HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 464,elintootto• zot, WITIRSDAF, JUN.le 27) 1907. East Huron Oonservelves Meet The annual meeting of East Huron Coneervutivil was held in the toren hall. 33rue01110, Friday itfternoon with Dudley Htdrithe, barrister, at Wingharo, preeid. in and T. Hall, editer of the WinghaM Advance, Seeretury. Rontine httaineth sthe tranthoted and the following offloer bearers elected for the earrent term t -President, Dudley Holmea, Wingbant ; lat vioeiPreaident, J. Wilford, Blytb ; 2nd Yiee Presidenti J. Boarlett, Leatibury ; Brd Vie Preel. dent, It. Musgrove, Biuevale ; Seciretary, T. RIfl, SViugliam ; Treseurer, Wm. Smith,Walton. Municipal obairrnen were also Amen. Resolntione oornp/imenting the Op. position in the Dominion Home and the Government M beLegislature were palmed, A resolation of cionfirleuge in Dr, Chisholm, M, 1'., for East Huron, ex. preening eatiefactIon in connection with bis oourse in the House and promising to give owitinuat loyal support at next eleetion it he will unapt the nomination was aleo pathed. A.dt .ese was given by Itt. Gerstein, of Toronto, Provincial organiser, on the neoessity of organization. Cot. Matheson, Provinoial Treasurer, dealt with the Anemi& tide of the Government's Modena and oleo referred to the mining and educational gneetione. Dr. Ohieholoi the present member wae the last speaker and ooriapied about 30 minutes in deallug with Daminiou issues, It was deoided to oall a Nominating Convention to be held in Brunetti on Friday July 5th, when candidates will be nominated for both Dominion and Provivoial seats. bleating Mused with the usual cheers and the einglog of the Notional Anthem, The Liberal nom limes are already in the field, being Arobie Hislop, the present and well Known M. P. 1?., for the Dominion and W. H. Kerr, of Tam POST for the Legisla. tare. JUNE SESSIONS OF THE PUDE. Tbe Spring &seldom of the Penoe for the County of Huron was opened on Tuesday afternoon 18th inst., at Gode. rich, by His Honor Judge Doyle. The docket wan a light one, Mere being three civil and one criminal case on the list, the criminal case being ane of indthent aesauit. The plaintiff, a young WOrnau, aged 17 years, was not thoagbt to be of lite oloarest inteileat. awn ae the grand jury had chosen their foreman, and been morn in, His Honor address ed them an the oase, and then informed them that they should visit the County jail, and might oleo visit the Et Ouse of Bafage. The following composed the Grand Jury, Sidney Johns, of &Worth, having been obosert ee toren:tau :-d.brler Cos - ens, Wingliam ; William Elston, Mor. ria ; Wetter Fee, Hay ; Alexander Forsyth, Morris ; Wm, B. Geiser, Stephen ; Wm. Johnston, Ashfield ; Sydneiy Johns, Seatortb ; Time. L. Jobb, Wingbare ; David McNaughton, Stanley ; W. A. Rutherford, Wroxe. ter ; Frederick Toll,. Beet Wawanoeh ; Jobe Yee, Goderiob Tp. ; if, W. Ball, Godericb town, The oasee heard were : The Gederiah Elevator ve. aloNairn ea al, an action to reieiver for the oast of the removal of the debris left by defendant on the property of the plaiutiff company. At the time of the lire at the elevator MoNairn purchased the burned reboot and material, and the o'alm ie for the coot of the removal of the debrie left on the ground. The case lasted till Wednesday afternoon, when His Hon. or reserved jodgroent. Prondfoot, Hays & &,3r for pleintiff ; Minar, Ferguaon & Hunter and Dickinson for defendant. Heath va. Pigott et al, an Elation brought by the plaintiff to recover damages alleged to have been ceased by overflow of water from Blyth oreek during the time defendant was alter. ing the imuree of the stream. The 01.0 was put off till nem oourt. Proud. toot, Hays & Blair for plaintiff ; Dick. therm & Garrow and MaoDonald and Drew for defenciaat, King ve. Harper, indecent assault, was beard in