HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 6ss ee x+' r•fveetsev r_.avb14.04d.,r,drs4' 0.4'• li7��� HEALTH ..a 4.40046064h19,d64644.15 LUMBAGO. This distressingly patntul affection is tnustoutar rheumatism Ionated in the large muscles of the loin, The attack usually comes on quite suddenly, 'sometimes seizing the suffer- er in the middle of a walk without the Slightest premonition. The pain is in- 1ense, and is increased by the slightest motion of the body, The victim of lumbago ar any outer form of muscular rheumatism becomes paintully aware of the fuel, which Pete haps he had not before realized, of the great flexibility of the body, and of the Intimate relation between the different parts of the body; for 1t seems impos- sible for -him to maize any motion whatever, of the head or of the arms, without feeling a sharp twinge Irl 1110 back. He dare not turn in bed, lift ies Shead, or even raise his arms, for every movement seems to be originated and performed by the sore back muscles. There niay be a little swelling at the affected region, but us,lally there is no external. sign of the great well of mis- ery lying just beneath the skin. The pain lasts a few days or a week, and may then disappear as rapidly as ft Came, although there is often consitl- 2'rable soreness or an oeeaslonel twinge for a day or two. Lumbago may be distinguished from pate In the back due to other causes by the fact that the agony is extreme whenever the slightest movement Is made, and isabsent or at least bear- able when the patient lies perfectly quiet in bed, and also that the ,muscles are tender when gently squeezed. The direction is more eonhnlon In men plan In women, and attacks adults chiefly. the muscular rheumatism of children -taking the Mein usually of wryneck. 'Why this should be so it is difficult 10 say. Lumbago occurs more frequently in gruty persons, although that is no ex- planation, since we do not know wily the loins should suffer in gouty indi- viduals more than the muscles of the meek, In mild cases the drinking of en abun- dance of water, to which some baking - soda is added, may give a measure < f relief. Gentle rubbing of the ports with a cloth dipped in ammonia and hat water wilt ellen mitigate the suf- fering, and after the rubbing a cloth wet with this solution may be laid on the parts and covered with a hot-water bot- tle. The diet should, be light, without meat or highly seasoned food, and especially without beef tea or meat broths of any kind. The bowels should be kept open. One who is subject to lumbago should hn careful to avoid a chill, and should live frugally, avoiding the use of much meat or highly seasoned food in his diet, and drinking only plain water or male. Sometimes the attacks are prevented or made less frequent by the wearing of a broad flannel belt over the under- clothing. -Youth's Companion. PROPER TREATMENT OF BURNS. In cases of burns death may be due first to asphyxia; secondly, to shock, and thirdly, to septicaemia, says the London hospital. The medical man seldom gets to the case in time to treat the first condition; the second Is essentially a general con- dttig11, while the whole success in pre- venting the third depends upon the immediate local treatment. It is there- fore the last condition which must be Considered here. Among the public it is a generally accepted idea that the Ming to do in the case of a. burn is 'o dust flour over it or to cover it with ci1, and indeed, even in soma compara- tively late text books on surgery a mix- ture known as "Carron oil" is advocat- ed. The use of such applications cannot be too strongly deprecated, and indeed if the lay mind could be taught that the best thing to put on a burn before the doctor is called Is a hot compress which 'should contain some boracic acid, if there is any in the house, Itis probable that the majority di deaths due to sep- ticaemia after burns would be prevent- ed. For the whole aim and object of the local treatment is to prevent sepsis; flour and olive ell may be soothing and may allay the pain, but there is no antisepifo property in them; nether they are excellent oulture media. For 'bacteria. HEALTH HINTS. Hot water taken between meals