HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 2Frt,17'
1' • ,
MOM -rail traneportellon Item ale el -
ready in successful operation M some
cOuntries, espeotally M Germany, The
eingle reel le, however, high in the air,
and the care hang tram It, Stioh SyS.
tern hoes its advantages under eertein
Conditions, but is bardly capable 0
,general use, The new Brennan mono-
rail car systern, which WaS eXhil'itea "e'•
lore the Royal Society In LOndon a Week
or IWO ago, is a (Melee of an entirely form of eheets 10 'metes Wide suet e
different Iflud, The spectator gives a feel lone, Teme are cut Into strius
eetelY full description ot ie which Is wide eteemell te cut Iwo Pens whose
petuts interlap.
enough to justify the imprassion of many In a leelure deseribing the process
or the witamies that ,eveli when operated an export Mimed 111/Wlies says 1110.1. the
In a emeieseoe meet itwee eneuee to sleet is anffeeled to a light cherry red
far several hours, then gradually, coul-
ee/ celled 000 of the lilted wonders of ed, witen it is oft enough. le Demi
the world. efteily,
The scale Ls removed by pfelfliug the
thyl in a helit of diluted aeid. It then
The 'inventor is no mere fantastic. The • e
ethrough Me rolling /Mil the num-
controlluble (meted,: which beam his eee!'" times du ,.
peneing upon the thee -
name has given witness to his ability, Imes deeired, The next step is to the
and Ids present Invention is the result of culling room, where pen blanks aro
011,,t• nine,,thines;
years of study and labor. The single
rail which he uses is laid flat on the e„serti' `enellesee4le?,` leef",..14eiejeeilInnk e ueeu as
earth much like a present railroad track. a guide in paseing the Meeks through
His experimental car was six feat long sueceeding operations.
and eighteen inches wide, capable of HEATED AND COOLED.
carrying 140 pounds. Four wheels, two
at each end of the car, all of them, of
course, running tandem, were used.
With electric power the car ran smooth-
ly and easily at varying rates of speed.
With ihe ear leaded heavily on one side,
the tendency wees for it to not only keep
Be balance, but lean slightly in the other
direction. Sharp curves could be turned
and on them the ear inclined a little in-
ward, instead of outwarcl as ordinary
cars would.
Mach Skill and 0 Lot of Trouble le In-
volved In Producin0
Pens are mado of good steel which
os rich in earhon. It le imported 10 Pie
These wonders were accomplished by
the use of the gyroscope for steadying
purposes. The gyroscope, which every
schoolboy knows as a special kind of
top, has heretofore been useful in deli-
cate scientific experiments, and it has
recently been suggested as au instru-
ment which would steady ships during
storms at sea. Mr. Brennan has pro-
vided two gyroaeopes, their wheels or
discs in the vertical plane and their
axes of rotation horizontal. For hLs
model car they were so light they could
be lifted out and held in one hand. The
Iwo are connected so that any angular
deflection of one disc is communicated to
the other In Me reverse direction. If the
ordivary Loy gyroscope is hung at an
The pens are pierced by machinery,
some requiring but one piercing, others
Iwo or three, the taller being More ex-
pensive. From the piercing machine
the pens go to the muffle room, where
the blanks are annealed.
Fifty or sixty geese of them are plac-
ed in each lion pot and heated and
cooled just as was the strip steel, The
name is then stamped on the blanks
end the pen is ready to be formed.
Some pens have lo be cruelied, by
whie,h process a little wing of steel is
lent under them.
If the pen is still soft 11 12 necessary
te take it, to the muffle room and again
beat it to a light cherry red and chill
it suddenly. This process renders Lite
pens quite brittle, so muclx so indeed,
Utat, they otto be readily crumbled be-
tween the fingers. Later on this hard-
ness is drawn out by heating the steel
gradually. As the temperature rises IL
becomes mere and more tough, until
at about 575 degrees it has the desili-
eney of a spring.
By ibis thne the pen has become coal-
ed with an oxide, which is removed by
scouring or by a shaking process, toy
which the roughness is gradually
rubbed off.
The next operation is grinding, some
pens being ground twice, others three
times, be some cases by hand and in
others by automatic machinery.
The pen next passes to the slitting
angle from es point of support it tends room. This operation is a very delicate
to "prerass" or swing around the point
oesupport. This reed:Ion is what the in -
Tenter depends on to keep his cars up-
In a design for a car 100 feet long Mr.
