HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-7-4, Page 1Vol., oa.
New Advertisements,
Cnril--Peter Kerr,
'Keys lost—Jas. Fox.
Purse lost—Tutt Pos'r,
I3rooch loaf -Miss Nryne,
Spectacles found—'file Pos'1',
Voters' List—John McIntosh,
Notice to debtors—W, F. Stewart.
Executor's Notice—Edmund Leaf,
Reliable Art Studio—H, R. Brewer,
Notice to debtors—A. B, Macdonald.
t stri,ci Reins,
Saturday last Wm, Reid and his
brother John, from South Afriba,
were calling on their aunt aud cousin,
Mrs, W. C, Fraliek and Miss Alice.
Quite a number from this locality
were at Brussels on Dominion Day to
the Celebration.
Thursday afternoon at this week is
the big picnic and garden party at
Nicholson's East of Belgrave.
Last Sabbath Rev. A. E. Jones, of
Auburn, a former 'pastor, was here
preaching anniversary sermons and
did well. Mrs. Jones accompanied
him. They are alwaye welcome here.
(�r o(Ierio tit .
Dakin OF Geo. Actnesow.—One of
tbe oldest and most respected settlers
of this town passed away Tuesday
afternoon in the person of George
Acheson, For years Mr. Acheson was
in the mercantile business, and so sic
cessful were his operations that•he held
considerable stock in many of the
chief manufacturing industries of this
town. He was a Methodist, and as an
official of the Church strongly aided in
in the furtherance of its welfare here.
Although not an active follower of
politics; his influence in the ;Liberal
cause was always beneficial to the
'rhe . union pic-nic is to be held in
Mr. Mclutosh's grove on Wednesday,
Tuly loth.
Mr. Adams, of Toronto, and Mr.
Manning, of Mount Forest, are visiting
friends here,
lames Menzies, sr„ is laid up at pres-
ent with a broken leg, the effects of a
kick from a cosy,
Miss Harkness and Miss Pettigood,
of Bright, ere visiting the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. Donald Menzies.
The Westminster Guild held their
business meeting last Friday evening
and the following officers were elected :
—President, John Campbell ; 1st Vice
President, Mrs. Burnett ; end Vice.
President, Pearl McKee ; Secretary,
Mary Fraser ;;Treasurer, Mabel Elliott
Organist, Rome McKee; Prayer Meet-
ing Committee, Annie Scott, Laura
Mitchell, Peal McKee, John Camp-
bell ; Look -out Committee, Godetba
Coombes, Mary Fraser, Ida Campbell ;
Retta Mitchell ; Social Committee,
Daisy Coombes, Pearl McKee, Mabel
Elliott and Clarence Stevens.
THE Post, gives the news. 40 cents
gets it to January 1st 1908.
Tuesday July 9th is the date of the
Women's Institute meeting in •the -
Township Hall here. AEteruoon and
evening sessions, Musical program in
the evening in addition to•tero address-
es by the ladies of the delegation,
UNUEa•rnx1NG,—Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming frit
which we Bold diplomas.
The Jackson (Mich.) Patriot ot recent
date says of a clergyman well known
in this locality ;-`The third quarterly
conference of the First M. E. church
was unusually eventful, At the busi
ness session a reeolution was presented
and passed, asking the Michigan con•
fereuee to return Rev. T. T. LeGear
to the Jackson church. for another veer,
•The resolution referred in most com-
plimentary terms to Mr. LeGear's six
years of faithful stewardship, end the
earnest wish of parishioners to make
that number seven, He is oneof the
strongest men in the conference and
Jackson would be honored by Mr,
LeGear's return hero." Editorially
The Patriot approves of the action of
the church officials, and states that
their expression "echoes the senti-
ments of may people not associated
with the church. Mr. Le Grew belongs
to the new school of preachers, and
has .exerted an influence on the life of
Ott. e
Reliable ..
Art Studio
is the proper place to gab your Photo-
graphs taken. .Photos from -the Sunbeam
up to the 14.x17 Group and Portrait size,
saffron with great success.
(lot a Photo of your Family the first
chance you havetoget them together,
We are Second to none end very
moderato in our charges,
Views of residences, els., :taken on
short notice,
Picture frames made to Order.
��ttT,'�' p¢� BREWER
the community which bas extended far
outside the walls of the church. The
fact that a minister se desired for the
seventh consecutive year is an inn0.
Yetion in the Methodist church, and of
itself is the strongest of evidence that
Mr, LeGear is the right man in the
right place,"
Tru wb ri dg e,
Rev, Samuel Saltonand family ar-
rived here this week from Centralia
to assume his duties as pastor of the
Methodist chsireli. We bid him wel-
come totbe cosy parsonage and also
to the hearts of a loyal people who
will be glad to aid him in the work.