camera on Tbureday, and Hie Honor Judge Doyle directed the jury to acquit the prisoner, bolding that there was no supported evideuee that the plaintiff wee an imbecile. GOLDEN WEDDING. Thos. and 3[ es. Jewett Celebrate, A very happy company aasembled at the kettle of Thoa. and Mrs. Jewett, Blueve,a3, ou Tuesday evening of last week to celebrate with this worthy couple the fiftieth anuivereary of glair wedding day. Ur, and airs, Jewett were nnited in the bonds of matrimony or Jane 18.h, 1857, and eame to Morris about that time, so that for about half a tienthry they bave been respected residents of the township. Their union won blamed with ten children, amus of whom are living -Jonathan and Ernest in Sae. llatehevran ; Mrs. Pugs of Tbeatialon ; • Amos, of Sault Ste. Eerie; Mrs. Er. ringten, of Dungannon 1 Biro. Boob, DAM, David and Watson, all of Morrie, About fifty relatives and guests as. aembled to extend ovngratnlations and enjiy the evening. Ad exoellent repaet was served on the 'awe, sybieh wee en• joyed by all. Thin was followed by brief addreases, music. eta. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett received many trinity re- membrances of the event. Among them were the fo lowing -a gold.headed cane for Mr. Jewett, a gold brooch for Pars. Jewett, and a number of gold coins. These gilts oitme ae a surpriee to the aged oouple. A.thompanying the eifts, was the following address :- DUO PIMENTO ;- We, your ohildren and grand-abild, ran, are gathered together here in goat home, au thie 18ch day of Jane, 1007, to Celebrate with you your gold. en wedding, and to congratulate yon on attaining to this happy event ot your lithe, and to rejoin with yon ria Wrier day. We are vein. thank: to. God, our flearenly Father, for the • preeervittion Of your lithe Until nOW end We desire to aoktiowledge Hie perinatal toWarde eft all in eparIng you to ae for theile Mane yeare. We are oleo delignted to See that you are enjoying outfit a good degreth of ,lietclith and strength at the present Hole and, that we nave the enjoyable 9thapeote of the ornitiattanee of ththe bleinnge, and we do sineerely pray that you may be epared to 00 for many yoarg to ootne. And now on Hilo the 50th annivereary of your weddiug day, we auk you to thoeire at oar bands theee few penitents winch we make to You as tokens of aligebion from your And- rea. To you, tether, we 'fitment thio Wig; we 01010 you will tme it and may it be to you an emblem o/ that Dime Muff upon which you May lean for support in the journey of lite. To you, mother, we present thio nit000n. Mey you wear it as an eat. Mem of the "ornament of a Meek and quiet epirit, which le in the eight of God, a great price" (1 Peter 9:4) We ask you ali10 to rethive these wine Of gold, reminding you ot the true ioiteo whioh do not .ruet or corrupt," Our ampere wish and prayer ie that the blessings of the Lord may rest upon you, fitting your hearth with joy and glactimea to the end of life here and then forever iv our home in Heaven. Signed ou behalf of the family, ISI.,to JEWETT, DAVID JEWETT. Mr. Jewett, though muoli moved by the krudeeee nitwit eAeti , replied iu ape propriete wordJ. For a lung time, be and his feuthful partner have toiled together. The hope of their many friende is that they may be yet spared mauy years to eaoh other, to their respected faintly, aed to the oommoni- ty where they have lived to long. Mr. Jewett is 8.1111011)02 to William Jewett, orBrathele, and is known to a goodly number in thio locality who will be a 01111111 extending eongratulationa. 