Brennan provides for six gyroscopes
three feet and six inches in diameter,
whicls are to revolve al 3,000 revelations
per minute. Running in a vacuum it is
estimated that lees than one horse -power
will drive eaeli gyroscope. Any kind of
power—steam, gas, electricity or oil—
can be used. Mr. Efennan has shown
that his prInciple is right. He has next
to discover whether any important modi-
fications are necessary for larger cars.
Finally, his deviee has to be given the
practical test in competition with our
moment style of trains. It Ls Ida early to
predict what the final decision will be,
but the use of floe mono -rail where con-
struction work Ls difileull, and ile use
in military operations, where speedy
cense-melon is necessary, are not al all
//mimeo 1 ,le.
Use Their Batons on Very Bare Occa-
Londen police tliseharge !heir duties
with such diectetion, heneely, and elle
deem-, Ns to ramie/eel the approval of
puldle. and the admiration of our
&Helen visite".
S) :old Colonel Sir leeward Vincent,
M.P., before the Pellet/ Commiesion the
other day. Sir Hommel ems appointee
director of criminal inveeligation at
&Memel Yard in 1e70, and has a close
acquaintance with the world.
On the use of the-teuncheon his views
are of Demme "On the whole," he said,
'the truncheon is exceedingly , seldom
used. It is the ohly weapon our pollee
have, while in other mu/erica the poke
carry a revolver, and sometimes a sword
as well.
"Aleetzl 20 years ago murders and at-
tempted murder of the police were very
prevalent, and there Wero as many as
six or seven in a year In London. I
took a vote of Me pollee In mil station
as to whether he would like to carry a
pistol, and although a few of the
yeunger men answered in the affirma-
tive, the very large tnejerily of lbe men
of experience said on no account would
they haVe 11, because it would involve
them in too many dangers.
env seen arrests rende in practi-
cally every part of the world, and I say
they are made more quietly and with
greeter humanity in this country then
anywhere else. The system M knee here
el having polleemen of great physique
tate a beneficial offset, because the pee
saner sees at once Met resistance would
• be useless. The Paris pollee am gam,
ally men of small stature, and as a con-
sequence they have to awe people often
be exceedingly rough methods." ,
"That, Mertel is really a terrible bore,
Ile talked last, night for hours, and
only slopped to cough," "Well, I sup-
pose you could get a word in edge-
' ways, then?" "Rather not; tor while
be was coughing, he made signe With
hie Mends that he wee going on Mier -
one, as the pen Ls now hard and brit-
tle, and the slits must be cut cleanly
through the hard steel without damag-
ing 11 in any way.
Atter slitting, the pens go to the
reundtng room, where they tire made
perfecly round and smooth, so that no
matter at what angle the pen is held
the paper wilt be it a tangent to ils
surface, and there will be no ,possibil-
ity of seeking or scratching.
Every pen 18 now examined by an
expert, so that the faulty pens which
have accumulated may be thrown out.
This is the third examination.
The pens now go back to the room
in which the oxide Is removed to te
polished by the shaking process. If
they are to be colered they are placed
M a tempering cylinder and heated to
the desired color.
The first, heat brings them to a light
straw color, a dark yellew, a brown,
O purple, and then a blue shade being
otilained by increasing the heat. If the
pen is to be left white, it is, of course,
not re -healed.
In order to preeerve the pen and pre-
\ ent it from rusting, a eclat of lacquer
is put on by 1115E1118 of mechines. If the
pen is to be plated with copper, bronze,
eilver or gold, it goes to the plating
mom before the :thequering operaion
is begun. Plated pens are now very
popular, and they can be plated with
almost any metal desired.
The pens are new ready to go to the
hoeing nom, where they are counted
by ascertaining the weight. It will be
found impessible to put a groes ui
pens in the box intended for them un-
it:see they ere laid perallel.
In order to do tills quitekly and easily
they are put in a ball cylinder and
shaken. This gully places them in
a parallel position. mod by a very quick
move they are dumped into the boxes,
whieh are then recely to be labelled and
A -native of Ayr. Mr, James Weston,
who has Mr the past nine year,/ been ihe
popular postmaster of Leeds. new re-
tires on the ago limit, being 00 years of
Eighty bencts have been engeged for
the. London out -door eutionce concert
season, which has now begim in the
London County Councils parks and open
Forty thousand vieifors paid for ad-
mission to Shakespeare's house lest
year.. Sixty-six coentrles were repre-
sented. About 10,500 came from the
UniMd States.
Few people are aware that the oldest
iron bridge spans the Severn at Coal-
brealtditio, near tronbreelge, Shropshire.
This bridge, whieli IS of cast iron, was
built towarde the latter part o11770, or
nearly 130 years ago.
