HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-6, Page 5CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT.w. Was totubiiobod twenty yearn ago and by its thorough worliend honor.,. wblo,doaiioge with its patrons bite bo omo ono f the r and mo et 1 flu tins n sat a t IMM O/0 . The sem Oaklaiiao 03 1 0 l'rp m000 'loo demand upau Vie for (om000101 l 0 aohera and of- Sae assistance greatly oxooedo the l supply, WO ansist , o entering to pool- Sae [[00010, Studoata are entering euall . week, Catalogue true, ,tC-`'Si," D '3 I9a t`:-8:=il"o,.,J`t.4g• /01,1141.0 PT Sa MQLAONLAN, kri uvi pato, BUSINESS CABINS. 1,1t7i3, MaO1140KEN— • Teener of Marriage Liminess. Of. flee at Grocery, Turn0orry street, Brussels. WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER sir MARRIAGE LICEN3E1 (Alice in the Pont shine, Ethel. 80-4 BE.RTIIA C. ARMSTRONG In prepared to Oivo 1 ,10.1,3 ou Pi,tne or treed Organ. storms on apphoattuu. Poetolliee mddress—Brueoole,. Resin mum— Lot s, 0011.18, Grey.. Pupils may Orme their lessons at their own homes li preterr'Otl. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIU TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent 1:Iowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company 0100o and Reeidenoe— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM= rne0aeuon," FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of lutereat ni per cent per annual, drat Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Life Ineur0uee Company The Equity Fire Insurauoe Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk dth. Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. 140 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- A. • stat, will Boll for bettor prices, to better moo, in lees time and lees chargee than any other Anotiuuoer in Haat bursa or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always he arranged at this ofiloc or by portional application, ROBT. H. DARN/SS BLUHVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at the °Moe of Tim Pose, Bruseele, pelf VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated auimale In a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle promptly attended to, 011100 and Infirmary —Pour doore North of bridge, Turnberry 0t„ Brueeelo. 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— • barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto, Successor to t*. r. Blair. Ulnae over Stan - dart" Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Mctro- politanBauk. vvM. SINCLAIR— • earxieter, Solloltor, ,Oonveyauoer, Notary Public), Aro. Uilloe—Stewart's Block 1 door North. el Oeutrol Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pu0UDFO0T, BAYS & BIfAIR- BARRISTERS S LIUCI l'IORS, NOTARIES W. P1tonnPoor, K.. O. HAMGBLam. B. 0. HA Oflioes—Those formerly otoupted by Messrs Cameron k Holt, ONT,1nIo. 000,30x00, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, IteNTIST Graduate of the Royal pottage of Dental eargeono of Ontario and F0rst•olase Honor Graduate of 'Toronto Uuivereity, .01800 next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. =21 4l, rb1=il 6 8Q'1 SUMMER SESSION DURING Agqvp� ;'y JULY AND AUGUST htQI, BY ENTERING THE W ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Now, yon will be through your course S y time to g tyotnploybment, Prepare t rr LD a l. l'ooftions paying 1040, Dee, 500 anti1670 D a mo,rth, Our Colla�gge has uuexeolied 1 faolfities 0010 attendance grows greater 1 intre students are getting .. potations. Doeire"euo0ees," Edu0ate potations. it by attending our 80uoo1,• othora Q'(!• have, Will you ? Write for catalogue, 47AJtV' W. J, ELLIOTT, Prinolpel,: i A Goa, YONd1t AND La0Atiolea due.ri The Pivot Step Often means so much. It has meant suocoss to thousands of young people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried position, Take the step to -day. Address CENTRAL BUSINESS OQ'LLEGiI, B96 Yonge st., rllororlto, W. 13. SIIAW, PnIN, INTERESTING TO TEACHERS AND OTHERS, )?aper road before the Wast Buren Teaoher.' Association in Exeter, :May 22nd, 1007, by Mise 8. L, Gregory, let 100010Va00 teacher in Exeter Continuation thecae, printed by request of the Oon 081111on. "IOW [MAY AND 000014 A T0A00013 IMPROVE 010 'sP01000 Mr. Preoideat, fellow kawbers and friend.- :•—I oan'[ gay that I am here by my own aboite dor yet by voluntary sou. emit, but 10001 truly tiny that I don't a'bogeltier enjoy the position and when oar worthy Seoretary named the subject thatI was expeoted to take al this In• Mutate meeting I bud similar feelings to those of another young lady when her lover addressed her in beeeeohiug tense, "Wilt thou?"