HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 7n RE HE? OR, A SAD LIFE STORY Ikiee-o4-o-e 94040-+0.4+0-eeDleee e- -o4-o+ateo f{' 44-40.9 o•.o+; C1JAi'1'ER XXX11,--(Contlnuod). Cif/ IER XXXIii, They have, by this time left the town behind them, and have turned through a elone-pillored gulp down an Ilex and flees -sheltered drive, along vvhloh the Indigene, whipping up 1118 horses to 00 Mutat sailer, NOUS theta in the urched door of n snowy Moorish house, whose whitewash shows dazzling through leo interstices of u iluugalnvillia lire blaz- ing all over ils front. Two minutes later elm is standing by Sybilla's couch. She is holding both his hands in hers, amid 111000 Is something in her face which lolls him that she means that ha shall Mee her, "When I th'u's --when 1 think of our last meeting 1" she says hysterically. "Yes," he says, gasping ; '-`yes, of course. What a beautiful villa you have stere I" The observation is a true ono, though, ler the moment, he has not the least idea whether it Is beautiful or not, as he turns his tormented eyes round upon the delicious little court, with its charm- ing corbtnatton of slender twisted Mar- ble columns, of mellow -tinted tiles, of low plaslliag fountain. Ortglnally it has been open, roofless to the eyo and the breath and the laths of heaven ; but its Northern purchaser has covered it In with glass, and set low divans and lux- uriantly cushioned bamboo shufrs about 116 soft -tumbling water. Sybilia has let fall her bands, and the expression of the wish for a sisterly em- brace has disappeared out of her face. For a few moments sho remalns abso- lutely silent. He Looks round anxiously for Cecilia, but she has gone to take off her bonnet, and Mr. Wilson has not yet , come in. Under pretence of examining -' the tiles, he walks towards the lovely little colonnade of horseshoe arches that form the court, and his uneasy look rests, scarcely seeing them, upon the ver- tical lines of lovely old faience that in- tersect the whitewash with softest blues and greens and yellows. When will Cecilia return? Behind lite he presently hears the invalid's voice, steadied and coldened : "It is very beautiful ; and, of course, tt is everything for weary eyes to have such pleasant objects to rest upon. I believe"—with a 1LtL1e laugh—"that ova sick people really lake in most of our nourishment through the eyes. Was not It wonderful enterprising of us to corne here? !suppose your first thought when you heard the news was, 'How mad of Sybilia to attempt it I" It is needless to say how Innocent of the menial ejaculation attributed to him Jire has been, and the consciousness of 11 makes hhn inquire with guilty haste: "Bal you were none the worse? you got over ft all eight?" ''I was really wonderful" replies she; "we sick people"—with a 1[Ule air of playfulness—"do give you well ones these surprises sometimes; but I must not tako the credit to myself ; it is really every bit due to Dr. Crump, my n•ow deckle, who is a peered marvel of lnluf- tion. I ahv.ays tell atm that he never need ask ; he divltes how one is ; ho says he is a mere bundle of nerves him- self ; im-self; that is,.1 suppose, why one can talk to Wm upon subjects That are sealed books with one's nearest and dearest." Her voice has a suspicious tremble in it which frightens Jinn anew, He loolcs again apprehensively for help towards the two tiers of curving column and rounding arch, which rise In cool grace above each other, and sees,with relief, the figure of Cecilia leaning over tiro balustrade that runs along the up- per tier, end looking down upon him. At the saran moment Mr. Wilson enters, mad shortly afterwards they all go to luncheon. IL is not a very pleasant re- past, although the cool. dining -room, with its beautiful old pierced stucco cell- ist{; and its hanging bras° lamps, con- trilstllos its port hnndsomoly lowerds what should he their enjoyment. There is no overt family quarrel, but just. enough of covert recrientnalion and sub - acid sparring to make an outsider feel thoroughay uncomfortable, and, to prove itow inharmonious a 'whole th esoured little family now forms. "We quarrel more than we used to do, do not we?" says Cecilia, when Jim, a i(Llle later, takes leave, and she walks, under her red sunshade, up the flexed drive with him to tite pillared hate; "and to -day we wore better than eisun., because you were by. Oh, 1 wish you were always by 1' Ile cannot echo the wish. etre had thought that lie had already field his dead Amelia at her true value: but never, until to -day, has the realized through what a long purgatory of ob- scure heroisms she batt passed to her re- ward. 1 do hope you will not drop us alto- • gelher. 