The Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 5Set as at. • �lIrITA� i $TRATFQFilia ONT,• Waft astabllahod tw0nty yours ago cwt by its thorough wcrlt uud npnar• it able dealings with Its Pedro*e has beam o cue u 0)l the I u 0 ar •Oat a d t lus ti 3 } 7J7 u7p'en gwtiJelolYJalowli UUivanm'olnl ()phallus 'Y in the 1 ruvineu, The demand upon un fur doJ uerulal teaehees and of. floc, assistants greatly t , e, 1 but 1 Wu h e1 ly arae le Ulu I p y, assist a, ht Leri to poet - )r 'utaloute ere entering earth LS week. Catalogue Boo, 1414.1 %: at 1111 % or,Aa11LAN, Principals, 1,1C-z",14:4 q q/ t, C ,14: 3t �i rfaSiG i agallt�iR a`a 69 BUSINESS CARDS. kde RA.O.K i N- 7 1 r Issuer 01 ldarrlage Liaoueo0, 01 110e tit tll'Odery,.,thonour/y, street, Brussels, WM, SPENCE CON VLYANCEli, AND ISSUER oar DIARRIAG7+3 LICENSES 011iic in the Fest Oilluu, Ethos. 30.4 BERTHA, C. ARMSTRONG le prepared togive l8aaou0 011 Plane 0)r head organ. Parma on application. P(Attalla() addreaa—Brussels, flesh/ewe— Lot 8, 000, Il, tiny, Pupils may have their lessons 0681101r own homes Il preformed.. MISS LAURA SPIENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET lNI'LAUCHLiN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Mueie, JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual 1+'ire Insurance Company 01110u and Residence WAL.TON. ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI IN801IANOE, FIRE AND MARINE.. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Bate ot interest 5¢ per aontper 100nu133, first Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Exoelstar Life Insurance Company The Equity Fire Insurance company Ml business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. moot 4th Division Court, AUCTIONEERS. 47 13. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ee nen, w111 sell for better prides, to better moo, in loss limo and lees charges than any other Auotioneer in East Baron or bo won't°barge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this 013108 or by personal applloation, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at tooanise of Ta11 Pon, Brussels. 20811 VETERINARY. ('(. A. CUNNINGIIAM— Vf • Boner tiraduate of the Ontario yet. emery college, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated uulmala in a Oompot• eat manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and 820118 Fever. (lulls prowptlyattended to, Ohne and Infirniary —Four Copra Northof bridge, Turnborry et., Brussels.. 'Phone 41 lc LEUAL AND CONVEYANCING. it J3, MAODONALD- Barrister, Solloilor, Notary, Eta, 8ucceimor 16 O. 6'. Blair. Office. over Stan. Surd flank, Brussels. Solicitor forMetro. polita*1 Bank. 11Vi'/; T M. SINOLAIR— V et • Barrister, fiollottor, ()oliveymutter, Notary Public, &o. U81oo-8 tewart'e byook I door Nor til of Central Rotel. 8olloitor for the Standard Batik. 1)30UDF00T, HAYS & BLAIR- 12A1tR18TE188 SOLICITORS, NOTAI4I118 1SUBLLL, ETC, W. Paoongoote, K. O. R. O. Have Y, I'.. BLAIR. Y (mutinied U111oe—'1'boee formerl 6by Messrs Unmuion %¢ • !Lair GOnEfIICFr, On 1'ARIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE1LO, DENTIST O' tate of he i 1 College of Dental iota t ft I bye o s •' 8urgebne�al Ontario • and , Vint -onto Boner Graduatetl Toronto University, orsit , Office next 810 Browur'e Photograph Gallery, B1tVLIO10LS, ,•r dD p4 SUtIMI liULYION DURING ry AND AUGUST p 71 BY ENTERING THE Q,6 ELLIOTT Adadi ll TORONTO, ONT ' Now, you will bo through', your oeuvrevre in the early Fall . which is ttu oxupl•eut lit 1 Mine to get employment, prepare Per 9� Positions paying yoO, gen, 800 and 07e Ay it month, Our Uoltngo •haeuuexcelled ton auoe rows «001001'; the tet d g teeter • -Mare 0L:::::::11000010, 800 0 ,"rot: Rotting e " Educate , " u000sa d 0 it1by L1c 0110 e position's, ea q l ,others .b f dt 0)r aohuo . 