HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-27, Page 1ts 41k .44 • Vol, 88. No, 01 E3RUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE27, 1907 New Advertiaernents, Local -Dr. Graham, Cet Glass -Jae. Paris Greee-la, Dominion Day Celebration Day No holidays -Central Fall Term-Wingliatu . ------" . Other sP0r1a tire being arranged. Res fresinnts enand supper will be aervea on the grounds, Speeial treat from Wingham, A good time is promised and the committee is .working hard to make this social a record breaker, Keep the tante in mind, Mrs, James Orr, of LOndon, n form- er resident ot the Village, le spending a week withater ninny old friend% Mts. W. C. Currie and lad. and Mn,, Barnard attended the exclusion to Detroit taunt Goderieli last week, , Frank Sanderson, of Wallaceberg. Visited, hie parents, John and ldrs, Sanderson,' for a low days last week We regret to learn that miss Mar. Prot Brown is not recovering AS rapidly as her many friends would illie 10 eee• A Garden Party, under the Auspices of the Bluevale choir, was held at the home of lobo Mc:Naughton, Turn- berry, on Tuesday, B, and Mrs, Suider, who visited the , .. , , c? e o i ao outer s uncle, no. re tatter, w a i on their wed ing tvip returned to , their home in Berlin on Friday, Mrs, Pio. Slemannes farin lea Spring end moveia from the village to JL a lie was an latineat, induatrious man wha, enjoyed the esteem of the ooterntinity, Wbere be melded for a good many yeere, , !Me incubator business is all right when properly attended to. Chas Baleen, eth eon. had 82 chielts out of 105 eggs on the first ttial this season and 84 from 1 13 egge this week. Mr. Rozell has the agency for the ineubat- Or. The Corinth decided last Monday that this year all taxee not paid by the g r eveuinof Decembe14.th will Wive 5% added. ninety notice hi thus given so that no one can plead ignor- twee. A large proportion pay before the .75th now but otbers are oftwa away behind, s , • , (-el 10 ScOaLv.-A very pretty wed-' Ing was solemnized on WednesdaY, June 260, at "Maple Grove" Farm th h f Ed al a m a ' e ome o war an rs. ryans, when their second. daugbter, Miss Arinie, WEIS Imited in the holy bonds 08 matrimony to Robert McAllister, son of John McAllister, a welt known resident of Grey, At IR o'clock noon Mwiesdadaionaglamrayracuisl Rpoltaiyette Hborlilidettuigrpi 1110! 05 1011 marcbed into the parlor, the bride leaniug on the arm of her father, who gave her away. d'hey took their Maces under El very pretty arch de aerated with myrtle leaves suspending cid' b )1 d li • a we ing e , an t e ceremony Was perf rrned by Rev. E. F. Armstrong la' , aj,, of Ethel, l'he bride looked charming in a beautitul gown of white ore die trimmed wt111 valemmieue lac:aand carried a boquet of white roses maiden bair fe ana L'l of the ' I ' ' erny Val ma Slle was attended by Miss Mary McAllister aister of the aia, whila la is' ..fil Bryaus, , -* ar'.d W. ' brether to the ri e. supported the , groom. The bridesmaid looked well in a pretty gown of pale pink mull , trimmed With laee and carried a boquet of pink roses, maiden bait ferns and forget-me-nots. Miss Edith Ames and Master Lyle McAllister acted as dof mai honor and page very neatly, Miss Edith wearing a prettydress of • - .white wilt. The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls ; to the bridesmaid ft crescent of pearls ; • - • . and to the mead of honor an initial bracelet. Quite a pleasing part of the ceremony was a solo "The voice that - breathed o'er Edea" rendered in good by Miss fennie McArter, of the 4 train from Wroxeter oti a trip to Toronto, Niagara and other poiuts carrying witla them the good wishes of many friends. That their joys be many and their troubles few is the wish of Ter Posr. - --a-- --- 11110erlo4. The countr looks fine . , V Council met last Monday. . , Fall wheat wilt be a good. crop. Additional Morris news may be read onMpage 4 of this issue. iss Lena Wheeler, 4th line, is in Brussels for a few days. Roadwork bas been cu. the program. Some of tbe so called gravel would be better designated 'leaned rocks. A fine time WAS enjoyed at the picsnic in Chas. Wheeler's