Tills is hew 41 pauper wrote ot Ilir-
ntinghem Workbouees to a friend—%
ls beautiful. There ie a nice Mlle
stream al the back of the house, and
some good fishing. There are three pub-
lic; houses withiil five minutes: Ito fact,
you Call SOO one from our place."
A. witness at ()Melte/mall County Court
on the 0111 inee, to whom the question
was mit—"When did you leave this
firm 7" pulled out his watch end opened
the ease, Counsel --"I don't want to
know the time. Tell me when you left
the seevice of this !Wm." Witness--
"Thie AVM a presentation watth given
le me when I lett, and it gives the date,"
Mr, DwInoblelon le Those Who Content -
000.8180m al Some.
'With the vacation season new rest
approtechlag,' seid Mr, Gvelmbleion,
"there comes up aS usual the question
01 where lo go; JAIL melte, this Is not
se Important as It Ls,for us to deckle to
go somewhere) and then actually go. Too
many 01 110 wind up by deciding Mal wo
won't go anywhere thls year, but stay at
home and rest there; W.111011 IS the owned
"stet° " enekt Posethle make.
"l'he grand benefit of a vacation,
though perhaps We do not all maize
/111$, Ilea 00/ in the enjoyment we get
out 0011 ut the ne1111001 101 11 the femme
11 OATS 115 kelt 0111 r0110110 WOrk alld
surroundings, and Mal the very Ned
and aided of nem oeed this cleume,
Where we eliall go is net nearly so iin-
portant es that ove signed go etenewhere,
away Mem our familiar, aceustomed
and sureounellugs.
"Many it tired man has said le hen.
self: lids year VII hike n goed
rest in rainfert, et hone!, jliml clo nothing
but rest.' but only to lind himself, vehen
he started work itgain, about as tired tie
when he quit. This beenuee really he
hadn't gut out of the rut at all,
Wog pleasent Io alt around end do
nothing the first day or two, but after
tliat it was the same old story and the
familiar home surroundings, that
through the year he had every day
wished he could see more of, now bo-
gie to be rather too familiar, and he be-
gins te find Iziniself wishing- that lee had
something to do.
"You 50e, it wasn't, rest he needed eo
much as it was a change. 110 Wanted to
let up on the tension, drawing harder
and border OA Ilan 1111'0/401 the your in
the sanee way, all the time. 110 -e•anted
to let up on that, and feel the joy of free-
dom from that strain, and let the web
that he had been drawing on all the year
fill up; and he can't do tuoy of these
things if he stays around home in the
midst of familiar surroundings, for
these alter the first day or Iwo are bound
to keep up their old familiar Impre,ssion.
"No, see What Ile wants to do is to
mit, it. Go somewhere, anywhere, but
go away, do something different; get a
"There's what you want, a change,
and it doesn't make Sueh all everlasting
difference what sort of a change 11 12.
"Friendly and kindly and comfortable
does home look and seem new, when
you hit It again, after what seems a
long, long absence, and glad we are.
once more to settle down in it. And next
day we collar the work with a rush,
"Remember 1 Don't waste your vaca-
tion time hauging round home."
Notable Discovery in Old Copper and
Lead Works.
The remarkable discovery has been
made that some old copper and lead
workings in Argyllshire, Scotland, con-
tain gold.
It is on the Stronachullin estate, Loch
Fyne, of which the proprietor is Mr. R.
Grahatn Campbell of Sierran, that the
ffncl has been made. The estate has an
arm of about, 4,000 acres, consisting of
grouse moor, arable and wooded land,
and es situated a few miles from
The presenee of minerals at this par-
ticular spot has long been known, ancl
the presence of old copper and lead
workings shows that at one time an
attempt was made to put this knowledge
to profitable use, though little was done
beyond proving file existence of various
lodes. 11 12 forty or fifty yeans, how-
ever, since operations weee carried on,
and at that period Lite presence of gold
was unknown.
More recently the workings were ex-
amined, and as it was seen that they
offered More than metal or the baser
sort, a sample of the quartz was taken
end carefully analyzed. le was then
proved Mat gold existed on this part of
the estate, as well as copper and lead.
The quartz so far dealt wilh has been
Mund almost on the surface, and the
analysis has shown teat it contains a
very high value in gold, lout there is
stilt uncertainty, as to hew fae it goes
down, as no sinkings have yet been
made. At present the whole project is in
the preliminary etage, but it is under -
steed arrangements are being made for
amine 0111 with enterable certainty the
extent to whieh geld really exists.
