HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-6-6, Page 3NICE WEATHER AND TIDES ROTH tblaw.ND ALMOS'':'I ENTIRELY UPON '1'1111 SUN. Conditions .on Earth Dependent on it--- Ila,ypy Four Years Fore- costete la The war ld's prosperity depends upon the weather. This may sound absurd. Weather docs cot mute any difference to the output of gold from the mines, It does not chive nations lo. war, It clogs not, prevent steamers Leen crossing the ocean, nor cables from carrying their mrssuges from one 4011Iinen1 la another. Drained. Yet Ihe slnlelllent is lime, Trade does not depend on gold nor on anything dug from the earth. 1L has no- thing to do villi the manlier of uhlps ready to Corry !Seigle. and a war some- times stimulates rather than depresses commerce. What trolly matters Is the. harvest, 1f India and Minn. suffer from drought, or August felsls cut Canadian wheal, up gars the price al agricultural produce. 'Phe corn-l,rnducing countries have nothing lo etet:❑uge against the manufactures of 13riluin and GerrnanY, and the other manufacturing countries' mills statin idle., and had trade and financial depression are the inevitable results. SOT.AR CIIANGES, Wo cannot yet tell for certain, but this much we can say : that our wea- ther depends largely, if not entirely, upon the centre of our universe, the sun. How can the sum affect our weather Is the inevitable question. Does it give more hent ane year than the next? Are its rays hotter or cooler to -day than yesterday? No. The heat from the sun radiates all round It, and a minute frac- tion of which falls upon the earth, is a constant quantity, What does seem to vary is the strength and continuity of an even more important but less evident force, the electricity and magnetism of the sun. SUN SPOTS IN STORMS, The sun, 11ke this little planet, is sub- ject to storms—slorms on such a gigan- tic scale !hal a West. Indian cyclone which flattens stone buildings and lifts ships out of the water is a toy zephyr by comparison. Tho atmosphere of the sun is not air, but metals and minerals in such a slate of heat that they are blazing, boiling gas, and at times this terrific atmosphere wheels and roars in circular storms so huge that this earth flung into, the centre of one would be whirled like a Leather in a gale. A sun storm measured a year or so ago covered an area 172,000 miles long and 58,000 wide, and from its surface were flung up flames ouch of which would have licked this earth bare ass plate after the onslaught of a hungry dog. STORM PERIOD OVER. For some reason to us unknown, sun storms intensify at pretty regular inter- vals of eleven yea's. Now March, 1003, 'was the lest mnxfmnnn of sunstorm ac- tivity. AL that time we could see with the naked eye (protected by smoked glass) little darlc blobs on the white-hot surface of Ihe sun. Each of these was a gigantic Morin. Since that date the sun storms have been decreasing. There was none for some months until February last, when a big one flared across the surface of our light -giver. 11 is now dy- ing away, and by past experience we icnow that the next maximum will be in 1014. Sun spots will begin to appear early in 101.1. and intensely for nearly three years, after which they will take another two and a 11011 years -to disap- pear Irom the countenance of the :ma - arch et the solar system. As we are now about the end of a die - away period, we can confidently affirm that for al; least four years from now we shall have, on the whole, good weather and rich harvests. LORD CROMER AND EGYPT. Regret 'Over Resignation •oI the "Maker" of the Country. The resignation of Lord Cromer has been received with a universal cry of re- gret. }le was the Consul -General in Egypt, and as such wielded as much power as a sovereign ruler. 1L was the late Lord Salisbury who once summed up Lord Cromer's character in this sen- tence : "Iic always carries an ultima- tum up his sleeve." This was in allusion to the many occasions on which the Khe- dive had to be brought Lo see sense by strong action. At a crisis some years ago, Lord Crotner ordered the Khedive to dismiss his Prime Minister within twenty-four hours, sent to Malta for a few thousand troops to be in readiness to support him if necessary, and then went and filled in an hour or two by playing lawn tennis. PITH, POINT AND. PATHOS. Ability will be recognized if only he who has it will be patient sufncienily long. IRJlf of the pbwer of trouble lies in the 'disturbance 11 raises as it approaches. A. pet habit Is • one to which e11 1140 women in your family constantly ob- ject. The only way to con0001 a /Will in his sins is to keep warning him about therm. The world