0.1 'Tine only Minn, on the G. T. B. that effeete Blyth la that the train nue bore et 10 85 0. M. going North Meth net ar- rive till 10,00. J. 31, and Mt% Ohellew bath now path. ed the quarter of lo ()eatery milestene, having been married 25 79014 941 Thump day, J one Oth, Blyth Wombat' team will play at Brns. cele In oonithetion with Dominion DaY Oelebration In that Win. Lookout, will be their epponente and the Motet) will take place 10 the forenoon, A ociaeb dog owned by 3, 3, MoCaughey bit a daughter ot Mrs, Fawcett's on the cheek The wound had to have emeriti Oltenia, put in it by the dootor. The dog wee deetroyed at oath, • The following pupils of Blyth School are writing on the Entrance algamina• tion c -Bernice Autlethou Arehle NNW, Emma Leith, LSi illy /eaten, Giddy') Outt, Myrtle Niehol, Hazel Bennett, Estber Belli The G. T. B. propose running a epeeist train from Loudon to Myth and return on the 12th of July and a train from firm:male arid Wiugharn to /Myth and return, The fare will be single liret Mites fare, good going by all braille arriving in Blyth p. cri., July 11th Rud all trams on July lath good to return on July 13111. LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN. 1v1_ o r CARD 01' TlinlES.-We desire to ex. press OM. eleVere thatille 10 the many kind friends for their words of eympathy and kindly deeds in connection with the in• nen and subsequent decease at Pars. Jno. Speir, of Morrie. It will never be torgotten, Mao. STEM SEP Thitl013Tens. DEPARTED. -Again death has claimed one of the moat highly respeoted residents of the township of Morris in the person of Mrs. Jno. Sink. Bite war called away on Friday, 7th mat , after a very brief illness. Her oase Wall a very peonliar one and despite all that dootore and kind friends 'mold do elm passed peace. tally away. Iles. Spoir WAS Smitten with oranio palace and had been only snout 10 days although she had been enjoying oomparatively good health previoue to that. Mrs. Speir's maiden name was Agnes Grieve, being a drub otter of the late Thos. Grieve of Mo. 11illop, near Sealortb. Her mother died when Mut was but a few days old. Mrs. Spam had no fear of the aiming out of life although quite a youug woman, in her 40th year, as sbe looked forward meet trustful to entering into the rest of God's ohildren. She was one of the mast patieut persons one could wall on and everything was beautiful and lovely with her. Deoeiteed was oonsoioue to the last and give the rest of the sorrow. Mg ones good adobe and a last fare. well, She will be rained very much by a large chole of relatives mid friends. The breaking op of such a happy home and the leaving of a husband and two daughters are sad features of the demise of wife and mother. Mrs. Spelr was beloved by all who enjoyed her acquaint. awe and her memory will be long and lovingly oberiahed by a large ;Ante of relatives and friends. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The pall bearers were Bobb. and Jas. Shedden Tbos. Bradshaw, Robt. Carrie, Harry Duncan and Neil Bleak. About 200 oonveye.noth joined in the prothesion to Brussels cemetery where the remains were laid to rest. Mach sympathy ia telt for the bereaved. Some one close the shutters gently. Tie the crape upon the door ; Gently tread end softly whieper That our loved one is no more, Dearest moticer,thou art left us, And our hearts are filled with gloom, For thy frail and fragile body Will soon be laid within the tomb. The fairest flowers are first to fall, The sweetest first to fade ; The fondeet, deareet, best of all, In death'e cold arms is laid. Now thy voice is hushed and silent, But we know you're freed from pain, And we hope by God's good pleasure Soon 00 10601 with thee again. For when our journey here is o'er, And God has called ushome, We'll meet her on that Golden Shore Where partings ato unknown. Bar work well done, be toil ig o'er, And we believe is fully bleat; She suffers grief and pain no more, For she has entered into rest, Is Your Cold Bolter? No 110 100 bad as aver. Nothing theme to belp. Why not use the up•to.date specific "Ostarrhozone" whiob drives oat sold iu one day. Inhale Catarrb• ozone and yon will be relieved in two minutes. Continue the treatment 9,nd oath ia mowed. Healing, germ destroy. ing and pleaeant, nothing for coltia,. throat trouble and catarrh ootnParee with Cataerhozone. Sold everywhere 250 and 31,00. 