grove 1 S tu d f I ast a r ay a ternoon. t was a delightful day. a few from this township witnessed the hustling foot ball match in Brussels Tuesday evening between Walkerton and Brussels, They were lively teams and the better one won. Annie, the 6 year old daughter of R. B. Alcock, 6th line, had a close call from drowning Iast Tuesday. While returning front school a number of the children were having a paddle in the • river. p Annie was awept off her feet by the current and might have fared badly had not Hazel Nichol, a to year old compahion, pluckily come to • the rescue.; No bad results have oc- cured we are pleased to state. MATRIMONIAL. - Winnipeg Town Topics supplies us with the following • interesting society note :-A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, June 12th at 3 p. M. at 276 Burrows avenue, tbe home of A. la, and Mrs. McAllister, when their eldest daughter Miss Ida Grace was . united in matrimony to R. A McRuer, by Rev. C. Mackinnon of Westminster church. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Dora, while the groom was supported by J. E. Tullock, of Brandon. Ralph Thompson presided at the piano. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome sunburst of pearls; to the bridesmaid a pearl .res cent ; and to the groomsman a pearl start pin. Among the numerous presents were noticed au elegant mit glass berry bowl from the members of the firm of J. J. Whitla & Co., Ltd., also a beautiful five piece silver tea service from the staff of the Same firrn where Miss McAllister has been stenographer. The happy couple left ou the 5.20 Great Northern flyer for Minneapolis and St. Paul and on re - turning will reside in St. Boniface where Mr. Mc Ruer is proprietor 01 a thriving drug besiness, Ourr,-Tbe death on Ttiesday of last week, of Thomas S. Cruickshank in his litst year, severs another of the links connecting the pioneer days of this section talth the present. De ceased was born at Elton, Aberdeen - shire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1855, settling first to Mem- helm. In Febrilary, m856, he moved up to this section lane settled on the fast line of Morris, remaining a 1051 dent; of tlais township up to about eight years ago witch he Moved to Wingbana During his 52 years 05 a resident of this section Me. Cruick- stink seen many °heaps. When he located bare this aection was a wilder - cess and lie lived to see thriving towns and villages. He was a man held in high esteem by a large thole of•friends and old neighbors. In 1860 he was married in Morris to Ellen Mayberry. who is left to mourn his death , toh a gether witfamily or five ennt n.1,4 Pro'', Ani16•111,,PC l'iv ....JAW.. --,-,-- Fon. R. Smith, -W. A. Crewel,. -j. W. Kerney. Bus. College, Bus, College Carat tr. Hail fen In some setions of Grey last S11.11, dal' 13,103.t. .. - 001 102 7 Ire,5n 11nle for srde rit la, aala ,, ;a theft a 10t. 26, COIL 4 Grey, Crops are making great headway uo.aas thanks to sunshine and showers. MI a Bella Armstrong was visiting her coesain, Miss Barbara Dawson. of Auburn, last week. , Milton Engel, of Paw Paw, Mien ,. is here on a visit with his grandparents Chas, and Mrs. Bezel!, qth con. Four pupils of Moncrieff Public school are writing on ' the Entrance Exam. at Brussels this week and we hope to record their success. A pic-nle will be held in A. Bithop's grove, 8th cnn., oe Friday', 28th that, under the auspices 01 1) S. No, 3 and Sabbath School, Good program of fun. While assistling at a raising at Jas. ta saenman's, Lot 33, Con. 12, Alfred Lambe got quite a shake up in jump- Mg off the granary to the ground a distance of 25 feet. Cement stabling has been built at Richard Cardiff's feria, 03112 con., upon which he will place his barn, It will mean much both as to couven- ience and comfort, Dr. W. E. Bryane, of the Western Hospital staff, Toronto, was home for a few days this week attending the marriage of bis sister to R. McAllister. Dr, Bryans is doing well, The funeral of Miss Catharane Mc Neil, 1 4th.con,, lest Friday af ternoon, wag largely attended. Rev. D. B. .talc- Rae, deceased's pastor conducted ser- • t th h d ' vice a e ome an