HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-6, Page 8BLUE STONE Fdi1 SPRAYING When the Blossoms fall spray the Fruit Trees, You will find it to pay twice over. The follow- ing formula is a good one ;— Blue Stone, 4 lbs. Lime, 4lbe, Paris Green, 4 tablespoons Water, 20 gallons, We liaye a Superior Blue Stone at 15o. per lb. "Infant's Delight Soap" 25o per Box of 3 Oakes Cleansing Soothing Healing Refreshing Delicately Perfumed and con- stantly used leaves the skin soft and smooth. Shell Brand Castile Soap a Ib. Bar alta F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eOUTHE0N nxT0N0O17 W. 0. & D, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOINe eotITH GOING NORTH. brafl 7:06 x,00 I Mixed 010 a,m 0,mI Mail .. 1:44 p.m lOxpreae...... elect p.m Expreea 6:51 p,m Pal getvs 4thus A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent fi. Salon, Board Friday evening of next week. GIANT TaIPLETi "Ourrouoy" "Bobs" end "Stag" Chewing Toba0000e, in big plugs. Quality always the same. SAMUEL Ci wpo10, Albert street, desires to eon hie property ea he con. templates removing to Winnipeg. Gee advt. FOURTH Division Court filled in about all of Wednesday, a jury case, Crich ve. Clark, 0000pying considerable time. Verdict was given for the plaintiff. FARMERS' INSTITUTE.—On Friday, Jane 7th, et 1.30 p. m., the anuual meeting of Beet Huron Farmers' Insatiate will be held in the Chanel! chamber; Brute sale, for the reoeiving of Audilore' re. port, eleotion of ofdoere, &o. HURRAH I FOR THE 610000 FARM.—The annual ex0arsioo, from Kincardine to Hentryu inolneivo, will be run by special train to the Ontario Agrionitaral College on Thursday Jdue 27th. Date wee first announced for Jane 21st bat the G. T. R, could cot supply a train hence the change to Jetta 27th. All tickets good to re. turn by any regular train on Friday. Reserve the date and go and enjoy the day at the Ylodel Farm. Farther par. tioularo may be secured from pouters and dodgers. DATE INaoRRRCT.—Leat week Tao Pour oopied an item from the Wiugham Times stating that the animal meeting of East Huron Conservatives would be held in Brussels on Tuesday of thio week. A good number came to town on the strength of our notice and found Gnat no meeting was called. We try to make Tae Pon an authority and soppoeed the item was correct knowing that the Seore. Lary and President reside in Wingham and that the meeting is usually bold in Brueeele in the month of Jane. We will be glad to give notice of the meeting when the proper date is set. AUCTIONEERS AND PEDDARe.—Following is a list, from Co, Treaeurer Holmen, of the licensed anotioneers and pedlars in Huron Go. :—Auctioneers -0. F. Van— drick, Geo. Beckett, Thos. Gundry, Jas, Stanley, F. S. Soots, Tboe. Cameron, Frank Ballantyne, G. W. Walker, Henry Boesenberry, J. G. McMichael, John Gill, R. M. Charles, Thoe. E. Robson, Fred. 0, MaDonell, Jae. A. Smith, David Diokineon, 0. H. Wilson, Jae. Jones, Thomas Brown, R, Hunter, Henry Torrance, R. H. G}arniae, John Purvis, Edward Boseeubetry, B. S. Philips, Joseph White, Solmon Hardy, W. A. Carrie. Pedlars,—J. E. Barnwell, Darman McDonald, Geo. Vanderburg, Augustine MoGuire, Wm. McKeown, G. H. Eoglond, W. K. Whaley, Stuart Miller, Geo. Beatty, Anthony MoDonald, A, Dolgoff, James Oatt, W. G. Coombea, Henry Hayden, Robt. Shaw, W. 3. Mo• Craokeu, A. MaMarohy, J. E. Frey, G. F. lloPhee, W. J. Powell, Wm. Bash. field. MRS, BARBARA BTRAOHAN GONE HOME,— Following a long extended and at times moet painful illness Mre. Barbara W. Slraohan said farewell to the concerns of earth and passed away to bar reward on Wednesday morning, aged 69 years, 5 months and 19 days. She died at the home of nurse Thompson, Catharine Wen, with whom ehe boarded. Deoeae- ed was well and favorably known in Brneeele and looalily where she spent over 35 pear!. Her maiden name wa0 Barbara W. Smith and her birtbptaoe Clarke township, Durham Go. In. Jane of 1876 she wee united in marriage to Alex. Slraohan, merchant of Srnesele, who died 2 years later, They had no fatally. For the past 8 or 9 years Mre. Strachan had suffered from multiple neuritis which bade defiance to the beet medical treatment. She ie survived by 8 brothere (Walter Smith, of AIma, Ont., Jno. 3., of