HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-6, Page 4viunsrmY JUNE 6, 1907 FALL ASSIZES, - The non jury eittinge ot the High CMS opened on Tueeday, of hut week, end were eonoluded the following morn lug by 10 o'cleek, The Mlle OW Wet went to trial wag the telt o tvers v. the townehip of Colborne, for damegoe ens:Weed tbreugh the death a the late William Ivor., of the township at Weet Watvauwale. Judgment was entered tor the pielumff ter KA% with Kno, Mul 14,000 to be divelee es folloWe ; '0600 to the Widow; 00 to etch of the two elder (children and 11100 o eaoh of tbe few younger chil- dren. Dickinson & Gerrow toe plain. tiffe, Proodtout, Haste & Blair for the defendants. Tbe mete of Campbell v. Tilden wag eettled oqt of overt, In the cue ot Quaid v Hamilton an order was made at Oegoode ReI duo ing the week setting aside tbe noting of triel, on the autism of W. Proud foot, 0., for the platutiff. Boott el, 9, Smith was an action brought the exeoutore of the will of the bite Wm. eleott, of Wart Wawatmeh, fur legal discreet: of goods and ohattehe Judgment was entered by mount against tbe defendant foe II3S0 10, he to bare the right of lotion sweet a third perty. The trial judge was the Honorable Chief Justice Bar W. R. Meredith. It ie stated as likely that • the towpabip of Colborne will appeal the deoision in the leers ease. Alr. it will be renumbered, met hie death on October 80e lett, by a load 00 lumber he was taking out from • Godericie being upset upon bitle The night was dark and a defeat in the reed (as alleged) was the cause of the upset. MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL. The Preebytery and Presbyterial of Maitland met at Luelinow on Tate:day, May 21et. Fatly 500 viettore and dale. gates were preeent from Brussels, Wiugbam, Tee:twitter, Ripley, Rimier. dine and neighbortae, congregations. A reception committee of tee oongre• gation provided dinner and tea for the gueste not otherwise- billeted, in tbe Masonic and Temperance Halle. The minions of the Preebytery were largely occupied with ordinary rout• ine business ; a question mourning baptism, however) provoked a very animated diaoussion, and Rev. Dlr. Miller, of Aablield, was appointed to preseut an overture on the question before the General Assembly. The Presbyterial session wag bald in the auditorium of the (March weeds was filled to overtlowiug with lady dale - gates and invited guests from the pie. sionery auxiliaries of the sister church- ee. The officers in obarge were:—Presi. dent, Mrs. Perrie, Wiughern ; Same. tary, Mies J.:mole Mather, Retoardine Treasurer, Mrs. Chadwiok, reeswa,er. They were ail re elected. Mrs. KaGraw, $t. Helene, introduced ae a sublet% for discussion, "Tbe Sys %emetic Miuistry of Prayer," in which a number took part. Solos were rendered by Mies &muerte Murray and Mies Jessie Dougles, and members of the Victoria eliesien Band rendered a suitable chorus. Full and satisfactory reports were presented by the representatives of the various finxil- iariee. In the evenine an open meeting was addressed by Mies Jamteeon, d returned uaiesionary from India. Hicks' Forecasts For dune, • The storm diagram for Jane, shows an array of astroumnioal causes we've never before had ocassion te consider or record in the month of Jane. All the planets in the solar system, with the exception of Uremia and Neptane, are represented in the storm diagram, nod these two outer- most planets are within a few hours oonjOucti00 and opposition with the Bine Berth and each other, we be. lieve that phenomenal perturbations wird reach some 8001 00 oriels in earth and sky. The fleet storm period extends from the 2nd to the 7th. It is central on the 401i, with the moon in the celestial egos - tor on the 5th. The oriels of this period will fall ou and next to that date. It will be preoeded by marked rites of tempera. tine, with rapid and deoided fall of the barometer, and the colmination will acme in sadden Bed wavers thunder storms, oloadburets, wind, hail and pos. sible tornados. The second storm period is central on tbe ebb, 10th and lltu, The new moon ou the 10th in the midst of the meg.. netio crisis that tails annoallyoujor about June the Ilth, This period will bring exaessive warmth, very low