0f course, now that the link that bound us to you is broken"—her voice quivers, but he feels neither the fear nor 1110 rage that a 1111e phenomenon in Sy- billa hes produced in him --,There is no- thing to hold you any longer; bet I do trust you will not quite throw us over." "My dear old girl, why should I? 1 hope that you and I shall always be the best of friends, and (that before long I, shall see you settled in a Monte of your "Wu mean lhet 1 shall marry? Well, to be sure"•—will a recurrence to that business -like lone which had always. amused hitt formerly in her discussion 1 of her aftalrs of the hearl—"I aught to have a better chance now than ever, as 1 shell have a larger fortune; but"--wllh a lapse Into dopressicn--"this is not a good piano tor men—I mean English- men, !'here are hoops 01 delightful -look- ing I ienchman, Citasseurs'd'Aligtle, and Zouaves ; but, then, we clo not know any of therm --not one, Well, perhaps,"— ) 1111110001)1)lcnlly-'"llis for the best; otic always hears that Frenchmen make very bad 11usb:► ts," Notre Dame ('Afrlque-t•Out' Lady of Africa---ls an ugly lady, homely and black; and the church flint is dedicated. to her is ugly too ---new and tuork- Mcorlsh; but, "like many mother ugly lady, being .very nobly placed, sho has a great end solemn air, It is Our Lady of Africa who first gives us our greeting es we steam in from seawards: it is to Our Lady of Africa that the fisher people elfin)) to vespers, and to Ilse touching office that follows, when priests and acolytes pass out of the church to lite tittle plateau outside, where, sheer against the sicy, slanda a small Latin cross, with a plain, and, ns .11 scerrts, coffin -shaped stone beneath It, on which ono reads the Inscription "A le memoire de tout ceux, qui out peri dans le finer, et one etc ensevells clans acs flols," "All those who have perished In the sea, and been buried in her waves 1" What a gigantic company to be cov- ered with one little epitaph 1 Notre Dame el'Aftque stands grandly on the cliff -tops, ovcrloolsing the sea, whose cruel deeds she Is so agonizedly prayed to avert, whose cruelty she is sometimes powerful to assuage, witness the fre- quent votive tablets with which the church walls are covered : "Mere!, ' h uta mere," "J"ai Arte, el j'al ole exauce," "Reconnaissance a Marie." "Reconnalsasce a Notre Dame d'Afique." She does not look very lovable, -this coal -black Marie, who stands in bee stiff brocade, with her ebon hands stretched straight mut above the high. altar ; but how tenderly these poor fsherwives must have felt towards her when sho brought them back their Pierre or. their Jean, from the truculent deeps of the ocean 1 purgoyne has been told, both by the guide -))book and by his table-d'hote neigh- bor, that he ought to see Notre Dame d'Afiquo; nor is he loth to pay further ohelssance to that high lady who el - ready yesterday beckoned to him across the blue floor of her waters. ile does not tell Cecilia of his intention, as he knows that she woU.tt offer to accom- pany him; but on leaving her he takes tee way through the gay French town, along its Arab -named streets, Baba Zoon and, •Bab -el -Cued, towards the vil- lage of St. Eugene, and breasts the wind- ing road that, with many an elbow and bend, heading a deep gorge that runs up from the sea to the church -foot, leads htm within her portals. The congrega- tion 1s sparse—a few peasants, a blue and red Zouave, and several inevitable English. Now and again a woman, clad in humble black that tells of prayers in vain, goes up with her thin candle, and, lighting it, sticks it in its sconce among the others that burn befgre the altar. For awhile Burgoyne finds it pleasant after his climb to sit and watch her, and speculate pityingly with what hope of still possible good to herself she is set - ling her slender leper alight—now that her treasure has all too obviously gone down beneath the waves, to sit and spec- ulate, and smell the heady incense, Mid listen to the murmur of chanted suppli- cation; but presently, growing weary of the uncomprehonded ,service, he slips outside to the little plateau, with 11s view straight out—no importunate land - object