HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-30, Page 4moAeRloaeellte i' ifielWilleeeditelbW— phone, Siding the allele or telling ohargr Q.PheT O$V.Ils ;,A'A t PQM, epode, The in a many aided Tuan .natty a hearty laugh wan etlurded by the gporte.--The nae Preeideut will THIJIZSD,A ', M.,4• r 301 1907, parcels worthy masseter to the retic, lug one and 1e pate itrauger to llreetdeu glee, --Debet Meth(Muralie tastily Atte'd up end dose the • et'ngregetlen credit.—Very pleeefugly and brotherly appear the reiatiuu• of Ethel, Ucion rue Kee'e appalls tmema. '1'tiE'8 gallieringe are pruenottve of goad 10 their tratetual relaticluehipa—Here le the paetor'e pato meal greetiug 01.1 the printed program :— We welcome yon all very cordially to our Annual 8. S. Oonveotion. Yoe will get the, best oqt of it by putting the beet into It. We cordially invite yen to every S. B. eervioo. 'Put your hat ou tad oume e'oag with year boys tun gime. Kelm the S. 8, the brlgbteoy tip ,t w the cherub. Joie the great army et Bib stadeutl and get armed with the weapons of Truth to uuugaer the Kingdom of Darkueub. Don't be if minded with sowing Barmy, Oats and Wheat, Take time to sow eome oeede of Truth wbioh in atter days will giadaen your heart aud canoe joy to come to the heart of Heaven." --Men mp} Dome and men may go but B. Ubembete ue Treeeuret appeare to g • to tor,ver — Rev. 0. P. W tie, B D., now of Gerrie, Mutt Bette, time be knew wbeu he or genized Ethel oirouit 8. S. Oonventiou. ---There IS n0 ehur6ageof 000elleut vOQNI1B6m on the Ethel ait 0nit and no appoitnmeut has the monopoly,-0are• taker Obapmau stood guard of the pro- vision's stored in the Towuohip Hall for lquoh during theatteruoou aeenion. He's to retinols,—The 3 eohoole have live Buperinteudente.—betWeeL the anions a 40868 Ittuoh was served to the Towuohip Hall and a, ter a 1 had been led there remalued uo 12 baekete by any weaua. Following the repast name a prow tom of atbletto sports presided over by the pastor, J. MoD.nald, and Alex, 31o• Amster. Foot races for buye, gine, men, and women, sack raoe and raumng jump, were an the bill of fare. The moeb amusing number was race in which 6 or 8 maids and matr0ue took pert. They rau a dietanue, grove 2 nails eaoh in a plank and Dieu rem batik to the starting point. Mieeee Michel, Mune and Jaokeou were three wanton with °there iu o Dee proximity. The Vi06mrn in each ease were treated to lueoloue oranges, 'The intruduonou of sports wee guod Idea.—Mleeee Ina Bryane, Ber• Sperm Slemmoa, Laura Sperand Mrs. Wilsonoffinated as organiete and go- oompaniste with acceptance.—Phe pat. gram of the afternoon session deserved to larger aadieuoe. It was a [cutout pro. gram.—A good motto for the coming year is "Beading every energy," with a bee as au objeot lesson of iodaatry tad 8 W eetueea. SUNDAY SOIIOGit',, SEED SOWERS E CIRCUIT. IR aN ErHE Last 1 ridey afterneoe and evening the anneal Sabbath Sehool Convention of the three eohoole on Ethel Oireeit was held in the Methodist oburoh, Ethel, NM wee one of interoat and beueflt, The President, and. K. Baker, ououpted the °hair and opened the brat ee08tou With appropriate remarke, Atter a hymn prayer was offered by Robert 1110. Kay an excellent program wait presented and it wail well carried out and was probably ae good if not better than moot Of its predeoeeeore. Mies L. Johnston gave the first paper oq "The teacher who lufluenoee their pope," Must be a Ohrlataan and moat live 11, Requieite geallfleatioue are Wiedom, Lave, Faith, kaiienoe and Sympathy, !teen ar &standouoe i0 a neoeeeity. Get tbe eobolare interested and give them eomething to do. Every an ebe d, Teeewer should d conal der a oh by eye as well as ear. Make the school the brightest place on earth. Have a band shake and a cheery salutation as it helps bring iu the eunebine. The subject was well bandied by