01 16 ny • anon ng O �Qp boyo. Will you 7 Write for oatalogae, A6 W. J. ELLIOTT, Pi:Molosl, t+p colt, YONan Alin A,I,EXANDE71 BTA. 1 A is AY No Holidays .idays in bauluoes, Nunn 3* -nor work. As It is we cannot be. gin to supply the demand for our well trained 1100duols. Got 41160 lino naw Aild spend the Hummer in preparing for a i {loll salary. Enter ally day. 1ra rtlbllItedfoe. Write Central Business College 095 Xonge et„ Toronto W, 11. Slaw, Prinoipal '..cal getvs kerns OzsasaArE Dominiou Day at Broeoelo. Good program will be presented, Rowans Orangemen will go to Blyth for July 12th. A speolal (tai* will Ix rte, it is mild, GIANT T11160) 88 "Uurreuoy" "Bobs" and "Stag" (Mewing 'Pobasooeo, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Taro Methodist Sabbath Sohool Or °beaten will play 0t Ornubrook Gsrdeu Party Friday evening of (hie week. Sul000 fare on the railways for Domin• dun Doty, Good going Fr'idsy, June 281,11 and returning'rueoday July, and, D. M.l'erguoon, inerohant, 0t Stratford, formerly of Bruseeic, has gone to the Odd Country o0 a p0rohaeing trip, Hie motbar, who reaitlea with her dauht r Montano, has been daugerouely ill. i m , Fon ADOPTION, --The Ubildren'e Aid Scioto}, have et number 0)t 11(010 obildreu for whom they would like to iirid good homes. Anyone desirous of adopting 0 ohald is requested to oommunioalo with the President of the organization for Huron, James M14ube11, Godsrioh, (free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop'e catarrh Remedy, Let me send it now. It de a snow-white, Dreamy, healing =Hepatic balm, Containing =oh healing ingre, clients as Oil Enoulipt08, Thymol, Men- thol, oto„ lb given instant and hotting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat. Malta the tree test and see for yourself what this preparation Dan and will no. oomplish, Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 wants, Sold by all dealers, M07I110 TO LONDON.—I. W. Kingwood and family, ot lugoreoll, are removiug to London where Mr. 'Lowy:kid 'impasse going into bueinees, Mrs. Kingswood was kindly remembered by her Sunday Sobool (lass of the Xing Street Methodist Church. The young ladies assembled at the home of Mrs. It, Butler, Wellington street, and l0) the course of a pleasant evening, presented Mro. Kingswood with handsome china berry dish ae a mark of their esteem and in recognitionof her helpful services. Mrs, Kiogewood is a daughter of Jumee and Mee. Sharpe, of Brussels Mr. and Mrs. Kingswood and son wilt leave shortly on a holiday trip to England where a number of the former's rolativee reside. We wish them a pleasant time and a sate return. HYMENEAL,—Toe_ foliowiog refers to a young lady well-known to a •.good many of our readers :—The Cleveland Plain Dealer has the following to say :--A* the home of T. J. and Mrs. Poulton, Clark ave., B. W. at 4 o'clock Tuesday after- noon, June 12th, their ne10e, Mies Alice M. Bennett wee married to Charlet( M. Hall, son of Rev. Thomas Hall, of Leland Peed, Vt. The ceremony was pertorm- ed by Rev. George Mackintosh and there were no attendants. •Mr. and Mrs. Hell left for a trip to pointe in Canada and will spend the Summer ab Muekolta lake," Mise Bennett's plotnre also op• peered in the eooiety column. The bride's! 'wedding costume was crepe de. &bene with satin betide, wearing a cream silk hat. Her gaug away suit wee tan broadcloth with brown hat to matoh, Her many friends here will join in ex. tending 80 the young couple many good wishes, I will mtil you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. hhoop'a 'Restorative and my Book on either Dyspepsia, the heart or the kfdneya. Troablee of the etomaoh, heart or kidneys, are merely symptome of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment and not the came. Weak stoma= nerves— the ineideoervee—mean stomach weak. lees always.' And the heart and kid- neys es well, have their controlling or Weide nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably pqave weak vital organa. Bore le where Dr. Sboop's Restorative hike made he fame. No other remedy even °lafine to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating biliousness, bad breath or complexion, nee Dr. Sboop'e Radom. live. Write me to•day for sample and free boort. .Dr. Shoop, Rama, Wig. The ReetorablVe fa cold by alt dottier°, Reams ON HO»BON Bas.