSe9 91111"---1119r 10,100 growing knots that 1 should not be leanan-if did not ask myself why you did it?" "Why I. left Florence?" - "Yes. She sits stock-still for a 'moment, the very little color that there ever was in II retreating out Of her face. - "If I told you that, I shouldbo telling yoo everything." lie Is looking at her now; after an, lot cannot keep hia gaze pinned to the screen for ever, and, HS he. looks, Ise 44ee41 an ernetIon of so iranscendemily pain- tol a nature set her little sail features working, that the (me impulae that dominates him is to ease her suffering. Poor little docile creature! She is go- ing to MR him her secret, since he exults 11. though it is only wIth is rending esunder of soul and body 1)1411 14 canbe revenled. 11e puts out bee hand hurried - 1Y• with a gesture of preiltibition. "Then do not loll me." She sinks back epon her balk with a MOVeinent of relief, and puts up her fine limelliereldet to her pate Ups. Them is a perfect silence beteveon them for awhile. At his (tibiae is a great 111141111 try rioaegay of aspho- del and frig, llo passret his finger ala meetly over the freakish spikes. "How did lei 1111(0 11'? How did ho take 11181 first?" Her voice, though new tolerably dis- tinct, is stamped with thee cheraeter ot awn whIelt fills us all al, approaohing a greet calamity. "lM would not believe It td, first; and then he cried 11 great, deal re --with an aecont asInnisltment. even at the re- collection or hie frIend's tearepower- "end the44--011 •thela he thought of put. ling an end lo himself 1" elm bed merlin to Mee merle this re, littion n tone of dispassionate narra- tive, lea ngitinst his svill and intention, es 1118 memory moults 4143414 24(11118 to him the unworthy antics played igy listrofs meet, hie velem take% gi sarcastic, three: - Linn. The horror weitten on his moth tor's !IMO 115 110 Utters lite 0110,30 lOs sentence tontine him to himself, "Do not he afraid 1" he toys, ln it tone wheel has no longer nnything akin 10 44 sneer in 11, though il, Is not devoid of bitterness; "the linninSe WaS ft Sitar!, 914*1911 One; lie ie rest thinking '*1 13111111331 lin 191111 10 111108191f. 110114,1 0110 08S111'e you ni Hint, ; 110 im only thinking .of how lie ten tent itnitEle 1111115011; whether he Is - much more suormesful in that then ho wns In the Pinner, I pm mit so sum" Iler eyes lenge dropped lo bee oven fregile, rlogless hands ns they.lie on her lap. • (To be enntinuede Germerty 1,no prnelleally only one Min- 181er fiteleild or n Cabinet. "I'les .is the Impertal.elletpriellore casting its now grateful shade. - make% thee legichog retreirk. 110 ean Ito leitiger have rosy doubt 115 • to her Wiiit 1,, 041,1,81413 %mon the eattleel • which. 4,1.4,t1 in the, three iwyjillit, iheip Meciing :he preOnli day. :dot lied sought to ceeproadi. If he i." Icind, lie wilt -miler info le.r 41441,. 11,' ‚.41431 1414)1113 her print ener, r for her:- Inefor the mo- ment he 41#4,,5 not feel kiride.ungry, ra- ther, unit retaltigets. iniorqoitrse With her La inrwr, repiliiint) ilia 19111.ell Month,. 1143(4. Inakoi W01 atilt evrithe in the regolicietiott ef hie leter tereourse with liong? fs uplift to Ise apitted upon the .,..icewer 04 retilitiiiceneeS . cif 41'1,1 1' 111.• uwey from her, lowi,rd, who', 4*14 ati 4*. ("1 lora; rises, with re'l. glieliggli floweriog mem iL; then n epee,: of Inn, 4214,411141, 11,4441 a row ra denim -tree, ; then fofirie 74,33)144 Monopole, lealing their agninsi 1,11,,, II, :iflov; whet ee• emilmi,it they milk, il 1 lion, topping, er iceerigugg to top, the nth, gi utile villa, with 1.111- 1:1110 lewd.. of :sly, Peri through the egietaikee or Ihe Ire& rigor, as megiieweeil nahing, the solid wall of :ampler, liebind it look even tweet deetegrelely goingingegghly - blue then elsewhere, 44 4444 a lege, I teupplere 1 turquoirie ! tante 1 To what ono, Midis; are, we, driven lo it now 1•011111 WO 11e.'„c1itie Is glory let a Mind peer:cm? I4. le etich a 0110 Ole etilOr nt repre:ontleil 1-0 the sound or - a irlitrinitt, direly thie divine tea (Wove as Can he 1,4,4 Conveyed hy Wholo lientilily hegemony or burning eeraplis and wowed 111144e1e, harping mil rewir- ing - "1 rilwriy.i 14113* f'Iiziii'i 41, 441. 