Mies Jobo- atou. '.0 Lord and the power just now" was sung with spirit. The dieoueeion was opened by R. Mo. Kay who brought int many pra0tiaal pointe, snob as oodeieteooy, teat, careful preparation, prayer, an even tenor of geminate' pnuotuality, recognition of papile by. name, the onooueoioue in. fluence. Rev, Air. Armstrong suggested that the teacher wbo gets near the pupil must be ohild Itke in goqueetionlug Faith. Use objeot Marone. President Baker liked a neater who taught because they loved the work, one who wee able to enthuse papile so that they will study the lesson. A gramaphoue selection watt given en. tided "Almost persuaded." "The ohiid mind and how to reach it" was the important eabjeot introdnood in a moat capable manner by Mies E. Pomeroy. The importenoe of the book studied must vibrate with tbe child lite. Teacher moat have definite idete 118 to child mtud. Leeson meet be made el. araoaive and made suitable to the child. lin picture and object lessons and there- by impress the Meson. Children like true stories and the Bible ie fen of these. They like to answer questions. Ap• preoiate their efforts. Teaaber must be a student) and study the Great Teaoher and Hid methods. .At Calvary" was 'wog atter whioh Jno. Pearson dieoueeed the topic dealt with by Mies Pomeroy. He empllarized the taoa that the Godly life of the teacher cannot fail but have effeut on the Maid. Avoid oomp'1elon, lead rather than drive. Brighten the intellect by eu. oouraging the papile to Beek advance. eaut.Uthere tatting Part m he discoid. lion were Be 1loSay, Rev. Mr. ' Arm• strong and the 9reaideut. Mise M. Johnston gave a recitation in a pleasing manner. IL wee entitled "d rose for Bal." Rev. air. Armetroog treated the ° audience to ,The old oaken bucket" on the gramaphoue in male quartette etyle. airs. Wm. Whitfield wad on the pro gram for "Sunday School and Missions" but not being present this important over was to io aeeed owing to want of P P g time. The hymn "No not One" was eeug during whioh a collection was taken for the Urinate Famine Fund, the pastor urging g 'u enero0e contributions to this 1 mast daeerving charity. Robert MoKay, who is the faithful and competent teacher of the Bible Masa in Ethel Metbodiet Sabbatb Sobool, taagbt the Meson for next Sabbath, "The obild• hood of Moeee," a number of persona ala• lag as a olaee. The lesson wee well taught and many important troths elucidated. The dieoneeion was lead by R. Piokrell and others. The very interesting session wee brought to a close by the Benediction. EVENING 8138810N. The (thumb wag not nearly large enough to accommodate the people who aeoembled in the evening. Rev. Mr. Armetroog presided and after the opening exeroieee the report of the Nominating Oommittee was presented by John Pearson ae fol- lows :—Preeideut, Rouen McKay ; Vice Presidents, the three Superintendents, J. McDonald, J. K. Baker and Jno. Bryant ; Beoretary, Miee Sneie Peareon Treasurer, 8. Chambers; Represents. tivee from the appointmente, B. Jaokeon, Toe, Dougherty aid Mian) Jaakeon. A good anthem was given by Ethel oholr. The new President wae feliotbouely in. trodnoed and addressed words of greet- ing, proving by them his qualidoation for the office. Mise Olive Reimard sang a eolo in good voice. A good recitation, entitled "Busy People," was given by Mies Lizzie Chambers. "Shoat the Victory" wae the title of a rousing aborta /lung by Roe's choir. blies Amelia Whit. field rendered, very acceptably, a solo. Following a hymn and oullaction W. H. Kerr answered the queries in the Qua. tion Drawer. The leader of Ethel onoir, illiee R. Spence, oontribated a choice solo and Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, was called upon for an address. It was pointed, pra0tioal and personal and should prove belpfal to thoee engaged in the Sabbath School army. On motion of Jno, Bryane and Wm. Whitfield ad wit•, took pert were thanked. Ethel oboir gang a splendid anthem and this most profitable convention was oonoluded by the Benediction. NOTES ON 1118 DAY A letter of good wlehee was read from L. A. Mason, of ' the West, who ham frequently taken part in the Ethel Conventions. The Booretary was in- structed to Bend beak greetings to Bro. Malmo.