fs good for nervousness, Glycerine aids digestion, and is fre- quently prescribed for it. A teaspoon- ful after meals is taken by many. Hot mtik, heated to as high e tem- perature as it can be drunk, is a most refreshing stimulant in cases of cold or over -fatigue, Its action is very quick and grateful. The effect of hot milk is •fat more beneficial and lasting than that of alcohol. It gives real strength, 'as well as acting as a fillip. IL is said that the most nauseous phy- sic may be given to children without 'trouble by previously letting them take a peppermint lozenge, a piece of alum, br a bit of orange peel. Many people make the mistake at giving a sweet af- lerwards to take away the disagreeable 'taste; it is far better to destroy it :n 'the first instance. Small doses of cod-liver oil aro very Useful for children who catch cold easily. They should be given. two '•r three times a day, directly after food. it is a great mistake to give large doses of cod-liver 011; They are not digested, and really do more harsh than good. They create disgust, and generally lead to this Merl/eine being given up allo- gelher.. Some folks are cantlnun115 having sore throats. When, despite all Itrecau- 'li0us, an atisok seems imminent, you should dip the wetted finger into bak- ing -soils, and rub each tonsil well with legis every hour or two. Many attacks 5r,.oy bo cut short thus. A rough dry Blocking, or a cjaili wrung out of Ice - veld Wates wrapped roundthe neck, and covered io'ith eomethieg.dry worn for a bight will tht Ucgd. A GREAT TRIUMPH, GAINED RY DR. 'WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS x011 TALE PEOPLE. The Rsp1Ars of Mount Clemens -insti- tute Prove the Value of These Pills in the Case al Mr, S. Harris, Govern - went Inspector of Elevators at Hamilton, Ont. From the Star, Dundee, Ont. We are muni pleased to see Mo. 5. Haute, 1110 wit -known Government in- specl<n' of elevators; of Hamilton, fn Dundas the tether day, greatly improved In health and appearance since the last time we met 111)1. As is known to many of the Slur readers, Air. tlurris hes recovered frolu, a tong and severe 1tlness, and is now quiteable to attend Inc usual dulics, From this long 111- th Ss many predicted air. Ilah'ris would never et:cover, and the fact that he is once more able la go around very near- ly as spry as ire did before lie was at- tnelce.1, is Mlle lees than marvellous 10 them. In reply to our reporter, Mr. Hevt'is relnlcd the early stages of the attack and subsequent sufferings which ho ex- perienced, and while he did not court publicity, decided that In thep ublic in- terest he would relate the circumstances of this wonderful cure. About fourteen months ago Mr. Harris woke up one morning with a stiff neck; dry as he would, and after applying all the reme- dies externally that he *aid hear er think of, he was unable to get rid r f it The stiffness moved to the spine and shoulders, then to his hips, until it made almost a cripple of hbn, and It was with extreme difficulty that he could get out of bed at all. As for walking it was out of the question with hem, Tho attack became so bad that he WES unable to put on either his coat, vest or hat, From time to time he called in various medical men, none cf whom were able to give him much reltief. It was almost impossible for him to raise his feet from the floor, and all pronounced his a severe case of nnlsoular rheumatism, giving him little encouragement as to 111s ultimate re- covery. ?covery. However, one medical gentle- nian Anally recommended the baths, and as a last resort Mr, Harris decid- ed to follow bis advice, and went to Mount Clemens, Alich. As is customary with all patients, Mr. Harris had to undergo a thorough examination in order to determine if the system can stand this rigorous treatment. After several examinations had been made as to Air. Ilarris' condition, the phy- sicians there finally decided that l:e was not suffering from muscular rheu- matism at all, but that his ailment was cf the nerves, and told him that, the baths would do him little ar no good; that he required altogether different treatment. Me. Harris placed himself in the hands of one of the physicians