Friday evening a farewell social was
held in the church here having to do
with the removal of Rev. A. C. Tiffin
to Lambeth, 6 miles West of London,
after a very happy and successful
phere ofyears, After an'
Interesting program r `has. Cosens,Re-
cording Steward, read a complimen-
tary address and George Spence, of
Molesworth, handed the pastor a well
filled purse, Rev. Mr. Tiffin appro-
priately thanked the people for tbeir
many kind words and helpful deeds
to Mrs. Tifffu and himself. Addresses
were given by Messrs, Armstrong,
Code, Johnston and Cosens. While
many regrets were spoken as to the
going away of Rev. Mr. Tiffin anti
family many good wishes follow them
to their new field.
W rox to it. ea*.
S. M. Robinson, of Seaforth, spent
Sunday at his home here,
Mrs. Ross Smith; of London, is the.
guest of Mrs. A. M. McLean.
A, and Mrs. Wallace, ot Toropto, are
guests of Mrs. T. G. Hemphill
Alviu Hemphill, of Toronto, is
spending a week's holiday at his home
Miss May Perrin was successful in
passing her junior examination in
T. W. Gibson and son, Alex. , of
Toronto, were visitors in the village
over the holiday.
R, T. Miller and R. Lang, of Tor-
onto, were visitors at their bomes
here over the holiday,
Sam. and Mrs. Willis and son Leslie,
of London, visited over the holiday
with J. and Mrs. Gibson.
Mrs, Bolton and daughter, Mrs.
Cliinie of -Listowel, visited on Friday
with Dr. and Mrs. Brawn.
Mrs. Alex. Campbell and children,
df -•London, are visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. J. Leckie, of Howlett.
Miss Ella Sanderson, of Wallace -
burg, is spending her vacation with
her parents Juo. and Mrs, Sanderson.
Miss Henderson, of Woodstock, and
Mr. and Miss Dickson, of Bradwar-
dine, Man„ are guests of Mrs. W.
C. and Mrs. Cook, of Hensell, are
visiting the latter's parents, T. and
Mrs. Hemphill, sr, The latter will
remain for a month.
Rev, L. and Mrs. Perrin left on
Tuesday for a trip to the Pacific Coast,
They expect to be absent about two
months. Services next Sunday will be
taken by Robt, Stevenson, of Harris -
Rev, J H. Osterhout, B. A., preach.
ed his farewell sermon on Sunday
evening. During his three years'
term on this circuit, he was a great
favorite and be carries away with Mm
the best wishes of everyone, Mr. and
Mrs. Osterhout left for their new home
in Kintore on Tuesday.
A quiet event took place in Listowel
Thursday when Miss Maggie Paulin,
eldest daughter of A, and Mrs. Paulin
of this place, was united in marriage
to Samuel Campbell, of Listowel,
formerly of this vicinity. '1.'he best
wishes of their many friends are ex-
tended to the young couple.
CELEBRATION,—The Celebration of -
Dominion Day in Wroxeter was a
marked success. While no doubt the
threatening rain of the morning kept
a number away yet the turnout from
the surrounding country aud villages
was good and an enjoyable day was
spent. The committee deserve great
credit for the manner in which all
arrangements were made and carried
out, The town was prettily decorated
with bunting and evergreens. First
game to be called was between Wing -
ham and Harriston baseball teams and
was a closely contested one, at the
tenth innings the score stood 3.3. On
the eleventh Wingham scored three
runs,, thereby winning out The
London Newsboys' Band arrived on
the noon train and formed a procession
from the station to the grounds, The
Band was quite a -novelty and attracted
a great deal of httention. After this a
game between' Wingham and the
Unions of Wroxeter and Gerrie was
called Up to the 4th innings it was a
splendid game the Unions scoring one
while Wingham was still a Mauls, In
the next five innings the Unions be-
came demoralizedlind Wingham tallied
as they pleased, the score standing
ih their favor I8-2. The. different
Muting rases were well contested and
the winners earned their laurels, The
farmer's race, hurdle race and egg race
caused install excitement, The lacrosse
game between Wingham and Kin-
cardine did not come off as Kincar-
dine did not pat in their appearance.
It was a great disappointment as many
came just. to see this match.' It Is
said the Kincardine players were in
Wingham all day, What were they
afraid of 7 Perhaps they felt that with
the Wingham teens in Wroxeter they
could hold down what was left in
Wingham. In order to fill up the
vacancy caused by Kincardines
non-appearance, a foot -ball game waS
played between the present team, and a
team composed of returned old boys.
The old boys soon showed the pubiic
that they had not forgotten how to
push the pig -skims and the -score was
inth thrall' favor, Never oafor
somany f
our old boys and girls re-
turn to help to celebrate the day and
gladden the hearts of their friends,
'Tho concert given under the auspices
of the baud was also a success. The
solelets being Miss Eller, contralto,
Miss Elliott, soprano, Mr, Duan, tenor
and Mr, 'Dunstan, baritone, The
quartettes rendered were very pleasing
and the solos of Miss Elliott and Mr,
Dunn were repeatedly encored, The
band gave several selections and 1?',
W, Thompson acted as pianist,
The Orangemen will hold their ,an.
nual service in the Methodist church,
Bluevale, next Sunday morning, July
7th, .at as o'clock, Rev. Goo, Baker
will preach the animal smitten. Re-
gular service at Ebenezer in the after.
noon at 3 o'clock, and at Johnston's
at �o clock next Sunday.