— President Baker filled the ehalr most acceptably and brightened up the exeroiese by hiegood nature and apt illuetretione.— The Oolleo icing ab the Convention totalled over $9 00, the e0r pine after expenses were paid, went to the Chinese Famine Fund.—E, B. • Sanders' zonophone i0 an excellent one for eweetrtese and purity of tone and hie oboioo of reoorde gives a wide range.— Rev. E. E. Armstrong, R. D , ie certainly an all round pmetor, whether inpreeoh)ng presiding, playing the organ 08 8000. Doctors Change Their Methods Yearn ago they fought uaterrh by in- ternal doetug. They saw this ruined the stomach and °hanged to the ozeuat01 air once, better kuowu ail "Uabarrbozone," Thie treatment is sure to mare. It gore to the source of rue dieea-e; it destroys the oanees that maintain Catarrh and emu io the worst oaeea permanent once ie guaranteed. Feature with Catarrh - ozone la imp ,ee b,e. A uileeP i'os healing g and tar reaching. It'e bound to mire every tame. Endorsed by twenty thous and phytioiaue in America alone and sold in 25o and $1.00 etzee by all dealers. Fo relwlelk. Mise Alice Downey was the greet of W. H. and lire. D.lwuey, of Wiadeor. Rev. J, Hueeer, a 'I. A., B. D., hes re oeived word that be has been ennceseful in his exammabioo for the Pb. D, degree. The 'n degree will be oouferred 1 June. g Illluoie Wesleyan Ua1VerB1E y e1LeaLed at Bloomington Ih., where Mr. Hueeer 100k hie final examination last 8epiem• her i0 one of the teatime Uuivereitioe of that atat0, and has had some 600 reei- drm etndente that year, besides a unm• bee of uon-reeideutetndeute. On Wednesday, 15th inst., Mrs. John Gowdy eoderwent a eerioae operation, in which two tumors and the appendix were removed. Mrs. Gowdy seemed to improve for some time under the nore the of a trained nurse, but the spark of life fled on Monday afternoon of last week. Deceased was in her 4let year and was a daughter of the late damsel Nay. She leaves 8 hnebaad and a young family to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. Interment took plane ou Wednesday afternoon in Lha MoIntoeb cemetery, Rev. Redford utfloiatiug. R egain Now The Strength You Lack / Winter Leaves Ifs Miserable, Ailing, weak. BUILD LT UP NOW. Daring the Winter the system gets 'sluggish. The blood, polluted with im- purities, deadens the 00000, 0 eyaaem end delle the notions of both liver and kidneys ; the foulness of the eyetem in• creases and when Spriug oomee we are limp and unless. Spring "system cleaning" ie a doty ; the body Beware most be flushed out and waete matter removed—otherwise weak• nese and nervoaeneee will Rarely fallow. Begin by enriohiug the blood. Make it pare and nutritious by taking Far. ,ozone, its the greatest blood former known to medical eaienoe. Ferrozone makes the liver fairly 0iog with new lite, makes the kidneys dance with renewed vitality, and thus the Winter's aoonmalatlon of pollution is e1• pelted. Ot aoaree digeetion matt be improved, and probably the etomeoh will 0, quire ofd ae well. Ferroz toe ehrve0 the per pose admirably. Those whn nee it, en• joy appetite and digestive powers far beyond the erdieary That tired feeling is replaced by the btioyant,joyous sensation of health and vigor, Day by day as yo0r e'rength in oreaeee, you feel new energy Barging through your veins, and know that e tonic of great merit is at work. No remedy more nourishing or np lifting, no treatment co pare to bring lasting health, good rpirite and oantent mens Ferrnzone 