Brandon, Man., and A. R., merchant, of Clinton,) and 4 sisters, (Eire. A. Campbell, of Vanderbilt, Mich., Mre. J. R. Smith and Mrs. Dr. MoKel• vey, of Brueeele, and Mre. Frank Wright, of Taroberey.) A brother and Meter are also deceased, The subject of this notioe wee a bright, intelligent lady of good business ability, generone and kindly who bore her long illness with great reeignation. She wee a member of the Preebyteriao church. The faunal will take place Friday aftoreoon at 3 o'olook, service being held a half hour earlier. Interment will be made he Brne. Dole cemetery, alongeide her husband. Mr, Straohan was a brother to Thos., Jen. and James Strachan, well known reeide0te of Grey township, and an uncle to A. Straohau, of town. A wide circle of Mende will regret to hoar of Mo. Btraohan's demise, SOME whoppers of fish, of the mullet variety, have been taken from the Mail• land, weighing as high as 5 pounds, Fon quality and goautity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Oarreoay" Chewing Tobao' 000x. 46-13 DottlmoN Day program will be made up of Ban Ball, Foot bell, athletic eporte Highland piping and dancing, &o. Kin• oardioe Band hae beau engaged for the day and the Firth Concert 0o. for the evening. GEORGE Waimea, reoeotly of Brussels, hae pnrebaaed a livery basinsee in Olin. ton and will remove his family theta from Harriston. We wish Mr. Walker eadeese. The Clinton people will find the family firet•olaee. Mae, DEMPSEY, aunt of S. 0. Wilson, of Brussels, died at Saturday after only 6 daye' illeaee of double pneumonia. Fau- nal took place on Tuesday. Mr. Wilson and hie ;deter, Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Mor ria attended. A brother-in•law in the person of Alex. Laird, et Bowiok, died Thursday of last week, of diabetie, aged 67 years. The funeral was on Saturday to Gerrie cemetery. WEDDING BELLS.—A very pleaeant event took plane at the home of E. A. and Mrs. MoAeh, of Dubao, Sask., on May 28th when Mies Jessie M, Living- ston, formerly of Brussels, Out., became the wife of Harry M. Smith, of Dubuc. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. Dr, Moloy, at 10.50 a. ne. and was wit• neaeed by only a few of their near friends. The bride looked very pretty iu her travelling snit of brown venetian. Daring the bride's stay in Dubuc she has made a great many friends who will welcome her as a resident of the town. The groom who is ebsttou ageatof•Duboo, ie an obliging and energetic young man. The groom's gift to the bride wee a pearl areeoeot. The happy young couple left on the noon train for Brandon, Portage is Prairie end other towns and On their return will reside in Dubuc. Nothing Else Will do Bier Now. John Mulligan's wire wee much perplexed At the bread ehe'd made and was sorely • vexed ; Elbe bad tried and tried, but tried in vain, Bad obauged her flour and tried it again, But 'twee no nae, the bread was bad, The thought of 1t sickened and made her sad. For John liked good bread (as all men do), 'Twas half hie meal and this she ,knew. But 'twee not her fault, she Wail not to blame, 'Twee the flour's fault, it was all the some ; Though a doaert brans 0r more ehe tiled, The brood was bad and she cried and cried, And eat her down and in thought soon wee lost ; But soddenly she pioked up Tan B0000000 P000, And there in the colmmne,well advised, She saw "White Loaf" Flour advertised. Bo she sat for a moment and silently mused, Now here is a Hour that I've never used ; Her action is prompt and her heart gently thrills, As she calls up the "National Roller Mills," And ehe tried"White Loaf" Flour to make her bred, And that night for ohne John was pleased and glad; And since then she keeps in her bakery bower None other but "Pryno'e White Loaf" Flour, ORANGE BLOSSOMS.