barometer, abnormal humidity and violent :bender aud wind etorras. Eerthqualtes will be reported in many quarters ot the globe within three days of noon on the 10th. June thuuder olonds will break in bee etorms and oloodburate in many localities dariug this period. Rising barometer, West winds and change to ranob cooler will spread Eastwardly over the oteuntry from about the lltb to the 14th, The third storm period wig prove one of the mast deoided times of turmoil in Jane. It is central ea the 15th and will come to its oulminating stagee during &today the Mkt to Tuesday the Mb, femme at tine and other Jane periods will frequently reverse their usual amuses and move in nnlooked for direatious, Let no one ender say oiraumaisooes, take shelter ander grilse treee during then viaions thunder storms in June, Look for au exeese of lightning some of whioh will be dangerons, but moat of whiab will be harmless end sublime. I The lightning at an on•ooming thnuder etoi'm is a different proposition from tbe harmless sheet tighcuiiig wIcioh blazes all :wooed the heavens in the June nights. t The North etorm period fella manually t on the 206h, net and 22nd. The June r BOletiee and the mercury diatarbanee ere °antral together on the 21st. The moon pasties over the celestial equator Working Southward on the 20th On and tonohing that day look for sudden end very decided rise of temperature, with ourresponding tell of the barometer —beginning of oouree in Western eeotione —fo'lowed quickly by phatiOtnenal light. Mug and thank:ler with violent wind in Many lOoelitlee. Helittloo ontudburete and tonal Rode may be pot dOWn aR Pertainliee fee Hite inert); period. The Jupiter, Saturn end wage pertma ell being le full strength during One solstice mouth, water epoete, oloudburete and clt struotive 100ai dowopoure idreit) ip wide,y separated teattotte, will bardly prevent a hurtful squinty of diffnerd and general rains over intervening einatioue of our own end other oontineute. White the tumidity of the atiamephere will Melt into violent yin Wove and deluge some looalitiee, threatening clouds with than der and wind wilt not bring a emilloieuey of rainfall to other wide Kenton% Thie we predict, will be outs of the very mark- ed oharecteriatioe of ibis month and this eee ti ill. Mere teatteitue wet pestles,* io hey dein= tile eolith 1008 within ekiet et ie uegiutaug. Time lace win tuna malty luuidixe our foremnits for May wad Jene, The filth atom period has its et ntre on the 27e0, reeobing from the 25th to the IMM, The moon ie foil aud in pongee on the 25th std at extreme Routh deo - Striation on the 20th. Low barometer and other storm oundiuone Will appear at the very tiegmumg of this period, and molatice etorms of ram wind Rod thuuder wit mill wine 11 iiy through the greater pat t of the a roe, e pooled) ovi r oeutiet to naliteru pal te uf the e. entry. Att other marten eeismie period wilt felt from about oho 24th to the 27th, most ;mutely un the 25.11 aud 2lislt. The awn of mantic aud trulee.ule force will fellow the euo and moon, hence will Daae ditionoally aoroee the eqaator, having their poles of perturbation in the North ere and Bentham hemtaphores. Heavy stor= about the 25th to 2eith will bring uo danger 0016190m to you and youre—H you are ready for them. The probabili Lies are that the beavteet and most goner al rains ie June will fell at the cloning period of the month. Helps Men To 'Work Hare That'e whet Berrozune does ; it 6:applies the additional strength that enablee a man to maintain health under diffloulties. "Last Spring I was so oompletely fagged out I could not work" writes J. W. McNichol of Turnbull, Man. "In the soothing I was tired— limbs aobed all over. Had no appetite, wae eleeplese, nervone and anhappy. Ferruzone put new life into me. Nov I eat heartily, nerves are strong, Ialeep wall. I know the joy of health." It'e by supplying nouriehment and good blood that Ferrozoue builds up ; try it - 50a per box at all dealers. FOR OUR READERS. To Prove that Hyomet WiU Cure Ca. larch, Every Reader of THE POST Can Have Special Guarantee, If there is any doubt iu your mind ae to tbe power of Ely •o•mei, the medicated air treatment, to oars all the catarrhal trout:lee, this remarkable offer should expel thee