131.veltt, Frank Metocilf attended the Synod la London. The regidenoe of J. G. Emigh is man ig oompletion. The bowling lawn is in good condition and the bowlers are enjoying the green. Great preparations are being made here for July 12th, A big craved is ex. peated. Mrs. John Hartley was in Toronto last week attending the wedding of a cousin, Mies Weir. A. oontingent of Blyth Odd Fellows attended the decoration service at )3ros, eels last Sunday afternoon. aim George Denatedt, who died last week at Gorrie, was buried here, Mr. Donate& will be sincerely sympathised With, John Hartley and Joseph E, Taman attended a meeting of the L. 0. L. dig. Mid of Mornington and received a warm reception and the promise of about 800 from that district to spend the 12th here It Maio ancammodation fa provided, Ilyomel IS Guaranteed to Care Catarrh. Thoaaanda who have been oared by Ey.cactiei eon the inhaler thRb 0011100 with every entfit the ..Little Pocket Physiolan," as 10 10 so small that it can be oarried in the pocket or purae, There is really no mouth whatever for anyone baying ottliarrh now that lay.o.niei le eo readily obtainable. Do not delay any longer the use of Bpi:areal if you euffer with oatarrh. Tide is a purely 100a1 Clieease, and Ety.a. mai goes right to the spot where the ortterrh game are present, deebroye them, sootheand heals all inflammation and makes a permanent and lasting cure, The oomplete Hy•o•mei outfit oousiste of the "Little Pooket Phyaigion" and a bottle of lay.o.rael and costa only 31.00, making it the most thonocoioal us well as the only guaranteed treatmeat for the ogre of catarrh without stomach dosing, applying the medication and healing where •the discath germe are prenatal,. We do not want anyone's' money unless Ho.o.mei gives relief and cure, and we obsoletely agree that money will be re- funded nlees the remedy gives patio - faction. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail 00 reoeipt of price, 81.00, and every paokage is sold with the dietinot under. standing 0811 11 oats nothiog oilieso it aurae. Booth's Hyomel Company, Buf. tato, N. Y. A_twoo,rs. John Dickson, at the 9111 oon. erected a tine cement silo 27i. feet high and 12 feet in diameter. Wynn Price was suddenly oalled to Detroit owing to the very eudden death of his aunt, Alta. Parker. Rev, H. P. Westgate, Thos. Smith and Ohas. Kerr were in London attendiug the annual session of the synod of Huron, Mrs. Wm. Manion had the miefortune to have her left eye badly burned with lime. She suffered intensely for a few dap, bat is now ranch better. The oement mill ie running full blast and is turning out a good sopply of first. Mose cement. Four men in the marl beds loaded 21 care of marl in one day. With a steady run and tolerable share of Hood luck the mill should make some money for the sbareholders this Som. Men " Dims Farmerht Mutual Fire Them. once Company hold their regular month. ly meeting on Tuesday of last week and traneaOted considerable business. The company have lamed a rerieed set of by' laws, whiob were compiled by Seo retary.treasarer, 3, R. Hammond. They are issued in book form and eaoh policy holder will costae one. The 10th Don. ball players played a aame with the 12th oon. bll tossers Friday evening 14112 iota., on the grouode of S. B. No. 5. The 12th oon. players won by a more of 8 to 6. The following ia the score, 10111 eon. /2th con. W, Struthers, p 0 W. Gilmer, p 2 R. Malone, 1 f&o 1 Jets. Bobb, ib 1 Roy Malone, 20 0 J.Gilkinsan 3b1 M. MoMane, 2b 1 Lillie Smith 2b 1 T. Barton, r f 0 John Gilmer o 2 L. Pdalilicue, o f 1 B. Gilmer, 