—'the Wlnni- Pag Free Prase saY f a former Brueeel• , a a ice. --"a. R. Grant, manager of the Fed. arttl Life Loon Co., strived in town from an extended trip in the West and South epeudh,g five months in Victoria, B. 0 , and the month of Mar= in California. lite is muoh pleased with Vzotoria and th4nke db the vine, city of Oa0aila and uodoubtodly the beet Winter pore we Have, AIT, Grant br ow ht bank with d him ogle interesting, 00,1ve0140 of the Seals Uothe tnmlilai, late of river t n Waehiugtoa,wlloro'he had visited an old Moak house mi the Maroon flats, built by the ''Uompeny of Adeenkurers trailing into Redeem's Bay" known tie the Hudaou'a-Bay Co, - This tort was built when the Doke of Wellington wee dooidbog the 81101,nles of the empire o0 the field of Waterloo, in 1815, He brings with him several bullets acid stage willolc he carted out of the timbers of the Moak home. Another *other retie ot hie visit le a dice key and unlike the modern Yale is abouts six ineboe {n length Be also waisted a door key which weighed about t wee k o x m es a ;oiled but as the keeper aiii use he do*,Id net spare it. There was Mao a braes palm= which was enppoond to have exploded during tome of the derue fights with the Indians but the beeper imide eame plea as with the loot he allowed to retain ht k and was w e i Y, , t 'l 0 lbs. specially as it weighed about 4 Mr. Grant returned by way of tipokaue and hero he met Frank D000ey and 0, A. Plaskett and theft tamlti08, all well known ex•W80ndpeger0, He also Visited a.M1.0.YOM .M/1eWu.kNlitli .,I 1.1. the Kettle Fa lo and trait ranches on the (Julivdls river and woos 48140111A n 311 whet he Baty ,hare. Ile 1,1,3 p, b,, 81111 01111100610OYd100 .11 IW 0,0)11*]* uti hi. .v.i, Host over cite N. P. and 'at Winnipeg intuition Mere were three Mabee of snow covering the ground everywhere, 111r, (Grant noted that seeding lippottrod to be quite ae fee ndvonood i0) A'laulteba ae • it D' i s s ot d int Mir t a at au llakota. Wee gel quiet* end uertalu taller from 1)r. Bhopal Magic Oitltrnout, I'ivaeu nuts it is matte for pilon atone, anti Ito =Hon d it On le odium end made, i t i 1 tan, ltohlilg, puieful, protruding or blind ;idles die. appear lite magi° by i/'0 use. Large niekel•uapped ghees jars 50 crone, 8o14 by all dealers. »ap0AAT11.-•-Doll4 neglect 80 do your share of dOCOraling on Dominion Day. clang out Hage, banners end bunting end 'Make the town 100l* gay with Use outward display of loyalty on this 40111 ennlver• eery al Ooulederation, The various EJodgoo and Societies should aid lo this work ea they bevo done on former oo_ (undone, Deoorate, decorate, Tut. Hawse of Requite uommittee met on Friday last and met Mr, and Mrs. Match. A1. X, Malawi, chairman, tor. niftily lulroduoed them as Keeper and Matron, and We. Simpson au assistant tlatrou. Air, Frunoh Agreed to somata a taw days with Mr. Mutoh and give what *100181an08 be can, On =outset of Mak of ebeady wind the water aupply ie often short. Tate Uhairmau, luapeotor and Keeper ere appoiuted a committee to pueblos a ;interline engine for pump- ing. STE6uzR (1011010M4,—Toa Allan lane aum.uuue the trial trip of their. ne10 steamer Jordiuuu which took plaoe on the Firth of Clyde on 2taue 208h• A speed of 18 knelt, per hour mill an average of 17 56 knots was attained and ner butiderd and the Messrs. Allen are greatlypleaeed with the result of the cast. The Uoreioeu le of 11,000 tone twin sorew, and can o000mmodate two thousand two hundred pa8800ger0 toe whom every provision in regard to eon• ve1110nee and comfort hes beets made oto• oordiug to the latest impruvemeuts. The steamer sails (corn Liverpool on July 11th on bar Insiders voyage and Icor first trip from Montreal wilt be on July 268)1• 13100011o8 FOOT BALL T11.131.