A trial shipment of twenty tons of
quartz was sent to Swansea to thel, the
\mine al the discovery teem a COMIller-
dal point ef view, and the ore met with
it &catty sale.
On sultry days our talk 0,011 choose,
th much the evey we did of old;
The ssme fleece epithets we'll use,
But we'll say "1101" instead 00 0014."
Though birds of these times have no
teeth, pre-historte birds had, The hes-
perorius ragalts, which stood 5 feet high,
had teeth like those of a small alligator,
the lower jaw being specially well tur-
"I have," said the lawyer, as Ile en_
'Weed his condemned client's cell, "good
110228 at thee" "A reprieve?" eagerly
exclaimed the prisoner. "No, not a re-
prieve; but your uncle has left yeu
$Z.500, and pew you ran meet your fate
with the satisfying feeling that the noble
efforts of your lawyer on your behalf
wit not go unrawarded."
A Wee, having long tried In vain to
arrest it Quaker, at last resolved to adopt
the disguLse of ri. Quakee himself, and so
get (Meese La the interior of the house.
Ile knocked acc.ordiegly et the door, in-
quiring 11 15101(1 Aminitiap \Vila at 11001e,
mod if he could see him. The houee-
keeper Poke "Walk in friend, end he
shall 800 them" The bailiff, dellgthed to
have got Ithe mimes, was directed to
welt; hut after waiting an hour he be-
came impatient, rang (he bell, end said
10 the servant, "Time promised me I
should see Friend Aminidab ." "No,
mend," enswered she; "I premised Ile
should see thee. 11c !lath seen thee, but
he doth not like tbee."
6.000 QVIWN,
Menumeni Being Erected in London le
Cost 51,214,000 --Twelve Tears
The slow progress 00 111,) great mentor -
lel to the late Queen Vielornt, which is
to be eroded lie front ef Buckingham
Paiace, London, 1185 been the subject of
pulite: critic:Ism from lime to lime, and 11.
was elated some time ego (hat the King
VMS bitterly disappointed that greater
advancement has not been made,
'elle work has been in hand for six
years, and lending se:Miters who are
familiar Willl the magnitude of the 1111.
dorlahillg, &Clare that it ,rannoL lie
tinieleel before the aultuun of 1013, and
Mat twelve years is net too long for the
completion Or a piece of work of such
An mei magnitude A fun stele/mut of
the work already accomplished was laid
before the King receelly, and after in-
specting models of the W011( 110W in
fiance he centered Wet he was fully sat-
The prod:10110n of the meMorial 15 in
the hands of He Thomas Brock and Sir
Aston Webb, the former, of course, hav-
ing charge of the sculpture and the taller
ol the architecture or the memortal. All
the seulpture is being executed in Mr,
Brock's studio,
The central figure of the memo/eel
will be a gigantic statue of Queen Vic-
toria, 13 feet high, (Messed In her robes
of state, seated amid groups symbolical
of the personal and imperial qualities
whichi made her reign se illusleious. On
her right will be Justice, on her left
Truth, and at her back Motherhood.
On the cornice of the upper pedestal
there will be eagles with ouLstretched
wings, representing Dominion, and on
either side will be figures—Courage
the eight, Constancy to the left, making
aa admirable foil Mr the great figure of
Victory which will else above the whole.
At the base will be four sbipsprows,
lwo bearing trophies of the army and
navy, and two others with fruit and
flowers, emblematical of 'commerce and
prosperity. On either side will be a
great fountain, one representing Empire,
the other Progress, discharging their
waters down steps into a basin 100 feel,
long and twenty-eight feet wide. The
first fountain will be decorated with
naval and military figures. On the other
fountain a triton will recline.
The enclosing wail, eight feet and a
half in height, will bear panels sym-
bolical of the British as the specially
favored sons of the sea. Flanking the
steps will be Hone and figures represent-
ing Peace, Progress, Manufactures and
The memorial will thus contain twelve
great groups or figures and 180 panels.
The pedestal, with its plinth, will be
seventy feet high. The cost has been
fixed at 51,250,000.
It will he seen that this is a gigantic
work for onernan, with three assistants,
to do in twelve yeam. The Albert
Memorial was the Nvorl: of a group of
sculptors., hence its disappointing result.
That Is Why the King resolved from the
beginning that the Victoria Meinorial
should possess the homogeneity laceing
in the Albert Memorial, and it also ex-
plains the SIM grOW(11 01 the AVOrk.
So Mr only two, of the twelve groups
of statuary are completed, one of (hem,
"Motherhood," being now on exhibition
in the Academy. le addition there are
about a dozen of the 180 panels ready,
anti the Mime great gales which enclose
the memorial are also completed.
