HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 3CURRENT Topics. Though, tee first half of 1007 line not pitmed.10 venni if cesualtY otheadY exceeds the (4J Lal There have been ildriyeeight. rielroad antaeitiefJI 1710103 t111111 11101 ordinary magnitude, In whieh e73 per.,0011,4 10111•11 b(1111) liined and 925 Injured. iii Mounkers hay'. noen ‘vrei.lomi, involving the lose of One !thee. Then have been thirteen leelti,1111e 1t whiell 355 persone bane pithielial. These ensuidlies have been duo to Mullen neginconee or tenor - Once in large pine, 1,111 nature Ions been rleXt rote (1 ye else. Tido WilV5S 1111\11 etvept asvey 2.e40, eartliquelees 5.100, Ourrietines Eel, but eyelonee thus fee lave been coniparatieiEly merelful, un. loes there shall 1.01.10V41 tO IMO 1/1511 i110111. 1088 of HAI by the 0130 af, Kuria - chi, lades last week. In other ay - clones about setemly hove been killed, When fe these totals Is added the sum of smaller eneutilliee there cun he lit- he doubt. that 1007 will he lenown In history as the year of clisester. The moud has a silver lining, however. l'ho keel of gills and bequests inall forms of philanthropy in loss lione six months of 1907 ls Jaeger (lieu the total for the L\%151 ted months of 1006, being $108, 051580, no 001111/111101 Willh $10e,281 ,083. And never have them, been five months during tbe lest twenty-five years ln whice the total of embezzlement anti verious forms of defalcation has been net small as in this liost live months sf 1007, Inland is trying to give her youth the use of their hands. Despite stupen- (thous dffficultice the vast mcijorny et Irish secondary sehoels ere now well equipped for carrying out . the tach - of experimental science, drawing, manual instruction, and doinestic eat- nemy. No part of the woe]; of techni- cal Mettle:Bon has developed more rap- idly Mae that of the technical schools in towns. Only people who knew Ire- land a (lumen of a century ago can realize what is signified by the estab- llehment of trades schoolsin throe arid four centhee. Them also are schools et agriculture for 'enters' sons. Where tho looms of the pupils at agricultural claeses are sonoo clIstance away ihe students °Hen are given their midday meal. More then a thouslind meetings of 11111110.1,5 Were 13011.1 last year to bear itinerant Instructors, and not for short ot 2,000 demonstration plots Were kept going. The department has stations for experiments and training in throe morales. Through some seventeen lo- cal authorities itinerant instructors ith peddling and fruit growing have been currying on theie propaganda, and about sixty fruit and vegetable demon- ploLs, have Igen maintalnect As a result there has been a great in- crease in the demand for feud times from nursery men. Most of Ole horticultural instructors aro now fitted to teach bee- keeping, and in one season Minn nun- dted apiaries were edsiled. Twelve thousand pounds have been spent with- in the Met twelve months as premiums on bulls. Experiment stations are get- ting fine facts on potatoes, fruits, and dairying. A new Inland, thrifty and wise as well as Willy, is being born. ULTIMATE FATE OF FISH, !they Never Dia 11 Natural Death, Says an Observant Fisherman. TIE WAY TO THE FAT 11 First Learn to Assist the Helpless, Help the NeedY and Comfort the Wronged. "Myst be reconciled la thy brether anti then come and erne' thy gifL"- -Mail. v., 21. Nem In the days of lea great !earlier were 11e wit aro keday, pleme to corm meind foe th4, reigleel of lit•tii'S 110111 al. liend hy the adoridion of epirilunl lighls ray off. They Ravel mime gelling right with Clod while levy ieintinied lo de wrong 10 Men, emblem of ille hypocrite who Is ,s0 the de- lights of Mitten thal .901es eorthlY duties mid demeries is not a HOW 0115, How ensy it is (0 subsehile foe service, lo think Ilutt Ive do our they by thieerthing it, SO 10 5X1111118 4 oneself In 111011.911011 and seduelive Mentos of 0. dls- tent heaven ilait we have no power loft to apply to (he problems of a needy pre- sen1 dier world. The m0000,7 of rellgloa lo -day is !het men and W0131011 are going to the churches einging theingelves into csla- th and imaginary harmony with their 1101 while their greed is ceush- too the Mewls of the helpless and they ore blinding 01]eineelVe3 10 the world's gloom nnd pain that unhindered they may enjoy spiritual delights. Things cannot be right in ow rela- tions to the Father of spirits until they are merle eight 111 our relations with Olin BROTHERS IN TIIF, FLESH. in Christianity social rtglitectusnese is haste to spiritual blessing. The ideal kingdom waits for ideal cionclitions and relations nononggl its subjects. The way to the Father Iles through the firother. If you woeld learn to love God ,-and lonv inelefinite and idealistic that seems in most, of us ---the lesson is sim- ple, first learn to love Ins other