008683ne j0et what run-down folks need ; it cures because it supplies more natriment than you min get is any other way. Free from alcohol and prepared only in obcoolate. emoted tablets, 608. per box or 6 for $2 50 at all dealer's. Be tare yeti try "Far raze ne " Tela i0 the time to build up the eyetem With Rival Rah Tablets. Bold by both tl;lth'rdL ?AMD O13.1 9C'I'M, ASS7P,T9 3 RBOa1Vie Rains 82,600,000 T74rty-two !4811)00 00 1068 0,649,090 T N Q IL. 7V. BANK i'an S.. acted T A General. Banking Business SIMPLICITY Is the keynote of our Savings bank Department. No formality ordelay y In opening accounts or withdrawing money, Interest allowed at highest current rates on all deposits of $1.00 and upwards --4k- _ Interest paid or compoauded quarterly. ETHiEL BRANCH W. N. Mali oX, it -,VB AGENT. Popular Stallions to II10 ns P O P The Following will be the Routes of the Meths named for 8.0080n of 1907 t cotlagd'z Tlopo No. (18180) VOL. 28 Geo. Muldoon, Prop. This Imported Clydesdale Horse will make the eeaeou of 1907 at hie own stable, Brussels. Terms to haunt $15.00, peyable Feb. let, 1908. Mares mutat be returned reg- ahaly or they wall be oharged wh.ther in foal or not. 46-4 BARON BLACK ROBT. MoKELVEY, Manager. MONDAY —VS' ill leave hie own stable, Lo 22, Go,,. 8, Grey, and go West to Jae. Oardiff'e, Lot B,'Oou. 7, for noon ; then 1 to .11 Tyree n n's Lot 0 — uoeed Con. to J2 ail 1 D for night. '1'UEBDAY Pr MoNatr'e, L t 22, Ou,. 13, for lwo,,; then t0 WithamAdama', Lo, 1, (ion 11,E ma, for night. WEDNEtiDAY—Prooeed to Thus. Hama ton's, Lot 5, Uou. 7, Eima, for noon ; then t0 'Toe. Tougheu'e, Lot 6, Uou 4, Enna, fur night. '1'HUR13• DAY—Proceed to David S. Stewart's, Molesworth, for noon • then to Job King's, Lot 30, Uou, 1, Grey, for mkbt. FRIDAY—Proceed to Ivy Campbell's, Lot 23, Go,. 3, for noon ; then Weet to Jae Turnbail'n, Lot 6, Uou. 4, for night. SATURDAY—Proceed South to 6th o Uou„ thea t bis own Stable where he will remain man the following Monday morning. HAWARDEN A. MENZIES, Proprietor. MONDAY—Wil, leave hie even stable, Lot 19, Oen. 11, McKillop, and pruoeed North to Sema. MoPhereou'o, Lot 10, Con. 14, MoKillop, for moan ; then to Oran brook for night. TUESDAY—Prooeed t0 Omitted Hotel, B ruesels aur noon thea to Jobe K,'Il' / Morrie fur Kelly'e, a, l u 0 . 7, n gilt. WEDNESDAY—Proceed 4o J. Shortreed'e, jr., 9th Line, Murree, fur nuou ; then to Mason's Hotel, Blyth, f a night. THURSDAY—Prooeed to Tboe. Kuoa'e, Cou, 13, E08081, for noon ; then to Whoa. Staples', Boundary Line, Hui. lett, for night. FRIDAY—Proceed to Jae. McLaughlin's, Let 81, Uou. 14, Mo Kdlup, tor norm; tbeo to Thomer'8 Hotel, Walton, for night. SATURDAY —Proceed to Wm. Kneobtel'e, con, 14, McKillop, for noon ; then to hie own stable where he will rennin o0tii the following Monday morning. drag stores in Brussels ; W. G. Neal, Walton ; and A. J, M. Helm, Oraobrook. Dont be tooled by Oriental taooy names, Oumpbeii'. Varuieb Stain ie the 'original and only eetiefaotory colored varnish op the market. No myetery about it. Just the beet varnish and suitable colors, Nortbiug equals it tor Floors, Furniture and Woodwork. Mo- Kay rte Shaw sell it, wily Oheet Colds Are Dangerous They lead to p eorley and poenmoaia. Take tbe advioe of W. H. Pavan, Powle'a Ooruer'e, Out., who Saye t ' I need to be subject to attacks and although I used most everything nettling relieved rituality till I dieoovered N•.rvi,iue. I have seed it for pleartey and sore cheat and found it jolt the proper thing. For Lumbago or Neuralgia it quick 88 lightning. 