All the designs have been made, not
only for the statuary, hut also for the
splendid panels which are to surround
Me fountains, se that If areebing were
to happen to Mr. Brock, the memorial
would still be carried out according to
his original design.
Sir Astote Weble is also near the con-
clusion of his architectural work, so teat
all that will be lacking to complete the
memorial will be the statuary work.
If, is peobable that the magnIfleent
bronze temps that N•le. Brock has de-
signed for the Precessimial road will be
erected 80010 time before- the completion
o1 the statuary. The whole work, in
addition to being a memorial Of the
greatness of Queen Victoria's reign, will
he the finest modett week of art in the
13rilish Enapire.
The whole woad has been ransacked
for perfect blocks or marble, of which
350 tons were needed. At one time it was
leaped to find a fifty -ton block of flciev-
lees Carrara marble for the statue of
-Queen Victoria, but elm iropoesibillty of
getting a block of slide magnitude with-
out a flaw, hes led Mr. 13tme1c to deter-
mine to Out the statue from smaller
People usually have the blues atter
skimming the milk oe human kindness.
One thing that makes a man admire
a women is his Inabllityito vas what
she will do next.
Under the will of Dr. T. 2. 130011011,
Rath Royal United Hospital beneflis to
the extent of £20,000—nearly his whole
dld you
Tammy 1
"Tommy I How cruel 1 why
cut that poor W00111 in two?"
"Ile seemed so lonely."
Counsel ; "Come, sir, do you mean to
tell me you delne see the complainant's
pigs on ihe lend ? How near ebould
you be to te beast to recognize it?" Wit-
ness: "About the distance I am Mole
you." ,
A man dropped his wig in the street,
and n boy who was MIlowing erese be-
hind him picked it up and handed it,
1 1 hitn. "Thank you, my boy,' said the
owner of the wig; "you are the first
genuine hair restorer eve ever seen."
Problem Solved In Vartous Ways Ijs
Various Lands..
m101)(31%115 111
111:11. ().141intreeltiob
n. ve,rritfletrmiritessu0tIo
SOIVe by describing the cuelmns of Var.
10118 CO11101.408, A grumpy old meal oill-
cer is quoted as saying : "I peer to eat
mine in a bathtub,' ilte undoubtedly in-
dicated the difilcully which restrains
ninny persons from attacking the lus-
cious [run in nubile.
The Italian takes his orange in (he
most matter of ftiet way at any (moon -
0111y. him it is a fruit, not a. prob-
lem. 110 is nol the victim of soll.con-
seiousness, and dripping nngers or lips
or even a golden stain 011 his 81111'1 13050111
dee.% 2101. eillball'asS 111111. SO Ile simply
tweaks the skin, peels back an area 01 1/
alld biles 1010 1110 L101140115 pulp with
Siolplo 8111eVilly. Mil lie does 11(11 SW111.
IOW 1110 110$11 of the orange; 010,1' 1110
juice. No consideration of table nem -
nem oveuld Induce lihn to tax his sto-
mach with the fibre Mitte he had pressed
otit the eweethess between les teeth.
The trope/el countries of Spenish
America are eredited with to mennee all
Meth own of solving the orange propose
thee 'neer frail is of the thheskiened,
loosely* fell/ming speclee. An equatorial
circle is drawn about the yellow globe
with a deftness of Man that avoids all
the fruity parts. The skin is then turned
back toward the polar regions in the
form of on inverted cup. Then the
orange is out through. Each half stays
balanced on the top of skin by which the
operator holds it as he bites nway the
loosely clinging segments one by on-e—
first having removed the seeds with Ms
silver knife.
In North Amerlica, the German author-
ity says, the majority of p,rople simply
cut, the orange amiciehips ' with a knife
specially prepared with a saw edge."
Next a layer of sugar is plastered over it,
'ellen the pulp and juice are dug ont of
the peel, section by section, with silver
or gold spoons specially fabricated for
the purpose and known 08 orange
'l'Im United Steles is further credited
with a way of dealing Avila the orange
in combination, 1210011 atones for the
wickedness of eating it with sugar. This
dish is prepared by sktnning the orange
thoroueiniee every Parliele of the white
lining of the skin being removed. Then
it is cut up and mixed with slices of
banana and sometimes sleeps of sweet
apples. Sugar may he used on this, and
the dish is mid on ice until. it is very
coke It may be flavored with a glass of
sherry or a little rum or with a dash of
maraschino. The fragrance and taste or
these mingled fruits are a joy to the soul
in summer.
