HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 8- 02011ftittiVANIaM010,94040072.
Flags or Deooraiting
Do not wait until the begs bye got so nviinerous thet they have altneet
ruined year petattaia, but get right After thern.PQW With our
It la sot-near:We very Annoying to find that after :wending your time and
money the work has been to no purp000. Be aura and get the best that is
geing when using Parte Geeen, and you will not have that to Say, after ap-
plant% Paris Green,
yen MD depend on getting the boat ou the meaket, It i death to bugs.
Although Parte Green has greatly adveneed, and to -day :ABB just double
what it did last snows, we bought onrs duly and are able to fiell it for 860.
per pound.
Anything that's new in Postcards we have it. Awing the newest
lines roc:calved are the Leather Postcard °millions, Loather Slip -
pore and Burnt Leather Cards with Velvet Flowers. YOtt are
welcome to look over them,
F. R. S
00130130011 EXTENSION W. O. & H.
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
an& South, as follows;
Mall 085 a.m 1 Mixed 1005 0,10
Mail 11:25 p.m I faxed 2414 a.m
Express mm I Elxpreas
tams Pius
.A. ohiel'e among ye takir ' notes,
An' faith bel) prent
SEE Local news on page 5. It may do
you good.
Dean.= your prensisea on Dominion
Day. Don't forget.
60 muses in advanoe eeonres THE POST
to the lot of asnattry, 1908,
62 CANDIDATES are writing at the En-
trance Examination at Brussels this
Geo. BARED= has the cement walls of
his new residence oorepleted. He will
have a nine place when finished.
Seneca has dosed in Brussels for the
Summer holidays :ming to the Entranee
Examination regairiug several rooms.
BRUSSELS was represented at Listowel
races by a number of the sportiog fra-
ternity. F. B. Seott was time keeper.
Fon quality and quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bebe"
",Stag" and "Carrenoy' Chewing Tobaci•
corm. 46-18
Tampa's morning of this week the
annual .Exatirsion was run trona this
locality to Guelph Model Farm. There
was a goodly attendance, about 75 going
from Brume's.
The last meeting ot the Committees in
connection with Dominion Day aelebrai
tion will be held Friday evening at 8
o'clook. It is important that all in-.
treted abould be present.
Hutton Old Boys' Association ot Tor.
onto will run their 7211 annual Excursion
to Wingham and Goderieb, per G. T. R,
an Saturday Jaly 6112, tiokets being good
until following Monday. Trains leave
Toronto at 7 30 a. m.
Lough presides at Osseo examinations ab
Clinton ; Prinalpale Soott and Moffatt at
Seaforth ; Principals Musgrove and
Hartley at Wingham ; Priuoipal Camer•
ou at Blyth, and Inspector Robb at
Bressele. Theee examinations begin
July and,
Sr, &ESN'S IA,DGE.-Following offioere
were installed in St. John's Lodge, No.
284, G. R. 0„ A. F. k A, M,, on Monday
evening last. -
Jae. Ballantyne 5, P. M.
Peter 5, Bishop W. M.
L 0. Riohards EL W.
S. H. Jaolison J. W.
A. Reymann Chap.
Jae. Fox Treas,
J. Wright Sen.
J. H. Hewitt 8, D.
Jaa. Humphries J. D.
W. W. Harris 8, S.
Geo. Dunlop 5. S.
H. Daman 1. G.
J. Y. S. Kirk Tyler
SEATS ebould be reserved early for
Domiulon Day Concert. TDB plan IR at
Fox'a drug store. Taleut ie firet-olaes
and well worth hearing.
Emmen EXAMINATION. -The following
are the names of the examiners p.reeiding
at the various Entrance oentrea in Eaet
Huron :-Olinton,Prinoipala Gundry and
Loneh ;
• Beaforth, Prinoipale Rogers and
Moffatt; Wingbam,' Prinoipal Taylor
and Miss Brook ; Blyth, Miss Smith ;
Wroxe er, Principal MoQuibban ; Ford.
wioh, Prinoipal Dobson, and at Brnseele,
Inepeotor Robb and Mies Ritchie. About
360 oandidatee are writing on this exam.
tuation in this Inspectorate. The results
will be announced in the lona' papers not
later than July 26h. There are three
Eutranos Boards in Bast Huron, Clinton
which includes Blytii. The members of
this Board are Prinoipale Guidry, Lough
and Inspector Robb. Seaforth, wbioh in.