—ebe wilted l beouuse I too wilted then, I etaod before you today attempting to convey to you a few of the thoughts I have gathered bearing on the anbjeot. I have tognd01 rather a bard eubjeotto handle mud one that brings up a whole train of ideas leading on and on until we ere oompletely swamped and finally feel ourselves wondering what the subject under dieocesion really ie. I. hope you will bear with me in any ap- parses diegreseione for the anbjeot opera op avenue after avenue of opportunity. I hope the few pointe suggested will call north a lively dioouseion, criticism and addition of new pointe so that we all may be stirred op to a fuller realization of whatit means to be a eu000easful teaober. In the first place the eubjeotto me im plies that there are Meana by which the teacher eau improve -hie statue and also that there are means by whish be should, improve hie statue, Then we see ale, that title improvement most manifest it. self in et leoat three ways, remitting in elevation of standing. let, in the eyes of e ,misty ; 2ud,.io the school iteell in rela• Boo to the pupils and school .board ; Srd, in the mealier himself enabling him to view himself from a ceder light in relation to h(moeit and the whole professional body. Now teaohera may be divided into several otaeeaa. There 008 the lady teaober° who may not remain long in the ranks according to oircumetanoes. Then in the general claim of teaahere are those who are teething but do not intend re• =time in the profeeeion but nee it =imply ec a stepping stone to something better financially. I would strongly say; tet them look out for themselves.. There remain then those who intend to and are making it a life profession. The should part of it aeom° quite evident, to go no farther upward come what may, is mental suioide, and in tbie oast professional suicide us well. There are heights to reach in thio profeseioo as well as any other. It keeps the mind eolith and healthy. Ib keeps one posted in current thought and oapeble of doing hie part in moulding pnbilo thought. A teacher oauuot stand still, if there be no advanoement, no improvement, there is a decline, a falling bank. A person eau not go on day atter day and year after year with the ever working forma about him without having influenced positively or negatively. It'hie own will force le not alert he will become simply an automatic mach. int', a slave to his evironment. It has been said that"Habits begin in cobwebs and end its iron °bailie" and that "oharaoter le a bundle ot-tidbits," eo then a teacher mustbe ever watchful, guard ing against rube in profeseioual life and reaching out so that hie character may be made up of Hoke from the obain of all that ie noblest and beet, Just as the etaguant pool ie to the kine who in their Omit frequent it and to their disappoint - went and dioeatiefaotiou find it only in- sipid and diebaeteful as o.mpared wish the rotreohmg and appetizing water of the clear, sparkling eta am of running water, eo is the pounding and grinding from au nrprogreeeive teaohor repuleivo to the pupils ae oompored with the im parting of knowledge as given by a teaober who Noised is ever on the watch for keeping all oobwebe oleared away from his brain and trsehening it up by pouring in new and wholesome material Heaps of dust and slime andbroken shreds of old metal and rags. of putrid clothes shed into the stream to Milan what venom of it will float and melt tar away in all pleats where God meant those waters to bring joy and health, oiroled and coiled under festering strum the stagnant edge of the pool effaces itself into a elope of black slime, the asoumulabion of in- dolent years. Work and diligence could cleanse that pool and make every breath of Bummer air above it rich with coal balm and every glltteriOg wave medioinai as it it ran from the 00001 ofangels but that work le never given nor will any y jay be poeeible to the heart of men. Let the teuoher beware of snob a stabs, mea• tally as that just described. Children oauuot be torsed to like the school, They like it when It is worth liking, when they learn. It daily sur rounded by those influences that ele- sate them they will at last cultivate their noble ambttiooe and realize their fall mimibood. Mao io"able 10 000 for his advancement only 811011 material MI boo beoorna valuable through oxperie0oe. Ho may 'pronounce the words of a masterly may but eaten he follow the atitb0rre reasoning and weigh his Argo• menta, his mind tails to mat In penmen: arse with that of the author and there is no growth. He may look upon a work of art but if be bon to catch the spirit of the maker it will bring him no cui- ture. Tho public. 