In Germany the orange is usually
placed en the table whole. No man is
ever known to tackle one, but some wo-
manwill often take pity on her side
partner, extricaM the fruit from th,e
skin and share It with him.
The German way is to pass the fruit
knife around lhe orange from one pole
to near the other several times, dividing
tho skiu ,loto eight or tete sections.
These are then stripped back like the
petals ot a flower and the natural sec-
tions ot the orange are freed from each
other and spread out in the hollow of the
skin, They cat then be detached
out a struggle and eaten without the
shedeing of a drop of juice,
In. England only the juice is used In
petite society. The orange is cut in two
and the attack is made on it with- a
le.ttt hasitte110ase, cs0p0e00111103,1 ioar a Iliang e aeoant:
sun-Teo:a of orangeade. This is made by
squeezing the juice from the orange with
O little 0(' 1110 aromatic essence from the
peel, This is mixed with water, cooled
and sweetened, and Is said to be quite as
and far inpaetztmioutileaarliyttetruelustlitiaend
perm*. Wiliam II. is
said to drink .0. goblet of pure juice of
sweet oranges every night before going
to bed, especially when he is on his
Said ie Have Eaten 10,000- Horses Last
Year Because Beet is Dear.
The consumption of horse meat for
food hes greatly increased in France
since the present inc•rease in the price
ot foodstuffs set in. A. Parisian news-
paper says that put ef 23,037 horses
sold at the market on the Boulevard de
IfIespital, Paris, in 1000, 22,702,
alout 80 per cent., went direct to ihe
Vaugirard abattoir, not to speak of
hundreds of homes that were taken
there dtrectly.
11 Is estimated Mat lost year Paris
ele alMgethee 40,600 leorses or more
than 22,0e0,000 pounds of horseflesh. in
4800 the consumption was less than
10,000,000 pounds.
Bmides the low price there has been
a demand for lierse meat because Itis
supposed to be wholesonie in cases of
tuberculosis tendency, Many people re-
gard 11 as 10 general Inere healthful
than beef. Its alimentary value is re -
lorded as muclt lower than. that of beef,
und 11 is said 1.0 bo much more liable
to produce 'toxic effects If the animal
was net In prinoe conditton when
slaeightered or if the meat has been
Rept long.
"Going out of towti this summer?"
"No; but, I'll have my regular relaxa.
'What's that?"
"Planning to go next summer."
Ile—Then It is settled that we are to
elope at midnight?
lie—And you are sure you can get
ycur trunk packed in time?
She—Ohl yes. Papa and mainma
have both promised to help me. ,
"He offered mo 101 hand and 101100e:4
"Did you accept?" "No; the one was
too big and the other too small."
When te Woman Is unable to get,
what she wants she tries to conYlnde
herself that it Wasn't sverth having
18 Tommy Atkins Cheap at Twelve
Dollars Per Week 0- Ile Is
Well Treated,
Our "little British Army" 00815 12 great
deal mow, men foe mute than 1.110
legions of France, Germany or Bussia,
says all R1401811 131140r. LOok at, 111e5e
111/111118, 241111011 MO gWiet on the authority
of Mr, itatdaue, out* present Secretary of
Men in lime Annual
of peace. Cost,
United leingdome e '106,000 X25,301,000
France (102,042 32,170,098
(Immune, 014,258 30,770-882
Russia. ..... ...„ 1,225,000 39,87801
GETS inirrim 10001).
Now, it we AVOrh 0111 01080 huge quee-
littee of men and millions, we shall lind
that the British Army Is; more 1111111 !wive
its cosily, size foe /doe as Mel of France
or Germany, and abou1 four times us ex-
pensive as that of Ruesia. Whol is Ma
meaning of it? Practically, the whole
and sole expense. The explanation ie
this—thal, OW' own lemuny Atkins is a
great deal !letter treated than twe the
fighting rnen of the principal European
nations. Ile is given better feed and
more of ; as a rule, better homing, and
certeinly, more money. The tinily pity of
Private Atkins is not, munificent, per-
haps—in fact, We are male sure that ho
could spend a Mlle more without get-
ting fat or lazy—but even leis timpence
oe elevenpence a day Is absolute ittifury
compared wile tht farcloal wage meted
ouL le the rank and Me of many of the
Coutinental armies.