A very enjoyable picnic of the
three Sunday Schools of the Bluevale
Circuit was held in Mr. Netbery's
bush on Monday, 1st inst. The Sal.
vation Army Band from Wingham
furnished the mule. A refreshment
tent was on the grounds, and genies of
foot hall and swinging were partici-
pated in and all had a general ' good
time, .
W re.S ton.
New topic cards have been issued
in connection with the Young People's
Society of Duff's church:
There was a large representation of
people in this locality at Brussels last
Monday, They report a good time.
Rev, Mr. Currie, B. A., who has
been at Galt for the past month, Will
resume his pastoral duties in connec-
tion with the Methodist church here
next Sabbath.
D. A. Lowry, of Brussels, has com-
pleted the brick veneering of John
Watt's new house in this place, Mr,
Watt will move to the village as' soon
as the residence is completed, He
will engage in the drover business.
GARDEN PARTY.—The annual garden
party will be held on the lawn at Duff's.
church Manse Friday evening of this
week. Brodhagen Band is expected
and other items of entertainment.
Everybody attends these gatherings.
Thos. McFarizean was laid aside from
his usual activity owing to a badly
strained foot. He had gone into the
coach at Brussels depot the morning
his wife left for a visit to the West and
in getting off the car met with the ac-
cident. We hope he will soon be all
cirnut brootr.
D. and Mrs. Campbell aro visiting in
Miss E. Calder is the guest of Mrs. 3,
The Misses Wilton are the guests of
Mrs, G. Baker,
Miss T. Switzer and Miss S, Seel are
home for. vacation.
Miss Ida Gorsahtz, of Buffalo, is
visiting her mother.
D, McQuarrie spent the rat with his
son, Athol, in Goderich.
D. Johnston has purchased the
"Model Farm" on the 5415.
A. and Mrs. McDonald took in the
excursion to the Model Farm.
Miss Irene Currie, of Galt, is spend-
ing her vacation with Mrs. Brown,
Myrtle. McDonald went to Wingham
on Wednesday to try her exam, in
Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs, J. P. Mc-
Intosh.spent the 1st in Galt visiting 3.
• Miss Minnie Cameron returned to
St. Mary's after spending the 1st under
the parental roof,
Robert Down and wife,' of St.
Thomas, are visitors with Mrs. Rann,
The ladies are sisters,
Thos. and. Mrs. Fallis and family,
from Grand Bend, visited. . with Mrs.
and Miss Blair last week.
The contract for the cement floor in
the basement of the school house was
let to George Baker. Contract was for
GARIweN PARTY,—The Garden Party
at the Methodist church lawn last Fri-
day evening was an enjoyable one, the
financial results being over $50.00.
Program was as follows:—Instrumen-
tal selections by. H. L. and Mrs, Jack-
son. Brussels ; music by the choir ;
duets, Misses Gerry and Sharp, Brus-
sels ; singing by the children; duet,
Misses Hunter and Switzer ; solo, Miss
Hingston ; solo, Miss Hunter. The
Orchestra from Brussels was unahle
to be. present owing to the absence
from home of some of the members.
The bill of fare was good as it always
ADDRESS AND Pis seemarrON,•--Last
Friday at the closing exercises of our
public school there was a good attend•
ante of visitors. At the close of a
long, varied and well rendered pro-
gram, Miss Lizzie McKay, the well
known teacher, was called to the front
and presented with a' beautiful bible
and necklace, The address was tread
by Miss Beatrice McQuarrie and the
presentation made by Miss Mina Fox,
Address was as follows ;—
Miss 11loZfay
DEAR TEACHER,—It is with 110 small
regret that we•coin0 to the severing of
the happy associations that have bound
us together as teacher and pupils for
the past three or four years, associations
to us of so much pleasnl'e and, profit,
We are. desirous, therefore, of taking
this presentopportunity of expressing
our sincere thanks for the deep interest
you have always taken in us, whether
in the day school or in the Sunday
School. By precept and example you
have tendered us highly valued aid,.
which we believe will yet bear
much good and precious fruit,
"Actions speak. louder than weds' is
at old and pithy addage and we believe
in exemplifying its correctness by ask-
iu you to acceptulle a little gifts, and
espeeirtlly thiBible, as a small
meneento of our affection and kindly.
regard, When you look ou these.
things, and espeotatly when pursuing
the sacred page for instruction and
•wisdom, we would fain hope your
mindwonid revert in kindness and
forgiveness to us, your old pupils of
Cranbrook school. In bidding you
good•bye We would implore aur
Heavenly Father's kindest blessings
for you, that He would surround you
with true and loyal friends, and that
He would, out of His infinite faint ss,
bestow on you everything that would
be for your , good. Again thanking
you for all kind favors of the past, we
would subscribe ourselves, Your old
pupils and well wishing friends,
Miss McKay made a brief reply in
which she spoke words of gratitude
and counsel,
Gras a,
Township Council minutes on page
4 of this issue,
leo. Sanders and wife, of Moncrieff,
were visiting friends at Atwood,
Miss Berta McNaught is home from
bar position in Toronto for bar vaca-
Mrs. Robert Scott, of Preston, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Dougald Mc-
Next Sabbath evening an Endeavor
nseetiug will be held in Bethel church
at 7 o'clock.