cemetery. een oil t1P New wire fences have b t across tbe fronts of the farms of Andrew Hislop, Edward Armstrong Wm Blal th d th . a e, 13 an 14 conS, much improving the appearance. ex a a ev. r. rmsttong N t S bb th R M A • will preach the concluding discourses IS su ce u butshort ofh c ssfipastorateat Roe's and Union cburthes. Rev. Mr. •,./ enderson, his successor, will be here for the following Sabbatb. S. S. No. No. a (Fulton:a), 16th . of S. a will picnic in Laucblin MeNeil s rove on g Jame 28th, Everybody web- come Ladies of the section will • supply edibles. A refreshment stand will also be on the ground. T e 14113 con is being . h . greatly 102 - proved by taking 001 12 lot of the logs constituting the old corduroy road and levelling up the King's highway. Al- cock Bros. had the job and did it well. A good coat of gravel should complete the work ' nvisiting CARD OF '...HANKS.- We wish to sin - eerely thank tbe many friends who were so kind and generous, with their of - • words sympathy and their many helpful acts in connection with the ,nschool i uess and demise of our daughter Tillie. There are some thiugs we will never forget and the thoughtftilness aQuite ankindness ofso many will bo long u treastred. Yours gratefully, TEASDALE AND MRS. WHITFIELD. - SERVICE. -Last Sabbath il h afternoon a memoraservicehaving reference to the deeply regretted de- mise of Miss Tillie Whitfield WAS held 0 in Union church with a tar e cong - t* on t. Rev Eg F. Arr ga 1 preseu . tn- strong, B, D., preached a most ap- propriate discourse from Jer. 3x aud 3, 'I bave loved thee with an ever- laeting Mae &c," Mnsic in keen. ,,,,,, - r` ' . • r '" th thIt vn 000055200 was SUDDDad bv he . - • • • • - choir and quartee. Miss fflte was a ttT beloved member of h • t 0 choir Prom $300 to $500 will be granted bythe townshi council for a contract P to topen sidemad to the proposed new o be let Monday, July 8th at 3 p. na, C.P.R. station near Moncrieff, between the roth and Itith const The roadway is chopped but will have to be logged, stumped, graded and gravelled to put it in shape for use. Station is not aunt yet but the yard is fenced, lot relining to this sideroad. McKillop council will begin preparations open- iug up a roadway also from the South. It is expected that a regular train ortl 110W as service will be put On 512 V the line to Blyth is about ready. DAVID GRANT, ST. MARYS, DECEAS. eta -Thursday of last week at 3.30 o'clock, David Grant, eldest son of David Grant, 14111 con,, Greva died at his home, St. Marys, aged 52 years, from a stroke of apoplexy. Two years ago deceased went to Toronto to con- sett a specialist as to a stomach ail- ment. On the 110020 trip he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis which bother- ed him for a month. Occasioually since he had similar attacks, one com- iug Sunday night of last week which rendered him unconscious and termin- ating fatally. Mr. Grant was a former resident of Grey, Brussela and Seaforth and bad been re years with . the Max- welt Implement Manufactory, of St Marys, where he was foreman of the blacksmith's depattment He was an industrious man, enjoying the esteem of many. A wife (who was Miss Bar- bare Houston, of Tuckersmith, and a sister to James Houston, of Grey town- slap) two daughtels and a WM survive. The funeral took place Saturday after- noon, A short service was held at the home and a public service in the Eng- lisp church of which deceased was a worthy member. Councillor John Grant, Tames Grant and Miss Maggie Grant and Jas, Houston attended the funeral front here, The subject of this notice belonged to the Odd a'ellows' Lodge et Brussels and the Canadian Order of Foresters at St. Marys. The latter took part in the burial service, Mrs. Grant And children will be sym- pathiecd with in their bereavemett of .. 1.1.il 1,440,..tel ',evil 1..4.11.-mnf. PattlIar Olatrattaxia CLINTON Yana Tan BONnS.