14.3„1" eurgaiton 14 he: eygee• "oleo 13a4*3 il May he Piney Alta 1114:4 intr11111- 111'.? Mirtier el the sky MUM' than nny other." l'Iterri ig, 11 tibIlde of (11.itiii4*n4*nlirieri4 in her lone al.. Itt1i Warn lo lithe 110 her low and lreritulegue-"harl not liCry far 10 1101111.." . T/10 quiver in her voice annoys him al- most tiS naleh as Ilyneas tears uegol 10 do. "If you Awned like to psi( ree any ques- tions," lie eays etiffiy, "1 alfl ready to answer them.' "Are you?" she cries hungrily ; oh, 1411,1 (4* kind of you I tot, then, you &- ways were hind, lea riot bere".olooking apprehensively 21t011ral-a"1 could 4*01 Levet rreveolf lo tunc aheuleenbout ban here; 1---1 should, break down, artd no- hin g" ---with a smile that, though Watery, 19 gill intrriortnr„-woold 1n- 41111 to Make a fool myeelf before the widow Wadrrnin," Then, seeing him look at a loss 3 "Come indoors 1' she :Jay., impulsively. standing up, and hen etre:tithing out tier bend 14.S 11 to drew him niter her. "Come Into Ottr no, you need not be afraid ; We Shall have it all to ourselves; father ougl 114(3- 1)ier 10140 314*1141 0111 1019 illeir 114*11991 1.011- 1111111111011i1 on the flouleverd Ile fellows her stletilly, and neither opeake liti tatty find themselves hetet', fele in 41,11 private tiparlinent (It Ihe Le Merdiatile. It 14 on f3,, r„g-de-r.liniissee, 1 Nine 01 Iltrito 1111111 41'h44e44*M,1441 rooms, trans- mogrified horn ilegie metaled hotel nakednese ha llowere tool bromide hits, Three mem green ON On the thilliney- piet1S, foil of generous roeiebrandies, end boughs of eelvitt tind Mae mid idea wart yetiow ice:entrance inntre the air ewc,efly end lightly perfurned. On the lohle IA a litter of Tuureitillo novels, ills. uelionely old English /Alpena the Mlle ereirrilotis Algeeitm Sited, and, lastly, Elizebriles svorIchnskei, the evorlilmekot whiels Thu lied Ins1 seen stungling 011 OM 110043 111 1110 entresoi, at the Pima d'Azeglio, with 918 gionitints SlreWn all over hie friende's piegelente body. At the eight a biller ;male lingoes over tes feep, "An old iniqualotinee, I" 110 Mitt, intik- ehaileneet, 11111. elle fe fer too tonne In' tug a ttionit detention to It; "11 is in iA4440400 pale children is magical. It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. 4/44144440 47:4,6441040 4g/ The effect of Scotes Erna/J.1bn on thin, It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ALL 4ailU00ISTS1 GOo. We $1.00. 01440044104104041UP*414 ataa14115.046k4 A. PROGRESSIVE INSTITUTION. Elsewhere in this paper will be found thc financial s'atement, which was sub- mitted to the shareholders of the Im- perial Flank at the annual meeting held on the 22nd of May. These statements were received with the greatest sails. Mellen, inasmuch as they reflected un - Mistakeably the solidity attained and the progress achieved. The Bank BOW stands very high among our Canadian Banks, but LI, has not yet, aellieved that point or increaaed uoefulneas to all of which the directors are evidently determined it, shall attain. This was shown. hy the xecomrnentilatton em- bodied ill the repota that ihe subscribed capital of the Bank be increased loom 85,000,000 to 410,000.000, which will 4s1a0e it on a par with the Canadlam Bank of Commerce, the Bunk of Toronto and the Royal Bank of Canada, all ef whidh follow the Bank of Montreal. The new capital stock will not be is- sued at 'once, but only as the directors may hereafter determine. We heartily Agree with the statement contained in the roport, that "the rapid development of the ceuntry necessitates Increased tanking facilities, nelich can be most economically and at Me same Wile pro- fitably supplied by the banks which 194.40 now te existence.' Tie this connection we may urge upon Parliament that there Is 310 necessity for new banks, and that all applications for ineonpora- Eon (amid he absolutely refused. With the .provIsion to Incense the Bank's capital from time to atm, es la may be Deeded, It svill be in a positio1* to meet all public requirements, and to keep peva. with the general improvement and development whic(1 is