Mrs, Agnes Davidson and grandson,
of Toronto, are visitors at Thos, David -
son's lith con.
A pleasant time was enjoyed at the
school pieMein A. Bishop's grove last
Saturday afternoon.
Last week Miss Tennie Rands arrived
home for her vacation. She has been
teaching near Wiarton.
Dougald and Mrs. McTaggart are
home from an enjoyable two weeks'
trip svitbrelatives in Chicago.
A large addition will be built to the
barn of Robert Livingston, 15th con,
A cement wall will be put under it.
Wm. and Mrs. Thompson, of St,
Augustine, visited at the home of las.
and Mrs, Armstrong, loth con., Sun-
day and Monday,
Jas. Armstrong and Miss Bertha,
left on Tuesday on a driving trip visit-
ing the former's brothers at Kenilworth
and Shelburne.
Joo. Robertson, 76th con., has made
a commencement on the building of a
new barn with cement stabling. The
contract is not let yet.
Miss Ella McKinnon is home from
her situation as teacher of the Primary
department of Bruce Mines public
school looking as if it had agreed with
her splendidly.
C. R. and Mrs. Bennett arrived here
on Tuesday evening of this week from
Arcola for a visit with relatives. Mrs.
Bennett is a daughter of Thos. and
Mrs. Davidson, nth 0011.
Councillor and Mrs. Brown were
away for a week on a driving tour
which included Galt and Hamilton.
It was an enjoyable trip during which
many old friends were called upon.
The contract of removing the
corduroy for 40 rods South of Mon-
crieff on the sideroad was let last Sat-
urday to Tames Cummings and Dun-
can McKay. It was work that was
badly required to be done,
Richard Mitchell arrived home from
Saskatoon last Saturday whither be
had gone owing to the serious illness
of his son Percy. The patient ac-
companied his -father home and we
hope he will soon be as hearty es ever.
The'Voters' List for 1507 was de-
livered to Clerk McIntosh this week
and first posted up on Wednesday.
There are 922 mantes in Part I; 102 in
Part II, and 32 in Part III, 1056 in all,
611 are competent to serve as Jurors.
Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., of the
Ashfield circuit, was presented with
a kindly worded address and a well
filled purse as a farewell token of
love and esteem on the eve of his re.
moved to Dungannon. He was a form-
er Greyite. His many old friends
Imre wish him well.
ENTERTAINMENT.—Thursday evening
rith inst., the anniversary entertniu-
ment of Bethel Sabbath School will be
held. Rev. Mr. Wishart, of Brussels,
and P.ev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook,
will•give addresses ; Miss Raynard, of
Ethel, and others will sing ; Miss . Mc-
Naught will recite and a good time is
assured to all who attend.
Sexoox REPORT.—Following is the
report of S. S. No, 3 Grey, for the
mouth of June. Examined in Gram.,
Lit,, Arith„ Reading, --Sr, IV.—H.
Smith, 411. Jr. IV.—E. Cardiff, 239 ;
J. Taylor, 225 ; T, McDonald, 205 ;
C. McKinnon, 192° ; B. Smith, 155.
Sr, IIL—J. Smith, 333 ; 0. Doll, 165 ;
J, Cole, 42*, Jr. lInd.—•T, Oliver,
253 ; Katie McDonald, '229 ; F. Cole,
167 ; Austin Gransden, 16o. Sr, II. -
8. Smith, 168 ; M, Smith, 162 ;
Smith i6o* M. McFarlane 125*,
Pt. IL—E,' ishop, 142 ; S, Grant,
528*. Sr, Pt. I: --J. McFarlarne, 1.20,
Jr, Pt. I—H. Cardiff, G. Bishop,
M.'ZIetMER, Teacher,
Sellout REPORT.—Report ot S. S,
No, 10 forlmonth of Tune, dames in
order 02 merit :—Sr. IV—Katie .Den-
man, Alma Speiran, Ivab Speiran, Geo.
Evans. Jr. IV—Marguarette Hutchin-
son, Mary Machan, Myrtle Speiran,
Tames Doull, Sr, III—Herman Pick.
re11, Della Whitfield. Jr. III—(a) GOP.
don Whitfield, Freddie Cox, Stanley
Meehan, Hart. Speiran ; (b) Henrietta
Denman, Gertrude Speiran, Margaret
Love, Millie Cox, Edith Plckrell, Sr.
1I --Freddie Holleubeck, Lorne Pratt,
Earl Ratliwell, Bennie Hollanbeck. Jr.