0011001 alma at the development of ail the faoulbiet with oltizenohlp and Nobler ellaraoler. It meet not .therefore nett et any omen- Welty jIj0 r:Welty for broadening Mid deapnting Neentiale of a oemplete iife, The child judges by oampurioon and Ate be begins 00 roach nut into tin real world beyond the teauher'0 ibllaen33 hie natural ,ten deny 1o10 eompure the new things with the old ones mode familiar in the yoare of hie sohool life, In speaking of the statue of u teaober Ole wor113 at the eminont Prenub stales man M. Gelzet mey be r000llud 1 "We meet take pains 00 procure for the publio eehool thus 0on0itnted an able meter and worthy of the high voecti0n of In- atruoting the people, It cannot be too often repeated that it le the meter that Makes the ooheol. A gond eahoal muster ought to be a man who knows mush more than he le ()ailed upon to teach, with In. 1811190008 'and with mete ; who is to live loo bumble sphere and yet have a noble and elevated mind that he may preoorvo that dignity of maulttnd and Of deport.' inopt without whish he will never obtain 1010 008p0011001( oonlidonao of families; who pos0800e0 a rare mixture of gentio• 01000 and lirmnem8 ; the 000egnioue ser- vant of none ; a man not ignorant of his rights but thinking more of hie duties ; ohowtug to all s good example but sw1i0• lien with hie aitgattee because it glees him the power of doing good and who has rued° op hie mind to live and die in the 0erv,00 of God and his fellow anatomy, 90 rear traohere appr000hing to with m model. 10 a dtllioult tette, yet we alaet soothed in it or else we have dons nothing fur elementary loetrn81ton," I0 we were to take )hie p,ragraph above and follow ouretu'ly the thoughts of M, Uuizol we would find the key to the three questions suggested in the beginning of this paper, viz ;—How to improve our statue in the eyes of the public ; to the Byes 00 the pupils and Sobool Board and in the eyes of our mental vision ; and the teacher would be more highly esteemed ; his poettiou more aeoule and hie future 0800080 mi nced. The teachermust em. ploy aoeuraoy in thinking, gniokuees to perception and 1300p0 in imagination ; exeroise the observing tsoulty ; foster the spiritual and ebimulule the reasoning powers, ft seems he should be the em bud,meot of every thing that ie true, just, noble and good. By auoomptiehiug the beet service of whish we ore able we exalt the teaoher'e eooial position and iefiuonoe. lo is not to be expeoted that desirable and capable men and women will be attracted to a Vocation in whioh ab beat there ie much that is wearisome and eaootlug Lanese there are strong oompeusa01ug ad- vantage. By preparing °ursolved for our duties by a long oonrse of soholaetio and profes010000 training and then giving the very best remits of this t0 our olasee0 and echo ,l boards we establish a per. matenoe 10 oar prolesetmr end make ourselves worthy of all true respect. Here agate are three great Wessels of leachers, the ono web educe ted, another fairly we.l eduooted and the other ignorant. Certainly the tact Mass is be coming the smallest, more beoauee of its unpopularity than from an ambition to better the mental man. Will the ignorant olaeaes always be willing to sit in dark windowless huts or will they sometime desire to build a light and miry home from which they most get olearerg mental views ? The question should not be "How little knowledge need I got to cloak a monutaio of vermin ?" The knowledge aotuellyin possession of the average beaaher may not be accepted as the minimum for he will admit he to hampered by his ignorau0e. The trained teacher, the ex perienoed teacher, the elioleut teacher ie diligently 0ought after and thanks to a rigid examination in all our provinces the toroe of teaohero is beooming rapidly more efficient. There are two other classes to deal with, the email number who have University training and the large uumber who have nat. The hundrede of. Normal school graduates find planes in the towns or in eight of them. The graduates of the University, it they teaoh at all, find planes in the 0itiee and oollegee. It is right that they should Sud good pod - wens. They have paid the p,ioe of pre- paration. They deserve o. reword for their effort.. Bot how the efficient teacher ie needed in the 0oentry Sobool 1 a mealier loyal and patrioti0 and with a spirit olose kin to that of the missionary, a lover of wisdom, pc -sassing true humanity and ail virtues flowing from love of truth. How better oan a teaober raise hie statue