intervening—towards the sea, across which a little steamer is casting her way ; and on the horizon two tiny shining sails aro lying. Here, on this bold headland, it seam's ae if one were one's self in mid -ocean; and one has to lean far over tate low wail in order to realize that there is some solid earth between us and it; that two lull cities of the dead --a Jewish and a Christian—lie below. For read by the light of that plain inscription upon which his eyes are resting, what is even the azure Mediterranean 'but a grave? For the matter 01 that, what is all life but a grave? "Feist our pleasures die, and then Our hopes, and lien our fears, and when These are dead, the debt is due : Dust claims dust, and we die too." Ile turns away, and, muttering these words half absently betuveee Itis lips, begins to 1110110 the circuit of the church; nod in doing so comes suddenly upon three persons who are apparently simi- larly employed. The party consists of a man and two ladies, . Being a little ahead of him they eve, for the first mo- ment or two, not aware of his presence, an ignorance by which he, rather to his own discomfiture, profits to overheat' a scrap of their conversation certainly not intended for his ears. "I suppose that you were wool-gather= ing, as usual?" Mr, Le Marchant is say inig, with an accent of cold severity lo ln:' daughter, 'but should have thought that even you might have remembered 11 bring a wrap of some kind for your mother I" Jim starts, party at havinghappened SJ unexpectedly upon thepeople of elel bef re him, partly in shocked astonishment at the harshness both of voice and words. In the old days Elizabeth hod been the apple of hee father's 'eye, to oppose whose lightest fancy w'as a capital offence, for whore no words could be loo sugared, no looks too doling. Yet now she answers, with the sweetest good - tumor, and without the slightest sign of surprise or irritation, or any Indication that the occurrence is not a habilual ono : I eannot think itow I cotdd have been so stupid; it was inexcusable oe )tie." "I quite agree with you," replies the fathory entirely unmollilled ; "1 am sere you have been told often enough how table to chills insufficient clothing maters people in this betastly climate al, sinndown." "But 11 Is not near sundown," breaks 1n. Mao. 1,e Marchant, throwingherself anxiously, and with a dexteriy Whiclm Mime stow frequently etre Is called upon tr1 do so, between the two ethers; "look what a great piece of blue sky 1110 sun lies yet to travel." "You obeli have rely jacket," Cries Ella• abeth im etuously, but still with the Om perfect sweetness; "It will bo eta- eurdly short for you, bet, at least, it evil] keep you warm.' So saying, she, with the epee(' of lightning, whips off the garment alluded lop and proceeds to guide her motlha s mots into its incon- venienfly light strives, laughing the while with her • 011(1 01111d1 -h light heaetedoess, and crying, "You deur thing, you do loots too riineelous 1" The mother laughs loo, and aids her daughter's crier's; nor does 11 seem to occur to any Of It (bn('e that 111e fatal Sordleir'lh 011111 may pus.'ibly slrilce the delicate little frame of el1znhrlh, uuw 00. rased, 50lightlyclad 111 Ilan tweed gown, In its insidious influence. "I wish you had a Looking -gloss to see yc:urselt inti" cries st1e, rippling into fresh 011.111; "does nal shte look Iunity, father ?" appealing to him with as little resen(0(01 for his past surliness us woulkt be shown by u good dog (1 con - tot put it more strongly), noel -yet, asII deems lO eirn, wltlt a cer'tutn 1".'")"deprecation, The next moment one of lhrm—he does not lcnow which—has caught sighl of himself, and the moment after he is shaking hands with all 'three, It is clear, that the fact of his presence in Algiers has been Willed to Mr. Le Merchant, for there is no surprise in his coldly civil greeting, lie makes it es short es possible,• and almost al once turns to continue his circuit of the church, his wife at iris side, and his daughter meek- ly following. Doubtless they cta not weal for his (elm's) company ; but yet as he was originally, and without any refer- ence to them, going In their direction, it would seem natural that he should walls along with them. He is hesitating as to whether or no to adopt this course, when he is decided by a very slight movement of Elizabeth's head, She does not actually look over her shoulder at htm, and yet 11 seems to