—At 6 a. m. Taeeday of this week Rev. A. 0. Wishart tied the matrimonial knot between J. Leslie Kerr, Editor of the Standard, Blyth, only eon of W. H. and Mre. Kerr of Tar POST, and Miee Lottie J., third daughter of George and Mre. Brown, of Brueeele. Ceremony took plane in the drawing room, the priuoipale taking their piaoee under a floral bell as the wedding maroh wee played on the piano by Miee Mar. prat Brown, sister of the bride. The bride was becomingly attired in a brown Eaton snit of chiffon broedoloth, with waist of (ream real Irish lane and her hat was (ream Bilk braid, oetrioh plumes and brown roses to match the gown, She carried a beautiful boquet of roses. After congratalatious the wedding break feet was partaken of and the young couple took the 7 o'clock train on a wedding trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Fella. Only the immediate relatives attended the wedding. The presents were choice, useful and well assorted 000si0tiog of out glees, china, furniture, silverware, a oheque, &o, The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst of peerle. On the return of Mr. Kerr and bride they will take np residenoe in Blyth, commencing married life with many good wishes. CHURCH CHIMES Next Sabbath the pastor will preach in the Methodist church morning and even. ing, The monthly Missionary collection in the Methodist Sabbath sohool last Sun- day wag $6,13. Mrs. N. M,oOaoley's class supplied a abort, interesting program, Last Sabbath evening Ole Song Servioe entitled "The Prodigal Son," was given in the Methodist church and proved not only interesting but inetruotive. Services of a somewhat similar oharaoter will be given again. The Sunday School Inetitute, oonduot. ed by Rev, Dr. Robert000, of Toronto, in Melville !hunch last Friday, was e marked 0000eee and demonstrated the practical working of this great ohurob organization in tugtrootiog the youth. Rev. Mr. MaKerroll, of Lugkuocv, oleo took part. fake Your Unused Funds bear interest at the highest current rates, Amounts of $1,00 and upwards are received in the SAVINGS DEQ PARTMENT of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded every three months. No delay in withdrawal ALL DEPARTMENTS OF BANKING ARE CONDUCTED WITH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION AND SECURITY, The difetropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000,00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713,23 W. J. FAWCETT, LOCAL BRANCH MANAGER v Rev, Mr,lHaetie,,;ot Belgrave, preached in Melville oharoh last Saturday after. noon giving a very appropriate discourse, Sunday morning the paetor spire from the words "Come for all things are now ready," A large number remained for the oommunion. The evening topio wee "Oaeting ont demoue," ANNlvnn0AR0.—St. John's oharoh pun pose holding its anniversary 08000008 on Sunday next at 11 a, m. and 7.80 p. m., oondaoted by Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of Godorich, who is well known in this vioinity. There will be a congregational 00.001on on Monday, June 10th, in the basement, for which 00000000 a good program is being prepared. At tine meeting plans for improving the thumb will be discussed and therefore a full attendance ie requested. Business Locals. Gowen N0 fence wire at 43.86. Man & Sem, Ronan to rent. Apply to Mae. J. R. SMITH. Two comfortable hones for Bale. Apply to W. A. PREWAR, WOOL WANTED.--Auy quantity, high. est prices, Aleo large quantities butter and eggs. GEo. E. Kmo, Wtughem. Tan "Mareio•Seuour 100% Pure Paint" ie guaranteed absolutely pure and eold eobjeot to oheroical analysis. 48-2 & Shaw. PIANO TUNING.—Fred. A. Lewis will be in Brneeele next week to tine pianos. Orders left at Walker & Black's will ue promptly attended 40. ICE CREAM PABroL On and after date for the eea0on will nerve Ioe Cream of euperior quality, also IIM011ee, Give as a trial and be 00nvii,oed. MBs. SIRE. DR. BUTLER'S VIeoT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Spemalint, will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Wedoee• day, Juue 191h. Glasses supplied. COLLEGE etodents,teaohere and others desiring profitable employment for Sum. mar vaoatiou should write to Hamilton, Ont., box 283, for particulars. PAGE FENorttc.