II—Stanley Speiran, Erie Hutchinson,
Grozart Inglis, Glydus Hallenbeck,
May Inglis, J�ennie Ward, Carrie Ward,
Pt. II—Leslie „Lake (promoted frons.
Sr. Pt, I to Pt, II,) Jr, I—jean Love,
Sateen Baker, Colwell Speiran, Eddie
Ward. Average attendance 31,
H. 0. MAnGILLivtAv, Teacher.
xau;NlsAL._.On u Wecneo
das, June
2hth at 3 o'clock p, tn.,- Rev. Mr, Mc.
Vicar tied the matrimonial isnot, fit the
Atwood manse, between Robert David-
son, Iilh eon., and Miss Gertrude,
second daughter of Jacob and Mrs.
Hallenbeck, rjtb.con. - Miss Florence
Hollenbeck, sister to the bride, was
bridesmaid and Davld Davidson was
groomsman. The bride wore a beeom-
log costume of white while the brides.
maid loolcad neat in bluer Supper was
served at Mr, i-lollenbeck's and after
the expression of many good wishes
Mr, and Mfrs, Davidson drove to their
new hone where we hope they will
enjoy many happy, prosperous years.
They received numerous useful and
valuable gifts,
Miss Minnie Ker, teacher of S. 5,
No, 3, has returned to her home in
i spend the ne Summar vaca-
We are glad to state that James
Grashy, 5t11 line, has recovered from
his recent indisposition caused by a
slight attack of the mumps,
A number of the young people from
around Sunshine spent Dominion Day
at Westfield'pic-nit and all report hav-
ing had a good time.
The new brick residence of lames
Nichol, 6th line, is being pushed ahead
well. Brick walls are completed and
the roof on ready for the sinters, D,
A, Lowry did the brick work and
Thos. Newsome has the carpentering,
Robert Nichol, 615 line, has purchas-
ed the loo acres belonging to James
Petch, of MMdora, Manitoba, and gets
possession next ,March, The price is
as good as $4,400. As the farm hes
immediately alongside of Mr, Nichol's
it will constitute an A 7 property. F.
S, Scott, of Brussels, made tbe sale.
The picnic held by S. 5, No. 6, Mor-
ris, in Walter Yuill'e bush on June 21.
was a brilliant success. A pleasant
afternoon was spent by all, after which
a tempting lunch was served, After
this an interesting game of foot ball
was played between the 3rd and 4th
lines of Morris which ended in a vic-
tory for the 3rd, the score being 2 to
T. When S. S. No. 6 undertakes any-
thing it's bound to be a success.
Sesnoos REPORT.—Report of S. S.
No. 6 for Tune :—Entrance Class—
Vina Bowman, 346 ; Frank Bryans,
287. Sr. IV—Tena Yuill, 645 ; Mar-
gie Yuill, 625. Jr, IV—Ethel Sellers,
564 ; Sr. III—Russel Currie, - 489
Harvey Henderson, 333 ; Mabel Bone
22. Sr. II—Russel Bone, 541, John
Riley, 316, Jr. II—Sadie Riley, 522,
Gerrie Shaw, 478 ; Lila Wilkinson,
33o. Pt. II—Harold Currie, 622 ;
Ward Sellers, 358. Sr, Pt. I—John
Yuill, 537 ; Charlie Sellers, 512 ;
Isabel Shaw, 494 ; Irene Wilkinson,
435. Jr. Pt I—Jim Riley, 514-
C. MILLIGAN, Teacher.
There was a large attendance at the
funeral of the late John Manning
Thursday afternoon of last week.
The pall -bearers were:—Watson Ain -
lay, Fletcher S erling, Robert Nichol,
John Mooney, James Davis and Allan
Adams, Friends from a distance
were :-3. A, and Mrs. Lever, and
F. J. and Mrs. Mathewson, of Flesh.
erton ; Mrs. H. V. Patrick, of Wood-
stock ; J L. and Mrs. Lloyd and
Cecil Shuttleworth, of Mount Forest;
I3Iiss Lena Sperling, of Toronto;
Herb, Cunningham, of Palmerston ;
and Mr. and Miss Thompson, of Au.
Mins. The family will continue their
residence on the farm in the meantime.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the result of the examinations for the
month of June in S. S. No. 4:—Sr. IV
—Examined Comp., Gram., Spelling,
Arith. ; total Soo—John Speir 283,- Jr.
IV—Exam, in Comp., Gram.. Spell„
Arith, ; total 300—Eliza Kirkconnell
260, Roy Thuell 254, Martha McCut-
cbeou 224. Sr. III—Exam. in Hist.,
Comp., Gran., Spell. ; total 300—
Harry Grain.,
208, Willie Thuell
208, Sr. II --Exam. in Lit,, Geog.,
Draw., Spell, ;_ total Soo—Bessie Jor-
dan 234, Joe Thuell 214, Harvey Mc-
Cutcheon 200, Jenny Scott 192, Fred.