children, especially the helpless, needy and wonged. Delights high and spiritual always will be remote until duties near n1 hand are done. The revival we most of ell nerd to -day IS a revival of the social consetence, 000 recognition of the fact Iluit we can offer no gift acceptable, in the temple of wor- ship or the place of prayer, until we have weelied oue hands from the blood of our fellows, nun caMpay nothing to God until we have in earnest eel about, pay- ing our debts (o men. Anxious, perhaps, to olefin our rights as children of the Father in heaven, we Move forgotten that that title is promised to the pencemalcers. What avail is it to prey, thy kingdom erne, it we Hoek fis tolvent, by elle1'(:11M14 rennite- to OUP /1111118 1 \\1100 1 010 is 11 to curry Marie kali 011111015. sunken sel flee - nese, mid spell.; torn with pride and covetousness to the piece tied belengs le the meek mut lowly? Molly a. man is going away and coin- ing newly ompev lone : 'metope he line given up utiy hope of finding sower, lo religion, (8 010 \mild nod, ns 11 wore, 0110 W111110\18 of 11e11V0111 010011011 11P 1(110 should give himself 1.01 1111 flour to mak- ing some other helplese lives happy. to righting eeme wrong or bringino some J05' lo lives enthillered and opprossed, We have been insieting 00 the church, the altar, the ritual, and all lho fonds of religion, asking hearts hungry only for filings and spiries swept by winds of rovelnusnoss to enter the plate that be - Mule% to the pure in heart rind the lowly in spirit, Whet shall it avail those who cart see nothing of Gaol in their fellow men made in Ids receives to try to Ilnd him In FORMS AND CEREMONIES, In architecture or furniture? The happiest people in tills world have not heen those who have shut them- selves off from this world that they miglit, In quielnesg, seek out the source of the sours life and see the face of God for themselves, They are [twee who seenuel to lune their heck on oratory aud temple, and, burning with a passion of love for men, found heaven as they sought to bless earlio. The pathway to God is a plain one, strikingly Inching in romance, with no attendant visible angelic choir. It Is the doing of wituterce duty 01 113110018 1 owe lo those 1100.1 MO, the breaking down of wells' of prejudice-espile 000001 built in ignorance and hathed-the team- ing to love and help, the seeking of peace, good feeling, and harmony with all 111011: ThIS (100S not rnenn that all must be- come professors of sociology ; the stioly of sadal theories often is a substitute fer the practice ol erode] duties; but that we must seek out the good in men, we must set ourselves right with them, we must discharge all our responsibili- ties toward men before we can realize God. lifeleillY le. COPE. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 30, Lesson Xlif, Temperance Lesson. Go) - Text: Bona. 14. 21. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. Based on the text of the Revised Ver- sion. Temperanee-The Lesson Selling. -- The word "lemperance" means literally self-control, self-restraint, or moderation, and this is the sense in which the great New Testament, writers have used the word in 1111005' different passages. Thus the thanslation of the American Stendard Revieion metres Acts 2.1. 25 read : "Anel as he [Paul] reasoned of righleousnees, and self-control [King James Voesion, temperance], and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified" (compare also 2 Pet. (5. 'rhe practical expeeience of man- kind, however, has demonstrated the fact lhat alcoholio /Mums In every form me a most treacherous beverage their influence on the physical organism, even when moderately lien, being to create a craving for strong drink. The element of risk, therefore, evon for the modertne "Fish never dio a natural (teethe' drinker, is greater than prudence write saki an olcl fisherman who has observ_ rants one in assuming, and the only ed as he fished. "If they did bodies of safe course, as experience has abundant - dead Ash woukl be iloallng on the sue. lv proven is to be found in total absti- Ince of the water about all the while, nence froin tho use of alcoholic drinks, becalose such bodies If unmolested would. Hence the word "temperance," so have to float. far as alcoholic liquors are con- e/ mean. of course, fish in Belem corned, has come to mean "total oh - never die a natural deans not flee in stinence." The apostle's argument in captivity. And perhaps it should not our lesson passage is much profounder he called natural dealt' that flee in cap- and broader than a mere Menai( upon the belly die. Their environment induces mils of strong drink, touching, as it mortelity that fish in their naive 110. does, both the pidlosophy and practical bltat, would eseepe, and these Causes value 01 -self-restraint and moderetion in migh1 be properly Cheesed as among all things