—Toe 0111tou Naw Era last week says :— Monday evening -a retar* mat= was played le (Muton end proved to be a Iand0lide, It wee evident 10 the apeate- tore, eoueidering the personal of the two teams, who would ultimately win. The drat goal was 000red by the home team wbioh proved to be their Mad, while Brussels played ftp three. The Oombin- atf0n work Of the visitors wee like cloak tvork at Mime. D've1'y player is a Sturdy Seasoned ar10010 and we have 110 heed• tati0n in saying they 1100 the strongest aggregatiou of football prayers ever eeen. do Clinton and now that Canton io 0114 We hope to eee'th0in win the Intermediate Championship. B. Jaoltson referee. Atwood Bee remarks—Beueoele football team defeated Ulinton lutermediatee in the latter town on Monday evening by a adore of 3 to 1, Brussels banoh is wortb watching, . They play football and no mia1ak0. PABTOI2 0IP1) Winn HONORED,--Tbe Ottawa papers of the 13th lust. oouluio aab000(0 of a par8i1g presentation to Rev. Geo. F. Salim), formerly of Brussels and the miming pastor of the General Methodist charab, Stratford. Tho fol• lowing ie 0onttensed from the Journal :— abet Rev. Geo. F. Salton ;be retiring pietist. of Dominiou ttethodiet °buroh, end Mrs, Salton Neve been very popular with the 0o0gregatiuu was evidenced last night when they were tendered a farewell in the Sunday school ball. raugible evidence of their popularity was not wanting, as during the course of the eveubng Mr. Ballow was presented with a payee oontainiug 5200 In gold and Mre. Salton was Headed at the same tiros a beautiful boquet of pink sweet peas and lilies of 81,0 volley, that lady haviag a few days ago been given a more a11bstautial gift in the shape ot a silver tea servioe, Mr, Salton closed his pee - Ware at Ottawa Friday Loth duet, thou went down the St. Lawmeuoe, and Mrs. Salton to Vancouver to attend the National Comma of Women, then both go to Algonquin Perk tor a time before Mr. Salton 1188nme0 hie pastorate at Stratford in September. lama, To Atebtin Health - Most important of all is proper at. 10ntion to the bowels. Avoid 00nelipa- tion We the hewlth•killer of today. Hersh griping med10due i0 rninoue-be• ware of it. Beet results follow a truly vegetable remedy like De. Homilton'e Pi11e of Mandrake and Butternut whioh not only relieve ooetivenese in one night bot mires the omen of the trouble and prevents its return, No dielrese or in• 00nvenienae attends the nee of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everywhere, 25o or box. NORTH PERTH LIBERALS, Ur, Rankin for Comiumts and Wolfing - tau Ray Tor x,eglahttnre. The annual meotiug of North Porth Reform Aseooiabion was held at Milver• ton Wednesday afternoon ot last week and wee largely attended, Dr. J. P. Ranitt n rd was 'selected as the oaudiduofbrae[ S o be to represent the Liberals of North Perth in the Commone, while Wellington Hay will be the etandard bearer for Ibe party tor the Provincial Legislature. ture. 1aIn, G. Inwood, general Secretary of the Ou baro Reform Aoeooiat on i dressed 1 d ad the 'Meeting,referringto the aohditioo of the' Liberaparty troughout the Pro• vinoe, To Our Patrons on our n S we have entered o second ear. Y milk to the o A deliveringI t c eo la f Brussels we wsh to thank all who have favored us with their patronage and to thank those espeoially who have been regular in putting out the empty bottles as it eaves tiea lot of trouble. To our regular customers milk will be 50. a quart the year round, but to those who only take it in Winter when milk is scarce and O much more labor and feed t takes a 1 0 produce it it will be Go. Our aim will be to please our patrons and give as good value as possible, 48-11 OH'AS. ROZELL, • tam, (horse k anthem, the Liberal 4udu' fu the 1, Lis ntort, oleo midtown/ t•t• 111,1 uud received a upluu lid 0)Y 1 P. The following Whiten were fleeted : t'r[aldeet George Brea, Listowel ; vale. proeldent, Ferdinand Doering ; eeerelaryi 4, J. Grieve ; treaegter, e7nlu} Brown, H at ord rv1oe . Proei ants Stratford, 1t.'1Sliarding; North Nuathopo, Joh* Mo, (Jai018,0 * 191100e, Jacob Litli; (4o nitlgton, .1, RlaoLiermen; Alllvortott, 3, 0, °resell I 1911na, Juba Dickson; Wallace, _Henry Helm worth; 1,iotowol, Geo, 141, Yetse. Nrtvar Norco,••--Lnlie Lnoaa is erect. Ing A Roe eluble of owning, 14, S. 011e hes the ounlraol.