1 oheerlaliy recommended Nerviline." Strongest, cleanest, most paindestroying liniment on earth ie Po eon's Nerviline, 26e bottles Bold everywhere. R1nCIIT , w Lm YOU Feel T1 Not of poverty, but of aorta, aobing guns, that oan be oared by Pobnam'e Coro Extraotor ? Dou't Buffer, nee "Patname"— sold everywhere in 26o bottle8. The uewe—No Pure Drug Clough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Oimgh Oureo were like Dr. Shoop'e Cough Cure 18— aud hoe been for 20 years. The Nation al Low now requae8 that if any peewee enter into a oough .mixture, it moot be printed on the label or p10kage. For this reason mothers and others, Should 100188 011 having Dr. Shoop'e Cough Cure.. No poison marks ou Dr, Shoop'e labels— and nous in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And ads not only safe, but it is said to be by those who know 16 beat, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no ohauoe, partinular,y with your ebildreu. luriet ou baying Dr. Sboop'e OOugh Onre, Compere carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison marks there 1 Yon can always be on the safe Bide by dema"uing Dr. Shoop's Ooogb Cure. Simply refoee to aooept auy other. Bold by F. R. Smith. heart Strength HeartStrongtb, orlteart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness—nothing more. Pos- itively, not one weak heart 1n a hundred le, in it- setf, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve —simply, needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength Without that the Heart must continue to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. as n medicine, Dr. Shoop'a Restorative has in the past done Bo much for weak and ailing Hearts Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful. palpitating, entrant. ipg heart distress. Dr Sheep's Restorative—this popular preseription—le alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers It builds: It strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart halt H you would have strong Hearts, strong 51. gestion, etrengtben these nerves— ia-estabUeh them an needed. with !MO 4 S Man (Ataila1ud with Clinton B, 0.) lea F [+ v'i*6 ludlvidoal 1patrnu tlo a. .Write tar handsome catalogue. ,i n (;1;11. BI'0't'I'/1Y, I r gc1T (l. S, TROU LEQ E BRONCHIA!, 1leedily 1toat to Seething,Healing Treatment or uyuntt, llrm,ohh,l troeblee are purely etmal. They mama be helped by etumtull doe i i iia. They are emoted by Irv -natio.. o»u theairrationale end eau be relieved end lured by medicated air alone, In this Ilea the oeoret of the great' eua0800 of Hyomei to the treatment of boon ohialtroablee. • The Hyomei medication, laden with maltreat remedies,is breathed through the neat poulte, inhaler that eomee with every otit(i', rettohing every 'part ul the brunuil,a 'oboe end kuling .t blies 16.•' dieeaee g.rme, It allege all ,rrtootion and Neale the Inflammation of the memos membrane with anon 'thine rapidity., Treatment with sprays, da q chee and atomizer« in bronchial troubles is con demned by the beat phyoieiaue, as they cause further irritation. The lint breath of Ryomei'e medi• mated air theme to a.u1he the iuflemma thin, atop the cough, end thus relief soon becomes permanent and a Dore results. We do not want anyone's money atl- ii. Hyomei given reitef and mire, and we abeo)utely agree that money will be refunded uuleee the remedy game eat,sfaotIon. All nrrggiete obeald be able to enp ply you with Hyomei or we will Bend it by mail m, receipt of prime, $100, and every pottage le Bold with the distinct under. taming that it (mete nothing 00. lege 1t owes. Bnotb'e Hyomei Com• party, Buffalo, N Y. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—A NUMBER OF good Grade Cows, also Seel Oats.. 640BLI4 A. \MILNE, 40-tf Lot 22, Con.7, Grey. RICK STORE TO RENT BY F. hrnary let—part of Smith Block. 22x85 feet ; 2od door /rpm Amerloan Hotel ; lately used ail tailoring and gone' fntnioh- A g eetablisbmeut. For farther partion(are apply to DR S1oKELVER, Brunets ANTED.—ONE HUNDRED female operatives -for Hewing and Punting ataohlnes, Winders, ate.. in Snit - ting Mille at P.rio, 0013010. Railway tares auvanoed, Highest wagoe paid. Address P70NMAN8 LIMMITED. 