than -giving heed to these virtues. He may andshould improve hie status by remaining aloof Irene the trivialities of gossip and small talk that is found to an extent in every section. Let him study to maintain a quiet but ,pleoe0n1 dignity-, worthy or the position he holds. He will find that this pays as Ito and ' mute, for be will be valued ab his own worth. Other people will va.tie him as he 301000 himself, not being ashamed to einem his own worthbut doing it grime. fully and without boast. mato purpose of leading to better v�g�ls�B�S�til��=i�&l the anti 0. Don't let us be too oovore la 0ryhlg outege111atae arien paid. There le Iola o e „ of room at the cup and It We ty 1 p our. 00lve8 t0 001tp010 with the htgheel Unly then 0(101' w0 resell the bigheet. We sun. not all be high animal tnaatore but let us in whatever oleos of tcaobers we may plane Ourselves endeavor to excel in that pparlivalar oleos, ',than the eatery will be forlbeoming if we perform our -tasks, (von the 80101/0/6 ones so [Violently that 000'1rtte(eoo rcahza that our twelve's are indiepetleibls to them. 'Then there is great room for improvement in our rooks. In confronting that "State salary" queatiest. How oan we expoot to have that permanence and bigll statue desirable when we are 8o frequent. ly facing that question Let tie 00y ft down and bury it ten fathoms deep.. Our prolesei0u le stripped of Ito dignity Whet; selfish arid aiprinelpled teaohero will persist in bidding one against the other, leaving a sohool In the middle of term and being toned about by every mer00nery breeze that blowe, Snob baster° oliou d be tamped au blank• geode and buried from the profee.ion, Suvb 10011000 1101 only lower the teach. er 10 the ey00 of the people and trunteeo but load the board to look with die1ru80 on the more honorable ones, Let a teaoher improve hie statue by looking to hie phyetoal well being. Good health is e000ntial to good work and a teeoher'o life above ab needs to be free loom frritwbhity, nervo0Ouess and pet t,0hoaea. lie mints to feel he to a man mining men, able to enter into the eoolal life and taste the lead in the develop. [neat of the community end heap abreast of the time, 71 ie not 000000ary that a teacher 'starting out with bis Junior Leaving standing abouid remain there, for the regulatione now provide for a teacher actually engaged in teething to obtain Bettor Teaohere' standing by writing It off in four parte and for thoee who have no knowledge of Latin a epeeist paper ie provided. Good ae thie le, 11 to neither right nor fair that any teacher should 000upy hours or even expend all his eurplue energy out of sohool hours in pursuing thole a -course. The day le poet when a young mat 000 "keep sohool" for eta hours in tbo day and occupy about lour out of Chet six in pursuit's the studies to the medioal onrrioulum ur some other profeeeion. If a teacher find it impossible to etudy for the Senior Teaohere' examination while teachingit will pay him to drop out for a year or even two. After that is obtained he rum suture University etaudiog for himself if he is willing to work: Queen's University offers an opportunity for a teuoher to ee0are hie degree extra mor- ally, whisk opportunity has been taken advautuge of by many tesohere, A teacher holding a first Claes oortifioate is allowed five anbjeot° on •hie B. A. worth but it he doesn't bold that he may start right in anyway, completing the oonrse in three years after Senior Leaving or four after Junior Leaving. He may take a general B. A. course or branch into olaeetee, Engliab, Moderne and History, Soienoe, etc. Having Senior Leaving etaudiog five subjects are allowed, eo one really starts in the second year. One may write on five enbjeots a year but there is generally considered a heavy year's work extra murally. By paying five dollars the examination is held at any centre the candidate may wish. Puller explanations may be found on this 000ree by writing to G. Y, Chown, Registrar of Queen's University, King• emu tor a calendar. A teaober should improve himself by reading the 0taesio0 of our literature, Maoaulay, Pope, Johnean, Goldemith, eta. By becoming familiar with them be will find it time well spent. Then too, we have oar own Teachers' Educational Juuroale sod reading 000ree which oon, talo grains for thought and advancement in our partio0lar lice of work, andfor the careful reading of which diplomas are granted by the Minister of Education, The Doctor, the Lawyer the Clergyman, enoh reads up in his special line and why should not the teaober? Why should be dteoontinoe hie studies after he has mowed the prescribed