—R, close ie now ready with a large supply of teeming and gates and if he has not on hand what is wauted he will soon get it. A card will receive prompt attention. R. Gene, Ethel. Piles goi quick end 00,1300 relief trom Dr. Shoop's Magic Oiotmeui. Please note it it made for piles alone, and ite action is positive and certain. Itohiog, painful, protruding or blind piles die. appear like mesio by it'e nee, Large hiokel•oapped glees jars 60 Dente. Sold by all dealers. People We Know. H. W. Farrow was home for Sunday, Reeve Leokie is attending the Go. Coanoil. Mies Eva MoOraoken was visiting at Paieley and Oheeley. Mre. Kerne, of Ingersoll, is visiting her eiater, Mre. F. S. Soots. Mre. Robe, Maegrove, of Blnevale, was visiting Mre. Farrow. A. McKenzie and ohildreo, of Blyth, were visitors at Geo. Crooke.' V. 5, Campbell, of Toronto, was a visitor at W. Pryne's over Sunday. Barrieter Biuir was here on Wedaeeday Oonduotmg cane in the Dlvielon Court. Miee Edith McLeod, of London, ie visiting at George Thomson's, William street. W. A. Garter and wife, of Blyth, spent Sneday with Sam. and Mre, Clatter, Brussels. W. A, Grower and W. 0. and Alex. Smith lett for Buffalo and New York last Monday on a holiday trip. Mre. D. Ferguson, of Teeowater, and Dr. Fergoseu, of Deeboro', were weloome visitors in Brueeele this week. Alonzo Juliette, of THE Pon elaff, 10 at Blyth this week lending a hand while the editor ie away on a wedding trip, Enema Crich is attending the Grand Connell of the Oboaen Friends at Toron• to, as the representative of Brneeele Lodge. Mitre Kate Smith, who ie still at Lon don Hoopital, to able to mit np and it is expeoted she will be able to return to her home here neat week. 'Pan Pon extends congratulations to Geo. Leokie and bride, of Wroxeter, the groom being a one time reeideut of Brae. eel. and an industrious decent young fel- low. We are sorry to hear that the wife of Leon F. Jaokeon, of Ottawa, has been very i11. We hope to hear of her speedy 0000%10008000. Mr. Jackson wee a form. er Braeselite, We regret to hear of the illness of Mre. Zwioker, of London, well known in town as Mise Lizzie Sample of other days. Her many friends here hope ehe will aeon be oonvaleeoent. Samuel and Mre. Carter and Mioo Myrtle left on Tuesday morning en a trip to Manitoba. They will be away for a few menthe and will no doubt put in as enjoyable time. Ira Gerry, of Fort William, 1s here on n visit. He is a eon of B. Gerry, Bene. eels, and ie associated with his brother Bert in the hardware bneinese in Fort Winiam where they do a large trade, It is nearly 4 years since Ira was here but he hoe changed very little. This week George and Mre. Miller and eon removed to Wingham Junotion where Mr. Miller hae been appointed 0800100 foreman by the G. T. R. While sorry to lose them from Brnasele wo wish them ountinued'bappiuese and prosperity. Char Meadows sncoeede Mr. Miller on the notion here and should 611 the bill. Mre. Jno, Downing was renewing old friendships in Goderioh during the pact week. Mre, Nelson Aekio, of Shoshone, Idaho arrived home last week for a violt. She is e daughter of Jim. Goatee, Mfil street, Brneeele, Watson and Mre. Ainlay and Hugh and Mrs. Malntosh, of Mo$illop, attend• ed the wedding of Mies Eleanor Ainlay, at Listowel, on Wednesday. Wednesday of this week Ooanoillor Alfred Banker and Mies Lena Beaker attended the wedding of Miee Allie Due doe, of MoKillop, to a Baptist minister, Miee Rifle Hunter left on Monday morning for Vermillion, Alberta, where she will spend a few months, She took the boat at Sarnia for Fort William, We wish her a pleasant stay. George Buchanan left on Tuesday for Neepewa, Man., where he will teach school for a time. He preferred this to being a fire ranger in Northern Ontario during the University vacation, Rev. George Jewitt, of Lambeth, was here for a few days this week visiting relatives and Mende. He was intending conference at Goderioh and ran over to Brueeele before returning he me. blre.Ohee.Oetermoor and sou Carl, of Vancouver, B. C., were visiting Miss Leo Curry. The visitor was a former ,resident of Brneeele , her maiden name being Ebel Kendall, her father being the then G. T. R agent here. We week Rev. J. E. Ford, of Essex, spent a few days in Braeeelo visiting hie daughter, Miee Helen D. Ford, of our public school stuff, and other old friends; The reverend gentleman hae been ap. pointed to the p00100010 of Lueknow Methodist church and will be moving to that town early in July. His brother, Rev. W. J. Ford, B, D., of Glencoe, wee elected President of London Oonter• nee tbie year, Brussels Council. Last Monday evening the annual Conn of Revision on the Aeeeeement Roll was held, all the members of the Ooonoil being present. Appeals were presented and dealt with as follows :— bbrs. Bruce, property redacted -4200 00 Rose estate property reduced100 00 Mime Halliday property reduced 150 00 Thos. Garneee' property Tem. berrystreet redooed. 