him as If, were her gesture completed, It would amount to that; but it is arrested by some impulse before it is more than stretched. Such es it is, it eufncos to lake him to her side; and it seems to trim that there is a sort of satisfaction mingled with the undoubted apprehen- sion in her face, as she realizes that it is so. Iter eyes, as sho turns them upon him, have a hungry question in them, which her lips seem afraid to put. Apparently she cannot get nearer to It than this—very tremblingly and hurried- _ly uttered, with a timid glance at her father's back, as if she were delivering herself of some compromising secret in- stead of the mere platitude which she so indistinctly vents :. "A—n—great many things have hap- pened since—since we last met i" Her eye travels for a moment to his hat, from which, unlike Cecilia's rain- bow raiment, the crape hand lug not ye'. been removed;. and he understands that she is comprehending his trouble as well as her own in the phrase. "A great many 10 he answers baldly. I -Ie has not the cruelty to 'wish to keep her on tenter -hooks, and he knows per- fectly what is the question that Is writ- ten in the wistful blue of her look, and whom ft concerns ; but it would be im- pertinence in him to take for granted that knowledge, and answer that curio- sity which, however intense and apper- ent, has not yet become the current coin of speech. Probably she sees that be is unable or unwilling to help her, for she stakes another tremulous effort, "I hope that—that—all your fiends are well.' "All my friends 1" repents he, half sadly, there are not such a numerous band; I have not many friends left still alive.' His thoughts have reverted to Itis own loss, for, at the moment, Amelia is very presen to him; but the words aro no sooner 'out of his mouth than he sees how false is the impression produced by hie reply—sees ft written in the sudden dead -whiteness of her cheek a.nd the ter- ror to her eye. "Do you mean"—sho stammers—"that anybody—any of your friends—is—is lately dead?" "Oh no I no 1" he cries, reassuringly "you are making a mistake; nobody Is dead—nobody, that is,"—with a sigh Ula1'•yyou do not already know of. All our 111encs—ail our common friends are, as far as I know--" "ElizabelhP' breaks in Mr, Le Mar - chant's veioe, in severe appellation; ho hoe only lust become aware that his daughter is not unaccompanied, and the discovery apparently does not please hint. - Without a second's delay, despite her twenty-seven years, she hos sprung for- ward to obey the summons ; and Jim has the sense to make no further effort to rejoin her. By 111e tune thgt their cir- cuit is finished, and tl ey have again reached the front of the church, vespers ora ended, and there is a movement out- wards among the worshippers. They stream—not very numerous—out on the little terrace. The priests follow, ton- sured, but—Which loolcs strange—with beards and whiskers. The acolytes, in their red chasubles, carry a black and white pall, and lay it over the memorial stone below the cross. On either hand stand a band of dacenlly, clad youths— sons of drowned seamen—playing on brass instruments., 11 is a pool' little music, doubtful in lune; but surely no rotting orgen, no papal choir, could touch tiro Heart so much :as '(itis simple eeremmlal. The ]tale Lathe cross stand- ing sheer out against the sea; the black pall thrown •over the stone that con• ntemorttlas'the sea's innumerable deade the reel -clad acolytes, standing with eyes cast .down, holding aloft their high tapers, whose flickering flame the sea - wind soon puffs out; and Ilhe sons of the drowned sailors, making their home - ler music to tiro aecompanitnenl of tine salt breeze. The little servic° is brief, and those wilt) have taken past in it are soon dispersing. As they do so, elm once mere finds himself for a moment close to Elizabeth. ('lo be continued), THE I1TITIINAT, FEMINiNL'. "Your digestion is badly out of or- der, madam," said the doctor, "You Wiil have io duet." • "What is the roost fashionable color, doctor?" aslced Mrs, Nu'Ieh in a bored manner. ON THE FARTt SllFi:r NOTES. A cross of Soul/Weave rams on Cots - weld MOS produces a good typo al mut- ion sheep. 