apparent all over the Dominton, It Is cause for re.gret, that Ifie experienced and able general -manager did 31093 give en extensive re- seew of the country's trade prospects, tor these are always received wilts the greatest attentkin. Such 111,4,41,1-441would bare been, Natty apprecleted, Ina those wile were wont to rely upon nA a guide end 11114411' past will have to trust for better Ihings next year. he the meantime, the Bank, which has a reserve fund equal to its keel pnitielp (Aped of 41,773,048, will onetime to enjoy and grew In the 011111101sec) cf 111ei rathile to suet an extent, 1110, (Is Meal authorized ettptini will be paid up le meet the inereasing 4arnends upon ils usefulnees. The extent lo Mitch a cegjeys eonficienee i,s seen in the fact that' its depoeits amount to the lerge sum of $2 1,e2R,e0e. These are pro - Meted hie 'toed!" an iou n ling to $45,041,- 257. Of the Meter no less a sum Rum Oita nm $01,878,04 er4i readily avollitble. Ile' nionieent statements will be rend with egmewiel intrreel, he view of the sierS 41I11411 the Bank ems under orMsaleralinn. "1 see that some Frenc4* eetentisis love been Ole le produce artineinl vegginbles." "Nolbing new about tied." "There Isn't?" "No; the trainers 'have berm doing It foe yeints." Men water, wliteh is so useful to &ink 41 d4'40191991,3', rthirriprtt, Mr., 18 prepared tie rellows 1 Thoroughly swish the. Nee 111 P0111 Wider, ewell for ffeeigg henirs inmime of wilier et Nitta heel, then 3,4444 slowly 11 nu sinieentin 11114 i•11 I ti, Flavor 1.1111111 Moll , MOTS, mimeo or lemon peel. Drink when cold. Imperial Bank of Canada Proceedinge ol the Thirty wend annuli' General Ofeellng of Om eillarnholilerce 110141 at the !Midterm nous° of ihe litellitition In Toronto, ou Weditea- chey, 22nd MIly, 1e07. Inn REPORT, The Direelore htlees pleasure la Subinallno lo the Shareholders their Thirty-eeceind Annual Report end Dalenoe $lieta, of the eflulte or the Bunk for the year which *Med on 30111 Aorta Mtn, The net ?mills for the twelve mantilla utter ittneing full provision for MI bad and doubtful debts, tor interest on Ureinntured tells miler diegount, 104 the usual contributions to the Penmen and 13410 1111114*'' Finete. and providing pfouredolasosvirtomnioatima:_nd other taxation, rimetuil $7114,04404, which lute Well 1441' 411) D1Vide11d6 luive been paid at the rate of 10 per cent per annum for the first three-quarters of the pee, and et the ararrtLeciinOtrunitiapaarii toceri.10„.per,..eir .... 11,M, . for the itait qUerter, 48 MI Bank Premises 11)1dFurniture Account Ms been eredibi.d. S415103,311 te) Profit and Loss Mount, ties been Increasegi by • „ •. 1411,420 ea The Premium, ameunting to $840,2011.04, reeeived on an egion uneoptt 44 Nptoenpat'04a;C:a3P;tontlits$1..4Silyek, hes aten tranererred ilest Aecount, whet now altegunis There Imo been a satisfactory inereme in the business of the Bunk In all Branches nt the Bank have been opened during the year at Brantford and Fort William, and a sub-hraneh on Bank etreet, Ottawa, Mt In tho Province of Ontario, and al, Athabasen. Lending, In the Province of Alberta. The branch at Trove Lake, B. C., luta been closed, Six -ally after our last meeting the Beni( suffered and WO WPre 11111011 grieved through the death of our rtuclarespected entleague, Mr. Witham folen2d7riie olliv0 arrii1180.n, who was elected a Dirccter on 19th May, 1890, and died nhJune, The vacaacy on the Board occesioned by Mr, lihndrie's hes been 01181kdour1.3ylateillePrtappo3ideinnitin, Mr.WIL•elim.elrirallitn,titon Merritt of SI. Catharines, nephew A by-law will be submitted for your approval authorizing art increase in the C.apital by the sum of $1,000,000, 4* avelled cif in suele amettnts end at such times es the Directors may determine. The rapid development of the country necessitates increased banking Menthes whet can be most econonit. catty and at the same time profitably supplled by the Banks which ere 1109 In existence. 