clam Braes:Ile, Prinoipale Rogere, Mot.
fat and Inspector Robb, Wingbam,
which inolmies Wroxeter and Fordwich,
Prinoipale Taylor, Musgrove and In.
specter Robb,
TES ruin was glad to reoeive a letter
from Dan. MoDonald, butcher, formerly
of Brunie. He is now following his
trade at Tilbury, Ont., the great oil boom
centre at the pre -eat time. He says
drilting "ehooting" and pumping are very
oommon inuMente. The ehallow wells
pump from 50 to GO barrels per day.
Houses are very aurae at Tilbury and
rents diked for sary ordinary aoeom.
raodation se high as $20 per month.
There is a conetant dish of visitors wbo
are free with their coin. Mr. McDonald
ie employed by a Mt. Lee, a •drover, add
hag tall charge of the badness at $18
per week. 8 head of cattle per week, in
additiols to smaller onimals, are killed.
Shop ie fitted up with boiler and engine
:looking vat, &o. A large bologna bud.
nese is done, Dan'e (as he was familiar.
by called bete) old friends will be glad to
hear ot hie mugs and will wieb him
Doutintied progierity for two worlds, for
hie whole ooneern 15 001 °entered on the
terreatiial ephere.
Dcas'e miss the oelebration in Bruseels
on Dominion Day.
Bevedias is ready for 9, big orowd on
Monday next, The fun begins at 9 a. m.
How= Mutual Fire Insure:me Oia,
will bold their monthly meeting Salm.
day of this week.
Faun degrees were pat ou in the Royal
Arch Purple Degree at the Orange Lodge
here on Monday evening. There was a
large tarn out, brethern vieiting from
Walton and Belgreve.
Tmo Ladiee Quartette of Bruseele
Methodist obarch and several others took
50.01 10 the program at the Garden Party
at Albert Dandas' PiloKillop township,
Wednesday evening of this week.
week Tbuell Bros. diepoeed of the eleotrio
light plant and dimming mill to Messrs.
Phillips & Moore, of Grand:Valley, wbo
gat possession next Tuesday. They are
experienced men and will push the
badness. Thnell Bros. have had the
plant si years and have made a number
of improvements spelt as the chopping
mill, new stable and new mac:hi:wry.
We have not learned what Messrs. Thuell
will turn their attention to but we hope
they will remain in town. The Sret
member of the inoomiuglirra ill a married
BYMENBAL.-The tying of the nuptial
bow between Geo. E. Ocietes, of Bellevue,
Idaho, and Miss Eva 111. Wrenoher, ot
the same plaoe, took plain on Jane 12th,
Rev. Mr, fRoey being the officiating olergy.
man. The happy noaplelare berervisitiug
the groom's. parents. They visited
at Ogdeu and Balt Lake oity in Ueda
Colorado Springs, Deliver, Cbioego and
Chatham eo route. Tbe bride has rein
tives in the latter city. We voioe the
aentiments of the groom's numerous
friends in this locality when we say we
wieb he and his wife many happy, pros•
minus years. After speuding a mantis
in Ontario they will return to Idaho
where Mr. Ooates has large sheep ranch.
TARGET PRACTICE. -The following is the
eoore al 13c merle Company's target pram
does at London Oamp. A. five-inah
bulleeye was used and the poeeible eoore
70 :-
Col. Sergt. Simpson 49
Beret. Crioh 47
Beaded 40
" Richardson ...... •• 89
Corp. Russell 37
Oneio 88
" Taylor 48
Ohristopher ...... .• 37
Pte. ileeebke 47
McKim 38
Fisher 86
Ament 36
" McDonald 31
" Baker 31.