which pertain to tho carnal or the accidenLs that carry tlie enplive physicel man. fish off, It wos (the apostle Paul himself who "10 fish in ' their native element were had founded the church in Corinth, the ilf,V01 molested I believe they would congregation consisteng partly of Jews elevee die. If they had stlflident food, and partly of Gentiles. As WO8 natural which woold be impossible if they no In a Grecian city, many of the members longer preyed on one another, thero of the church had been but recently 000' 11(41111 be no reason for their dying. It vetted from idolatry end hentheniern, was to pievent such uninterrupted tem It was oantral, therefore, that many ore of life teat all fish were made fleece- queslione should arise on which the le Pecclatory, it not remorselessly can- ;lowish end the Gentile members of the ae many kinds are, chinch would disagree, and also that eA itsh's life is 00 constantly strenu- some disorders should creep into Mb tom one and one, entirely selfish. A practice of the church. Reports 00 00)0000 fish lives only to eat and to avoid be- disagreements and disorders reaching Ing eaten." the nestle after his' departure from Corinth, Prompted him to write to letter of admonition and council to 11101 Corin - The average man wastes 10.0 much thian converts. The letter wos o'ritten lime feeling soelot for himself. prohably fronl Ephesus in the spring 01 When a mares morel rights go wrong the year 57 A.D. Amens, the questions be begina to talk about, eie legal rights, which it discusses is the attitude which A woman will never aslc your advice persons converted from heathenism were unles.9 she Is sure you are going to to take toward the eXcisting heathen cus- agree with her. tom of enting food p1111 of which , hod been previously dedicated to Iclols. The apostle exhales the Christina to een. skier not. °illy their oven profit, in deckl- ing Ode question, but the welfare of Mimes also, And thls consideration and respect for tho scruples of others, and the persistent endeavor to avoid giving offense to any, make Op Ole principal part of tem apostle's eshorla- iion, which is al once a defense of Chris- tian liberty and a warning. against, the misuse of such liberty. "Ile wns never ill a day in his life," -"No; he is too stingy, so he has all 05.1 eickness might so as not to In. Oslo's with his work." Miss Withers (showietg phologimph of herself): 'Ten afectict malice hided," Milks (inexperienced, aged nineteen): "'Yes; but les juet like you." Many a mon loas lost his mentel hal- (0015 by attempting to entertain. two or move ideas at the sante limo.. -"Henry, ,1011 look worried; what, is the trouble?' "I was stung to the quick. by en adder leis 0.0101110011.' "Hos. 1,111S: 110111 (11d It happen?" "Why, 1 went to the bank this efiernoon, and elm beret oleek, niter lidding up the Mel- te'''. told 1110 :my account eves Ever - VI MVO,' lIcalion" thus includes the thought of building up the spiritual life, strengthen- ing the tidal, and moulding the charac- ter! 24. Each his oelghbor's good-Nefther "each" nor "good" occur In the but, aro necessarily inserted in Ilse Eng- lish translation for the sake of otherness. This verse elates the great funclemental principle of Christian life, which is that of unselfish end self -forgetful service in behnlf of others. Asking no queslion-haising no un- necessary question of principle. In buy- ing a piece of meat from teie public mar- ket the Corinthian could not be certain whether the meat had not been reevious- ty dedicate:I to an idol. since liewas cus- tomary for the priests to dispose of the surplus supply received by them as their portion of the heathen sacrifices by selling the same to the leaders in these public markets. 26. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof -Quite possibly a con- scious quotation from Psa. 24. 1, with winch the apostle was certainly familiar. The entire verse in Psalms rends : "The earth is Jenovah's, and the full- ness thereof : The world end they that dwell there- in," 27. 0110 of them that believe not -An idola ler. Biddeth you to a feast -The worcls "ki O feast" cts tho Italics in the text,Indicate, do not occur in the original. Among the Greeks especially religious ceremonies, as well as family and other social gather- ings, were made occasions of feasting. 28. This bath been offered in sacrifice -It might easily occur that someone knowing the guest to be to Christian might challenge his action by such a definite statement concerning the food or a portion 01 11. In this case it might, seem to some 1001 (110 partaking of food known lo have been thus consecrated would on the pael, of the Christian be enivalent to a recognition of the idol to which it had been offered. It therefore would become necessary to take into account the Influence that this action might, have on others. 