Thuell 742. Sr. Pt. II—Bertha Stev-
ens 252, Louis Stevens 192. Jr. Pt, II
—Florence Scott 211, Pt. I—Ernest
Smith 114, Ida Kernaghan roe,
isABEL MCNAB, Teacher.
People We Talk About.
Jos•ph and Mrs, Sharpe and Sennders
and Mre. Sharpe and children, all of
Toledo ; and Jas. Sharpe, ot Detroit,
are vlc.tore at James Sharpe's, Prin
nes street, Brnaeele. The gentlemen
are sons of the latter,—Bev. A. 0. Tiffin
and son were in town on Wednesday
while driving from Trowbridge to their
new borne at Lambeth.—George and
Mrs. Brown were visiting in Blyth on
Wednesday,—Will. Campbell, of Lon-
don, epent the holiday at hiehome here,
Master Bobs a000mpanied him back.—
Miss Maud Knight, of London, was visit-
ing Aligns and Mrs. Oampbe'l.—Mre, T.
II. Hall, of Detroit, was visiting ab Mre,
John Sinclair's Prieaess street —Misses
Helena 0. and Negate and little Master
Maurice Brown, of Ailsa Craig, visited
their grandmother, Mrs. Geo. McKay,
of this plain, for a few days.—Mies
Mandy Beane, of Ingersoll, was here
for Dominion Day visiting her oonein,
Mies Mildred Saott,—Jas. W. Oraigie,
of Toronto, was bare for Dominion Day.
—Milton MoGnire, of Toronto, was home
toe ti short visit tinder ftbe parental roof.
Rankin, Mrs. Rankin and (high.
ter, Nora, of Wingham, and Misses Ada
and Cora MsGnire, of Clinton, wore
Dominion Day visitore with Arthur and
Mrs. MoGeire,—Art. Robertson, who is
now bolding down a good position eb Sc.
gine, was willing oh old friends here
this week. Ile hue lost none of his en•
tlinsinem over foot ball and took part in
n local match in Wroxeteren Monday,—
Miss Priid, of Hamilton, was visiting
her brother, Dr. R. P. this week,—Shoe
Velma Oartie, at Trowbridge, is visiting
1887 -Dominion. Day Celebration
A Most Enjoyable Time Spent.
Brunie wee en tete last Mapda}', the
40th %universar), of the Ooafederettoa of
the Dominion of Canada, It is several
years since a celebration wee held bete
but the major portion of the town joined
in most heartily and as a rota every-
thing passed off very pleasantly, The
town wore its holiday aiotbo and look
ed gay with streamers of varfoas °oiors
morose Main ebrset while flags and neatly
draped boating were to be seen in pro.
fusion. Seats were arraged ab Victoria
Park for the comfort of the eightoeers
ainndbaud• the Committee bad everything well
The morning express from Kinoardine
brought their band and they were by no
means penurious with their well played
seleotione throughout the del and will be
welcome batik.
About 9 a, m. the Trades' prooeseion
and Calithempian exhibition made their
appearance and caused many a hearty
laugh. To deeeribe"the turn out would
be neat to impoeeibla, they had to be seen
to be appreciated. Prizes were awarded
se follows :—Earl Ament, let, Monkton
Oil worker Cleve, Basket, 2nd, Fancy
butcher cart ; Jno. Petah and George Mo -
Nichol, 8rd, oomio costume ; Harry
Mercer and Oran Wilbee, 4th, ..mole in
backboard ; Jno. Kerney, 5th, Toe Cream
wagon ; Carl Holmes, Cline Scott, Art,
Jaakeon and Benny Walker, 66b, negro
minetral band Jno. Farquharson and
S. Fox, 7th, cart with man and wife.
After a shower of rain, that threatened
to demoralize the pian of the day, old
EMI once more °bowed his smiling face
and the game of Base ball between Look.
now and Blyth was Drilled on. It looked
at the start as it the former were likely
to win bob the Blyth lade got down to
baeinese and took the match by 11 to 8.
The following score will supply addition-
al particular ;—
Bram R 0 L000Now R 0
Somers, o 4 1 T Johnston of.... 1 4
MDBay. 8b....1 a tfsooy, a 0 0
Johnston, lb . 2 3 Brieban, p 2 8.
Gidley, off....,... 1 8 Habkirk, rf„, 0 S
Kerr, se a 4 Thomson, 25*... :2 2
McAcaae,p 1 2 Findlater, 3b... 7 1
Watson, 11 0 8 W Johnston, se 1 2
MOMillan, 2b ,,1 2 MoLaugblin, 18 1 8
Craig, rf . 1 4 MoLeod, lb 0 2
11 27 8 27
Blyth 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 5-11
Lneknow 8 0 8 0 0 0 1 1 0— 8
Robert Downing, of Braeselo, filled the
poet of umpire. He's an old eport in the
base ball realm.
After dinner a program of foot noes
was given with many entries. The win.
ners in each event were :—
Boys ander 12—B. Carrie, Irvin Fer-
guson, H. Mo0ntsheon.
