HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-30, Page 1Vof, X 6. No. 4' r BRUSSELS, ONTARIO TI- U RSDAY, MAY SC, 15)07 New Advertisements, Pili lost -Tull Pose'.._ Lewd - Geo, B. King, 1)'g loot --O, 13. Forrest, Blue Stoke ---b, Ill Smith, Ie. soiwsott -W. A. Grewtir, Piano tuning --Fred, A. Lewis, stetemout-Beall of Hamilton, Timelier wanted -A, MuDonald, Tenders wiiuted-A, McDonald, Oelebration-W, L. Leatherdale. Brussels Greeuhonso-Miss Kelly. Notiob to Creditors -A, B. Macdonald. Suitt l.ttu$, 131 a er v ri Rev. Geo. Baker and Arthur Shaw are at Goderich atteuding the London Conference in session there. HYMellattL.-Wednesday of last week Milton Smith. of Bluevale, was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Rut. tan, at the bride's father's, Lakelet. Rev. W. Smith, of Woodstock, brother to the groom, performed the ceremony in the presence of 6o guests. The young couple were heartily congratu- SALT savtnlydanns THE LAND NEEDS SALT 1 CATTLE CRAVE SALT 1 YOU WANT SALT i Good stock on hand of all kinds at the Celebrated halt Works, Brussels GoBDON Mool!IsY, Foreman. Bodin Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS t V1l1 meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels. toted after wliieb n sumptuous supper WAS served. Many useful and valuable were l wedding g the t eddin Itis, Mr. Smith ith and bride have taken up their resi- dence here and commence married life with the good wishes of many friends, At a meeting of the Presbyterian church managers at Bluevale the COD. tract for the building of the new church in that ,village was awarded to Gen. Haney. of Bluevale. The new structure will be modern in its ar- rangements. W t•c)Xe rt.) e'. Mrs, W. H, Carr Is in Toronto this week, Jas. Allan spent two days of last week in Toronto. George Ross. of Brussels, spent Friday in the village. Miss Ada Johnson. of Brussels, was visiting her parents here. Mrs, R Lang Nesbit and Nellie re- turned from Toronto on Monday. Miss May Davidson was the geest of friends in Wingham over Sunday. Mrs, W. Pow, of Clinton, spent Fri- day with her sister, Mrs. W. Reid. Miss Roadhouse, ot Fordwieh, visit- ed on Saturday with Miss Gertie Har- ris, Miss Nellie Fox, of Brussels, was the guest of Mrs. C. 0. Stewart, her aunt. Miss. Beatrice Howe attended the Teachers' Convention in Guelph last week, A. H. Moffitt and family visited over the holiday with relatives in Ayton. Mrs. Robertson has returned to Wingham after spending a week with friends in the village. J. W. Sanderson, of Toronto, treat- ed the residents of the village to a fine display of fireworks on the evening of the 24th. Our base -ball team played. against Harriston in Mildmay on May 24th The score was 25-7 in tavor of the Wroxeter Unions. W. Reid is having the old harness shop fitted up for an implement shop. He has taken the agency for Frost & Wood implements. Harry Wade, who has been employ• ed by Thos. Lovell. of Turnberry, for the past year, met with a serious Sc cident last Tuesday night. While in Paulin's livery baro he was kicked by a horse, his face and breast being bad- ly cut and necessitating several stitch- es. Owing to the force with which he fell on the cement floor be was render- ed unconscious for about 24 hours. He is recovering nicely now although still very weak. pretty Musi ins ommisinsionsosommtmosinsiamm large variety of different patterns, V vITH the arrival of warmer weather wi wish to remind the Ladies of our choice range of Fan- cy Muslins, comprising a colorings and weaves. We consider this season's collection the prettiest it has been our pleasure to show you. It will be to your advantage to see them before making your Spring Muslin purchases. Our Prices are 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35e, 41c, 65c June Designers and Patterns to hand. ,standard I'atiternp in stock et only 1.0e and 1.5c —none higher. A handsome Fashion Sheet FREE to those who call for them. NO FANCY PRICES EVERYTHING CHEAP .,emit.'t,Iu'tNdy,,y,,V1hr'rn'p,'tr'rdh+ Alex. Strachan WHEN SINGLE HARNESS You are buying let us sell you either a Genuine Rubber Trimmed or Goldean or Solid Nickle as they are durable and neat and a pleasure to the user. We make all our Harness and do not handle Factory Harness, therefore you are sure to get a good article from ns. Austere and Plush Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices. Three Sets Second Hand Single Harness for sale at a Bargain. 