doubt. We give our persoaal guarantee with every dollar outfit of Byo mei sold to refund the mousy mains 11 gives sato, Lotion. We take all the rink of cure, UAW no reader of Tait Pose can afford 00 suffer longer with catarrh when an offer like this le made. With every Ey•o mei outfit is a neat pookel inhaler, and fly o mei breathed through this inbeter, reaches the mon remote au cells of the nose, throat and Mugs, destroying all catarrhal germs, and eoothing end healing the irritated muttons membrane. Hy-o.min really gives you a health- giviog climate in your owe home, ao that when you breathe its medicated sir your twee throes and lungs will be filled with ate like that on the mountains high above the sea level, where grow baleamia trees and plants, which purify the air with their Volatile autteeptio fragrance ao healing to the respiratory orgaus. We do not wart anyone's money artless Hy-o.ticei gives relief add mire and we absolutely agree that money will be re. funded uuleea the remedy gives sate:fac- tion. 411 droggiste should be able to supply you with ay 00280 01 009 will send 11 by malt on reoeipt of price $1.00 and every package 8 thee with the dietinat ander• standing that it costs nothing eaten it urea. Booth's Hy•tencei Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met iu Lanknow on May list with Rev. Johu Redford, Moderator, in the Muir. Rev. Alesore. MaInnee (Preebyteriau) Senuders, (Eplaasmalian) and Millyard, (Methodiet) being present, were invited to sit as aorresponding members. Air. Weet intimated that it was the purpose of the Women's Horne Mission• ary Sooiety to send one of their number to spend two weeke in oar Poeebytery in Jane and that she woold be prepared to address the women of the oongregatione daring that time. Any congregation desiring ber serviou should cornrow:1i- nate with Mr. Weet. Mr. Redford stated that Miss Ratte was prepared to address any Yining Peoples' or eVomen'a Boolety wilhiu the bounds on the stabjeot of Frenob Evange• Ii211400 with a view to interest them in the Pointe Aux Trembles Schools, Those deeiring to bave ber address them might oommanioate with her. Her ad - deer% 10 "Otte of Rev. Tait, B. A.., Tees:eater. The Eltaciatioal Report was presented by Ur. eloNeb, in the absentia of the Coneenor. rim showed a dem:tee of $118 in the Preebytery for stipend ae oompared with tag year, an increase of $1480 for the aohetnes of the oharob end kindred purposes, sad a gait: of 0055 fur all purposes. The kindred purposes mentioned in earineotion with the obarob schemes each as Bible Society and the Lord's Day Allienae contributions were not however included in the previous year's report, Messrs. Preeie, Haetie and MacNab were appointed a Committee on Standing Committees, with instructive': to report at the September Martins. The final let of Commiesioners to the Geuerat Assembly IB ee follows :— Messrs. D. Perris, R. W. Craw, A, Miller, end A. 0. Wiahart, miniatere, and Peter Crearer, W. 0. Smith, Wm. Henderson and Wm. J. Pomeroy, elders. Mr, Bureau gave 000110 00 his inter.. tion to move et the September meatitig A Hair Dressing If you wish high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for- mula, will greatly please yott, It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich end luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Dm not change the color of the hair. Rorreula with sash bottle 9 81""`7.:d truv ersAsk him shout it, then do solo say4 At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor is 11 strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp Inc healthy condition. The hair stops falling, den. druff disappears. A splendid dressing. —trade by the J, 0. dyer Ce., Lowellaikwaree Ilerroll, a Conferemes took pleas on the administration of the Sacrament of Bsptiena to the (children of parents who are it punchers in tall oomenunion, at the ampaltielon of wbioh Mr. Miner pre awed nu overture on the eubjeat of Baptism for transmission to the General Atmerably. The overture wee adopted by the Presbytery, Mr. MacLennan dissent ing. The awake of the Preebytery were tendered to tba Rev. Mr. Alallyerd and the Official Board of tbe Methodist °heroic for their kindness in granting the nee 00 their °bunch for tbe present