'I'Itey are well wuolled and have Ouulpa'atively close fleeces. The Cotswold is a heavy wool -pre - deco and will improve the wool -pro - clueing facilities of the 'Merinos when crossctj on them'fin, Oood grade nan lambs go to nue kel at seventy to 100 pounds when from five to six nlotmlhs old and taring lap prlcee. Grade Southdown lambs are valuable for this purpose. hlentuelcy blue grass seed sown on bare places in the pasture before a rain, should lake root and keep the pasture good. ' 11 should be cured. An acre or two of rape will he found valuable for pash;re during the slimmer when a small flock is kept. Grain should be given the ewes In whim if an extra growth 15 wanted on the lambs. Have you a lamb creep? Defter fix one so that you can feed the lambs some grain and not have the old sheep steal 11 all away from them. IL pays. Doelc the iambs beforo (he flies get numerous, About the best Urns is when they are a couple of weeks old, Go round the fences and see that there are no holes for the sheep and lambs to crawl through. Ono° the habit is formed it will stick Ince a burdock burr. Drinking surface water and feeding ton long on dne pasture aro two causes of stomach worms. Isn't the way clear then to a cure? Give the sheep good pure water and change (]heir pasture often. A good way to get into sheep cheaply is to tstee a smell flock on share, of a neighbor who has 111000 than he can well pasture. They will soon double up and bring you a good flock, without paying out much, if any money, POOR RESULTS. When manure stands In piles over the field the soil directly beneath the piles will be excessively rich—it \vitt cause corn to run to stalks and grain to straw, in other words, the soil will be overfed. Surrounding soil, however, will be under -fed. The plant food which goes into file soli directly beneath the pile gees away down, so deep in :toot, that. a large part of it never becomes available for plant growth., When a crop is grown on a field which has been fertilized in this manner, the growth is uneven. Where the piles have been standing all winter the crop will be thick and Heavy, between the piles it will be thin and scattered. This practice at best is a poor one. No doubt it is better for a farmer to ap- ply the manure in this manner than not to apply it at •all, but 1t is worth apply- ing in the right way. The correct way is to haul the fresh manure to the field and scatter it in a finely pulverized condition over the en- tire surface. This can be done at any lime of the year. The first rain will wash every particle of plant food into 111e soil. Then, when plowing thne comes, if ills manure on the surface is turned under, the Anal step has been taken to return to the soil every dollar's worth of plant food which the manure contains. WHY EVERY FARMER SHOULD HAVE A SPREADER, It is the easiest way to spread manure. ft is the fastest way of spreading ma- nure, It increases the value of manure 100 per cent. It makes the most disagreeable job on the farm pleasant. It returns plant fond to the soil. It improves 11.10 texture of the soil, allowing it Le hold moisture, and thus forces a (heavy growth of crops. It slops the expense ,of commercial fertilizer's. IL can be used every -lay of the year— something which cannot be said of many other faun maoltnes. It spreads so evenly that llie manure does not interfere when working the ground with otter machines. It permits spreading eller seeding or planting, or it can be used to top dross 1110 meadow or pasture without 0110k. Ing clown the grass oe grain. 11 is capable of spreading so thin, that the manure will net leleefero with the pasturing of stock, Pt never throws out large chunks, be- cause the teeth are so arremged on the beater bats that all matter which lasses over them is torn apart. It can be operated by a boy just as well as re men. It saves and slakes motley. LIVE STO(:k NOTES. A colt overworked at three years old will be unsound by the time he is six or seven, If he IS sound at eight or nine the will rentuhh SO. A lazy hen is wordless, The hens that work are the ones that are a profit lc, their owner, Give them something to do and 11 place to work in. Then if they persist lin idleness, shorten their rations and melee Mom work, A slow milker is never tolerated in the dairy districts. The sooner a cow i3 milked, and all 1110 organs connected with feeding, digestion and secretion are. left in their nalurill condition, the bet, tee it is for the cow. A farmer says when not working lets horses very much ho can keep ahem in excellent,eonclition on well -cured pea hay. This man does a lot of work with his stock and claims to fend but a small •amount of grain, yet