never gives a man his just dues unless he is big enough to take therm by force. Many a man would have progressed further 11 he had not stopped so often to rest a little. There is a lot more fere it dreaming di -canes than In getting busy and work- ing them out. 11 is Mighty hard to keep up faith in eternal goodness when IL "keeps irritat- ing your' wounds, A sense of humor has saved many a. man from going to 'the bad because of his misfortunes. Providence has to shoulder the blame for many things that are .the results of mortal carelessness. Because he helps them scare men in - In heaven the devil is a valuable assis- tent to most evangelists: Genius_ is the ability to feel mote in- tensely, remember lilt feelings, and then tell others client -thio. • A' RI'<EUMATIC WRECK, Atter ]hospital 'I'reatment lealited'Dr. Williams' Pink Palle Cured Illm, "1 suffered thereatest,a Or f from rheumatism. Leading physicians pre. seek ed many medicines, but with un- sultsfactory results. 1 was compelled ist go lo an hospital, but even the lreel- nlent there felled, Then I took Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and to -day 1 urn ct well Man." Thesrwords were spoken by CliffordL. Forbes when interviewed at his home- in 'Port Maitland, N, S. Mr, Forbes is a fisherman and had always Igen very healthy, until some three years ago while fishing off Newfound- land he was seized with a very severe Mewl< of r'heuu etisrn. 4n his awn words he .says; "1 was Ashjng on the Grand Banks in the spring of 1003 when I was 51riiekein with rheumatism. 1 could not work or sleep, and the On was almost unbearable. My case be- enu11e J:o serious lull I had to be handed and for weeks l lay in a Cape lhr.lon hr.spilni as helpless as n cripple, The. hospital deriors pr8s0a'ibed different re- medies. but they did not cure me. 1 Then left the hospilel and was taken home with rheumatism apparently com- pletely fastened upon she. Day and night I suffered. Nothing 1 did for the troulile seemed to help me, anti i be- come despondent and down -hearted. Then n friend advised me to try Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I was :skeptical, but my friend praised the pIils so highly that i determined to try them, with the result you see to -day. I am fully cured and have not since had even a twinge of that dreaded affliction. 1 rennet say ton much In favor of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and 1 urge all rhetunalic sufferers to try them," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. Forbes because they struck straight at the root end cause of his crippling rheu- matism. They don't act on the mere symptosis Ilire ordinary mrdleine. They don't ant on the bowels. They do only one thing, but they do It well—they actually make new blood. In that way they root ,out all common blood die - eases like anaemia, hendoches and backaches, rheumatism, srinlice. neu- ralgia, and the secret ailments of girls and women who suffer unspeakably when the richness and regularity of their blond becomes disturbed. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills aro sold by all dealers In medicine, or sent by mei! at 50 cents. a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writ- ing. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WTIISN ELECTRICITY RUNS AMUCK. This Subtle, Mystcrious.Force Is a Good Servant But ,a Bad Diaster. AN ODE OF EMPIRE. 1. Under a night of dins and alien stars, Willi homeless heart and angry tears 1 erledi "Is this the land of immemorial pride? ((1 sainted chivalry end heroic wale? 01 happy vales end gloolns of witchery? My forbore boyhood's land of dream and song? Of manhood's faith and sternest ley. ally, Britannia 1110 just and strong? O heart defrauded, what is hero to cherish? And what to trope amid this wide disgrace Where hunger stalks and where the faithful perish, While sullen sluggards crowd the uinrkcil-IrluctY Britannia's sons across the seas aro capilli„ Joyous gad strong from many a fruiltul plait; On Needle -s ears their love and cheer are fulling, Tiler birthright bartered for a cold, disdain, Bel they of British sires were been, And they shall answer scorn for scorn: Nor long shall fools their youth de- Ah y n lot q[ ride, Sons of the proud are born to pride." 