20, 30. Conscience, I say, not thine own, but the other's -The conscientious scruple of another and weaker brother in the faith must be respected, and the giving of offense to such to. one avoided. On the other hand, the apostle points out in the next clause and the following verse that ihe other. ram which takes offense at an action not in itself wrong is in reality at fault, and that 111s not right for persons having conscientious scruples on any specific point of action bi judge rashly those who differ from them on the point in question and who inclulge themselves in a greater *liberty and freedom of action than they can conscientiously. Arguing from the standpoint of Ole Christian with the broader vision, the apostle asks : Why is my liberty judged by anothet"s con- science? If I partake with thankfulness, why com I evil spoken of for that for which 1 100 11111011(i 8?" 81. All to the glory of God-Ralinee and clinking ho themselves 11105' be mat - tem of indifference, but thetie are chi. eumstalmes under evhich oenceivohly they may become matters of great im- prielance, The controlling principle of a Cheistien's action at all the, there- fore, should be the gime, of Gad and the welfare of his fellow 111511. 82. Give no occasion of stumbling - he negative plitting of the same prince, to expraesed in the preceding verse, O a Christian nose another to stumble, le fails In the eyes of that ;moon toi lorlfy God ; that is, this other person 1 vill not by his aetion be led .to faith in Verse 23, All thlegs-All the rOhltg T rind courses of action Under dispute, p LaWfill--PeriniSSihla, that is, not in themselves \\Jiang, thOug,11 poseibly for 1 other Mesons not, expedient, profitable, g wise, or contributing 10 0 desired end, e Edify -Lite huild up, 'Our word "edi- G 81, This verso in another form re. Meths the prineiple of expediency of ochein for 100 enhe of olleeei. "rite chap - tee division of limier" letter at this point 10 itatorluonle, the Boa verso of the 1 1 110 clinpler belonging properly with what Iminedintely peon -doe. This 00,1':i1, 111101110 ellio ye imitators of ine, eeen US 11111 0140 Of (1111181." QUEEN MAUD'S N411 110AV ESCAPE, INellf/PF0 leurtne fler Visit to Purls. Few eovereigths 11i1041 over vieited 11111, W11) 11111011 left 111'1110111 there 1,11111. 0 g,o11 111110351,834011 liS 101111' 1,01111111affiton 141141 (,)011111 N1111101 of N40110 115', Wilt3 111/85 itiee termineted tuoet itgreeable 80. 11 31 11510, D1111118 sof the teethe te wheel oceur- led to lei, youthful "emelt, and hut a 0,00 re mention 4it whim, was teliVitpilat abroad, eliow tiiiit elle lied ti vory owe r..,00' 1,W:11001 110111 di1;1111 01 Si.ikiLIS • . • , . The tweeting orieuered 011 her visit 10 Versaillee. A mirrew steam bridge crosses a deep .sirenin in the Trianon Perk. QU50111 and ithm Failieres were being dieven (Nei, it, ween the nenr front W100,(.1 of their envelop, struck the 0,w parupet, the sudden jerk ihrowhig cm- of the horees, nominee 011 VV11y way lei eiewing, is peppered 035 a poetolion, halt -way over 11141 14405. if! illtS WOY: l'Ut good Ni7411.1 steam - Kicking furiously lo 1ldo(140 itself. the . er on to a saucepan, and fit a pudding animal fell over tate 1110 St1011111, drag- 11010 it, till 11118 1171111 1111111116 CUt ging moonier horee \vino it. mei i« I's leg. Mild with four, a third horse struggled to eeel away, tripped in We (tingle of hornees, tool eLso fell into the wider. Only the see, and postillion and ille fourth /meet, teo outlined en the bridga. trhe carriage WEIS tilled 10 11 sharp angle and WEIS! 001y 11110110011,1, froM ceosizfiig by eh:11411m the inner of a tree, The weight of the loorses in Ole stream began to be fell, todl. the rate wage was gradually bring drawn after them. 'rile Queen turned were, white, but made no smooth Fallieres cried aloud. King Haalcon, who was driving With M. Fallieves 111 110111 115(11d the SOME DAINTY 1)11-4111134, A I/envious Iteeipes-Mig Mel 1 10 1'01410 of sliger with a, piece, et but- ter itio 10 xpettioan egg, rate cup- ful awl to half 0,1 110111% 0143 h'vo'l 0311' 141,410i111.11S of belong-pinvilee, a lime ,i1.110O Of 141111441, /131d 011,011gh 1111111 10 'Oldie 1010 11 peete, lion out, cut lett oith 31 :q1111111 WM'S' and bake quiehly. Auy flavoring win do, but 'onion 115 11110, 11110st 1041101111114, S011110p511 511`111.-Talio tiny remain); of cold cooked meat, etinemoieo and cold netters, neon all 1110' '05 Davi& with choriped ,etielti,(, lean 1(11111, anti 10101101E1 some, Qt. 11103' woll-fla orect tbieketied 0401110, Buller n Melt, eprinide it thickly wilts breadevinnes. and lay ile., meat urn thous then cover with crumbs. Put lets of butler over, end le al. 1110 oven. Steamed Ilhubarlie-Whirt IS superior 11110 10111 01110111. lengthis cever with to sneer, ancl steam. ee'hen nearly demo mid a lemon -juin and sufficient segue to flavor. 