his stock is al ways in good condition. Others, who feed a large amount of grail, do -not do SO 11111011- worts with them, yet' have a lot of trouble with debilitated horses, It is claimed that separated skint -mills is no better than water for calves, Tho facts are that the separator removes no emigrate the milk, aside from fat end filth. The Let.laiflng casein wolglo,s nearly as much In tilt Wee and Is in'se't more nourishing, while the .sugar, ash, albumen and other ingredients make ah excellent food for grewtlt, ande when combined with green grass or mill feeds; for battening. (ixpermunls prove sepa- rator milk to be worth toe feeding twenty to fortyntne cents per lhundredweight. 1 AMERICAN CHIVALRY AS IHIRANDY SITES 1i'. "Ike leaves nio 141 tole de baby en' the market basket, an' ev'y now ate' den he looks over his shoulder to say tut el I can't waddle along any faster 1 bet- ter stay at home.' INVASION OF ENGLAND. COULD IT ijlf SUCCESSFULLY DONE BY GERMANY? German Officers Who Say London Could be Taken in Thirty-six Flours. Is a German invasion of England possible? This is the question that some or the French newspapers are discus- sing, The discussion was stoned l,y sho recent publication In Germany over the signature of officers of rank and credit of a statement that thirty-six lours after the kaiser expressed his desire to settle with England London would fall into the hands of an imperi- al army, Tho affirmative case is based on the assumption that Germany would not wait for a declaration of war, but would take England by surprise, malc- Ing a dash at seine unguarded spot on the English coast somewhat as Admiral Togo began his operations al Port Ar- thur. The dash would be made from Wtlhelmshaten or the mouth of the Ems. A few hours sail at a time judi- ciously chosen would suffice to land an army before the British ships could -ale ly to slop it. Paul Emilio, formerly secretary to Admiral Aube and an expert writer on strategic questions, is one of those who In the abstract, consider an invasion of England possible. The defective Eng- lish army system, be thinks, subjects the country to CONSTANT DANGER OF INVASION. There Is nothing, he believes, to pre- vent the landing of hostile troops st several points ore the English coast simultaneously, But M. Fantin thinks that at present France is the only Paver that could carry out this enterprise with any pro- st.ect of success, Germany is for the present totally debarred from under - [eking it alone by the absolute and irremediable impotency" of her fleet. She has gone altogether on a wrong tacit, he thinks, in building battleships and cruisers, in whteh sho eannot hope to rival England in years, if ever. "if, however, Germany had a ]mutn- dredsubmarines," he says, "tend she cctlld secure them at the cost of two teltleships, England would be 011 the verge of ruin. The submarine will make the blockade of the future effec- tive, and England cannot possibly slm1d a three -months blockade." M. Laubouf, Engineer -in -Chief of the French navy, who is credited with the creation of the efficient submarine ser- vice of France, said in answer to a question: [f you had asked me five eeears ago whether England could be surressfully invaded by Germany I would have said 'Yes.' But now that England has sub= marines I do not hesitate to Je01ore that it Is impossible. Gorman threats are absolutely vain. England is well ponied to -lay." Edouard L oolaoy, who was formerly Minister of Marine, considers the Ger- men proposition a wild dream, Invade England!" said he. "Easy to say, but hard to dn. The German navy te certainly not of the build to do it. As for surprise, the distance between German ports and the English mast 1s toe great to make such n thing possible. Long before the invading ships could arrive the Channel fleet WOULD 13E AFTER TIIEM. "The invasion of England, it will be admitted, mild not be undertaken with less than 100,000 mel, It would take 151 ships to Transport them, along with the munitions of Wa', Where would Germany get the ships—of a sudden, to telco England by surprise? "And what would 100,000 men be do- ing on English soil without a regular system of supplies? Modern wee is a war of provisions. The surprise over, time English fleet could certainly cut off all aid from the Continent, "Tire army of invasion would be an army of prisoners. As for the rising of the 100,000 German waiters in London to assist their