11. U, for an hour of the ampler stainless spaces That breathe the health of nations, where the sun Spreads his wide tent upon the hal- lotved pieces That toll's long battle from the waste has won. Give me my birthlaod, still unknown to story, Dearer than dream remembered from afar, Where love and plenty yield a golden glory, Thal shames the cruel barren pomp of war. And 0 ye.spirits of that world unsung, That serve the god of solitude, once more Send me the vision though with falter- ing tongue I voice your music on a friendless shore. Strike your wide harp and to .Felton numbers Marshal the legions of the patient dead From nolelsss fields whereon their lives were sped, :Where harvest winds and birdsong lull their slumbers; Call them again that men may .see Heroes of bloodless victory; May see and learn to love and bless Much distress and sickness in chil- Similarly; on the electrified under- The silent vanguard of the wiklcr- ground railway In Paris, some few years ness: sten is caused by worms. Mother haste, a start circuit started a Ilya, which IIL Graves 00oral Exterminator gives re- hrou tit about the deaths of nearly a gy lief by removing the cause. Give it a A Carefully Prepared Pith—Much time g A rousingwind among the wintry trees trial and be convinced. and attention were exprndod in Rhe ex - hundred passengers ; while at the Dingle Made ancient murmuring and the periutenting with the htgredieels that Sicilian of the Liverpool Overhead Elec- huddling night THE WAY OF IT. crater into the yontposfliuu of Parnelee.s tett Rahway, on Deconnbet 23rd, '1001, a Thrilled with the fear of whispered Vegetable Pills before they 'were brought conflagration having Its origin In pre- mysteries; liniclker: "Are your plans made for set Ito same cause resulted in six the summer 7" to the stale in which they were first , 1- Y Whon lo, around me fell the olden tired to the public. Whatever other litres being sacrificed. light Boder : "No; my wife is busy sects-lilis nut)' be, Parmelees Vegetable Pills 'Many other catestrophes of a litre na- And rank on rank 1 saw them march- Eng the places where I shan't go." are. the result of (00011 expert. study, lure might be cited, all due to short sir- ing by, all pernne suffering from drspep- Willh cloudless brew and dreadless Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all s or disnrdcreI liver and Icidneys eye hinds of corns and warts, root and�may conffdenlly accept them as being branch. Who, then would endure them The heroes of my sager youth, what they are represented to be. Druid and saint and Icings of chivalry;with such a cheap and effectual remedy Fierce plunderers of tie unchartewithin reach? hoer Gall ulo id Smirch needs no cooking »--•jnet cold water and. 'tis ready, 'Twon'tstick, yet gives a batter gloss, with loss mons rubbing.,than any a arc you know, Its r e 1 little. Your dealer Bella Try it this week. zea e t b 1 Yo P d al s it. 1Cellulgffil :moweeweeweee WePrN. SINEW'S OF WAR. "What a change a woman can slake in a man's life 1" " 1 es. And what a awful, change she requires while doing ill" A .Successful Medicine, — Everyone I wishes 10 be successful In any under- taking in which he may engage, It :s therefore, extremely gratifying to the Notbirig 1 Ate Agreed With NW. 3131`1. LiENORA BODENIIAME1l. Mrs, Lenora. Bodenlrnmer, Ii. F, D. 1„ Bux 00, Kcimersville, N, C., writes; proprietors of Parmelee's Vegetable "f suffered with stomach trouble and Pills to know that their efforts to eom indigestion for some Ume, and nothing pound a medicine which wouid prove a that 1 ate agreed wilt me. I was very blessing to mankind have been success- I nervous and experienced a continual fu' beyond their expeelatlens. The en.j feeling of uneasiness and deur. 1 took dorsallon of these 'Pills by the publle medicine from the doctor, but it did me is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- no good. duced which will fulfil everything 1 found in one of your Perune books claimed for it, 0 description of rely symptoms. d then wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. He said I had catarrh of the stomach. I look Peruna and Manalin and followed his directions and can now say that 1 feel as well as 1 ever did. "1 hope that ail who are amiriedwith UNHAMPERED THEN, "Now that Grindle has made his pile he has joined the church." "Wonder why he didn't join before?" "He didn't want anything to interfere the same syrrtptonls will take 1'er•una, with his business." ns it has certainly cured me." The above is only one of hundreds ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and who have written similar letters is Dr. every term of contagious Itch on human Hartman. Just one such case as this rr animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol- entitles Penne to the candid consider - ford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never falls. alien of every one similarly afflicted. II Sold by all druggists. this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to is the testimony PREVENTIVE. of hundreds. yes