'Dwelling Rooms to let above store. Very convenient. About 2,000 Red Pressed Milton Brick for sale. I. C. Richards A social under the auspices of the, Methodist church will be held at the Parsonage ea Friday evening, June 7111. Mrs S. 13, Smile, who has spent the Winter in Montreal, has returned to the village'acconlauied by Chas, and Mrs, McLean, of Mobile, Twill, Mr. Gammage, of Chatham, visited els sister, Mrs. J. fi. Ostencout, this week and 00 Sunday eveniug sang two very appropriate solos in the Methodist church. HvMLNnAL.-A, quiet wedding. was solemnized at the belie of Mrs. A. McMichael, sr., Wednesday evening of last week at 8 o'clock, when her slaughter, Miss Elsie, was united in marriage to George Paulin, the cere- mony being conducted by Rev. J. H. Osterbout, The young couple lett the following morning to visit relatives in Stratford and Simcoe before settling down in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Pauliu are very popular young people and the best wishes of their many friends are extended to them. OBIT.- John Knutson, who for the past 5 years has been living in Free- port, Waterloo Co., died on Monday' and was laid to rest in the cemetery here ou Tuesday afternoon. The body was met at Bluevale station where members of the Masonic Lodge, of which deceased WAS :a member, took charge of the funeral. Mr. Knutson was a native of Norway and came to this country when a young man. For a number of years be lived in Smith - villa later -moving to Wroxeter when this country was still a backwoods. He carried on his business of tailoring for about 35 years when his health failing him some 5 years ago he moved to Freeport. Mr. Knutson was re- spected by all who knew him, His life was an unblemished one, widow and 2 daughters, Mrs. R. Rath - burn, of Duluth, and Mrs. Detweiler, ot Freeport, survive, F)rraubrottle. Will. Hunter is spending his vaca tion under the parental roof. Harold Menzies has gone to Ethel to assist Kreuter & Co. We wish biro, success. J. Rayinauo and Geo. Siemon spent the 24th in Palmerston, at the home of M. Reymann, On Wednesday of next week 5th icst„ the first supply of beef will be given out for this season by the Beef ring. 'Tenders are wanted by. Cranbrook School Board for putting a cement floor in the basement of the school house. Miss Whiteman, of Shakespeare, and Mr. and Ivliss Porter, of Blvth, were the guests of H. and Mrs. Porter over. Sunday. One day last week Geo. Thompson's house caught fire from a bonfire but with the ready assistance of neighbors it was soon extinguished. Last week Miss Myrtle, daughter of George Sperling, of Cranbrook, went to Clinton where she has taken a position in a general store. We wish her an enjoyable stay. The trustees of our school are asking for applications for a male teacher, duties to commence after Summer vacation. Miss Lizzie McKay, the present teacher, has resigned hence the necessity of securing a successor Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS AND FLOWERS Any quautity of Tomato, Cauliflow- er, Celery'aud Cabbage Plants. .Tomato Plants 10o a box or 8o a dozen loose. Fine collection of Flowering "Slants. A ohoioe lot of Geraniums and Au- nnals f r bedding. Boston or Japan Ivy inn be put out any time in Summer- 15e, 20e, 25o each. Floral designs made to order. Agent for Dale's Out Flowers. MISS KELLY Lest Sabbath afternoon Rev, C. P. Wells, of Gerrie, preached in the Methodist church here and gave a fine discourse. Jno, Grainger, of Br saels , will supply the pulpit next Sunday in the absence of the pastor at Conferee. - 03. illo,-t•Lr.i. Miss McCracken is home from Lon- don. A new roof has been put on the bare. of James Davis, 5th line. Idles Edna Watson spent Victoria Day in London visiting relatives. Mrs. Laird and Miss Nellie, of Ethel, spent the 24th at John Manning's. Mrs, Duncan Murchison, of Glen. annan, was a visitor at James Shur- rie's, Collie dog lost belonging to C. 13. Forrest end line, See advt. in this issue, Harry Ainlay, teacher at the Clegg school, took in the Teachers' Excur- sion to Guelph last week. Mrs, James D. Sherrie and Mrs, Jno. Shurrie were visiting" relatives and friends at Goderich and