-5)80. It. Cunningham ,s visiting 51re, S. Wright, of Chastity, for a (ample of weeks, --Andrew Laidlaw completed the camera wall underneath hie barn, --Wm, halter, 80„ lost a val• noble cow. The 0010130 de eapposorl .to be intiummation,—Jatnee Greig, sr„ lraa the miefortuno while at the oheoee foo - tory to have • n runaway \Yhieh threw him underneath the wagon causing 000)0 fritotoreo about the hip. Tutt 9 elan lettaiet. Counoilior Bell bee put a nese plate glass :root In his store property, The I. 0. 0. F, exoureio* to Sarnia and Detroit will be run o*1 Saturday, Amulet 10th. G. L. Oonetabte has sold his barbering busineee to Wm. Davie, of Ayton, who took p08eeoeion. Bell '1'elephune lineman have been bu.y stringing a new Bee of wire be. twoen Wingham and Bluevale. Cr. 1, Chisholm, M. P., has returned borne alter spending several Watts in 1iaoiboba and the n,w proviuoeo, Aire. (Dr .) Horsey ha s returned ed borne r from l.uglnnd and will visit for i1 few weeks with bar poreate, Dr, and 141re. P. Maodoneld, Rev. T.13, Boyle was in London last week attending the Synod of Huron. He reed' a paper before the olorgy on the Second Advent. Dr. A, J. Irwin, Trea1aror ot the W ingbam.Hospital Board, has received 514.80 as a donation from the Literary Society of S. 5, No. 13, East Wawauoeh, Regained Yct•vc and Vital Energy From Walton P. 0. Que., cornea the following from Mr. N0'Lair0 Begin—"It anyone had told me any remedy ooald build up my nervous system eo well, I would mol have believed them. Before using Ferrozooe I was run down in nerve and vital energy, and in very weak health,- Ferrozooe baa filled me with energy, Inaroaeed my weight and made a new man of me," Huodrede tell the inline story—Weak and dispirited, everything going wrong, unable to oaboh up, They took Ferro - zone and all was turned to health and serenity. Pride 500 per box at all deal- -ere. TIIE 1JASJ . OF HEALTH Pew People are Really as Well as They Look. Cause and Remedy. Many people in Breeeel0 both men and women, who believe themselves to be in perfect health, are often in the greatest danger, Icdigeetion, wbioh le so common a trouble, is the principal cause of the greater share ot the general poor Health. It has misleading symptoms that seem to have no reference to the etomaoh, auoh as headache, sleep. loneness, epeoke before the eyes, pains in )be back and side, oto. The sums of physicians everywhere with the prescription that le now em- bodied iu Mh•o n0 atommoh tablets has made this remedy in the last few years the acknowledged specific for the treat- ment of etomaoh dieeaaee. The secret of thio 08100088 lies in the taot that Mi•o•na is prepared expreeely to strengthen the digoebive organa .nod ice use for a few days pate the whole diges- tive system to such =ape that it oan euro for all of the food that is eaten with• out pain or dislreso. Simply take a Mi•o•na etomaoh tablet before each meal ar,d on retiring, and it so etrengthene the etomaoh that you oan enjoy a hearty maul without the least fear of dietrese or Buffering. We abeolulelyagree that your money, will- be retnnded should you buy a 50o box of illi o not stoma= tablets and not be eetiefied with the remits. Mi•o•na is sold by drnggieto everywhere, or will be sent by mail on roosipt of pride, 50 gents, Booth's ]Mona Oompaoy, Buffalo, N. Y. Blue al TuRNDeixRY OouNalt.