1, Husther 85
TEE Pose soribe paid a visit to Heneall
recently and was greatly pleased with
the noticeable improvement since a for•
mer visit. Business yams are neat
and np•to.clate stooks kept. Heneall
ebinee bowever,eod many a more preten-
tious plaoe could take a hint from their
modern and comfortable homes and
nicely trimmed lawns. The G. T. R.
station is a "dandy," clue of the old
timers. Tbe oompaoy generally keep a
rove of freight oars lined up in front 00 11
so that its beauties are not :always
discernable. We met old friends
in the persons of J. 0. (Renewal], the
bristling jeweller and village Clerk ; Geo.
filoEwen, the Flax King ; W. 0, Davis, a
former Brneselite, who does a nioe bud.
nese ; "Jack" McDonnell, who bought
oat David Hogg'e furniture stook at
Brussels some years ago ; Oat meal mill
Urquhart, wbo is alwaye open for linsi-
nese ; Editor Neelands, wbo nicely pre;
serves the political balances ; merchant
Ortwein, who :Wines in the onion realm
ae wall ae elsewhere, and Deno, Dialer
tin, formerly of Braes:31s. With a proper
sewerage eystem Heneall would be as
neat a, :mot to hang rip year hot in as is
to be found.
10g0 of the Beet Huron Women's In -
attune for the disonesion of Household
8018Da8 eubjeote will be held in Ford -
whits, Foreetera' Hall, on July 6ib ;
Gorda Township Hall, on July 6th;
Moleswortb, over Coombos' store, July
8113 and Ethel Township Hall July 9th.
Tho m55110155 will be addressed by Miss
G. Gray, of Toronto, on seleatione from
the following subjeote :-"The Key to
Life's Poesibilitlee ;" "The Science of
Home -making" and "Twentieth Century
Living." Mre. M. 1, Shannon, Toronto,
will addresa the meetings on selections
from the following eubjeets, "Household
Hygiene ;" "Lsbot Saving 004bEiV841088
for the Housewife ;" "Home nursing I"
",Comparative Value of the different
ants of meat ;" Food Velum with dem•
onetratione on meek!, vegetables and
Bonne." Afternoon 88138104B will tionvene
at 2 o'olook ; and the evening email:in
at 7,80 o'olook. At the afternoon
sessions all Wader] interested are
invited, At the evening seseion every-
body le oordially invited when addreeses
will be interspereed by eelsotione of voted
and ioetrnmental meek. A. divot
oolleotion will be taken up at the evening
Wa',MalrfaaettriamarriVrerotenrileinealiVaaa' savors,
The Best Servant
of the Farnzer-__
is 4 .ffrottg
1448S 8.Spedalty of the business of Farmers, and extends
to them
Every department of banking is conducted. Best service
and absolute safety guaranteed.
deposits of $1,00 and upwards received, and interest
allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR
Capital Palri Up - 31,000,000,00
Reserve Nod end
Undivided Profits, 31,183,713.23
Metropolitan Bank
W. J. FAWCETT, Manager
DECORATED. -Lad Sunday afternoon
the anneal decoration of Otid Fellows'
graves in 13ruseels cemetery took plum,
The service was participated in by Broe,
W, H. MoOreckeu, E. Nioholsom
Hecter and R. Leatherdale, A. number
of appropriete hymns were sung at the
groves. Blyth lodge edit a good delega.
tion. A. number of the Weal members
were oonspionons by their absence.
01-IURCIi C11101E5
Rev, Mr. Lang.Ford attended the
Synod at Londoo last week,
Next Sabbath W. H. Herr will oonduct
Sunday Sobool anniversary servioes at
The !service at Jamestown Sabbath
evening next will be in charge of B.
Gerry, of Brussels.
Rev. Mr. Berry, of Seatorth, and Rev.
Mr. Lang -Ford, of Brussels, exobanged
WWII laet Sabbath.
"Tbe Divine magnet" was Rev. Mr.
Powell's topic last Sabbath morning and
in the evening he disoonreed on "Tbe
boundless prayer of Faith."
Rev. Fr. Corcoran condo:Asa servioe in
the R. C. Church here last Sabbath
morning. He will enjoy a few well
earned holidays before visiting Brussels
Loot Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Wish•
Orb oommeooed a short series of sermons
on Obriat'a Prayer, The text was St.
John 17 and 1, "These words spoke
Jesus," wbioh was preparatory to what
will follow.
During the Summer months the Hp -
worth League of Brussels Methodist
chards will bold its meetings on Monday
instead of Sabbath evenings. The new
arrangement comes 1C1.0 effeot on Moue
day July 8th, at 8 o'clock.
Lono's DAT ALLIANCE. -Friday evening
of this week, at 8 o'olook, Rev. W. G.
Benne, B. A., of Mount Forest, will de.
liver an address at a, tmion meeting to be
held in Melville church on the work of
the Lord's Day Alliance. Brussels and
locality ie not aeleep on this important
subject. This week treasurer W. H.