200 00 Thos, Garnees' property, Mill et., Thaell Bros. and I. O. Richards' appeals were not sustained. Cleve Baeker'e name was added as a joint teeanb of the butcher shop. On motion the Assessment Roll as amended was panted es the roll for 1907. Regular Council business was then taken up and the minutes read. On motion of S. T. Plum and R. Graham a000nnte were ordered to be paid to :— M. Niohol, work on street $ 1 25 Senna and Hawthorn, work on street 6 25 Jen. Long taking Eihel Burton to Goderioh 8 00 R. Oliver, salary 33 33 Monioipol World blanks 7 75 Tendere for gravel were reoeived ae followe ;— ooreened aneoreened N. McCauley ,,., 70o 68o Sellers and Haw thorn .,,75 65 Jae. Bird 05 56 Miller Broe 70 60 Moved by S. T. Plum, eeonnded by A. Banker that Mr. MoOealay'e tender be accepted. Oarried, By Law re fast driving on the etreete was read and adopted. It refers to ran 10x, oareleee or 'miens driving. In the Winter time Prom 9 to 10 a. m. horse. To Our Patrons AS we have entered on our woad year delivering milk to the people of Brueeele we wish to thank all who have favored us with their patronage and to thank those especially who have been regular in putting out the empty bottles ae it eaves us a lot of trouble. To our regular customers milk will be So. a quart the year round, but to those who only take it in Winter when milk is scarce and takes so much more labor and feed to produce it it will be 6o. Our aim will be to please our patrons and' give ae good value as possible. 48.80 CHAS. ROZELL Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS AND FLOWERS Any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflow- er, Celery and cabbage Plante. Tomato Planta 10o a box or 8o a dozen loose. Fine collection of Flowering Plante, A choice lot of Gorauiume and Au- nnals for bedding. Boston or Japan Ivy can be put out any time in Summer -15c, 20o, 26o each. Floral designs made to order. Agent for Dale's Out Plowere, MISS KELLY fCsTmoL$N150 109'5 '+tF°fll'W • '1 —TT A 'T''^'1' OF CANADA Head Office - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $x and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. ea BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. Rowla oath, AL.alfaa) er .ter ._., 1 men will be permitted to exorable their equines on Ternberry street, The Property Committee will get estimates es to necessary repairs to the Town Hall. It was decided to do some neoeeeary grading on Alexander street not before it ie needed. Council then adjourned. M.dRR27E]J. K000—BRowN.--In Brneeele, on Jane 41b, by Rev. A. 0. Wiehart, B. A„ Mr, J. Leslie Kerr, Editor of the Standard, Blyth,,o Miee Lottie Jean ►, Brown, of Brneeele. Lemur —Monnleoo, — In Wingham, on Paley 290h, by Rev. Mr. Boyle, Mr. George Leckie to Miee Lelieha Mon risen, both of Wroxeter, SMITH LIVINGSTONE In Dnbno, Seek., 1, on May 28tb, by Rev. Dr, McKay, Mr, Harry M. Smith, of Dolma, to Miee Jessie M, Livingetone, formerly 1 of Brueeele. a2E T, STRAOaAN,—la Brussels, on June 681,, Barbara W Smith, relict of the late Alexander Straohen, aged 59 years, 6 menthe and 19 days. sRvssr.u. earKzwars Fall Wheat 80 82 Barley 45 48 Peas 70 72 Oats 40 41 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 16 17 . Hay per ton 9 00 10 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hoge, Live 6 75 Wool 24 25 Potatoes per bus 40 50 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 60 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 26 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE AND i ACRE LOT] for sale—Albert street, comfortable borne in good repair. Small stable, Rood well, cistern, &o, Possession any time. For further particulars appply on the promisee to S, ORA WFORD, Brussels. 48.11 VI ivt ALE TEACHER WANTED for 6. e. No. 7, Grey Township (Vil- lage of Oranbrnok-) .