--Morl- day Canton agairi voted to guarantee the bonds of the Clinton Thresher Co, Itis dis- who sofferecl so severely in th estrous lire on May 130, By a vote of 400 to 5 the town will guarantee bonds to the amount of $20,000, re payable in twenty annual paymenta, Tile company. is planing for larger and better build g to be neat aa with the most tnionde% equiplt, ' 19 istriat iattiss ....., . /Law °oat, Atwood EpWerth Le 10 will monster Garden Party on Friday ing June atith on the Methodist parson- age grounds, Band music will furnished throughout the eveuing, bold a even- be repay- voted good was By- o'clock lot of factory the in G. A. 'ea e inbeen a from even- will be • avian e tato vitae . Mrs, John Montgomery is visiting friends here this week. D. C. Strachan attended the Model Parm excursion to Guelph on Thurs. day. • The public schools close ou Friday of this week, to re open on August. teth. . Mies Kate Robertson who is home from the West, is visiting friends here this week. Miss Myrtle Wilson, of Brussels, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Duncan McDonald. Miss L. 0, Strachan, accompanied by her brother, a. T., will spend the 1st of July, with relatives at Pine River, whore a large 1)10 1110 win be held on the lake shore. klaell. The geueral stores at Ethel will be closed cat July Ist. THE Post gives the nelms, 50 cents gots It to January sat tea. Brnsaels will see a good many from this.locality on Dominion Day. A number went to Guelph on Thurs. day on the excursion to the Model Farm. Towuship Council met here last Monday and put through a large amount of business. On Wednesday tath inst, Edward McAllum was married to a Graven- Burst young lady. We wall them many joys. Twelve pupils from Ethel public school are writing at the Entrauce Examination at Brussels thia week. We wish them success, Monday evenine Rev E G Powell. - - a ' '• of Brussels, gave an interesting and instructive illustrated Lecture in the Methodist. church here. The Townsbip bank account has ebanged_back to the Standard Brussels owing to the Bank of Hamil- ton branch here closing. up. Ethel Foot ball team is in good fettle and will be able to give neighboring , t kickers a good jostle if they want i . Playing is done in Chris. Eckinier's field. A fine well has 'been completed at Townsbip Clerk McIntosh's water being strum at 97 eet. ac. was determined to secure aqua pure if lie had to go through to China for it. Aaron Cober of North Dakota, was , a visitor in the village during the past - . , . . week, ale noten many cnanges since • be was resident here. We are glad to hear he is doing . well and wish hint • d continue succese. Rev. Jno. Header on who comes as , 3,V1 the new Methodisgt 'minister all reach his first sermon a week from preach 11113' 7th. He 15a good , / • ' • •, ' preac ler. His last appointment was at Brigden, Lambtou Co. Tuesday July Mh is the date of tbe I 't th won ien s esti ute meeting In e Township Hall here. Afternoon and eveniug sessions, Musical program in the evening in addition to two address- es by the ladies of the delegation. The pastor will lecture in the Meth°. • - dist church next Tuesday evening iely . . Etni on "'rim 02211181131 of music." Next Sunday evening the subject will be '"rhings that abide" This will be his concluding service before fernoving' to Charing Cross,MEMORIAL A letterH Man., in renewing for THE POST says: -It seems we caunot get along without Tire POST, it is as good asaa letter each week. We had a late cold Spring. / d rn first wheat on May 1st but sowe . y .. . . v • ' everything la looking lovely now. • Mrs. Henry is home 'from a visit of two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Hanley at St, Louts, Michigan. The latter has been in poor health for the past two years 021112 cancer. Hopes are entertained for her recovery however, Miss Henry, a cousin, of Denegal, assisted Miss Luella while Mrs. Henry was absent. Theta -Burton P, Hubert, of St. Thomas, died Monday of last week,of 6 ears He had been asthma, a . Y, in ill health for over 16 years and bas been incapacitated from work. His ivife, who is a sister to Mrs. Henry, of Ethel, two sons and two daughters survive. Paulette took place on Thurs- data. The Presbyterian Sunday School ill hold their annual pic-nic There- day, July 4th. in Mr. Jackson's grove. Tea will be served from 5 to 7 p. m. Refreshments will be provided -on the grounds, Everybody come. A good afternoon of fun for old and young will be provided ". UNDERTAKING. -Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No, Is 28a and a call will have our iI22- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable mid satisfaction always as- sured. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fol which we bold diplomas, LEATEERDALE & SON,' The Bank of Hamilton have decided to close up the Ethel Breach of their business, this week concluding it While sorry to lose the Bank we realize that the expense is too great to 0119001 thein to continne for the busi- 121,55 to be clone here even if it is good Mr. McKay and assistant were most courteous in . dealing. with the public and made many fliends, PASSED AwAY.-Last Sunday mord- Ing John McAllen:1 passed over to the great majority, after a compare- lively brief illness, aged 51 years, The funeral took place Monday after- . noon to Brussela cemetery and was " largely attended. Rev. E. F. Arm- strong and Ethel Lodge of C. 0. Fa, of whom deceased was a faithful mein- ber, conducted the service, Mr. Mo. 4liurn is survived by Ilia wife and 8 children who will be sincerely sympa- thized With. All the family was home h. e to the funerel, Zecrriviata from a 1..........,1 1E31w 11,15. CLOSE BUT NOT NeAlt ENOUGH.- The By-law to loan Elam Living- sten 1120 00101 of $3,000, to be able iu 35 years, to aid in the erection of a factory and dry kiln to manufac- ture haudles, hoops. etc„ was upon here on Tuesday, While a vote was polled the requisite number to legally put the 13y -law in force not given, lacking to, hence the law fails, The resuli at 5 stood 1 -For the By -Law 135 Against the By -Law 37 Mr. Livingstoo has papal orit a money in connection with his here and we are not sure that property owners did the wise thing refusing the loan. (ra nbrook. Miss Ida Dining is visiting in Port alarm Oen, Huether spent a few days at Millbank last week. 7 . . Na, e will be m to see you at Brussels 012 Dettliniell Day, . : Mrs. A. Baker, of Hensel', spent Sunday in the village. Miss al rtle and Rob McDonald - a spent Suuday at.Blyth.and . , krnier of Toronto ana George Ec , ' Joe Pearson, of Ethel, spent Sunday here. . Miss Steele bas returned after anvoice extended visit in . St. Thomas and othet points. A Reymann goes to London on Fri- day for a holiday accompanied by Karl Reymann and Mamie Cameron. Miss Maude Menzies, of Burks Falls, is spending a few weeks with her eousius, the Misses Menzits. The views shown last Friday evening at the Methodist church by Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, were very fine. Powell P. C. end Mrs. Duncan and daugh- ter left for their hotue at Estevan, Manitoba, on Tuesday. Mrs, Dun- can. is a daughter of L. and Mrs. Mc- Neil, and their, stay here was pro- longed by the illness and death of Miss Catharine McNeil. eveuing of this week a Friday• Garden Party will be held on the lawn of the Methodist church. A good pro. grain will 1)0 given consisting of vocal d instrumental music &c They an • • • a lways bave a good ont 'time at this h ' a • • annual gatering so miss it. Illeigrave. A grand social will be held at Nicholson's on July 4th, the proceeds to go to the Wingharn hospital. committees have been successful securing some popular speakers, quartette froin Winghatu and one Brussels and other music for the ing, A game bf base ball played between 131yth aud Wingham which proinises to be good. Wingharn Citizens Baud will be in attendance during the afternoon and evening. • • Dominion D a y Program -AT- Grewar , s Best... -. ...... bulk Sat- I -Pure Ice Cream 2 -Naval Oranges, 3 -Bananas --Ripe 4-Coufectionery-Newest Paler 2 -Cool Drinks 2-Choioe Cigars 3 -Courteous 4 -Cleanliness Ingersoll Cream Call at Grewar's God Bless oar Paler I from A a Cream.... the choicest. and Lena:ids and II- with all Flavors ...a . Attention 12121212 00 . Cheese in las a- ox e tear s Miss Tina Rae is a visitor in Toronto this week, Harry Brawn spent several days of this week in Torouto. Miss E. Henry left for her home in Whitechurch this week. . Mrs. W. Howson, of Wingbant, spent Tuesday in