Kerr forwarded the respectable sum of
666.45 to Toronto and this with same
sent on former occasions from here total
over 5160.00. Rev. Mr. Hanna is a good
speaker and will give an interesting ad-
People We Talk About.
R, E, Coates, of,Seatorth, is visiting in
W. F. and Mre. Stewart were in Guelph
'eat Friday.
Mre. Walter Jaokson ie visiting her
eon Loa. at Peterboro.
Robert and Mrs, Johneton, of Wing -
ham, were in town last Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Robinson, of Saginaw, has
been visiting Mieeee MoNaugbloo.
Misses Ida and Olive Bailey are boli.
(laying in the locality of Hamilton.
Leslie Turnbull, of Liebowel, has been
holidaying fn Bruesele this week.
Mies Stewart and little May spent a
week on 111816112 of Grey with Meade.
Miss Aileen Scott was visiting her
gramimother, fare, J, P. Brine, Seaforth.
Mise Diokeon, of MoKillop, was a
visitor with Mrs. James Ballantyne thie
Station agent Henry and Mre, Henry
visited relatives at Stratford for a few
Melvin Boneton, of Brantford, ie %MA.
ing his aieter, Mrs, W. L. Leatherdale in
Miee Isabel Straohan has gone to vielt
Mre. Joe Ballantyne at Bpringbank,
Mra. Kirk, of Viotoria, B.C., is making
a visit with her brother, W. M. Sinolair,
Alias Mary Roes is home from her
millinery situation ab Dionkton for her
Mre. Wm. Cameron and Mies Eva are
home from a montbai visit with Owen
Sound friends.
Mr. Trainer and Alfred MoMillao, of
town, were visitors recently ab Si. Mit.
:Well's, Atwood.
Mrs. Donslas and daughters have re.
moved to Stratford where they purpose
making their home.
Mrs. Brownlee, of Montreal, is a wel
some visitor at the home ot Poetmaster
Farrow, her father.
Mrs. Myers and daughter, of Winnipeg
were vieitore with Mre, John Downing
during the past week,
Miss May Wood left for a visit to relit.
dyes in London,Detroit and Cleveland.
Sbe expeota to be awry two mouths.
Mre. J. F. Rowland and deughter lett
ao Saturday tor a vaoation at Ploton,
Mr. Rowland accompanied them to Tor.
TEE Pose was favored with a mill last
Saturday morning from Ron. Ool, Math.
soon, the genial Provincial Treasurer of
Wesley Downey accompanied by Mimes
Norma Lowick and G. MoOurdy, of
Fordwioh, spent Sunday with friends in
5, D. and Mre. Ronald are vieitingin
Detroit. We hope Tan Pose will be
favored with letters from Mr. Ronald's
faoile pen.
Miss Kate Smith arrived home from
the London limpital last week and is re-
gaining ber old time vigor In a manner
pleaeing to ber many friends.
Misses Gertrude Ross, Eleie Wilton,
May Smith and Mary Dark are home
from Loudon where they were attending
the Normal aehool daring the pad year.
First.Class Program
9 a. m., Tradea' and °elitism-
pianProoession with 6 money
10 a. rn., Base Ball Matob-
Luolinow vs. Blyth.
1 p. m., Fool/ Ball -Stratford
and Brussels.
2.30 -Base Ball between Monk -
ton and the winners of the
morning game.
Foot Races for Men, Boys and
Highland Dancing and Piping.
Japabese Acrobats and Trapeze
Good Band in Attendanoe•
in the V11.,.,,,. ET.. at night by
the FIRTH Co.
J. Leckie, Chairman
W. L. Leatherdale, Sec'y
Station agent Henry ie back to duty
we are pleased to state after MD brief bat
serious illness.
Mrs. A. T. Onrrie spent a fewdaye in
Seaforth last week visiting her mother,
Mre. Ed. Oaeb.
We are gled to report that Everett
Heist, of Atwood, is recovering from hie
attack of typhoid fever. He wae a pretty
sink boy for a few daye. He ie a grand-
son of David Hoist, Brussels.
Mrs. Joo. E. Smith, of Brandon, Man.,
a former well known Bruseelite was re.
inswing old friendships in ;own last
week. The Prairie Provinces certainly
agrees well with Mre. Smith.