there, and what seemed quite strange to lune, they did nothing for him but administer medicine in the shape a 1 pills, Shortly after he commenced this treatment ha began to improve percep- tibly, and his appetite greatly improv- ed He began to walk around slowly al first, but soon was able to get around more than he could for a year previous. He was able to put on his coat anal vest, and began to feel like his former self. His improvement was so rapid sod perceptible not only to himself, but to others, that he was plied with all sorts of questions as to his wonderful recovery. The medical attendant was questioned as to the na- ture of the medicine which was being administered. Much to the surprise ee Mr. Harris and other patients there, he was told that it was a well known Canadian remedy, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and was advised to continue their use for a time on his return home. Mr. Harris 1s loud in his praise of the won- derful curative qualities of Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills, end consented to make his case public in the slope that he might benefit others similarly afflicted. Mr. Harris hos long been a resident of Hamilton, being a well-ltnown builder of elevators, as well as Government In- spector of the same, so that his prom- inence and well known integrity is evidence that he is sincere in the statements he made. HOW MARBLES ARE MADE. Most of the stone marbles used by boys are made in Germany, The recuse bnly of the marble and agape quarries Is employed, and this is treated in such tt way that there is practically no waste. Men and bays are employed to break the refuse stone into small cubes, 'and with their hammers they acquire a marvellous dexterity. The little cubes are then thrown into a mill con - :Meting of a grooved bedstone and a re- eo1•ving runner. Water is fed to the mill and the runner is rapidly revolved while ehe friction does the rest. :n half an hour the mill is stopped and a bushel or so of perfectly rounded +ntaebles ere taken out. The whole .pro- cess casts the merest trifle. India's revenue is now 5245,000,000, and exceeds expenditure by nearly 510,- 000,000. MAGISTRATE CURi30 131r 'LAM-IIUK. Magistrate Perry, of Goldfields, has been cured by Zara -Bute of a skin dis- ease, which had deflect doctors for five years. Ile tsnys: - "Genllenlen,-Atter a very fair trial I have proved Zate-Ruk eminently satis- factory. IL cured me of e akin disease at five years :standing, which no doe - tar and been able to do any good for. klmr13u1< certainly does even lhloralilan you olefin for it, and for my own port, I would not be without it in my house. "Yours truly, "ElOCER F. PERRY, "Justine of the Pesfo," Zann•1311k is a cure cure for all skin 0 n'es, sore fret insect biles, eunburn, busters, 1100(r a ales, eczema, ulcers, elr, it also euros piles, verlcose ulcers, bad leg. Ml druggists and stores sell at 500. n box m mailed post free from Zem- tIok CCo.,'Toronlo, for pric0. 6 boxes 52;50, Send lc. stamp for trial box. SUMMER WEATHER, 1816 A FALL OP SNOW IN TILE CITY OF QUli2SEC IN iUNE. harvest Was 'l"ihb4y Plentiful--Droutlht Carne in tletobcr Then Severe lsrost, ()wing to the backward alnd u10100011y told sprints we have experienced Ibis year, a pooh deal has been heard ;Mout previous cold sprints or summers, while the year 1816 has been inured as a year in which there 11110 110 sul11hte1' at all." That particular year dues uppeer la have been somewhat abnormal In its climatic conditions, but still, as a whole, there was a fairly good season. SNOW IN JUNE, A Quebec newspaper, the Gazette, of June 11, 1810, bus the following : "From 11 o'clock till half -past 12, this day, the sixth 01 June, there has been an uninterrupted fall of snow in this city," August 22nd, 18111, the enm0 paper surd: --"The weather since the be- ginning of this mantle has been uncom- monly favorable for the fruits of the earth of every description. Ott Thursday a great deal of rain fell, which threa- tened 1Ohllo hurt ; but yesterday the shy became clear, with a pleasant breeze, w11101 11110 removed the ball effects of the r' ecia the wheat rain, Contrary o e� p t lit? 1 •o e 1 bever' harvest