48.8 HOUSE ANI) LOT FOR SALE —The nndersigued offers for sale her !Mute anti lot 00 Turuberry street, Brne- eele• Poaeeseion mould be given atouoe, Far price,torah,apply &c a 1y to MRS. F, SHLELH, Walton .0., or to Tag Poem. Cr HORT THORN BULLS FOR iJ h0LE.—One was a year old in January, 1908, and the other 10 mouths- old. Prize animals and in good oonditiou. Terme to suit ppuiobaeor. JAM618 ePPlIB, Lot 80, 00n. 6, Morrie, or Brueeels P.O. 16-18 K. O. T. M. Brussels Tent nt the Maecabeoe. No. 24 hold their regular meetings lu the Lodge • Bvom, ltaeker Block, on the let and Bad 100,,130 ovoniuge o) 0001, month Vielte, always welcome, A. Mc IIIRE R. K. A 807R Re Dam. G Dr.Shoop's ■ I.i OR SERVICE•—THE UNDER SIGNED will keep for 0erv1o9 o0 Lot 21, Oen 70, '063', the Holstein Bab), 'Laddie Uehnl,° oil 8 it ° nii:kfug strain Terme— s2,00,payabl0 the let coy of 0110' Te t •r� JONATHAN WRIGHT 42.tt Proprietor, F. K. SMITH. ' �.i�OR SALE OR TO RENT.— * l O N U M • NTS Thenuderetgnad r+Here her 1g0 sore '\•r farm, tont. Com enable boray, for sale n, orcharComfortable able bouxe, bank barn, frohard, walla, 40 Farm 10 only 9 of a mile from 4110 staringe of e8bel Fur nu- ttier particulars applyto F. 8. 80011, Bras - sets, or MHS, RATA HOLLAND, 78 Mutter Street, Toronto. i 87-3m Why not this year erect on your Cemetery Lot a nice, neat Monument 2 Our stock is the larg- est in Wt'ateon Ontario. Gall and inspect it. Our prices will surprise yol. We employ no Agents. 0 r Workmanship the best. Wilson 8& aunter 111t OS S It LB On common fences the continuous wire etaye aro sure to bend and the locke to logo their grip under contlnnal pree- snre of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire, soon followed by those below, will seg and destroy the efficiency of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The ehort, stiff herd steel wire in our hinge -stays cannot bond when the lateral wires are weighted down, owtngto their being eo short andofnted at each etraud wire. Pressure of a horse on the top wire cringe the "hinges" in the etayeinto notion and prevents- them from bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs book into plan again. The lateral wires are High -carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for expanelon and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intersection of the stays and strands to prevent the stays farm slipping eldoway9—therefore no looks aro needed, investment. Catalogue eDiitngne$freeStay Fenn. Ws "twice as strong." Twice as good an The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co:, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont WILTON cg GILLESPIE, AGENTS DBOPERT' FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers hie house and lot, eiboAte un Mill street, Brussels, for Balm. It ,e well located, a convenient and ems for - table home.. Poencesion oat be given at ouoe. Will alae gall the vacanttot, oorner of. Mill and eilizmbeth streets, 'which would. make a flue tulidiug site. For further par- ticulars a810 price, three, 40„ apply to 1016ED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford• wioh. 30-4 Driving. Park Tickets Seelig that the Couuclt has stopped rac- ing and Sot edlug un the streets the half mite trackof the HI useele Drlviugg Park As- sociation is in gaud shape for Ulla bet your eeeeou ticket as 000e, In)' 58.00, and speed your horse where you ought and no danger o1 au accident Tloneto can be got from F. S. 800T1, Secretary, ARM LA33OURERS AND DOMESTICS- -I-2 Synopsisof Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even uulnhered emotion of Dominion ea. Lando in Manitoba, et,olpetQI0wnte lull y Alberlaho,h0aoemext0(1eaded b108 3 andall58, yperno0et u 1'oerv011 ,,' iela, ma the sole hand u181am611y, 0r any male Ivor xleeyeroo1f 1a0s9 e a, bG(G11ma alre t 0pp raGl oo vfa An u :U uNt0r thN ntlrayudm0oyAoee tomr4 Dr11 e0drsue101 Yin awtiltiehr the laud ie situate. 