examio thous? With better salaries let ns give good value for the money. Many of .the teachers have raised their statue too through correepond- en0e Bottools which give eaoellent oonreee iu all the branches for a !motion of the Duet 11 tithes- to go to College, Bot I hear 0omeolle say, "I dort!t need a Uuivereity education or a Senior Leaving certificate or anything higher- than I already poeeessto be able to teaob a olasain.primary reading. "Well now yon oan teach it mush better by eeonriog a Senior Leaving certificate. But you may say "1 know teaober° who have a Senior Leaving and who are not, may I say. worth their salt." I agree with you bat it is not because they poeeese a Senior Leaving certtfim,te that they are no good as teachers. It lies in the fast that teaahere' are "born not made," even though th.y were to have a dozen degrees Bothaiin_ Lime Works, mei- RAV, ' Is headquarters for .i+'irat«class Limo. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PRQPRIET.QRS r WIlt meet teams from w Wotan o( at Central-Ibotel, Bruseele, .. EIAlOM LAiIOURBREI 4' AND i)OIbIRSTIOS— 1 kava been appointed by the Dom1elon. Government to plum Immigrants from the Belted Kingdom iu positions es 'term lob. onrors or domeoila servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help ahouldnoti- fy nos by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wNgee offered, The numbora arriving may not be en/Solent to supply all requests but every effort will he made to provide ouch applicant with help reenlred. -F, S, S0O'l'T, 0anadtau G oye0nmen t l;mplOymeut Agent 12.1y //resole I',O. after their names they would never make euooeseful teachers, If you as a primary teacher, feel that you can teeth the number oombiuetioue to yoer eatie• Notion I any that you oould tenth those Same things infinitely better ou ecoo0nt of the very dieoipline in mind Graining Scoured through the study of Trigonome• try and the higher Algebra. If yen feel that you can bring oat the beauty of that little gem of Buglteh let me say that a taller meaning Gurnee into vision through the study of the odes of Horace and the orations of Ctoero. What a grace in thought is lent by the reading of sweet sentimenliatiea rendered in the French or German and how often a knowledge of Latin will delve to the bottom and bring ont the foroefglinese of English Literature where nothing aloe Dan. How the study of Nature too helps in almost every eobjeot. The Edoeation department last year made arrangements for Summer Sohoolo to be held at the Normal College, Hamilton end at Nor- mal Sol:mo18, Toronto, Ottawa and Lon• don. The main purpose of the Schools woe to give inetruotton in MIonal Train- ing, Household Balance, Nature Study and A.M. No tees were required and the Goat of the books was slight. There are also holiday oonreee in the McDonald Institute, Guelph, where teachers are truly taught by the Nature method by means of field gardens, tramping expe- ditions and in fest exploriug and ex. ['Milling almost every living thing in eight. .Snob -amane as this certainly opens the eyes of the teacher whose observation powers had hitherto lain dormant. Be most needs atop by the lane, in the park or at the hedge to ex- amine into the folding of the tiny bud, the peculiar markings of a wayside flower or the brilliancy of a winged Nomura, How mush more forcefully one can teach that imaginative story of "Jack in the pulpit" or "The Rumble Bee" atter snob an awakening. To those who are fortunate enough to be able to travel to other parte of the vast Dominion or erose the waters there comes a refreshing not derived from any other Bonne. Bight seeing and novelty is always stimulus to competition and improvement and i0 math sought after. But next beat to aotnaily seeing is seeing with o0r mental eye through reading and we can at times believe ourselves crone• ported even to those fer•awey regions. But let ne not forget the need for good companions in either literal or mental travel and seek out only those influences that will be uplifting. There is nothing else in whiob a teach• er 0on be of greater one In a oommnnity, eupeoially in a country section, than in maeio. He should It at all mreioally inoliued become familiar with mueiool knowledge. A teacher raises his statue by being proficient in music and be also owes it to himself to eo strain the epeak- ing voice that it will senors prompt obedience and instant attention without any nnoeoessary display of authority. The Commercial colleges have been a great boon to our profee0io0 and we find maty teachers doubling their eateries and steadily climbing up the