11 is intended to allot the new shares troan time to Moe as tee business of the Bank may call for additional capital, but, no Immediate allotment Is in contemplation. A further by-law will be silt:matted for your approval authorizing an ad- ditional contribution by the Bank to the Offteers and EMpl0yee.9' Pension Fund, with a view to plueing that Fund on a more sethetantlal basis, The Head Office and Branches of the Bank ,have all been carefully in- spected during the year, and your Directors have much pleasure ln again bearing testimony to the Wel, efficiency and faillifuhicas of the sluff In the performance of their duties, PROFIT Dividend No. 64, for three months at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum (paid lst of August, 1906) ...... $ 98,567 30 Dividend No. 65, for three months, at the rate of 1.0 per cent. per annum (paid 144 of November, 1906) ... 109,846 49 Dividend 140. 66, for three menthe at the rate of 10 per ce(1t. per 4.11111103 (paid Mt at 'February, 19471 • •• Dividend No. 67, for three months, at. the rate of 11 per cent. Per annum (paid let of )3567, 1907) . -••••• • 114,525 35 la, IL WII,KIE, Pre•sident. 4134I1 LOSS ACCOUNT. Bo:lance at credit of account 301.41 April, 1906, brought for- ward....... Profits for the twelve Months ended 301.34 April, 1907, after deduoting charges of man- agement and Interest due de- poeitors, and after making MD provision for all bad and doubtful debts and for rebate on bille under discount Premium tateived .ort new Capital Stock 130,478 21 $455,217 20 Transferred to Best .Account...' . 846,206 94 Written off Bank Premises and Furniture Account ..... ... 1.16,391 47 Balance of Aceount forward .„... . .... 426,316 31 $ 276,896 0.3 719,029 04 846,206 94 $1,842,132 00 REST ACCOUNT. Balance at Ored.it of Account, 3041, April, 1906 ....... ....... ........,. $3,927,741 50 Premium received on new Capital Stook •••••••. .......... .....,. 846,206 94 01,773,948 44 13, B. WILKIE, General 3fanager. ASSETS. $1,842,132 00 isowammicor LIABILITIES. Notes of the Bank in eircula. Gold and Sliver Mon ...... --..... . ..... ......$ 3,315,497 00 Coin ...... ',... ... $1,104,686 49 Deposits not bear- Dominion Govern. fog interest $ 6,120,881 52 meat Notes ....... 5,595,875 00 Depoeite bearing$64400,561 49 interest Onclud- Deposit with Dominion Covera- ll:kg interest so- ment for security of note crued to date)25,807,217 89 airoulation ... .......... ........ 168,089 16 31,928,099 41 Noone of and Cheques on other Deposits by other Banks in ' Canada . ..... - . ...... ' ... .. 73,211 5 Balance due to .410000108 in the United Kingdom ......... 126,040 55 Total liabilities to the publio-$35,442,848 46 0444*14.441 Stock (paid-up) . . . .' 4,773,948 45 Rest Account ....-$ 4,773,94844 Dtvidend No. 67 (payable 1s4. May, 1907) for three months'at the rate of 11 per cont. per 8111311.111,. 130,478 21 Rebate on Bills discounted ,-. 93,717 49 Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward.. 426,316 31 5,424,460 45 Banks... . . 1" 516 964 97 Balance *due irc:m in Canada ....... .. , .. Balance due from A$01n0. the United Kingdom. . .. Balance due from Agents in Foreign Countries ON THE f hat IttS0/001900•14,41"0"e9f91.1~40..°0N GAUL 1./F Carp 14p1/1/99i 144.44, 3i11O1111011 10 4011115. Nee that yin' trollgh 435 Cktill, Unit till feeding floor& Lire fais 1 clean, that every steeping Mime 18 dry, 4114*90111 fely dry, Nem. jet the Melding become damp r eleiming. Thee may let quicaily noted 1.44 examining ilei sleeping quartere, if 44) ihe spring, While the thieve are 4014)- 11,ft, the leele slimier lie allenged almos1 every day, et Jens) every two days, ar you will lind the Mils of your little pigs erneking and finally dropping off, when pige go out Nom 0. damp hid and come back to it egein they rind 3 no outy damp bin mkt. Tins weitel emote dieorders, etieh as smuts and twinge, alining male, end Many other (Ailments that go to make 41 litter urahriftY: Every time one teems out up- bedding be should sweep otte hie plare end clieinfeet in moue way to make the fem sWeel and clean. A little ansolaked lime is good to eeatter over the floor idler cleaning. It is al.so 11 good pain to erettler this along the forme where 1190 pigS run and over the feed. ing neer pod about the troughs. • Shauld you be troubled with that great pest, flog lice, you mest get