W. J. Few:mitt, Manager of the Metro-
politan Bank, Brunelle, arrived home
Monday evening from a 7 weeke' vaoation
in the West. Be enjoyed his trip very
much and was greatly beuefitted thereby.
Barrister MacDonald was at the
parental home, Aablield, on Wednesday
to attend the marriage of hie dater, Mies
Mary, to a gentleman hailing from
Nelson, B. C. Mao. was likely pinking
op pointers that may come in bandy
80E113 day.
Aaron Cober, of Thorne, North
Dakota, was milling on old friends here
laat week. He bas spent 6 years in the
West as grain elevator agent. Last
season he handled from 60,000 to 76,000
bushels of wheat and flax. The visitor
is a son of Jno. Clober, of Guelph, former.
ly of Broeesle, and ie a wide awake
Dirs. W. F. VanStone, of Wingbam,
left Wet week toe the Weat, going by boat
from Sarnia, Mre. VanStone has not
been enjoying the best of health and will
spend four months in Winnipeg, Morrie
and Deloraine. Her many Mende will
be pleased to hear of the change being
benefloial, and that she may return home
fully metered to good health.
Business Locals.
A FEW loads of straw wanted.
CLEVELAND fence wired, $2.85.
MoRaz ez Seam.
Two comfortable houses for sale,
Apply to W. A. Gazwitt.
To BEITX.-A. comfortable 7 roomed
dwelliug, with both hard and soft water
on premises. Apply to D. GRAHAM,
WOOL WANTED0-A.Oy quantity, high.
ed prioee, Also large quantities butter
and ague. GBO. EL Ewe, Wingbam.
PAT UP. -A.8 I am removing from town
in the uear future I desire all indebted
to me to settle the same at once,
TEE "Martin•Ssoottr 100% Pure Paint"
is guaranteed absolutely pore and sold
subject to chemical analysis.
48-2 MOLT & Slaw.
DR, BUTLER'S "ihmT.-Dr. Butler, the
London Bye Speoialist, will be at the
American Hotel, Brunetti, on Wednes-
day, July 1703. Glasses aupplied,
le Tour Trouble Indigestion?
Theis probably you know the evils of
distention, fermentation • and irritation
that aactompany digestive troubles. Next
important hi to know how promptly
Nerviline owes, Quick as wink it re-
lieves bloating and foaling of fulnees,
mato the entire digestive apparatus in
perfeot order, makes you feel at and fine
all over. For internal pain Ilse Pelona+
• Nerviline surpasses every known remedy.
Reap it in the house alwaye, jb'ot sorteoe
of oonsfort in the hoer of emergency.
Large bottles for 25o et all deelere,
otitywoogronyvritir-ry-r?vmvemoittimw.estw,04,0-rr, , „ft
loyvv4"0"."*, evootteeetok"40
Ornate friend WM Of our oholoo
bride ot
‘v110 reggivee trent an in-
nappy indeed Wenla be the
Out Giese is fast becoming
0110 of the most popular gift giv-
ing artioles and there direly ORD
be nailing nicer. Our stook is
entirely new and well assorted
and we are eadefied that yott will
bo satisfied with ner priooe.
OTANIldtilt311,0 14/9
eaci :
Deposits may bo made or withdrewn by either of the two members of a houselsoid.
This form of account is specially.ouitable for those living in the country, as either member
can !Mend to the banking when in tewn. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the du vivor without delay or coat. Write or call for further particulars.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
3. F. B-owlarad, Manager
DOLLEGE students, teat:here and others
desiring profitable employment for Sum-
mer vendee should write to Hamilton,
•Ont., box 288, for particulars.
PAGE EENCENG.-15, 01088 18 now ready
with a large aupply of fencing and gates
and it be has 001 00 bend what is wanted
he will soon get lb. oard will receive
prompt attention. R, Orme, Ethel.
reepers and mowere are dull you oome
and 580 100 Fee I am, ready to eharpeo
ten thoueand or more, Youre T. Mo.
Gegen, oorner Mill and Blain streets,
Brunets OM.
The 28:h annual meting of the High
Court ot the Ottnadian Order of Feted.
ere, held in St. Thomas, was one ot 1128
beet attended and most eurioessful in the
history of the Order, nearly 400 delegates
being in attendance.