0 a 0 A. Simpson, o &1 f 2 L. Bosith, o t 1 B. Motrison, e e 1 M. Gilkinson ot 0 Wm, Robb, 3b 0 E;Gilmer, 1 f 6 The Original COM cure No anbatitate has ever been devised that gives the quick, painless regatta of Putnarn's Corn Rxtraotor. For fifty years its nooses has been unequalled. For eafety and thorough more nee Pat, main] only. tSealortla. Will. Hays is home from Regina on a few weeks vieit with hie parents, T. E. and Mrs. Hoye. Mrs, Roy Scott and baby, a000mpani, ed by Miss Ethel Wilson lett loot week for Saskatoon, S ' ask. where they will visit with their aunt, Mrs, Alex. Smith. Arobie and Mrs, Scott were in Bow. manville last week attending the mar. riage of their son, Melville, who bas taken unto hiMself ao wife one of the fair daughters of that WW1). Toe firm of Willie= Jr Purcell, of this town, who have carried on a very sooriessfel bueiness for the past year hoe dissolved partnership and the business will hereafter be oarried on by Mr. Williams, senior member of the firm, The Goderioh train leaving Stratford at 9.50 met with a alight accident at Beaforth Friday night the engine and the baggage ear running off traok at an open math. Fortunately the train was run- ning slow and prootically no damage area done. The auxiliary was called from Stratford and inelde of an hoar had the engine and oar book on the traok. P. Dill hos sold oat his grocery and dry goods busineas together with the premisea be has oeoupted to Chas. Aberhart druggiot, Mr. Aberhart will move hie drug stook to the new premithis where he intends running off the stook whfoh he purohased from lilt., Dill, The latter intends going into the poultry raising eXteneiVely. lo W. ;Nei/tile, dentlet, lido; y Of Per. goo atid footway Of 008o,, IA 40/70 idtinted in Inniafaii, Alberta, A. D. Battik, nneountant in the Mtn. in/0o Bank here foie the poet few yeate, has been trandterred 10 ileepeler, Where he bite been apooluteci inatieger, MihramOti Yrothathitle.---By the 3.0111 amnion Santoro defeating Bogert') at Milverton On Friday uight. 2 0 in a 00181, final game, they also won honors ice ohomplone 1» the semi Allele. The Bret batt of the pine woe WOW oil 00 count of the el/mita-tors inierferiag with the referee, but the mond 1.11kit 01 the game woe all failvertmee, snoring the two go ole In the firth fitineu Minato of the wound holt, All that Milverton wanted all tuition wail Hart Preetoo 001 that right wing. The firth goal WAS Scored On 41 writer kicilit Seat ten minnthe after half time. The 11/Overton fall, beaks got honor of noriog the lint goal, and Robertson Domed the second on 10 ueat path from SW, %matter, 'Ma game was the beet witunged irr Billverton thio amion. Alr. Wane, of Seaforth, with 10 very impartial referee. The line.up Wile Ito fOiloW,, l-8esforth-Goal, lioberte ; ninths, Scup ea Sprout ; hall books, O'Connor, Carling, Reid 1 eentre, Daroell; right witig, Brooke, Archibald. Milverton -Goal, W. Smith ; betake, Guenther, Grosolt ; halt books, Bose, flartmier, Reis ; nentre, Roberbsou ; right wiug, Hart, Preston ; left wing, G. Smith, Spanner. Away With Weariness ! Brae° UP -Get Strang -GM Fat.. The Cure is Simple. You're nervone aud uneasy. Appetite is poor. Bleep is hard to get. Still woree, you are thin and fagged oat. Work moat be done but whore to streugth to mime from 2 Make your blood nntritione and you'll have lots ot strength. Your only hope le F'errosone, an in. stunt blood maker, blood.puriller, blood enricher. It hrings keen appetite, digests food, supplies nutrition for building up all the bodily Homes. Ferrozone malice ramie and nerve. fibre, inoreases your weight, instills a reserve of energy into the body that de flee wearitiess or exhanetion from any 00000. For men who toil and labor, for office man, the minister, the teacher -to Wiese will Ferrozone bring a new life of epirit and robust