rill of them, either by dipping the !Aga in some dip that will Mar them out or by eprinkling them thoroughly with il. (rude cal or zenoletun will soon rid you of this pest if you go at. IL and follow it up two or llueie tittles. You should also use the zenolemn or clip on the floors of the eleeping place es .01' you Will never' get 1,14 of the trouble, 1241 pigs going hack to Infected quar- ters after being treated simply get more 014* thein, 'Crap as few pigs of the same size to- gether as you can in one lot or place. Even if breeding hogs for market title ie. [letter than to herd large nundiers to- gether, a,s the stronger will naturally crowd out the weaker, and soon many of the lot will become stmited, and, ence a pig Ls stunted, he never fully re- ocvers. 131131116 10 ten in a lot, if breed- ing for breeders, is best, and by this method you will seldom, if ever, have a runt on the furni. 743,042 32 12,742 60 2,023,297 25 $11,641,697 79 Dominion and Pro- vincial Govern- ment Securities,. s 538,266 08 Canadian Ifun fel. pal Securities and British or For. olgn, or Colonial Public Securities other than Cana - than , 2,689,720 65 F,ailway end other Bonds, Dehentttres and Stocks 945,876 77 Call and Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds in Canada. 3,659,472 06 618,898,042 25 Other Current Loans, 1313 - counts and Advances .......- 25,715,495 12 Overdue debts (loss provided for) Bdal Estate (other than Bank Premises) ........ • •• • ...... • •• • Mortgages ort Beal Estate sold by the Bank ........... .. Bank Premises, inoluding Safes, Vaults and Office Fur- niture, at Head Who, and Branches ....,.,. . . . ..... Other Assets, not inciude'd un. der foregoing beetle ..... . 4,173,872 4 22,617 04 65;483 70 25,533 19 900,000 00 14,086 06 ecJE111, e41.641a47ee,5 E. HAY,' D. R. WILKIE, Asst, General Manager. General Manager. addition to the customary motions, which were unarantously carried, it by-law wos passed authorizing an increase in the Capleal Stock of the Bank by the sum of Five Million Boilers (45,000,000), to be lamed as the MCC. teas may hereafter determine, and also a by-law authorizing the Directors to realm a, special contribution of $0,000 to the Pension Fund of the Bank. Scoutineers appointed at the meeting reported tho following gentle- men duly elected Direetors for the ensuing yeare---eletesrs. D. II, Wilkie, Hon. Robert Jaffrey, Wm. Ramsay of Bowland, Fetes Ilegers, J. Kerr Osborne, Charles Coolishutt, Peleg Howlahd, Wre Whyte (Winnipeg), Cawthre Mulock, nichard Turner (Quebec), Wm. Hamilton Merritt, M.O. (St. Catheeines), At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Me. D. II. Wilkie was elcoted President and the Hon, Robert Jaffrey Vice -President for the ensuing year. PRIeFlellS THE OXFORD DOWNS. , With lambs selling at six to eight cents oi* the market, a owe that will weigh 80 lo 100 pounds al weaning, and annually a fleece that will sell for 1310 or 43 certainly pays a good profil on her leeeping, writes lelte W. F. Paled. If you purchased n few goed ewes, the hest, mahanly looking grades you enn gel, end Mired them to the beet pure bred reins yotr 1.1111 purelume, of one of the mutton breeds Ihnt you, prefer, you can raise a, class of lambs ?hut should lie better than their dams end Sell well on tho markets, By 50' 1411411144 1110 best of our env° lambs each year and breeding to a first-class ram each lime, you can scion bend up a flock 11401 will phase you', eye and (1140(144111. 0)1 your hank ancount, Your ram Ls oneemlf the fleck, and in ens() your owes 21 ('11 grades let Is• mope, then holt, 4111011 it coi»es le giving Mini and gun. lily lo n flock. Never 1150 11 grade won 011 1111y Wild 411 owes, If you went to improve your floolc. Any 04 1(10 mutton tweeds are good. Select the breed you best, but he sure to 1401 (1 good in- dividual to head your flock. Most people have preference. I have 'mine, and as I find ready sale for elt the breeding atoelt I produce I can hurd- le be itemised of trying to advertise my Iresthees wheit 1 tell you the Oxford 'Down is my choice, tieing the largest of the English 1)0w115, our derketticed mutton Needs, Mature