'When served lids will have a delleious flavor tool be a pied color. Devilled Eggs, -13011. five eggs till hard and place in cold water; peel off the sheils, and cut 111011 egg in IWO, remove the yolks, which ebould plaeed In 11 baeln und 101100 0111 smooth, athl best silted oil to the yolks of eggs, with salt, enyenne pepper, and niake mustard lo taste, then fill the whites with tlth mix- ture. neve erntihms of fried bread ready, place half an egg on each, make ell hot, and 051110 With lowlier:II of watercress. cry, leflp4141 f10111 his carriage and Saffron Bung.--Talce one pound Of W511 rushed to the Queen's help. AL Du- dried flour, end work into 11 six oun- jurdin-Beaumetz, the secretary for fine arts, 1V/10 WOS i11 the Queen's Carriage, was doing hiss best to reassure the 11111101, Before Ring Haulm could arrive the peril wus past. Two dragoons of .soak it well in some hot milk; when it the Roynt escori, sprang from their Cools, remove the saffron, add a well saddles, plunged into the stream, and beaten egg, and mix with the dry in - with drawn swords, hacked at Me an_ gredients. Beat well for ffve minutee, tangling hernias. In a few seconds elthilie into small buns, ond bake in a the carriage was freed and the horses moderato oven. If fruit is desired in and postillion drifted with 100 stream, Riese buns, add three mama of well The Queen was helped at once trent Waned sullunas and one ounce and a the carelage, and quickly assured her lialf of chopped candled peel. husband that she was unhurt, eines Rhubarb and Ginger 121.31.1. --Wipe the leallieree also escaped injury, though a rhubarb and cut into pieces as for tarts, good deal shaken. • Te every pound 00 fruit add the peel While the Queen Was belOg fellailtt1d 0°. half a lemon, cul very Ithely, and, oli !lel' eseelth, the escort was busy in ir liked, four or live bitter ahnonds. eaving the injured postillion 01011 the Lei stand all night in a pan to draw horses. One of liee latter broke its leg ciff the j1,1100, 111011 puL oil in a pre,serv- in the fall and wes deowned. The pos. ing pan with two or three pieces zd Union W114 seriously helmet], root ginger (bruleed), and boil fast for The -Royal party walked for about a an hour. Taste, and remove the gin - third of a mile to the Petit Trianon, ger if it has imparted sufficient flay - where a' fresh carriage Woos 111 Waiting 01. Try the non by putting a little on and the cortege was reformed. The a plate, and, 1( 01 sets, il is done, Fill Queen quickly recovered- from her the pots while the jam Is .etin warn], and alum, ancl appeared unperturbed when tie over at once Ivith egged Paner. she readied Paris again. Savory Minced Veal. -Take the re- - ee. mains of ronst or braised veal, 1.11111 TURKEY IN OHURCII. off all browned parts end mince it fine- - ly Fry a chopped shallot in one ounce Stories of Amusing Experiences Told of butter; when it is to light color, add by Clergymen. a large pinch of flour and a little stock. Although the average person would Next stir in the minced meat, with a dusting of chopped parsley, lemon peel, scarcely look for humor in chorch ser - salt, end nutmeg to taste; mix it thor- vices, ludicrous incidents arise now and again which make it, an extremely dit- eeughey. Add mare steel& iferemered, and e flcult matter for the oMciating clergy- 1' 11 t eer mcenrgrad_olielsy t hot by th side 100 e. t before serving men to preserve the solemnity of the take the pot oft the fire, she into the occasion and maintain a dignified , nee the yolk of an ees beaten up eeunienance. How roomy men, for in- '011- - . with lemon juice. set m a loot dish, stance, could have successfully resisted coe of butter (or three ounces of lard and three ounces uf huller), add four ounces of sager, a pinch of sale and a teaspoonful of bakingepowder. eie to little saffron In a pine of muslin, place sippels of tried bread round, and the impulse to laugh outright if placed a row of curled rashers of bacon down in the circumstances related by a C1011 - cal correspondent of the Church Family "ie. etntre' Newspaper? ' This correspondent tells how he had COOKING W-TTII 'SOUR MILK. just 0001111e110ed taking service one Sun- day in a village in southemi Manitoba, Steamed Boston Brown Bread. -Three when on looking clown the aisle he saw cups of sweet milk, three cups of sour to his consternation that a turicey had. milk, three cups of corn meal, one cup strayed into the church, "'rho novelty of flour, one cup of molasses, one lea - of the situation filled me with an almost spoon sett, one teaspoon baking soda; uncontrollable desire to laugh," the steam three hours. Balm one-half hour. minister c,ontinues; "so partly on this (Add raisins if you like.) account I resolved to ask the church Steamed Suet Pudding. -One cup warden to eject the intruder. But be- chopped soot, one cup of sugar, Iwo fore I could do so tt dog appeared and