In Russia, especially, military glory is
supposed to compensate a men for the
alosenee of pocket money, foe the pay of
many a private soldier in Mc legions of
the Tsar Is a miserable hatepeeny or
peony per day I Scarcely less penurious
is the wage 01 1110 Italian "Tommy," fond,
indeed, the "peace" army of linly,
though considerably lamer than ours, is
maintained at halt the cost. The Turkish
soldier is perhaps, the worst ort of all,
tor not only is his "pay" ridiculously low,
hut for most of the Bine it is months
and months in aerate. Yet thie has
never demped tbe ardor el the doughty
Metelem, who swings into action with
smiting, oyes and a song upon Ms lips,
every inch a "Ilmeclass fIghthig man,"
AllelY OF 5,000,000,
The "peace armies" mentioned above
du not represent *needling like the full
military resoutees of the leading powers.
Russia., in time of war, is supposed to
be able to mobileze five znitlOns of men,
though it is doubtful whether mere Man
half that number could be raised at the
present time. Clermany, if war broke
out, could call five millions to its stan-
dard, France nearly four ancl a half mil-
lions, Hedy three millions, and Austria
aiout two and a half million"; ; while
even Turkey hos a nominal war strength
of a millien and a hall.
There is one nation, and only. 000,
0•111ea spends proportionately more upon
its army than Greet Brilain—nameiy, the
United States of America, where to steed -
Mg army, numbeeing no more. than 07,-
000 men, entails an ennual expenditure
of eighteen millions sterling. America,
like all the more civilized nations, be-
lieves in reduced armaineols, and looks
hopefully forward to 1110 era of univer-
sat peace; and it nuty safely be es.
sumed that in 1110 forthcoming peace
congress at The Hague all her endeavors
will be used on behalf of the reduetion
of the huge war organizetions now
maintained be all lite eivilieed poovem.
13u1 if peace brings happiness, what an
earthly paradise should he Me negro
Republic of Liberia, whieh alone among
the nations of the world maintains no
army whatever.
Lady Bropme's Description of Seine of
their Tricks.
The monkey bears lite same reputation
the world over • he is keen for mischief,
bid wary of delection. The same traits
are exhibited irt Indla and in Arrive,
What Lady Broome has to report. from
Mauritius is in keeping with what other
writers have told el Monkeys in Algeria.
Her ladyship, 110WeVea, has observed
scane Watts of monkey character which
have escaped the professed mem/dist.
Sho noticed that these erratures chose
Sunday for the time of raiding the sugar-
cane fields because on Mo1 day all the
11 tram
stealthy appearance of the old sentinel
scramble tumultuously up the bank,
monkeys, who nest peered cautiously up,
signal for the rest of the colony to
wourindseedvaisa shlalellitityasedligshl
the window or an upper bedeoem
and' who evidently reconnoitered the
ground thoronghly. After n few 1110 -
Such games as then started among Me
young ones, such antics and tumblings
a cordon rouna the gamboling young
Ptliniegs(11me the sentinels never re -
vigilance. They spread like
keit turning their horribly
wise humanelobleing heads Mom side to
side inceesantly, only picking and chew-
ing a blade of grass now and them The
mothers seemed to keep togellme, and
doubtless gossiped I but let my old eed
perfectly harmless Sive terrier toddle
zonal the center of the veranda, arel
each female would dart bete the group of
playing Monkeys, seize her property by
lisanc111°qauresiclttelreg, thbpansstifiLeoevyere heeere18d110ftgidiee2W,
she would lefteee eliseppeareet down the
ravine. The sentinela had uttei•ed their
warning cry direetly, but they always
remained until the very last, and retreat-
ot 121 good AoRdEosrdcori.N
"Didn't the girl say
.1 eme,
"You settled depressed."
"No{ she eald
The Many Superstitions of Viabormen
and Others \Vim Llve
Among the 1:11;g11.sflioNehr;en sea folklore
1.cliicL1j1j5)4111ullellYsi(sItc:tr1I21'newsnillis111)nssil111.11.1:ivnitilliveeta.f Itoving ,al
sAplelin)dugniollgy4 gas'sl:Uullostoui.11,4)01'81;' ‘1,11•1?; nornielny
'Inc txunpanion, cm the era, anti Ihe
menus by which they men a livelihood
aro 11004 as 011111111? /IS 111e3' wero
leareti,gni.1.1,1uarl;anlagaton, (11111'2*, lic1),)17‘o \o,^i att.:led gilt:gaols
changes, 11, le always their friend and
enemy. So their Mitchel: 'clings to there
in spite of the feel lhal. even leugehare
efe Is not quite the sante its it Wes In the
day8 of beach commute/6* and "free trod -
Longshoremen. as ferule, are fatalists,
says the 1,0111100 Globe, and although
nine out of len of them elle in Mole becle
ashore, there is a general belief among
them that 111010 who are fated to be
drowned have a 'emoting of their fate
and recognize ile inevitableness. S011ie
or them are said lo be "called" by the
sea ; a collate tulle In 11,e meaning has a
speelat significance lo them, and when
they hear it. a change comes over them,
some becoming ellent and sorrowful,
while others turn to dissipation and
There Is, however, another "calling of
Ilia see," that toe a different signifi-
cance, for 11, is heard far inland and ie
said to 'melee a change in the wind and
the direction from which it will blow.