will �in some distrlgis l abundant, and In others al least a mid- dling crop, In this vicinity 1110 reaping will be general next week. In the Beet - ern Townships a great deal of wheat. Is already cut and secured, the grain of astonishing weight, The occasional rains have been beneficial for the pas- ture lands. Upon the whole, Me farther was never more agreeably disappointed, Wo are happy to le.n'n the same may ba said of Upper Canada. There. as well as here, hay is, however, far short of an ordinary crop. The quality of flour at St. John's is great. Price sixty shil- lings," DROUGHT, THEN FROST. On October 10th, 1816, the same paper Says :-"Since the first week there has been a continued 100012hl to the end of the month; the weather has generally been very hazy, attended with cold wines. on the 111h n severe frost was experienced ; the 10111 and twentieth were extremely nvarm ; the 26tll, 271h and 28111, the frost 1155 so severe as 10 complete the° destruction of the potato crop, which escaped tient of the 111h. The effect of such unseasonable weather has been particularly felt by all the standing crops, which are in a backward slate, requiring warmth and rain l0 bring them to maturity. The wheat in the north and west part of the district, which remained at elle dale of our last report, has been housed and is very fine. There still remains out through the dis- trict a quantity of oats, a great. portion Of which cannot ripen and must be cut for forage, The early pens have been gni in; the quentily is great, but ibe samples will not be generally good, there being nearly one-third that were mot perfectly ripe.... The Indian corn was destroyed by the frost of the lith; it is doubtful whether seed may be ob- tained for another year. , . , Ths po- tatoes cannot be rated at more than half a crop. The meadows have made little progress since they were mowed ; the country has seldom witnessed'so great a want of green food for feeding of stock as has been experlencs I this summer." A MOT'HER'S GRATITUDE. Mrs. V. Ciheoret, of St. Penoit, Que., writes as follows: "it is with feelings o! the deepest gratitude that I write to tell you what Baby's Own Tablets have done for my baby. When I be- gan giving him the Tablets he was so thin and wasted that he looked like a skeleton. His digestion was poor; he was constipated and cried day and night. 1 got a box of Baby's Own Tab- lets and from the first they did him a great deal of good. His food digested better; his bowels worked regularly; his sleep was natural; he stopped crying and began to grow fat. I got another box and am happy to say before -they were all used he was in perfect health and is now a plump, rugged child. 1 always keep a box of Tablets in the house and would advise other mothers to do the same." The above is a fair sample of hundreds of letters that come from all parts of Canada prais- ing Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets euro all the minor ills of babies and young children, and are absolutely sate, as they do not contain one par- ticle of opiate or narcotic. Sold by medicine dealers er by mail et 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. New York is rapidly catching London in point of population. She now boasts of 3,437,000 people, while the latest figures give London, 4,306,541, It WIll Prolong Lite. -De Soto, the Spaniard, lost his We in the wilds et Florida, whither he went for the pur- pose of discovering rho legendary "Fountain of perpetual youth," said to exist in that then unknown country. While Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil will not perpetuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young, old before their limo and harass the aged into untimely graves. NOT STILL, NOR SMALL. "When you do something you know is wrong doesn't a 81111, small voice keep reminding you et it eternally?" "A elite, small voice) f guess you never met my wife, did you?" /sirs. B, --"I suppose you find your daughter very much improved by her two yea's' May at college?" Ilrc. Proud•ltlo ll r-"t.a, yes. Mere Mize beth is a earntvarous render new, and she frequently impoverishes nm'sio. Rut she ain't a bit stuck up -she's ummi mous to everybody, an' she never keeps calm' tvnrtin' fol' 1101' 10 dress; She just runs in nom de plume, en' you i<now 11151 makes one feel ee 0om- id•riable." Austria-rhmgnry hus 110 fewer 11155 fit tern distinct noes within her borders. Mettle itself are over 11.000,000 Gcr- m5ns. and it is their hostility to thin. gory that makes the Situation so daft gerous. Nurses' & Mangers' 'Tresisure most reliable mediciao for baby. (Jaa1 ever 50 ipso. ,First compounded by Dr.' F', k". Pksult in 1855, Makes Baby Strong f2estorra the little otgena to perfect health. Gives sound sleep, without reap to opium other in'ur(3aus drugs. 