cups of nom, one cup of raisins chop - seated himself just inside the door. Vis- ped, one cup of sour one-half len- tans of a turkey -deg :squabble forced spoon salt, one teaspoon batting 50d11, 1110 to abandon ideas of offensive opera- cne teaspoon dominion, a little nutmeg (Ions. grated, and one-quarter of a teaspoon "Meanwhile, It must be admitted, the cloves, turkey woos behaving itself- inost de- Sauce. -One cup of sugar, one and voully, except that when the congrega- one-lialf tablespoons flour, one pint tion stood up it exhibited symptoms ef boiling water, butter size of an egg; let perturbation by protruding its feathers cotne to a boil, one and one-half Wa- nd stretching upward its neck to the spoons vanilla, tablespoon vinegar, and furthest limit. Imagine the difficulty et three of win. preaching before that bird and noain- Gingee Bread.One-half cup of but - tainting one's equilibrium, especially ter, one cup molasses, one-httlf cup of when we sang 'Happy 131as That sing sugar, one cep sour milk, one egg beat - and Fly.' Foetunately tuvicey did en light, one teaspoon baking soda, one not lake the hint, but remained quietly teaspoon cinnamon, little ginger, end sealed on the floor to the end of the cloves, two cups of nom. service, when it walked out with the Johnny Cake. -One-half our) hntter, people." one-quarter cup sugar, ono egg beaten According to the same paper, the Ilev. light, one and one-half cups of sour W, Carrington, formerly vicar of Christ 110110, one-hatf cup flour, little saIt, one Chuech, West Bromwich, and 110W 111 011p corn meal, one. teaspoon baking New &attend, was preaching in a soda. styling° church one Sunday evening. Spice Cake. -One cup brown sugar, While he was having supper al, the vic, three-quorters cup of bolter, three eggs, 'Maga nfierward a ring came 81 1110 bell, one-half of sour Mille, two and one-half The mold entened and said: "Please, cups df nom., one cup of chopped rai- ser, there is Fl 1/1011 nt the door who sins, ono teaspoon baking soda, one says hq wants to spenk to the preacher." teaspoon eienamoo, cloves, and nutmeg, The clergyman, thinking lie was esotng oe cup of chopped English walnuleo to Interview some one who lend beert bele slowly for olio houe, touched liy something he had said In Dere: Food. -Two bars bitter choco- his sermon, got up . with alacrity and Isle, melted in hot water, one cup of went into the hall. Here he saw a tall, btewn sugar, one tablespoon butter, one ,powerful looking noon. "Well, my egg well beaten, threeepiarlers cep of men, what can I do for yotl?" "Well, sour milk, one lonspoon balcing mole, sole I wns thinking while I .was a-lls- one and one-half cups of Iluur; bake In 151101114 lo yer winching /18 110W y001 munln or gem pane. might have a pair of trousers as would hel SIX SA:eireeVICIIES. fit me."' Both were over six foot in WocklIng ceremonies are often attend- ee 'by mousing incidents. The follow- ing is 1111 of a small village church. The tnlher of the bride, a simple on. lager, dune to give het' away, deossect In long black frock coot mut with a tall loth When the clergyman put the questin, "Who giveth Ihte women to bo toweled to tills mom?" the poor fa, her wee lost for lee moment, bolt ro revering himself, he touched his fore ocl. . hick and said, "I do, .111010." Chop n lielf dozen otheos and a heft cupfel pecan miens fine; mix with a . cake of Noutehautel elteese, and mois- Ion slightly with mayonnaise dressing,, elniond between two thin elices of but lend breed, trimming off the crusts. Chop fine a cupful English evoleol, meals; moistezi wilh a Mlle 111100 0155111 0111 51/1011(1 hetW1111 s shoo of 'Boston liroole Mead and ono of MOM breed which Nye been ma in rounds with a btscult euttri, 01100 a RUSSIA NOW FEARS CHINA Grind boiled or linked Moo fine; into 1181150, ISHrlOirt'eti°dh°bIlePt4sleectlfgPerlYiellitS01(01 11:0:101Y1(21m. ly 11t(:11))1,111,11 101v4I,111111. 0)111;lnd' sooded rolsine And a half imphol 201.1t./111141, Spread between 0041(.41; Of 141101(.0 0103(8201 111(1011 CUL 10 fancy iniapos, A Mee eandwich fee a Dote]) 11111011 01- 11111(10 10, 11111ing in diamond etuipes 60011:7310,104:0100-:1111t'l 111014.31(i'lybIll'st.'41;io1114,3(0111 14;1',I1.0:00g4,.:18 00 ollj 15 eprinidittg ot limey ('11014. 