Clinton. Mrs. H. V. Patrick and Miss Irene, of Woodstock, are visiting at the former's home, John Mauning's, 5th line. Work is proceeding on the new resi- dence of Tames Nichol, lot 17, 6th line. The stone foundation was completed by A, J, Lowry and the bricklayers are now at work. The house will be a modern two story cottage. -anMOPS CO Wiia. Geo. and Mrs. Eckmier and Miss Ferne visited friends in Ethel on the 24111 Mss Monday and Tuesday of this Jean Habkirk visited friends hereion week. Robt. Forrest, who teaches near - Dungannon, spent the recent holiday under the parental roof, Miss Berva Bryaas spent the recent -holiday at the home of her friend, Miss Laura Cardiff near Brussels. Last week Fraser McDonald was at Guelph attending East Huron Teach- ers' Convention which met at the Ontario Agricultural College. A meeting of the Beef Ring is call- ed for Monday evening next. As im- portant business is to be transacted, it is desirable that there be a full attend- ance of the members, Andrew Jaekiin, son of Elijah Tack - lin, bas completed his course as tele- graph operator at St. Thomas and re ceived his diploma. He has taken a position as operator on the G. r. R being at Watford now. We wish him success. W. C. T. U. ENTEOTAINen.- 'Phe Chico, (Cal.) Daily Enterprise of May loth, gives the following :-"Many of the officers of the W. C. T. U. went to Magalia Thursday on invitation of the union of . that mountain hamlet. Women joined in at Paradise, The day was perfect and the trip up the mountain was delightfully exhilirating. We were met by Miss Brydon, the president of the Magalia Union, who is the brave staunch defender of tem- perance in that mountain fastness. We went at once to the W. C. T. U. cburch, whose graceful spire ever points heavenward in company with the lofty pines. This is the only church in town and was built by the indefatigable efforts of this enthustias- tic Scotch woman. The church is finished in a neat and appropriate planner and bas a neat church organ. The pleasant audience room was handsomely decorated with great branches of snowy dogwood blossoms, ases and pots of brilliant wild- flowers. The platform was strewn with the mossy fragrant spruce tassels. The gaudy Paul Nevous and La France roses that were taken up by the Chico ladies, looked homesick as if they wished they had not come. They did not at all enjoy the company of this entrained, free, stately, self contained mountain bloom. There were meetings and greetings of the wotnen of Magalia church and the room was soon filled, people coming from Peutz and the surrounding { country, There was a morning session of praise service and song, Rev, Mr. Smith and wife' entertaining the audience to a fine duet, A few talks eglOGIRLrti4OOGOCc O.u'tI' rGI Gelid. r7eas n -uk.5vett:3:ziezituvuutioeutpetua ales Pine Apples California Oranges High Class. Confectionery Fancy Biscuits Good Groceries Smokers' Supplies. Bananas Pure Ica Creasy and, At Grewar's atoetKiluelsttpeoeuziotiotpuzomp W EL KERR, Prop along temperance lines, tl en tables were spread and a most bountiful lunch by e to servedl hospitable stab the 1 a ]aides. There were long strolls taken up the breezy mountain sides carpeted with soft pine needles and squaw carpet, fine Views off to the snowy peaks and ethereally blue canyons below. The afternoon was spent In song and talks along temperance floes by various. visitors. Fm' too soon we were warn- ed the "Stirling will soon be here," so we reluctantly bade good byes and we boarded our train, all feeling we were glad we had been invited to Magalia," Miss Brydon referred to in well known here being a sister to Mrs. Walter Innes, now of Moorefield. Le act bus- v.. Nores.--Mrs, R, J. Kendall and family, of British Columbia, are visit- ing with her brother, 1. T, and Mrs, Dennison. -Mr. Smith and wife im- migrants from England, are occupying the old Eaton house and working for Alex. Gardiner. -Invitations are out for a wedding next week. The bride will be furnished by the nth con. - Thomas Archibald has purchased the old school and has part of it removed. He intends converting It into a dwell- ing bouse.