Boys under 16—Jack Leckie, Frank
Gerry, 0. McMillan,
Girls under 12-0ora MoDonald,Btella
Garry, Mabel Thompson.
Girls ander 16 — Teeeie Mo$enzie,
Retie Finn, Annie Lowry:
100 yard dash—R, J. MoLaaohlin, W.
Struthers, J. Flood.
Mile rase—which tools the competitors
round the Park four times—had an ex-
citing flnieh. Dick Cardiff took a long
lead in the first half but on the home
stretch Abner Smith, Grand Trunk agent
at Ethel, who has quite a reputation an a
long dietanoe runner, gained up on Oar.
diff but hail to strike a lively gait to win,
High Or1oh took Ord money,
A goad °lase bent was expeetod between
the Stratford Senior Foot Bali team and
Brunetti lntermadlates, The 'borne team
aeon allowed their advantage however
and kept the Claude Oity dofenoe on the
alert without any doubt. Bruesele won
the only goal in the lett half. The name
were onnebituted us ander :—
B1iOaenLe l3TnATjrosiD
3 Anderson Goal Iteadebaw
A Anderson .., 11 •, Auatarborry
W McDonald,. 1• 71,tlgle.
J Btoveneou flues
C ueerin 1B ( Tu tc
R brown ....,. 1 links i Aurrle
10 Barley l Bassett
A.MeLeod' - Beott
W Henderson Forwards Bart
R 1) Cardift 13105 11-
CBr au ,.:.He ria er
e r
Y � � 8
3, Leslie Iforr, of Birth, was referee,
Highland dancing was apparently a
greet attraction by the way the people
flooked toward the platform as the sound
of the bagpipes gave warning ofwhat was
on hand- The varioae dances were done
in true Soottieh pattern by Minn Edith
McLeod, of London, and Mehl Mo.
Donald, of Wingham, and elicited hearty
&beers. Piper, McDonald tot Seaforth,
supplied the music.
Following this interesting feature came
the contest for diamond honors 114onkton
and Biybb being the oompstitolea It was
a good game. Blyth had Ave doses of
kalsomine administered to them before
the 755 innings and bad two rine to their.
t i1 u •e''bt
credit,butin the rh he tad. t
to whoh hey added Doe and two resp ot-
ively in the 8th and 915, giving them in
all thirteen. Monkton got a tally in the •
let innings but never saw Mae home plate
again, score showing 8 euooeseive goose
egge. They were too dependent on their
battery, whieb game from Milverton, but
held down their opponents very well.
The official soore was :'—
BLYTII R 0 MON7cosN 11 0
Somers,. e 1 8 Bettger,eb 0 4
Mellay, 8b 2 3 Beowu, 2U 0 5
111 .., 0 8 Lett, 1b 1 2
t0idiey, Johnston,d ........ 1 5 Struthers, 15.,0. 4
gory, to 2 2 Bryant, se..,....., 0 8
MoArter, s, 1 4 Damarb, ct 0 8
Watson, r1 .. ., 8 1 Walr,.o 0 '8'
Malillae,t2b .., 2 2 fioligbtly,el,., 0 2
Craig, if 1 8 Boaderioh, p .,. 0 8
i7 127
IIlyth 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 1 2-15
Monkton 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0-1
13 wee certainly an unlucky number for
Moukton. Lett us hope they will t}o•
lightly for the time to come.
The pleasant honors ofoalling baffle and
strikes and Battling other intrieabe clues.
done was borne by J. F. Rowland.
In the evening as a c000laeion to the
day's program a concert was given when
a good sized andienoe aseambled in the
Town Hall. Program was ander the,
direction of the Firth 0a. who did their
parb wall.
The finance° for the day were of a very
satisfactory character and after all ex-
penses are squared off a tidy balanoe will
go to the credit of the Celebration
Fund for anobher year.
"The land of the Maple is the land forme,
The home of toe stalwart, the brave and
the Iran ; -
The rose and the thistle, the shamrock and
All bloom in one garden 'neath the maple
her oonein Seen Elliott, Alexander street.
—A, A. White, teller of the Standard
Bank, is holidaying at Ailsa Craig and
other points.—Ton POET congratulates
Miss Margaret MaLanohlin, of town, on
successfully passing her examination
at the Toronto Conservatory. She Mien
fine pianist and we wish her 0000000 in
the furtheraooe of her mneical studies.—
Last Friday evening as Rev. E. G.
Powell was going into the Cranbrook
Methodist church he stepped on a banana
peeling and fell striking his right side
on the steps. .8. rumple of ribs were
oraaked and he has been quite poorly
during the week bat we hope he will soon
be o. k.—B. Leatherdale and Mise Laura
lett on Tuesday on an extended trip to
the West. They were ticketed to Ed.
monton and will visit at numerous points
en routs.—Norman McGuire, a typo on
the Milverton Sun, made a flying trip
to hie home here.—James and .Mrs.
Sharpe were visiting relatives in London
daring the past week.—Mies Helen D.