4 Aort drumlins 2Se. G homes 91,25. NativealDru.8 (;h, esbCe.L,tl Montreal �'4t tiyy> k y ro'or Il In . 1 t} 3,! ,to this ' soon IIiiiI i t Get book on "Roof Ing Right" and see how little rielc you take when you roof any building with 6OS1IAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Soldundor a plain GtTARANTEE `f) that keeps your roof good for 215 years. Wlthdecent care, an Oshawa - Shingled roof will last a CENTURY. With a hammer and a snips (tinnel's' shears anybody can put Oshawa Shingles on perfectly. Locked on all four sides -see the side lock?' It drains the shingles so that water can't seep under. Top lo c k (see below) makes whole roof practi- cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade only -28 uage semi,toughened steel, double -galvanized (saves painting). Wind - water - and - f i r e PROOF. Keep buildings safe from Lightning. Cost only $4.50 a square ('l O ft. x 10 ft.) Send for book- let and learn ow Iittle a RIGHT roof costs. Address The i DPEOPLE 01 0 1iEWa Montreal Ottawa 831 t1 Craze st. W. {23 Sussex SG Toronto London 11 Onlborue St, 09 Dehdea 0t. W n n i p o,g Vancouver i rase tfeelbe d 86, r o Jae, ser tat. Itis Lordship -"Whatever could have been thinking of to steal the sheep?" The Prisoner -"I dunno, my lord; I must ha' been wool-gatherin ." Use the 'sate, pleasant and eifeettial worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; nothing equals it. Pro- cure a bottle and take it home, Germans eat more bread than any other European nation. The German consumption is 113; pound per head a, week, or more than one-third greater than ours. Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? it has no equal for removing these troublesome excresences as ,Daily have testified who have tried it. Boy Passenger (to porter) -"I say, how much longer are we going to wait at this station? I've been here an hour already," Porter -"that's nothing, my 5011. I've been hero fifteen years." A MACHINE POR WOMEN Should be the best obtainable. The Singer and Wheeler A Wilson sewing machines are acknowledged the light- est running, most durable and conveni- ent of any. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us at Man- ning Chambers,. Toronto, for set of Died Cards free. AWFUL. Mrs. Talkative : "Mrs. Chatter is a dreadful gossip." MDs, Eager: "Is she?" Mrs. Talknitve: "Yes, indeed. Why you can't tell her anything scandalous about anybody that she doesn't know already." iSSUL NO, 25--07. Underwear made-to-order, lot you corlda'i possibly excel in fit nor equal is Value PrIki7 al'a race. ,derw{' ui Can't shrink nor stretch nor bind nor bulge has other kinds; and is sold with a'puraatce that insures you against any possible fault. (`rade-marked like 111ia in red as are alp 01 value, Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, in form• lilting sizes for women, men and ohildren. r7ddpfd5r lereentsteeereememaseeieseeteemezensereemeelate wESTE BUSINESS RN BUS NESS - 1F YOU want a western business write us; - large lists ; hotels, livery stables, stores, and others, The Minton Mansell Co., business brokers, Saskatoon, Cis 3E3 24 141T The Omani of the KOOTENAY I1 you aro interested 1n Prult Lands write for our booklet. Its IhbEE, KIoDBRMID & !UNARM', Nelson, B.C. '05)1)110} aside 1 :3)51 A TED. FIFTY SMART GIRLS for our spinning, winding and weaving rooms. Good wages, steady employment and pleasant surroundings. Pares paid, A81)17, giving full partloulars, to TORONTO CARPET WO. CO., Toronto. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St, Lawrence Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes ''Cela Borew 112.02,;,; "Qompana," with olootris lights, olectrlo all modern comforts. BAILS h'ri081 MON010Z tL Obf MONDAYS at 4 p1, m., 8rd sad 17th. Tune Yet, 1Sth an 501 July, fete gad 2158 August, ell and 581,4 8optenkber, and toutepr"gfitly thereafter for Platen, 21',3., ego• 100 at Q_eebuo, Gaspe, Mal nay, Verso, Qnpp ,00 Grand i Ir r Summarsldo, P, fc.I., and 12arfoll totown, P.E.I.' ':E$+V`t to Bummer Excursions, 005, by rho now' Twln Bcrd�1ow 40. narmudinn", 8,800 tons, Baiting 5611 0518Ikggopt e4thft11W, sand da ht Soppternnboo, 615 181) and 48th 0,0080,, alt,, 10th and 3008 N va bor. 'rsmporaturo,00le by 5021 b'rooios seldom r1cbovo 88 degrees. ',r50,l,g aneat tripe of the season for health and aomf. • ARTHUR AHEDN, Secretary, Quebec, A. osi E. OUTERI3RIDGE dt CO., Agents: RE Broadway, New York. 84IGHT HELP SOME. "Bodkin says he has discovered a new asthma cure." "He ought to experiment with IL on some of those wheezy old jokes of his':" They Never Knew Failure. -Careful observation of 111e effects of Parfnelee's Vegetable Pits has shown that they act immediately on the diseased organs et uta system and stimulate Mean to healthy action, "!'here may be eases in which the disease has been long seat- ed and does not easily yield to medi- cine, but even 1n such cases these P111s Have been known to bring relief when rib other so-called remedies have failed. These assertions can be substantiated 1lay many who have used the Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qua- ' "You certainly look better; you must have followed my advice and had a change." "Yes, doctor, so I have." "Where did you go?" ' I went to ano- ther physician." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every forst of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. 11 never fails. Sold by all druggists. A record sponge, 10 Leet in circumfer- ence and 2 feet thick, was found a few yea's ago by some sponge -fishers off the Bahama Islands. A Purely Vegetable Pill-Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded from Trots, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complalnls and in giving tone to the system whetter enfeebled by overwork or deranged through ex- cesses in living. They require no testi- motel. Their excellent qualities he well known ,to all those who have used them gond they commend IhemSeives to dyspeptics and those subjeot to bilious- ness iliousness who are in quest of a beneficial anodicine. "What 1<incl of a looking man is that shop Gabbleton1 I don't believe have mot him." "Well, if you see two leen in a corner, and one of theta looks bored to death, the other one is Gabblelon 1" Many Thanks are due from tele p0050100005. of Weaver's Co,ato to friends Who have written to. toll of the Qerate's good word in curing scrofulous humors, amid bead andother skin di MUM Farmer (engaging new handl "All right, you can go and attend to the ani- mals, I hope you'll suit me," New Hand : "That's all rtghl, sir ; I've had a Int to do with pigs," If ntealeed with 518010rm, or aummor complaint of sly 111011 send at once for a hallo of 1)r. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial and use it according to di- rections. 11 acts 091111' wonderful ra- pidity 111 subduing that dreadful (Iis- ease Ihat winbtens 1110 strongest man and that destroys the young and dell cote, mom ivho hove used this chol- era medicines any it new promptly, and never fulls to effect a thorough oure. eavsswevsseesee P101 LOIS A13C.'I'1C JOU41NhY, Oilier's fond Doll Sled Drive to Save Pis Wile's kite. Down teem the north comes 511011rer 1 ileo (1110 stories 01 1000 and enduraneo but lend to 1110 silent northern places 1101) warm bullion 11)110est, says the Vtlltllpeg correspondent of the 51, Paul' Dispatch. The story is of ono James P. ';albrailb, 15110 brought 1115 sieic wife into Dawson by dog team from the Dun - 'nn dtslricl--a distance of 175 miles. 