health. For growing girls, women of all agee- no mom is more ourtain. Bold in 50s boxes by all dealere. Lilac° w el. The unsightly wooden awninge whioh have disfigured the North aide of Main street have at last been removed. The Listowel Drilling Machine Co completed and shipped out on Tneaday of hot week their firth drilling maohine. The annual excursion of the North Perth Farmer's Institute to the Ontario Agrionitaral College at Guelph book plane on Tuesday. The District L. 0. L., of Morniogton bas deoided this year to oelebrate at Blyth, provided that railway 0(000001230 - dation oan be secured over the 0. P. R. The building occupied and owned by A. Yule, baker and confectioner, and F. Smith, implement agent, took fire about 140 Fe iday afternoon, starting in she barn adjoining Mr, Yule'e store at the rear, and had it 0100 been for the very efficient and effective work of the fire brigade would have been a very aer. ions lire. When the alarm sounded the barn was all aflame inelde and promised a lively time had it not been for the good water preethre whioh is always to be had from the eboodpipe. It would no doubt have been a 10081 deatraotive are, an theee buildings are right in the ' busi- ness section of the town. A. Yula'a hero was badly damaged. Lose about 6500 ; iminranoe ou building $100, contents 3100, iu the Gore district. F. Smith'e implement shop was damaged to the ex. tent of about 3500, and 'inured in the Perth Mutual Banding for. 6250 ; ecm• tante 0200. One total amount of damage about 01,000. During the severe eleotrie storm on Tuesday night of last week, the tower on A. J. Conine' flue reeidenae, Bismarck street, was struck by lightning and had it not been for the prompt action of the ocoupants in suppressing the fire whioh started in the tower roof, myth damage would probably have been done, Mr. Collins wee ant of town, but fortunately J. 0. and fare. Hamilton were etayiog with Mrs. Collins, and although they were all eligbtly stouned by the shook, which extIngaished the lamp in the room in which they were, they lost no time in ascertaining the effect of the bolt, and ateMeerttranget-,..antergnagg......-6.???1911'.... ..warioraitnanicareasnowWWW6Manter....-4-,..1-rwe LIT New Hair Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is better. it Is the one great specific for fall- ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind," Doe., not change lite color of the hair. ermine with.each bottle gnaw it to your ers' Ark Itt71,out ft, non do as ha oar, As we now make our new Hair Vigor it does not have the slightest effect upon the Color of the hair. You may use it freely and for any length of time with - oat fear of changing the color. Stops falling hair, Cures dandruff. ---,Matto by tho 11.0. Ayer 0o., Lowell, Mass...-. upon reaching tbe tower found it !Matter- ed and file breaking out, They Rot the flainee extinguished, or nearly so, with buckets, but upon the fire breaking out again, the brigade wee summoned, and 0001, pot it out without having to aee the twee. The shingles and wood work of the tower are damaged to some extent, but altogether it wits a fortunate eseape from a very moth oall. PO stop your pain free, to show you firm -before you spend a penny -what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a trial paokage of them -Da Shoop's Headache tablets. Neuralgia beactualte, toothaobe, period /mine, eto., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's headache tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood preesure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie. Sold by all dealers. Bodmin Lime Vhrks, EELGRAVE Di headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels, Brussels Greenhouse • PLANTS AND FLOWERS Any quantity of Tri'mato, Oanliflow- er, Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato Planta 100 a