Ford has gone to Laeknow for her vaoa.
Non, Her father, Rev, Mr. Ford, moved
to the Bepoy town rife week and win be
pastor of the Mebhodtet Munch - for the
next term.—Mrs. A. Snider, of London,
wag visiting at her eon's, Thos. Snider,
Queen street, Brnaeele.—Mies Nellie
Harbottle, of Berlin, in visiting her
grandparents in town.—W.Fioa, of Tor.
onto, 75 holidaying with relatives in
Braseele.—Else Eta Jones, of R iob-
mond, Qnebeo, ie visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Pas. Fox, Brnesele.—Mr, and Mrs,
Dolmage, of Rotheay, were visiting W.
W. and Mrs, Harris. -Mrs. Robert
Paulin, of Bay Oity, Miohigan, and Mre,
B. Jenkins, of Wingham, were guests
of Mre. James Fox this week.—James
Innie, of Moorefield, shook hands with
manyall friends in this to ay lit during
a vilt of a few days.—W.° M.Sinolai
is away to Parry Sound on legal lanai-
nese,—Mise Mina Hunter was home from
Clinton for a short stay.—W. J. Faw-
oetb, of the Metropolitan Bank, was in
Toronto a few days on business.—Archie
Dickson and daughter, Miss Anna, of
Brsdwardine, Mau., were (tailing on old
friends in Brussels and vicinity this
week. Mrs. Douglas, of Wroxeter, no-
oompanied diem. Mr. Diekeon was a
one time resident of this locality,—Mrs.
ELL, Jackson and Lloyd are enjoying
a holiday with relatives, at Goderioh,—
Samuel Purdy and eon Vernon, of Thorn
dale, were visitors at Postmaster Far-
rows. Mr, Pardy is a brother to Mrs.
Farrow,—Mies Lottie Koenig, of Paris,
was visiting in Brnaseis. She was a
former resident,—Thoe. Ross, of Oho.
ley, and eon, and Rebt. Roes; of Kin.
canine, were in Brussels on Dominion
Day. We are always glad to see the
old town boys.—Mies Teanie Sinclair is
home from Detroit to enjoy a vacation
for a mouth or ea.—Mise Maggie Ma-
aNaughton, of Clinton, was in town for
a few days.—George McRae, wife and
baby and Jno. Ford, jr., of Guelptr, ware
holiday visitors at John MoKeuzie'e
during, the past week.—Jno. Ritchie, of
Welland, wart home for the Dominion.
Day holiday.—ex,Mayor Willis, Mre..
Willie and sons, of Seaforth, were visit.
ing at B. Gerry's this week. H. B.
Gerry and family, of Blyth, were also
in town.—Mrs. Epb Oober, of Moore-
field, was renewing old friendebipa bare
this week,—Norman °ober, vino has
epent the past year in Toronto, was call-
ing on old friends in Brassele.—Misses
Agnes and Margaret Fulton, of Detroit,
are visitore with John and Mrs. Fulton.
—Roe. Zimmer was home from Ham.
ilbon for a tetedaye. He 10 well pleased
with hie new position.—Fred. and Mre.
Adams and Miss Mabel, of Furdwieh,
were visiting old friends in town.—Dr.
J. H. McNaughbon, and wife, of Pen
Yen, N. Y., were holidaying here dnr-
ing the week. They leave shortly on a
trip across the Atlantic aod will go eight
eeeiag for several monthe.—Mies Carrie .
McCracken ie home from her school
for the vaeabion.aDr. T. T. McRae, of
Clinton, smiled on his numerous friends
here on Monday.—Druggist Harry
Crooke, of Paris, wee a weloouae visitor
to his old home hare, Mrs. Brown, of
Toronto, is visiting Mre. Harry James,--
ames,—Misses Mary and Grace Watkar, of Teee-
water, are holidaying in town.—Mlss Iva
Levier, of Auburn, is visiting relatives
in town, ---etre, George Edwarde' father, •
who has been ill for a long time, died in
Wallace this week end was buried au
'Thursday —Mies Lily Sharpe and Miss -
Goon, of Clinton, were visitors in town
oa Tbureday,--Chas, and Mrs. Sager, of
London, were renewing old lriendebips
in Brasssls.—Mrs. Alexander Wishart,
of Fergus, is the guest of her eon and
daughter at Melville mance.—Dr, Wish.
art, of London, was a visitor with his
nephew, Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A„ of
Brussels, last weak,—Joe Hunter, of
Wilson rh Hunter, marble- works, Dom.
blood business end pleasure in a visit to
Brantford, The firm placed a fine
granite lnaoument.-in the cemetery in •
that city,—J. H. Cameron is presiding
at the High School examination at Blyth `r
this week.—Mrs, W.11. Kerr was visit.
ing fu Blyth for a few days this week,
owing to the Mimes of Mrs, J, Leslie
Kerr from an abtuok of acute indigestion,
--Mre, Harry .Coutts and Andrei], of
Ohio° o arovisiting iEh the form r
g, w s s