thousands, of honest, Links : "I dant see that the hair re- sincere people. We have In our files a storey has done you any good. You !;real many other testimonials. haven't a hair on your head.' S- V'inks "Yes, but juel thinks how much TIME FOB CIIEF.IIS. worse it miglt have been if I had never used the remedy." Mr. Pedagog : "Obsequies are--weli, now, if I should meet with a fetal acci- dent what would we haver Chorus (joyfully : "A holiday 1" culls; but it. is the sneak &w eni which is mast destructive to properly. What is known as a "sneak current" from an electric wire or conduit corres- ponds to a leakage in lire case of a gas oe water main, 1L was this kind of an electrical leakage which blew up half the Euslon Road in the spring of 1804, and caused the inhabitants of North Iondon to imagine that they had been suddenly visited by a peculiarly destruc- tive and virulent type of earthquake. Perhaps, however, the accident, which occurred at [he huge electricity works of the Manchester Corporation on Septem- ber 10111, 1890, shows more conclusively tigan anything haw easily great events may spring from little causes when deal- ing with this volatile force. A tiny "sneak current" escaped from an un- noticed pinhole in the insulating cover- ing of a wire, and was attracted to the bronze rivets which held together lite two ends of a leathern band. These it fused, the band parted, the fly -wheel of the engine it controlled started revolving ate terrific speed, and, presently burst, and in the twinkling of an eye the whole interior of the splendid powee house, with all the cosily machinery it contain ed, was reduced to ruin. r$ DRUGGING CHILDREN. All so-called "soothing" syrups and most of the powders advertised to cure childhood ailments contain poisonous opiates and an overdose may kill the child. When the mother uses Baby's Own Tablets she has the guarantee of a government analyst That this medi- cine contains no opiate- or narcotic. They can be given with absolute safely to a now horn baby. They cure indi- gestion, ndigeslion, constipation, colic, diarrhoea and other minor ellmente of children. Mrs. G. Collins, letrkella, Man., says:— "Baby's Own Tablets are the most'sal- isfactory medicine i have ever used for the minor ailments of chtdren. 1 al- ways keep the Tablets in the house.' Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at On cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, ONE FOR THE BARRISTER, • A certain well-known judge was once violently 011001(ed by a young and very impudent counsel, To the surprise .of. everyone, the judge heard hire right through, unconscious of what was said by those present, and made no reply. After the adjournment- for the day, and when all were assembled at the hotel where the judge and many of the court, folk had their refreshments, some- one asked the judge why he did not re- buke the :impertinent fellow. "Permit me," said the judge, loud enough to attract the attention of the whole company, among whom was the barrister in question. "Permit me to tell you a little story, My father when he lived in the country, had a dog -a mere puppy, 1 may say. Well, this puppy would go out every moonlight night and bark at the moon for hours together.". The judge paused as if he had finished. "Well, what of that?" exclaimed half• a -dozen of the audience at once. "Oh, nothing—nothing; but the moon kept on shining just as it nothing had happened" sea, It's an undisputed fact that some men Unknown alike .to fear and rut10 do not have any more sense when they Warriors gild minstrels and the lords gel married than they did when they of truth' were born. All memory's roster of idolatry. And not from guarded graves they Came, But from the lands where honor leads, Where still they serve and by thelr fame Urge humble hearts to nighty deeds, And through that vision at their side My brothers iearclled with, fearless stride And voiced with that heroic throng The choral musto of prophetic song. IV. Fool, to be wroth with but a voteless DIGGING. She : "No one knows what. I've gone through since I .married you." He: "Well, if there's anything that you haven't gone through it mnlst be my pyjamas, and they have no pockets" TONS OF IRON consumed each year in ohm In In " Irerrovim," the best tnn£c, it is so 1 LAZY OLD SORES, painful and disfiguring.cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly ! will not linger long after treatment with w'eaver's get all possible nourishment and Uoueat from it. ' Cerate has been begun; Also, cleanse the blood — with weaver's Syrup. Harvard, founded in 1636, three miles wrest of Boston, Is the oldest University in the United Stales. Them are over 0,000 students. We have no hesitation In saying that Dr. 2. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, daY, I cholera and all summer complanis, sea To heed its spawn or have thcirscorn, sickness, etc. 1t promptly ghees relief The dead are all imperial and their sway Not islanded and to no share con- futed, Once more my soul puts out to ports of daring' With all the lordly comrades of my choice. The soaring wind is master of our far- ing, The sea's wide freedom bids our hearts rejoice. Far as the day span our adventure urges A dateless voyage through the reach of time, The past goes down behind oblivious surges, The future rises with a dawn sublime. Fronting the world with. calm and level vision, Nev sons of empire, heirs to all its pride Smile back their answer do a dull de- rision. Serving and building where their fa- thers died. Theirs is the strength and not the boastful seeming, Theirs Is the deed and not the foolish dreaming, Theirs is Ihe harvest of life's proud- est, pages, And theirs the empire that shall awe the ages. —By Peter McArthur. INFANT PRODIGY, Little Girl (who has just kissed her father good -night): "Oh, father, your beard is scratchy," Father Deur me, miss, you aro par- ticular, It can't be Very bad, I shaved it this morning," Little Girl Well, then, father, ins- it's very tall for its age."' ON SAME PRINCIPLE. Teacher ; "Johnny, can you explain the difference between like' and 'loot'?" Johnny : "Yes, ma'am. I like bread and butter, but I love pis." Siamese ohildren of the upper classes Ore taught to reverse the elbow joint of the left arm es a sign of superiority. and never falls to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bot- tle when their children are teething. "I thank you, madam, for your hospi- tality. Your kindness brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. 'Tis a hard, cruel world, and I, a harmless member of society, au hunted down by its myrmi- dons of•the law simply because I bear a resemblance to a balloon." "A bal- loon 1 I fail to see the resemblance, my man." "Probably so, madam; but you see, like the balloon., I have no visible means of support 1" "Crows are 'lardy birds," remarked the boarder. "In cold weather I have known them to go five clays without food." "That's nothing," chuckled the comedian boarder. "i've known crows to go five months without food." "Great Scott? What kind of crows were they r "Why, scarecrows, of course." IL takes eleven complete processes to snake a needle. Tho first is gauging the wire, and the last are drilling the eyes, finishing the points, and papering. Each needle will pass through the hands of over a score of workmen. The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world. It is 740: miles long, an( lis area is about 140,000 square miles. It is at present rapidly diminishing in sizes Dyeing! Cleaning! For the very bel send your work to eh. "UNITIe1l AMERICAN DYENt0 CO." Look for meet ha rowr town, or .end direct- Menttreal,Torouto, Ottawa, Quetas% ti: e A pure, hard Manitoba Sour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE eiles AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE §UPPLIED WITH FLOUR A 440 FEED,?WRITE Us, WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY1.! BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS WINED GREAT FAVOR ASA GENERAL HOUSEHOLD •Ail. PURPOSES' FLOUR. AMPIIEt QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. Rim and Gulf of SI, Lawrence Summer Cruises in Clool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 9S. "Campana," with electric lights, electric belle and all modern comforts. SAILS 811018 MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 4p m., 8rd and 1711,,Tono let, 16th and Mil July, 15th and 16th August, 9th and Wird September, and fortnightly thereafter for Plane, N,S., call - big bt ,lopes Gaspe, Mal Bay, Pero, Cape Cove, Grand' lvor Sumtuerside, P.E,E, and Charlet. tocol" P.N.'. ERMJ.z l A Summer Direersfons, MI6, by fhb new Twin Sor0w SS. "normndian", 5,500 ono, Sailing 6th. and 19th Jane, std, 111,L'and 91 1 July, 14th and c 111 August 4th, 14th and 20th Se tembor, 5th etlt at1 256{1 Ootobor, 0ttt, 10th and'27t11 Nevem. her. Temperature cooled by 000 breezes salaam .lees above 80 degrees, Tho finest trips of the season for health and 0511110,1. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 20- Broadway, New York. ISSUE NO, 22---07. 