meet. Mg. The business being concluded tbe Preebytery adjourned to meet et Tees. water on the third Tainday in Beptem• ber at 2 p. no. ANDREW MAONAU, Clerk of Presbytery. A. Storehouse For Poisons You may not think so, bat that's what you become when the kidneye are effeated. Tbeee orgens °lemma the body they are the filters that remove from the blood the mate matter abet sots like deadly poison on the vitality and health of the eystem. Dr. Hamilton's Pilie stimulate the kidneys, expel fermenting matter from the tamale, restore tbe liver and stimulate ell excretory and secretory organs. This euriabee the blood to qatokly repleuish itself aud establishes perfect health. No mediaine does mob larding good es Dr. Plemilton's Mandrake and Butternut Fele, 25u at all dealers. Yonr Blood Is Unhealthy In The ,pringtime. Yon Should Cleanse the System at Once with kroner Medicine. Spring house•oleaning it the eolemn duty of every good honeekeeper,—this time let it corameuce with your own system. All the organs are depressed, the liver le Mow, kidneys are unhealthy. In eousequenoe you are listlese, vitality te low, color is bad, appetite poor and you need medicine. This le juet the time to ase Ferrozoue it exaitee splendid appetite, glees diges tion splendid aid, supplies uouriehment for all weak organs. At once you feel buoyaut and strong. Nutritious blood courses through your veins, supplies strength and life, makes you tingle with animation and authitiou. No more beadaahe ; None of that tired languor. You tel like doing tillage because Ferrozoue nompletely renewe and strengthens gent whole system. For Spring debility too medioine on earth gives snob qutok, lasting beuefite as Ferrozone. It hee raised thotmands from downright Weakness, gives them perfect health simply borings it aonlaine the fortifying elements that rundown systems require. Ooe week after ming Ferrozoue you'll feel like new, you'll appremate wbat real robust health means. In a month you'll seemly credit tbe push your vigor and spirits bave received. Ferrozone ie more tine a bona -boom% ite work lasts, its benefits remain and are not tempor- ary. It restores bealth where other treatment': fail, and eepeoially in the Spriugtime it aboald be wed by every. man, woman auti child. Try it, 50a per box or 6 boxes fur 52 50. Sold by all dealere. — Free for Catarrh, joet to prove merit, ttial size box of Dr, Shoop'e Catarrh Remedy. Let me Bead it now. It 19 9. enow-wbite, creamy, healing autiapetio balm, Conteining snob healing ingre. diente ISS Oil Eucaliptue, Thyme', Men, tbol, eta., it gives iuetout and lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free teat aud see for yourself what this preparation can and will ao• oomplish. Address Dr. Shoop, Etutine, Wia. Large jare 50 mute. Sold by an dealers. Lihe A Few Mamie° New to the man who never had turns is the pain relieved by Putnam's Corn Extractor. 0d corns and new one° oared gelidity by “Putnam's," Sold everywhere, FREE TO YOU. If you have Rheumatism, any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or think that these or- : gams are affected, write for our valuable booklet Free to you, and tells all about • CarrrAp PAID 1/1, •TOTAL ASSETS: Itesetava Fenn 02,00o,oso Thirty-two Dollers $,r00,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits ot 51.00 and upwards received, and highestcurrant rata of Interest allowed, .90 BraucluV threm;nont cantnia, ETHEL BRANCH W N. kfcliCAY, .1 SUB -AGENT, • ' ' ,,,A..;ittair, • Al•P • NOON IN BRUSSELS Willa Is Lidittg' on In Town when the Cleric NtrikeS 12, Noon, the dinner bout, the boar of relaxation—the one hour in the twenty four whiett comae to men and women of every etation with greater similarity than the hour of any other ft:notion in 1110. Promptly ae the olook strikes 12 in Brussele the ebadowe on enctione faoee turn to linea of good will, end it villenione hot bread, piee, spices and other in digeetibles were excluded there would be no such worde tie dyspepsia or indigestion in the dictionary But the contrary ie true, and medical actienee has to 61$p 101 aud bed the man or woman who bae been too bney to pay proper attention to health. The greatest step forward in medical discovery ie Mi 000, which mime all stomach and