companions—well; if Oar - many counts on the mobiltzalion of the cafe help to conquer Engiand she Is cer- t. -drily trading in ehtnyme." Admiral Dienalme adds just a word to the controversy, "To invade England," said he, "the invader should he sure of the command of the sea, 1 don't see how, in view of the present naval strength of 1ing- land, Germany could figure on such command, even in a fog." d+ UGANDA Or TO -DAY, Changes That have Taken Piace Since the Building of the Railway. The progress of civilization in the Uganda Protectorate was the subject of a paper read before the London Society of Arts recently by Mr. George Wilson, C.B., the Deputy Commissioner of the Protectorate. Thelecturer dwelt on the value o1 the Uganda Railway, contrasting the trip tb- day- with the former weary and hazer does caravan journey of two months. Mombassa, he said, 1s now a place of modern hotels. Trains run twice a week to the lake, so that you can pass through 584 miles of the most beautiful scenery to forty-eight hours. At the lake you meet the weekly steamers, and in ano- ther eighteen hours you are in Uganda. Formerly the carriage of goods cost from $1,500 to $2,000 a ton, and tools about three months 1 now it is done under four days at rates ranging from $15 to $75 a ton. The natural products of Uganda are bananas, timber, rubber, coffee, and cot- ton, The field for the production of this last, said Mr. Wilson, seems to be al- most unlimited, and although the indus- try on commercial lines is altogether new to the cnuhlry, fermi reach several thou- sands of tons next year. He pointed out the expert opinion that' botanically speaking no country was known to be so free from insect pests. British enterprise, so backward hither- to, was at last moving to this field, and large business undertakings are in pro- gress. In conclusion Me. Wilson said that Ilse country was not. ripe for absolute self- government,. "Natives under a wise re- straint can be like good and clever chil- dren; in their wild impulses and with passions aflame, they can be very devils incarnate. Only a few years ago the chiefs would slit off a noel, cut off lips, lop off a limb merely for the accidental spilling of beer, or the appearance of hair in their food." Ile added that under British control since 18ite, exeopling in the case of dispersing a band of 1111111' (101108, only one punitive expedition ices taken acttve measures, end chat was to (Iceland retribution for wanton murder by an outlying tribe. Sir Frederick Lugard, who presided, gave a brief account of the p0 111005 days of 1000, before they succeeded in got - ting a treaty, of the disappointment, when the Chartered Company ordered hint to evacuate the country as their funds no longer permitted them to hold it. "I didn't know what to do," lie said, adding, with a twinkle in les eye, "I didn't carry out ny order, but 1 carne to 1snglancl and started the campaign for Uganda. "Tho railway to -day 18 not only pay ing a dividend, but is paying the inter- est on the capital." "1 have," said the lawyer, es he en- tered his condemned client's cell, "good new, et last.' "A reprieve?" eagerly exclaimed the prisoner. "No, not a re - 1)1101e; but your uncle has left you $1,500, and novel, you can meet your .fate wile the satisfying feeling that the noble efforts of your lawyer on your behalf wit not go unrewarded." '0410" 000 00 430 Consumption is less deadly than it used to be: r . Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the follo. - ing trQ me , t; -... ... alta .. r. ->-S. y tY �#" ,'fir Hope, rest fresh air, and Scotea, Errs utsio n. ALL DR0001STeI eon.' AND 'Leo. ' a 04.00.401.40444.4140.000.0 000-0-0-000 VOIUNO FOLKS 1a00-oo0411•000 04 Gtfii0 dt INDOOR SUN. Once on a time in far Japan, ''here lived a busy little mer', So merry and so full of Aon, That people culled hint "Indoor Sun:" Now, Indoor Suit male lltirt'0rs ftlle, Like talose In your 110)130 .and to mine, And 10 these looking glasses bright Ws own fuse SONY trout mere 1111 night. 