This is what Edward FitzGerald, wbo
loved the sea and the ways of the men
of Me sea, -described as "a kind of pro-
plielle voice from the body of the sea
itself announcing great gales"; and Ten-
nyson. refers to 11 where he writes
"Thete came so loud a calling of the
That all the houses in the leaven
When the longehorenum sees "water
dogs," that is, smell dark clouds in the
sky, 110 'MOWS that, W01.. Wee Ilife IS Corn.
ing, and when be speaks of "Wilmot
weather" he means the boisterous kind
or weather generally experienced at the
beginning of March, about, the time of
the annivensary of the Batiste saint Win-
Whatever the weather may be, the 601-
eiency of a caul is not yet disputed by
ninny crab catchers, shrimpers and sprat,
fIshens, but many years of lifeboat \eerie
have disabused the longshoreman's
mixol or the belief that it is unluelty to
save a num from drowning, Good luck,
however, attaches to (he //lighting of a
tired "herring epink" or gold crested
15051) 011 a fishing boat at sea, just es Ill -
luck is foretold should the bird lio a
On different parts of the cease too, the
fishermen have different, mascots, gen-
that is rarely met with, and when caught
is dried end hong over the stern of tho
heel. Gloat good luck also atiache,s to
Me catching or a eitirtg" herring, wily
recognized by its bright red fins. When
a "king" is caught it. Is, or was until
recently, the 'custom to return 31 alive to
the 541 11 but not until 111180 bon passed
amend Itte scudding pole toe many Mlles
as the fishermeo desire to get lases or
herring dr their next haul.
'elle ghosts ot seamen who have been
110111:' the coast for leek of help
are raid to be heard shrieking on stormy
uighls. At Sheringliane 011 the Nerfolk
coast, the boo/mien have a nente ot
their own for suc11 woeful spires; they
call them the "Yew Yews." Soinelinecee
necording to the Sheringiutm Crabbers,
the Tow 'Tows walk the hen,ei:dait)etio(i)gril:mt,
leaving no footprint on the sends.
To the same neigeherlix
that fearsome canine apparition black
Shuck. to encounter which means that
you will ditl within l20301030 mouths ano
at (trainer, on wild winter nights, the
hells of the vanished village of Shipden
aro Ski id to be heard beneath 1110 5481
"BeIIsBeioisf 0,Sfletiptdend bens at Shipden
Pealing dow0ligtiut,'ad°i-leatii anges,
Pealing high end low ;
When on earl!' ye fleeted tipwatel,
a taonwgs blenllicsesoeini a van is h
AL the suurise glow."
In numy pates of the eounlry the old
custom of "bunting the wren" wee in
practice until a 1031(1111 (1(110' Go 51. Ste-
phen's day the boys would go out end
held about 111to bushm 1111111 they found a
ween, which when killed was suspended
111 a gruland or (en a massive pole and
'carried through the village, contrtputions
being solicited at, every house enel a fea-
ther of the bird given in return, Stich
feathers wove enuch 111 demend among
the fishermen, for they were believed to
he a sure saregenrd emotes! shipwreck.
Another belief, 01111 current Mong shore,
is that a dead kingeshete If suspended by
a place of string, will point its bilt in the
demotion from which the wind blows,
Of plant lore the henchman knows
little, probably because the yeast, flora is
(manly compaeed with that of the woods,
fields, and meadowe; but almost every-
where it is believed that certain seaside,
plants have speung up from foreign
steeds washed ashoze from wrecked ves-
Though Presbyterianism cannot be
Meld to be strong In London, it, te news to
some to hear that, there tire '72 eongve-
gations theee.
Adentral Sir George- Granville 'Men-
dell*, died on elm i81,11 itIl. al, Ms resi-
dence at Brighton, aged 80. Deceased
'served In the Crimea.
The new tribune strainer VIelorle
creeeed from Dover to Calais eel Ma
11th Ina, in 40 minutes. The prevent/
record Was 50 intrados by tho inviele.
Dr. Preston King, 4 Balb (Illy Coun-
cillor, describes the mineral waters aa
the city's 'Staple industry. The Importa
era cripples; the exporte healthy,