digestive troubles. Li hundreds of the best hornet: in Bruleedi and adjoining towne the handy little tablets, so pleasant to take, yet ef- fective, have given quick end lasting relief in itidigestion end that disagreeable fail feeling atter eatiog. Alio na sots very g stray. Bach of its wonderful power over indigestion °ernes from nuiforna but saetaining salon. The required stimulating and strengthen Ing is given to the important ermine of digestion without producing the slightest weakness or resotion. We absoletely agree that 7000 money will be refunded should you buy a 50 oeut box of 01 10 na atomaah tablets and not be setiefied with the results. Mi na is Hold by druggi'te everywhere, or will be sent b. mei' on receipt of price, 50 a.nts Boothe: Mtoua Company, Buffele, N. Y TEM ie the titree to build up the syetem with Rival Herb 'Notate. Sold by boob drug mores in J3russele ; W. G. Neal, Walton ; and A. J. al, Rehm, Oranbrootr. ra atop your pain free, to Meow you first—before you spend a penny—whet rny Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a trial package of tbem--Dr Shoop's Headache tableta. Neuralgia headache, toothache, period pante, etc., . are due alone to blood ooneestioo, Dr. feboop's headache tablets simply kill pato by coaling it way the unnatural Mood pressure, That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, W. Sold by all dealera It Rings bit Your Ears That eeme cough le every -velure yon go, deep and hollow because it is oonsumpt ive. First it was (catarrh widoe eonni have been oared by Oatarrhozone. Mar al, never neglect a aold, never trifle with catarrh, go to your druggist and gat catarrhozooe. It'e Manua death to oolde trouble and catarrh disappear a:, by ourea them in a few minutes. Throet magic. ()steed:ozone is the great nage and bronchial remedy to day. Thous. ands nee it, doctors preearibe it,—why beoaoee it dose relieve qniakly and cure thoroughly, Two sizes, 25o and 51.00 at all dealers, Steel Iintte In Tho Flesh That's the affirmation fxperientied by Robert Pelee, of Heaton, Out. He knew it wise Boleti° and 01 000008 used 'Nervi - Otto." As urinal it cured and he saps, no liniment oan excel) Poloon's Norville°. Severe pains made my aide larde. It was like a steel knife running throng!) the &Me I rabbed in lOtit of Nervilme and was completely owed." A rega.ar snap for Nerviline to ease isolatio and rheumatism. It sinks into the core of the pain, mires 11 10 abort order. GLE Red Cedar New Brunswick White Cedar IN ABUNDANCE Guff & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard SEAFORTH Popular Stallions eefaesla—,e- The Following will be the Routes of the Horses nanted for Season of 1907 ; SCOtlatC1:0 1-10P0 rtu, (19180) VOL. 28 Geo. Muldoon, Prop. This imported Olydeariale Horse will melte the seaeon of 1907 at his own stable, Bruesele. Terme to insure 515.00, payable Feb. let, 1908 Mares must be returned reg- ularly or they will be ;charged whether in toel or not. 45-4 tn Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and indigestion es real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain speeide Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now veil* popular Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative, With- out that original and highly vital prinnlple, 00 fruchbtsting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad, sr roniplexdtot, try Dr. Shoop S Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your. self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer- fully recommend Dr. Shoop's estorative ALL D EA LEES •MONUMENTS Why not this year erect on your Cemetery Lot a nice, neat Monument 2 Our stock is the larg- est in Western Ontario. Call and inspect it. Our prices will surprise you We employ no Agents. Our Workmanship the beat. Wilson 84 Hunter 11011.11.1 8SELS AMOMR2=11305.11ReIgMainft HINGEefTrAYIP, MAKE DILLON TWICE AS STRONG Short, stiff, herd, steel wieeete,yemalte a"blit90-11k0" joipt at every littoral wire on the Milton fence. These "Hinge -stool. give our fence a greater degree of elasticity—enable ie to withstand greater strain. They and like, and really are, hingea—mtthe our fence awing . or spring back into ebape after receiving a heavy blow, or the unusual pressure caused by a f urioue bull or obber animal endeavoring to posh his vraythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells more about this "twice tee strong"fenae. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. - that the Moderat, r be /detain] in future The Gentle Kidney Pal. en for Mx menthe. tie Mann Menden! ce. Ltd., Windsor. oat. On icaotion of MOMS. Miller and Mo. 0 NATE-STAr FE CZ WILTON cA GILLESPIE, AGEAITS IMPORTANT NOTIOES I:0QB $ALE)—A NUMBER OJ1 A. 8904 $2411410 apwit,41811 Seed Oats, NOBLE A MILNE, 4041 Let 22 eon. 7, Grey, • PRICE STORE TO BEM' BY •F brualty let—nart of lintith Meek, I 22208 feet I Sud door from American Rotel ; 1010)7 used 00 telloring and dental eideblisliment. Ver further partloulere apply to int McKELVEY, Dritegole T4 OUSE AND .f.,OT FOR SALE uudoreigned offers for nide ber liellse and lot OU •Turuberry West, Orus• area POSseSsi011 eeuld be given at Mae, Fur pripe, tonna 50,, apply to MRS. 2`, SHIELS, Walton or to Tan POOL SHORT HORN BULLS FOR 8.0..0.•-01,100.110 9 year old in January, Ma and the other 10 remain) eta. Prize Unhands and in good inanditiell, Terme to Milt purchaser. 05801013 09525, Lot 29, (100, 0, Morrie, or Br0SES1B 11,0, 18•01 K. 0. T. M. Braude Tent of Otto khomebeee, leo. 24 hold their rootler meetings le the Lodge Item, Seeker Blook, 011 the 1s0 itOd hrd etteedity evenings of (mob month Visltore always 0,00 EltS, Oom A. tdeOlIffilil, 517, 1., OR SERVICE—THE UNDER Sleliitit will keep tor service on Let 21, Con 10, Way, the Holstein Bull, %addle Deltol,"05 a good milting strait'. TOMS- 02,00,130,yable the 101 dity of February, JONATHAN ware HT 4241 Proprietor. 11.41OR SALE OR TO RENT.— The uudersigned often bor 100 aura farm, beteg Lot 20, One. 7, (trey, for WO Or to rent. Com lortable home, honk barn, °relined, wells, itc, Farm hi only *01 0. niiie from the stireing village of Ethel, For fur. ther partioulare Reply to 11,0. 10°0, Brits. sole, or MRS, HATE HOLLAND, 78 Shute, Street, Toronto. 07-8m. pROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undereigned offera hie braise and lot, situate OD Min street, Brussela, for tele. It is well locinted, a conveuient end ootnlor- tablo home. Pothession 00,8 be given at wonwcb.e.. Will also 0811 the vacant tot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streete, width would mti °tr. reeflue thou i iprioa,tt eer. BotF ot,ratu. r thpepri ypatro. FitED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford. 904 Driving Park Tickets Seethe that tee Council has stopped me- in and ispeeding on the street(' the half 01110 traell of the Brussels Drlyiug Park As- theiation le in good Blume tor this. Bet your BeaBOD coin% as ouce. tor 5100, and Lpeed your boree where you might and no danger of au stooldent. T,eeelo can be got froin F. 5. SOOTT, Secretary. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William A. Hutchinson, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deemed. Notice 00 hereby given, pursuant to Revie. ed Statutes° Ontaril, 1897, Olutp. 129, and amending Sete, that all creditors awl others having itey Maims against the estate of the mid William H. Hutchinson. who died on or about the Nth day of May,1007, are requi rod on or before the 22011 day of June, 1007, to thud by post, prepaid, or deliver to A. 13. Mucdoneld, of 8110 Village of Brussels, Sol - halter (00 5. George Welsh, Ethel P 0., and Bol B. Booth, Brussels P.O., the Executors of the 'mid deceased,their Christian aud bur. nanthe and addresses with bIt partmulare in writing of their claims, the statelneut of their athouute and the nature of the seem - Dies (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the mild last mentioned date the uo110 Executors will proceed to dietribute the asset- of the deceased amongst the parties eatitled there. to, having regard only to the claims of whish they eball then have notice and that the said Exeoutors will not be liable for tiae assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose Maims notion than not have been received by them at the time of 00011 distribution, Dated et Brussels, May 28011, 1007, A. B. MACDONALD, 474 Solicitor for Lemberg. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Robert In- glis, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, de- ceased. Reties is hereby given, purguant to 'twitt- ed Statutee of °uteri°, 1827, (Mae, 129, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others having any Mahn s against the imitate of the Raid Robert Inglis.who died 00 or about the 8tla day of Sprtl,1907, are required 00 00 be- fore the 8th day of June, 1907. to eend by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A.B. Macdonald, ot the Village of Brussels, Solicitor for 1110• lay 8, Scott and David Inane, the Adminia. tratore of the mate. their (Middies aud surname:land addressee with fon particu- lars in writing of their °Wale, the state- ment of their amounts and the nature of the ,00,0 MOB at Kee) held by them, And notice is further given that alter the said lest mentioned date the said Adminis- trators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceaged emonget the parties eotit- led thereto, having regardon ly to the eliding of which they shall then have notion and that the said Administrators will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, to any pereon or perianth of whose 018.1018 000. Ole shall not have been received by them at the time of euoh dietribution Dated at Bruthels, May 14th, 1007. A. B. MACDONALD, 48-8 Solicitor for Administrators, ,t JJiU 1121,4 LINE TURBINE STE'AMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virgintau Belle Pellet'', jelle 7 Jelle uujsium t JUDO 14 July 12 victonan " " June 00 05419 19 Linton " Ihille 118 Jgly se MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Protorlan " Thiteedlte, June 2e July SP etengollan—Satle Therialay, emu, 0 ;illy 21 Cornithlitue, •• Thureday, Juno 18 July 80 b1001100 ,...„ " "I'buradlvolutlo 27 Aug, 1 For saltless, lists and full infortnatIOn Agent, Allan Line, Bruseele, W. 11. R101111, apply to Yliker Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS A NY 017011 numbered Beetion of Dominion ett- Lando in efuttitobs, Sasketohewan and Alberta, exceptieg and 20, not roomed , m1120 obleehlararotte a"ifealnbliy,"oYr aPa°7ra'nelwoho°voiril 18 years 01 Sus, to the exteut of one-quarter aeoeloo 01100 amen mourn hew Buhl, may be made nereonally at tbe lottal laud ogle° tor the (Detect lu which tbellbhowlidOrtilciBeitteuriee'r is required to perform the oonclitiO 00 Oonnooted therewith under 01101 005: ittbil vamettqa1701;:t,:hmrev°,131141060utb0db81:1 04: :0:1013:iyeeofaax:tal:1:00:: Itehtracl:forlthaaj Ober the horeeeteader midden upon it farm fla the vicillity of entered for the requirements as to reel. donee 01107 110 satiefled by suoll vermin re- eidlug '5100 the fattier or mother. (8) 11 0110 settler has his permaneut deuce upon Arming laud owned by him in the vicinity of hie homeetead. the re. qulremeots as to realdenee may be satis- fied by residence npou the said, land, lihrmentbe' within lo writing should be gpl.vte.n.:0 the flonimiesfouer of Dominion Laurie at Ottawa of futeation to apply for Deputy 01 0110 WIlinWisioar°onfYinterior. N.B. Unauthorized publioatiou of thio olt vertisomeut will not be paid for, new LiMe for Sale - just received a car load of No. 1 White Liroe, D. A. LOVVRY BRUS SELS. AD:P 141kft rewer's Reliable Art Studio If you are viei0ing in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. We are second to tone and our prices are lower than other towns. We would be pleased to have you call and see samples, also see our large assortment of 910000 00 Post Cards. They make good Souvenirs, Don't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging dons in first-olass etyle— Omyon Water -color. Give us a call. H.R. BREWER T Farmers 'or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foremen, Brussels, A DANDY STOCK OF BtTa-a-I M WE have an A 1 stook of Top Buggies, manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Plattsville, and Wm Dere & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is First-class mid prices are right. flon't fail to see them. Repairing_, Re -painting and Trimminlr. at- tended to in a workmanlike manner oo short notice and at very reitsonahle rates. R. Francis & Co. Fhop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also 11se0) in stook the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost at Wood repairs. Call and see us) e`e e 1 ••