-Dutfee to commence after Summer vacation. Apply stating 01. ary and experience, with testimonials, on or before July 1st, 10 A MODfiNALD, 47.4 Secretary-Treas., Oranbrook. TENDERS WANTED, — TEN– nrtts will be received by the under. eigned up to June 10h, for putting cement floors In basement of Oranbreok oebeol, Speoifloatione may be neon at McDonald's etm•e, The lowest or any tender not noose• eerily accepted. Work to be completed be. fore August let, A. MoD.iNALD, 47.8- Seo: Troae,. Oraabrnok. !°t Wall Paper Remnants We are offering some particularly fine bundles of Remnants at very low prices, in many eases =oh 1 below cost. Very suitable for small bedrooms, clos- ets, pantrys, &c. —AT— FOX'S DRUG STORE facelootecteacetateneitetwittateetatweteeistetweatea WTANTED,—UNE HUNDRED female operatives for F'nwing and Knitting tlaobiuee, Winders, ole.. in Knit. Mug Mills at Paris,. Outurlo. Railway tares advanced. Highest wages paid. Address PDNMAN8 LIttfl'ED, 46.0 Pretty Muslins (XTITH the arrival of f�0 vV warmer weather we wish to remind the Ladies of our choice range of Fan- cy Mullins, comprising a large variety of diffirrent patterns, colorings and weaves. Wt consider this season's collection the prettiest it has been our pleasure to show you. It will be to your advantage to see tLem before making your Spring Muslin purchases. Our Prices are 10c, 15c, 2Oc, 25c, 35c, 40c, 05c June Designers and Patterns to hand. Standard Patterns in stock at only 10c and 15c —none higher. A handsome Fashion Sheet FREE to those who call for them. NO FANCY PRICES EVERYTHING CHEAP met.'a,'wy„'I,i'LNdhdIL'4lG7UPi,rVdM Alex. Strachan BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT $TOR G. N. McLaren FIRST ANNUAL MAY SALE OF BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING An event so great that all previous efforts are overshadowed. Saturday, May llth, we inaugurate our First May Sale of Boys' and Men's Clothing and place before the public the most complete stock of Boys' and Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing that has ever been offered In Brussels. This sale presents an excellent opportunity to save money. We guarantee the quality of our Clothing, They are all made by reliable makers and are perfect fitting. Boys' Suite, regular $3 and $3.50 for $2.69 —Boys' 2-pieoe Suite, in lovely new Spring patterns, Tweeds, light and dark colorings, double and Bingle breasted, well made with good trim- mings, perfect fitting, for boys 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old, regular up to $3.50 ; choice for 0 2 69 Same Qualities and Patterns as above —2 -piece Suite for Boys, age 11 to 15, regular up 10 $5.00 ; May Sale Price 3 49 Men's Suits regular up to $9 50 for $6.75 Men's Tweed Suite, single and double breasted styles, light and dark colorings, strong linings and perfect fitting, all eine from 36 to 44, regular values up to 00.60 ; May Sale Price 6 75 Men's Suits regular up to $13.00 for $9.75 —Men's Tweed, Worsted and Serge Suite, sin- ' gle and double breasted styles, light and dark shades, out in the newest Spring stylise, extra good BMus and perfect fitting, all sizes 36 to 44, regu- lar values up to $13.00 ; May Sale Price 9 75 Boys' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $6.00 for $4,49 —Boys' 3 -piece Suits with Kuioker Pants, in a big range of New Spring Patterns, light and dark shades. single and double breasted styles, good strong linings and perfect fitting, for boys aged 10 to 16, regular values up to $6.00 ; May Sale Price 4 49 Boys' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $7.50 for $5.69 —Boys' and Young Men's Suite, in light and dark ehade0, Tweeds, New Spring Patterns, good linings, made with long pante and aro perfect fit, ting, sizes 32 to 35, regular price ftp to $7.50 ; May Sale Price 6 69 Men's Odd Pants —Men's Odd Pants in 'Tweeds, Sergee and Fanny Worsteds ; Special Valuee at from..01.00 to 8 00 Boys' Odd Knicker Pants —Boyo' Odd Koioker Pante in Tweeds and Berges, a complete range in stools ; Special Values at from .25 to 1 00 Latest in Men's Hats are here We have in stook an A 1 assortment of Men's Shirts, Collars, Ties—in fact every- thing in Men's Furnishings. Spring Rain Coats and Toppers Only a few Spring Rain Coats and the Short Toppers left all new and choice pat- terns. If your size is here you can buy one at Wholesale Price. Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or your Money Back. G.N, aLar V i