Reports of the VSEl0118 °faun showed
that progress made by the Order during
the past year was mod eatietaotory and
quite in keeping with the high record of
previous years. The report of High
Chief Ranger Stewart showed that on the
first of January, 1906, the Order .bad a
membership ot 60,251, and there were
initiated during tbe year 7,141 SSW
members, being an inoreaae of 335 over
the previous year. During 1906, 2,947
members lapsed and 880 died, leaving a
net memberablp at the dose of the
year of 64,055, The membership at 31st
May. 1907 was 66,184.
The Worease in the insurance reserve
of the Order daring the peat year
amounted to $226,010.30. 00 the 1st
January, 1906, the amount on hand in
thie branoh %vas $1,847,862.15, and at the
close of the year it had reaobed the
magoifioent enm of $2,174,872,45. Tbe
amount paid in death claims during the
year vinte 5590,127.20,
The Siok and Funeral Benefit depart.
meet is also in a moat flourishing condi.
tion. Daring the year no lees R atim
than $117,320 72, covering 5,161 &aims
was paid in this branoh. The amount to
the credit of thia fund at the came of the
year was 094,433,10.
Sam received as interest on insnranoe
investments was $78,192, wbioh paid 20
580 000t of the daRib
The report of Robert Elliott, High
Trees:war, "showed the funds of the
Order to be in a most sedate:story condi.
tion, The receipts in the vedette funds
were t-Insuranoe, 5615,137 50 ; dolt
and funeral benefit feud, 5140,791 91
general fana, 584,303 581 total, $840,-
232.99. The total expenditure in these
funds amounted to $696,886 73. The
0017100 of ineonni 0080 expenditure
amounted to $282,846 56. The inveet•
meats of the Order are of the very high.
eat class, Its supine funds on May 81st,
1907, were invested as followe
ion of Canada etook, 5130,000; muni-
cipal and school debentures, $2,188.806..
70 ; deposited in chartered banks, 566,-
674.86 ; total, 52,358,951 55
The total mete of the oder amounted
to $2,907,764.80, and 110 liabilities to
The report of Dr. U. M. Stanley,
Ohairmon of the Medioal Board, showed
that the death rate for the year 1906 was
Doty 5 93 per thousand and the average
death rate for the 28 yearn was 6.08 per
1000. The OffiatER for the ensuing year
are as followe : -13 O. R , J. A. Stewart,
Perth'H. V. C. R., D. Allan, Grimeby
High Sisoy.. Geo. Faulkner, Brantford;
High Treas., R. Elliott, Brantford ;
High Auditor, W. L. Roberts, Brest -
ford ; High Regietrar, Wm. Walker,
High Olniplain, Rev. W. 5.
Wed, Blaevale ; Executive Com. -M.
D. Carroll, Montreal ; O. E. Britton,
Gananoque ; L. P. D, Tilley, St, Jobos 1
J. A. A. Brodeur, Montreal, and M,
Mandy, Galt.
DOATES-WRENCHER.-In Bellevue, Idaho,
en Jane 12th, by. Rev. Mr. Stoey,
Mr, Geo. T. Coates formerly of Brae.
sele, to Midi Eva M. Wrenoher, all
of Bellevue, Idaho, U. 8.
MoArdasean-Bnlans -At "018 515 Grove"
farm, on Jane 26th, by Rev. E, F.
Armstrong, B. D., Mr. Robert Ma.
MoRuga-MoAwaserot,-In Winnipeg,
os Jane 12tb, at the home of the
bride's parente, Mr, end Mre. A. K.
McAllister, 276 Burrows Avenue,
by Rev. Clarence filttokinnon, of
Westminster ohuroh, Mies Ida Grose
MoAllister to Mr. 11 A. 111oRuer,
Dioxinson-COMMULD-At St, George's
church, Goderich, on June 1811s,
by Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Mr. E L.
Diolsinson, B, A., Barrister, of Oslo.
rioh, to Miss Constance Corboald,
daughter of the late Wm. Oorbould,
of Wingbam.
Orturawinanx.-In Wingham, on June
18th, Thos. EL Oruiekehank, aged
80 years, 5 months and 18 daye.
GRANT. -In St. 'Harr, on Jane 2003,
David Grant, formerly of Brussels,
aged 62 years.