'eco ditonsadeoe required he to l under Ghaoee5ltioueapnuooEed therewith under out of the following plans : (1) At tenet alamottle' rOR,lleurei pion and oultivatluu 00 the laud to oath year' far three sDart (8) If 1(0 fattier ((er mother, 11 the fagl81' uip08u0a06rm,) 1 0e1 ?bee hvoonisty aot1erlmteod entered torthe requirements no to Wa81- 58000 may no eaalafled by stab neepou re. siding with the fatter or mother. (9) 11 the eaten has his permanent reel• donee opom farming land °woad by him in the vwleity of Ilia bomo00eid, the re- quirements as to reekleuoe may 110 title• lied by rxeideuo,1 p8wo the 001, land. eta moutbe'netioe Irl Writing t11ould 11. given to the Ooulmieniouer of. Dominion lazuli, at Ottnita of ioteubtue to ay, ly for patent, .WR. Deputy of 1110 Wt'liuie,Otau' "ul Ylutorlor. N. I), Ernaoth.,('100 0 publioatloh oI able ad• vertfeomeut will uvt bo ram tot•, bona "ppminted by the Dominion. ,Govornmoeb to plume lmmigrante from the Uuited Hingdom in positions 0e farm lib - 000800 or domeetio eervante futble vicinity. t i Any person Iequirmg nab help should nobi• fy mo by letter ettties fully the kind of help requtred, when wanted. Dud .wages offered. The number,. arrlvlugmay not be sufficient to supply all raquetts but every of .,rt will nu mule to ,,,.vide «flub applimtut with heir 'oohed F 8. 80i'1', 011 m,1180 Gov,. reweul. 6mploymeut Age1.b 82.1y fix imitate P,1), ALLAN RillL LIN TURBINE STEAMERS MONTRcAL TO LIVERPOOL Vioe:nrpin Friday Julie 21 T ui.tu u•ehly,Jue 2 Jong 26 Vlruhd,e• Hr,day July 6 8,,loi u " :1'1'4174;i:01447 Jo v r1. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the abate of William Easton, late of the Township of Mo- Killop, in the Owenby of Huron, Gon- tleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pennant to Revil- el Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 120, and amounting Acne, that alt.:smitten and ebb ere having any slater ngalnet the estate of the Bald William Hasten, who died on or about the 26th day of Waroh, 1907, are required on br before the 8th day of June, 1907, to teed bypost, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. Mac. donald, of the Village o1 Brugeule, Solicitor 100 Jae, H. Humphries, of the Village of Walton, the Administrator of the estate, theft Christie', and euruaeiee and addresses with full particulars in writing of Weir olaime, the statementof their eueo0ute uud the nature of the eeouritieo (11 any) held by tuom. Aud notice (0 further giveu that 61101 the acid last tneetlo,ed date the said Aumini.- trator will proceed to distribute the ue0010 of the deeoan t amount the parties emitt- ed thereto, baying regard only tothe claims of wkioh be 013011 thou have puttee and that the said A lmiuiotratur will not be liable for the .eeelo,, r auy part there ,f, to auy pereun or persons of wheat oloima nut. ee 013.11 not 11..ve beau received .hy nim at the time of suo11 d,etribetiou, Dated at ,rruesele, May Mu, 1907. A. k.MA011UNAL,U. 46.8 Bolloltor 100 Admiuiecrntor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Robert In- glis, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revis- ed Statutes of Oulario. 1807, Chap. 129 and amen di nit Aeta, that all creditors and others braving auy Maims neatest the estate of the Reid Ruben Inglis, who died on or about the 8thA 1 (tared be- fore d0 of ri 1of are r (ed ou or by 9 p 9 fore tits eta day of vert A. B to send d, poet, Village 1 Bdruverto Rol for for of Village of evil In Solicitor for lel - lay to Scott. and state Inglis. the Aao and tr0tore of the estate Muir Christian and enr,emeo and addressee 'with full par6iou- aare 1n writing o1 their Maims, the state - moot of their aceounto and the n0lnre of the seen ides (if auy) held by them, And