—MOnulee of the aomnoil meeting held June 24th 1907. Membero•of the council all present, reeve in the (hair. Minutes of last meeting ware• read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Moffatt sod MoMiohoel. Mr. Moffatt reported that John MoCetoheon had applied for oaei0lanoe to build road from boundary line through swamp to hie farm buildings or to allow him to work hie statute labor on the work. No eatlon. James McDonald appeared be- fore the oo0n0il and laid a ala m for 1 damages for baggy emaehed at oulvort on boundary and 10th 0013. lines, Moved by Mr,MaMiohael, seconded by Mr. Ruther• ford that Items, Moe rove and Kelly he g y appointed to makaengairieeand examine oeiver1 and report at next meeting of the oounoil. carried, Court of Revioion 013 Drainage Bylaw No 17, 1907, was open. e' t the appointed hour when Francis da Lewie, the 0. P. R. 0o,, Riebard Wilton, Mre. 1 orgie, Robert Wlieon end Jamoe McDougall appealed against their ses(• meats. �NO Obooges were as.made lo the on ineere award and the (Mart t of Ra - v1sion Wail (dosed on motion of Messrs. Belly and Moffatt. Moved by Mr. Ruth. erford, emended by Mr. Moffatt that Drainage By Law No, 17, 1907 bo adopt- ed ae printed. Carried. Moved by lilr, Kelly, neoouded by Mr. WoMiobael that the clerk be instructed to advertise in thein ham Tdmee andn or W Advance f Wing ham for the ooestraotioo of the Drain known ae the ma/Mogall Drain on the 8th and 9*1.1 pon0asei000 of Txrnberry, Tenders will be received op to 12 &olouk noon of July 15th next. Carried. The toliowiog 040008810 were paused end ohequee iasned :—John Burgeoe, part ealar550 ; Eli Elliott tile 1 Jamul $gl Meal ley, rod to Gemmill'e, bridge, 155 ; illoozo Waite ra'11n onlvert 51 g on i Ales, oIon 1d, larnbarry Mien Yep, culvert fibo ; Mre,,Holtnes, gravel, 3obn Boimee, p, m„ $8:48; B. Lougloy, graved, F. Lewis, p m. $2.98; James Me. Dougall, gravel, Teter Hastings, p, In„ 3c. a day will Cvire 1hhenrnatism. $Jo7�•Q 9��35�"V•il t The nit* of most "cures" for/then. I j'p�l 'mutism seems to be to relieve the ' 4Yf pain, When they have clone that, ' their usefulness la gone. And the next time you take cold, or your feet get 11')11, or you over -exert your- self, buck 11ulnen the pain, is rliffrlent, It does relieve the pain, us cl*ickly as the best lini- ment. Aad it does )SI0l1E. IT RJ;MOV1 S TIIn CAUSE of Rheu- matism, uric acid in the blood. Every drop of blood passes through the Kidneys. These organs should filter out impurities. When they are weak, inflamed or diseased, the impurities stay in the blood and are carried to the sensitive nerves. Rheumatism is simply this irri- tation of tits nerves, caused by uric acid and oilier impurities being de- posited upon them—their favorite place being the joints and muscles. Make the Kidneys filter the blood P P Y r P ro erl keep the blood P n e re and u rich, and there can be no Rhea•• mutism. Brt,Jtt does this. Buy Bu -Ju on =unconditional guaran- tee that they will cure you or money re- funded. At all druggists, Son. a large box, or sent on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. 73 56 30. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eeaonded by Mr, Mulolichael, that (hie meeting adjourn to meet in the Olerk'e ofli(a,Blnevale, on Monday, July 15th at 10 a, m, Carried. Jot1N Bunosas, clerk. Fo rciwIelz. The Record is holidaying this week, Roy Uattana001 left for Toronto Jot., where be has eeotlred a position as fireman on the 0. P, R. His 8010 is be (ween Toronto and Sudbury, A piode of steel flew off a hammer and tarnok Orlando Wade on the wean). It embedded itself in hie wrist and the doctors failed to remove ft. It is not painful. The Union Weigh Sowle 0o, bald their annual meeting. Alex. Gibson, A. A. Grabens and Elmer Faille were appoint- ed Direotors ; W. Watters, Sao. -Tress.; and Reeve Shearer and A. McLaogblia, Anditore. A dividend of 33 cents was deolared on each share, Mee. Albert Dilworth, nee Miunie Mee, died