-Winthrop Presbyterians have commenced work on their new church, the old one having been mov- edaside to make room for the new; structure, -John Kuechtel and wife, of Rostock, were visiting with Wm Knechtel and family last week. C -.rev. Wm. McNair, loth con., lost a valuable colt last week, Lorenzo and Mrs. Frain were visit- ing their daughter at Milverton. Last week Harry J Atwood, of Galt, was here renewing old friendships, Last week Miss Mamie Cardiff visit- ed relatives and friends in London. Next Sabbath afternoon Robt. Mc- Kay will conduct the service at Union. Miss Laura Cardiff, 7th con., is back from Berlin where she spent a few weeks. Milton and Miss Olive Lake spent Victoria Day with relatives at Wing - ham and l5elgrave. Alvin and Mrs. Wheeler, of Alina, visited at L. Wheeler's Grey, and with Morris friends. Miss Lovell was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wilson, of Silver Corners, during the past week. Alex. Carr Rud his sister, bliss Min- nie, were visiting friends in Belgrave and Wingham last week. Miss Belle McKibben, of Toronto, spent Victoria Day as the guest of her sister, bars. Wm. Armstrong. Fred. Bryan took in the Teachers' Convention at Guelph last week and reports a good time. He was chosen one of the officers. Miss Beatrice Whitfield, who ac- companied Mrs. (Rev ) Armstrong, of Ethel, to Windsor, was called home this week owing to the illuess and sub- sequent death of her sister Tillie. THE POST is in receipt of an invita- tion to the 39th annual Commencetnent Exercises of Detroit College of Medi- cine on Thursday, May 3otb, Jno. Blake, formerly of the 04th con. of Grey, is in the graduating class. Henry Bateman and son, whose home is near Hes(leler, were welcome visitors with relatives and old friends here last week. Mr. Bateman was a former resident of the 5th non. He is well pleased with his present location. DIED AT NEEPAwA MAN, -The, Nee- pawa paper says of a former resident of the 12th con. :-"General surprise and regret were expressed about town at the unexpected death of W. H, Cox which occurred on Sunday, May rnth, at the hospital after a short at- tack of typhoid fever. Mr. Cox had been a fever patient in the hospital last Fall and it is thought he did not en- tirely get rid of it ; for after the long and arduous season in the :.umber woods he had to return to the iusti- iutioo last week, and quickly suc- cumbed to the tever's ravages. De- ceased had farmed some years in Union before engaging in railway and bush work with the McDonald -McMillan Company, He was in his 45th year and leaves a wife and three sons. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at s o'clock to Riverside cemetery." Deceased was married 14 years ago to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Wm. Lake, now of Brussels, and went West It tears ago, Mr. Cox was a brother o Richard Cox, 12th con., and was a fine man. The bereaved will be deep- ly sympathised with iu their sorrow, A FINE YOUNG WOMAN PASSES AWAY, -At 6 o'clock Wednesday morn- ing Mary Matilda, familiarly called Til- lie, the second daughter of Teasdale anct Mrs. Whitfield, con. 13, passed peacefully away to the Better Land, aged 20 years, 8 months and s9 days. She had been in failing health for ri years, Graves disease being the cause to which was added jaundice a couple of months ago. With heroic pluck she fought against the fatal disease and despite all that could be done she departed this life, Tillie suf- fered considerably at times bet there was a hopefulness and patience about her that buoyed her up. Before she went into unconsciousness she bade theinembers of the family an affection- ate farewell with the assurance of meeting in the Father's House bye and bye. She was a good looking, jolly young lady, ever ready to aid in church work and had a wide circle of friends who loved her dearly and sin- cerely regret her• demise. Funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock to Brussels cemetery. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, deceased's pastor, will come from the Conference at Goderich to conduct the service, The sympathy of the t:ointnunity will be tei:dered to the bereaved who will greatly miss the departed, ®`-.,nit fa,, o>aJ p• gg* rny A 1tA� on. Da 4VIT.A BD_ s Celebrated . —IN -- BRUSSELS First-class Program of Sports and Novelties with Good Band, Concert, &o. Watch out for the ful- ler Announcement and keep the date clear for it. J. Leckie, Chairman W. L. Leatherdale, Sec'y Last Saturday Richard Mitchell, tsth con., received word that his son Percy, who went West last March, was seriously i11 in Saskatoon. Mr. Mitch- ell lett on the afternoon train. The fine loo acre farm of the late Malcolm Lamont, lot 15, con. 8, Grey, together with the farm stock and plemeots, will be offered for sale, on the premises, on Friday, June 04th, et 1.30 p. m. F. S. Scott auctioneer. The growing crop will be included in the sale. This week Peter Tarr had a close call while sawing pickets for wire fencing in the saw mill. The slat flew from the saw with great force and would have hit him in the face had be not had the presence of mind to duck his head, the timber passing above him. It was a close call. Ethel. THE Pon gives the news. Early closing is in vogue by our general merchants. A cement stable with frame loft has been built by Joseph Lang. The village attested its loyalty on Victoria Day by flying numerous flags. Tuesday the Township Council met here and transacted a large amount of business. The report of the Sabbath School Convention may bo read on page 4 of this issue, Miss Bateman is having a new poultry house and pig pen built on her property. Leslie andMrs. Callan, of Innerkip, P, were visitors on Victoria Day with Ivirs. and Miss Walker. Dr. Chisholm, M. P., of Wingham, was a visitor in Ethel a few days ago. He's a great,canvasser. There are a few cases of scarlet fever in this locality but we hope the patients will soon be better, A beautiful dove flew into the kitchen of Township Clerk McIntosh Friday evening and was captured alive. Rev. E. F. Armstrong and Rev. Robt. Pearson and Jno. McDonald are attending the annual Conference at Goderich. Alex. and Mrs. McAllister and family will become residents of Ethel baying disposed of their fine farm, and con. to Job King. Jno. Bateman and family removed to their former home West of the vil- lage this Spring from the farm owned by Mrs, Holland, of Toronto. Mrs, W. H. Love of late has not been enjoying as rugged health as usual but we trust she will soon re- gain that priceless boon -good health. The little daughter of S. S, Cole, who has gone through a siege of typhoid fever, is able to be about once more and will Soon be as hearty as ever we hope. Wo are pleased to state that Mrs, C. Rayuard arrived home from Guelph hospital last week in a fair way to com- plete convalescence, which will be good news to her many friends. Rev. Robt, Pearson, 13 A., is to be ordained at the Conference at Gode- rich next Sunday before taking his de. parture for the Great West. He is to be stationed at Calgary with Rev. Mr, Kerby. The pastor will lecture at Roe's, on June lith, on "Getting tip," and at Union June loth on the same subject. Admission 150 for adults and Inc for children. A good program Will be rendered at each appointment, An active interest has been mani- fested itt the Chinese Famine Fund, S, Chambers circulating a subscription list in that behalf. The response %vas hearty and over $27,0o were contribut- ed to assist in saving the starving people, Miss Haddock, a Deaconess of the Toronto Houle, will preach at Roe's next Sabbath morning at 00,30 a, m. and at Ethel, at 7 o'clock. The offerings will be in behalf of the Deaconess work. Large congrega- tions are expected to listen to her most interesting story. Wnh. H. Love is prepared to attend to all orders left with him in the undertaking line and satisfaction guaranteed. A frill line always on hand to choose from and prices very reasonable. Messrs. Walker & Black will look after all orders left with him. Wreaths and funeral desigus 'fur, nisheiL . Mrs, Hamilton has moved to our vil- lage from Jamestown. Among the welcome visitors here r o for the holiday wore George and Mrs. Eekmier and. Miss Fern, , of Joules- town 1 Newton and Mrs, McGsulay, Mrs, 'Thttailtied grandson sad Miss Loma Colvin, 01 Brussels J Charlie Davies and others. At the celebration at Clinton on - Friday afteru000n, station agent Smith, of Ethel, was second in the Marathon race to 1-olmesville, He gut a bad start or he would likely have captured the silver cup donated by the Committee. Mr. Smith . is quite a sprinter and enjoys it, UNDEarAliINo.