01''d oiitiee, otliesetlf cop rherge and I1.1111 1000111 010111 1.1 13011, 011100 110, 0100101; (14101 0111.100111 14101:Fp404411111 0.4111, 143111 0111.0 leuspoonfUl pipl'iha. Spread 4130 11011115' 04111111 10151111. tWO 8111118 [10111'1 0011 1041111' 44' 11110W1,/ ill a petit he with 11 111 1011s1.10010.1111 1101151, 54.011/0 Lot, LISEletel, HINTS, A couple of Mlle red peppers heeled with the cabliage will beep the odor from going oil ever flo, Meters A pine of dried orange peel bured, a eitovel or tin plate in a chiee„s1 toffy room 'MU stkvolori 111i, au, inintediathly and Inve a pleasaet (doe, jeaodt JO 11034111 Iasi heifer, and if cut in slicee it Is 1314110 42(111011y diS11113111.10d. 111001111 steel ormunents be clean - <A by being rubbed well With ettthel on, enough of the oil beteg allowed 01 11,ei,i,00,11[111 te,: rlebset.. °Hick to soak in and To open W1.11C1OWS easily after stie,- Ing with paint, wet weather, rte., brush twee the Inside of the frames with or- dinary blooklead, when they will slide without the lens l d11beul1y. A teaepnonful of sue and a dessert- epoonful of lemon -juice answer the stone pinsinse (15 "molts of 'colon" for remove log iron -mould frone linen, and is 1101 tehersiliisereme,. nor will it prove iejurious 10 To keep cake Rem slicking to baking pans -after greasing pans wen stft In some flour, shake the pun so that the flour will get allover grease, and then turn out what does not elick to itie pan and put in your batter. New Ilunnel should be put into clean e,11 1101101 011111 kept Were for a day or so, cloiog ng the wetter fee timidly. Wash well in mine water, using 11 little soap to 1013308'e 111.0 011. elennel thus washed arms oot harden or shrink. As soon as the tin containing any kind of food has been opened, and so riot rendered air -tight, the food. should be immediately emptied out. Foods such as salmon, etc., should not even be curried from a ehop in a tin oiler it has been opened. It is said that potent leather may Le satisfactorily cleaned without cracking ho rubbing it well with a slice of orange after the dust hos been removed. When (lie leather tuts dried polish it with a dry, soft cloth, and the result will be satisfactory. The best way lo Clean an invalid's eoron is to rub the carpet all over with O cloth wrung out of ammonia diluted with a tittle warm water, rinsing and turning the cloth as the dust and dirt collect upon it. Change the water fre- quently. This is far bettee than sweep - Mg, and raises no unpleasant dust i» the room. Novee store food for any length of time in paper bogs, The paper of boleti bags is manufactured from mouse and (Rely rags, which Ore, however, to some extent. cleansed . and sterilized during manufacture, but the peste with welch the bags are stuck 14 usually of the coarseet doscription. Good tins, or eerthenware 01 glass jars with well - titling lids, answer the purpose best. Cut off the lauds and eave the arms of your long kid gloves. Use them for oolishing either, Mirrors, cut -glass and 11011015. 0111 of the tops of old tan or gray giOVOS YOU can make charming bags for earryiug opera -glasses, ete. Cut the kid to the eanie pattern as is used for silk or velvet bugs, line with eilk of any pretty color, and trace your initials on iOle outside in water-coloos or with embroidery silk. Remember to wEosit all good pocket- allpart from anything ohm. Soak thetn andkerchiefs by themselves, quite over 111010 0» COld water, then wash in loot water, using the best while soap; rouse In clear cold water, squeeze the water out of them, rub well with white rap, and boil for twenty minh utes wit little dissolved borax in the water. 1, l 'hen rinse again, and If an ` y spots re- niain wash Wens Blue in the usual menner, and iron before they are quite dry with. a* well -polished hot iron. Handlterchiefs treated ill this wily will keep their color and wear well. PROPER FOOTGEAR. JUOJI rolIMER PlIESTIOR IN Tien 14A0 EAST IS Lost, Pisactrous Ethyl of War With Japan -o tildnetie or' Longer 11011o0' Russians. Rthelon plan of elounsiruction In the Far Kee0 now appeare to be based Olt fete' of Mon. Notwilbelanding ft lade of looney. Buseta is molimemeing to greatly siren/teem her Stemple' hortle,ra. The effect of thew lose Ed prestige with the Chinese, eepodally the Illethelatori, ans, uhd the brealcime away, of high mandarin beaeliciaries, desfklle Ole sub, eidiee peal them, together with the iorty, ahittaie 401 001011111, 31003' thIlt 1115 5540/011, ese are 011411 '00(1 es. entering 'tail bewbooling them. powerfully 11111/1e0000e03 the 1-1111.401110 people. AS1 II ag(11111101htil' 1'1111Nilili oet:: awe,' there, though they are needed in verinue ilithistries. 1114+ frontier Ithe and coma is strictly mill, they. Ruesites corthenlions regazeling the llshoriee have been disregarded and the negottatente en' joining the Roesler), and ii11011/1080 11111WtlyS et lewange Chongtsu loon tailed the Japanese cone <teeing Nell along their own lines. The lthesians declare then, innbility to cons. hat Japaewee. advantea or Altinchurian, 1011NrOesTis.ON WOBKING BASIS YET. Minister of \e'er Terauelii recently, inspected the eapanese strategic post al Kwang Chengtele catesing disquiet 10 the Russian often's, who eay that the relations. between the two notice's ma not yet on a worki»g basis. While ell classes view the lluesion tenure south of the Amur as temporary, Primorisk is rega feted OS 'II territorial outpost where, on account of lack 00 