1115. Galbraith became seriously ill some verl<s ago. There wes not a doctor any .vhere In Me remote camp, and heroic ceps welt' and a csal;v, Gulbruith was not n man to hesitate because of distance or delta 10s, Securing the best team of onhe trained dogs in the mp, carefully placed Mrs, Galbraith in the basket. sleigh, and with the emelt of the whip was off on the long run early in tite morning. The (Inst day out they, moth: sixty ntlles. It wns a fairly good trail, but r10 - thing comfortable or enjoyable for a woman suffering 1110 hangs of illness. The dogs did nobly and Trotted along almost every step al the woy, 7110 streams were beginning to run water. At clear creels Ultimate', was a foot and a 11511 deep and 200 feet wide. There was 110 way to matte rho crossing but to swim the dogs. The intrepid =usher wrapped his wife carefully In canvas end made the binding eo that she. was virtually in a largo canvas bag. Then rho dogs were given the lash and treaded toward the opposite shore. Galbraith waded behnid, but the dogs had to swim incl draw the sleigh. The old faithfuls did their work splen- didly and carte out panting on the shore almost exhausted, but soon had their breath and were again hat footing it down the trail, Galbraith hounding along behind lifting his 105 pounds and drying bis 1501 extremities by vigor of his exer- lion and his brisk circulation, Between \IcQuesten and Illghel, the now Govern- ment hail cut last fall, was the course of travel. Had It not been built there would Clave been no means of gelling to Dawson and a death perhaps would have to be recorded because of the enforced isolation of this particular season. hthehenrt. ofadeep forest e r s this new trail passes, winding among the 1 foothills and above the gulches and creaks, and it was while passing through Ihis remote wilderness that deep baying of a band of wolves was heard by 14r. and Mrs. Galbraith, The dogs were not allowed to tarry then and they scarcely needed the warning of the anxious driver and feeble sufferer. The second day out sixty utiles more was made, and that brought the travellers to Dominion Creek. From there it was a good road, and Dawson was reached. st There is 5 per cent, of water in sugar, 18 per cent in rico, and no less than P1 per cent. in cabbage. A Groat Combination, "Porrovirn" the beat tonfa is. It should be taken by all invalids, by all who are run down or out of sorts. It builds up, gives now life. d'e s A Lot, a f ' ,.other The starch thatneedo't be cooked.. that won't stick, , that gives a brit- lent gloss with almost n,o flon-effort.'tan 't that the starch yell ought to have them ,use on your clothes? ,Buy it by name.. your - dealer sells it, 201 ii .t i' 1 L. n n`racco,irren0mrr. A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color 'and uniformity. STRONCIWHITE AT YOURGROCERS DEALERS EYERYWHERE"SUPPLIED,WITH rLLOUR AND,.FEaD WRITE US, WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY' A DLEN5ED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR ASA GENERAL t HOUSEHOLD 'ALL resro5E5' FLOUR. WILSON'S Ono cachet has actually Milan a bush0l or' Oleo. - GOLD EDI - DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AM GENERAL STORES too. nor pocket, or 9 packet, for tae. will last a whole 00a130,5. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Suit, ,could I00) better d�yyad, 11 n 001,00 el ours to your toxo, write diroot rduntrcul, las 150 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. MADE IN CANADA Cofxsple*o Launches HAMILTON MOTOR. WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON:. ONT. COMFORTABLE WUEELS AT .COMFORTABLE PRICES. -NONE SO GOOD FOR COMFORT AND WEAR. TO THE FORE IN THE GREAT BICYCLE REVIVAL As flood ns Ever. A_s Po�ular a Ever. The Cleveland, Massey "Silver Ribbon", Perfeot, Brantford, Imperial, Rambler and blue Flyer With Cusbion Frame and Coaster Brake, "MADE :1'O SERVE AND SATISFY." On mall sides you hear: "Is the bicycle corning back?" The answer is all around you. it's Here. More wheels sold already this season than the last two seasons together. Canada Cycle and Motor Co,, Limited( "MAKERS OF THE WO RLD'S BEST BICYCLES," Toronto Junction, - Canada, Branches: -Winnipeg, Vancouver, Melbourne, Aust. MONEY TO LOAN FETT000m VAU LTS TO RENT .BALANC[SON SAVINGSACCOUNTS WHINtSI PT WiTH US DPAW ADDOUN Sot INT {ST EOUR PER CENT ExCutoss PER ANNUM,COMP4IUNDE1)• liDTRIg1PEE QUARTERLY,. AN ARE AT SPEClaur ALL 1`IN1E$;SUBJECT lib CHEQUE. 1 VIT d '.1