MANNING. -Is Morrie, on June 25th,John
Manning, aged 64 yeare, 2 months
and 18 daye.
aleAwana-In Grey, on June 23rd, John
MoAllum, aged 51 years,
Mi372-CTSB3E7.4a ixiT.A9_ES.=CEPT./El •
Fall Wheat
Barley . . ....... ...•.aa
Butter, tube and toile....
Eggs per dozen
Hay per ton
Flour, per bbl
Hoge, Live ....
Wool (washed)
Allister, to Mise Annie, daughter of Potatoes per butt .....
Mr. sol Mre. Edward • Bryaoe, all Apples (per bbl.)
of Grey. Salt, per bbl., rebid]
80 82
48 49
70 71
40 42
16 17
14 15
9 00 10 00
4 60 520
6 60
20 22
60 60
1 00 180
1 25 1 25
oNAINA""Ae•NovieetAe••••••~••10,1"A"0100,0,400•0.A.wwww.o." itAte.^00.""Avownovv.-NA.N."04004.40
A NM Store itli lzgu SIIIM
Greater Values than Ever
Money Talks, does it not ? We offer you a chance,to save
money on June Specials Listed below.
80c and 25c Corset Covers for 19c
- 5 dozen Ladies',White Corset Clovers, nicely
trimmed with lees and embroidery, well made, in
all the wanted sizes. Regular yew 800 and 25o
Jane Special
15e Black Cotton Hose for 10e
-10 dozen Women's Bleak Cotton, Hose, fash-
ioned, with seamless feet, feat colors, sizes si to
10. Regular price 15o. June Spada'
Regular up to 30c White Vestings for 19e
-A ohoioe assortment of patterns in White
Veatinge. Regular prioee rip to 80o. June Special 19
Regular up to 60e Caps for 88o
- 4 dozen Lodi& and Girls' Caps, thie season's
newest shapes, light and dark shades. Regular
peices 50o and 60o. June Special 88
25c Silk Derby Ties for 19c
-6 dozen Men's Derby Ties, good quality of
silk, light and dark shadee. Regular 28s. June
Speoial 19
50c Dark Duck Shirts for 39e
-7 dozen Men's Working Shirts,in blue and
white tied bleak and white, all sizes 14 to 17,
Regular 50o. Jane Special • ....... ••••• 99
$1.60 and $1.75 Men's Odd Pants for $1.25
- 29 pairs of Menai Odd Pants, good quality of
Tweeds, light and dark shades, all sizes. Regular
prices $1.50 and $1.75. Stine Special 1 25
$2.50 and $8.00 Ladies' Black Skirts, $1.95
-23 only Women's Bleak Vaouna Cloth Skirts,
all sizes in the :lot. Regular prime $2,60 and
$9.00, June Special . ..... . . .. 1 95
25c Wash Collars for 15c
- 12 dozen Ladies, Fancy Wash dollars, niooly
embroidered with wash silk, Tab and Turn -over
styles'in white and. colors. Regular price 250
Stine Speoial
260 White Wash Belts for 15c
-6 dozen Ladies' 'White Wash Belts, good as-
sortment of patterns, all sizes, Regular price
25o. • Stine Special
Regular up to 10e Embroideries for de
- White Embroideries in good assortment of
patterns, assorted widths. Regular prices up to
10o. June Speoial
$1.25 Black Sateen Underskirts for 89c
- 3 dozen Women's Black Sateen Underskirts,
nicely made and extra full widths, Regular
price 51.25. Jane Special
Up to 750 Shirts for 48e
-16 d zen Men's and Boys' Soft Front Cam.
brio and Martin's Cloth Shirts, light and dark
shades, all sizes from 12i to 17. Regular prices
up to 75o, June Spaded
$1.50 Women's Pebble Lace Boots for $1.20
-80 pairs Wornen's Heavy Pebble Lace Beebe,
solid standard BMW soles, self tip, all sizes 8 to 7.
Regular $1,50. Juno Special .1 20
$1.86 Men's Heavy Split Boots for $1.45
-30 pairs Menai Heavy Split Blusher Boobs,
large eyelets, all :dem 6 to 11. Regular price
$1.85. dune Speoial 1 45
Good Assortment of Ladies' Rain Goats -
e4.00 to $10.00
See the B. & 0.' COrsets-
They are Perfeot Fitters
Highest Prices for Produce.
Goods Right or your Money Back.