-Promptand care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking, Our telephone No, is sea and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always as, sured, Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fot which we hold diplomas, LEA'rIIEIDALE & SUN, W al ton. W, S. Neal spent the 24.111 with friends in Exeter. • Miss Rhea Emigh, of Blyth, Sunday, ed with friends here, Miss Jewel McKim and Miss Annie Hoard spent the 24th with friends in Blyth. Miss Lyla McLeod left for Toronto . Tuesday morning where she has taken a position. D, A, Lowry and staff have coli, pleted the brick -veneering of Dr, Wags - horn's new residence, Next Sabbath Rev. J. E. Maunders,: -- of Brusseis, will supply Rev. Mr. Cur-• rig's work on Waltut, circuit, Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Alice Dundas to the Rev, Geo. A. McLean, Cooksville, Ont. Date is • Wednesday, June 5th. Rev, Mr. Currie, 13. A., is recom- mended by the District meeting for special ordination at the London Con- ference in session at Goderica. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in Duff's church .•on Sabbath hist. Preparatory service will be held on Saturday at 2 p. m. Miss Margaret McDonald. who has for some time been in Toronto, and. Mrs. P. Sill and family, of Seaforth, are visitors under the parental roof this week. bliss Margaret returns to Tor- onto on Saturday. . J. W. and Mrs, Morrison, of bfilver- ton, are with Mr. Hoy this week. Mr. Morrison is here looking over the work on the G. & G. railway. The Italian force will move in this week and work will be pushed to completion as quickly as possible. On 'Tuesday evening the members of the Young People's Guild drove over to Blyth to visit the Guild of the Presbyterian church where the regular topic "How to realize the presence of Christ" was taken up, Miss Ander- son, of Blyth, and Miss Somerville, teacher 12, Grey, each gave excellent papers. Rev'ds. MacNab and Small gave short addresses. Lunch was served. All report a good time. East Huron Teachers Convene. On Wednesday and Thursday, May 22ud and 28ru, East Huron Teachers met in convention atOntario Agricultural College, Guelph. The first session open- ed at 1,30 p. m. Prof. S. B. MoUready, 13. A., welcomed the teachers and infect remained with them throughout the entire convention, showing and explain- ing to them everything of interest in oonneetion with the work of the College. He conducted the teachers through the McDonald Institute and they had the pleasure of seeing the students at work in Domestic Science, The McDonald Hall and dairy stables were also visited that afternoon. On Wednesday evening a meeting was was held in Massey Hall which was well filled by the teachers and their- friends. The first speaker was President Creel- men, of the 0. A. 0., who gave an in- teresting talk OD the Agriuntural College and the work it is accomplishing. Prof. Speeders, of London, followed and delighted all present with hie address on Canadian Bird Life. He illustrated hie words by numerous and excellent views. Prof. Saunders is at bomein the bird world ; he not only deaoribed the struc- ture, habibs, etc., of different birds but also imitated their calls and song in a very able manner. Thursday morning in Massey Hall the Assooiatiou elected the following officers for next year :- Ere ident, John Hartley, Blyth. let Vlee-Pres,, Fred. Bryane, James- town. ' Sud Vice -Pres., Miss M. W. McKay, Seaforth. See-Treas., Wm. J, Moffatt, Seaforth. Executive Committee, Messrs. Cam- eron, Scott and Shillinglaw, Misses Aylesworth and Grant. Auditors, Alex. Wilson and J. H. - Reid, beaforth. The Treasurer's report was then read and adopted. It showed a helium on hand of $30.15. Principal Young, of Guelph, gave an address on the Teachers' Umou for the Province of Ontario which was under- talten at the Proviuoial Conveabiou in Toronto lash Easter. The Union has already a membership of 1000. - Moved by Mr. Musgrove, of Wingham - eeoonded by Mr. Cameron of Brussels, - and carried unanimously, that ' the East Huron Teachers heartily .endorse the movement toward the organization of the teachers of Ontario. Prof. MnOready again took the teach- ers in charge and showed diem - through the dairy and poaltry departments, the museum, the meuual traiuingdepartmonb the stook, the grain plots and other his terestiog departments. The teachers had a.tnosh pleasant and profitable convention. The next meeting will beheld ie. Sea- forth.