the village. R. and Mrs. Mutcb and family re- turned to the village last week. Dr. W, Smale, of Chicago, • is the guest of his rnother, Mrs. S. . Samba. Mrs. G. Barton, of Belmore, spent a few days with Mrs, W. Wilson recent- by . A. W. Robinson, of Regina, is spending a few holidays at his home bore. Miss Grace Gatnmage, of Chatham, Mr .aged is visiting her , s 3, H. Oster -7 bout, Charles Stewart of Woodbridge, spent several days of last week in the village. A load from here attended tbe Con. servative Convention in Brussels last Friday. . Mrs. John Hamilton and Miss Eleanor are visitine with friends in Woodstock .. . Miss Effie Carr has 'returned from Torouto wbere she has been pursuing her musical studies. Miss May Petrie went to Toronto last tveekwhere she intended trying a musical, examination Reeve Harris and Miss Edith aIarris went to Toronto last Week where the latter will remain for some time. Mrs. IVIaboocl and children left on Tuesday for their home in Iowa, after spending two months with reiatiVeS here G. S. Leckie and A. H. Rae are having their stores improved this week by a fresh coat of Paint. W. Jex is doing the job. - and go 'away isfied. Grand Dominion R:.P. FALL Ano This tnsuagemet you hag trat s e u• a g acumen,. rap h o r s, 020 1411 d 018 a 145 them in excellent ies (lamellae Individual Wr th for Wingham Business GEO. SPOtlareN, k T E R 511' SEPT, 2 aaaM." " " Msister peat "I'd Soap. rapb. ' ' 4 toad- ies - _ad .9ala - t aurl g the it ny. r TwIliuniruil 1 CI" 2. 0 .„ ti,eug- el, c.. to' e 4 1pk 1 ' ....-.,--,.. stts,Ltiogi II, mid 1 marl ,ad el that uotem. eAtal gee College Prineipal • _______ .... - • - - • o1: T-74 . _ : - L ONSAY, We will serve Hot Coffee Oahe for 1 (lcat the day. j-‘-, • appreciated: Yount I - - . s iti :IN • .„ .„,„,i\ ..4:16.:,.1 our A call Thanlifully, I A IA/ . -a . ) I. Al . \-11: AA • . 111_9 : - • . .• 0,c„. juLy 1ST .,:r .-A:..I and Tea, Sand wichea and estaurant, t all Imes of ou that 'day will be greatly • , be gag rpm s-- e- Iv • ..ataramatelatarsatattattastaa.. in idorria ; John and Andrew, at hm,rne; George, of Lower Wingbarn And R. A. Wingham ; Mrs, James lal- Roth, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. Jas. Morehead, Liatowel ; Mrs, A. Venal. ane, Turaberry, and Miss Nellie at Thome. The Leveret took place 'rhurs- dny afternoon from the fatuity r021 - donee, Scott street, to tbe Wingham Cern (Any. JNU, MANNINO DIES SODDENLY. - At 2.30 Tuesday morning John Man- ning, a well known resident of the 5th bine, passed away quite unexpectedly. He VMS taking treatment for asthma and went to the stove to empty sites from the plate the remedy bad been burned on when he took a weak pelt and died in a few minutes. Mon- ey he was about As usual and had been in Brussels on Saturday. Mr. Manning had been poorly for the past ear and considerably worse during tho past two months but his demise came as quite a shock. Deceased's go was 64 years, 2 months and 18 days. He had lived Jou the farm on which he died 13 years. He was born n Whitby township April 7111, 1842, ame to this Co. 43 years ego locating In Brussels. On August toth, 187o, be was married to his now beret part- er, Miss Catharine Sperling, of Grey, by Rev. Coleman Bristol, The seven daughters are: -Mrs. J. A Lever ad Mrs. F, J. Mathewson, of Flesher - on, Ont„ Mrs. W. D, Cousley, Medicine Hat, Alta. ; Mrs. H. V, Patrick, Woodstock, and Misses Susie, Priscilla and Katie at bottle, The sons re Will., in Ninga, Man, George of Medicine Hat ; and Herb, at home. Three sisters (Mrs, Lloyd, of Mt, For- st Mrs. Sharrard, of Uxbridge ; and Mrs. W. 1. Brown, of Utica) and Iwo brothers (William and George of iartley) survive, This is the ant break in either families. Mr. Man - ling held adherence to the Church of ngland and was a Conservative in olitics. He lived for a number of years in Grey township and had a wide circle of friends. Deceased was kind husband, a good father and a bp -top neighbor and bis demise will be greatly regretted. Funeral took pbacephorsday afternoon, the service being conducted in St. John's church by Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford, The