uotioe is further aivon that after the aafd last meuttoued date the said Admiuio- craters will proceed to distribute the assets 01 the de060Aetl amongst the parties oettt- led tber.bo. having regg,rdeely to the claims of within they shall then have notice and tbat the said Adnllmetratorf will not be liable f.,r the 0Btete or airy ,art thereof,o YF t 30 poison or lave whose 07Iclaims Ltt toe tints net Lave cern received by them at the tied of snob distribution Dated et Brue-ala, May 14th, 0907, A.B. MACD0NALD, 46-8 90110,tor for Administrators, Notice to Credito"s In the metier of the estate of Thomas minwell,-hate of Dhy Village of tiros. eels, in the (ioutlby of laurel!, Gentler man, deo0683d, Nat(oe its betray given, Pursuant t0 Rale. nd fflalu180 Q' Bead ,, 1837, Oh6p, 129, tall ame',illlg Aote,that ulturedlt )faun 1 Owers having any 0141 OM against t1 u e Of the Mosinee Maxwell, tam di D 0t 1 ed an or aUuu4. 1110 0141 day of ttuy.1007, are required uu 9r nom bee eon day. of Juue,1997, to soul 11 poet, l,rerr.1lrl,ar deliver to 01, 111. atonal loan!, of the Village 01 nra00018 au1[eitor ter 3. boron M. Pringle, Of the Ulty of Termite, ill ma County of guiltMork and Jobe Oardiff, M the Vlliiagoaf limping, in 6110 O1uuty et !Muni, 0,011tmem, 6110 ltaoou,ere of the Reid deceased:thew.f biiotiu,3 u a 00000008 end u Ir000e0 3(811101 pert,oularelu writ - 1, a If titter elelme, the slater uc6 01 their eue,00ts and the n+atu.0 of the seourlt,ee (01 any) held by 131,10. Aud out(uo le.furtber giveu that attar the sato Met 1amlo,i011 date the euld 30180, 10m will pruuu08 to dis6,,l l Lo .rho asset. *1 the (Woeaeod timeliest the pantie en11t10d tere- wlilohthey 0111111 6600 (lave, ,ebbe Mellott nci that WO Bait 300000tor0-will not. be 11,010 fur the iasa010, or uuy part thereof, to ttnv !"sent or 1`1ur0ou001 1,11000 0.011110 Loin). shall not nave beau reeelved by thein Rt tter tame of 0001 11e6rlbuii8u. tatted at lit noels, May 16th, 1907, A, if, 71At DONALD, 40.8 BolIel0or for Reenters. Lime for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If you aro visiting in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. We are second to Woos mud our prices are (ower than other 10*Van), We would be pleased to have you mall and gee samples, also see our large se m Ila Post of views 00 P (horde. The aor4 a o Y melte gond Souvenirs. Dou't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done in first-olaee style— Crayon or \Yater-oulor. Give us a tall. H.R BREWER Farmers or Storekeepers by Coming to the Brussels Salt Works ran get tiny kind of Salt It they require. Gordon Mooney, I8ol'Bman, - Brussels. A DANDY STOOK OF 3E3 crorIalo WE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies, manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Platteville, and Wm Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is First-class and prices are right. Don't fail to see them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at- tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates. R. Francis & Co. Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost & Wood repairs. Gall and see us. Rioflian Thursday, May28 Juno 27 Numi4lan Thnruda y. May 813 July 4 Mongolian Theroday,June a July D. '1 l'onuthhul ,e...,Thursday, June l8 30•7 18 For fallings, 11et, and full Information apply to \V 11. 11011111. Agent. Mau Llu8, Bruooelo, I McKay & Shaw Solicit your trade. Wo Corry Tho lor,lest end moat co,nnleto rvtocb in 41119 0000100. eompr(Slnd Hardware, Woodenware, Cutlery, Garden Seeds, Iron, Steel, Carpenters' Tools, Paints, Varnishes and Brushes. 11 you need a finish for FURNITURE, FLOORS, OR ANY INTERIOR WORK We Bell and recommend VARNISII. STAIN, 20 years on the market, it Mimes devcs.salisfnolion It - dries quiclt and hard Makes a durable finish 10 COLONS CARD FREE McKay & Shaw A s'"1 - ,1 s: 1 1,