box or 8c a dozen loose. Flue colleotiou of Flowering Planta. A choice lo a of Geraniums and An- neals for beddiug. Boston or Japan Ivy can he put out any time in Summer -15o, 20o, 85o each. Floral designs made to order. Ageut for Dale's Out Flowers. MISS KELLY OL WANTED The Highest Market Price will be paid in Cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker Rerlllced PrICC ifif 50 Day on Sinai* Harness For Cash. See our Window Full Rawhide Whips only 3Gc. Lap Dusters, Fly Sheets, Fly Nets. Trunks, Snit Oases, Satehels. • Large Stock at Small Prices. Repairs in Collars, Harness, &c., promptly done. Dwelling Boom to let above store. Convenient, soft water, &c. Very comfortable Dwelling for sale ; acres of land ; Fruits, of different kinds ; very nicely situated. C. ichards IMPORTANT NOTICES ILL AN ROYAL ' MAIL FOR, SALE -AS I HAVE 13E EN removed Ho another note 100 Julies--,......— distant 1 bath for Rale a good driver, bane.TURBINE ST"/VIERe and cutter -aa 9001180 DOW. 90.9 17. V. ABAISTRONG, Illtd.ol. WANTED. -ONE HUNDRED :,.18,...MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Ballo Friday, July 0 Aug, 6 lOtittical°1?roll?1111:ValattiZratvtig.itint . " 301y 50 Aug, 1i) 1.1 Hag Mina at( L'40.114,00turlo, iltallway :moo Ionian .". .. July 20 Aug, gli Jan( 12 Aug, 0 Viotorfau advanced, 'Belfast wages paid. Adcbross PEINMANS 1o11071 0414(3. 404 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW 1..1 OUSE AND ACRE LOT .1.1 for sale-alhurt street, thinfortable home in good repair, Small stable, good well, °Worn, 60. Poososslon any Owe, Vol' further particulars apply on the proillitea to 5, ORA VVPOIti), Brussele, 4841 PRICK STORE TO RENT BY -IV February la -part of Ihnith Bleak, 221;80 loot ; 2nd doer from American Antal ; lately used as tailoring and gents' furnish. - lag astabnehment. For further partiOttlare apply to Dit, AtaxeLveY, Brussele, OUSE AEI) LOT FOR SALE unclersigeed offers 1011 54110 Der 110neo and lot on Turuberry stroot,.nrue• sols, Poaseasion mould bo given at once. Por prlee_, terms, &o., 850111) to 111108,P, SHIP I.,s, wet too P.O., 01 11, Pose". K. O. T. M. Brussels Tent of the rilacoabooe, 140. 54 bold their regular meetings in Olio Lodge Boom, Beaker Blook, on the let and era Tuesday evenings of each month. Visitors always woloome, A, SOMEltii, Oom. A. gionrIlltal, 10. 31 MALE TEACaER WANTED for S. S. No, 7, Grey Township (Vol. r )age of Orsubrook,) Duties to ctommence after Summer vacation, Apply gating sal. 0.117 92411. experience, with testimonials, OD or before 4ulylst, to A, MoDONALD, 474 ,Seeretary•Treas., Oranbrook, - AY FOR SALE. --TENDERS will be reoolved up to 0 p. oo. anlY 1st, for the bay on tote Agrleultural Park, Brussel o. The contractor has to out all weeds on the Park. For further infonaut. Non apply to US, SPEIB, President, 00.0 or W. 11.3100010, Beorotary. NOTICE Any persorb,wishing to have their lots at- tended to will and me at the Cemetery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of eaoh week during the Summer Mouths, I am also Agent for the Mitchell Marble and Granite brut. Oeme and inspect our work and get prizes before buying eleewhero. ROBilltfll 10. DAIlli, 40-4 Caretaker. TENDERS WANTED. - TEN - .1. 0218108 will be relieved by the under- signed up to June ffith, for putting cement doors in basement of Oranbrook sehool. SpeolficatIons may be seen at MaDonald'e store. The lowest or any tender not neoes- eerily accepted, Work to be oom plated be - lore August 1st, A. MoDONALD , 47.5 See,-Treas,,Craubrook, VOR SALE OR TO RENT. - The undersigned offers hor 100 mire farm, being Lot 20, Oen, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, wells, .60, Farm is only 1001 a mile from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur- ther. particulare apply to 11.5. Soott, Drug - eels, or MRS. KATE HOLLAND, 73 