at Bowbelle, N. D. June 15th, in her 20th year. About 18 months ago ebe was married In her sorrowing boabond and moved to Mr. Dilworth's farm at Bowbelle, Sbe enjoyed the beet of health till New Years. About four moothe ago her health began to fail and she gradually sank till she peened away. The remains were brought to bar old home on the 0th con. on Tuesday of !eat week, the funeral being held on Wed• neaday afternoon to Fordwioh cemetery. A large oonn00800 of aympathizing friends attended. A =merle! service was held on Sunday evenlug in the Methodist cherub. From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from Some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and Cares only for his °Omm1Onion as ageut 7 We employ no agents and guarantee all 0)r eek for five ears. 0 W y ilPi1son & Iivaa.ter *UtaHtl11 *.11 �R ns f Inv( found a tried and tested tame for ItLoun, runt -EMI Not a renmdy that tell straighten the distorted limbs of chronic Cripple nor thin bony r t backh T row hs 0 to 304 again. That IS g1 bat 8ns I can naw sj lel the min anda y pains panes o4 I p 8 phis deplorablewltlrdisease. In e11db-I found n e lasts( in the Ally of 1Whitt Dn Sh round. the last ingred',oady 0002 with Whitt Dr. d,,10p'r I able prescription. Ramon, was the t is p0last ingredient, dependable I successfully p ssfully ire without that cases of Rhea, 1 -tl0 ; b nine trat1 s many. I ass Rheumatism; • b .mange Soo curabli m utof t ist1 r tof i. n n iforo�l pores all arable r' t y 1 c hose o this a rammer {wail dreaded disease. Those d seem l dissolve iwastes,11111 0 01011 under the n Mootion o stem remedy 80 and pass away under the notion of this 1emedy r. ,Aiftnd t e ,lots nudist when added is pare water. ,And chore, When lithe system, these 011 61, oma 0100 of rtmeo pass Irma the oyster, and the cause 10 'realno 1—c is gond excuse o There is naw 0)o 'real help. p Sell, a d in c nfidesufc longer with. out holy. We soli, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoff 's iRheu mac Remedy "ALL DEALERS" , 30: Pine Apples Bananas California Oranges High Class Confectionery Fancy Biscuits Goad Groceries Smokers' Supplies Pure Ice Cream and Summer Drinks ler. a Sepe itlP" t Grewair rgc musimuloarazaegammusseaurealramosianimaraddi Ta(ionl Buller Fluff We have just received a car load of Ogilvie's Famous ("Royal Household" Flour in 25 Ib., 50 lb. and 100 lb. sacks. Now is she time to lay in a supply as Flour prices are advancing. "WHITE LOAF" FLOUR the product of our own manufacture, is without an equal. Give it a trial and be convinced. OATMEAL 1 EPT on baud for sale or in exchange for Oats, iA11 kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. ,4'Ib'1'Li't'hi la '1,1.11 PRYNE WM.& J., V . e BRUSSELS w a n • Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition. The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes can oaour to any pnrobaser of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no slack stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggiesbave. 100 BUGGIES TO SELL Likewise all kinds of Rubber Tire Buggies on hand, We invite in- tending pnrohasero to inspect our stook and bay a Buggy made by &Ewan & 00. in Brussels and save your money, We also handle along with our own Buggies, work of reliable firms mush as Oshawa, Brookville and Brautford Buggies for any one re- quiring them. Oall and boy at Ewan & Co,'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save m0ney. OLD BUGGIES Bo -painted, Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and get our Prices. EWAN & CO. a 'PAS liar'QsAir� a`rri At` =opal'' `Pa`�kYaisa eC® leM' i 1PNICES 1: t1 R IC1r a ;cREA d'Or the .Com- ltd pp 1Ila summer V A�' Ice Cream. 5 CTS. Ice Cream Soda In any e of the Popular Flavors ore p 5 CTS, Fruit Sundaes and Maple Walnuts is IOC. 3 FOR 250. Syrup Sundaes 5 OTS, 1 J. tvstzsvusty�'&v,5Ltc.A4,y.1>`omYs,<,_vd, i.•aa tv`�7+v,`vz uazy.,rL v�ut=zy.5 ,.`