ladder of 80oor80 through wilting a apeoial train ing iu the Oommeroial eobjeot° on our 00rri01luen thus obtaining Specialist eertifioabea in a comparatively .abort period and planing tbemoelvee on an io• finitely higher levet than before taking such a 0011000. We shall merely tench on the import - twee of attending our Teachers' Inetita0ee as a. means of improving our status. This institute bifida 08 together remind• ing os that we are working for one another, for our profession and for our own self improvement. Let us do all we oan to further the interests of the Institute and never absent ourselves from these gatherings except under the oxtus° of a medical oortifioa0e. We have reached the' close of our paper now but feel that we mut leave one more point with you that may possib- ly yield frit. It is a point need I say suggested by a gettleman teaober. Be said he would consider the phase of the eobjeot requiring the most emphasis to be what the lady teaahere should do to improve their status. He said "Let them all gat buoy aid get marrieds" I =not say whether that would be an improvement of status or not but would rather euggeet that the gentlemen teaob. ere improve their otat0e first and then there may be a ohanoe for the ladies, Thanking you. WHEN SINGLE HARNESS You are buying let us sell you either a Genuine Rubber Trimmed or Goldean or Solid Niokie as they are durable and neat and a pleasure to the user. We make all our Harness and do not handle Factory Harness, therefore you are sure to get a good article from u9. Dusters and Plush Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prises. Three Sets Second. Hand Single Harness for sale at a Bargain. Dwelling Rooms to let above store. Very convenient. About 2,000 Red Pressed. Milton Brick for sale. C • is tu' ards god Roller Flour dills [19,'00) 0l, lh lCt,ve'twr'a" t"4'41'4 We have just received a car load of Ogilvie's Famous dam s iBo azHousahaldi Flour ur in 25 lb., GO lb, and 100 lb. sacks. Nowis she time to Jay in a supply 08 )Flour prices are advancing. "WHITE LOAF" FLOUR the product of our own manufacture, is without an equal. Give it a trial and be convinced. OATMEAL DEPT ou hand for sale or in sultange for Oats, All kinds of Peed kept constantly on hand, Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. MII,'lu'110101.1011'I, 110113,,410, WM•& ROAD PRYw E 1.1111001, BRUSSELS Ewana t'F . w Are Ready for Summer Sales with a Stock of Buggies that Defy Oonpetition. The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken dashes oan occur to any purchaser of a Ewan & Co, Buggy, and no Black stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggieehave. 100 BUGGIES TO SELL Likewise all kinds of Rubber Tire Buggies on band. We invite in- tending purchasers to inspect our stook and buy a Buggy made by Ewan & Co. in Brussels and save your money. We also handle along with our own Buggies, work of reliable firms moth ae Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re- quiring them. Call and buy at Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save money. OLD BUGGIES Re -painted, Tope Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and get our Prices. T will mail you tree, to prove merit /temples of my Dr, Stoop's Restorative and my Boole on either Dyspepsia, the heart or the kidneys. Troubles.of the etomaoh, heart or kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't matte the oommon error of treating symptome only. Symptom treatment ie. treating the result of your ailment and nob the cease. Weals etomaob nerves— the ineide serves—mean 'etomaob weak. nee° always. Aad the heart and kid. nays aewell, have their controlling or ineitie nerves. Weaken these nerves and ,you inevitably have weak vital organa. Here is where Dr. Shoop'° Restorative line made its fame. No otter remedy. even olaime to 00041 the "inside nervee." Also for bloating biliousness, bad breath oroomplexion, nee Dr. Shoop'e Restore, tive. Write iso to for sample and Oen book, Dr. Shoop, Rao)ne, Wis. The Restorative i0 sold by all dealers, EWAN CO. Do you like good, Bread, and Pastry If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stock now the Celebrated Puritan r d Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling 0o. A trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of Feed kept on hand and sold at Rea- sonable Prices. BRUSSELS r fiaPfi'aaralliMMP eS' ==era= �aC®PAS PRICES POR ICE GRE kB For the Com- ing Summer ice Cream 5 OTS. Ice Cream Soda In any of the Popular Flavors 5 CTS. Fruit Sur.d.aes and Maple Walnuts 100. 3 FOR 25C. Syrup Sund,aes 5 CTS, Jr W, KERN FY1 Vie