sheep are 111347 and shear a good fleece, They COO pro- lific, breeders, 'The lambs aro large ermugh weaning -time lo sell on the market with plenty or weljan. I have eola my tenths in ,Inne mut lled them avernge reedy eighty pounds end io August, averages ninely-eight pounds, 'This evithoul 11 eingle one being cut out. Mery--"Did she mike. 11 good wench?" Amt. -"Splendid. Tens of money, gond 8.60 end 1111 thee 111 face nue only L1110\019101 1.? tee' hilabend." KEEPING CHICKS GROWING. Do not feed n young chick until It is from thirty to forty hours old, says Miller Purvis, -When a chick 10 nest hatched, the yolk that wns In the egg lies in the stoinneh of the chick In fix- eren, the same eggiutillegn it was in the day the egg was laid. Incubutiou dies not effeet the yolk in any wey. This yolk contains exactly the element need- eil by the elilek for the first day 01 140 life. It contains fat with which to maintain vital hentaind for the produc- tion a energy. As the yolk is assimi- lated the chick mans in strength, end 141 1110 and ef thirly.six hours 11 Ls ready to begin taltiog enre of itself, as fur its Wing and indigestion Is concerned. The first feed should be dry oatmeal, of the kind known as steel cut oats cr pinhead oalmeel, or better yet, 0110 of Ihe. chick foods petutared for sale by nearly every ineuhator nutnufecturer Poultry Supply house in this. country. Often these prepare,' foods are for sule in grocery stores. In the absence ef any of these foods, credo:al wheat, mil- let Ved, Or even stale bread crumbs may be substituted. Keeping elticke growing Is eilSy if we follow this simple and -natural method. I never feed any damp or wet feed to my chicks. I have fount% that chicks fed on dry feed are not so likely In be troubled with bowel com- plaint as these fed oa what we call mashes. Give the chicks mime sand or tempered ehtek grit from the first. geedually feeding coarser grit ne the 'Mete groW older. Keep them fully supplied with pure wilier. Do not water from a vessel whic11 hes become fout from long use without washing. Stoneware or Iron wake' vessels ttre best, and these should be washed of. 1011Fe'ed as often es possible-ilve or six times a day is not too often -but never give as much as the flock will rat at one lime. Feed in some sort of litter, so the chieks will have to scnatch for the grain. Thla makes them take exercise, keeps them strong and makes them helantlithYu.,ee weeks whole wheat, cracked corn and suede course feed may he substituted for the smeller grains, and beef scree may be Icept in a little trough or 1)041 where they can help themselves. This beef sernf»nakes chicks grow tepidly and meture at en enrly age. II, furnishes laying liens with material the material which goes to melee bones, flom which to mike eggs and chicks nerves and feathers. This is 1110 vehole secret of success Us reaeing Keap them dry, feed often and o'111111 04 10 time, supply them with pure water, and keep their sleep- ing places bee lions Insects by the tiger of SOCK) 1115CC1101d0. ALICIA the 1)03$1. louse killer I ever tried Ls 11 gallon of coal oil into which. 11718 been 111191:011 101119 01111103 ot crude enrholic oeld, Walt ibis paint the inekle of the brood coop cvero, week or two, tieing on ordinate, peint beush, II will kill evevy insect wills which it comes in contac1 and pee. eent them from increasing. ' las net lel them sleep on ouches uro 1:1 they ore almetst full .14140. T111S will prevent them from hilving emoked Mena lames, which is a defect that fanciers object lea '--'0' A XICW Sinmese taper ninkes the fol- lowing announcemeel:-'"I'lle 114*11/3 English, we tell 1110 latest. ee 'rite fri perfectly slyie and most earliest, Do a mueder get commit, we hear of and 14411 11. Do a mighty chief die, we, pub- lish it, road in bOrilerS or sombre. Staff fins each one born colleged end write Ulm Keeling end the Dielons, eve cite Ole every toWn Mid extorlionnle not foe advertisements," "Yes, eir," said Ilse noisy lenity, proudly, "I nne eelf-matle man," "Weill, don't let a Mlle thing Mee Ilya worry you," rejoined lite quiet party. "Keep youe mouth shut and ono Win ever suspect it."