bereaved will be accorded sincere sympathy in their hour of bereave- ment, Leadburv. Thos. Young got his band badly torn by leading a horse, a snap being on the end of a rope. The cement work of the new school here is completed and it is expected the bricklayers will be on shortly. Wm. Clark has the improvements on his barn completed. The work was done by Messrs Williamson and Reed. John Stafford and Joe Hamilton have purchased Capital cream separa- tors from Neil S. McLauchlin, Bras - sets, A large number of our farmers at- tended the sale of imported borses in Seaforth on Tuesday last. It is said they are a better lot than those impor- ted last year. GOOD TIKE.-T4e Garden Party held at Albert Dundee Wednesday evening Was largely attended and. an enjoyable time spent. After a good supper the diversified program was presented and was as follows ,--Chorus by Bethel choir ; selections by Brod- hagen Brass Band; Ladies Quartette, Brussels; short addresses by Reads, MacNab and Maunders ; quartette by Bethel their ; duet, Misses Gerry and Sharpe ; Italian quartettes and duets. A vote of tbanks was neatly passed by J. J. Irvine, seconded by Geo. Dundas to all who assisted. W. 51, Kerr, of THE POST, was chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Dundas left nothing undone to add to the pleasure of their many visitors. A football match between McKillop and Grey resulted in a tie, after a hard battle, The Ladies' Aid is to be congratulated on the success of their Garden Party. Wall ton. The large frame barn on the McKim property is being removed. A number from here took in tbe Excursion to Guelph Model Farm on Thursday. The heading mill has started work turning out this season's cut which is quite large. There will likely be a large turnout from this locality to the Celebration in Brussels on Dominion Day, Gordon McDonald will become a resident ot Brussels after August tat and will be associated. with Wm, Emigh in the proprietorship of the Central Hotel. The ballasting on the G. & G., railway will be completed to Blyth this week and service, it is stated, will commence on July tint, An excursion will be run cot this line to !Myth on July nth for the Celebration there. Gamma PARTY. -The annual garden party will beheld on the lawn at Duff's °Much Manse Friday evening of next week. Broclhagen Baud is expected and other items of entertainment., Everybody attends these gatheritigs. The Guild of Duff's church will take up a special course iu Teacher Train - i85 on the second Sabbath evening ot each month in connection with the regular program. PriecipalFalcouer's book "The Life of Christ” will be a t MIssIoNARY,-On Wednesday, July loth, Mrs. (Rev.) IVIclaaytien, ot Tor- onto, will deliver an address in Duff's church here at 8 p, m, on Wdnien's Horne Mission work. There should be a large attendance as the topio -is one of manifest interest. A move will be made to put down cement sidewalk in the village. Grey township commit aceeded, in part, to the ruttiest of the delegation that waited on them last Monday and it is W. H. RR, Prop • expected. Morrie and Mcgillop Coun- cils will also aid OS 1 II carrying out the project, Mits. EDWARD COOPER PAYS NATURS'S 1.41,12%,-4110 following is taken from the FurdWich Record and refers to the mother of Mrs, Dr, Arm- strong, formerly of . Walton,- Wo ObrOSIOle tbis week the death of Mrs, Cooper, which occurred et the home 08 1152' husband, Edward Oooper,112 Howlek township, on Friday, 04111 inst, after SR illness 01 a few woke. This death is peculiarly pathetic le that it is tbe secena .bereavement In Mr. Cooper's home quite recently, All our readers will recall the death Of bis daughter a short time ago to join whoisa the Smother tuts naw gone, Weary and wore the body bas been laid, aside, and the spirit of the mother has risen lute eternal womanhood and happiness, to joln 111002who already have been promoted and to see her beloved risen Master. Mrs. Cooper's maiden name was Sarah Wellwood• She and ber husband bane lived a life time in Howlett, and have raised a large faintly, Deceased was in her 7251 year, so that. she had passed the allotted span. Mrs, C. E. Lepperd and Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, of Harinaton, are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Cooper's funeral proceeded to the Fordwich Metbodist church at 2,70 p. m. Monday, and was largely attend- ed, afterward interment took place 121 Fordwich cemetery. BRUSSELS STILL LEADS THE PROCESSION. Notwithstanding tbe short notice of the Intermediate Foot Ball match in the finals between Walkerton football- ers, who had tvon co matches this season without a defeat, and Brussels there was a fairly good tura out at Victoria Park bene on Tuesday even- ing. The visitors arrived on the afternoon train fresh from trouncing Owen Sound and winning that District and were a trifle cocky as to what was going to be done here. The home team wan rather 10 the dumps. Rus. Brown, one nf the best on the team, was laid up with measels and lim Stracban, the well known forward, missed the train at Toronto and wired his inability to be here. Our ;lads buckled into it however and as Steven- son, the sturdy half back had said good bye to his attack of measles be was on hand and Charlie Bryans was drafted in to take Stracban's place on the wing along with Kerley. The game commenced about 6,3a with Brown Jackson, referee, who meted out evee handed justice to botb teams without fear or favor. At the opening of the match it look - as if the home team would have a big job on their hands to preserve the safety of their citadel but as time wore on it was demonstrated that they were well able to put the visitors on their defence and only for bad shooting Brussels might have bad a big score. A penalty kick in the first half struck the top bar and was fruitless. When half time was called, it was clear to the spectators that the tallies would be few and that no quarter would be given. The home eleven set to work with a vim and the boys from the North drew in their outposts and put the major portion of their team before tbeir goal and so it con - tinned to the end Brussels goal keeper hardly seeing the sphere throughout the o hours. Despite the massing of the defence the ball was put between the stakes but not allowed. Shortly after, however, it was planted in the right spot and a mighty cheer made a rent in the atmosphere. The visit- ors claimed no goal but the referee thought differently and the ball was taken to the centre for a kick off. There were numerous charges suad corner kicks by the home team but the match ended 7 to o In favor of Brussels, Cheers were given for the visitors. Walkerton bas a husky bench, well balanced and speedy. Two of the number spell their names as if they came from Mildmay and one is a resident of Chesley. With one exception they played fair ball and this gent played wall flower for to minutes for striking Dick Cardiff iu the back when the latter was taking the ball from him. Everybody on our line up did well considering the strength of their opponents who suffered their first defeat this season. Charlie Bryans covered himself with glory and. per- spiration and showed heawas able • to travel with thampionsitip company. The players were: - 2050251775 WALFARToN J Anderson Goal Wittlaufer A Anderson .., MacRae • W McDonald.) Schmidt Stevenson,.. J Vrasur R Cardiff 0 Quadri .. .. Dacus Frager Andersen E Earley Einchbursor A notified 1 out:mins W Miner 1 Forwards Norman .1' McGillivray b Ethrounis Eryans seem= Friday evening tbe return genie will be played at Walkerton when a close and well contested match will no 'doubt be fought out. It is hoped Russell Brown will be able to attend, We hope to see Brussels win as they well deserve to, Prima. Fusbitni donated 250 to Toron- to obai Diable inetitUtiODS, Springfield village was visited by a fire that did neatly 850,000 damage. Two boys emitted at Niagara Falls Mate out of the polio oalls anti soaped. 'It Moose atm Mies Eva Elan and M.r. Evans were imolai over the dam while beating and Miss Hall was. drowned. Bev. W. B. Creighton, editor of the Christian Guardian, Toronto, WINS was operated cm for appendieitie at Gracie lioapitel,apent a restful day Tuesday, and his condition was eneouraging at a late hone OHO night, 1