11 mato 11101 feel nn very sad 1'n sec hi8 Paco look cross and bad That he began to take great care To keep to meet 3111110 always there,' And anon he found that those 110 knee All seemed io]ileo him better, 1',00; For, tike the mirr0l'1, every ono Begun to smile on Indoor Sun, Now, try this just ono clay and see How ' larlgbl and smiling you can be; 'b'u'll and both huppeuess and furl. In playing you're alt "indoor sun." A TALE OF 011111301 WIOATIIER, "You won't forget bls Ralph's birth - clay party, will you, dada?" said Mrs, Russell. "001 home as soon as you can They don't think anything of it er you'rd. not there," ""All right;' he said, "I'11 do my best, i fact 1 put Ina word yesterday about IL "What strange weather we are hay - Mg," said Mrs. Russell. )'rs," he said, looking out of the win- dow, "16'3 very t.n•expecled. It's mild enough to do without an overcoat, 1'1l leave mine off." "Better lake 11, dear 1" said lets wale, "If you leave it off, it will be sure to turn cold or wet Here, let Ino help you on 1" and site helped him Into his coat and saw him to the door and sent hien off whist- ling all the way up 111e street and feeling that he had the best little wife In the world. Mrs, Russell had scarcely turned into the dining -room before there were sounds of a scuttle in the passage. Half an hour before Ralph end Edie had been sitting at 11e table as good as gold, but all of a sudden here they were quarrel- ling, Mrs. Russell put her head outside the doors. "Come in here 1" she said sharp- ly "Now sit down I What day Is this?" "My birthday I" said Ralph. His mother smiled, "I didn't mean that, What day is it?" "Friday," lee said. And 'l's a beautiful day, isn't it? \Voll, what kind of day was- it yester- day?" "Wet 1" said Edie. "And the day before that?" "All kinds," )?die answered. "I know, because it was so sunny 1 went without my umbrella, and it came on to rain and I got wet." And the day before that?" "Oh, I don't know," said Ralph. "The days are so choosey, one can't remenn• be "Yes, it is funny," said his mother, "Dada was just. saying it's most unex- pected weather, and 1 was just thinking of that, when 1 saw you two children quarrelling. You're just like the wea- ther I If 1 think you're all right you're all wrong. Sometimes the sun eolnes out and sometimes the clouds. There,run along and do let the sun be out all the morning P' But it wasn't. Edie had a good cry presently. But her mother took no no- tice except to say, "More rain 1 Fetch me my umbrella, Ralph. I'm sure I shall want it.' 13ut Edie brightened up, and iter mother called out, "Never mind, Ralph. ICs only a shower and the sun's coming out. I may want a parasol yet." Presently Ralph had a turn. IIe got into a temper and began to talk loudly to This sister, but bls mother only said "Dear me, what a funny month this is. Fancy thunder about now I" "Thunder?" Ralph said. "Yes, you spoke, dear." And Ralph began to understand. In fact, the children entered into the joke presently and began to apply it to one another. But it was no knee, when in the middle of the party a'telegraph boy brought the message, "Can't get hone. Too busy," "More unexpected weather 1" said Mrs. Ruseell, when she told the children. "We -mist make the bestof it." But that night as she kissed them he - fare they went to bed, she sad, Do you know, I've been wondering if you chil- dren couldn't give us some unexpected weather to -morrow end every day, "How?" said liaiph. "Well, when things go wrong I al - whys envoi, you to got angry, and I.al- ways think Edie ie going to 'cry, Wouldn't it be nice, if mw ead of a lot of storms and a Iot of rain, we only bad bright weather?" Ralph laughed. "I'll 1y 1" he said. And lie did. And next day anti for many days after, when- ever he felt angry and wanted to shoal,. he parsed up his lips and got red in the face, but he didn't male a sowed, And Edie, whose handkerchief was generally, soppy, managed to keep it dry. 1 \render if in our homes wo:could do as Ile Russell's did, and give Ito pcoplo round us some uhexpeeled weather, We often get it now, beautiful days instead of cold, damp,.shiver-Up-arid-dawn-your- back day's, end I think we might try. to be like the w•eeLher and make people think how tine it is inside as well as out, ALLEN, A NEW 1oIETAL. A new 1110101 which has attracted one sidlerable attention in Germany, and. which gives preMise of becoming of no little importance to many branches vet industry-, has receivedthe name "atom, 1110 mime being a compounclieg of the first tellers of aluminum end zinc, 01 which It is Unposed, It is claimed( that it equals cast iron 111 strength, but that it Is nitwit: more elastic, and that it leas greet superiority over. iron :n that it docs not rust castly and bagel s very high polish, ,pw»� Many a women average thlegs alt aul vbonnet and het bussbmud $2 lid average