'Pitta OLDEN FLAG. (I3y Mia, Elizabeth ,S. MacLeod, audio of "Cerola of Canada,") Raise ldgh the royal standard! nham0 not thy royal birth; The prestige of thy ]night sustain, Thou noblest of the earlhl Great Canada, thou fair, free landi A world looks forth tothee; Ne anon hand' thy hand shall lead; Theu'lt bow no servile knee, Then rally round the olden 11051 1- The laved red, white and Blue; Let traitors scheme, or boasters brag, I 'fro Cariad(' 11.008 true, Float on, 0 flag of .Empire vast) long may those colors wave O'er ninny a blond -bought !nentlege; (o'er many a hero's grave, The grandeur of Ilt,y fame doth light • The fields our fathers won; The noblest gift which valiant sirs could e'er bequeath his son, 'Droop not, 0 peerless siandardt gl loyal hearts end true! Forget not ye the olden land Though cherishing Ihe. new. Forgot ani hearts and hopes are ono, Frcm Britain's sun -girt Isles, To where, beyond the Rocky steep, The broad Pacific smiles. • Wave on. 0 flag of Empire vast! O'er mnunlaln, rock and stream; Where wholesome fealty • rests secure, Renesth thy fervent gleam. For. should the tramp of hostile fent \rouse our peaceful shore, Britannia's conquering sword would flash Through Canada once more, Then rally mend lhr eldest flail The loved red. while and blue; Let traitors scheme, or boasters brag, To Canada prove true. PROMOTED TIIEN. "How is it. Tommy ?" aslced the man- ager one day as he whittled his permit with a knife borrowed from the junior 011100 hey, "Mut you always have your table with you, and the outer boys baten`L?" Tommy hesitated for a moment, then, gathering co110age, said "The wages I get aren't enough for me to afford more than one pair of pants," Money Is believed to have been first coined in ,ligina about 805 B.C. A Requisite for the Bamber.—On the cattle ranges of the \\ I. where /ren nand slo<•k are far teen doctors and apo - 1 thecories, Dr. Themes' Eeleetric Oil is kept on hand by the hnlelligenI, as a ready made medicine. not only fur many !human ills, but as a horse and colli. medicine 01 surpassing nn'rrt. A horse and cattle randier atilt find matters 'greatly simplified by using this 011. • The Mark That Tell. r,uaa (e, Trademarked thus in a may01 Arlo,0515,0008 pricer for women, men cod ckildronD50211. taro hued, toploon arc knack, andat t0 ant, ro yPenand at our awe any Psnio ma oar1 meat Nulty la malarial or making, 1105 °' Inv'1E WEA reit,Angie - trade'] marls (in red) :on every Pen.Ang1e it fltandwoyen re — ous c ohI fnlwn denier as guarantees it,'' Underwear thus trademarked 10 softer, warmer, More flexible, better wearing; Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, Local representative wanted in each county. 'Wier r & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, C; .GORISTINB I'UILDINO, MONTREAL. OUNG MEN WANTED—FOR FIRE - men and brakemen; experience un- necessary; over 500 positions open at the !:resent lime; high wages; rapid promo - lion to engineers and conductors; 875 to 5200 per mantle instructions by malt at your home withrut interruption with present occupation; the assist each stu- dent in securing n position; don't delay; virile to -clay for free catalogue, timbers - liens and application blank, National Railway Training School, Int.., 1432 K,, B s'on Block, i linneapelie Minn., U,S,A. ABSOLUTE SEC'UIR iTY TO"5'Q Y' DEPOSIT°"5 MONEY TO LOAN'' ACCOUNTS OF SAFETY DEPOSIT j , fi '� . ; EXECUTORS & �Tc� TRUSTEES ARE VAULTS TO RENT1�? SPECIALLYINViTED RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. ALLOWS FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCES ----- &COM POUNDS IT QUARTERLY MADE IN CANADA 2 and 4 Cyclo, Engines Complete Launches H.AMiLTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. has never been and never can be replaced.' it occupies a unique and secure piers in the world of hygienics, sports and utilities. It produces red blood, bright eyes and a quick braln—necessities for enjoyment of life and success, IT IS HEALTHY, will prolong your life, save doctors' bills, keep you out d doors, curt insomnia, aid digestion Increase your appetite and . improve yo , morally and mentally. rr is ECONOMICAL—saves time, carfare and (hoe ,leather; is your friend, won't run away, is siways ready, neither eats hay nor grain, needs no whipping, oosls little, is a good investment, valuable in emergencies, and makes you independent of eleetrtc cars, steam roads or horses, CLEVELAND, MASSEY SILVER RIBBON, BRANTFORD, PERFECT, RAM. BLER, IMPERIAL and BLUE FLYER bicycles art not excelled by any in the world. They are made 3n Cushion Frame and Rigid. Frame models. $$5.00 TO $05.00. Handsome Catalogue for eaoh line. Write for the Jx», ' ,Y your choice. CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR CO, LIMITED, MAKERS OP TILE WO RLD'S BEST BICYCLES. Toronto Junction, r' Canada9 Branches t—Winnipeg, Van couver, itlelbonrne, Aust.