Shutor Street, Toronto, 37-3in pROPERTY FOR SALE -TELE -I- undersigned offers his bootie and lot, situate on 101110 area% Brussels, for sale. It is well located, a convenient and cornier - table home. P088011[0011 can be given at onee. Will also eel] the vacant let, corner of Mill and Elisabeth otroote, 'which Would make a fine building site. For further par. 01001100 as to price. terms, 60.. apply to FRED. ADAM5, Hardware Dealer, Pm& wiah. 20.4. FARM LABOURERS AND DOMDSTIOS- 1 have been appointed by the Dominion Government to pines Immigrants from the United Kingdom in poeitions as farm lab. ourers or domestic servants Mails vioinity. Any person requiring web help should noti- fy me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be suffioient to supply all requests but every Wort will be rnade to provide each applicant with help required, F. S. SCOTT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 22-1Y Brussels 0, 0. WOOL! The Highest Market Price paid for any quantity de- livered at Storehouse No. 1, also for Grain of all kinds. R. GRAHAM BRUSSELS. 49-4 July 4 tentaraday, July 11 4414. 111 ourintwau.., 0 i'hursday,,July ill Aug, 2.4 Pretorlarl " aliradicy, July 013 Aug, 211 For artilinge, lietia and tall information apply to W. 111, 10110010, Agent Allan 14100, arnaions. ,A0.1 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REOULATIONs' A NY even numbered Election of Dominion 0. Lands in Manitoba, aessatehewan aud Alberta, excepting 8 and 110, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any portion who le the sole head 0110 tamil y, or any male over 18 years 00 000, to the Gamut of one-quartor nation 01 100 mores more or leen. Entry may bo made personally at the loyal Mon math for the distrioli lrt wbialt 1120liairdl'otol'al Tho hero : is required to perform the oonditiorts °emulated therewith under ono of the followleg plans : (11 Al least six mouths' refirdonoo Upon and onitivation of the land in auk year for tbrIft,ne Ya4ruin Hier (Or niotuer, if the fattier is deoeased) of 0110 homesteader rookies upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may be swim.' by ouch person re, nidiug with tbe father or mother, (5) If the settler has his permanent root. demo taped far0.11.1N land owned by Mtn in the vloiniby of his homestead, the re, quirements as to residence may bo otitis - fled by residence upon Gm amid land. Sixraonths'notiee lb writing should be Rivuu to tho Commissioner of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to Apply for uateut, W. W. 0 °HY. Deputy of the MIAOW of Interior. N. B. Unauthorised publication Of this ad- Vortisetuent will uot bo paid for, Lie lor Sale hist received it ear load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY :OP BRUSSELS. r W iret. Reliable Art Studio r's If you are vieiting in this neighbor- hood it wonld be worth your while to look up oar Studio. We are sewed to none and our pricer; are lower than other towns. We would be pleased to have you call and the samples, also see oar large assortment of views on Post Cards. They make good Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some. WE' FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done 010 lint -Maas style °rayon or Water -colon Give us a call, H.R. BREWER s T Farmers or Storekeepers by corning to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brusaels. A DANDY STOOK OF E3 TIO -0- I M 1!E have an A 1 stook of Top Bu'ggies, If, manufactured by the R. McKie Oct., of Plattsville, and Wm, Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is First-class and prices are right. Don't fail to see them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates. R. Francis Co. Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also keep in stock the real -Fleury Plow Points and the Frost & Wood repairs. Call mad see tis. wwe a. .0. -'-5.