funds, Russia has suspended ttle con- stellation of barraelcs and other works to house an increased garrison, but continues to push imonigraiMn, The failure of Gevernment railways and other pencehil inethode used In the past to establish Russian trade or meet the neve conditions in Manchuria, hse roreeii Russian vested interests lere te appeal for the Introductioo of foreign enterprises, which it is expected, evil/ constitute a barrier to the Japanese. INDEFINITELY POSTPONED, In Siberia, the double -tracking of th railway hes been indefinitely postpone and the Got ernment Is devoting itsel selely to correcting hussia's originel strategto lines on the frontier, as showee ty the re -survey oi the Amur hallway mirth of Roe Aniur Itiver, It Is plan, ned to connect the Annie and Baikal needs, giving prolecbd communication 10 Pritnorisk 10 case of aceiclent to the exposed Trans-Bnikal Railway or the loss of the indelensose Manchurian Itailway. The Russinn Ministry of war is in- angurating a generous policy of explor- ation* in Western Manefiuria, Mongolia ond the Amur basin, but the Govern- ment is subsidizing business in Mon - gotta only oust& of the Jeopanese sphere, its pux,poee being to strengthen Bussia against newly inspired Chinese aggression. 70 WELL laT ADVANCE. "I would like lo look ai some house. heed goods," said the tall brunette as she entered ihe big furniture shop. 'Yen see, I expect 10 be married soon." M "Aindeed,' smiled Ole polite clerk; "Nat sleP this wee', We hare special inducements for young 'couples jusb elarling in housekeeping. When is the glad event to come off?' ewen--er-the day 'hasn't been set - tied yet.' "Oh. r sae; the lucky young man has just. proposed anti-" "No, he hasn't proposed yet, but -e "Ah, he Is going to propose. How long has he been calling?" "Well, he hasn't started calling yet, "What is the young man's name?" "Really. I don't know at present, but mount' says elm thinks some nice young min will start calling soon, so I want- ed to be in UTlle." CONGENIAL SURROUNDINGS. The best efforts 10 make 10 (101010 at- ractive sometimes fall. Recently a district eisltor in Ihe East end of Loudon asked the wife of a no. torious drinker why she did not keep om husband from the public -house. "Well," 5110 answered, "I 'ave dons my besi . ma'am, but he will go there - "Why don't you make 5'0111 horns oa,lermnioereereolit‘r,leicliirvicel" d eird to make it 01011-1114e, nneam," 1141118 1110 reply. 'I've leek up the parlor tarpot and Twinkled sawdust on the Boor, rine put beer towel in the corner. But, loo,', ou'ani, it ain't made a bit of dtfferengiel" For a clerg,yman-Cloth For a tourist-hubber. 1 For an explorer -Amen. For a Caucasian baby -While kid. For a negro baby -Black hid. For a mile:men-Pumps. 1 For a book agent -Canvas. For a welter -Tipped. For a collector or the- port -Custom- made. For country lovers -Over -gale -ors. a For a cheeky peeson-131anze, 11 EVENTUALLY. Stranger (in senrch 01 information)lo - "How do the Meths in this town coon - pore with the cl ea Ills?" Intelligent OffIcer-e ere', Mee 0 body that's loam here dies some little s uf Leeward, son" _ Many a bad man has been cowed th be the oak of 1111111011 00111110180.0. A. 010111011 -never forgives 5 1111111 for 1' forgiving her foe not forgiving him, " Ambition Is the tack on the chair that eeps moms iron sitting down to rest oo often, "/ sny, mainnia," said little 10105510, why did lefts, Brown ory the wett- ing to -day?' "Oh, because her dear anghterwas getting married end leav. 0g her.,"Miii why 101 Mrs. Jones 7?""Oh. because her dear son has 11 her." "I see; and why did Mrs. 1101110 end Mese Simpson cry?" "Oh, re(111SO they 11111.1 01,511 801 101001150 &nigh- gs 0, gol married, and no sign of tiny O them going ort." (3 \Viten 10 1110100 goes wrong it is floozy how 01100)3' of his neighborseem to have 11 expected it. Smile men go so far that they moss ee happinees without ever noticing teat 11 10 ‘.‘t;:osg 111pcliXti',:00 ion, sir," observer' the d m t s would be hoed to forget,' 111 i:tisegeefilitillelgratslitlii:1101:71731:110:11.1,410, Icing waiter, suggestively, el ( lilds table usually-er- no 11101 sir." "I 410011 wonder,' tox yes' r, cordially. l'hal In Ana he reeked up Is 'bill mon Wolfed st leiserely in Ihe direction of the cosh, be lor th A Yankee oriteer was beagging, about le erect: shots in his corps. "oh, limes ollein' to the wny we shone" „said n- em.. "I belonged to a eompany of a 'Indeed mon, enci every week we used go out to 'praelice. The ce(3)) woorkl raw us up in single file, end eel, a der barrel rollire downhill. Each no tonic s eliot el the loing-htne os 10 ened up. Tho lopreei was11110 emote etl, fuel if there 0111311 a sled found el dit1111, go into the bunghole, the 1001 thef fired it wets expelled. Vete longed to the' company ten pare, end ere ain't been nolsidy expelled yeL 1'